Protocol - Personal and Family History of Hearing Loss
The Age-Related Hearing Impairment (ARHI) instrument is a self-administered questionnaire that asks about an individual’s hearing impairment history, history of ear diseases and operations, family history, and history of exposure to loud noises.
Specific Instructions
Add hearing loss history from other family members.
Hearing impairment
Please only give one answer to each question. When the question calls for you to enter a year field, then please enter as yyyy.
1. Do you have any difficulty with your hearing?
[ ] No
[ ] Yes
If “YES,”
1.1. In which ear(s) do you have a hearing difficulty?
[ ] Left
[ ] Right
[ ] Both
1.2. At what age did you first notice a hearing difficulty?
[ ] I have had a hearing difficulty since I was born
[ ] My hearing difficulty developed during my childhood years (before the age of 15)
[ ] My hearing difficulty developed between the ages of 15 and 40
[ ] My hearing difficulty developed after the age of 40
1.3. How quickly did your hearing difficulty develop?
[ ] Suddenly (over a few days)
[ ] Over a few months
[ ] Over several years
1.4. Do you know the reason for your hearing difficulty? (If there is a separate cause for each of your ears, please note them accordingly).
[ ] I have no idea about the cause of my hearing problem
[ ] Yes
1.5. Does your hearing vary from day to day?
[ ] No
[ ] Yes, in both ears
[ ] Yes, in my left ear
[ ] Yes, in my right ear
2. Do you find it very difficult to follow a conversation if there is background noise (e.g., TV, radio, children playing)?
[ ] No
[ ] Yes
3. Are you particularly sensitive to loud sounds?
[ ] No
[ ] Yes
4. Do you sometimes feel a fullness or blockage in your ears?
[ ] No
[ ] Yes, in my left ear
[ ] Yes, in my right ear
[ ] Yes, in both ears
5. Nowadays, do you ever get noises in your head or ears (tinnitus) which usually last longer than five minutes?
[ ] No
[ ] Yes
Ear diseases and balance
6. Have you ever had an ear disease that has caused your hearing to get worse?
[ ] No
[ ] Yes
7. Have you ever had discharge of blood or pus, or smelly discharge (not wax) from either ear?
[ ] No
[ ] I don’t know
[ ] From my left ear
[ ] From my right ear
[ ] From both ears
8. Have you ever had an ear operation?
[ ] No
[ ] I don’t know
[ ] Yes
If “YES,” please also answer the following questions (a–c). Please fill in one row for each operation.
a. Write down what type of operation, or why the operation was performed | b. Which ear? | c. Which year? (approximately) | |
8.1. | [ ] left ear [ ] right ear | ||
8.2. | [ ] left ear [ ] right ear | ||
8.3. | [ ] left ear [ ] right ear | ||
8.4. | [ ] left ear [ ] right ear |
9. Have you ever suffered from attacks of dizziness in which things seem to spin around you?
[ ] No
[ ] Yes, within the last year
[ ] Yes, more than a year ago
10. Do you feel unsteady when walking in the dark?
[ ] No
[ ] Yes
Hereditary Factors
From a genetical point of view, it is important that we establish where your ancestors originated from.
11. Concerning your grandparents:
11.1. Where did your mother's father (your maternal grandfather) originate from?
Country:____________________ Region: ____________________
11.2. Where did your mother's mother (your maternal grandmother) originate from?
Country:____________________ Region: ____________________
11.3. Where did your father's father (your paternal grandfather) originate from?
Country:____________________ Region: ____________________
11.4. Where did your father's mother (your paternal grandmother) originate from?
Country:____________________ Region: ____________________
12. As far as you know, does/did your mother have hearing problems?
[ ] No
[ ] Yes
If “YES,”
12.1. What was her year of birth? _____________________
12.2. What was her occupation? ______________________________________
12.3. At what age did her hearing problems start? ___________________________
12.4. What is/was the cause of her hearing problem (if known)? _________________
13. If she is dead, how old was she when she died? ___________________________
14. As far as you know does/did your father have hearing problems?
[ ] No
[ ] Yes
If “YES,”
14.1. What was his year of birth? _____________________
14.2. What was his occupation? _________________________________________
14.3. At what age did his hearing problems start? ____________________
14.4. What is/was the cause of his hearing problems (if known)? _______________
15. If he is dead, how old was he when he died? ______________
16. Do you have any brothers or sisters with normal hearing?
[ ] No
[ ] Yes: (how many of your brothers/sisters have normal hearing?) _________
17. Do you have any brothers or sisters with hearing difficulties?
[ ] No
[ ] Yes: (how many of your brothers/sisters have hearing difficulties?) _________
If “YES,” please answer the following questions (a–d). Please fill in one row for each brother/sister with hearing difficulties.**
a. Sex | b. Year of birth | c. Age at onset of hearing difficulties | d. Cause of hearing difficulties (if known) | |
17.1. | [ ] M | |||
17.2. | [ ] M | |||
17.3. | [ ] M | |||
17.4. | [ ] M |
** If needed, you can add extra copies of this page.
18. Do you have any children with normal hearing?
[ ] No
[ ] Yes: (how many of your children have normal hearing?) ____________
19. Do you have any children with hearing difficulties?
[ ] No
[ ] Yes: (how many of your children have hearing difficulties?) _________
If “YES,” please also answer the following questions (a–d). Please fill in one row for each child with hearing difficulties.**
a. Sex | b. Year of birth | c. Age at onset of hearing difficulties | d. Cause of hearing difficulties (if known) | |
19.1. | [ ] M | |||
19.2. | [ ] M | |||
19.3. | [ ] M | |||
19.4. | [ ] M |
** If needed, you can add extra copies of this page.
20. Do you have uncles, aunts, cousins, nephews, or nieces with hearing difficulties?
[ ] No
[ ] Yes
21. Do you know if any of your relatives have already participated in this investigation?
[ ] As far as I know, none of my relatives has already participated in this investigation.
