
Protocol - Questionnaire on Eating and Weight Patterns - Child

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This protocol includes the child/adolescent version of the Questionnaire on Eating and Weight Patterns (QEWP-C-5) updated for the diagnostic changes in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Ed. (DSM-5). The questionnaire is an updated version of the Questionnaire of Eating and Weight Pattern for Adolescents (QEWP-A). The QEWP-C-5 is a 32-item self-report scale that was designed to screen for a possible diagnosis of binge-eating disorder. It also can be used to screen for the presence of bulimia nervosa. Scoring instructions are included. The QEWP-C-5 also includes body silhouettes, and respondents choose those that most resemble the body builds of their biological father and mother at their heaviest. These silhouettes are scored on a 1-9 scale. These items provide information about the presence of parental obesity, but are not included in scoring.

Specific Instructions



This protocol is freely available; permission not required for use.





1. During the past three months, did you ever eat what most people, like your friends, would think was a REALLY BIG amount of food?

1[ ]YES


2. When you ate a REALLY BIG amount of food, was it ever within a short time (2 hours or less)?

1[ ]YES


3. When you ate a REALLY BIG amount of food, did you ever feel you could not stop eating or control what or how much you were eating?

1[ ]YES


4. During the past three months, how often did you eat like this—ate a REALLY BIG amount of food along with the feeling that your eating was out of control? There may have been some weeks where this did not happen—just give your best guess.

1[ ]Less than 1 time a week

2[ ]1 time a week

3[ ]2 or 3 times a week

4[ ]4 to 7 times a week

5[ ]8 to 13 times a week

6[ ]14 or more times a week

5. When you ate a REALLY BIG amount of food and felt like you could not control your eating, did you usually:

a. Eat very fast?

1[ ]YES

2[ ]NO

b. Eat until your stomach hurt or you felt sick to your stomach?

1[ ]YES

2[ ]NO

c. Eat REALLY BIG amounts of food even when you were not hungry?

1[ ]YES

2[ ]NO

d. Eat by yourself because you did not want anyone to see how much you ate?

1[ ]YES

2[ ]NO

e. Feel REALLY BAD about yourself because of what or how much you were eating?

1[ ]YES

2[ ]NO

6. Think about a usual time when you ate a REALLY BIG amount of food and felt you could not control your eating:

a. During that time, when did you start eating?

1[ ](8 AM to 12 Noon)

2[ ](12 Noon to 4 PM)

3[ ](4 PM to 8 PM)

4[ ](8 PM to 12 Midnight)

5[ ](12 Midnight to 8 AM)

b. For how long did you eat during this time?

____ hours

____ minutes

c. As best as you can remember, please list everything you ate or drank during this time. Be specific - include brand names where possible, and amounts as best you can guess.

d. At the time you started eating, how long had it been since you had last eaten a meal or snack?

____ hours

____ minutes

7. During the past three months, how bad did you feel when you ate a REALLY BIG amount of food and felt your eating was out of control?

1[ ]Not bad at all

2[ ]Just a little bad

3[ ]Pretty bad

4[ ]Very bad

5[ ]Very, very bad

8. During the past three months, did you ever make yourself vomit, throw up, or get sick in order to keep from gaining weight after eating like you described (when you ate a REALLY BIG amount of food and felt your eating was out of control)?

1[ ]YES

2[ ]NO

IF YES: How often, in general, did you do that?

1[ ]Less than 1 time a week

2[ ]1 time a week

3[ ]2 or 3 times a week

4[ ]4 to 7 times a week

5[ ]8 to 13 times a week

6[ ]14 or more times a week

9. During the past three months, did you ever take medicine to make you poop or have a bowel movement (laxatives) in order to keep from gaining weight after eating like you described (when you ate a REALLY BIG amount of food and felt your eating was out of control)?

1[ ]YES


10. Did you take more medicine than the directions on the box or bottle say to take?

1[ ]YES

2[ ]NO

IF YES: How often, in general, was that?

1[ ]Less than 1 time a week

2[ ]1 time a week

3[ ]2 or 3 times a week

4[ ]4 to 5 times a week

5[ ]6 to 7 times a week

6[ ]8 or more times a week

11. During the past three months, have you ever taken medicine to make you pee or urinate (diuretics or water pills) in order to keep from gaining weight after eating like you described (when you ate a REALLY BIG amount of food and felt your eating was out of control)?

