
Protocol - Frailty

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The SOF Frailty Index is an assessment of frailty based on an individuals weight change over the past three years, physical ability to perform five chair stands without using arms for support, and energy level. If the individual meets two of the three criteria (weight loss of 5% or more, inability to do chair stands, low/lack of energy), the individual is considered frail.

Specific Instructions

Frailty can occur at younger ages than the traditional 65-year cutpoint for "older" and certainly does not need to be restricted to the SOF age (69 years of age and older).


This protocol is freely available; permission not required for use.


Weight loss

  1. What was your weight 3 years ago? __ __ __ lbs
  2. What is your weight today? __ __ __ lbs
  3. [Interviewer/computer: calculate weight loss percentage] Change in weight (Q1-Q2)/weight 3 years ago (Q1)

           = ___ __ % loss

Ability to do 5 chair stands

     4. [Interviewer: Ask respondent to sit in chair, then rise up without using arms, repeat 4 more times.] Was respondent able to do chair stands without assistance? Yes or No

Energy level

    5. Do you feel full of energy? Yes or No


Q1. Score = 1 if weight loss ? 5%, otherwise, score = 0

Q2. Score = 1 if unable to do chair stands without assistance (No), otherwise, score = 0

Q3. Score = 1, if No, otherwise, score = 0

If summed score is 2 or 3, respondent is frail;

if score is 1 respondent is pre-frail;

if score is 0, respondent is robust.

Personnel and Training Required

The interviewer must be trained to conduct personal interviews with individuals from the general population. The interviewer must be trained and found to be competent (i.e., tested by an expert) at the completion of personal interviews. The interviewer should be trained to prompt respondents further if a "dont know" response is provided.

Equipment Needs
The PhenX Working Group acknowledges that these questions can be administered in a computerized or noncomputerized format (i.e., paper-and-pencil instrument). Computer software is necessary to develop computer-assisted instruments. The interviewer will require a laptop computer/handheld computer to administer a computer-assisted questionnaire. Chair for chair stands
Requirement CategoryRequired
Major equipment No
Specialized training No
Specialized requirements for biospecimen collection No
Average time of greater than 15 minutes in an unaffected individual No
Mode of Administration

Interviewer-administered questionnaire




69 years of age and older

Selection Rationale

This well-established protocol has been used on a large prospective cohort study of older adults.



caDSR Form PhenX PX251001 - Frailty 6930240 caDSR Form
Derived Variables


Process and Review

Not applicable.


Protocol Name from Source

National Institute on Aging (NIA), Study of Osteoporotic Fractures (SOF), Frailty Index


National Institute on Aging, Study of Osteoporotic Fractures (SOF) Frailty Index

General References

Ensrud, K. E., Ewing, S. K., Taylor, B. C., Fink, H. A., Cawthon, P. M., Stone, K. L., ... Cummings, S. R. (2008). Comparison of 2 frailty indexes for prediction of falls, disability, fractures, and death in older women. Archives of Internal Medicine,168(4), 382-9

Ensrud, K. E., Ewing, S. K., Cawthon, P. M., Fink, H. A., Taylor, B. C., Cauley, J. A., ... Osteoporotic Fractures in Men Research Group. (2009). A comparison of frailty indexes for the prediction of falls, disability, fractures, and mortality in older men. Journal of the American Geriatric Society, 57(3), 492-498.

Protocol ID


Export Variables
Variable Name Variable IDVariable DescriptiondbGaP Mapping
PX251001040000 [Interviewer: Ask respondent to sit in more
chair, then rise up without using arms, repeat 4 more times.] Was respondent able to do chair stands without assistance? show less
PX251001050000 Do you feel full of energy? N/A
PX251001030000 [Interviewer/computer: calculate weight loss more
percentage] Change in weight (Q1-Q2)/weight 3 years ago (Q1) ___ __ % loss show less
PX251001010000 What was your weight 3 years ago? __ __ __ lbs N/A
PX251001020000 What is your weight today? __ __ __ lbs N/A
Measure Name


Release Date

July 2, 2018


Declines in physiologic complexity or reserve in body systems, leading to loss of homeostatic capability to withstand stressors and resulting vulnerabilities.


Frailty is associated with weakness and the inability to perform normal daily activities, particularly in older adults. Frailty leads to increased morbidity and mortality.


activities of daily living, ADLs, Frailty Index, Study of Osteoporotic Fractures (SOF), weakness, geriatrics, falls, National Institute on Aging, NIA, gerontology, aging

Measure Protocols
Protocol ID Protocol Name
251001 Frailty