
Protocol - Non-suicidal Self Injury

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The Self-Injurious Thoughts and Behaviors Interview (SITBI) is a structured interview that includes five modules assessing the presence, frequency, and characteristics of five types of self-injurious thoughts and behaviors: suicidal ideation, suicidal plans, suicidal gestures, suicidal attempts (including aborted and interrupted), and nonsuicidal self-injury. Each module begins with a screening question about lifetime presence of a self-injurious thought or behavior followed by items that measure age of onset, recent thoughts and behaviors, severity of thoughts and behaviors, probability of future behavior, and self-reported precipitants and functions of the behavior.

In addition to the adult and adolescent sort form presented below, other versions of the SITBI are available: adult and adolescent long form, follow-up short form (prospective studies), and self-report.

Specific Instructions

This protocol includes questions that can potentially identify respondents who are at risk of suicide. Investigators implementing this protocol should consider developing a risk management plan specific to their study to ensure the safety of participants. The following links provide additional information and guidelines for suicide-related research:




This protocol is freely available; permission not required for use.


SITBI 2.1 Short Form

These questions ask about your thoughts and feelings of suicide and self-injurious behaviors. Please listen carefully and respond as accurately as you can. Do you have any questions before we begin?

Suicidal Ideation

1. Have you ever had thoughts of killing yourself?

0[ ]no

1[ ]yes

2. How old were you the first time you had thoughts of killing yourself? _____________

3. How old were you the last time? _____________

4. How many days in your life have you had thoughts of killing yourself? _____________ (Please give your best estimate)

5. How many days in the past year? _____________

6. How many days in the past month? _____________

7. How many days in the past week? _____________

Here is a scale we will use for a number of the upcoming questions. (See the last page of the questionnaire or directions.)

8. On this scale of 0 to 4, at the worst point how intense were your thoughts of killing yourself? _____________

9. On the scale of 0 to 4, on average, how intense were these thoughts? _____________

10. When you had thoughts of killing yourself, how long did they usually last?

0[ ]0 seconds

1[ ]1-60 seconds

2[ ]2-15 minutes

3[ ]16-60 minutes

4[ ]less than one day

5[ ]1-2 days

6[ ]more than 2 days

7[ ]wide range (spans > 2 responses)

11. On the scale of 0 to 4, what do you think the likelihood is that you will have a thought of killing yourself in the future? _____________

Suicide Plan

12. Have you ever actually made a plan to kill yourself?

0[ ]no

1[ ]yes

13. How old were you the first time you made a suicide plan? _____________

14. How old were you the last time? _____________

15. How many days in your life have you made a suicide plan? _____________

16. How many days in the past year? _____________

17. How many days in the past month? _____________

18. How many days in the past week? _____________

19. On the scale of 0 to 4, at the worst point, how seriously did you consider acting on the plan? _________

20. On the scale of 0 to 4, on average, how seriously have you considered acting on the plan(s)? _____________

21. When you had a plan(s), what method(s) did you think of using? _____________

1[ ]own prescription drugs

2[ ]illicit drugs (not rx)

3[ ]over-counter drugs

4[ ]other’s rx drugs

5[ ]poison

6[ ]firearms

7[ ]immolation

8[ ]sharp object

9[ ]auto exhaust

10[ ]other gases

11[ ]train/car

12[ ]jump from height

13[ ]drowning

14[ ]suffocation

15[ ]hanging

16[ ]other ____________________

17[ ]multiple methods ___________

22. When you had a plan, how long did you think about it before either moving onto something else or acting on the plan? _____________

0[ ]0 seconds

1[ ]1-60 seconds

2[ ]2-15 minutes

3[ ]16-60 minutes

4[ ]less than one day

5[ ]1-2 days

6[ ]more than 2 days

7[ ]wide range (spans > 2 responses)

23. When you had a plan(s), did you take steps to prepare to act on the plan(s)? _____________

If "yes":

24. What did you do? _____________

25. On the scale of 0 to 4, what do you think the likelihood is that you will make a suicide plan in the future? ________

Suicide Gesture

26. Have you ever done something to lead someone to believe that you wanted to kill yourself when you really had no intention of doing so?

