Protocol - Child Oral Health Pain
The Child Oral Health Impact Profile-Short Form 19 (COHIP-SF 19) is a 19-item interviewer-administered questionnaire about the oral health of a child to assess the child’s quality of life. This questionnaire can be administered to children aged 8-17 years old.
The COHIP-SF 19 is derived from the Child Oral Health Impact Profile, which is administered to parents and contains 34 questions. The COHIP-SF 19 covers the areas of school environment, self-image, social-emotional well-being, and functional well-being.
Specific Instructions
This protocol is freely available; permission not required for use.
Please answer "yes" or "no" to the following questions.
Have you "….." because of your teeth, mouth, or face?
1. Had pain in your teeth/toothache
2. Had discolored teeth or spots on your teeth
3. Had crooked teeth or spaces between your teeth
4. Had bad breath
5. Had bleeding gums
6. Had difficulty eating foods you would like to eat
7. Had trouble sleeping
8. Had difficulty saying certain words
9. Had difficulty keeping your teeth clean
10. Been unhappy or sad
11. Felt worried or anxious
12. Avoided smiling or laughing with other children
13. Felt that you look different
14. Been worried about what other people think about your …
15. Been teased, bullied, or called names by other children
16. Missed school for any reason
17. Not wanted to speak/read out loud in class
18. Been confident
19. Felt that you were attractive (good looking)
COHIP 19 Scoring Key
oral health (5 items),
1. Had pain in your teeth/toothache
2. Had discolored teeth or spots on your teeth
3. Had crooked teeth or spaces between your teeth
4. Had bad breath
5. Had bleeding gums
functional (4 items),
6. Had difficulty eating foods you would like to eat
7. Had trouble sleeping
8. Had difficulty saying certain words
9. Had difficulty keeping your teeth clean
socio-emotional (10 items)
10. Been unhappy or sad
11. Felt worried or anxious
12. Avoided smiling or laughing with other children
13. Felt that you look different
14. Been worried about what other people think about your …
15. Been teased, bullied, or called names by other children
16. Missed school for any reason
17. Not wanted to speak/read out loud in class
18. Been confident
19. Felt that you were attractive (good looking)
The negatively worded items are then reverse coded so that higher scores represent a more positive QOL. Most of the items are negatively worded, so the only 2 items that do not need to be reverse coded are ’been confident’ and ’felt that you were attractive’
Original code: (’never’=0, ’almost never’=1, ’sometimes’=2, ’fairly often’=3, ’almost all of the time’=4)
To reverse code: (’never’=4, ’almost never’=3, ’sometimes’=2, ’fairly often’=1, ’almost all of the time’=0)
Calculated as the total sum of the items in each subscale COHIP-SF 19 Total is the total sum of all 19 items
For missing items: do not calculate subscales with missing items or total scale
Personnel and Training Required
The interviewer should be trained and qualified to conduct personal interviews with individuals from the general population.
Equipment Needs
Requirement Category | Required |
Major equipment | No |
Specialized training | No |
Specialized requirements for biospecimen collection | No |
Average time of greater than 15 minutes in an unaffected individual | No |
Mode of Administration
Interviewer-administered questionnaire
Child, Adolescent
Children aged 8-17
Selection Rationale
The Child Oral Health Impact Profile-Short Form 19 (COHIP-SF 19) was chosen because both reliability and validity testing of the COHIP-SF 19 were consistent with those reported in the literature for the validated 34-item COHIP (i.e., the parent form). Based on this testing, the COHIP-SF 19 addresses recommendations for a shorter, more efficient children’s oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL) instrument and is appropriate for a variety of purposes such as clinical research and epidemiological studies.
Standard | Name | ID | Source |
Human Phenotype Ontology | Tooth abscess | HP:0030757 | HPO |
caDSR Form | PhenX PX220401 - Child Oral Health Pain | 6202810 | caDSR Form |
Derived Variables
Process and Review
This section will be completed when reviewed by an Expert Review Panel.
Protocol Name from Source
Child Oral Health Impact Profile-Short Form 19 (COHIP-SF 19)
Broder, H., Wilson-Genderson, M., & Sischo, L. (2012). Reliability and validity testing for the Child Oral Health Impact Profile-Reduced (COHIP-SF 19). Journal of Public Health Dentistry, 72(4), 302-312. (Erratum published 2013, Journal of Public Health Dentistry, 73, p. 86).
