Protocol - Quality of Life in Cancer Survivors - Long-term
A self-report 41-item Likert style questionnaire representing the four domains of quality of life including physical well-being, psychological well-being, social well-being and spiritual well-being.
Specific Instructions
The patient is asked to read each question and decide if s/he agrees or disagrees with each statement. Then, the patient is asked to circle a number to indicate the degree to which s/he agrees or disagrees with the statement according to the word anchors on each end of the scale.
This protocol is freely available; permission not required for use.
We are interested in knowing how your experience of having cancer affects your quality of life. Please answer all of the following questions based on your life at this time. Please circle the number from 0 to 10 that best describes your experiences:
Physical Well Being
To what extent are the following a problem for you:
1. Fatigue
[ ] 0 | [ ] 1 | [ ] 2 | [ ] 3 | [ ] 4 | [ ] 5 | [ ] 6 | [ ] 7 | [ ] 8 | [ ] 9 | [ ] 10 |
no problem | severe problem |
2. Appetite changes
[ ] 0 | [ ] 1 | [ ] 2 | [ ] 3 | [ ] 4 | [ ] 5 | [ ] 6 | [ ] 7 | [ ] 8 | [ ] 9 | [ ] 10 |
no problem | severe problem |
3. Aches or pain
[ ] 0 | [ ] 1 | [ ] 2 | [ ] 3 | [ ] 4 | [ ] 5 | [ ] 6 | [ ] 7 | [ ] 8 | [ ] 9 | [ ] 10 |
no problem | severe problem |
4. Sleep changes
[ ] 0 | [ ] 1 | [ ] 2 | [ ] 3 | [ ] 4 | [ ] 5 | [ ] 6 | [ ] 7 | [ ] 8 | [ ] 9 | [ ] 10 |
no problem | severe problem |
5. Constipation
[ ] 0 | [ ] 1 | [ ] 2 | [ ] 3 | [ ] 4 | [ ] 5 | [ ] 6 | [ ] 7 | [ ] 8 | [ ] 9 | [ ] 10 |
no problem | severe problem |
6. Nausea
[ ] 0 | [ ] 1 | [ ] 2 | [ ] 3 | [ ] 4 | [ ] 5 | [ ] 6 | [ ] 7 | [ ] 8 | [ ] 9 | [ ] 10 |
no problem | severe problem |
7. Menstrual changes or fertility
[ ] 0 | [ ] 1 | [ ] 2 | [ ] 3 | [ ] 4 | [ ] 5 | [ ] 6 | [ ] 7 | [ ] 8 | [ ] 9 | [ ] 10 |
no problem | severe problem |
8. Rate your overall physical health
[ ] 0 | [ ] 1 | [ ] 2 | [ ] 3 | [ ] 4 | [ ] 5 | [ ] 6 | [ ] 7 | [ ] 8 | [ ] 9 | [ ] 10 |
extremely poor | excellent |
Psychological Well Being Items
9. How difficult is it for you to cope as a result of your disease and treatment?
[ ] 0 | [ ] 1 | [ ] 2 | [ ] 3 | [ ] 4 | [ ] 5 | [ ] 6 | [ ] 7 | [ ] 8 | [ ] 9 | [ ] 10 |
not at all difficult | extremely difficult |
10. How good is your quality of life ?
[ ] 0 | [ ] 1 | [ ] 2 | [ ] 3 | [ ] 4 | [ ] 5 | [ ] 6 | [ ] 7 | [ ] 8 | [ ] 9 | [ ] 10 |
extremely poor | excellent |
11. How much happiness do you feel?
[ ] 0 | [ ] 1 | [ ] 2 | [ ] 3 | [ ] 4 | [ ] 5 | [ ] 6 | [ ] 7 | [ ] 8 | [ ] 9 | [ ] 10 |