0[ ]no

1[ ]yes

27. What have you done to lead someone to believe that you wanted to kill yourself when you really had no intention of doing so? __________________________

28. How old were you the first time you did something to lead someone to believe that you wanted to kill yourself when you really had no intention of doing so? _____________

29. How old were you the last time? _____________

30. How many times in your life have you done something to lead someone to believe that you wanted to kill yourself when really you had no intention of doing so? _____________

31. How many times in the past year? _____________

32. How many times in the past month? _____________

33. How many times in the past week? _____________

34. When you did something to lead someone to believe that you wanted to kill yourself when you really had no intention of doing so, how long did you think about it before doing it? _____________

0[ ]0 seconds

1[ ]1-60 seconds

2[ ]2-15 minutes

3[ ]16-60 minutes

4[ ]less than one day

5[ ]1-2 days

6[ ]more than 2 days

7[ ]wide range (spans > 2 responses)

35. On the scale of 0 to 4, what do you think the likelihood is that you will do something to lead someone to believe that you want to kill yourself when you really have no intention of doing so in the future? _____________

Aborted Suicide Attempt

36. Have you ever been close to killing yourself and at the last minute decided not to kill yourself?

0[ ]no

1[ ]yes (Only if he/she did not sustain injuries-see question below, mark "yes" for this question)

If "yes":

37. Did you sustain any physical injury?

0[ ]no

1[ ]yes

38. What happened?

39. How many times in your life have you stopped yourself from attempting suicide right before you got hurt? __________

40. How many times in the past year? _____________

41. How many times in the past month? _____________

42. How many times in the past week? _____________

Interrupted Suicide Attempt

43. Have you ever been very close to killing yourself and at the last minute someone or something else stopped you?

0[ ]no

1[ ]yes (Only if he/she did not sustain injuries-see question below, mark "yes" for this question)

If "yes":

44. Did you sustain any physical injury?

0[ ]no

1[ ]yes

45. What happened?

46. How many times in your life have you been close to killing yourself but were stopped by someone or something else right before you got hurt? _____________

47. How many times in the past year? _____________

48. How many times in the past month? _____________

49. How many times in the past week? _____________

Suicide Attempt

50. Have you ever made an actual attempt to kill yourself in which you had at least some intent to die?

0[ ]no

1[ ]yes

51. How old were you the first time you made a suicide attempt? _____________

52. How old were you the last time? _____________

53. To your knowledge, what was the approximate date of the most recent attempt? _____________

(Note to the data enterer: Please calculate how many days the most recent suicide attempt was from the interview date)

54. How many suicide attempts have you made in your lifetime? _____________

55. How many in the past year? _____________

56. How many in the past month? _____________

57. How many in the past week? _____________

58. For your most recent suicide attempt, what method did you use? _____________

1[ ]own prescription drugs

2[ ]illicit drugs (not rx)

3[ ]over-counter drugs

4[ ]other’s rx drugs

5[ ]poison

6[ ]firearms

7[ ]immolation

8[ ]sharp object

9[ ]auto exhaust

10[ ]other gases

11[ ]train/car

12[ ]jump from height

13[ ]drowning

14[ ]suffocation

15[ ]hanging

16[ ]other ____________________

17[ ]multiple methods ___________

59. What were the circumstances that contributed most to your most recent attempt? _____________

(Put in order of importance)

1[ ]job loss/stress/academic failure

2[ ]problems with family or friends

3[ ]problems with spouse/lover

4[ ]financial problems

5[ ]eviction

6[ ]health problems

7[ ]death of another person

8[ ]psychiatric symptoms

9[ ]humiliating event

10[ ]loneliness

11[ ]other: ____________________

60. What kind of injuries did you have as a result of this attempt? _____________

(Use Lethality Scale; e.g., LSARS-II; Berman, Shepard, & Silverman, 2003)

Regarding the most lethal attempt:

61. How old were you when you made the suicide attempt that caused you the most physical harm? _____________

62. To your knowledge, what was the approximate date of the attempt that caused you the most physical harm? _________

(Note to the data enterer: Please calculate how many days the most lethal suicide attempt was from the interview date.)

