
Protocol - Ocular Exposure to Ultraviolet Light

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The interviewer-administered questionnaire consists of three parts: (1) cities and exposure periods, (2) exposure periods during a typical work week, and (3) leisure/non-work period sunlight exposure. Answers are recorded on an answer sheet and UV-B exposure is calculated using a SAS program.

Specific Instructions



This protocol is freely available; permission not required for use.


Instructions to Interviewer:

Start with PART I. Put all cities and exposure periods on one answer sheet. Use additional sheets, if necessary.

Unless otherwise noted, all questions refer to the corresponding column on the answer sheet.

When you have completed Part I for all cities/towns, return to top of first answer sheet and begin with PART II. Ask PARTS II and III for each exposure period on your answer sheet.

Explanation to the Participant/Interviewee:

In this study we are studying how sunlight influences eye diseases. I would like to ask you some questions about how much sunlight you have been exposed to at different times in your adult life, particularly during the non-winter months. To help you remember your exposure to sunlight at different times in your life, I will first ask you about where you have lived, starting with where you were living when you were 18 years old, and then about your activities in each of these places. I will also be asking you to estimate the number of hours you spent outside in direct sunlight. We want to concentrate on just the months of April through September and the peak sun times of 10 AM through 4 PM. You may choose not to answer some or all of my questions. The information we are asking for is important to the study. It will remain confidential like all other information that we have about you.


A. In what city or town were you living when you were 18?

[For subsequent cities/towns...] To what city or town did you move to next?

B. What year did you turn 18?

[For subsequent cities/towns, record response to C from previous city/town]

C. What year did you move from (CITY/TOWN)?

D. What was your main daytime activity or job when you turned 18?

[For subsequent daytime activities or jobs within a city/town...] What was your new daytime activity or job?

[For subsequent cities/towns...] What was your main daytime activity or job when you first moved to (CITY/TOWN)?

E.[Record year turned 18]

[For subsequent daytime activities or jobs within a city/town, record answer to F. from previous daytime activity or job and go to [If NO] below]

[For subsequent cities/towns, record answer to B.]

F. When you were living in (CITY/TOWN) did your exposure to direct sunlight in April through September stay pretty much the same for all your daytime activities between the hours of 10 AM and 4 PM?

[If YES, record answer to C. and go to A. above]

[If NO, or for subsequent periods of exposure within a town...] What year did your sunlight exposure change? [Record year and go to D. above]



G. When you were living in [CITY/TOWN] as a/an [ACTIVITY], how many hours each day during a typical 5-day work week in April through September did you spend outside in direct sunlight between 10 AM and 4 PM? Please exclude time spent in a car or in other transportation.

Less than 1 hour: Record 0 and go to PART III below

Less than 3 hours: Skip to question I.

H. Did your main daytime activities during a typical work week have you on water for a total of three or more hours a day, for example working on a boat? (N=No, Y=Yes)

I. During your work time, when you were outside in direct sunlight, how often did you wear a hat with a brim?

1[ ]never

2[ ]less than half time

3[ ]half the time

4[ ]more than half the time

5[ ]all the time

J. During your work time, about how often did you wear prescription or non-prescription sunglasses when you were outside in direct sunlight? [If answer is "All the time," skip to PART III below.]

1[ ]never

2[ ]less than half time

3[ ]half the time

4[ ]more than half the time

5[ ]all the time

K. How often did you wear ordinary glasses or contact lenses when you were outside in direct sunlight?

1[ ]never

2[ ]less than half time

3[ ]half the time

4[ ]more than half the time

5[ ]all the time


L. Now, I want you to think about a typical 2-day work-free period when you were living in [CITY/TOWN] as a/an [ACTIVITY]. During the months of April through September, how many hours each day of this leisure time did you spend outside in direct sunlight between 10 AM and 4 PM? Again, exclude time spent in a car or in other transportation.

Less than 1 hour: Record 0 and continue with next city/town or exposure period

Less than 3 hours: Skip to question N.

M. Did your main daytime activities during your leisure time have you over water for a total of three or more hours a day, for example sailing, fishing or swimming? (N=No, Y=Yes)

N. During your leisure time, when you were outside in direct sunlight, how often did you wear a hat with a brim?

1[ ]never

2[ ]less than half time

3[ ]half the time

4[ ]more than half the time

5[ ]all the time

O. During your leisure time, about how often did you wear prescription or non-prescription sunglasses when you were outside in direct sunlight? [If answer is "All the time," skip to next city/town or exposure period.]

