
Protocol - Visual Function

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Self-reported vision-targeted health status is measured with the Vision Function Questionnaire (VFQ-25). This interviewer or self administered questionnaire consists of a base set of 25 vision-targeted questions representing 11 vision-related constructs, plus an additional single-item general health rating question. The VFQ-25 also includes an appendix of additional items from the 51-item National Eye Institute Vision Function Questionnaire version that researchers can use to expand the scales up to 39 total items. Scoring of the VRQ-25 yields 12 sub-scale scores and an overall composite score.

Specific Instructions



This protocol is freely available; permission not required for use.


Administration Instructions:

Participants should answer all the questions as if the participant is wearing his/her glasses or contact lenses (if any).

An Appendix of additional questions may be added to address other sub-scales of vision-targeted health-related quality of life. For example, if a user is testing a new treatment for macular degeneration, by adding near vision questions A3, A4, and A5 to VFQ-25 questions 5, 6, and 7, the investigator would have a six-item near vision scale rather than a three-item scale. The addition of these items would enhance the reliability of the near vision sub-scale and is likely to improve the responsiveness of the sub-scale to the intervention over time. If items from the appendix are used, the VFQ-25 developers encourage users to incorporate all optional items for a given sub-scale. This strategy will enhance the comparability of results across studies.

Skip Question 1 when the VFQ-25 is administered at the same time as the SF-36 or RAND 36-Item Health Survey 1.0


1. In general, would you say your overall health is:

1[ ]excellent

2[ ]very good

3[ ]good

4[ ]fair

5[ ]poor

2. At the present time, would you say your eyesight using both eyes (with glasses or contact lenses, if you wear them) is excellent, good, fair, poor, or very poor or are you completely blind?

1[ ]excellent

2[ ]good

3[ ]fair

4[ ]poor

5[ ]very poor

6[ ]completely blind

3. How much of the time do you worry about your eyesight?

1[ ]none of the time

2[ ]a little of the time

3[ ]some of the time

4[ ]most of the time

5[ ]all of the time

4. How much pain or discomfort have you had in and around your eyes (for example, burning, itching, or aching)? Would you say it is:

1[ ]none

2[ ]mild

3[ ]moderate

4[ ]severe

5[ ]very severe


The next questions are about how much difficulty, if any, you have doing certain activities wearing your glasses or contact lenses if you use them for that activity.

5. How much difficulty do you have reading ordinary print in newspapers? Would you say you have:

1[ ]no difficulty at all

2[ ]a little difficulty

3[ ]moderate difficulty

4[ ]extreme difficulty

5[ ]stopped doing this because of your eyesight

6[ ]stopped doing this for other reasons or not interested in doing this

6. How much difficulty do you have doing work or hobbies that require you to see well up close, such as cooking, sewing, fixing things around the house, or using hand tools? Would you say:

1[ ]no difficulty at all

2[ ]a little difficulty

3[ ]moderate difficulty

4[ ]extreme difficulty

5[ ]stopped doing this because of your eyesight

6[ ]stopped doing this for other reasons or not interested in doing this

7. Because of your eyesight, how much difficulty do you have finding something on a crowded shelf?

1[ ]no difficulty at all

2[ ]a little difficulty

3[ ]moderate difficulty

4[ ]extreme difficulty

5[ ]stopped doing this because of your eyesight

6[ ]stopped doing this for other reasons or not interested in doing this

8. How much difficulty do you have reading street signs or the names of stores?

1[ ]no difficulty at all

2[ ]a little difficulty

3[ ]moderate difficulty

4[ ]extreme difficulty

5[ ]stopped doing this because of your eyesight

6[ ]stopped doing this for other reasons or not interested in doing this

9. Because of you eyesight, how much difficulty do you have going down steps, stairs, or curbs in dim light or at night?

1[ ]no difficulty at all

2[ ]a little difficulty

3[ ]moderate difficulty

4[ ]extreme difficulty

5[ ]stopped doing this because of your eyesight

6[ ]stopped doing this for other reasons or not interested in doing this

10. Because of your eyesight, how much difficulty do you have noticing objects off to the side while you are walking along?