1[ ]YES

2[ ]NO

12. Did you take more medicine than the directions on the box or bottle say to take?

1[ ]YES

2[ ]NO

IF YES: How often, in general, was that?

1[ ]Less than 1 time a week

2[ ]1 time a week

3[ ]2 or 3 times a week

4[ ]4 to 5 times a week

5[ ]6 to 7 times a week

6[ ]8 or more times a week

13. During the past three months, did you ever eat nothing at all for at least 24 hours (a full day) in order to keep from gaining weight after eating like you described (when you ate a REALLY BIG amount of food and felt your eating was out of control)?

1[ ]YES

2[ ]NO

IF YES: How often, in general, was that?

1[ ]Less than 1 day a week

2[ ]1 day a week

3[ ]2 days a week

4[ ]3 days a week

5[ ]4 to 5 days a week

6[ ]More than 5 days a week

14. During the past three months, did you ever exercise too much (for example, even though you were hurt or sick or it kept you from doing important things) MAINLY in order to keep from gaining weight after eating like you described (when you ate a REALLY BIG amount of food and felt your eating was out of control)?

1[ ]YES

2[ ]NO

IF YES: How often in general, was that?

1[ ]Less than 1 time a week

2[ ]1 time a week

3[ ]2 or 3 times a week

4[ ]4 to 7 times a week

5[ ]8 to 13 times a week

6[ ]14 or more times a week

15. During the past three months, did you ever take diet pills in order to keep from gaining weight after eating like you described (when you ate a REALLY BIG amount of food and felt your eating was out of control)?

1[ ]YES

2[ ]NO

16. Did you take more medicine than the directions on the box or bottle say to take?

1[ ]YES

2[ ]NO

IF YES: How often, in general, was that?

1[ ]Less than 1 time a week

2[ ]1 time a week

3[ ]2 or 3 times a week

4[ ]4 to 5 times a week

5[ ]6 to 7 times a week

6[ ]8 or more times a week

17. During the past three months, how important has your weight or shape been in how you feel about yourself as a person-as compared to other things in your life, such as your schoolwork, friends, sports, or getting along with your family?

1[ ]Weight and shape were not very important

2[ ]Weight and shape were played a part in how you felt about yourself

3[ ]Weight and shape were among the main things that affected how you felt about yourself

4[ ]Weight and shape were the most important things that affected how you felt about yourself

Continue here after completing question 17 OR if you skipped to question 18 from Question 1, 2, or 3

18. During the past three months, did you ever have times when you felt that you could not stop eating or control what or how much you were eating, but when you did not eat a REALLY BIG amount of food?

1[ ]YES

2[ ]NO

19. During the past three months, how often did you eat like this-felt that your eating was out of control, but you did not eat a REALLY BIG amount of food. There may have been some weeks where this did not happen-just give your best guess.

1[ ]Less than 1 time a week

2[ ]1 time a week

3[ ]2 or 3 times a week

4[ ]4 to 7 times a week

5[ ]8 to 13 times a week

6[ ]14 or more times a week

20. When you felt your eating was out of control but you did not eat a REALLY BIG amount of food, did you usually:

a. Eat very fast?

1[ ]YES

2[ ]NO

b. Eat until your stomach hurt or you felt sick to your stomach?

1[ ]YES

2[ ]NO

c. Eat REALLY BIG amounts of food even when you were not hungry?

1[ ]YES

2[ ]NO

d. Eat by yourself because you did not want anyone to see how much you ate?

1[ ]YES

2[ ]NO

e. Feel REALLY BAD about yourself because of what or how much you were eating?

1[ ]YES

2[ ]NO

21. Think about a usual time when you felt you could not stop eating or control what or how much you were eating, but you did not eat a REALLY BIG amount of food:

a. What time of day did you start eating?

1[ ](8 AM to 12 Noon)

2[ ](12 Noon to 4 PM)

3[ ](4 PM to 8 PM)

4[ ](8 PM to 12 Midnight)

5[ ](12 Midnight to 8 AM)

b. For how long did you eat during this time?