1[ ]never

2[ ]less than half time

3[ ]half the time

4[ ]more than half the time

5[ ]all the time

P. How often did you wear ordinary glasses or contact lenses when you were outside in direct sunlight?

1[ ]never

2[ ]less than half time

3[ ]half the time

4[ ]more than half the time

5[ ]all the time

Answer Sheet:

Answer Sheet
Answer Sheet
Thumbnail: Click to open

Scoring Procedures The following procedures are used to convert an individuals responses to estimate that individuals Ultraviolet light exposure:

SAS code used for analysis:

Variable Name:

Variable Label:


workday exposure hours


workday exposure over water


workday exposure hat


workday exposure sunglasses


workday exposure glasses


leisure exposure hours


leisure exposure over water


leisure exposure hat


leisure exposure sunglasses


leisure exposure glasses




dummy ID number


linking variable


exposure beginning (yr)


exposure end (yr)


city/town of exposure


state/county of exposure

proc sort data = anl.sunlocat out = locat; by regno zzlink; run;

proc sort data = anl.sunactiv out = activ; by regno zzlink; run;

data sun_anl1;

merge locat activ;

by regno zzlink;

array cvar $20. c1-c10;

array svar $20. s1-s10;

center = substr(regno,1,2);

if center = 62 then center = 55;




if stcntry = ALASKA then lf = 0.3;

if stcntry = MAINE or stcntry = MINNESOTA or

stcntry = NEW HAMPSHIRE or stcntry = VERMONT or

stcntry = WISCONSIN then lf = 0.8;

if stcntry = CONNECTICUT or stcntry = DELAWARE or

stcntry = MASSACHUSETTS or stcntry = NEW YORK or

stcntry = NORTH DAKOTA or stcntry = OHIO or stcntry = OREGON or

stcntry = PENNSYLVANIA or stcntry = RHODE ISLAND or

stcntry = WASHINGTON or stcntry = WEST VIRGINIA then lf = 0.9;

if stcntry = DIST OF COLUMBIA or stcntry = DC or stcntry = HAWAII or

stcntry = ILLINOIS or stcntry = INDIANA or stcntry = IOWA or

stcntry = KENTUCKY or stcntry = MARYLAND or stcntry = MONTANA or

stcntry = NEW JERSEY or stcntry = SOUTH DAKOTA then lf = 1.0;

if stcntry = MISSOURI or stcntry = TENNESSEE or

stcntry = VIRGINIA then lf = 1.1;

if stcntry = ARKANSAS or stcntry = IDAHO or stcntry = NEBRASKA or

stcntry = NORTH CAROLINA then lf = 1.2;

if stcntry = ALABAMA or stcntry = GEORGIA or stcntry = KANSAS or

stcntry = LOUISIANA or stcntry = MISSISSIPPI or

stcntry = MICHIGAN or stcntry = OKLAHOMA or

stcntry = SOUTH CAROLINA or stcntry = WYOMING then lf = 1.3;

if stcntry = COLORADO or stcntry = TEXAS then lf = 1.4;

if stcntry = UTAH then lf = 1.5;

if stcntry = CALIFORNIA or stcntry = FLORIDA

or stcntry = NEVADA then lf = 1.6;

if stcntry = ARIZONA or stcntry = NEW MEXICO then lf = 1.7;

do i = 1 to 10;

cvar[i] = substr(citytown,1,i);

svar[i] = substr(stcntry,1,i);


if (length(stcntry) <> 0 and lf = .) then do;

if s2 = AN then lf = 0.1;

if s3 = ALU then lf = 0.3;

if s5 = GREEN or s2 = IC then lf = 0.4;

if stcntry = ALASKA TO FRANC then lf = 0.5;

if s2 = E or s2 = AB or s3 = ALG or s6 = AUSTRI or

s4 = BELG or s2 = CE or s2 = CI or s2 = CZ or s2 = DE or

s2 = EN or s4 = ESTO or s2 = EU or s3 = FIN or s3 = FRA or

s3 = GER or s4 = GREA or s5 = GREEC or s3 = HOL or

s2 = HU or s3 = IRE or s2 = IT or s2 = LA or

s3 = LIT or s5 = N. AT or s3 = N.A or s3 = NET or

s4 = NORM or s8 = NORTH AT or s6 = NORTHE or s4 = NORW or

s3 = NOV or s2 = PO or s2 = RO or s4 = S. E or

s4 = S. G or s4 = S. I or s3 = SCO or s3 = SIC or

s7 = SOUTH G or s7 = SOUTH W or s2 = SP or s3 = SWE or

s3 = SWI or s5 = THE N or s8 = UNITED K or s4 = W. G or

s3= W.G or s6 = WEST E or s6 = WEST G or s5 = WESTE

then lf = 0.6;

