
Protocol - Family History of Substance Use Problems - Drugs

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The Alcohol Use Disorder and Associated Disabilities Interview Schedule -IV (AUDADIS-IV) is a fully structured diagnostic interview designed to assess alcohol, drug, and mental disorders according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition (DSM-IV), diagnostic criteria in both clinical and general populations. Section 3E of AUDADIS-IV assesses a respondent’s family history of drug problems.

Specific Instructions

Hand the Supplemental Drug Card to the respondent to use as a guide for common drug names before asking them to recall problems associated with drug use for their relatives and spouses/partners.

This measure was previously included in the Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Substances (ATOS) Supplemental Information as "Substances - Family history of substance abuse" and was promoted to the Toolkit on February 24, 2012 by the Working Group on Assessment of Substance Use and Substance Use Disorders.

The Substance Abuse and Addiction Working Group acknowledges that the following questions may gather sensitive information relating to the use of substances and/or illegal conduct. If the information is released, it might be damaging to an individual’s employability, lead to social stigmatization, or lead to other consequences.

Most researchers assure confidentiality as part of their informed consent process, as required by their institutional review boards. Further assurance of confidentiality may be obtained by applying to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) for a Certificate of Confidentiality, which helps researchers protect the privacy of human research participants. The procedures for the Certificate of Confidentiality can be found at the Grants Policy website of NIH: http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/policy/coc/index.htm.


This protocol is freely available; permission not required for use.


Now I would like to ask you some questions about whether your relatives, regardless of whether or not they are now living, have EVER had problems with drugs. By having problems with drugs, I mean a person who has physical or emotional problems because of drug use (PAUSE); problems with a spouse/partner, family, or friends because of drug use (PAUSE); problems at work or school because of drug use (PAUSE); problems with the police because of drug use-like driving under the influence (PAUSE) or a person who seems to spend a lot of time using drugs or getting over their bad aftereffects. (Repeat definition frequently.)

1. In your judgment, has your blood or natural father had/did your blood or natural father have problems with drugs at ANY time in his life?

1 [ ] Yes

2 [ ] No

Don’t Know/Refused

2. Has your blood or natural mother had/did your blood or natural mother have problems with drugs at ANY time in her life?

1 [ ] Yes

2 [ ] No

Don’t Know/Refused

3a. How many full brothers have you had who lived to be at least 10 years old, including those who are still living? By full brothers, I mean brothers who have the same natural mother AND the same natural father as you do.


0 [ ] None

Don’t Know/Refused

If Question 3a is None, Don’t Know, or Refused, then skip to Question 4a.

If Question 3a is 1, then respondent is asked Question 3b.

If Question 3a is >1, then respondent is asked Question 3c.

3b. Did your full brother have problems with drugs at ANY time in his life?

1 [ ] Yes

2 [ ] No

Don’t Know/Refused

3c. How many of your full brothers had problems with drugs at ANY time in their lives?


0 [ ] None

Don’t Know/Refused

4a. How many full sisters have you had who lived to be at least 10 years old, including those who are still living? By full sisters, I mean sisters who have the same natural mother AND the same natural father as you do.


0 [ ] None

Don’t Know/Refused

If Question 4a is None, Don’t Know, or Refused, then skip to Question 5a.

If Question 4a is 1, then respondent is asked Question 4b.

If Question 4a is >1, then respondent is asked Question 4c.

4b. Did your full sister have problems with drugs at ANY time in her life?

1 [ ] Yes

2 [ ] No

Don’t Know/Refused

4c. How many of your full sisters had problems with drugs at ANY time in their lives?


0 [ ] None

Don’t Know/Refused

5a. How many natural sons have you had who lived to be at least 10 years old, including those who are still living? By natural, I mean those who you (biologically fathered/gave birth to.)


0 [ ] None

Don’t Know/Refused

If Question 5a is None, Don’t Know, or Refused, then skip to Question 6a.

If Question 5a is 1, then respondent is asked Question 5b.

If Question 5a is >1, then respondent is asked Question 5c.

5b. Did your natural son have problems with drugs at ANY time in his life?

1 [ ] Yes

2 [ ] No

Don’t Know/Refused

5c. How many of your natural sons had problems with drugs at ANY time in their lives?


Don’t Know/Refused

6a. How many natural daughters have you had who lived to be at least 10 years old, including those who are still living? By natural, I mean those who you (biologically fathered/gave birth to.)


0 [ ] None

Don’t Know/Refused

If Question 6a is None, Don’t Know, or Refused, then skip to Question 7a.

If Question 6a is 1, then respondent is asked Question 6b.

If Question 6a is >1, then respondent is asked Question 6c.

6b. Did your natural daughter have problems with drugs at ANY time in her life?