none at all | a great deal |
12. Do you feel like you are in control of things in your life ?
[ ] 0 | [ ] 1 | [ ] 2 | [ ] 3 | [ ] 4 | [ ] 5 | [ ] 6 | [ ] 7 | [ ] 8 | [ ] 9 | [ ] 10 |
none at all | completely |
13. How satisfying is your life ?
[ ] 0 | [ ] 1 | [ ] 2 | [ ] 3 | [ ] 4 | [ ] 5 | [ ] 6 | [ ] 7 | [ ] 8 | [ ] 9 | [ ] 10 |
none at all | completely |
14. How is your present ability to concentrate or to remember things?
[ ] 0 | [ ] 1 | [ ] 2 | [ ] 3 | [ ] 4 | [ ] 5 | [ ] 6 | [ ] 7 | [ ] 8 | [ ] 9 | [ ] 10 |
extremely poor | excellent |
15. How useful do you feel?
[ ] 0 | [ ] 1 | [ ] 2 | [ ] 3 | [ ] 4 | [ ] 5 | [ ] 6 | [ ] 7 | [ ] 8 | [ ] 9 | [ ] 10 |
not at all | extremely |
16. Has your illness or treatment caused changes in your appearance?
[ ] 0 | [ ] 1 | [ ] 2 | [ ] 3 | [ ] 4 | [ ] 5 | [ ] 6 | [ ] 7 | [ ] 8 | [ ] 9 | [ ] 10 |
not at all | extremely |
17. Has your illness or treatment caused changes in your self concept (the way you see your self?)
[ ] 0 | [ ] 1 | [ ] 2 | [ ] 3 | [ ] 4 | [ ] 5 | [ ] 6 | [ ] 7 | [ ] 8 | [ ] 9 | [ ] 10 |
not at all | extremely |
How distressing were the following aspects of your illness and treatment?
18. Initial diagnosis
[ ] 0 | [ ] 1 | [ ] 2 | [ ] 3 | [ ] 4 | [ ] 5 | [ ] 6 | [ ] 7 | [ ] 8 | [ ] 9 | [ ] 10 |
not at all distressing | very distressing |
19. Cancer treatments (i.e., chemother apy, radiation, or surgery)
[ ] 0 | [ ] 1 | [ ] 2 | [ ] 3 | [ ] 4 | [ ] 5 | [ ] 6 | [ ] 7 | [ ] 8 | [ ] 9 | [ ] 10 |
not at all distressing | very distressing |
20. Time since my treatment was completed
[ ] 0 | [ ] 1 | [ ] 2 | [ ] 3 | [ ] 4 | [ ] 5 | [ ] 6 | [ ] 7 | [ ] 8 | [ ] 9 | [ ] 10 |
not at all distressing | very distressing |
21. How much anxiety do you have?
[ ] 0 | [ ] 1 | [ ] 2 | [ ] 3 | [ ] 4 | [ ] 5 | [ ] 6 | [ ] 7 | [ ] 8 | [ ] 9 | [ ] 10 |
none at all | a great deal |
22. How much depression do you have?
[ ] 0 | [ ] 1 | [ ] 2 | [ ] 3 | [ ] 4 | [ ] 5 | [ ] 6 | [ ] 7 | [ ] 8 | [ ] 9 | [ ] 10 |
none at all | a great deal |
To what extent are you fearful of:
23. Future diagnostic test
[ ] 0 | [ ] 1 | [ ] 2 | [ ] 3 | [ ] 4 | [ ] 5 | [ ] 6 | [ ] 7 | [ ] 8 | [ ] 9 | [ ] 10 |
no fear | extreme fear |
24. A second cancer
[ ] 0 | [ ] 1 | [ ] 2 | [ ] 3 | [ ] 4 | [ ] 5 | [ ] 6 | [ ] 7 | [ ] 8 | [ ] 9 | [ ] 10 |
no fear | extreme fear |
25. Recurrence of your cancer
[ ] 0 | [ ] 1 | [ ] 2 | [ ] 3 | [ ] 4 | [ ] 5 | [ ] 6 | [ ] 7 | [ ] 8 | [ ] 9 | [ ] 10 |
no fear | extreme fear |
26. Spreading (metastasis) of your cancer
[ ] 0 | [ ] 1 | [ ] 2 | [ ] 3 | [ ] 4 | [ ] 5 | [ ] 6 | [ ] 7 | [ ] 8 | [ ] 9 | [ ] 10 |