if s3 = ALB or s5 = CANAD or s5 = CANAN or s5 = MANIT or

s3 = MON or s4 = NEWF or s3 = ONT or s6 = QUEBEC

then lf = 0.7;

if s5 = NEW E or s3 = US/ or s5 = USA/E or s5 = USA/I

then lf = 0.8;

if stcntry = N. CAROLINATOEN or s5 = NEW Y or s3 = ORE or

s3 = SCH or s3 = VIR or s3 = W.V then lf = 0.9;

if s2 = AT or s3 = BER or s5 = CANAL or s3 = CBI or s3 = CHE or

s3 = COA or stcntry = COLORADO/KANSAS or s3 = COR or

s3 = CUR or stcntry = D. C. or stcntry = D.C. or s4 = DIST or

s2 = EA or s5 = ERITA or s2 = EV or s3 = GEO or s3 = HAW or

stcntry = ISLAND or s3 = MED or s4 = MID- or s3 = MIL or

s2 = OC or s4 = TEXA or s4 = THEA or s2 = U. or

s8 = UNITED S or s3 = UNK or stcntry = USA or s3 = VA, or

s2 = WA or s2 = WO then lf = 1.0;

if s4 = MARY or s4 = ON G or s4 = TX, then lf = 1.1;

if s2 = IL or s5 = MISSO or stcntry = N. CAROLINA or

s7 = NORTH C or s6 = WEST C then lf = 1.2;

if stcntry = ALABAMA/GEORGIA or s2 = LO or s5 = MIDWE or

s4 = TX,G then lf = 1.3;

if s3 = AFR or s3 = CAM or s2 = EG or s5 = ERITR or

s3 = FLA or s5 = FLORI or s3 = FR. or s3 = GUI or

s2 = KA or s2 = KE or s3= LIB or s2 = LY or s4 = MALT or

s3 = MOR or s5 = N. AF or s3 = NIG or s8 = NORTH AF or

s4 = S. T or s8 = SOUTH AF or s10 = SOUTHERN S or

s10 = SOUTHERN U or s2 = SU or s3 = SWA or s3 = TAN or

s2 = TO or s4 = W. A or s3 = W.A or s2 = ZA then lf = 1.4;

if s3 = CA or s5 = MISSI or s4 = TEX then lf = 1.5;

if s3 = CAL or s5 = FLORD or s10 = SOUTHERN F or s4 = USA, or

s5 = USA/G then lf = 1.6;

if stcntry = ALABAMA/JAPAN then lf = 1.9;

if s4 = BELI or s3 = COS or s2 = EL or s4 = GREN or

s4 = GUAT or s4 = HOND or s3 = MEX or s3 = NIC or s3 = W.C

then lf = 2.0;

if s3 = ARG or s2 = BA or s2 = BO or s2 = BR or s3 = CAR or

s4 = CHIL or s4 = COLU or stcntry = CUBA or s3 = DOM or

s2 = EQ or s2 = GA or s3 = HAI or s3 = JAM or s3 = PAN or

s2 = PR or s2 = PU or s8 = SOUTH AM or s8 = SOUTH AT or

s2 = TR or s3 = VEN or s4 = W. I or s6 = WEST I then lf = 2.2;

if s2 = AD or s6 = AUSTRA or s5 = DUTCH or s3 = FIJ or

s4 = GUAD or stcntry = GUAM or s8 = ISLAND O or s4 = MARI or

s4 = MARS or s4 = MIDW or s5 = NEW C or s5 = NEW G or

s5 = NEW Z or s3 = PAA or s3 = PAC or s2 = PH or

s4 = S. P or s3 = S.P or s3 = SAM or s3 = SO or s3 = SO. or

s3 = SOL or s7 = SOUTH P or s7 = SOUTH S or s4 = SW P or

s5 = THE P then lf = 2.3;

