
Protocol - Social Support for Quitting Smoking

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The Partner Interaction Questionnaire is a 20-item questionnaire to assess the nature of partner behaviors supporting quitting and maintenance of abstinence. It includes two subscales assessing positive and negative behaviors provided by a spouse or romantic partner, close friend, or family member.

Specific Instructions

Respondents are asked the cigarette nicotine dependence questions only if they have been classified as a current every-day smoker or current some-day smoker based on responses to the adult Cigarette Smoking Status protocols.


This protocol is freely available; permission not required for use.


Instructions to interviewer:

Positive and negative behaviors were mixed together in random order when presented to subjects. The interviewer should ask the following lead-in statements about the respondent and their smoking status.

We are interested in finding out if certain events have happened to you since (this program started/since you have been trying to quit smoking). We have included a broad range of events that can apply to spouses, relatives, or friends. If you are married or living with a romantic partner, please answer with respect to how that person responded to you and your quitting efforts. If not, pick the person - friend or relative - who followed your progress in quitting most closely, and answer in terms of how that person responded to you.

In the last month, how often did the person you are thinking of do the following? (Circle one number for each event).

a. Is this person your... (Circle only one)

1[ ]Spouse/romantic partner

2[ ]Friend

3[ ]Co-worker

4[ ]Relative

5[ ]No one

b. Is this person... (Circle one)

1[ ]Currently a smoker and NOT trying to quit

2[ ]Currently a smoker and trying to quit

3[ ]A recent ex-smoker; has quit since the beginning of the program

4[ ]An ex-smoker; who quit before the program started

5[ ]A nonsmoker; has never smoked

6[ ]A user of other tobacco products (e.g., pipe, cigar, smokeless)

Negative Behaviors

1. Asked you to quit smoking.

0[ ]Never

1[ ]Almost never

2[ ]Sometimes

3[ ]Fairly often

4[ ]Very often

2. Comment that smoking is a dirty habit.

0[ ]Never

1[ ]Almost never

2[ ]Sometimes

3[ ]Fairly often

4[ ]Very often

3. Talk you out of smoking a cigarette.

0[ ]Never

1[ ]Almost never

2[ ]Sometimes

3[ ]Fairly often

4[ ]Very often

4. Comment on your lack of willpower.

0[ ]Never

1[ ]Almost never

2[ ]Sometimes

3[ ]Fairly often

4[ ]Very often

5. Comment that the house smells of smoke.

0[ ]Never

1[ ]Almost never

2[ ]Sometimes

3[ ]Fairly often

4[ ]Very often

6. Refuse to let you smoke in the house.

0[ ]Never

1[ ]Almost never

2[ ]Sometimes

3[ ]Fairly often

4[ ]Very often

7. Mentioned being bothered by smoke.

0[ ]Never

1[ ]Almost never

2[ ]Sometimes

3[ ]Fairly often

4[ ]Very often

8. Criticize your smoking.

0[ ]Never

1[ ]Almost never

2[ ]Sometimes

3[ ]Fairly often

4[ ]Very often

9. Express doubt about your ability to quit/stay quit.

0[ ]Never

1[ ]Almost never

2[ ]Sometimes

3[ ]Fairly often

4[ ]Very often

10. Refuse to clean up your cigarette butts.

0[ ]Never

1[ ]Almost never

2[ ]Sometimes

3[ ]Fairly often

4[ ]Very often

Positive Behaviors

1. Compliment you on not smoking.

0[ ]Never

1[ ]Almost never

2[ ]Sometimes

3[ ]Fairly often

4[ ]Very often

2. Congratulate you for your decision to quit smoking.

0[ ]Never

1[ ]Almost never

2[ ]Sometimes

3[ ]Fairly often

4[ ]Very often

3. Help you think of substitutes for smoking.

0[ ]Never

1[ ]Almost never

2[ ]Sometimes

3[ ]Fairly often

4[ ]Very often

4. Celebrate your quitting with you.

0[ ]Never

1[ ]Almost never

2[ ]Sometimes

3[ ]Fairly often

4[ ]Very often

5. Help to calm you down when you are feeling stressed or irritable.

0[ ]Never

1[ ]Almost never

2[ ]Sometimes

3[ ]Fairly often

4[ ]Very often

6. Tell you to stick with it.

0[ ]Never

1[ ]Almost never

2[ ]Sometimes

3[ ]Fairly often

4[ ]Very often

7. Express confidence in your ability to quit/remain quit.

0[ ]Never

1[ ]Almost never

2[ ]Sometimes

3[ ]Fairly often

4[ ]Very often

8. Help you to use substitutes for cigarettes.

0[ ]Never

1[ ]Almost never

2[ ]Sometimes

3[ ]Fairly often

4[ ]Very often

9. Express pleasure at your efforts to quit.

0[ ]Never

1[ ]Almost never

2[ ]Sometimes

3[ ]Fairly often

4[ ]Very often

10. Participate in an activity with you that keeps you from smoking (e.g., going for a walk instead of smoking).

0[ ]Never

1[ ]Almost never

2[ ]Sometimes

3[ ]Fairly often

4[ ]Very often

Scoring: Calculate separate scores for positive and negative behaviors by summing responses to the 10 items within each subscale. The positive/negative ratio score may also be calculated for each subject. The ratio of received positive/negative behaviors was a better predictor of abstinence than the frequencies of either positive or negative behavior alone, with higher ratios associated with abstinence.