no fear | extreme fear |
Social Concerns
27. How distressing has your illness been for your family?
[ ] 0 | [ ] 1 | [ ] 2 | [ ] 3 | [ ] 4 | [ ] 5 | [ ] 6 | [ ] 7 | [ ] 8 | [ ] 9 | [ ] 10 |
none at all | a great deal |
28. Is the amount of support you receive from other s sufficient to meet your needs?
[ ] 0 | [ ] 1 | [ ] 2 | [ ] 3 | [ ] 4 | [ ] 5 | [ ] 6 | [ ] 7 | [ ] 8 | [ ] 9 | [ ] 10 |
none at all | a great deal |
29. To what degree has your illness or treatment interfered with your personal relationships?
[ ] 0 | [ ] 1 | [ ] 2 | [ ] 3 | [ ] 4 | [ ] 5 | [ ] 6 | [ ] 7 | [ ] 8 | [ ] 9 | [ ] 10 |
none at all | a great deal |
30. Is your sexuality impacted by your illness?
[ ] 0 | [ ] 1 | [ ] 2 | [ ] 3 | [ ] 4 | [ ] 5 | [ ] 6 | [ ] 7 | [ ] 8 | [ ] 9 | [ ] 10 |
none at all | a great deal |
31. To what degree has your illness or treatment interfered with your employment?
[ ] 0 | [ ] 1 | [ ] 2 | [ ] 3 | [ ] 4 | [ ] 5 | [ ] 6 | [ ] 7 | [ ] 8 | [ ] 9 | [ ] 10 |
no problem | severe problem |
32. To what degree has your illness or treatment interfered with your activities at home?
[ ] 0 | [ ] 1 | [ ] 2 | [ ] 3 | [ ] 4 | [ ] 5 | [ ] 6 | [ ] 7 | [ ] 8 | [ ] 9 | [ ] 10 |
no problem | severe problem |
33. How much isolation do you feel is caused by your illness or treatment?
[ ] 0 | [ ] 1 | [ ] 2 | [ ] 3 | [ ] 4 | [ ] 5 | [ ] 6 | [ ] 7 | [ ] 8 | [ ] 9 | [ ] 10 |
none at all | a great deal |
34. How much financial burden have you in curred as a result of your illness and treatment?
[ ] 0 | [ ] 1 | [ ] 2 | [ ] 3 | [ ] 4 | [ ] 5 | [ ] 6 | [ ] 7 | [ ] 8 | [ ] 9 | [ ] 10 |
none at all | a great deal |
Spiritual Well Being
35. How important to you is your participation in religious activities such as praying, going to church?
[ ] 0 | [ ] 1 | [ ] 2 | [ ] 3 | [ ] 4 | [ ] 5 | [ ] 6 | [ ] 7 | [ ] 8 | [ ] 9 | [ ] 10 |
not at all important | very important |
36. How important to you are other spiritual activities such as mediation?
[ ] 0 | [ ] 1 | [ ] 2 | [ ] 3 | [ ] 4 | [ ] 5 | [ ] 6 | [ ] 7 | [ ] 8 | [ ] 9 | [ ] 10 |
not at all important | very important |
37. How much has your spiritual life changed as a result of your cancer diagnosis?
[ ] 0 | [ ] 1 | [ ] 2 | [ ] 3 | [ ] 4 | [ ] 5 | [ ] 6 | [ ] 7 | [ ] 8 | [ ] 9 | [ ] 10 |