if s3 = AFG or s3 = ARA or s2 = AS or s4 = CHIN or

s4 = ESTI or s2 = FA or s4 = HONG or s2 = IN or s3 = IRA or

s3 = ISR or s3 = JAP or s2 = JE or s2 = KO or s4 = MALA or

s4 = MIDD or s3 = N.K or s3 = NE or s3 = NOT or s2 = OK or

s4 = ON T or s3 = ORI or s3 = PAK or s2 = PE or s2 = RU or

s4 = S. K or s3 = SAI or s3 = SAU or s3 = SIN or

s7 = SOUTH K or s10 = SOUTHERN J or s3 = TAI or s3 = THA or

s2 = TI or s2 = TU or s2 = UK or s3 = USS or s3 = VIE

then lf = 2.5;


if stcntry = and lf = . then do;

if c2 = AL or c2 = IL then lf = 0.3;

if c2 = EU or c3 = GER or c2 = IT then lf = 0.6;

if c2 = HA then lf = 0.9;

if c2 = AI or c9 = ATLANTIC or c2 = EA or c3 = MED or

c2 = N. or c5 = NORTH or c7 = SOUTH H or c3 = USA or

c3 = WAS then lf = 1.0;

if c5 = GREAT then lf = 1.1;

if c2 = AC or c3 = SEN then lf = 1.4;

if c6 = SOUTHE then lf = 1.6;

if c9 = ATLANTIC/ or c3 = CAR or c7 = DUTCH W or c3 = PAN or

c7 = SOUTH A or c3 = ST. then lf = 2.2;

if c3 = GUA or c4 = MARI or c3 = MID or c5 = NEW C or

c3 = PAC or c2 = PH or c4 = S. P or c3 = SOL or

c7 = SOUTH P or c5 = THE S then lf = 2.3;

if c2 = BU or c2 = CH or c2 = JA or c2 = KO or c2 = OK or

c2 = SA then lf = 2.5;


drop yearbeg yearend zzentr zzfrmver no_msval i

c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 c8 c9 c10 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 s8 s9 s10;



proc print;


var regno citytown stcntry;



data sun_anl2 (keep=regno site years oe_eff oe_nloc lf

zzentdat updtdate yrmo);

set sun_anl1;

years = (actend*1) - (actbeg*1); if years = 0 then years = 0.5;

hrsday = wehours*1;

if wewater = Y then water = 1; else water = 0;

if wehat = 5 then hatday = 1;

else if wehat = 4 then hatday =.75;

else if wehat = 3 then hatday = .50;

else if wehat = 2 then hatday = .25;

else hatday = 0;

if wesungls = 5 then sunday = 1;

else if wesungls = 4 then sunday =.75;

else if wesungls = 3 then sunday = .50;

else if wesungls = 2 then sunday = .25;

else sunday = 0;

if weglass = 5 then glsday = 1;

else if weglass = 4 then glsday =.75;

else if weglass = 3 then glsday = .50;

else if weglass = 2 then glsday = .25;

else glsday = 0;

hrsleis = lehours*1;

if lewater = Y then watleis = 1; else watleis = 0;

if lehat = 5 then hatleis = 1;

else if lehat = 4 then hatleis =.75;

else if lehat = 3 then hatleis = .50;

else if lehat = 2 then hatleis = .25;

else hatleis = 0;

if lesungls = 5 then sunleis = 1;

else if lesungls = 4 then sunleis =.75;

else if lesungls = 3 then sunleis = .50;

else if lesungls = 2 then sunleis = .25;

else sunleis = 0;

if leglass = 5 then glsleis = 1;

else if leglass = 4 then glsleis =.75;

else if leglass = 3 then glsleis = .50;

else if leglass = 2 then glsleis = .25;

else glsleis = 0;

oe_eff = years *

(((hrsday*.714*lf) * (water*1.9 + (1-water)) *

(hatday*0.53 + (1-hatday)) * (sunday*0.07 + (1-sunday)) *

(glsday*0.21 + (1-glsday))) +

((hrsleis*.286*lf) * (watleis*1.9 + (1-watleis)) *

(hatleis*0.53 + (1-hatleis)) * (sunleis*0.07 + (1-sunleis)) *

(glsleis*0.21 + (1-glsleis))));

oe_nloc = years *

(((hrsday*.714) * (water*1.9 + (1-water)) *

(hatday*0.53 + (1-hatday)) * (sunday*0.07 + (1-sunday)) *

(glsday*0.21 + (1-glsday))) +

((hrsleis*.286) * (watleis*1.9 + (1-watleis)) *

(hatleis*0.53 + (1-hatleis)) * (sunleis*0.07 + (1-sunleis)) *

(glsleis*0.21 + (1-glsleis))));


Personnel and Training Required

The interviewer must be trained to conduct personal interviews with individuals from the general population. The interviewer must be trained and found to be competent (i.e., tested by an expert) at the completion of personal interviews. The interviewer should be trained to prompt respondents further if a "dont know" response is provided.