____ hours

____ minutes

c. As best as you can remember, please list everything you ate or drank during this time. Be specific-include brand names where possible, and amounts as best you can estimate.

d. At the time you started eating, how long had it been since you had last eaten a meal or snack?

____ hours

____ minutes

22. During the past three months, how bad did you feel that you could not stop eating or control what or how much you were eating even when you did not eat a REALLY BIG amount of food?

1[ ]Not bad at all

2[ ]Just a little bad

3[ ]Pretty bad

4[ ]Very bad

5[ ]Very, very bad

23. During the past three months, did you ever make yourself vomit, throw up, or get sick in order to keep from gaining weight after eating like you described (when you felt your eating was out of control but you did not eat a REALLY BIG amount of food)?

1[ ]YES

2[ ]NO

IF YES: How often, in general, did you do that?

1[ ]Less than 1 time a week

2[ ]1 time a week

3[ ]2 to 3 times a week

4[ ]4 to 7 times a week

5[ ]8 to 13 times a week

6[ ]14 or more times a week

24. During the past three months, did you ever take medicine to make you poop or have a bowel movement (laxatives) in order to keep from gaining weight after eating like you described (when you felt your eating was out of control, but you did not eat a REALLY BIG amount of food)?

1[ ]YES


25. Did you take more medicine than the directions on the box or bottle say to take?

1[ ]YES

2[ ]NO

IF YES: How often, in general, was that?

1[ ]Less than 1 time a week

2[ ]1 time a week

3[ ]2 or 3 times a week

4[ ]4 to 5 times a week

5[ ]6 to 7 times a week

6[ ]8 or more times a week

26. During the past three months, have you ever taken medicine to make you pee or urinate (diuretics or water pills) in order to keep from gaining weight after eating like you described (when you felt your eating was out of control, but you did not eat a REALLY BIG amount of food)?

1[ ]YES


27. Did you take more medicine than the directions on the box or bottle say to take?

1[ ]YES

2[ ]NO

IF YES: How often, in general, was that?

1[ ]Less than 1 time a week

2[ ]1 time a week

3[ ]2 or 3 times a week

4[ ]4 to 5 times a week

5[ ]6 to 7 times a week

6[ ]8 or more times a week

28. During the past three months, did you ever eat nothing at all for at least 24 hours (a full day) in order to keep from gaining weight after eating like you described (when you felt your eating was out of control, but you did not eat a REALLY BIG amount of food)?

1[ ]YES

2[ ]NO

IF YES: How often, in general, was that?

1[ ]Less than 1 day a week

2[ ]1 day a week

3[ ]2 days a week

4[ ]3 days a week

5[ ]4 to 5 days a week

6[ ]More than 5 days a week

29. During the past three months, did you ever exercise too much (for example, even though you were hurt or sick or it kept you from doing important things) MAINLY in order to keep from gaining weight after eating like you described (when you felt your eating was out of control, but you did not eat a REALLY BIG amount of food)?

1[ ]YES

2[ ]NO

IF YES: How often in general, was that?

1[ ]Less than 1 time a week

2[ ]1 time a week

3[ ]2 to 3 times a week

4[ ]4 to 7 times a week

5[ ]8 to 13 times a week

6[ ]14 or more times a week

30. During the past 3 months, did you ever take diet pills in order to keep from gaining weight after eating like you described (when you felt your eating was out of control, but you did not eat a REALLY BIG amount of food)?

1[ ]YES


31. Did you take more medicine than the directions on the box or bottle say to take?

1[ ]YES

2[ ]NO

IF YES: How often, in general, was that?

1[ ]Less than 1 time a week

2[ ]1 time a week

3[ ]2 or 3 times a week

4[ ]4 to 5 times a week

5[ ]6 to 7 times a week

6[ ]8 or more times a week

Continue here after completing question 31 OR if you skipped to question 32 from Question 18

32. Please look at these drawings of people. Pick the person that matches your biological (birth) father’s and mother’s sizes. If you don’t know your biological (birth) father or mother, don’t pick anything for that parent.