[ ] One of my relatives has already participated in this investigation (please write down the name of your relative and the relation between you) _____________________
General Health
22. Do you suffer from migraine?
[ ] No
[ ] Yes
If “YES,”
22.1. How often do you generally have attacks?
[ ] Often (more than one attack a month)
[ ] Regularly (an attack once a month on average)
[ ] Sporadically (between 4 and 10 times a year)
[ ] Rarely (less than one attack every 3 months)
23. Have you ever suffered a hearing loss from meningitis or encephalitis?
[ ] No
[ ] I don’t know
[ ] Yes: in _________________ (write down in which year(s) approximately)
24. Have you ever had a whiplash injury?
[ ] No
[ ] I don’t know
[ ] Yes: in _________________ (write down in which year(s) approximately)
25. Have you ever been knocked unconscious (e.g., in a traffic accident, contact sport, a fight or after a fall)?
[ ] No
[ ] I don’t know
[ ] Yes: in _________________ (write down in which year(s) approximately)
26. Have you ever had a heart attack?
[ ] No
[ ] Yes: in _________________ (write down in which year(s) approximately)
27. Have you ever had heart surgery?
[ ] No
[ ] Yes
If “YES,”
27.1. What operation(s)? (Please describe) ___________________________________________
27.2. In which year(s) approximately? ________________________
28. Have you ever had coronary artery catheterization?
[ ] No
[ ] Yes
If “YES,”
28.1. What type of intervention(s) (e.g., stent, balloon dilatation)? __________________________
28.2. In which year(s) approximately? __________________________
29. Have you ever had a stroke?
[ ] No
[ ] I don’t know
[ ] Yes: in _________________ (write down in which year(s) approximately)
30. Have you ever had an operation on your carotid artery?
[ ] No
[ ] I don’t know
[ ] Yes: in _________________ (write down in which year(s) approximately)
31. Do you suffer from intermittent claudication? (This is if you can't walk more than 200 metres, because you get cramps in your legs, and when you stand still for a moment the pain gets better)
[ ] No
[ ] I don’t know
[ ] Yes
32. Do you have other problems with your heart or circulation?
[ ] No
[ ] Yes: ___________________________________________ (please write down which problems)
33. Do you suffer from diabetes?
[ ] No
[ ] I don’t know
[ ] Yes
If “YES,”
33.1. Do you need insulin?
[ ] No
[ ] Yes
34. Please indicate if you suffer from one or more of the following diseases:
If you suffer from one or more of these diseases, please describe your disease on the last row (34.14).
34.1. Osteoporosis
[ ] No
[ ] Yes
34.2. Osteoarthritis
[ ] No
[ ] Yes
34.3. Multiple sclerosis (MS)
[ ] No
[ ] Yes
34.4. Epilepsy
[ ] No
[ ] Yes
34.5. Lung problems
[ ] No
[ ] Yes
34.6. Allergy
[ ] No
[ ] Yes
34.7. Diseases of the stomach or intestines
[ ] No
[ ] Yes
34.8. Kidney diseases
[ ] No
[ ] Yes
34.9. Liver diseases
[ ] No
[ ] Yes
34.10. Skin diseases
[ ] No
[ ] Yes
34.11. Psychiatric problems
[ ] No
[ ] Yes
34.12. Blood diseases
[ ] No
[ ] Yes
34.13. Diseases of the thyroid gland
[ ] No
[ ] Yes
34.14. Please describe your disease(s):
35. Please indicate if you suffer from one or more of the following autoimmune diseases:
35.1. Rheumatoid arthritis (rheumatism)
[ ] No
[ ] Yes
35.2. Inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn’s disease/colitis ulcerosa)
[ ] No
[ ] Yes
35.3. Lupus erythematosus
[ ] No
[ ] Yes
35.4. Psoriasis
[ ] No
[ ] Yes
35.5. Wegener's granulomatosis
[ ] No
[ ] Yes
35.6. Vasculitis
[ ] No
[ ] Yes
35.7. Nephritis
[ ] No
[ ] Yes
35.8. Hashimoto thyroiditis
[ ] No
[ ] Yes
35.9. Cogan's syndrome
[ ] No
[ ] Yes
35.10. Behcet’s syndrome
[ ] No
[ ] Yes
35.11. Other autoimmune diseases:
36. Have you ever had other operations (not covered by the previous questions)?
[ ] No
[ ] Yes: (Please list any operations you have had and the year they were performed)
___________________________ in:___________
___________________________ in:___________
___________________________ in:___________
___________________________ in:___________
___________________________ in:___________
37. Do you have other serious health problems that are not covered by the previous questions?
[ ] No
[ ] Yes
If “YES,”
37.1. Please describe these problems:
38. Have you ever been treated for a serious infection with an antibiotic (other than penicillin) which was administered by injection/drip for a week or more?
[ ] No
[ ] Yes
38.1. If “YES,” for what sort of infections did you receive these antibiotics?
38.2. In which year(s) approximately?______________________
39. Have you had cancer or leukemia?
[ ] No
[ ] Yes
If “YES,”
39.1. Which kind of cancer or leukemia?
39.2. Have you been treated with chemotherapy or other medication for this condition?
[ ] No
[ ] Yes
39.3 If “YES,” with_____________________________________________________ (please fill in which medication if you know it)
39.3 in __________________________ (in which year(s) approximately)
40. Have you ever received radiotherapy to your head or neck for a tumour?
[ ] No
[ ] Yes
If “YES,”
40.1. What kind of tumour(s)? ________________________________________
40.2. In which year(s) approximately? __________________________
41. On average how often do you take painkillers?
[ ] never
[ ] less than 1 tablet a month
[ ] less than 1 tablet a week (but more than one each month)
[ ] 2–5 tablets a week
[ ] 2–5 tablets a day
[ ] more than 5 tablets a day
42. Do you take aspirin on a daily basis for your heart or to dilute your blood?
[ ] No
[ ] Yes
42.1. If “YES,” how long have you been taking aspirin so far?
3[ ]months–1 year
[ ] 1–5 years
[ ] more than 5 years
43. Please list all of the medication you have taken on a regular basis (for more than 3 months) in the last year or that you are taking now on a regular basis.
