Protocol - Night Eating
- ASA24
- Eating Disorder Screener for DSM-5
- Eating Disorder Screener for DSM-IV
- Sleep Disorders Screener
- Sleep Disorders Screener - Children
This protocol includes 14 questions with Likert-style responses. The Night Eating Questionnaire© (NEQ) is self-administered. Scoring methods are included.
Specific Instructions
© 2011 University of Pennsylvania. For commercial use, please contact the Center for Technology Transfer of the University of Pennsylvania. 3160 Chestnut St # 200, Philadelphia, PA 19104 (215) 898-9591
This protocol is freely available; permission not required for use.
1. How hungry are you usually in the morning?
0[ ]Not at all
1[ ]A little
2[ ]Somewhat
3[ ]Moderately
4[ ]Very
2. When do you usually eat for the first time?
0[ ]Before 9am
1[ ]9:01 to 12pm
2[ ]12:01 to 3pm
3[ ]3:01 to 6pm
4[ ]6:01 or later
3. Do you have cravings or urges to eat snacks after supper, but before bedtime?
0[ ]Not at all
1[ ]A little
2[ ]Somewhat
3[ ]Very much so
4[ ]Extremely so
4. How much control do you have over your eating between supper and bedtime?
0[ ]None at all
1[ ]A Little
2[ ]Some
3[ ]Very Much
4[ ]Complete
5. How much of your daily food intake do you consume after suppertime?
0[ ]0% (none)
1[ ]1-25% (up to a quarter)
2[ ]26-50% (about half)
3[ ]51-75% (more than half)
4[ ]76-100% (almost all)
6. Are you currently feeling blue or down in the dumps?
0[ ]Not at all
1[ ]A Little
2[ ]Somewhat
3[ ]Very Much So
4[ ]Extremely
7. When you are feeling blue, is your mood lower in the:
0[ ]Early Morning
1[ ]Late Morning
2[ ]Early Afternoon
3[ ]Late Afternoon
4[ ]Evening
______check here if your mood does not change during the day
8. How often do you have trouble getting to sleep?
0[ ]Never
1[ ]Sometimes
2[ ]About Half of the time
3[ ]Usually
4[ ]Always
9. Other than only to use the bathroom, how often do you get up at least once in the
middle of the night?
0[ ]Never
1[ ]Less than once a week
2[ ]About once a week
3[ ]More than once a week
4[ ]Every Night
*********************** IF 0 for #9, PLEASE STOP HERE ************************
10. Do you have cravings or urges to eat snacks when you wake up at night?
0[ ]Not at all
1[ ]A little
2[ ]Somewhat
3[ ]Very much so
4[ ]Extremely so
11. Do you need to eat in order to get back to sleep when you awake at night?
0[ ]Not at all
1[ ]A little
2[ ]Somewhat
3[ ]Very much so
4[ ]Extremely so
12. When you get up in the middle of the night, how often do you snack?
0[ ]Never
1[ ]Sometimes
2[ ]About half the time
3[ ]Usually
4[ ]Always
************************ IF 0 on #12, PLEASE SKIP TO #15 *********************
13. When you snack in the middle of the night, how aware are you of your eating?
0[ ]Not at all
1[ ]A little
2[ ]Somewhat
3[ ]Very much so
4[ ]Completely
14. How much control do you have over your eating while you are up at night?
0[ ]None at all
1[ ]A little
2[ ]Some
3[ ]Very much
4[ ]Complete
15. How long have your current difficulties with night eating been going on?
_______ mos. _______ years
16. Is night eating upsetting to you?
0[ ]Not at all
1[ ]A lot
2[ ]Somewhat
3[ ]Very much so
4[ ]Extremely
17. How much has your night eating affected your life?
0[ ]Not at all
1[ ]A little
2[ ]Somewhat
3[ ]Very much so
4[ ]Extremely
A. Items 1, 4 and 14 are reverse scored. Items 1-12 and 14 are summed.
B. Item 13 is not included in the total score, but is used to rule out the parasomnia, Nocturnal Sleep Related Eating Disorder (NS-RED).
C. Item 15 is not added to the total score, but instead is used as a descriptor of the course of the symptoms.
D. Items 16 and 17 are used to confirm the presence of distress or impairment if NES is present.
A score of 25 or greater is suggestive of night eating syndrome, and a score of 30 and above is a strong indicator of NES, but we suggest that the answers are reviewed with the patient in an interview before a firm diagnosis is made. For example, many patients with night eating symptoms over-estimate their intake at night. Also, if patients are
depressed in the late evening and have trouble falling asleep, but only minimal night eating, this could inflate their scores.
Personnel and Training Required
Equipment Needs
Requirement Category | Required |
Major equipment | No |
Specialized training | No |
Specialized requirements for biospecimen collection | No |
Average time of greater than 15 minutes in an unaffected individual | No |
Mode of Administration
Self-administered questionnaire
Age 12-75
Selection Rationale
The 17-item Night Eating Questionnaire© is a reliable method for identifying Night Eating Syndrome and is an efficient, valid measure of Night Eating Syndrome Severity.