Personnel and Training Required

The interviewer must be trained to conduct personal interviews with individuals from the general population. The interviewer must be trained and found to be competent (i.e., tested by an expert) at the completion of personal interviews. The interviewer should be trained to prompt respondents further if a “don’t know” response is provided.

Equipment Needs

The PhenX Smoking Cessation, Harm Reduction, and Biomarkers Working Group acknowledges that these questions can be administered in a computerized or noncomputerized format (i.e., paper-and-pencil instrument). Computer software is necessary to develop computer-assisted instruments. The interviewer will require a laptop computer/handheld computer to administer a computer-assisted questionnaire.

Requirement CategoryRequired
Major equipment No
Specialized training No
Specialized requirements for biospecimen collection No
Average time of greater than 15 minutes in an unaffected individual No
Mode of Administration

Interviewer-administered questionnaire




Adult (aged 18 or older) current smokers

Selection Rationale

The Partner Interaction Questionnaire is low burden, is validated, and assesses the impact of specific supportive or unsupportive behaviors for quitting smoking in adults.



Derived Variables


Process and Review

Not Applicable

Protocol Name from Source

Partner Interaction Questionnaire (PIQ-20)


Cohen, S., & Lichtenstein, E. (1990). Partner behaviors that support quitting smoking. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 58(3), 304-309.

General References

Mermelstein, R., Lichtenstein, E., & McIntyre, K. (1983). Partner support and relapse in smoking-cessation programs. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 51(3), 465-466.

Osman, A., Amodei, N., & Lamb, R. J. (2019). Further psychometric analysis of the 20-item Partner Interaction Questionnaire in an adult sample of smokers. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 33(6), 567-573.

Protocol ID


Export Variables
Variable Name Variable IDVariable DescriptiondbGaP Mapping
PX330901020100 In the last month, how often did the person more
you are thinking of do the following? Asked you to quit smoking. show less
PX330901021400 In the last month, how often did the person more
you are thinking of do the following? Celebrate your quitting with you. show less
PX330901020200 In the last month, how often did the person more
you are thinking of do the following? Comment that smoking is a dirty habit. show less
PX330901020500 In the last month, how often did the person more
you are thinking of do the following? Comment that the house smells of smoke. show less
PX330901020400 In the last month, how often did the person more
you are thinking of do the following? Comment on your lack of willpower. show less
PX330901021100 In the last month, how often did the person more
you are thinking of do the following? Compliment you on not smoking. show less
PX330901021200 In the last month, how often did the person more
you are thinking of do the following? Congratulate you for your decision to quit smoking. show less
PX330901020300 In the last month, how often did the person more
you are thinking of do the following? Talk you out of smoking a cigarette. show less
PX330901020800 In the last month, how often did the person more
you are thinking of do the following? Criticize your smoking. show less
PX330901021600 In the last month, how often did the person more
you are thinking of do the following? Tell you to stick with it. show less
PX330901021700 In the last month, how often did the person more
you are thinking of do the following? Express confidence in your ability to quit/remain quit. show less
PX330901020900 In the last month, how often did the person more
you are thinking of do the following? Express doubt about your ability to quit/stay quit. show less
PX330901021900 In the last month, how often did the person more
you are thinking of do the following? Express pleasure at your efforts to quit. show less
PX330901021500 In the last month, how often did the person more
you are thinking of do the following? Help to calm you down when you are feeling stressed or irritable. show less
PX330901021300 In the last month, how often did the person more
you are thinking of do the following? Help you think of substitutes for smoking. show less
PX330901021800 In the last month, how often did the person more
you are thinking of do the following? Help you to use substitutes for cigarettes. show less
PX330901020700 In the last month, how often did the person more
you are thinking of do the following? Mentioned being bothered by smoke. show less
PX330901022000 In the last month, how often did the person more
you are thinking of do the following? Participate in an activity with you that keeps you from smoking (e.g., going for a walk instead of smoking). show less
PX330901010100 We are interested in finding out if certain more
events have happened to you since (this program started/ since you have been trying to quit smoking). We have included a broad range of events that can apply to spouses, relatives, or friends. If you are m show less
PX330901010200 We are interested in finding out if certain more
events have happened to you since (this program started/ since you have been trying to quit smoking). We have included a broad range of events that can apply to spouses, relatives, or friends. If you are m show less
PX330901021000 In the last month, how often did the person more
you are thinking of do the following? Refuse to clean up your cigarette butts. show less
PX330901020600 In the last month, how often did the person more
you are thinking of do the following? Refuse to let you smoke in the house. show less
Smoking Cessation, Harm Reduction and Biomarkers
Measure Name

Social Support for Quitting Smoking

Release Date

February 23, 2021


This is a measure to determine social support specific to quitting smoking.


The purpose of this measure is to assess partners’, family members’, and close friends’ behaviors that support quitting and maintenance of smoking abstinence among adults.


Partner Interaction Questionnaire, PIQ-20, Smoking Cessation, Harm Reduction, and Biomarkers, social support, partner behavior, partner interaction, abstinence, smoking, quit, quitting smoking, positive behavior, negative behavior

Measure Protocols
Protocol ID Protocol Name
330901 Social Support for Quitting Smoking