1[ ]no difficulty at all

2[ ]a little difficulty

3[ ]moderate difficulty

4[ ]extreme difficulty

5[ ]stopped doing this because of your eyesight

6[ ]stopped doing this for other reasons or not interested in doing this

11. Because of your eyesight, how much difficulty do you have seeing how people react to things you say?

1[ ]no difficulty at all

2[ ]a little difficulty

3[ ]moderate difficulty

4[ ]extreme difficulty

5[ ]stopped doing this because of your eyesight

6[ ]stopped doing this for other reasons or not interested in doing this

12. Because of your eyesight, how much difficulty do you have picking out and matching your own clothes?

1[ ]no difficulty at all

2[ ]a little difficulty

3[ ]moderate difficulty

4[ ]extreme difficulty

5[ ]stopped doing this because of your eyesight

6[ ]stopped doing this for other reasons or not interested in doing this

13. Because of your eyesight, how much difficulty do you have visiting with people in their homes, at parties, or in restaurants?

1[ ]no difficulty at all

2[ ]a little difficulty

3[ ]moderate difficulty

4[ ]extreme difficulty

5[ ]stopped doing this because of your eyesight

6[ ]stopped doing this for other reasons or not interested in doing this

14. Because of your eyesight, how much difficulty do you have going out to see movies, plays, or sports events?

1[ ]no difficulty at all

2[ ]a little difficulty

3[ ]moderate difficulty

4[ ]extreme difficulty

5[ ]stopped doing this because of your eyesight

6[ ]stopped doing this for other reasons or not interested in doing this

15. Now, Id like to ask about driving a car. Are you currently driving, at least once in a while?

1[ ]yes (skip to Q15c)

2[ ]no

15a. IF NO, ASK: Have you never driven a car or have you given up driving?

1[ ]never drove (skip to Part 3, Q17)

2[ ]gave up

15b. IF GAVE UP DRIVING: Was that mainly because of your eyesight, mainly for some other reason, or because of both your eyesight and other reasons?

1[ ]mainly eyesight (skip to Part 3, Q17)

2[ ]mainly other reasons (skip to Part 3, Q17)

3[ ]both eyesight and other reasons (skip to Part 3, Q17)

15c. IF CURRENTLY DRIVING: How much difficulty do you have driving during the daytime in familiar places? Would you say you have:

1[ ]no difficulty at all

2[ ]a little difficulty

3[ ]moderate difficulty

4[ ]extreme difficulty

16. How much difficulty do you have driving at night? Would you say you have:

1[ ]no difficulty at all

2[ ]a little difficulty

3[ ]moderate difficulty

4[ ]extreme difficulty

5[ ]stopped doing this because of your eyesight

6[ ]stopped doing this for other reasons or not interested in doing this

16a. How much difficulty do you have driving in difficult conditions, such as in bad weather, during rush hour, on the freeway, or in city traffic? Would you say you have:

1[ ]no difficulty at all

2[ ]a little difficulty

3[ ]moderate difficulty

4[ ]extreme difficulty

5[ ]stopped doing this because of your eyesight

6[ ]stopped doing this for other reasons or not interested in doing this


The next questions are about how things you do may be affected by your vision. For each one, Id like you to tell me if this is true for you all, most, some, a little, or non of the time.

17. Do you accomplish less than you would like because of our vision?

1[ ]all of the time

2[ ]most of the time

3[ ]some of the time

4[ ]a little of the time

5[ ]none of the time

18. Are you limited in how long you can work or do other activities because of your vision?

1[ ]all of the time

2[ ]most of the time

3[ ]some of the time

4[ ]a little of the time

5[ ]none of the time

19. How much does pain or discomfort in or around your eyes, for example, burning, itching, or aching, keep you from doing what youd like to be doing? Would you say:

1[ ]all of the time

2[ ]most of the time

3[ ]some of the time

4[ ]a little of the time

5[ ]none of the time

For each of the following statements, please tell me if it is definitely true, mostly true, mostly false, or definitely false for you or you are not sure.