Decision Rules for Screening for Possible Diagnosis of Binge Eating Disorder (BED) Using the Questionnaire on Eating and Weight Patterns-5 for Children

Possible Diagnosis of BED

1) Response of 1 on Question 1

2) Response of 1 on Question 2

3) Response of 1 on Question 3 (binge eating)

4) Response of 2, 3, 4, 5, OR 6 on Question 4 (at least 1 binge episode per week for 3 months)

5) 3 OR MORE ITEMS MARKED "YES" (i.e. 1) on Questions 5a-e (at least associated symptoms during binge eating episodes)

6) Response of 4 or 5 on Question 7 (marked distress regarding binge eating)



1) Response of 1 on Question 1

2) Response of 1 on Question 2

3) Response of 1 on Question 3 (binge eating)

4) Response of 2, 3, 4, 5, OR 6 on Question 4 (at least binge 1 episode per week for 3 months)

5) ANY Response of 2, 3, 4, 5 OR 6 on Questions 8, 10, 12, 13, 14, or 16 (inappropriate compensatory behavior at least 1 time per week for 3 months)

6) Response of 3 or 4 on Question 17 (overvaluation of weight/shape).

Personnel and Training Required


Equipment Needs


Requirement CategoryRequired
Major equipment No
Specialized training No
Specialized requirements for biospecimen collection No
Average time of greater than 15 minutes in an unaffected individual No
Mode of Administration

Self-administered questionnaire


Child, Adolescent


Adolescents, ages 10-18.

Selection Rationale

The Questionnaire of Eating and Weight Patterns (QEWP-5) is an updated version of the QEWP, a relatively brief, widely used, validated self-report questionnaire that is easy to complete, score, and interpret.



Human Phenotype Ontology Abnormal eating behavior HP:0100738 HPO
caDSR Form PhenX PX651202 - Questionnaire Of Eating And Weight Patterns Child 6237232 caDSR Form
Derived Variables


Process and Review

Not applicable.

Protocol Name from Source

The Questionnaire on Eating and Weight Patterns (QEWP-C-5)


The Questionnaire on Eating and Weight Patterns for the diagnostic changes in the Fifth Edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) (QEWP-C-5) was adapted from the adult version of the QEWP-5 by Marian Tanofsky-Kraff, Susan Z. Yanovski, and Jack A. Yanovski.

General References

Johnson, W. G., Kirk, A. A., & Reed, A. E. (2000). Adolescent version of the Questionnaire of Eating and Weight Patterns: Reliability and gender differences. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 29, 94-96.

Spitzer, R. L., Devlin, M., Walsh, B. T., Hassin, D., Wing, R., Marcus, M., Stunkard, A., Wadden, T., Yanovski, S., Agras, S., Mitchell, J., & Nonas, C. (1992). Binge eating disorder: A multi-site field trial of the diagnostic criteria. International Journal of Eating Disorders; 11, 191-203.

Susan, Z., Yanovski, S. Z., Marcus, M. D., Wadden, T. A. & Walsh, T. (2015).The Questionnaire of Eating and Weight Patterns (QEWP-5). International Journal of Eating Disorders, 48(3), 259-256.

