
Social Determinants of Health Project and Working Group (2020)

National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD) funded an administrative supplement to the PhenX project to select high-quality standard measures related to SDoH for inclusion in the PhenX (consensus measures for Phenotypes and eXposures) Toolkit (www.phenxtoolkit.org).

In 2020, the collections of SDoH measures were added to the PhenX Toolkit by the first PhenX Social Determinants of Health Working Group which was composed of nine scientists with relevant expertise:

  • Barbara Entwisle, PhD, (Co-Chair), University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  • Alicia Fernandez, MD, (Co-Chair), University of California, San Francisco
  • Paula Braveman, MD, University of California, San Francisco
  • Theresa Cullen, MD, Regenstrief Institute
  • William Darity, Jr, PhD, Duke University
  • Mark Fossett, PhD, Texas A&M University
  • Patrick Remington, MD, University of Wisconsin, Madison
  • Maile Taualii, PhD, Hawaii Permanente Medical Group
  • Consuelo Wilkins, MD, Vanderbilt University

Protocols added to the PhenX Toolkit

  1. Access to Health Services
  2. Access to Health Technology
  3. Air Quality Index
  4. Concentrated Poverty
  5. Disparate Health Care Quality
  6. Educational Attainment - Community
  7. English Proficiency
  8. Environmental Justice
  9. Food Insecurity
  10. Food Swamp
  11. Health Literacy
  12. Health Numeracy
  13. Job Insecurity
  14. Occupational Prestige
  15. Percent Unionized for Non-Agricultural Labor Force
  16. Race/Ethnic Residential Segregation - Separation (S) Index, Unbiased
  17. Social Vulnerability
  18. Spirituality
  19. Wealth

PhenX SDoH Working Group Responsibilities

The goals of the PhenX SDoH WG were to:

  • Identify and review well-established measurement protocols and instruments currently in use in the field
  • Examine SDoH - related measurement protocols in the PhenX Toolkit to ensure that newly selected protocols complement existing Toolkit content
  • Select up to 20 preliminary protocols to share with the research community and get feedback (community outreach)
  • Suggest groups in the research community for the community outreach efforts
  • Consider feedback from community outreach when deciding the high-priority SDoH protocols to be included in the Toolkit
  • Present recommended protocols to the PhenX Steering Committee (SC) for approval

PhenX Social Determinants of Health Senior Management Team

National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD)
Eliseo PĂ©rez-Stable, MD
Nancy Breen, PhD (Former)
Project Scientist
Nishadi Rajapakse, PhD, MHS
Project Scientist
Andrew Louden, PhD (Former)
Project Scientist
Nancy Jones, PhD
Project Scientist
Xinzhi Zhang, MD, PhD (Former)
Project Scientist
National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI)
Erin Ramos, PhD, MPH
PhenX Project Scientist and SC Liaison to the SDoH WG
Natalie Pino, BA
PhenX Project Analyst
RTI International
Carol M. Hamilton, PhD
Principal Investigator
Cataia Ives, MS
WG Manager
Tabitha Hendershot, BA
Deborah Maiese, MPA
Consensus Coordinator
Michelle Krzyzanowski, PhD
WG Supervisor
Amanda Riley, PMP, BSBA
Project Manager