
Protocol - Calcium Intake - Children

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These self-administered questions are for use with children of middle school-age (aged 11-14 years). Each question has a multichoice answer. Pictures help guide the children’s responses to the questions.

Specific Instructions



This protocol is freely available; permission not required for use.



Think about your usual eating habits over the past month. If you mark "Never or less than 1 time per month" for a question, follow the "Go to" instruction. Choose the best answer for each question by checking the box next to that answer.

1. How often do you drink 100% orange juice? Do not count fruit drinks like Tang® and Sunny D®.

1 [ ] Never or less than 1 time per month (GO TO QUESTION 2)

2 [ ] 1 time per month

3 [ ] 2-3 times per month

4 [ ] 1-2 times per week

5 [ ] 3-4 times per week

6 [ ] 5-6 times per week

7 [ ] 1 time per day

8 [ ] 2 or more times per day

1a. Each time you drink orange juice, how much do you usually drink?

1 [ ] Less than 1 cup

2 [ ] 1 cup (8 ounces)

3 [ ] More than 1 cup

1b. How often is the orange juice you drink calcium fortified?

1 [ ] Almost never or never

2 [ ] Sometimes

3 [ ] Almost always or always

4 [ ] Don’t know

2. How often do you drink milk as a beverage (NOT in cereal)?

1 [ ] Never or less than 1 time per month (GO TO QUESTION 3)

2 [ ] 1 time per month

3 [ ] 2-3 times per month

4 [ ] 1-2 times per week

5 [ ] 3-4 times per week

6 [ ] 5-6 times per week

7 [ ] 1 time per day

8 [ ] 2 times per day

9 [ ] 3 or more times per day

2a. Each time you drink milk, how much do you usually drink?

1 [ ] Less than 1 cup

2 [ ] 1 cup (8 ounces) (SEE PICTURE BELOW)

3 [ ] More than 1 cup

8 ounce glass of milk

2b. What kind of milk do you usually drink?

1 [ ] Whole milk

2 [ ] 2% fat milk

3 [ ] 1% fat milk

4 [ ] Skim or nonfat milk

5 [ ] Chocolate milk

6 [ ] Soy or rice milk

7 [ ] Don’t know

3. How often do you eat yogurt?

1 [ ] Never or less than 1 time per month (GO TO QUESTION 4)

2 [ ] 1 time per month

3 [ ] 2-3 times per month

4 [ ] 1-2 times per week

5 [ ] 3-4 times per week

6 [ ] 5-6 times per week

7 [ ] 1 or more times per day

4. How often do you eat cold cereal?

1 [ ] Never or less than one time per month (GO TO QUESTION 5)

2 [ ] 1 time per month

3 [ ] 2-3 times per month

4 [ ] 1-2 times per week

5 [ ] 3-4 times per week

6 [ ] 5-6 times per week

7 [ ] 1 time per day

8 [ ] 2 or more times per day

4a. Each time you eat cold cereal, how much do you usually eat?

1 [ ] Less than 2 cups

2 [ ] 2 cups (SEE THE PICTURE BELOW)

3 [ ] More than 2 cups

Two cups of cold cereal

5. How often do you eat Mexican foods such as tacos, tostados, burritos, tamales, fajitas, enchiladas, quesadillas, or chimichangas?

1 [ ] Never or less than 1 time per month (GO TO QUESTION 6)

2 [ ] 1 time per month

3 [ ] 2-3 times per month

4 [ ] 1-2 times per week

5 [ ] 3-4 times per week

6 [ ] 5-6 times per week

7 [ ] 1 or more times per day

5a. Each time you eat Mexican foods, how much do you usually eat?

1 [ ] Less than 1 taco or burrito

2 [ ] 1 taco or burrito

3 [ ] More than 1 taco or burrito

6. How often do you eat pizza?

1 [ ] Never or less than 1 time per month (GO TO QUESTION 7)

2 [ ] 1 time per month

3 [ ] 2-3 times per month

4 [ ] 1-2 times per week

5 [ ] 3-4 times per week

6 [ ] 5-6 times per week

7 [ ] 1 or more times per day

6a. Each time you eat pizza, how much do you usually eat?