less important | more important |
38. How much uncertainty do you feel about your future?
[ ] 0 | [ ] 1 | [ ] 2 | [ ] 3 | [ ] 4 | [ ] 5 | [ ] 6 | [ ] 7 | [ ] 8 | [ ] 9 | [ ] 10 |
not at all uncertain | very uncertain |
39. To what extent has your illness made positive changes in your life ?
[ ] 0 | [ ] 1 | [ ] 2 | [ ] 3 | [ ] 4 | [ ] 5 | [ ] 6 | [ ] 7 | [ ] 8 | [ ] 9 | [ ] 10 |
not at all | a great deal |
40. Do you sense a purpose/missionfor your life or a reason for being alive?
[ ] 0 | [ ] 1 | [ ] 2 | [ ] 3 | [ ] 4 | [ ] 5 | [ ] 6 | [ ] 7 | [ ] 8 | [ ] 9 | [ ] 10 |
none at all | a great deal |
41. How hopeful do you feel?
[ ] 0 | [ ] 1 | [ ] 2 | [ ] 3 | [ ] 4 | [ ] 5 | [ ] 6 | [ ] 7 | [ ] 8 | [ ] 9 | [ ] 10 |
not at all hopeful | very hopeful |
The scoring should be based on a scale of 0 = worst outcome to 10 = best outcome. Several items have reverse anchors and therefore when you code the items you will need to reverse the scores of those items. For example, if a participant circles "3" on such an item, (10-3 = 7), you would record a score of 7. The items to be reversed coded are: 1-7, 9, 16-27, 29-34 and 38. Subscale scores can be created for analysis purposes by adding all of the items within a subscale and creating a mean score.
Personnel and Training Required
Equipment Needs
Requirement Category | Required |
Major equipment | No |
Specialized training | No |
Specialized requirements for biospecimen collection | No |
Average time of greater than 15 minutes in an unaffected individual | No |
Mode of Administration
Self-administered questionnaire
Adult, Senior
16 years of age and older
Selection Rationale
Unlike other quality of life instruments, this one is specifically focused on cancer patients and survivors. This instrument is also available in Spanish.
English, Other languages available at source
Standard | Name | ID | Source |
Derived Variables
Process and Review
Not Applicable
Protocol Name from Source
Quality of Life Patient/Cancer Survivor Version (QOL-CSV)
Ferrell, B. R., Hassey-Dow, K., Grant, M.. (2012). Quality of Life Patient/Cancer Survivor Version (QOL-CSV). Measurement Instrument Database for the Social Science. Retrieved from
Ferrell BR, Dow KH, Grant M. Measurement of the quality of life in cancer survivors. Qual Life Res. 1995;4(6):523–531. doi:10.1007/bf00634747
General References
Ferrell BR, Hassey-Dow K, Grant M. “Measurement of the QOL in Cancer Survivors.” Quality of Life Research, 1995; 4:523-531.
Ferrell BR, Hassey-Dow K, Leigh S, Ly J, Gulasekaram P. “Quality of Life in Long-Term Cancer Survivors.” Oncology Nursing Forum, 1995; 22(6):915-922.
Ferrell BR. “The Quality of Lives: 1,525 Voices of Cancer.” Oncology Nursing Forum, 1996; 23(6):907-916.
Ferrell BR, Dow KH. “Portraits of Cancer Survivorship: A Glimpse through the Lens of Survivors’ Eyes.” Cancer Practice, 1996; 4(2):76-80.
Ferrell B, Hassey-Dow K. “Quality of Life Among Long-Term Cancer Survivors.” Oncology, 1997; 11(4):565-576.
Juarez G, Ferrell BR, Borneman T. “Perceptions of Quality of Life in Hispanic Patients with Cancer.” Cancer Practice, 1998; 6(6):318-324.
Hassey-Dow K, Ferrell B, Haberman M. “The Meaning of QOL in Cancer Survivors.” Oncology Nursing Forum, 1999; 26(3):519-528.