Please write down the medical reason why you had or have to take this medication. If necessary, you can add an additional copy of this page.
43.1. Name drug: ________________________
43.2. Medical reason: ________________________
43.3. Duration of treatment
3[ ]months–1 year
[ ] 1–5 years
[ ] more than 5 years
43.4. Name drug: ________________________
43.5. Medical reason: ________________________
43.6. Duration of treatment
3[ ]months–1 year
[ ] 1–5 years
[ ] more than 5 years
43.7. Name drug: ________________________
43.8. Medical reason: ________________________
43.9. Duration of treatment
3[ ]months–1 year
[ ] 1–5 years
[ ] more than 5 years
43.10. Name drug: ________________________
43.11. Medical reason: ________________________
43.12. Duration of treatment
3[ ]months–1 year
[ ] 1–5 years
[ ] more than 5 years
43.13. Name drug: ________________________
43.14. Medical reason: ________________________
43.15. Duration of treatment
3[ ]months–1 year
[ ] 1–5 years
[ ] more than 5 years
43.16. Name drug: ________________________
43.17. Medical reason: ________________________
43.18. Duration of treatment
3[ ]months–1 year
[ ] 1–5 years
[ ] more than 5 years
43.19. Name drug: ________________________
43.20. Medical reason: ________________________
43.21. Duration of treatment
3[ ]months–1 year
[ ] 1–5 years
[ ] more than 5 years
43.22. Name drug: ________________________
43.23. Medical reason: ________________________
43.24. Duration of treatment
3[ ]months–1 year
[ ] 1–5 years
[ ] more than 5 years
43.25. Name drug: ________________________
43.26. Medical reason: ________________________
43.27. Duration of treatment
3[ ]months–1 year
[ ] 1–5 years
[ ] more than 5 years
43.28. Name drug: ________________________
43.29. Medical reason: ________________________
43.30. Duration of treatment
3[ ]months–1 year
[ ] 1–5 years
[ ] more than 5 years
Noise Exposure
44. Have you ever fired a gun?
[ ] No
[ ] Yes
If “YES,” please answer the following questions.
Type of weapon | 44.1. Estimate the total number of shots fired | 44.2. Did you use ear protection? | 44.3. If any, which type of ear protection did you use? |
Light weapons (rifles/shotguns) | [ ] less than 10 shots | [ ] always | [ ] plugs |
Heavy weapons (artillery/bazookas) | [ ] less than 10 shots | [ ] always | [ ] plugs |
45. During your leisure time, are you/have you been regularly (more than once a week) exposed to loud sound or noise (so that you have to shout to make yourself heard by someone who was more than 1 m away from you)?
[ ] No
[ ] Yes
If you answered “YES,” please also answer the following questions (44.1–44.5).
45.1. What kind of loud sound? ___________________________________________
45.2. For how many years have you been exposed to this loud sound? ______________
45.3. How many hours per week have you been exposed to this loud sound?
[ ] 1–3 hours each week
[ ] 3–10 hours each week
[ ] 1–3 hours each day
[ ] More than 3 hours each day
45.4. Did you use ear protection?
[ ] Always
[ ] Most of the time
[ ] More than 50% of the time
[ ] Less than 50% of the time
[ ] Never
45.5. If any, which type of ear protection did you use?
[ ] Plugs
[ ] Earmuff
[ ] “Active” protection
[ ] Several
Occupational Information
46. What is/was your job?
47. Have you been exposed to solvents (e.g., thrichloroethylene, toluene, evaporations from paints or lacquers) for more than one year in one of your jobs?
[ ] No
[ ] Yes
If “YES,”
47.1. Which solvents? ____________________________________________________________
47.2. In which year did the solvent exposure start? _______________
47.3. For how many years were you exposed to solvents? ______________
47.4. For how many hours per day were you exposed to solvents?
[ ] Less than 1 hour each day
[ ] 1–5 hours each day
[ ] More than 5 hours each day
48. Do you suffer from white finger syndrome/Raynaud's syndrome caused by excessive vibration (e.g., pneumatic hammers or drills)?
[ ] No
[ ] I don’t know
[ ] Yes
49. Have you ever worked for more than 1 year in a place where you had to raise your voice to make yourself heard by someone standing 1 m away from you?
[ ] No
[ ] Yes
If you answered “YES,” please also answer the following questions (48.1–48.10). If you have worked for different companies, or for the same company but in different workplaces (with a different noise level), please fill in the following questions for each “job.”
1st job (add additional copies for other jobs if necessary)
49.1. Please describe the job and give the name of the company ___________________________
49.2. Please describe the most important noise source(s) _________________________________
49.3. In which year did you start to do this job? ____________________________
49.4. How many years have you been doing this job? _____________________
49.5. What was the noise level (if you are aware of it) in dB? _________________
49.6. What was the noise dose (equivalent noise level if you are aware of it) in dBs? ___________
49.7. How many hours per day were you exposed to noise?
[ ] Less than 1 hour each day
[ ] 1–5 hours each day
[ ] More than 5 hours each day
49.8. Was this a constant loud noise or an impulse noise (i.e., noise with (ir)regular high peaks of sound, like hammering)?