Equipment Needs

While the source instrument was developed to be administered in a non-computerized format (i.e. pencil and paper instrument), the PhenX Working Group acknowledges these questions can be administered by computer. Computer software is necessary to develop computer-assisted instruments. The interviewer will require a laptop computer/handheld computer to administer a computer-assisted questionnaire.

Requirement CategoryRequired
Major equipment No
Specialized training No
Specialized requirements for biospecimen collection No
Average time of greater than 15 minutes in an unaffected individual No
Mode of Administration

Interviewer-administered questionnaire




Adults aged ≥ 55 years*

* While this protocol was used in a study of adults aged ≥55 years, the Ocular Working Group suggests that the same methodology be used for individuals aged 18 years or older.

Selection Rationale

This protocol is comprehensive and logically assesses exposure based on geographical residence, workday functions and leisure activity.

UV exposure has UVA + UVB  + UVC components, with UVC representing the shortest rays. This instrument is weighted toward UVA + long UVB exposure. Some ocular diseases might be related to different components of the UV spectrum. The cornea can transmit all components of the UV spectrum. Investigators should be aware there is an inverse relation between short UVB / UVC and latitude due to ozone depletion. Note that UV exposure during the first 18 years is not addressed.



Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes (LOINC) Ocular exposure UV light protocol 62693-7 LOINC
caDSR Form PhenX PX110801 - Ocular Exposure To Ultraviolet Light 5972174 caDSR Form
Derived Variables


Process and Review

Not applicable.

Protocol Name from Source

National Eye Institute (NEI), Age-Related Eye Disease Study (AREDS), Phase II, Sunlight Exposure Questionnaire, 2/9/1996


National Eye Institute, Age-Related Eye Disease Study (AREDS), Phase II, Sunlight Exposure Questionnaire. 2/9/1996

Model used for deriving cumulative ocular exposure factor from:
McCarty C.A., Lee S.E., Livingston P.M., Bissinella M, & Taylor H.R. (1996). Ocular Exposure to UV-B in Sunlight: The Melbourne Visual Impairment Model. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 74(4), 353-60.

Location factors used in model were obtained from:

Rosenthal F.S., West S.K., Munoz B., Emmet E.A., Strickland P.T., & Taylor H.R. (1991). Ocular and Facial Skin Exposure to Ultraviolet Radiation in Sunlight: A Personal Exposure Model with Application to a Worker Population. Health Physics, 61(1), 77-86.

General References

Clemons TE, Milton RC, Klein R, Seddon JM, Ferris FL 3rd; Age-Related Eye Disease Study Research Group. (2005). Risk factors for the incidence of Advanced Age-Related Macular Degeneration in the Age-Related Eye Disease Study (AREDS) AREDS report no. 19. Ophthalmology, 112(4):533-9.

Age-Related Eye Disease Study Research Group. (2001). Risk factors associated with age-related nuclear and cortical cataract: a case-control study in the Age-Related Eye Disease Study, AREDS Report No. 5. Ophthalmology, 108(8):1400-8.

Age-Related Eye Disease Study Research Group. (2000). Risk factors associated with age-related macular degeneration. A case-control study in the age-related eye disease study: Age-Related Eye Disease Study Report Number 3. Ophthalmology, 107(12):2224-32.