Hassey-Dow K, Ferrell BR, Haberman MR, & Eaton L. “The meaning of quality of life in cancer survivorship.” Oncology Nursing Forum, 1999; 26(3):519-528.
Ferrell B, Virani R, Smith S, Juarez G. “The Role of Oncology Nursing to Ensure Quality Care for Cancer Survivors: A Report Commissioned by the National Cancer Policy Board and Institute of Medicine.” Oncology Nursing Forum, 2003; 30(1):E1-11 (online exclusive).
Chopra, I., & Kamal, K. M. (2012). A systematic review of quality of life instruments in long-term breast cancer survivors. Health and quality of life outcomes, 10, 14.
Protocol ID
Export VariablesVariable Name | Variable ID | Variable Description | dbGaP Mapping | |
PX320902_Quality_Life_Cancer_Survivors_Aches_Pains | ||||
PX320902030000 | To what extent are the following a problem more | N/A | ||
PX320902_Quality_Life_Cancer_Survivors_Appetite_Changes | ||||
PX320902020000 | To what extent are the following a problem more | N/A | ||
PX320902_Quality_Life_Cancer_Survivors_Changes_Appearance | ||||
PX320902160000 | Has your illness or treatment caused changes more | N/A | ||
PX320902_Quality_Life_Cancer_Survivors_Changes_Self_Concept | ||||
PX320902170000 | Has your illness or treatment caused changes more | N/A | ||
PX320902_Quality_Life_Cancer_Survivors_Changes_Spiritual_Life | ||||
PX320902370000 | How much has your spiritual life changed as more | N/A | ||
PX320902_Quality_Life_Cancer_Survivors_Concentration | ||||
PX320902140000 | How is your present ability to concentrate more | N/A | ||
PX320902_Quality_Life_Cancer_Survivors_Constipation | ||||
PX320902050000 | To what extent are the following a problem more | N/A | ||
PX320902_Quality_Life_Cancer_Survivors_Control | ||||
PX320902120000 | Do you feel like you are in control of more | N/A | ||
PX320902_Quality_Life_Cancer_Survivors_Difficulty_Cope | ||||
PX320902090000 | How difficult is it for you to cope as a more | N/A | ||
PX320902_Quality_Life_Cancer_Survivors_Distressing_Anxiety | ||||
PX320902210000 | How much anxiety do you have? | N/A | ||
PX320902_Quality_Life_Cancer_Survivors_Distressing_Cancer_Treatments | ||||
PX320902190000 | How distressing were the following aspects more | N/A | ||
PX320902_Quality_Life_Cancer_Survivors_Distressing_Depression | ||||
PX320902220000 | How much depression do you have? | N/A | ||
PX320902_Quality_Life_Cancer_Survivors_Distressing_Family | ||||
PX320902270000 | How distressing has your illness been for more | N/A | ||
PX320902_Quality_Life_Cancer_Survivors_Distressing_Initial_Diagnosis | ||||
PX320902180000 | How distressing were the following aspects more | N/A | ||
PX320902_Quality_Life_Cancer_Survivors_Distressing_Treatment_Completion | ||||
PX320902200000 | How distressing were the following aspects more | N/A | ||
PX320902_Quality_Life_Cancer_Survivors_Fatigue | ||||
PX320902010000 | To what extent are the following a problem more | N/A | ||
PX320902_Quality_Life_Cancer_Survivors_Fearful_Diagnostic_Test | ||||
PX320902230000 | To what extent are you fearful of: Future more | N/A | ||
PX320902_Quality_Life_Cancer_Survivors_Fearful_Metastasis_Spreading | ||||
PX320902260000 | To what extent are you fearful of: Spreading more | N/A | ||
PX320902_Quality_Life_Cancer_Survivors_Fearful_Recurrence_Cancer | ||||
PX320902250000 | To what extent are you fearful of: more | N/A | ||
PX320902_Quality_Life_Cancer_Survivors_Fearful_Second_Cancer | ||||
PX320902240000 | To what extent are you fearful of: A second cancer | N/A | ||