General References
Ahn, Y. S., Kim, H. Y., Hong, S. M., Patton, L. L., Kim, J. H., & Noh, H. J. (2012). Validation of a Korean version of the Child Oral Health Impact Profile (COHIP) among 8- to 15-year-old school children. International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry, 22(4), 292-301.
Broder, H. L., Wilson-Genderson, M., & Sischo, L. (2012). Reliability and validity testing for the Child Oral Health Impact Profile-Reduced (COHIP-SF 19). Journal of Public Health Dentistry, 72(4), 302-312.
Dunlow, N., Phillips, C., & Broder, H. (2007). Concurrent validity of the COHIP. Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology, 35(Suppl. 1), 41-49.
Gilchrist, F., Rodd, H., Deery, C., & Marshman, Z. (2014). Assessment of the quality of measures of child oral health-related quality of life. BMC Oral Health, 14(40), 1-17.
Protocol ID
Export VariablesVariable Name | Variable ID | Variable Description | dbGaP Mapping | |
PX220401_Child_Oral_Pain_Avoided_Smiling | ||||
PX220401120000 | Have you avoided smiling or laughing with more | N/A | ||
PX220401_Child_Oral_Pain_Avoided_SpeakingClass | ||||
PX220401170000 | Have you not wanted to speak/read out loud more | N/A | ||
PX220401_Child_Oral_Pain_Bad_Breath | ||||
PX220401040000 | Have you Had bad breath because of your more | N/A | ||
PX220401_Child_Oral_Pain_Been_Confident | ||||
PX220401180000 | Have you been confident because of your more | N/A | ||
PX220401_Child_Oral_Pain_Been_Teased | ||||
PX220401150000 | Have you been teased, bullied, or called more | N/A | ||
PX220401_Child_Oral_Pain_Bleding_Gums | ||||
PX220401050000 | Have you Had bleeding gums because of your more | N/A | ||
PX220401_Child_Oral_Pain_Crooked_Spaces | ||||
PX220401030000 | Have you Had crooked teeth or spaces between more | N/A | ||
PX220401_Child_Oral_Pain_Difficulty_CleaningTeeth | ||||
PX220401090000 | Have you had difficulty keeping your teeth more | N/A | ||
PX220401_Child_Oral_Pain_Difficulty_Eating | ||||
PX220401060000 | Have you Had difficulty eating foods you more | N/A | ||
PX220401_Child_Oral_Pain_Difficulty_Words | ||||
PX220401080000 | Have you had difficulty saying certain words more | N/A | ||
PX220401_Child_Oral_Pain_Discolored_Teeth | ||||
PX220401020000 | Have you Had discolored teeth or spots on more | N/A | ||
PX220401_Child_Oral_Pain_Felt_Attractive | ||||
PX220401190000 | Have you felt that you were attractive (good more | N/A | ||
PX220401_Child_Oral_Pain_Felt_Look_Different | ||||
PX220401130000 | Have you felt that you look different more | N/A | ||
PX220401_Child_Oral_Pain_Felt_WorriedAnxious | ||||
PX220401110000 | Have felt worried or anxious because of your more | N/A | ||
PX220401_Child_Oral_Pain_Missed_School | ||||
PX220401160000 | Have you missed school for any reason more | N/A | ||
PX220401_Child_Oral_Pain_Toothache | ||||
PX220401010000 | Have you had pain in your teeth/toothache more | N/A | ||
PX220401_Child_Oral_Pain_Trouble_Sleeping | ||||
PX220401070000 | Have you Had trouble sleeping because of more | N/A | ||
PX220401_Child_Oral_Pain_Unhappy_BeenSad | ||||
PX220401100000 | Have you been unhappy or sad because of your more | N/A | ||
PX220401_Child_Oral_Pain_Worried_WhatPeopleThink | ||||
PX220401140000 | Have you been worried about what other more | N/A |
Measure Name
Child Oral Health Pain
Release Date
April 30, 2015
A measure to assess oral pain and related quality of life in children.
This measure can be used to determine the effects of a child’s oral health on his or her quality of life.
pain, pediatric, childhood, toddler, adolescent, quality of life, QOL, orthodontics, craniofacial, Oral Health-Related Quality of Life, OHRQoL, Cleft lip, Cleft palate, dental, facial image, Child Oral Health Impact Profile, COHIP
Measure Protocols
Protocol ID | Protocol Name |
220401 | Child Oral Health Pain |