20. I stay home most of the time because of my eyesight

1[ ]definitely true

2[ ]mostly true

3[ ]not sure

4[ ]mostly false

5[ ]definitely false

21. I feel frustrated a lot of the time because of my eyesight

1[ ]definitely true

2[ ]mostly true

3[ ]not sure

4[ ]mostly false

5[ ]definitely false

22. I have much less control over what I do, because of my eyesight

1[ ]definitely true

2[ ]mostly true

3[ ]not sure

4[ ]mostly false

5[ ]definitely false

23. Because of my eyesight, I have to rely too much on what other people tell me

1[ ]definitely true

2[ ]mostly true

3[ ]not sure

4[ ]mostly false

5[ ]definitely false

24. I need a lot of help from others because of my eyesight

1[ ]definitely true

2[ ]mostly true

3[ ]not sure

4[ ]mostly false

5[ ]definitely false

25. I worry about doing things that will embarrass myself or others, because of my eyesight

1[ ]definitely true

2[ ]mostly true

3[ ]not sure

4[ ]mostly false

5[ ]definitely false

Appendix of Optional Additional Questions


A1. How would you rate your overall health, on a scale where zero is as bad as death and 10 is best possible health?

[ ] 1

[ ] 2

[ ] 3

[ ] 4

[ ] 5

[ ] 6

[ ] 7

[ ] 8

[ ] 9

[ ] 10


A2. How would you rate your eyesight now (with glasses or contact lens on, if you wear them), on a scale of from 1 to 10, where zero means the worst possible eyesight, as bad or worse than being blind, and 10 means the best possible eyesight?

[ ] 1

[ ] 2

[ ] 3

[ ] 4

[ ] 5

[ ] 6

[ ] 7

[ ] 8

[ ] 9

[ ] 10


A3. Wearing glasses, how much difficulty do you have reading the small print in a telephone book, on a medicine bottle, or on legal forms? Would you say:

1[ ]no difficulty at all

2[ ]a little difficulty

3[ ]moderate difficulty

4[ ]extreme difficulty

5[ ]stopped doing this because of your eyesight

6[ ]stopped doing this for other reasons or not interested in doing this

A4. Because of your eyesight, how much difficulty do you have figuring out whether bills you receive are accurate?

1[ ]no difficulty at all

2[ ]a little difficulty

3[ ]moderate difficulty

4[ ]extreme difficulty

5[ ]stopped doing this because of your eyesight

6[ ]stopped doing this for other reasons or not interested in doing this

A5. Because of your eyesight, how much difficulty do you have doing things like shaving, styling your hair, or putting on makeup?

1[ ]no difficulty at all

2[ ]a little difficulty

3[ ]moderate difficulty

4[ ]extreme difficulty

5[ ]stopped doing this because of your eyesight

6[ ]stopped doing this for other reasons or not interested in doing this


A6. Because of your eyesight, how much difficulty do you have recognizing people you know from across a room?

1[ ]no difficulty at all

2[ ]a little difficulty

3[ ]moderate difficulty

4[ ]extreme difficulty

5[ ]stopped doing this because of your eyesight

6[ ]stopped doing this for other reasons or not interested in doing this

A7. Because of you eyesight, how much difficulty do you have taking part in active sports or other outdoor activities that you enjoy (like golf, bowling, jogging, or walking)?

1[ ]no difficulty at all

2[ ]a little difficulty

3[ ]moderate difficulty

4[ ]extreme difficulty

5[ ]stopped doing this because of your eyesight

6[ ]stopped doing this for other reasons or not interested in doing this

A8. Because of your eyesight, how much difficulty do you have seeing and enjoying programs on TV?