PX320902_Quality_Life_Cancer_Survivors_Financial_Burden | ||||
PX320902340000 | How much financial burden have you incurred more | N/A | ||
PX320902_Quality_Life_Cancer_Survivors_Happiness | ||||
PX320902110000 | How much happiness do you feel? | N/A | ||
PX320902_Quality_Life_Cancer_Survivors_Hopeful | ||||
PX320902410000 | How hopeful do you feel? | N/A | ||
PX320902_Quality_Life_Cancer_Survivors_Interfere_Activities_Home | ||||
PX320902320000 | To what degree has your illness or treatment more | N/A | ||
PX320902_Quality_Life_Cancer_Survivors_Interfere_Employment | ||||
PX320902310000 | To what degree has your illness or treatment more | N/A | ||
PX320902_Quality_Life_Cancer_Survivors_Interfere_Personal_Relationships | ||||
PX320902290000 | To what degree has your illness or treatment more | N/A | ||
PX320902_Quality_Life_Cancer_Survivors_Isolation | ||||
PX320902330000 | How much isolation do you feel is caused by more | N/A | ||
PX320902_Quality_Life_Cancer_Survivors_Menstrual_Changes_Fertility | ||||
PX320902070000 | To what extent are the following a problem more | N/A | ||
PX320902_Quality_Life_Cancer_Survivors_Nausea | ||||
PX320902060000 | To what extent are the following a problem more | N/A | ||
PX320902_Quality_Life_Cancer_Survivors_Other_Spiritual_Activities | ||||
PX320902360000 | How important to you are other spiritual more | N/A | ||
PX320902_Quality_Life_Cancer_Survivors_Overall_Physical_Health | ||||
PX320902080000 | Rate your overall physical health | N/A | ||
PX320902_Quality_Life_Cancer_Survivors_Participation_Religious_Activities | ||||
PX320902350000 | How important to you is your participation more | N/A | ||
PX320902_Quality_Life_Cancer_Survivors_Positive_Changes | ||||
PX320902390000 | To what extent has your illness made more | N/A | ||
PX320902_Quality_Life_Cancer_Survivors_Quality_Life | ||||
PX320902100000 | How good is your quality of life? | N/A | ||
PX320902_Quality_Life_Cancer_Survivors_Satisfaction | ||||
PX320902130000 | How satisfying is your life? | N/A | ||
PX320902_Quality_Life_Cancer_Survivors_Sense_Purpose_Mission | ||||
PX320902400000 | Do you sense a purpose/mission for your life more | N/A | ||
PX320902_Quality_Life_Cancer_Survivors_Sexuality_Impact | ||||
PX320902300000 | Is your sexuality impacted by your illness? | N/A | ||
PX320902_Quality_Life_Cancer_Survivors_Sleep_Changes | ||||
PX320902040000 | To what extent are the following a problem more | N/A | ||
PX320902_Quality_Life_Cancer_Survivors_Support_From_Others | ||||
PX320902280000 | Is the amount of support you receive from more | N/A | ||
PX320902_Quality_Life_Cancer_Survivors_Uncertainty_Future | ||||
PX320902380000 | How much uncertainty do you feel about your more | N/A | ||
PX320902_Quality_Life_Cancer_Survivors_Usefulness | ||||
PX320902150000 | How useful do you feel? | N/A |
Measure Name
Quality of Life in Cancer Survivors
Release Date
December 17, 2020
Questionnaire assessing health-related quality of life in cancer survivors.
Concerns about health-related quality of life are important to cancer survivors and their families, as well as caregivers and care providers.
European Organisation for the Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC): Cancer Outcomes and Survivorship
Measure Protocols
Protocol ID | Protocol Name |
320901 | Quality of Life in Cancer Survivors - Active Treatment |
320902 | Quality of Life in Cancer Survivors - Long-term |