Protocol - Residential History
This protocol captures information about every residence the respondent has lived in for 3 months or longer. It includes questions concerning topics such as the dates lived, exact address and/or landmarks near the residence, whether the residence was located on or near a farm, the type of water supply, whether the residence was near fields or orchards, and whether it was located in the center or margin of town.
After the interview has been completed, the researcher should determine the geocoordinates of each residence. Some geocoordinates will not be accurate based on the data obtained from these questions and may be improved with additional quality control measures or by obtaining a global positioning system (GPS) measurement at the residence.
Specific Instructions
If the complete address is not provided, the interviewer should ask about landmarks near the respondent’s residence. Closest intersections (cross streets), closest major streets, churches, major stores, and schools, museums, hospitals, city halls, post offices, other state or federal administrative buildings, historical monuments, memorial places, parks, or ponds are good landmarks to allow for manual geocoding when exact street addresses are not remembered. It is also important to ask for distance to and direction from the landmark (e.g., southwest corner of Northwestern High School property, near northern edge of Madson’s Tree Farm).
This protocol is freely available; permission not required for use.
Ask the respondent about current and previous residences in which he or she has lived for 3 months or longer. Begin with the current residence, and complete one row for each residence. Geocoordinates are obtained after the interview is completed by entering the complete address into a web-based geocoding tool such as the one developed by the University of Southern California’s GIS Research Laboratory and maintained at Texas A&M University at Utilize this or a similar tool or other reliable geocoding databases to determine the geocoordinates for each residence. A guide to geocoding services and practical applications is provided at, and geocoding details are discussed in Goldberg, D. W., & Cockburn, M. G. (2010). Improving geocode accuracy with candidate selection criteria. Transactions in GIS, 14(S1), 129-146.
The accuracy of geocoordinates may also be improved by using a geocode correction tool (Goldberg, D., Wilson, J., Knoblock, C., Ritz, B., & Cockburn M. [2008]. An effective and efficient approach for manually improving geocodes. International Journal of Health Geographics, 7, 60-79).
Dates Lived | Address: Street/Crosstreets City, State, ZIP code (5-digit, or 9-digit, if available), Country (if not U.S.) or landmark | Was this on a farm? | What was your water supply? | Near fields or orchards? | Did you live close to the center or margin of town? |
1a. From: To: | 1b. | 1c. [ ] on farm [ ] no | 1d. [ ] city [ ] private well [ ] filtered water [ ] bottled water [ ] other: ______________ | 1e. [ ] yes [ ] no | 1f. [ ] center [ ] margin |
2a. From: To: | 2b. | 2c. [ ] on farm [ ] no | 2d. [ ] city [ ] private well [ ] filtered water [ ] bottled water [ ] other: ______________ | 2e. [ ] yes [ ] no | 2f. [ ] center [ ] margin |
3a. From: To: | 3b. | 3c. [ ] on farm [ ] no | 3d. [ ] city [ ] private well [ ] filtered water [ ] bottled water [ ] other: ______________ | 3e. [ ] yes [ ] no | 3f. [ ] center [ ] margin |
After the interview has been completed, enter the geocoordinates for the residence. | Were the geocoordinates verified? |
1g. latitude _______________ longitude _______________ [ ] not available, incomplete address | 1h. 1[ ]yes-if yes, how? ________________ 2[ ]no |
2g. latitude _______________ longitude _______________ [ ] not available, incomplete address | 2h. 1[ ]yes-if yes, how? ________________ 2[ ]no |
3g. latitude _______________ longitude _______________ [ ] not available, incomplete address | 3h. 1[ ]yes-if yes, how? _______________ 2[ ]no |
Personnel and Training Required
The interviewer must be trained to conduct personal interviews with individuals from the general population. The interviewer must be trained and found to be competent (i.e., tested by an expert) at the completion of personal interviews.* The interviewer should be trained to prompt respondents further if a "don’t know" response is provided.
Manual geocoding requires some training and the individual who performs this activity should be tested to determine his or her competency at obtaining acceptable results. Training would also be necessary to perform quality control measures.
* There are multiple modes to administer this question (e.g., paper-and-pencil and computer-assisted interviews).