63. What kind of injuries did you have as a result of this attempt? _____________

(Use Lethality Scale)

64. Is the most harmful attempt also the most recent? _____________

0[ ]no

1[ ]yes

Regarding all your past suicide attempts:

65. How long did you usually think about suicide before making an attempt? _____________

0[ ]0 seconds

1[ ]1-60 seconds

2[ ]2-15 minutes

3[ ]16-60 minutes

4[ ]less than one day

5[ ]1-2 days

6[ ]more than 2 days

7[ ]wide range (spans > 2 responses)

66. On the scale of 0 to 4, what do you think the likelihood is that you will make a suicide attempt in the future? _________

Suicide History

67. Has anyone you have ever known died by suicide? If so, how many? _____________

If "yes":

68. What was/were their relationship(s) to you? _____________

1[ ]mother

2[ ]father

3[ ]brother

4[ ]sister

5[ ]daughter

6[ ]son

7[ ]biological aunt

8[ ]biological uncle

9[ ]grandmother

10[ ]grandfather

11[ ]cousin

12[ ]partner/lover

13[ ]personal friend

14[ ]family friend

15[ ]acquaintance

16[ ]other relative _______________

69. Has anyone you have ever known ever attempted suicide but lived? If so, how many? _____________

If "yes":

70. What was/were their relationship(s) to you? _____________

1[ ]mother

2[ ]father

3[ ]brother

4[ ]sister

5[ ]daughter

6[ ]son

7[ ]biological aunt

8[ ]biological uncle

9[ ]grandmother

10[ ]grandfather

11[ ]cousin

12[ ]partner/lover

13[ ]personal friend

14[ ]family friend

15[ ]acquaintance

16[ ]other relative_______________

Thoughts of Nonsuicidal Self-Injury

People sometimes have thoughts about hurting themselves without wanting to die. Other times they actually do things to hurt themselves. Right now I’m going to ask you some questions about what some people think, and then I’ll ask you about what some people do in a bit.

71. Have you ever had thoughts of purposely hurting yourself without wanting to die? (for example, cutting or burning)

0[ ]no

1[ ]yes

72. How old were you the first time you thought of purposely hurting yourself without wanting to die? _____________

73. How old were you the last time? _____________

74. How many days in your life have you had thoughts of purposely hurting yourself without wanting to die? (Please give your best estimate) _____________

75. How many days in the past year? _____________

76. How many days in the past month? _____________

77. How many days in the past week? _____________

78. On the scale of 0 to 4, at the worst point, how intense were your thoughts of purposely hurting yourself without wanting to die? _____________

79. On the scale of 0 to 4, on average, how intense were these thoughts? _____________

80. What method did you think of using? _____________

1[ ]cut or carved skin

2[ ]burned your skin (i.e., with a cigarette, match, or other hot object)

3[ ]inserted sharp objects into your skin or nails

4[ ]picked areas of your body to the point of drawing blood

5[ ]hit yourself on purpose

6[ ]gave yourself a tattoo

7[ ]scraped your skin to the point skin or nails of drawing blood

8[ ]other (specify):_____________

81. When you had these thoughts, how long did they usually last? _____________

0[ ]0 seconds

1[ ]1-60 seconds

2[ ]2-15 minutes

3[ ]16-60 minutes

4[ ]less than one day

5[ ]1-2 days

6[ ]more than 2 days

7[ ]wide range (spans > 2 responses)

82. On the scale of 0 to 4, what do you think the likelihood is that you will think about purposely hurting yourself without wanting to die in the future? _____________

Nonsuicidal Self-Injury

83. Have you ever actually purposely hurt yourself without wanting to die? _____________

0[ ]no

1[ ]yes

84. How old were you the first time you purposely hurt yourself without wanting to die? _____________

85. How old were you the last time? _____________

86. Now I’m going to go through a list of things that people sometimes purposely do to harm themselves without wanting to die. Please let me know which of these you’ve done:

1[ ]cut or carved skin

2[ ]burned your skin (i.e., with a cigarette, match or other hot object)

3[ ]inserted sharp objects into your skin or nails

4[ ]picked areas of your body to the point of drawing blood

5[ ]hit yourself on purpose

6[ ]gave yourself a tattoo

7[ ]scraped your skin to the point of drawing blood

8[ ]other (specify):___________________________

87. How many times in your life have you purposely hurt yourself without wanting to die? (Please give your best estimate)

88. How many times in the past year? _____________

89. How many times in the past month? _____________

90. How many times in the past week? _____________

91. On average, how long have you thought of purposely hurting yourself without wanting to die before actually doing it?

0[ ]0 seconds

1[ ]1-60 seconds

2[ ]2-15 minutes

3[ ]16-60 minutes

4[ ]less than one day

5[ ]1-2 days

6[ ]more than 2 days

7[ ]wide range (spans > 2 responses)

92. Have you ever received medical treatment for harm caused by purposely hurting yourself without wanting to die?

0[ ]no

1[ ]yes

93. On a scale of 0 to 4, what do you think the likelihood is that you will purposely hurt yourself without wanting to die in the future? _____________







Not at all

A little bit< i>


Very Much


Personnel and Training Required

The interviewer must be trained to conduct personal interviews with individuals from the general population. The interviewer must be trained and found to be competent (i.e., tested by an expert) at the completion of personal interviews. The interviewer should be trained to prompt respondents further if a "don’t know" response is provided.

Equipment Needs

The PhenX Working Group acknowledges these questions can be administered in a computerized or noncomputerized format (i.e., paper-and-pencil instrument). Computer software is necessary to develop computer-assisted instruments. The interviewer will require a laptop computer/handheld computer to administer a computer-assisted questionnaire.

Requirement CategoryRequired
Major equipment No
Specialized training No
Specialized requirements for biospecimen collection No
Average time of greater than 15 minutes in an unaffected individual No
Mode of Administration

Interviewer-administered questionnaire


Adolescent, Adult


Adolescents and adults, ages 12 and older

Selection Rationale

The Self-Injurious Thoughts and Behaviors Interview (SITBI) is a brief, low-burden questionnaire that is widely used in epidemiology studies of adults and adolescents. The SITBI has demonstrated interrater reliability and test-retest reliability, convergent validity (ideation), and corresponds to definitions for suicidal ideation and suicidal behavior endorsed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Crosby et al., 2011) and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA -Guidance for Industry Suicidal Ideation and Behavior: Prospective Assessment of Occurrence in Clinical Trials Office of Communications, Division of Drug Information Center for Drug Evaluation and Research Food and Drug Administration, 2012).


English, Other languages available at source

Human Phenotype Ontology Self-injurious behavior HP:0100716 HPO
caDSR Form PhenX PX640501 - Nonsuicidal Self Injury 6233513 caDSR Form
Derived Variables


Process and Review

Not applicable.

Protocol Name from Source

The Self-Injurious Thoughts and Behaviors Interview (SITBI)


Nock, M. K., Holmberg, E. B., Photos, V. I., & Michel, B. D. (2007). Self-Injurious Thoughts and Behaviors Interview: Development, reliability, and validity in an adolescent sample. Psychological Assessment, 19(3), 309-317

General References

Cha, C. B., Najmi, S., Park, J. M., Finn, C., & Nock, M. K. (2010). Attentional bias toward suicide-related stimuli predicts suicidal behavior. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 119(3), 616-622.

Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER). (2012). Guidance for industry suicidal ideation and behavior: Prospective assessment of occurrence in clinical trials. Rockville, MD: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

Crosby A. E., Ortega, L., & Melanson, C. (2011). Self-directed Violence Surveillance: Uniform definitions and recommended data elements, Version 1.0. Atlanta, GA: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control

Janis, I. B., & Nock, M. K. (2009). Are self-injurers impulsive? Results from two behavioral laboratory studies. Psychiatry Research, 169(3), 261-267.