1[ ]no difficulty at all

2[ ]a little difficulty

3[ ]moderate difficulty

4[ ]extreme difficulty

5[ ]stopped doing this because of your eyesight

6[ ]stopped doing this for other reasons or not interested in doing this


A9. Because you your eyesight, how much difficulty do you have entertaining friends and family in your home?

1[ ]no difficulty at all

2[ ]a little difficulty

3[ ]moderate difficulty

4[ ]extreme difficulty

5[ ]stopped doing this because of your eyesight

6[ ]stopped doing this for other reasons or not interested in doing this


A10. [This item, "driving in difficult conditions", has been included as item 16a as part of the base set of 25 vision-targeted items.]


A11. The next questions are about things you may do because of your vision. For each item, Id like you to tell me if this is true for you all, most, some, a little, or none of the time.

a. Do you have more help from others because of your vision?

1[ ]all of the time

2[ ]most of the time

3[ ]some of the time

4[ ]a little of the time

5[ ]none of the time

b. Are you limited in the kinds of things you can do because of your vision?

1[ ]all of the time

2[ ]most of the time

3[ ]some of the time

4[ ]a little of the time

5[ ]none of the time


Scoring VFQ-25 with or without optional items is a two-step process:

Step 1: original numeric values from the survey are re-coded following the scoring rules outlined in Table 1. All items are scored so that a high score represents better functioning. Each item is then converted to a 0 to 100 scale so that the lowest and highest possible scores are set at 0 and 100 points, respectively. In this format scores represent the achieved percentage of the total possible score, e.g. a score of 50 represents 50% of the highest possible score.

Step 2: items within each sub-scale are averaged together to create the 12 sub-scale scores. Table 2 indicates which items contribute to each specific sub-scale. Items that are left blank (missing data) are not taken into account when calculating the scale scores. Sub-scales with at least one item answered can be used to generate a sub-scale score. Hence, scores represent the average for all items in the subscale that the respondent answered.

Composite Score Calculation

To calculate an overall composite score for the VFQ-25, simply average the vision-targeted subscale scores, excluding the general health rating question. By averaging the sub-scale scores rather than the individual items we have given equal weight to each sub-scale, whereas averaging the items would give more weight to scales with more items.

Table 1. Scoring Key: Recoding of Items

Item Numbers Change original response category(a)
To recoded value of:
1,3,4,15c(b) 1
2 1
A1,A2 0
(a) Precoded response choices as printed in the questionnaire.
(b) Item 15c has four-response levels, but is expanded to a five-levels using item 15b.
    Note: If 15b=1, then 15c should be recoded to "0"
    If 15b=2, then 15c should be recoded to missing.
    If 15b=3, then 15c should be recoded to missing.
(c) "A" before the item number indicates that this item is an optional item from the Appendix. If optional items are used, the NEI-VFQ developers encourage users to use all items for a given sub-scale. This will greatly enhance the comparability of sub-scale scores across studies.
* Response choice "6" indicates that the person does not perform the activity because of non-vision related problems. If this choice is selected, the item is coded as "missing."
Table 2. Step 2: Averaging of Items to Generate VFQ-25 Sub-Scales

Number of Items
Items to be averaged
(after recoding per Table 1)
General Health
General Vision
Ocular Pain
4, 19
Near Activities
5, 6, 7
Distance Activities
8, 9, 14
Vision Specific:
Social Functioning
Mental Health
Role Difficulties
11, 13
3, 21, 22, 25
17, 18
20, 23, 24
15c, 16, 16a
Color Vision
Peripheral Vision
Table 3. Step 2: Averaging of Items to Generate VFQ-39 Sub-Scales (VFQ-25 + Optional Items)
Number of Items Items to be averaged
(after recoding per Table 1)
General Health 2
1, A1
General Vision 2
2, A2
Ocular Pain
2 4, 19
Near Activities 6
5, 6, 7, A3, A4, A5
Distance Activities 6
8, 9, 14, A6, A7, A8
Vision Specific:
Social Functioning
Mental Health
Role Difficulties
11, 13, A9
3, 21, 22, 25, A12
17, 18, A11a, A11b
20, 23, 24, A13
3 15c, 16, 16a
Color Vision 1
Peripheral Vision
1 10
Personnel and Training Required

The interviewer must be trained to conduct personal interviews with individuals from the general population. The interviewer must be trained and found to be competent (i.e. tested by an expert) at the completion of personal interviews*. The interviewer should be trained to prompt respondents further if a "dont know" response is provided.