[ ] Constant noise
[ ] Impulse noise
[ ] Both
49.9. Did you use noise protection?
[ ] Always
[ ] Most of the time
[ ] More than 50% of the time
[ ] Less than 50% of the time
[ ] Never
49.10. If any, which type of noise protection did you use?
[ ] Plugs
[ ] Earmuff
[ ] “Active” protection
[ ] Several
Background Information
50. What is your height? ___________cm (feet and inches)
51. What is your weight? ___________kg (stones and pounds)
52. Are you left or right handed?
[ ] left handed
[ ] right handed
53. Are you susceptible to sunburn?
[ ] very much
[ ] much
[ ] not very much
[ ] not at all
54. What is the color of your eyes?
[ ] very light blue or very light grey
[ ] blue
[ ] grey
[ ] green
[ ] light brown
[ ] dark brown
55. Have you ever smoked regularly?
[ ] No
[ ] Yes
If you answered “Yes,” please also answer the following questions (54.1–54.5).
55.1. At which age did you start smoking? __________
55.2. For how many years did you (have you) smoke(d) up to now? __________
55.3. Approximately how many cigarettes do (did) you smoke on average?
[ ] Less than 5 each day
[ ] 5–10 each day
[ ] 10–20 each day
[ ] More than 20 each day
55.4. Approximately how many cigars or cigarillos do (did) you smoke on average each day? __________
55.5. Approximately how much pipe tobacco (grams) do (did) you smoke each day? __________
56. Do you drink alcohol regularly (every week)?
[ ] No
[ ] Yes
If “YES,”
57.1. How many drinks do you have on average? (A small bottle of beer – 25cl, red or white wine – 12cl, or a small glass of spirits – 4cl counts as 1 drink).
[ ] Less than 1 drink each week
[ ] 1–5 drinks each week
[ ] 1–3 drinks each day
[ ] More than 3 drinks each day
Scoring Instructions
Please see Fransen et al. (2008) for a complete description of the statistical analysis used for these questions. Also, supplementary table 4 contains information on how the different variables were coded in this statistical analysis.
Personnel and Training Required
Equipment Needs
Requirement Category | Required |
Major equipment | No |
Specialized training | No |
Specialized requirements for biospecimen collection | No |
Average time of greater than 15 minutes in an unaffected individual | No |
Mode of Administration
Self-administered questionnaire
The Age-Related Hearing Impairment (ARHI) Questionnaire has been successfully used with an age range of 55–65 years old for unrelated samples, and 55–75 years old for family samples. The Speech and Hearing Working Group recommends that it could also be used for individuals over 75 years old and as young as 18 years old.
Selection Rationale
The Age-Related Hearing Impairment (ARHI) Questionnaire was chosen because it has been used in a large-scale multicenter study and provides excellent possibilities for data comparisons. Additionally, it contains questions on multiple topics such as family history and exposures to noise and toxic substances in a single questionnaire.
Chinese, English, Other languages available at source
Standard | Name | ID | Source |
Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes (LOINC) | Pers fam hx hearing loss proto | 63008-7 | LOINC |
Human Phenotype Ontology | Hearing impairment | HP:0000365 | HPO |
caDSR Form | PhenX PX201501 - Personal And Family History Of Hearing Loss | 6196412 | caDSR Form |
Derived Variables
Process and Review
The Expert Review Panel #7 (ERP 7) reviewed the measures in the Speech and Hearing domain.
Guidance from the ERP 7 includes the following:
- Minor changes to the specific instructions
Back-compatible: no changes to Data Dictionary
Previous version in Toolkit archive (link)
Protocol Name from Source
Age-Related Hearing Impairment (ARHI) Questionnaire
Fransen, E., Topsakal, V., Hendrickx, J., Van Laer, L., Huyghe, J. R., Van Eyken, E., Lemkens, N., Hannula, S., Maki-Tokko, E., Jensen, M., Demeester, K., Tropitzch, A., Bonaconsa, A., Mazzoli, M., Espeso, A., Verbruggen, K., Huyghe, J., Huygen, P.L., Kunst, S., Manninen, M., Diaz-Lacava, A., Steffens, M., Wienker, T. F., Pyykko, I., Cremers, C. W. R. J., Kremer, H., Dhooge, I., Stephens, D., Orzan, E., Pfister, M., Bille, M., Parving, A., Sorri, M., Van De Heyining, P., & Van Camp, G. (2008). Occupational noise, smoking, and a high body mass index are risk factors for age-related hearing impairment and moderate alcohol consumption is protective: A European population-based multicenter study. Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, 9, 264–276.