Protocol ID


Export Variables
Variable Name Variable IDVariable DescriptiondbGaP Mapping
PX640501080200 How old were you the first time you thought more
of purposely hurting yourself without wanting to die? show less
PX640501080300 How old were you the last time? N/A
PX640501080400 How many days in your life have you had more
thoughts of purposely hurting yourself without wanting to die? (Please give your best estimate) show less
PX640501080600 How many days in the past month? N/A
PX640501080700 How many days in the past week? N/A
PX640501080500 How many days in the past year? N/A
PX640501081200 When you had these thoughts, how long did more
they usually last? show less
PX640501081300 On the scale of 0 to 4, what do you think more
the likelihood is that you will think about purposely hurting yourself without wanting to die in the future? show less
PX640501091200 On a scale of 0 to 4, what do you think the more
likelihood is that you will purposely hurt yourself without wanting to die in the future? show less
PX640501080900 On the scale of 0 to 4, on average, how more
intense were these thoughts? show less
PX640501080800 On the scale of 0 to 4, at the worst point, more
how intense were your thoughts of purposely hurting yourself without wanting to die? show less
PX640501081000 What method did you think of using? N/A
PX640501081100 What method did you think of using? other more
(specify) show less
PX640501090200 How old were you the first time you more
purposely hurt yourself without wanting to die? show less
PX640501090300 How old were you the last time? N/A
PX640501091000 On average, how long have you thought of more
purposely hurting yourself without wanting to die before actually doing it? show less
PX640501090100 Have you ever actually purposely hurt more
yourself without wanting to die? show less
PX640501091100 Have you ever received medical treatment for more
harm caused by purposely hurting yourself without wanting to die? show less
PX640501090400 Now I'm going to go through a list of things more
that people sometimes purposely do to harm themselves without wanting to die. Please let me know which of these you've done: show less
PX640501090500 Now I'm going to go through a list of things more
that people sometimes purposely do to harm themselves without wanting to die. Please let me know which of these you've done: Other, specify show less
PX640501090600 How many times in your life have you more
purposely hurt yourself without wanting to die? (Please give your best estimate) show less
PX640501090800 How many times in the past month? N/A
PX640501090900 How many times in the past week? N/A
PX640501090700 How many times in the past year? N/A
PX640501080100 Have you ever had thoughts of purposely more
hurting yourself without wanting to die? (for example, cutting or burning) show less
PX640501010200 How old were you the first time you had more
thoughts of killing yourself? show less
PX640501010300 How old were you the last time? N/A
PX640501010400 How many days in your life have you had more
thoughts of killing yourself? (Please give your best estimate) show less
PX640501010600 How many days in the past month? N/A
PX640501010700 How many days in the past week? N/A
PX640501010500 How many days in the past year? N/A
PX640501010100 Have you ever had thoughts of killing yourself? N/A
PX640501011100 On the scale of 0 to 4, what do you think more
the likelihood is that you will have a thought of killing yourself in the future? show less
PX640501010900 On the scale of 0 to 4, on average, how more
intense were these thoughts? show less
PX640501010800 On this scale of 0 to 4, at the worst point more
how intense were your thoughts of killing yourself? show less
PX640501011000 When you had thoughts of killing yourself, more
how long did they usually last? show less
PX640501040100 Have you ever been close to killing yourself more
and at the last minute decided not to kill yourself? (Only if he/she did not sustain injuries see question below, mark "yes" for this question) show less
PX640501040200 Did you sustain any physical injury? N/A
PX640501040300 What happened? N/A
PX640501040400 How many times in your life have you stopped more
yourself from attempting suicide right before you got hurt? show less
PX640501040600 How many times in the past month? N/A
PX640501040700 How many times in the past week? N/A
PX640501040500 How many times in the past year? N/A
PX640501060200 How old were you the first time you made a more
suicide attempt? show less
Variable Mapping
PX640501060300 How old were you the last time? Variable Mapping