1 [ ] 1 slice

2 [ ] 2 slices or one mini pizza

3 [ ] 3 or more slices

7. How often do you eat macaroni and cheese?

1 [ ] Never or less than 1 time per month (GO TO QUESTION 8)

2 [ ] 1 time per month

3 [ ] 2-3 times per month

4 [ ] 1-2 times per week

5 [ ] 3-4 times per week

6 [ ] 5-6 times per week

7 [ ] 1 or more times per day

7a. Each time you eat macaroni and cheese, how much do you usually eat?

1 [ ] Less than 1 cup


3 [ ] More than 1 cup

One cup of macaroni and cheese

8. How often do you eat ice cream, ice cream bars, milkshakes, or frozen yogurt?

1 [ ] Never or less than 1 time per month (GO TO QUESTION 9)

2 [ ] 1 time per month

3 [ ] 2-3 times per month

4 [ ] 1-2 times per week

5 [ ] 3-4 times per week

6 [ ] 5-6 times per week

7 [ ] 1 or more times per day

8a. Each time you eat ice cream, ice cream bars, milkshakes, or frozen yogurt, how much do you usually eat?

1 [ ] Less than 1 cup

2 [ ] 1 cup (2 scoops)

3 [ ] More than 1 cup

9. How often do you eat cheese (including on salads or in sandwiches or subs)?

1 [ ] Never or less than 1 time per month (GO TO QUESTION 10)

2 [ ] 1 time per month

3 [ ] 2-3 times per month

4 [ ] 1-2 times per week

5 [ ] 3-4 times per week

6 [ ] 5-6 times per week

7 [ ] 1 or more times per day

9a. Each time you eat cheese, how much do you usually eat?

1 [ ] Less than 1 slice

2 [ ] 1 slice

3 [ ] More than 1 slice

10. How often do you eat bread, toast or dinner rolls, including bread as part of a sandwich (DO NOT count buns with hamburgers or hot dogs)?

1 [ ] Never or less than 1 time per month (GO TO END)

2 [ ] 1 time per month

3 [ ] 2-3 times per month

4 [ ] 1-2 times per week

5 [ ] 3-4 times per week

6 [ ] 5-6 times per week

7 [ ] 1 time per day

8 [ ] 2 or more times per day

10a. Each time you eat bread, toast or dinner rolls, how much do you usually eat?

1 [ ] 1 slice or 1 dinner roll

2 [ ] 2 slices or 2 dinner rolls

3 [ ] More than 2 slices or 2 dinner rolls

Tang® is a registered trademark, Kraft Foods Inc.; Sunny D® is a registered trademark, Sunny Delight Beverages Co.

Scoring Procedures

Scoring procedures, including a table of calcium values for individual food items, can be found in the Nutrition and Dietary Supplements - Additional Information on the PhenX Portal.

Personnel and Training Required


Equipment Needs


Requirement CategoryRequired
Major equipment No
Specialized training No
Specialized requirements for biospecimen collection No
Average time of greater than 15 minutes in an unaffected individual No
Mode of Administration

Self-administered questionnaire


Child, Adolescent


Middle school-aged (11 to 14 years of age) children

Selection Rationale

This tool has been previously validated in a population of children with good validity and reliability measures. It is also easy to implement in large epidemiological studies and is low cost.


Chinese, English

Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes (LOINC) PhenX - calcium intake - pediatric proto 61436-2 LOINC
Human Phenotype Ontology Abnormality of calcium homeostasis HP:0004363 HPO
caDSR Form PhenX PX050201 - Calcium Intake By Children Daily 5849312 caDSR Form
Derived Variables


Process and Review

The Expert Review Panel #1 reviewed the measures in the Anthropometrics, Diabetes, Physical Activity and Physical Fitness, and Nutrition and Dietary Supplements domains.