Protocol ID


Export Variables
Variable Name Variable IDVariable DescriptiondbGaP Mapping
PX110801010100 PART I In what city or town were you living more
when you were 18? show less
PX110801010200 PART I [For subsequent cities/towns...] To more
what city or town did you move to next? show less
PX110801010300 PART I [For subsequent cities/towns...] To more
what city or town did you move to next? show less
PX110801030100 PART I What year did you move from (CITY/TOWN)? N/A
PX110801030200 PART I What year did you move from (CITY/TOWN)? N/A
PX110801030300 PART I What year did you move from (CITY/TOWN)? N/A
PX110801020100 PART I What year did you turn 18? N/A
PX110801020200 PART I [For subsequent cities/towns, record more
response to C from previous city/town] show less
PX110801020300 PART I [For subsequent cities/towns, record more
response to C from previous city/town] show less
PX110801040100 PART I What was your main daytime activity more
or job when you turned 18? show less
PX110801040200 PART I [For subsequent daytime activities or more
jobs within a city/town...] What was your new daytime activity or job? show less
PX110801040300 PART I [For subsequent cities/towns...] What more
was your main daytime activity or job when you first moved to (CITY/TOWN)? show less
PX110801040400 PART I [For subsequent daytime activities or more
jobs within a city/town...] What was your new daytime activity or job? show less
PX110801040500 PART I [For subsequent cities/towns...] What more
was your main daytime activity or job when you first moved to (CITY/TOWN)? show less
PX110801040600 PART I [For subsequent daytime activities or more
jobs within a city/town...] What was your new daytime activity or job? show less
PX110801140100 PART III During your leisure time, when you more
were outside in direct sunlight, how often did you wear a hat with a brim? show less
PX110801140200 PART III During your leisure time, when you more
were outside in direct sunlight, how often did you wear a hat with a brim? show less
PX110801140300 PART III During your leisure time, when you more
were outside in direct sunlight, how often did you wear a hat with a brim? show less
PX110801140400 PART III During your leisure time, when you more
were outside in direct sunlight, how often did you wear a hat with a brim? show less
PX110801140500 PART III During your leisure time, when you more
were outside in direct sunlight, how often did you wear a hat with a brim? show less
PX110801140600 PART III During your leisure time, when you more
were outside in direct sunlight, how often did you wear a hat with a brim? show less
PX110801160100 PART III How often did you wear ordinary more
glasses or contact lenses when you were outside in direct sunlight? show less
PX110801160200 PART III How often did you wear ordinary more
glasses or contact lenses when you were outside in direct sunlight? show less
PX110801160300 PART III How often did you wear ordinary more
glasses or contact lenses when you were outside in direct sunlight? show less
PX110801160400 PART III How often did you wear ordinary more
glasses or contact lenses when you were outside in direct sunlight? show less
PX110801160500 PART III How often did you wear ordinary more
glasses or contact lenses when you were outside in direct sunlight? show less
PX110801160600 PART III How often did you wear ordinary more
glasses or contact lenses when you were outside in direct sunlight? show less
PX110801130100 PART III Did your main daytime activities more
during your leisure time have you over water for a total of three or more hours a day, for example sailing, fishing or swimming? show less
PX110801130200 PART III Did your main daytime activities more
during your leisure time have you over water for a total of three or more hours a day, for example sailing, fishing or swimming? show less
PX110801130300 PART III Did your main daytime activities more
during your leisure time have you over water for a total of three or more hours a day, for example sailing, fishing or swimming? show less
PX110801130400 PART III Did your main daytime activities more
during your leisure time have you over water for a total of three or more hours a day, for example sailing, fishing or swimming? show less
PX110801130500 PART III Did your main daytime activities more
during your leisure time have you over water for a total of three or more hours a day, for example sailing, fishing or swimming? show less
PX110801130600 PART III Did your main daytime activities more
during your leisure time have you over water for a total of three or more hours a day, for example sailing, fishing or swimming? show less
PX110801120100 PART III Now, I want you to think about a more
typical 2-day work-free period when you were living in [CITY/TOWN] as a/an [ACTIVITY]. During the months of April through September, how many hours each day of this leisure time did you spend outside in direc show less
PX110801120200 PART III Now, I want you to think about a more
typical 2-day work-free period when you were living in [CITY/TOWN] as a/an [ACTIVITY]. During the months of April through September, how many hours each day of this leisure time did you spend outside in direc show less
PX110801120300 PART III Now, I want you to think about a more