1 [ ] Yes

2 [ ] No

Don’t Know/Refused

6c. How many of your natural daughters had problems with drugs at ANY time in their lives?


Don’t Know/Refused

7a. How many full brothers did your natural father have you had who lived to be at least 10 years old, including those who are still living? By full brothers, I mean brothers who have the same natural mother AND the same natural father as your father.


0 [ ] None

Don’t Know/Refused

If Question 7a is None, Don’t Know, or Refused, then skip to Question 8a.

If Question 7a is 1, then respondent is asked Question 7b.

If Question 7a is >1, then respondent is asked Question 7c.

7b. Did your natural father’s full brother have problems with drugs at ANY time in his life?

1 [ ] Yes

2 [ ] No

Don’t Know/Refused

7c. How many of your natural father’s full brothers had problems with drugs at ANY time in their lives?


0 [ ] None

Don’t Know/Refused

8a. How many full sisters did your natural father have you had who lived to be at least 10 years old, including those who are still living? By full sisters, I mean sisters who have the same natural mother AND the same natural father as your father.


0 [ ] None

Don’t Know/Refused

If Question 8a is None, Don’t Know, or Refused, then skip to Question 9a.

If Question 8a is 1, then respondent is asked Question 8b.

If Question 8a is >1, then respondent is asked Question 8c.

8b. Did your natural father’s full sister have problems with drugs at ANY time in her life?

1 [ ] Yes

2 [ ] No

Don’t Know/Refused

8c. How many of your natural father’s full sisters had problems with drugs at ANY time in their lives?


0 [ ] None

Don’t Know/Refused

9a. How many full brothers did your natural mother have who lived to be at least 10 years old, including those who are still living? By full brothers, I mean brothers who have the same natural mother AND the same natural father as your mother.


0 [ ] None

Don’t Know/Refused

If Question 9a is None, Don’t Know, or Refused, then skip to Question 10a.

If Question 9a is 1, then respondent is asked Question 9b.

If Question 9a is >1, then respondent is asked Question 9c.

9b. Did your natural mother’s full brother have problems with drugs at ANY time in his life?

1 [ ] Yes

2 [ ] No

Don’t Know/Refused

9c. How many of your natural mother’s full brothers had problems with drugs at ANY time in their lives?


0 [ ] None

Don’t Know/Refused

10a. How many full sisters did your natural mother have who lived to be at least 10 years old, including those who are still living? By full sisters, I mean sisters who have the same natural mother AND the same natural father as your mother.


0 [ ] None

Don’t Know/Refused

If Question 10a is None, Don’t Know, or Refused, then skip to Question 11.

If Question 10a is 1, then respondent is asked Question 10b.

If Question 10a is >1, then respondent is asked Question 10c.

10b. Did your natural mother’s full sister have problems with drugs at ANY time in her life?

1 [ ] Yes

2 [ ] No

Don’t Know/Refused

10c. How many of your natural mother’s full sisters had problems with drugs at ANY time in their lives?


0 [ ] None

Don’t Know/Refused

11. Did your natural grandfather on your father’s side have problems with drugs at ANY time in his life? By natural grandfather on your father’s side, I mean your father’s natural or blood father.

1 [ ] Yes

2 [ ] No

Don’t Know/Refused

12. Did your natural grandmother on your father’s side have problems with drugs at ANY time in her life? By natural grandmother on your father’s side, I mean your father’s natural or blood mother.

1 [ ] Yes

2 [ ] No

Don’t Know/Refused

13. Did your natural grandfather on your mother’s side have problems with drugs at ANY time in his life? By natural grandfather on your mother’s side, I mean your mother’s natural or blood father.

1 [ ] Yes

2 [ ] No

Don’t Know/Refused

13a. Did your natural grandmother on your mother’s side have problems with drugs at ANY time in her life? By natural grandmother on your mother’s side, I mean your mother’s natural or blood mother.

1 [ ] Yes

2 [ ] No

Don’t Know/Refused

14. Were you EVER married to someone who had problems with drugs?

1 [ ] Yes

2 [ ] No

Don’t Know/Refused

If Question 14 is No, Don’t Know, or Refused, then skip to Question 17.

If Question 14 is Yes, then ask respondent Question 15.

15. Is that your current (husband/wife)?

1 [ ] Yes

2 [ ] No

Don’t Know/Refused

If Question 15 is No, Don’t Know, or Refused, then skip to Question 17.

16. Would you say that (he/she) has problems with drugs at this time?

1 [ ] Yes

2 [ ] No

Don’t Know/Refused

17. Did you EVER live with someone as if you were married?

Reiterate that this person is not a spouse.

1 [ ] Yes

2 [ ] No

Don’t Know/Refused

If Question 17 is No, Don’t Know, or Refused, then end section.

