
Protocol - Disapproval of Substance Use

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Respondents complete a self-administered question from the Monitoring the Future (MTF) 2015 questionnaire, related to whether or not they approve of people participating in tobacco, alcohol, and drug use.

Specific Instructions

Although the Monitoring the Future (MTF) questionnaire is validated for adolescents, the Working Group notes that the instrument could be administered to adults.


This protocol is freely available; permission not required for use.


1. Individuals differ in whether or not they disapprove of people doing certain things. Do YOU disapprove of people doing each of the following?

a. Smoking one or more packs of cigarettes per day

1[ ]Don’t Disapprove

2[ ]Disapprove

3[ ]Strongly Disapprove

4[ ]Can’t Say, Drug Unfamiliar

b. Using smokeless tobacco regularly

1[ ]Don’t Disapprove

2[ ]Disapprove

3[ ]Strongly Disapprove

4[ ]Can’t Say, Drug Unfamiliar

c. Tying marijuana once or twice

1[ ]Don’t Disapprove

2[ ]Disapprove

3[ ]Strongly Disapprove

4[ ]Can’t Say, Drug Unfamiliar

d. Smoking marijuana occasionally

1[ ]Don’t Disapprove

2[ ]Disapprove

3[ ]Strongly Disapprove

4[ ]Can’t Say, Drug Unfamiliar

e. Smoking marijuana regularly

1[ ]Don’t Disapprove

2[ ]Disapprove

3[ ]Strongly Disapprove

4[ ]Can’t Say, Drug Unfamiliar

f. Trying cocaine in powder form once or twice

1[ ]Don’t Disapprove

2[ ]Disapprove

3[ ]Strongly Disapprove

4[ ]Can’t Say, Drug Unfamiliar

g. Taking cocaine powder occasionally

1[ ]Don’t Disapprove

2[ ]Disapprove

3[ ]Strongly Disapprove

4[ ]Can’t Say, Drug Unfamiliar

h. Trying "crack" cocaine once or twice

1[ ]Don’t Disapprove

2[ ]Disapprove

3[ ]Strongly Disapprove

4[ ]Can’t Say, Drug Unfamiliar

i. Taking "crack" cocaine occasionally

1[ ]Don’t Disapprove

2[ ]Disapprove

3[ ]Strongly Disapprove

4[ ]Can’t Say, Drug Unfamiliar

j. Trying one or two drinks of an alcoholic beverage (beer, wine, liquor)

1[ ]Don’t Disapprove

2[ ]Disapprove

3[ ]Strongly Disapprove

4[ ]Can’t Say, Drug Unfamiliar

k. Taking one or two drinks nearly every day

1[ ]Don’t Disapprove

2[ ]Disapprove

3[ ]Strongly Disapprove

4[ ]Can’t Say, Drug Unfamiliar

l. Having five or more drinks once or twice each weekend

1[ ]Don’t Disapprove

2[ ]Disapprove

3[ ]Strongly Disapprove

4[ ]Can’t Say, Drug Unfamiliar

m. Sniffing glue, gases, or sprays once or twice

1[ ]Don’t Disapprove

2[ ]Disapprove

3[ ]Strongly Disapprove

4[ ]Can’t Say, Drug Unfamiliar

n. Sniffing glue, gases, or sprays regularly

1[ ]Don’t Disapprove

2[ ]Disapprove

3[ ]Strongly Disapprove

4[ ]Can’t Say, Drug Unfamiliar

o. Taking LSD once or twice

1[ ]Don’t Disapprove

2[ ]Disapprove

3[ ]Strongly Disapprove

4[ ]Can’t Say, Drug Unfamiliar

p. Taking LSD regularly

1[ ]Don’t Disapprove

2[ ]Disapprove

3[ ]Strongly Disapprove

4[ ]Can’t Say, Drug Unfamiliar

q. Trying MDMA ("ecstasy") once or twice

1[ ]Don’t Disapprove

2[ ]Disapprove

3[ ]Strongly Disapprove

4[ ]Can’t Say, Drug Unfamiliar

r. Taking MDMC ("ecstasy") occasionally

1[ ]Don’t Disapprove

2[ ]Disapprove

3[ ]Strongly Disapprove

4[ ]Can’t Say, Drug Unfamiliar

s. Using electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) regularly

1[ ]Don’t Disapprove

2[ ]Disapprove

3[ ]Strongly Disapprove

4[ ]Can’t Say, Drug Unfamiliar

Personnel and Training Required


Equipment Needs


Requirement CategoryRequired
Major equipment No
Specialized training No
Specialized requirements for biospecimen collection No
Average time of greater than 15 minutes in an unaffected individual No
Mode of Administration

Self-administered questionnaire


Adolescent, Adult


Adolescents and adults aged 13 years or older

Selection Rationale

The Monitoring the Future (MTF) protocol was chosen because it has been used in a comprehensive research project with large samples that are nationally representative. The MTF is a repeated series of surveys in which the same segments of the population (8th-, 10th-, and 12th-graders; college students; and young adults) are presented with the same set of questions over a period of years to see how answers change over time. The measures for this questionnaire have been validated and used widely in the literature with adolescents and young adults.