Equipment Needs
While the source protocol was developed to be administered by a computer-assisted telephone instrument, the PhenX Working Group acknowledges these questions can be administered in a noncomputerized format (i.e., paper-and-pencil instrument). Computer software is necessary to develop computer-assisted instruments. The interviewer will require a laptop computer or handheld computer to administer a computer-assisted questionnaire.
Geocoding can be performed by web-based computer application or vendor. Mapping software, such as ArcGIS®, is essential to map geocoordinates.
Requirement Category | Required |
Major equipment | No |
Specialized training | No |
Specialized requirements for biospecimen collection | No |
Average time of greater than 15 minutes in an unaffected individual | Yes |
Mode of Administration
Interviewer-administered questionnaire
Adult 18+
Selection Rationale
A detailed residential history assessment is preferable for exposure assessment because many exposures (e.g., air pollution or agricultural pesticide use) cannot be estimated or reported by individuals, but knowing the location of their residence may indicate potential for exposure. Many chronic diseases have a long latency such that current address only may be insufficient for exposure assessment.
Chinese, English, Other languages available at source
Standard | Name | ID | Source |
Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes (LOINC) | Environ exp residential hx proto | 62518-6 | LOINC |
caDSR Form | PhenX PX060301 - Residential History | 5868307 | caDSR Form |
Derived Variables
Process and Review
The Expert Review Panel #2 (ERP 2) reviewed the measures in the Demographics, Environmental Exposures, and Social Environments domains.
Guidance from ERP 2 includes:
• Revised descriptions of the measure
Back-compatible: no changes to Data Dictionary
Previous version in Toolkit archive (link)
Protocol Name from Source
Parkinsons Disease, Environment, and Genes Study (PEG Study), 2001
Goldberg, D., Wilson, J., Knoblock, C., Ritz, B., & Cockburn M. (2008). An effective and efficient approach for manually improving geocodes. International Journal of Health Geographics, 7, 60–79.
Ritz, B. (2001). University of California, Los Angeles. Parkinsons Disease, Environment, and Genes Study (PEG Study), 2001. Question numbers 1a.–3f.
General References
Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. (ESRI). ArcGIS® software.
Protocol ID
Export VariablesVariable Name | Variable ID | Variable Description | dbGaP Mapping | |
PX060301_Residence_Address_1 | ||||
PX060301010200 | What is the residence address? more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX060301_Residence_Address_2 | ||||
PX060301020200 | What is the residence address? more | N/A | ||
PX060301_Residence_Address_3 | ||||
PX060301030200 | What is the residence address? more | N/A | ||
PX060301_Residence_Date_Lived_From_1 | ||||
PX060301010101 | From what date did you live in the residence? | N/A | ||
PX060301_Residence_Date_Lived_From_2 | ||||
PX060301020101 | From what date did you live in the residence? | N/A | ||
PX060301_Residence_Date_Lived_From_3 | ||||
PX060301030101 | From what date did you live in the residence? | N/A | ||
PX060301_Residence_Date_Lived_To_1 | ||||
PX060301010102 | To what date did/do you live in the residence? | N/A | ||
PX060301_Residence_Date_Lived_To_2 | ||||
PX060301020102 | To what date did/do you live in the residence? | N/A | ||
PX060301_Residence_Date_Lived_To_3 | ||||
PX060301030102 | To what date did/do you live in the residence? | N/A | ||
PX060301_Residence_Geocoordinate_Coded_1 | ||||
PX060301010703 | After the interview has been completed, more | N/A | ||
PX060301_Residence_Geocoordinate_Coded_2 | ||||
PX060301020703 | After the interview has been completed, more | N/A | ||
PX060301_Residence_Geocoordinate_Coded_3 | ||||
PX060301030703 | After the interview has been completed, more | N/A | ||
PX060301_Residence_Geocoordinate_Latitude_1 | ||||
PX060301010701 | After the interview has been completed, more | N/A | ||
PX060301_Residence_Geocoordinate_Latitude_2 | ||||