*There are multiple modes to administer this question (i.e., pencil and paper and computer-assisted interviews)

Equipment Needs

Either a pencil and paper or computer-assisted instrument may be used. If a computer-assisted instrument is used, computer software may be necessary to develop the instrument. The interviewer will require a laptop computer/handheld computer to administer a computer-assisted questionnaire.

Requirement CategoryRequired
Major equipment No
Specialized training No
Specialized requirements for biospecimen collection No
Average time of greater than 15 minutes in an unaffected individual No
Mode of Administration

Self-administered or interviewer-administered questionnaire




Adults aged ≥ 21 years

Selection Rationale

This questionnaire was designed as a subjective measure of visual function (as opposed to performance based measures such as best corrected visual acuity) and, in particular to measure the relationship of visual function to health-related quality of life. Responses to this questionnaire have been shown to be strongly associated with performance based measures of visual function with specific ocular conditions such as diabetic retinopathy. It is also associated with the presence of other ocular conditions, systemic diseases and other measures of quality of life. It can be administered by interview, either face to face or by telephone.


Chinese, English, Spanish, Other languages available at source

Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes (LOINC) Visual function proto 62700-0 LOINC
Human Phenotype Ontology Abnormality of vision HP:0000504 HPO
caDSR Form PhenX PX111201 - Visual Function 5973334 caDSR Form
Derived Variables


Process and Review

Not applicable.

Protocol Name from Source

Vision Function Questionnaire (VFQ-25)

The National Eye Institute 25-Item Visual Function Questionnaire (VFQ-25) and manual, version 2000.

Mangione, C. M., Lee, P. P., Gutierrez, P. R., Spritzer, K., Berry, S., & Hays, R. D. (2001). Development of the 25-item National Eye Institute Visual Function Questionnaire (VFQ-25). Archives of Ophthalmology, 119:1050-1058.
General References

Mangione, C. M., Lee, P. P., Pitts, J., Gutierrez, P., Berry S., & Hays, R. D. (1998). Psychometric properties of the National Eye Institute Visual Function Questionnaire, the NEI-VFQ. Archives of Ophthalmology, 116: 1496-1504.