PX640501061300 What were the circumstances that contributed more
most to your most recent attempt? show less
PX640501060100 Have you ever made an actual attempt to kill more
yourself in which you had at least some intent to die? show less
Variable Mapping
PX640501062100 On the scale of 0 to 4, what do you think more
the likelihood is that you will make a suicide attempt in the future? show less
PX640501061400 What kind of injuries did you have as a more
result of this attempt? show less
PX640501050100 Have you ever been very close to killing more
yourself and at the last minute someone or something else stopped you? (Only if he/she did not sustain injuries see question below, mark "yes" for this question) show less
PX640501050200 Did you sustain any physical injury? N/A
PX640501050300 What happened? N/A
PX640501050400 How many times in your life have you been more
close to killing yourself but were stopped by someone or something else right before you got hurt? show less
PX640501050600 How many times in the past month? N/A
PX640501050700 How many times in the past week? N/A
PX640501050500 How many times in the past year? N/A
PX640501061000 For your most recent suicide attempt, what more
method did you use? show less
PX640501061100 For your most recent suicide attempt, what more
method did you use? Other, specify show less
PX640501061500 How old were you when you made the suicide more
attempt that caused you the most physical harm? show less
PX640501061800 What kind of injuries did you have as a more
result of this attempt? show less
PX640501061600 To your knowledge, what was the approximate more
date of the attempt that caused you the most physical harm? Month show less
PX640501061900 Is the most harmful attempt also the most recent? N/A
PX640501061700 To your knowledge, what was the approximate more
date of the attempt that caused you the most physical harm? Year show less
PX640501060400 To your knowledge, what was the approximate more
date of the most recent attempt? Month show less
PX640501060500 To your knowledge, what was the approximate more
date of the most recent attempt? Year show less
PX640501061200 For your most recent suicide attempt, what more
method did you use? Multiple methods, specify show less
PX640501060600 How many suicide attempts have you made in more
your lifetime? show less
Variable Mapping
PX640501060800 How many in the past month? N/A
PX640501060900 How many in the past week? N/A
PX640501060700 How many in the past year? N/A
PX640501062000 Regarding all your past suicide attempts: more
How long did you usually think about suicide before making an attempt? show less
PX640501070100 Has anyone you have ever known died by suicide? N/A
PX640501071700 What was/were their relationship(s) to you? more
Acquaintance show less
PX640501070900 What was/were their relationship(s) to you? more
Biological aunt show less
PX640501070500 What was/were their relationship(s) to you? more
Brother show less
PX640501071300 What was/were their relationship(s) to you? Cousin N/A
PX640501070700 What was/were their relationship(s) to you? more
Daughter show less
PX640501071600 What was/were their relationship(s) to you? more
Family Fried show less
PX640501070400 What was/were their relationship(s) to you? Father N/A
PX640501071200 What was/were their relationship(s) to you? more
Grandfather show less
PX640501071100 What was/were their relationship(s) to you? more
Grandmother show less
PX640501070300 What was/were their relationship(s) to you? Mother N/A
PX640501070200 Has anyone you have ever known died by more
suicide? If so, how many? show less
PX640501071800 What was/were their relationship(s) to you? Other N/A
PX640501071900 What was/were their relationship(s) to you? more
Other, specify show less
PX640501071400 What was/were their relationship(s) to you? more
Partner/lover show less
PX640501071500 What was/were their relationship(s) to you? more
Personal fried show less
PX640501070600 What was/were their relationship(s) to you? Sister N/A
PX640501070800 What was/were their relationship(s) to you? Son N/A
PX640501072000 Has anyone you have ever known ever more
attempted suicide but lived? show less
PX640501073600 What was/were their relationship(s) to you? more
Acquaintance show less
PX640501072800 What was/were their relationship(s) to you? more
Biological aunt show less
PX640501072400 What was/were their relationship(s) to you? more
Brother show less
PX640501073200 What was/were their relationship(s) to you? Cousin N/A
PX640501072600 What was/were their relationship(s) to you? more
Daughter show less
PX640501073500 What was/were their relationship(s) to you? more