If Question 17 is Yes, ask respondent Question 18.

18. Did you EVER live as if married with someone who had problems with drugs?

1 [ ] Yes

2 [ ] No

Don’t Know/Refused

19. Is that the person you live with now?

1 [ ] Yes

2 [ ] No

Don’t Know/Refused

If Question 19 is No, Don’t Know, or Refused, then end section.

20. Would you say that (he/she) has drug problems at this time?

1 [ ] Yes

2 [ ] No

Don’t Know/Refused

Personnel and Training Required

The interviewer must be trained to conduct personal interviews with individuals from the general population. The interviewer must be trained and found to be competent (i.e., tested by an expert) in the completion of personal interviews. The interviewer should be trained to prompt respondents further if a "don’t know" response is provided.

Equipment Needs

While the Alcohol Use Disorder and Associated Disabilities Interview Schedule-IV (AUDADIS-IV) was developed for administration by computer, the literature suggests that these questions can be administered in a noncomputerized format. Hasin et al. (1997) and Grant et al. (1995) used the AUDADIS in paper-and pencil-format, while Grant et al. (2003) obtained data with the computerized format. If the questions are administered via paper and pencil, it is essential that the proper skip pattern is followed.

Requirement CategoryRequired
Major equipment No
Specialized training No
Specialized requirements for biospecimen collection No
Average time of greater than 15 minutes in an unaffected individual No
Mode of Administration

Self-administered or interviewer-administered questionnaire




Adults aged 18 years and older

Selection Rationale

The Alcohol Use Disorder and Associated Disabilities Interview Schedule-IV (AUDADIS-IV) was chosen because it has been used in a large epidemiologic study, National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions (NESARC), containing adults with a wide age range and different ethnicities. The questions from this survey have been validated, and they are low burden. While originally developed as interviewer-administered, AUDADIS has been validated in several modes of administration.

Unlike other validated instruments that probe only first-degree relatives, AUDADIS-IV captures first- and second-degree relatives.



Human Phenotype Ontology Addictive behavior HP:0030858 HPO
caDSR Form PhenX PX510102 - Family History Of Substance Use Problems Drugs 6215137 caDSR Form
Derived Variables


Process and Review

The Expert Review Panel #3 (ERP 3) reviewed the measures in Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Substances, and Substance Abuse and Addiction domains.

Guidance from ERP 3 includes:

• No significant changes to measure

Back-compatible: NA no changes to Data Dictionary

Protocol Name from Source

Alcohol Use Disorder and Associated Disabilities Interview Schedule-IV (AUDADIS-IV)


National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions, Wave 1 (NESARC-WAVE 1). Alcohol Use Disorder and Associated Disabilities Interview Schedule - Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Fourth Edition Version (AUDADIS-IV). Section 3E. Questions 1-14.

General References

Grant, B. F., Dawson, D. A., & Hasin, D. S. (2001). The Alcohol Use Disorder and Associated Disabilities Interview Schedule-DSM-IV Version. Bethesda, MD: National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism.

Grant, B. F., Dawson, D. A., Stinson, F. S., Chou, P. S., Kay, W., & Pickering, R. (2003). The Alcohol Use Disorder and Associated Disabilities Interview Schedule-IV (AUDADIS-IV): Reliability of alcohol consumption, tobacco use, family history of depression and psychiatric diagnostic modules in a general population sample. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 71(1), 7-16.

Grant, B. F., Harford, T. C., Dawson, D. A., Chou, P. S., & Pickering, R. P. (1995). The Alcohol Use Disorder and Associated Disabilities Interview Schedule (AUDADIS): Reliability of alcohol and drug modules in a general population sample. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 39(1), 37-44.

Hasin, D., Carpenter, K. M., McCloud, S., Smith, M., & Grant, B. F. (1997). The Alcohol Use Disorder and Associated Disabilities Interview Schedule (AUDADIS): Reliability of alcohol and drug modules in a clinical sample. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 44(2-3):133-141.