Guidance from the ERP includes:

• No significant changes to measure

Back-compatible: no changes to Data Dictionary

Previous version in Toolkit archive (link)

Protocol Name from Source

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Eating and Activity Survey Trial, Calcium Food Frequency Questionnaire, 2002


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2002). Eating and Activity Survey Trial. Calcium Food Frequency Questionnaire.

General References

Harnack, L. J. (2006). Reliability and validity of a brief questionnaire to assess calcium intake of middle-school-aged children. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 106(11), 1790-1795.

Protocol ID


Export Variables
Variable Name Variable IDVariable DescriptiondbGaP Mapping
PX050201100000 Think about your usual eating habits over more
the past month. How often do you eat bread, toast or dinner rolls, including bread as part of a sandwich (DO NOT count buns with hamburgers or hot dogs)? show less
PX050201100100 Think about your usual eating habits over more
the past month. Each time you eat bread, toast or dinner rolls, how much do you usually eat? show less
PX050201040000 Think about your usual eating habits over more
the past month. How often do you eat cold cereal? show less
Variable Mapping
PX050201040100 Think about your usual eating habits over more
the past month. Each time you eat cold cereal, how much do you usually eat? show less
PX050201090000 Think about your usual eating habits over more
the past month. How often do you eat cheese (including on salads or in sandwiches or subs)? show less
Variable Mapping
PX050201090100 Think about your usual eating habits over more
the past month. Each time you eat cheese, how much do you usually eat? show less
PX050201080000 Think about your usual eating habits over more
the past month. How often do you eat ice cream, ice cream bars, milk shakes, or frozen yogurt? show less
Variable Mapping
PX050201080100 Think about your usual eating habits over more
the past month. Each time you eat ice cream, ice cream bars, milkshakes, or frozen yogurt, how much do you usually eat? show less
PX050201070000 Think about your usual eating habits over more
the past month. How often do you eat macaroni and cheese? show less
Variable Mapping
PX050201070100 Think about your usual eating habits over more
the past month. Each time you eat macaroni and cheese, how much do you usually eat? show less
PX050201050000 Think about your usual eating habits over more
the past month. How often do you eat Mexican foods such as tacos, tostados, burritos, tamales, fajitas, enchiladas, quesadillas, or chimichangas? show less
Variable Mapping
PX050201050100 Think about your usual eating habits over more
the past month. Each time you eat Mexican foods, how much do you usually eat? show less
PX050201020000 Think about your usual eating habits over more
the past month. How often do you drink milk as a beverage (NOT in cereal)? show less
Variable Mapping
PX050201020100 Think about your usual eating habits over more
the past month. Each time you drink milk, how much do you usually drink? show less
PX050201020200 Think about your usual eating habits over more
the past month. What kind of milk do you usually drink? show less
PX050201010200 Think about your usual eating habits over more
the past month. How often is the orange juice you drink calcium fortified? show less
Variable Mapping
PX050201010000 Think about your usual eating habits over more
the past month. How often do you drink 100% orange juice? Do not count fruit drinks like Tang and Sunny D. show less
PX050201010100 Think about your usual eating habits over more
the past month. Each time you drink orange juice, how much do you usually drink? show less
PX050201060000 Think about your usual eating habits over more
the past month. How often do you eat pizza? show less
Variable Mapping
PX050201060100 Think about your usual eating habits over more
the past month. Each time you eat pizza, how much do you usually eat? show less
PX050201030000 Think about your usual eating habits over more
the past month. How often do you eat yogurt? show less
Variable Mapping
Nutrition and Dietary Supplements
Measure Name

Calcium Intake (Daily)

Release Date

October 30, 2009


A measure to estimate an individual’s daily average intake of calcium in milligrams over the past 30 days.


Calcium is an element critical to many body functions including bone growth and maintenance, muscle and nerve control, blood clotting, and blood pressure regulation.


Nutrition and Dietary Supplements, mineral, total dietary intake, bone, bone growth, Blood pressure, muscle control, nerve control, blood clotting, NHIS

Measure Protocols
Protocol ID Protocol Name
50201 Calcium Intake - Children
50202 Calcium Intake - Adults