typical 2-day work-free period when you were living in [CITY/TOWN] as a/an [ACTIVITY]. During the months of April through September, how many hours each day of this leisure time did you spend outside in direc show less
PX110801120400 PART III Now, I want you to think about a more
typical 2-day work-free period when you were living in [CITY/TOWN] as a/an [ACTIVITY]. During the months of April through September, how many hours each day of this leisure time did you spend outside in direc show less
PX110801120500 PART III Now, I want you to think about a more
typical 2-day work-free period when you were living in [CITY/TOWN] as a/an [ACTIVITY]. During the months of April through September, how many hours each day of this leisure time did you spend outside in direc show less
PX110801120600 PART III Now, I want you to think about a more
typical 2-day work-free period when you were living in [CITY/TOWN] as a/an [ACTIVITY]. During the months of April through September, how many hours each day of this leisure time did you spend outside in direc show less
PX110801150100 PART III During your leisure time, about how more
often did you wear prescription or non-prescription sunglasses when you were outside in direct sunlight? show less
PX110801150200 PART III During your leisure time, about how more
often did you wear prescription or non-prescription sunglasses when you were outside in direct sunlight? show less
PX110801150300 PART III During your leisure time, about how more
often did you wear prescription or non-prescription sunglasses when you were outside in direct sunlight? show less
PX110801150400 PART III During your leisure time, about how more
often did you wear prescription or non-prescription sunglasses when you were outside in direct sunlight? show less
PX110801150500 PART III During your leisure time, about how more
often did you wear prescription or non-prescription sunglasses when you were outside in direct sunlight? show less
PX110801150600 PART III During your leisure time, about how more
often did you wear prescription or non-prescription sunglasses when you were outside in direct sunlight? show less
PX110801060100 PART I When you were living in (CITY/TOWN) more
did your exposure to direct sunlight in April through September stay pretty much the same for all your daytime activities between the hours of 10 AM and 4 PM? [If 'YES', record answer to C. and go to A. abov show less
PX110801060200 PART I When you were living in (CITY/TOWN) more
did your exposure to direct sunlight in April through September stay pretty much the same for all your daytime activities between the hours of 10 AM and 4 PM? [If 'YES', record answer to C. and go to A. abov show less
PX110801060300 PART I When you were living in (CITY/TOWN) more
did your exposure to direct sunlight in April through September stay pretty much the same for all your daytime activities between the hours of 10 AM and 4 PM? [If 'YES', record answer to C. and go to A. abov show less
PX110801060400 PART I When you were living in (CITY/TOWN) more
did your exposure to direct sunlight in April through September stay pretty much the same for all your daytime activities between the hours of 10 AM and 4 PM? [If 'YES', record answer to C. and go to A. abov show less
PX110801060500 PART I When you were living in (CITY/TOWN) more
did your exposure to direct sunlight in April through September stay pretty much the same for all your daytime activities between the hours of 10 AM and 4 PM? [If 'YES', record answer to C. and go to A. abov show less
PX110801060600 PART I When you were living in (CITY/TOWN) more
did your exposure to direct sunlight in April through September stay pretty much the same for all your daytime activities between the hours of 10 AM and 4 PM? [If 'YES', record answer to C. and go to A. abov show less
PX110801050100 PART I [Record year turned 18] N/A
PX110801050200 PART I [For subsequent daytime activities or more
jobs within a city/town, record answer to F. from previous daytime activity or job and go to [If 'NO'] below] show less
PX110801050300 PART I [For subsequent cities/towns, record more
answer to B.] show less
PX110801050400 PART I [For subsequent daytime activities or more
jobs within a city/town, record answer to F. from previous daytime activity or job and go to [If 'NO'] below] show less
PX110801050500 PART I [For subsequent cities/towns, record more
answer to B.] show less
PX110801050600 PART I [For subsequent daytime activities or more
jobs within a city/town, record answer to F. from previous daytime activity or job and go to [If 'NO'] below] show less
PX110801090100 PART II During your work time, when you were more
outside in direct sunlight, how often did you wear a hat with a brim? show less
PX110801090200 PART II During your work time, when you were more
outside in direct sunlight, how often did you wear a hat with a brim? show less
PX110801090300 PART II During your work time, when you were more
outside in direct sunlight, how often did you wear a hat with a brim? show less
PX110801090400 PART II During your work time, when you were more
outside in direct sunlight, how often did you wear a hat with a brim? show less
PX110801090500 PART II During your work time, when you were more
outside in direct sunlight, how often did you wear a hat with a brim? show less
PX110801090600 PART II During your work time, when you were more