Protocol ID


Export Variables
Variable Name Variable IDVariable DescriptiondbGaP Mapping
PX510102030200 Did your full brother have problems with more
drugs at ANY time in his life? show less
PX510102150000 Is that your current (husband/wife)? N/A
PX510102160000 Would you say that (he/she) has problems more
with drugs at this time? show less
PX510102060200 Did your natural daughter have problems with more
drugs at ANY time in her life? show less
PX510102010000 In your judgment, has your blood or natural more
father had/did your blood or natural father have problems with drugs at ANY time in his life? show less
PX510102170000 Did you EVER live with someone as if you more
were married? show less
PX510102190000 Is that the person you live with now? N/A
PX510102180000 Did you EVER live as if married with someone more
who had problems with drugs? show less
PX510102200000 Would you say that (he/she) has drug more
problems at this time? show less
PX510102140000 Were you EVER married to someone who had more
problems with drugs? show less
PX510102100200 Did your natural mother's full sister have more
problems with drugs at ANY time in her life? show less
PX510102130100 Did your natural grandfather on your more
mother's side have problems with drugs at ANY time in his life? By natural grandfather on your mother's side, I mean your mother's natural or blood father. show less
PX510102130200 Did your natural grandmother on your more
mother's side have problems with drugs at ANY time in her life? By natural grandmother on your mother's side, I mean your mother's natural or blood mother. show less
PX510102090200 Did your natural mother's full brother have more
problems with drugs at ANY time in his life? show less
PX510102020000 Has your blood or natural mother had/did more
your blood or natural mother have problems with drugs at ANY time in her life? show less
PX510102030300 How many of your full brothers had problems more
with drugs at ANY time in their lives? show less
PX510102060300 How many of your natural daughters had more
problems with drugs at ANY time in their lives? show less
PX510102030100 How many full brothers have you had who more
lived to be at least 10 years old, including those who are still living? By full brothers, I mean brothers who have the same natural mother AND the same natural father as you do. show less
Variable Mapping
PX510102040100 How many full sisters have you had who lived more
to be at least 10 years old, including those who are still living? By full sisters, I mean sisters who have the same natural mother AND the same natural father as you do. show less
PX510102100300 How many of your natural mother's full more
sisters had problems with drugs at ANY time in their lives? show less
PX510102090300 How many of your natural mother's full more
brothers had problems with drugs at ANY time in their lives? show less
PX510102060100 How many natural daughters have you had who more
lived to be at least 10 years old, including those who are still living? By natural, I mean those who you (biologically fathered/gave birth to.) show less
PX510102100100 How many full sisters did your natural more
mother have who lived to be at least 10 years old, including those who are still living? By full sisters, I mean sisters who have the same natural mother AND the same natural father as your mother. show less
PX510102090100 How many full brothers did your natural more
mother have who lived to be at least 10 years old, including those who are still living? By full brothers, I mean brothers who have the same natural mother AND the same natural father as your mother. show less
PX510102080100 How many full sisters did your natural more
father have you had who lived to be at least 10 years old, including those who are still living? By full sisters, I mean sisters who have the same natural mother AND the same natural father as your father. show less
PX510102070100 How many full brothers did your natural more
father have you had who lived to be at least 10 years old, including those who are still living? By full brothers, I mean brothers who have the same natural mother AND the same natural father as your father. show less
PX510102050100 How many natural sons have you had who lived more
to be at least 10 years old, including those who are still living? By natural, I mean those who you (biologically fathered/gave birth to.) show less
PX510102080300 How many of your natural father's full more
sisters had problems with drugs at ANY time in their lives? show less
PX510102070300 How many of your natural father's full more
brothers had problems with drugs at ANY time in their lives? show less
PX510102040300 How many of your full sisters had problems more
with drugs at ANY time in their lives? show less
PX510102050300 How many of your natural sons had problems more
with drugs at ANY time in their lives? show less
PX510102080200 Did your natural father's full sister have more
problems with drugs at ANY time in her life? show less
PX510102110000 Did your natural grandfather on your more
father's side have problems with drugs at ANY time in his life? By natural grandfather on your father's side, I mean your father's natural or blood father. show less
PX510102120000 Did your natural grandmother on your more
father's side have problems with drugs at ANY time in her life? By natural grandmother on your father's side, I mean your father's natural or blood mother. show less
PX510102070200 Did your natural father's full brother have more
problems with drugs at ANY time in his life? show less
PX510102040200 Did your full sister have problems with more
drugs at ANY time in her life? show less
PX510102050200 Did your natural son have problems with more
drugs at ANY time in his life? show less
Assessment of Substance Use and Substance Use Disorders
Measure Name

Family History of Substance Use Problems

Release Date

February 24, 2012


Instruments used separately to obtain family history of substance use problems including tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs.


The purpose of this measure is to obtain a family history of substance use problems by asking the respondent whether or not any first- or second-degree biological relatives or spouses/partners have a history of problems with tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs.


alcohol, Alcohol Use Disorder and Associated Disabilities Interview Schedule, AUDADIS, COGA, Collaborative Study on the Genetics of Alcoholism, Drugs, Family History, National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions, NESARC, SAA, substance abuse, substance use, tobacco, Tobacco Family History Assessment Module, Assessment of Substance Use and Substance Use Disorders, gerontology, aging, geriatrics

Measure Protocols
Protocol ID Protocol Name
510101 Family History of Substance Use Problems - Alcohol
510102 Family History of Substance Use Problems - Drugs