
Protocol - Grammatical Impairments - Grammaticality Judgment Task

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The Rice Grammaticality Judgment Task is an examiner-administered, 20-item grammar judgment task. The respondent listens to a series of prerecorded sentences (items) and indicates whether the sentence is grammatically correct.

Specific Instructions

For this assessment to be considered valid, the investigator should make sure that the respondent speaks English as a first language. For genetics studies, children should be assessed for hearing or nonverbal cognitive impairment as related factors. The Grammaticality Judgment Task must be administered by audio (the participant cannot read the items) to be considered valid.


This protocol has limited availability; permission required for use.


The protocol is available for free via an app on the Apple™ Store. Below are instructions on how to download Grammaggio from the Apple App store.

  1. Select the App store icon on your Apple device.
  2. On the bottom toolbar, select “Search” on the far right
  3. Type “Grammaggio” into the search bar at the top of the screen.
  4. The Grammaggio app preview will pop up; select “Get” at the top right to download the app.
  5. A window will pop up on the bottom of the screen; press the blue button “Install.” (You may have to enter your Apple password if you have your settings set up to ask for one in order to download apps.)
  6. When the installation is complete, you can open the app from within the App Store by selecting “Open” on the same screen as above or by clicking the Home button on the Apple device and selecting the Grammaggio icon on the screen to open the app.

The task is administered electronically via the Apple iPhone or iPod with the examiner present. The examiner records the participant’s age in years. The instructions are presented by speaker on the iPhone/iPod. The speaker will ask the user to listen to a sentence and respond whether the sentence is good or not so good. Practice items are provided, followed by 20 test items. The respondent presses a button to indicate “Good” or “Not so good” after each sentence. Examples of practice items are “What is this?’ and “Who am she?” Examples of test items are “What do you like to do?” and “Why you like doing that?” Task time is about 15 minutes. The examiner hands the app to a participant, demonstrating the button press by placing the right thumb over the right-hand-side response button and the left thumb over the other button. Holding the device with both hands works best for ensuring a button response. Most children need no further instructions. The examiner will take the device from the child at the end of the experimental tasks and access the outcome scores on the app for manual recording on research data devices.

Participant’s Age: 4–adult years

Scoring Instructions

A summative outcome score is provided by the iPhone/iPod along with a percentile score for the participant age, calculated based on data reported in Rice et al. (2009) and Rice and Wexler (2001).

Personnel and Training Required

The Rice Grammaticality Judgment Task can be administered by research assistants who are trained in ethical administration of assessments. Formal training in scoring and in interpretation of clinical assessments is not required. Adherence to the same protocol across examiners is required.

Equipment Needs

An iPhone/iPod with audio speakers will be needed to play the test and materials, which can be downloaded free from Cloud storage.

Requirement CategoryRequired
Major equipment No
Specialized training No
Specialized requirements for biospecimen collection No
Average time of greater than 15 minutes in an unaffected individual No
Mode of Administration

iPod-presented audio listening task with button-press responses


Child, Adolescent


Children and adolescents, ages 4–adult

Selection Rationale

The Rice Grammaticality Judgment Task was selected because it is a validated, free, widely used instrument that is easy to administer and score.


Chinese, English

Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes (LOINC) Grammat impairment proto 62987-3 LOINC
Human Phenotype Ontology Poor speech HP:0002465 HPO
Human Phenotype Ontology Delayed speech and language development HP:0000750 HPO
Human Phenotype Ontology Speech articulation difficulties HP:0009088 HPO
Human Phenotype Ontology Incomprehensible speech HP:0002546 HPO
Human Phenotype Ontology Slurred speech HP:0001350 HPO
Human Phenotype Ontology Dysarthria HP:0001260 HPO
Derived Variables


Process and Review

The Expert Review Panel #7 (ERP 7) reviewed the measures in the Speech and Hearing domain.

Guidance from the ERP includes the following:

  • A new mode of administration (iPhone/iPod)

Back-compatible: no changes to Data Dictionary

Previous version in Toolkit archive (link)

Protocol Name from Source

Rice Grammaticality Judgment Task


Rice, M. L., Hoffman, L., & Wexler, K. (2009). Judgments of omitted BE and DO in questions as extended finiteness clinical markers of specific language impairment (SLI) to 15 years: A study of growth and asymptote. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 52, 1417–1433.

General References

Dale, P. S., Rice, M. L., Rimfeld, K., & Hayiou-Thomas, E. (2018). Grammar clinical marker yields substantial heritability for language impairments in 16-year-old twins. Journal of Speech, Language, Hearing Research, 61, 66–78.

Rice, M. L., & Wexler, K. (2001). Rice/Wexler Test of Early Grammatical Impairment. San Antonio, TX: Psychological Corporation.

Protocol ID


Export Variables
Variable Name Variable IDVariable DescriptiondbGaP Mapping
PX200502000000 Protocol 200502 - proprietary. Check DCW for more
contact. show less
Speech, Language and Hearing
Measure Name

Grammatical Impairments

Release Date

October 8, 2010


This measure is a test that assesses the respondent's knowledge of grammar.


This measure can be used to identify respondents with Specific Language Impairment (SLI) or other categories of language impairment. Language impairment refers to problems acquiring and using language, including the inability to use correct verb forms. Language impairment can appear with or without related impairments of hearing and/or nonverbal cognition.


Specific language impairment, SLI, language impairments, Question Grammaticality Test, morphosyntactic impairment, syntactic impairment, syntax, language, finiteness marking, Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals, CELF, Rice-Wexler Test of Early Grammatical Impairment, TEGI, speech and hearing, Grammaggio

Measure Protocols
Protocol ID Protocol Name
200502 Grammatical Impairments - Grammaticality Judgment Task
200504 Grammatical Impairments - Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals
200505 Grammatical Impairments - Test of Early Grammatical Impairment