Human Phenotype Ontology Addictive behavior HP:0030858 HPO
caDSR Form PhenX PX550202 - Disapproval Of Substance Use 6913418 caDSR Form
Derived Variables


Process and Review

The Expert Review Panel #3 (ERP 3) reviewed the measures in Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Substances, and Substance Abuse and Addiction domains.

Guidance from ERP 3 includes:

• Changed name of Measure

• Updated protocol

• New Data Dictionary

Back-compatible: Partially back-compatible (updated/similar protocol which would require some changes to the data dictionary), variable mapping between current and previous protocols can be found here

Previous version in Toolkit archive (link)

Protocol Name from Source

Monitoring the Future (MTF), 2015


National Institutes of Health, National Institute on Drug Abuse, University of Michigan, Institute for Social Research, Monitoring the Future (MTF), 2015. Ann Arbor, MI: Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research. Form 2, Part A, Question 17.

General References

Miech, R. A., Johnston, L. D., O’Malley, P. M., Bachman, J. G., & Schulenberg, J. E. (2015). Monitoring the Future national survey results on drug use, 1975-2014: Volume I, Secondary school students. Ann Arbor: Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan.

Protocol ID


Export Variables
Variable Name Variable IDVariable DescriptiondbGaP Mapping
PX550202011100 Individuals differ in whether or not they more
disapprove of people doing certain things. Do YOU disapprove of people doing each of the following? Taking one or two drinks nearly every day show less
PX550202011000 Individuals differ in whether or not they more
disapprove of people doing certain things. Do YOU disapprove of people doing each of the following? Trying one or two drinks of an alcoholic beverage (beer, wine, liquor) show less
PX550202011200 Individuals differ in whether or not they more
disapprove of people doing certain things. Do YOU disapprove of people doing each of the following? Having five or more drinks once or twice each weekend show less
PX550202010700 Individuals differ in whether or not they more
disapprove of people doing certain things. Do YOU disapprove of people doing each of the following? Taking cocaine powder occasionally show less
PX550202010600 Individuals differ in whether or not they more
disapprove of people doing certain things. Do YOU disapprove of people doing each of the following? Trying cocaine in powder form once or twice show less
PX550202010900 Individuals differ in whether or not they more
disapprove of people doing certain things. Do YOU disapprove of people doing each of the following? Taking "crack" cocaine occasionally show less
PX550202010800 Individuals differ in whether or not they more
disapprove of people doing certain things. Do YOU disapprove of people doing each of the following? Trying "crack" cocaine once or twice show less
PX550202011900 Individuals differ in whether or not they more
disapprove of people doing certain things. Do YOU disapprove of people doing each of the following? Using electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) regularly show less
PX550202011400 Individuals differ in whether or not they more
disapprove of people doing certain things. Do YOU disapprove of people doing each of the following? Sniffing glue, gases, or sprays regularly show less
PX550202011300 Individuals differ in whether or not they more
disapprove of people doing certain things. Do YOU disapprove of people doing each of the following? Sniffing glue, gases, or sprays once or twice show less
PX550202011600 Individuals differ in whether or not they more
disapprove of people doing certain things. Do YOU disapprove of people doing each of the following? Taking LSD regularly show less
PX550202011500 Individuals differ in whether or not they more
disapprove of people doing certain things. Do YOU disapprove of people doing each of the following? Taking LSD once or twice show less
PX550202010400 Individuals differ in whether or not they more
disapprove of people doing certain things. Do YOU disapprove of people doing each of the following? Smoking marijuana occasionally show less
PX550202010500 Individuals differ in whether or not they more
disapprove of people doing certain things. Do YOU disapprove of people doing each of the following? Smoking marijuana regularly show less
PX550202010300 Individuals differ in whether or not they more
disapprove of people doing certain things. Do YOU disapprove of people doing each of the following? Tying marijuana once or twice show less
PX550202011800 Individuals differ in whether or not they more
disapprove of people doing certain things. Do YOU disapprove of people doing each of the following? Taking MDMC ("ecstasy”) occasionally show less
PX550202011700 Individuals differ in whether or not they more
disapprove of people doing certain things. Do YOU disapprove of people doing each of the following? Trying MDMA ("ecstasy”) once or twice show less
PX550202010200 Individuals differ in whether or not they more
disapprove of people doing certain things. Do YOU disapprove of people doing each of the following? Using smokeless tobacco regularly show less
PX550202010100 Individuals differ in whether or not they more
disapprove of people doing certain things. Do YOU disapprove of people doing each of the following? Smoking one or more packs of cigarettes per day show less
Substance Use-related Community Factors
Measure Name

Disapproval of Substance Use

Release Date

November 21, 2016


Instrument used to gather information on whether respondents disapprove of other people using specific substances, including cigarettes, alcohol, and illegal drugs.




Monitoring the Future, MTF, Drugs, alcohol, smoking, cigarettes, tobacco, substance abuse, Adolescents, Adults, marijuana, MDMA, ecstasy, steroids, cocaine, heroin, Social norms, SAA, Substance Use-related Community Factors

Measure Protocols
Protocol ID Protocol Name
550202 Disapproval of Substance Use