General References
Lin F. R., Niparko J. K., Ferrucci L. (2011). Hearing loss prevalence in the United States. Arch. Intern. Med. 171, 1851-1852.Protocol ID
Export VariablesVariable Name | Variable ID | Variable Description | dbGaP Mapping | |
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Alcohol | ||||
PX201501560000 | Do you drink alcohol regularly (every week)? | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Allergy | ||||
PX201501340600 | Allergy | Variable Mapping | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Aspirin | ||||
PX201501420000 | Do you take aspirin on a daily basis for more | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Average_Number_Drinks | ||||
PX201501570100 | How many drinks do you have on average? (A more | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Background_Noise | ||||
PX201501020000 | Do you find it very difficult to follow a more | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Bechets | ||||
PX201501351000 | Behcet's syndrome | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Blood_Diseases | ||||
PX201501341200 | Blood diseases | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Cancer_Chemotherapy_Medication_Type | ||||
PX201501390201 | Have you been treated with chemotherapy or more | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Cancer_Chemotherapy_Medication_Year | ||||
PX201501390202 | Have you been treated with chemotherapy or more | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Cancer_Leukemia | ||||
PX201501390000 | Have you had cancer or leukaemia? | Variable Mapping | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Cancer_Leukemia_Desccribe | ||||
PX201501390100 | Which kind of cancer or leukaemia? | Variable Mapping | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Carotid | ||||
PX201501300000 | Have you ever had an operation on your more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Carotid_Year | ||||
PX201501300100 | Have you ever had an operation on your more | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Catheterization | ||||
PX201501280000 | Have you ever had coronary artery catheterization? | Variable Mapping | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Catheterization_Type | ||||
PX201501280100 | What type of intervention(s) (e.g., stent, more | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Catheterization_Year | ||||
PX201501280200 | In which year(s) approximately? | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Chemotherapy | ||||
PX201501390200 | Have you been treated with chemotherapy or more | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Children_With_Hearing_Difficulty | ||||
PX201501190000 | Do you have any children with hearing more | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Children_With_Hearing_Difficulty_Number | ||||
PX201501190100 | Do you have any children with hearing more | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Children_With_Normal_Hearing | ||||
PX201501180000 | Do you have any children with normal hearing? | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Children_With_Normal_Hearing_Number | ||||
PX201501180100 | Do you have any children with normal more | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Child_Hearing_Problem_Age_Started_1 | ||||
PX201501190103 | Age at onset of hearing difficulties | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Child_Hearing_Problem_Age_Started_2 | ||||
PX201501190203 | Age at onset of hearing difficulties | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Child_Hearing_Problem_Age_Started_3 | ||||
PX201501190303 | Age at onset of hearing difficulties | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Child_Hearing_Problem_Age_Started_4 | ||||
PX201501190403 | Age at onset of hearing difficulties | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Child_Hearing_Problem_Birth_Year_1 | ||||
PX201501190102 | Year of birth | Variable Mapping | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Child_Hearing_Problem_Birth_Year_2 | ||||
PX201501190202 | Year of birth | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Child_Hearing_Problem_Birth_Year_3 | ||||
PX201501190302 | Year of birth | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Child_Hearing_Problem_Birth_Year_4 | ||||
PX201501190402 | Year of birth | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Child_Hearing_Problem_Cause_1 | ||||
PX201501190104 | Cause of hearing difficulties (if known) | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Child_Hearing_Problem_Cause_2 | ||||
PX201501190204 | Cause of hearing difficulties (if known) | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Child_Hearing_Problem_Cause_3 | ||||
PX201501190304 | Cause of hearing difficulties (if known) | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Child_Hearing_Problem_Cause_4 | ||||
PX201501190404 | Cause of hearing difficulties (if known) | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Child_Hearing_Problem_Sex_1 | ||||
PX201501190101 | Sex | Variable Mapping | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Child_Hearing_Problem_Sex_2 | ||||
PX201501190201 | Sex | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Child_Hearing_Problem_Sex_3 | ||||
PX201501190301 | Sex | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Child_Hearing_Problem_Sex_4 | ||||
PX201501190401 | Sex | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Circulation | ||||
PX201501320000 | Do you have other problems with your heart more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Circulation_Type | ||||
PX201501320100 | Do you have other problems with your heart more | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Claudication | ||||
PX201501310000 | Do you suffer from intermittent more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Cogans | ||||
PX201501350900 | Cogan's syndrome | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Describe_Disease | ||||
PX201501341400 | Please describe your disease(s): | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Diabetes | ||||
PX201501330000 | Do you suffer from diabetes? | Variable Mapping | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Diabetes_Insulin | ||||
PX201501330100 | Do you need insulin? | Variable Mapping | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Difficulty_Hearing | ||||
PX201501010000 | Do you have any difficulty with your hearing? | Variable Mapping | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Discharge | ||||
PX201501070000 | Have you ever had discharge of blood or pus, more | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Dizziness | ||||
PX201501090000 | Have you ever suffered from attacks of more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Ear_Disease | ||||
PX201501060000 | Have you ever had an ear disease that has more | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Ear_Operation_Type_1 | ||||
PX201501080101 | Write down what type of operation, or why more | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Ear_Operation_Type_2 | ||||
PX201501080201 | Write down what type of operation, or why more | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Ear_Operation_Type_3 | ||||
PX201501080301 | Write down what type of operation, or why more | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Ear_Operation_Type_4 | ||||
PX201501080401 | Write down what type of operation, or why more | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Ear_Operation_Which_Ear_1 | ||||
PX201501080102 | Which ear? | Variable Mapping | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Ear_Operation_Which_Ear_2 | ||||
PX201501080202 | Which ear? | Variable Mapping | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Ear_Operation_Which_Ear_3 | ||||
PX201501080302 | Which ear? | Variable Mapping | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Ear_Operation_Which_Ear_4 | ||||
PX201501080402 | Which ear? | Variable Mapping | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Ear_Operation_Year_1 | ||||
PX201501080103 | Which year? (approximately) | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Ear_Operation_Year_2 | ||||
PX201501080203 | Which year? (approximately) | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Ear_Operation_Year_3 | ||||
PX201501080303 | Which year? (approximately) | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Ear_Operation_Year_4 | ||||
PX201501080403 | Which year? (approximately) | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Epilepsy | ||||