Protocol ID


Export Variables
Variable Name Variable IDVariable DescriptiondbGaP Mapping
PX111201170000 Do you accomplish less than you would like more
because of your vision? show less
PX111201150100 Now, I'd like to ask about driving a car. more
Are you currently driving, at least once in a while? show less
Variable Mapping
PX111201150400 How much difficulty do you have driving more
during the daytime in familiar places? Would you say you have: show less
PX111201160200 How much difficulty do you have driving in more
difficult conditions, such as in bad weather, during rush hour, on the freeway, or in city traffic? Would you say you have: show less
PX111201160100 How much difficulty do you have driving at more
night? Would you say you have: show less
Variable Mapping
PX111201070000 Because of your eyesight, how much more
difficulty do you have finding something on a crowded shelf? show less
PX111201140000 Because of your eyesight, how much more
difficulty do you have going out to see movies, plays, or sports events? show less
PX111201100000 Because of your eyesight, how much more
difficulty do you have noticing objects off to the side while you are walking along? show less
PX111201120000 Because of your eyesight, how much more
difficulty do you have picking out and matching your own clothes? show less
PX111201050000 How much difficulty do you have reading more
ordinary print in newspapers? Would you say you have: show less
Variable Mapping
PX111201080000 How much difficulty do you have reading more
street signs or the names of stores? show less
PX111201110000 Because of your eyesight, how much more
difficulty do you have seeing how people react to things you say? show less
PX111201090000 Because of your eyesight, how much more
difficulty do you have going down steps, stairs, or curbs in dim light or at night? show less
PX111201130000 Because of your eyesight, how much more
difficulty do you have visiting with people in their homes, at parties, or in restaurants? show less
PX111201060000 How much difficulty do you have doing work more
or hobbies that require you to see well up close, such as cooking, sewing, fixing things around the house, or using hand tools? Would you say: show less
PX111201020000 At the present time, would you say your more
eyesight using both eyes (with glasses or contact lenses, if you wear them) is excellent, good, fair, poor, or very poor or are you completely blind? show less
Variable Mapping
PX111201210000 I feel frustrated a lot of the time because more
of my eyesight show less
PX111201010000 In general, would you say your overall health is: Variable Mapping
PX111201150300 Was that mainly because of your eyesight, more
mainly for some other reason, or because of both your eyesight and other reasons? show less
Variable Mapping
PX111201220000 I have much less control over what I do, more
because of my eyesight show less
PX111201180000 Are you limited in how long you can work or more
do other activities because of your vision? show less
PX111201240000 I need a lot of help from others because of more
my eyesight show less
PX111201150200 Have you never driven a car or have you more
given up driving? show less
PX111201290000 Because of your eyesight, how much more
difficulty do you have figuring out whether bills you receive are accurate? show less
PX111201340000 Because of your eyesight, how much more
difficulty do you have entertaining friends and family in your home? show less
PX111201280000 Wearing glasses, how much difficulty do you more
have reading the small print in a telephone book, on a medicine bottle, or on legal forms? Would you say: show less
Variable Mapping
PX111201310000 Because of your eyesight, how much more
difficulty do you have recognizing people you know from across a room? show less
Variable Mapping
PX111201300000 Because of your eyesight, how much more
difficulty do you have doing things like shaving, styling your hair, or putting on makeup? show less
PX111201320000 Because of your eyesight, how much more
difficulty do you have taking part in active sports or other outdoor activities that you enjoy (like golf, bowling, jogging, or walking)? show less
PX111201330000 Because of your eyesight, how much more
difficulty do you have seeing and enjoying programs on TV? show less
PX111201270000 How would you rate your eyesight now (with more
glasses or contact lens on, if you wear them), on a scale of from 1 to 10, where zero means the worst possible eyesight, as bad or worse than being blind, and 10 means the best possible eyesight? show less
Variable Mapping
PX111201350100 Do you have more help from others because of more
your vision? show less
PX111201350200 Are you limited in the kinds of things you more
can do because of your vision? show less
PX111201260000 How would you rate your overall health, on a more
scale where zero is as bad as death and 10 is best possible health? show less
PX111201190000 How much does pain or discomfort in or more
around your eyes, for example, burning, itching, or aching, keep you from doing what you'd like to be doing? Would you say: show less
PX111201040000 How much pain or discomfort have you had in more
and around your eyes (for example, burning, itching, or aching)? Would you say it is: show less
PX111201230000 Because of my eyesight, I have to rely too more
much on what other people tell me show less
PX111201200000 I stay home most of the time because of my more
eyesight show less
PX111201030000 How much of the time do you worry about your more
eyesight? show less
PX111201250000 I worry about doing things that will more
embarrass myself or others, because of my eyesight show less
Measure Name

Visual Function

Release Date

February 26, 2010


A base set of 25 questions, which can be expanded to 39 total questions, to determine vision-related function


Measures the dimensions of self-reported vision-targeted health status that are most important for individuals who have chronic eye disease. The survey measures the influence of visual disability and visual symptoms on generic health domains such as emotional well-being and social functioning, in addition to task-oriented domains related to daily visual functioning.


Ocular, Vision, Visual functioning, VFQ-25, quality of life

Measure Protocols
Protocol ID Protocol Name
111201 Visual Function