PhenX Toolkit Release Details
April 7, 2015, Ver 7.1
Release includes: 1) "Broad Psychopathology - Child Protocol" and "General Psychiatric Assessment - Child protocol" update, 2) "Temperament - Adolescent" protocol name change, 3) "Attentional Bias Protocol" Update, 4) MHR collection browse feature update, 5) Search filter "Life Stage" update
Details for this release:
- Broad Psychopathology - Child Protocol and General Psychiatric Assessment - Child protocol - updated Specific Instructions
- Temperament - Adolescent - protocol name changed to Temperament - Adolescent Protocol
- Attentional Bias Protocol - updated Source section
- MHR collection - enabled Add to My Toolkit at the individual measure level for Core Tier 2, updated PTSD collection Tree View, and Additional Recommended Measures added to the Suicide collection page
- Search filter Life Stage - Any stage listed as its own filter, to be used separately from or combined with the individual life stages