PX201501340400 | Epilepsy | Variable Mapping | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Eye_Color | ||||
PX201501540000 | What is the color of your eyes? | Variable Mapping | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Father_Hearing_Problem | ||||
PX201501140000 | As far as you know does/did your father have more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Father_Hearing_Problem_Age_Of_Death | ||||
PX201501150000 | If he is dead, how old was he when he died? | Variable Mapping | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Father_Hearing_Problem_Age_Started | ||||
PX201501140300 | At what age did his hearing problems start? | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Father_Hearing_Problem_Birth_Year | ||||
PX201501140100 | What was his year of birth? | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Father_Hearing_Problem_Cause | ||||
PX201501140400 | What is/was the cause of his hearing more | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Father_Hearing_Probles_Occupation | ||||
PX201501140200 | What was his occupation? | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Fired_Gun | ||||
PX201501440000 | Have you ever fired a gun? | Variable Mapping | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_First_Noticed | ||||
PX201501010200 | At what age did you first notice a hearing more | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Fullness | ||||
PX201501040000 | Do you sometimes feel a fullness or blockage more | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Handedness | ||||
PX201501520000 | Are you left or right handed? | Variable Mapping | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Hashimoto | ||||
PX201501350800 | Hashimoto thyroiditis | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Heart_Attack | ||||
PX201501260000 | Have you ever had a heart attack? | Variable Mapping | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Heart_Attack_Year | ||||
PX201501260100 | Have you ever had a heart attack? (write more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Heart_Surgery | ||||
PX201501270000 | Have you ever had heart surgery? | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Heart_Surgery_Type | ||||
PX201501270100 | What operation(s)? (Please describe) | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Heart_Surgery_Year | ||||
PX201501270200 | In which year(s) approximately? | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Heavy_Weapons_Ear_Protection | ||||
PX201501440500 | Heavy weapons (artillery/bazookas). Did you more | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Heavy_Weapons_Ear_Protection_Type | ||||
PX201501440600 | Heavy weapons (artillery/bazookas). If any, more | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Heavy_Weapons_Number_Shots | ||||
PX201501440400 | Heavy weapons (artillery/bazookas). Estimate more | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Height | ||||
PX201501500000 | What is your height? | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Height_Units | ||||
PX201501500100 | What is your height? Units | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_How_Long | ||||
PX201501420100 | Do you take aspirin on a daily basis for more | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_How_Quickly | ||||
PX201501010300 | How quickly did your hearing difficulty develop? | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_IBD | ||||
PX201501350200 | Inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn's disease more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Infection | ||||
PX201501380000 | Have you ever been treated for a serious more | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Infection_Desccribe | ||||
PX201501380100 | If 'YES', for what sort of infections did more | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Infection_Year | ||||
PX201501380200 | In which year(s) approximately? | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Job_Exposure_Hours_1 | ||||
PX201501490700 | How many hours per day were you exposed to noise? | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Job_Name_1 | ||||
PX201501490100 | Please describe the job | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Job_Noise_Constant_1 | ||||
PX201501490800 | Was this a constant loud noise or an impulse more | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Job_Noise_Dose_1 | ||||
PX201501490600 | What was the noise dose (equivalent noise more | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Job_Noise_Level_1 | ||||
PX201501490500 | What was the noise level (if you are aware more | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Job_Noise_Protection_1 | ||||
PX201501490900 | Did you use noise protection? | Variable Mapping | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Job_Noise_Protection_Type_1 | ||||
PX201501491000 | If any, which type of noise protection did more | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Job_Noise_Source_1 | ||||
PX201501490200 | Please describe the most important noise source(s) | Variable Mapping | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Job_Years_On_Job_1 | ||||
PX201501490400 | How many years have you been doing this job? | Variable Mapping | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Job_Year_Started_1 | ||||
PX201501490300 | In which year did you start to do this job? | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Kidney_Diseases | ||||
PX201501340800 | Kidney diseases | Variable Mapping | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Light_Weapons_Ear_Protection | ||||
PX201501440200 | Light weapons (rifles/shotguns). Did you use more | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Light_Weapons_Ear_Protection_Type | ||||
PX201501440300 | Light weapons (rifles/shotguns). If any, more | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Light_Weapons_Number_Shots | ||||
PX201501440100 | Light weapons (rifles/shotguns). Estimate more | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Liver_Diseases | ||||
PX201501340900 | Liver diseases | Variable Mapping | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Loud_Sounds | ||||
PX201501030000 | Are you particularly sensitive to loud sounds? | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Loud_Sound_Exposure | ||||
PX201501450000 | During your leisure time, are you/have you more | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Loud_Sound_Hours | ||||
PX201501450300 | How many hours per week have you been more | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Loud_Sound_Protection | ||||
PX201501450400 | Did you use ear protection? | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Loud_Sound_Protection_Type | ||||
PX201501450500 | If any, which type of ear protection did you use? | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Loud_Sound_Type | ||||
PX201501450100 | What kind of loud sound? | Variable Mapping | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Loud_Sound_Years | ||||
PX201501450200 | For how many years have you been exposed to more | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Loud_Working_Environment_Company | ||||
PX201501490101 | Please give the name of the company | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Lung_Problems | ||||
PX201501340500 | Lung problems | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Lupus | ||||
PX201501350300 | Lupus erythematosus | Variable Mapping | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Maternal_Grandfather_Country | ||||
PX201501110101 | Where did your mother's father (your more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Maternal_Grandfather_Region | ||||
PX201501110102 | Where did your mother's father (your more | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Maternal_Grandmother_Country | ||||
PX201501110201 | Where did your mother's mother (your more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Maternal_Grandmother_Region | ||||
PX201501110202 | Where did your mother's mother (your more | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Meningitis | ||||
PX201501230000 | Have you ever suffered a hearing loss from more | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Meningitis_Year | ||||
PX201501230100 | Have you ever suffered a hearing loss from more | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Migraine | ||||