Standard | Name | ID | Source |
Human Phenotype Ontology | Bulimia | HP:0100739 | HPO |
Human Phenotype Ontology | Obesity | HP:0001513 | HPO |
caDSR Form | PhenX PX230601 - Night Eating | 6204780 | caDSR Form |
Derived Variables
Process and Review
Not applicable.
Protocol Name from Source
Night Eating Questionnaire© (NEQ)
Allison, K. C., Stunkard, A. J., & Thier, S. L. (2004). Overcoming Night Eating Syndrome. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger.
General References
Allison, K. C., Lundgren, J. D., O’Reardon, J. P., Martino, N. S., Sarwer, D. B., Wadden, T. A., Crosby, R. D., Engel, S. G., & Stunkard, A. J. (2008). The Night Eating Questionnaire (NEQ): Psychometric properties of a measure of severity of the Night Eating Syndrome. Eating Behaviors, 9, 62-72.
Alison, K. C., Crow S. J., Reeves, R. R., West, D. S., Foreyt, J. P., DiLillo, V. G., Wadden, T. A., Jeffrey, R. W., Van Dorsten, B., & Stunkard, A. J. (2007). Binge eating disorder and night eating syndrome in adults with type 2 diabetes. Obesity, 15(5), 1287-1293.
Protocol ID
Export VariablesVariable Name | Variable ID | Variable Description | dbGaP Mapping | |
PX230601_NightEating_ControlOver_Eating_UpatNight | ||||
PX230601140000 | How much control do you have over your more | N/A | ||
PX230601_NightEating_Control_Eating_BetweenSupperBedtime | ||||
PX230601040000 | How much control do you have over your more | N/A | ||
PX230601_NightEating_CravingsUrges_Eat_WhenUp_AtNight | ||||
PX230601100000 | Do you have cravings or urges ot eat snacks more | N/A | ||
PX230601_NightEating_Cravings_After_Supper | ||||
PX230601030000 | Do you have cravings or urges to eat snacks more | N/A | ||
PX230601_NightEating_Currently_Feeling_BlueDowninDumps | ||||
PX230601060000 | Are you currently feeling blue or down in more | N/A | ||
PX230601_NightEating_GetUpMiddleofNIght_HowOften | ||||
PX230601090000 | Other than only to use the bathroom, how more | N/A | ||
PX230601_NightEating_HowHungry_Morning | ||||
PX230601010000 | How hungry are you usually in the morning? | N/A | ||
PX230601_NightEating_HowLong_Difficulties_NightEating_Months | ||||
PX230601150200 | How long have your current difficulties with more | N/A | ||
PX230601_NightEating_HowLong_Difficulties_NightEating_Years | ||||
PX230601150100 | How long have your current difficulties with more | N/A | ||
PX230601_NightEating_HowMuch_DailyIntake_AfterSuppertime | ||||
PX230601050000 | How much of your daily food intake do you more | N/A | ||
PX230601_NightEating_HowMuch_LifeAffected | ||||
PX230601170000 | How much has your night eating affected your life? | N/A | ||
PX230601_NightEating_HowOften_Trouble_GettingtoSleep | ||||
PX230601080000 | How often do you have trouble getting to sleep | N/A | ||
PX230601_NightEating_IsIt_Upsetting_ToYou | ||||
PX230601160000 | Is night eating upsetting you? | N/A | ||
PX230601_NightEating_MiddleofNight_HowAware_ofEating | ||||
PX230601130000 | When you snack in the middle of the night, more | N/A | ||
PX230601_NightEating_MiddleofNight_Snack_HowOften | ||||
PX230601120000 | When you get up in the middle of the night, more | N/A | ||
PX230601_NightEating_NeedToEat_BacktoSleep | ||||
PX230601110000 | Do you need to eat in order to get back to more | N/A | ||
PX230601_NightEating_WhenEat_FirstTime | ||||
PX230601020000 | When do you usually eat for the first time? | N/A | ||
PX230601_NightEating_WhenFeelingBlue_MoodLower | ||||
PX230601070100 | When you are feeling blue, is your mood more | N/A | ||
PX230601_NightEating_WhenFeelingBlue_MoodLower_Check | ||||
PX230601070200 | ________ check here if your mood does not more | N/A |
Measure Name
Night Eating
Release Date
September 9, 2015
This is a self-administered questionnaire to assess night eating behaviors and identify Night Eating Syndrome (NES).
The purpose of this measure is to identify Night Eating Syndrome (NES). NES is when a person eats during the night with full awareness and may be unable to fall asleep again unless he or she eats.
Night eating, Eating disorders, obesity, eating behaviors, disordered eating, eating, mood, Night Eating Syndrome, Night Eating Questionnaire, NEQ, NES
Measure Protocols
Protocol ID | Protocol Name |
230601 | Night Eating |