PX060301020701 | After the interview has been completed, more | N/A | ||
PX060301_Residence_Geocoordinate_Latitude_3 | ||||
PX060301030701 | After the interview has been completed, more | N/A | ||
PX060301_Residence_Geocoordinate_Longitude_1 | ||||
PX060301010702 | After the interview has been completed, more | N/A | ||
PX060301_Residence_Geocoordinate_Longitude_2 | ||||
PX060301020702 | After the interview has been completed, more | N/A | ||
PX060301_Residence_Geocoordinate_Longitude_3 | ||||
PX060301030702 | After the interview has been completed, more | N/A | ||
PX060301_Residence_Geocoordinate_Verified_1 | ||||
PX060301010800 | Were the geocoordinates verified? | N/A | ||
PX060301_Residence_Geocoordinate_Verified_1_How | ||||
PX060301010801 | Describes how geocoordinates were verifed | N/A | ||
PX060301_Residence_Geocoordinate_Verified_2 | ||||
PX060301020800 | Were the geocoordinates verified? | N/A | ||
PX060301_Residence_Geocoordinate_Verified_2_How | ||||
PX060301020801 | Describes how geocoordinates were verifed | N/A | ||
PX060301_Residence_Geocoordinate_Verified_3 | ||||
PX060301030800 | Were the geocoordinates verified? | N/A | ||
PX060301_Residence_Geocoordinate_Verified_3_How | ||||
PX060301030801 | Describes how the geocoordinates were verified | N/A | ||
PX060301_Residence_Near_Field_Orchards_1 | ||||
PX060301010500 | Near fields or orchards? | N/A | ||
PX060301_Residence_Near_Field_Orchards_2 | ||||
PX060301020500 | Near fields or orchards? | N/A | ||
PX060301_Residence_Near_Field_Orchards_3 | ||||
PX060301030500 | Near fields or orchards? | N/A | ||
PX060301_Residence_Near_Town_1 | ||||
PX060301010600 | Did you live close to the center or margin more | N/A | ||
PX060301_Residence_Near_Town_2 | ||||
PX060301020600 | Did you live close to the center or margin more | N/A | ||
PX060301_Residence_Near_Town_3 | ||||
PX060301030600 | Did you live close to the center or margin more | N/A | ||
PX060301_Residence_On_Farm_1 | ||||
PX060301010300 | Was this on a farm? | Variable Mapping | ||
PX060301_Residence_On_Farm_2 | ||||
PX060301020300 | Was this on a farm? | N/A | ||
PX060301_Residence_On_Farm_3 | ||||
PX060301030300 | Was this on a farm? | N/A | ||
PX060301_Residence_Water_Supply_1 | ||||
PX060301010400 | What was your water supply? | Variable Mapping | ||
PX060301_Residence_Water_Supply_1_Specify | ||||
PX060301010401 | What was your water supply? | Variable Mapping | ||
PX060301_Residence_Water_Supply_2 | ||||
PX060301020400 | What was your water supply? | N/A | ||
PX060301_Residence_Water_Supply_2_Specify | ||||
PX060301020401 | What was your water supply? | N/A | ||
PX060301_Residence_Water_Supply_3 | ||||
PX060301030400 | What was your water supply? | N/A | ||
PX060301_Residence_Water_Supply_3_Specify | ||||
PX060301030401 | What was your water supply? | N/A |
Measure Name
Residential History
Release Date
October 30, 2009
Questions about the respondent’s current and previous residences. Details on each residence are collected to allow sufficient data for geocoding.
Many studies have linked the physical location of a person’s residence with environmental exposures such as air pollution or other environmental toxins in soil or water that can cause adverse effects to the cardiac, pulmonary, or nervous systems. Researchers can use the geographic coordinates (geocoordinates) of a person’s residence to determine the residence’s location and determine proximity or exposure to local and ambient pollutants. Information about not only the current residence but also previous residences is more useful because relevant exposures may have occurred in the past, and many diseases have a long latency period (e.g., cancers or nervous system diseases). Residential geolocations can subsequently be linked to additional information such as water source and whether or not the property was located on a farm to serve as additional indicators for potential environmental exposures.
Environmental exposure, residence, farm, geocoordinate, latitude, longitude, landmark, global positioning system, GPS, immigrant health
Measure Protocols
Protocol ID | Protocol Name |
60301 | Residential History |