PX201501220000 | Do you suffer from migraine? | Variable Mapping | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Migraine_How_Often | ||||
PX201501220100 | How often do you generally have attacks? | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Mother_Hearing_Problem | ||||
PX201501120000 | As far as you know, does/did your mother more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Mother_Hearing_Problem_Age_Of_Death | ||||
PX201501130000 | If she is dead, how old was she when she died? | Variable Mapping | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Mother_Hearing_Problem_Age_Started | ||||
PX201501120300 | At what age did her hearing problems start? | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Mother_Hearing_Problem_Birth_Year | ||||
PX201501120100 | What was her year of birth? | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Mother_Hearing_Problem_Cause | ||||
PX201501120400 | What is/was the cause of her hearing problem more | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Mother_Hearing_Problem_Occupation | ||||
PX201501120200 | What was her occupation? | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_MS | ||||
PX201501340300 | Multiple sclerosis (MS) | Variable Mapping | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Nephritis | ||||
PX201501350700 | Nephritis | Variable Mapping | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Number_Siblings_With_Hearing_Difficulties | ||||
PX201501170100 | Do you have any brothers or sisters with more | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Number_Siblings_With_Normal_Hearing | ||||
PX201501160100 | Do you have any brothers or sisters with more | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Occupation | ||||
PX201501460000 | What is/was your job? | Variable Mapping | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Operation | ||||
PX201501080000 | Have you ever had an ear operation? | Variable Mapping | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Osteoarthritis | ||||
PX201501340200 | Osteoarthritis | Variable Mapping | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Osteoporosis | ||||
PX201501340100 | Osteoporosis | Variable Mapping | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Other_Autoimmune | ||||
PX201501351100 | Other autoimmune diseases | Variable Mapping | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Other_Health_Problems | ||||
PX201501370000 | Do you have other serious health problems more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Other_Health_Problems_Desccribe | ||||
PX201501370100 | Please describe these problems: | Variable Mapping | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Other_Operations | ||||
PX201501360000 | Have you ever had other operations (not more | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Other_Operation_1 | ||||
PX201501360101 | Other operation 1 type | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Other_Operation_2 | ||||
PX201501360201 | Other operation 2 | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Other_Operation_3 | ||||
PX201501360301 | Other operation 3 | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Other_Operation_4 | ||||
PX201501360401 | Other operation 4 | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Other_Operation_Year_1 | ||||
PX201501360102 | Other operation 1 year | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Other_Operation_Year_2 | ||||
PX201501360202 | Other operation 2 year | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Other_Operation_Year_3 | ||||
PX201501360302 | Other operation 3 year | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Other_Operation_Year_4 | ||||
PX201501360402 | Other operation 4 year | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Other_Relatives_Participated | ||||
PX201501210000 | Do you know if any of your relatives have more | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Other_Relative_Name | ||||
PX201501210100 | Do you know if any of your relatives have more | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Other_Relative_Relation | ||||
PX201501210200 | Do you know if any of your relatives have more | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Painkillers | ||||
PX201501410000 | On average how often do you take painkillers? | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Paternal_Grandfather_Country | ||||
PX201501110301 | Where did your father's father (your more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Paternal_Grandfather_Region | ||||
PX201501110302 | Where did your father's father (your more | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Paternal_Grandmother_Country | ||||
PX201501110401 | Where did your father's mother (your more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Paternal_Grandmother_Region | ||||
PX201501110402 | Where did your father's mother (your more | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Psoriasis | ||||
PX201501350400 | Psoriasis | Variable Mapping | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Psychiatric_Problems | ||||
PX201501341100 | Psychiatric problems | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Radiotherapy | ||||
PX201501400000 | Have you ever received radiotherapy to your more | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Radiotherapy_Desccribe | ||||
PX201501400100 | Have you ever received radiotherapy to your more | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Radiotherapy_Year | ||||
PX201501400200 | Have you ever received radiotherapy to your more | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Raise_Voice | ||||
PX201501490000 | Have you ever worked for more than 1 year in more | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Reason_For_Difficulty | ||||
PX201501010400 | Do you know the reason for your hearing more | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Reason_For_Difficulty_Describe | ||||
PX201501010401 | Do you know the reason for your hearing more | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Regular_Medication10_Duration | ||||
PX201501433000 | Duration of treatment | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Regular_Medication10_Name | ||||
PX201501432800 | Name drug: | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Regular_Medication10_Reason | ||||
PX201501432900 | Medical reason: | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Regular_Medication1_Duration | ||||
PX201501430300 | Duration of treatment | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Regular_Medication1_Name | ||||
PX201501430100 | Name drug | Variable Mapping | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Regular_Medication1_Reason | ||||
PX201501430200 | Medical reason: | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Regular_Medication2_Duration | ||||
PX201501430600 | Duration of treatment | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Regular_Medication2_Name | ||||
PX201501430400 | Name drug: | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Regular_Medication2_Reason | ||||
PX201501430500 | Medical reason: | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Regular_Medication3_Duration | ||||
PX201501430900 | Duration of treatment | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Regular_Medication3_Name | ||||
PX201501430700 | Name drug: | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Regular_Medication3_Reason | ||||
PX201501430800 | Medical reason: | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Regular_Medication4_Duration | ||||
PX201501431200 | Duration of treatment | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Regular_Medication4_Name | ||||
PX201501431000 | Name drug: | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Regular_Medication4_Reason | ||||
PX201501431100 | Medical reason: | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Regular_Medication5_Duration | ||||
PX201501431500 | Duration of treatment | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Regular_Medication5_Name | ||||
PX201501431300 | Name drug: | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Regular_Medication5_Reason | ||||
PX201501431400 | Medical reason: | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Regular_Medication6_Duration | ||||
PX201501431800 | Please list all of the medication you have more | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Regular_Medication6_Name | ||||
PX201501431600 | Name drug: | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Regular_Medication6_Reason | ||||
