Investigator Guidance
References for conducting research with human participants:
Certificate of Confidentiality: | |
NIH Genomic Data Sharing Policy: | |
A Code of Ethics for Public Health: | |
NHGRI informed consent resource: | |
Study Design: |
Phenotype harmonization and cross-study collaborat... [Genet Epidemiol. 2011] Gene-environment interplay in common complex disea... [Genet Epidemiol. 2011] |
Demographics and Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) Core Collection 
The PhenX Toolkit recommends the Demographics and Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) Core collection of measurement protocols for use by all Toolkit users. Social Determinants of Health play an integral role in human health and well-being and affect a wide range of health risks and outcomes. The PhenX Demographics and SDOH Core collection provides a common currency for all investigators who are designing studies with human participants.
Protocols with Limited Availability
The Toolkit includes some protocols with limited availability, and directs users to the source of these protocols. Individual investigators are responsible for obtaining protocols with limited availability and any associated licensing costs, and are responsible for complying with any license terms or other restrictions by the owners of those measures/protocols, including the owners' requirements regarding the use of trademarks and trade names.
Download PhenX Toolkit Content
The PhenX Toolkit database and supporting documentation is released free of charge under the Creative Commons attribution license, the full terms of which can be found at PhenX Toolkit database downloads will be made available to the public following each major PhenX Toolkit release. The following attribution statement is provided for your use: "The Web-based PhenX Toolkit currently receives funding from the National Institutes of Health; official current and archived versions of the PhenX Toolkit are available at