Family Fried show less
PX640501072300 What was/were their relationship(s) to you? Father N/A
PX640501073100 What was/were their relationship(s) to you? more
Grandfather show less
PX640501073000 What was/were their relationship(s) to you? more
Grandmother show less
PX640501072200 What was/were their relationship(s) to you? Mother N/A
PX640501072100 Has anyone you have ever known ever more
attempted suicide but lived? If so, how many? show less
PX640501073700 What was/were their relationship(s) to you? Other N/A
PX640501073800 What was/were their relationship(s) to you? more
Other, specify show less
PX640501073300 What was/were their relationship(s) to you? more
Partner/lover show less
PX640501073400 What was/were their relationship(s) to you? more
Personal fried show less
PX640501072500 What was/were their relationship(s) to you? Sister N/A
PX640501072700 What was/were their relationship(s) to you? Son N/A
PX640501072900 What was/were their relationship(s) to you? more
Biological uncle show less
PX640501071000 What was/were their relationship(s) to you? more
Biological uncle show less
PX640501030300 How old were you the first time you did more
something to lead someone to believe that you wanted to kill yourself when you really had no intention of doing so? show less
PX640501030400 How old were you the last time? N/A
PX640501030100 Have you ever done something to lead someone more
to believe that you wanted to kill yourself when you really had no intention of doing so? show less
PX640501031000 On the scale of 0 to 4, what do you think more
the likelihood is that you will do something to lead someone to believe that you want to kill yourself when you really have no intention of doing so in the future? show less
PX640501030200 What have you done to lead someone to more
believe that you wanted to kill yourself when you really had no intention of doing so? show less
PX640501030500 How many times in your life have you done more
something to lead someone to believe that you wanted to kill yourself when really you had no intention of doing so? show less
PX640501030700 How many times in the past month? N/A
PX640501030800 How many times in the past week? N/A
PX640501030600 How many times in the past year N/A
PX640501030900 When you did something to lead someone to more
believe that you wanted to kill yourself when you really had no intention of doing so, how long did you think about it before doing it? show less
PX640501020200 How old were you the first time you made a more
suicide plan? show less
PX640501020300 How old were you the last time? N/A
PX640501020400 How many days in your life have you made a more
suicide plan? show less
PX640501020600 How many days in the past month? N/A
PX640501020700 How many days in the past week? N/A
PX640501020500 How many days in the past year? N/A
PX640501020100 Have you ever actually made a plan to kill more
yourself? show less
PX640501021600 On the scale of 0 to 4, what do you think more
the likelihood is that you will make a suicide plan in the future? show less
PX640501021000 When you had a plan(s), what method(s) did more
you think of using? show less
PX640501021200 When you had a plan(s), what method(s) did more
you think of using? Multiple methods, specify show less
PX640501021100 When you had a plan(s), what method(s) did more
you think of using? Other, specify show less
PX640501020900 On the scale of 0 to 4, on average, how more
seriously have you considered acting on the plan(s)? show less
PX640501020800 On the scale of 0 to 4, at the worst point, more
how seriously did you consider acting on the plan? show less
PX640501021400 When you had a plan(s), did you take steps more
to prepare to act on the plan(s)? show less
PX640501021500 What did you do? N/A
PX640501021300 When you had a plan, how long did you think more
about it before either moving onto something else or acting on the plan? show less
Measure Name

Non-suicidal Self Injury

Release Date

November 21, 2014


A questionnaire to assess self-injurious thoughts and behaviors.


This measure can be used to distinguish among the different types of self-injurious thoughts and behaviors. Nonsuicidal self-injury is associated with a range of externalizing and internalizing conditions and is associated with risk of suicide behavior.


suicide, Suicide Ideation, Suicide attempts, Suicide behavior, Suicide gestures, Suicide plans, Nonsuicidal self-injury, Self-injurious thoughts, Self-injurious behaviors, Self-Injurious Thoughts and Behaviors Interview, SITBI

Measure Protocols
Protocol ID Protocol Name
640501 Non-suicidal Self Injury