PX201501431700 | Please list all of the medication you have more | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Regular_Medication7_Duration | ||||
PX201501432100 | Duration of treatment | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Regular_Medication7_Name | ||||
PX201501431900 | Name drug: | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Regular_Medication7_Reason | ||||
PX201501432000 | Medical reason: | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Regular_Medication8_Duration | ||||
PX201501432400 | Duration of treatment | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Regular_Medication8_Name | ||||
PX201501432200 | Name drug: | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Regular_Medication8_Reason | ||||
PX201501432300 | Medical reason: | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Regular_Medication9_Duration | ||||
PX201501432700 | Duration of treatment | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Regular_Medication9_Name | ||||
PX201501432500 | Name drug: | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Regular_Medication9_Reason | ||||
PX201501432600 | Medical reason: | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Reynauds | ||||
PX201501480000 | Do you suffer from white finger more | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Rheumatism | ||||
PX201501350100 | Rheumatoid arthritis (rheumatism) | Variable Mapping | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Siblings_With_Hearing_Difficulties | ||||
PX201501170000 | Do you have any brothers or sisters with more | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Siblings_With_Normal_Hearing | ||||
PX201501160000 | Do you have any brothers or sisters with more | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Sibling_Age_Started_1 | ||||
PX201501170103 | Age at onset of hearing difficulties | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Sibling_Age_Started_2 | ||||
PX201501170203 | Age at onset of hearing difficulties | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Sibling_Age_Started_3 | ||||
PX201501170303 | Age at onset of hearing difficulties | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Sibling_Age_Started_4 | ||||
PX201501170403 | Age at onset of hearing difficulties | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Sibling_Birth_Year_1 | ||||
PX201501170102 | Year of birth | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Sibling_Birth_Year_2 | ||||
PX201501170202 | Year of birth | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Sibling_Birth_Year_3 | ||||
PX201501170302 | Year of birth | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Sibling_Birth_Year_4 | ||||
PX201501170402 | Year of birth | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Sibling_Cause_1 | ||||
PX201501170104 | Cause of hearing difficulties (if known) | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Sibling_Cause_2 | ||||
PX201501170204 | Cause of hearing difficulties (if known) | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Sibling_Cause_3 | ||||
PX201501170304 | Cause of hearing difficulties (if known) | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Sibling_Cause_4 | ||||
PX201501170404 | Cause of hearing difficulties (if known) | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Sibling_Sex_1 | ||||
PX201501170101 | Sex | Variable Mapping | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Sibling_Sex_2 | ||||
PX201501170201 | Sex | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Sibling_Sex_3 | ||||
PX201501170301 | Sex | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Sibling_Sex_4 | ||||
PX201501170401 | Sex | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Skin_Diseases | ||||
PX201501341000 | Skin diseases | Variable Mapping | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Smoker | ||||
PX201501550000 | Have you ever smoked regularly? | Variable Mapping | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Smoker_Number_Cigarettes | ||||
PX201501550300 | Approximately how many cigarettes do (did) more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Smoker_Number_Cigars | ||||
PX201501550400 | Approximately how many cigars or cigarellos more | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Smoker_Pipe | ||||
PX201501550500 | Approximately how much pipe tobacco (grams) more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Smoker_Started | ||||
PX201501550100 | At which age did you start smoking? | Variable Mapping | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Smoker_Years | ||||
PX201501550200 | For how many years did you (have you) more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Solvent_Exposure | ||||
PX201501470000 | Have you been exposed to solvents (e.g., more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Solvent_Exposure_Hours | ||||
PX201501470400 | For how many hours per day were you exposed more | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Solvent_Exposure_Start | ||||
PX201501470200 | In which year did the solvent exposure start? | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Solvent_Exposure_Type | ||||
PX201501470100 | Which solvents? | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Solvent_Exposure_Years | ||||
PX201501470300 | For how many years were you exposed to solvents? | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Stomach_Diseases | ||||
PX201501340700 | Diseases of the stomach or intestines | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Stroke | ||||
PX201501290000 | Have you ever had a stroke? | Variable Mapping | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Stroke_Year | ||||
PX201501290100 | Have you ever had a stroke? (write down in more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Sunburn | ||||
PX201501530000 | Are you susceptible to sunburn? | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Thyroid_Diseases | ||||
PX201501341300 | Diseases of the thyroid gland | Variable Mapping | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Tinnitus | ||||
PX201501050000 | Nowadays, do you ever get noises in your more | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Uncles_Aunts_Hearing_Problems | ||||
PX201501200000 | Do you have uncles, aunts, cousins, nephews, more | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Unconscious | ||||
PX201501250000 | Have you ever been knocked unconscious more | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Unconscious_Year | ||||
PX201501250100 | Have you ever been knocked unconscious more | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Unsteady | ||||
PX201501100000 | Do you feel unsteady when walking in the dark? | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Vary | ||||
PX201501010500 | Does your hearing vary from day to day? | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Vasculitis | ||||
PX201501350600 | Vasculitis | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Wegeners | ||||
PX201501350500 | Wegener's granulomatosis | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Weight | ||||
PX201501510000 | What is your weight? | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Weight_Units | ||||
PX201501510100 | What is your weight? Units | N/A | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Which_Ear | ||||
PX201501010100 | In which ear(s) do you have a hearing difficulty? | Variable Mapping | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Whiplash | ||||
PX201501240000 | Have you ever had a whiplash injury? | Variable Mapping | ||
PX201501_Family_History_Hearing_Loss_Whiplash_Year | ||||
PX201501240100 | Have you ever had a whiplash injury? (write more | N/A |
Measure Name
Personal and Family History of Hearing Loss
Release Date
June 4, 2019
This measure is a questionnaire to assess risk factors related to hearing loss.
This measure can be used to assess familial, environmental, and other risk factors related to hearing loss.
Family History, clinical history, exposure history, Age-Related Hearing Impairment Questionnaire, ARHI, hearing impairment, hearing difficulty, noise, ear disease, balance, operation, surgery, exposure, Tinnitus, risk factors, speech and hearing
Measure Protocols
Protocol ID | Protocol Name |
201501 | Personal and Family History of Hearing Loss |
Golembiewski, E., et al. (2017) Social Network Decay as Potential Recovery from Homelessness: A Mixed Methods Study in Housing First Programming. Soc Sci (Basel). 2017 September; 6(3): pii: 96. doi: 10.3390/socsci6030096