outside in direct sunlight, how often did you wear a hat with a brim? show less
PX110801110100 PART II How often did you wear ordinary more
glasses or contact lenses when you were outside in direct sunlight? show less
PX110801110200 PART II How often did you wear ordinary more
glasses or contact lenses when you were outside in direct sunlight? show less
PX110801110300 PART II How often did you wear ordinary more
glasses or contact lenses when you were outside in direct sunlight? show less
PX110801110400 PART II How often did you wear ordinary more
glasses or contact lenses when you were outside in direct sunlight? show less
PX110801110500 PART II How often did you wear ordinary more
glasses or contact lenses when you were outside in direct sunlight? show less
PX110801110600 PART II How often did you wear ordinary more
glasses or contact lenses when you were outside in direct sunlight? show less
PX110801080100 PART II Did your main daytime activities more
during a typical work week have you on water for a total of three or more hours a day, for example working on a boat? show less
PX110801080200 PART II Did your main daytime activities more
during a typical work week have you on water for a total of three or more hours a day, for example working on a boat? show less
PX110801080300 PART II Did your main daytime activities more
during a typical work week have you on water for a total of three or more hours a day, for example working on a boat? show less
PX110801080400 PART II Did your main daytime activities more
during a typical work week have you on water for a total of three or more hours a day, for example working on a boat? show less
PX110801080500 PART II Did your main daytime activities more
during a typical work week have you on water for a total of three or more hours a day, for example working on a boat? show less
PX110801080600 PART II Did your main daytime activities more
during a typical work week have you on water for a total of three or more hours a day, for example working on a boat? show less
PX110801070100 PART II When you were living in [CITY/TOWN] more
as a/an [ACTIVITY], how many hours each day during a typical 5-day work week in April through September did you spend outside in direct sunlight between 10 AM and 4 PM? show less
PX110801070200 PART II When you were living in [CITY/TOWN] more
as a/an [ACTIVITY], how many hours each day during a typical 5-day work week in April through September did you spend outside in direct sunlight between 10 AM and 4 PM? show less
PX110801070300 PART II When you were living in [CITY/TOWN] more
as a/an [ACTIVITY], how many hours each day during a typical 5-day work week in April through September did you spend outside in direct sunlight between 10 AM and 4 PM? show less
PX110801070400 PART II When you were living in [CITY/TOWN] more
as a/an [ACTIVITY], how many hours each day during a typical 5-day work week in April through September did you spend outside in direct sunlight between 10 AM and 4 PM? show less
PX110801070500 PART II When you were living in [CITY/TOWN] more
as a/an [ACTIVITY], how many hours each day during a typical 5-day work week in April through September did you spend outside in direct sunlight between 10 AM and 4 PM? show less
PX110801070600 PART II When you were living in [CITY/TOWN] more
as a/an [ACTIVITY], how many hours each day during a typical 5-day work week in April through September did you spend outside in direct sunlight between 10 AM and 4 PM? show less
PX110801100100 PART II During your work time, about how more
often did you wear prescription or non-prescription sunglasses when you were outside in direct sunlight? show less
PX110801100200 PART II During your work time, about how more
often did you wear prescription or non-prescription sunglasses when you were outside in direct sunlight? show less
PX110801100300 PART II During your work time, about how more
often did you wear prescription or non-prescription sunglasses when you were outside in direct sunlight? show less
PX110801100400 PART II During your work time, about how more
often did you wear prescription or non-prescription sunglasses when you were outside in direct sunlight? show less
PX110801100500 PART II During your work time, about how more
often did you wear prescription or non-prescription sunglasses when you were outside in direct sunlight? show less
PX110801100600 PART II During your work time, about how more
often did you wear prescription or non-prescription sunglasses when you were outside in direct sunlight? show less
Measure Name

Ocular Exposure to Ultraviolet Light

Release Date

February 26, 2010


Questions to assess adult lifetime ocular ultraviolet light (UV)-B exposure during the middle of the day (10am-4pm) over the northern hemisphere summer months (April-September).


Ultraviolet light (UV)-B exposure is a very important environmental exposure in ophthalmology and for other phenotypes. It is particularly important in ophthalmology because UV-B rays can penetrate ocular tissues and directly effect intraocular structures such as the uveal tract and lens.


Ocular, Eye, Ultraviolet light, Age-Related Eye Disease Study, AREDS, Sunlight, Sun exposure, Outdoor activity; Work activity; Leisure activity

Measure Protocols
Protocol ID Protocol Name
110801 Ocular Exposure to Ultraviolet Light