Protocol ID


Export Variables
Variable Name Variable IDVariable DescriptiondbGaP Mapping
PX651202010000 During the past three months, did you ever more
eat what most people, like your friends, would think was a REALLY BIG amount of food? show less
PX651202030000 When you ate a REALLY BIG amount of food, more
did you ever feel you could not stop eating or control what or how much you were eating? show less
PX651202020000 When you ate a REALLY BIG amount of food, more
was it ever within a short time (2 hours or less)? show less
PX651202060201 Think about a usual time when you ate a more
REALLY BIG amount of food and felt you could not control your eating: Approximately how long did this episode of eating last? Hours show less
PX651202210201 Think about a usual time when you felt you more
could not stop eating or control what or how much you were eating, but you did not eat a REALLY BIG amount of food: Approximately how long did this episode of eating last? Hours show less
PX651202060202 Think about a usual time when you ate a more
REALLY BIG amount of food and felt you could not control your eating: Approximately how long did this episode of eating last? Minutes show less
PX651202210202 Think about a usual time when you felt you more
could not stop eating or control what or how much you were eating, but you did not eat a REALLY BIG amount of food: Approximately how long did this episode of eating last? Minutes show less
PX651202060301 Think about a usual time when you ate a more
REALLY BIG amount of food and felt you could not control your eating: As best you can remember, please list everything you ate and drank during that episode. Please list the foods eaten and liquids consumed dur show less
PX651202210301 Think about a usual time when you felt you more
could not stop eating or control what or how much you were eating, but you did not eat a REALLY BIG amount of food: As best you can remember, please list everything you ate and drank during that episode. Ple show less
PX651202060401 Think about a usual time when you ate a more
REALLY BIG amount of food and felt you could not control your eating: At the time this episode started, how long had it been since you had previously finished eating a meal or snack? Hours show less
PX651202210401 Think about a usual time when you felt you more
could not stop eating or control what or how much you were eating, but you did not eat a REALLY BIG amount of food: At the time this episode started, how long had it been since you had previously finished ea show less
PX651202060402 Think about a usual time when you ate a more
REALLY BIG amount of food and felt you could not control your eating: At the time this episode started, how long had it been since you had previously finished eating a meal or snack? Minutes show less
PX651202210402 Think about a usual time when you felt you more
could not stop eating or control what or how much you were eating, but you did not eat a REALLY BIG amount of food: At the time this episode started, how long had it been since you had previously finished ea show less
PX651202060100 Think about a usual time when you ate a more
REALLY BIG amount of food and felt you could not control your eating: What time of day did the episode start? show less
PX651202210100 Think about a usual time when you felt you more
could not stop eating or control what or how much you were eating, but you did not eat a REALLY BIG amount of food: What time of day did the episode start? show less
PX651202200400 When you felt your eating was out of control more
but you did not eat a REALLY BIG amount of food, did you usually eat by yourself because you did not want anyone to see how much you ate? show less
PX651202200500 When you felt your eating was out of control more
but you did not eat a REALLY BIG amount of food, did you usually feel REALLY BAD about yourself because of what or how much you were eating? show less
PX651202200300 When you felt your eating was out of control more
but you did not eat a REALLY BIG amount of food, did you usually eat REALLY BIG amounts of food even when you were not hungry? show less
PX651202200200 When you felt your eating was out of control more
but you did not eat a REALLY BIG amount of food, did you usually eat until your stomach hurt or you felt sick to your stomach? show less
PX651202200100 When you felt your eating was out of control more
but you did not eat a REALLY BIG amount of food, did you usually eat very fast? show less
PX651202320000 Please look at these drawings of people. more
Pick the person that matches your biological (birth) father's and mother's sizes. If you don't know your biological (birth) father or mother, don't pick anything for that show less
PX651202050400 When you ate a REALLY BIG amount of food and more
felt like you could not control your eating, did you usually eat by yourself because you did not want anyone to see how much you ate? show less
PX651202300000 During the past 3 months, did you ever take more
diet pills in order to keep from gaining weight after eating like you described (when you felt your eating was out of control, but you did not eat a REALLY BIG amount of food)? show less
PX651202260000 During the past three months, have you ever more
taken medicine to make you pee or urinate (diuretics or water pills) in order to keep from gaining weight after eating like you described (when you felt your eating was out of control, but you did not eat a show less
PX651202290100 During the past three months, did you ever more
exercise too much (for example, even though you were hurt or sick or it kept you from doing important things) MAINLY in order to keep from gaining weight after eating like you described (when you felt your e show less
PX651202290200 IF YES: How often, in general, was that? N/A
PX651202280100 During the past three months, did you ever more
eat nothing at all for at least 24 hours (a full day) in order to keep from gaining weight after eating like you described (when you felt your eating was out of control, but you did not eat a REALLY BIG amou show less
PX651202280200 IF YES: How often, in general, was that? N/A
PX651202050500 When you ate a REALLY BIG amount of food and more
felt like you could not control your eating, did you usually feel REALLY BAD about yourself because of what or how much you were eating? show less
PX651202220000 During the past three months, how bad did more
you feel that you could not stop eating or control what or how much you were eating even when you did not eat a REALLY BIG amount of food? show less
PX651202040000 During the past three months, how often did more
you eat like this"¬â€ate a REALLY BIG amount of food along with the feeling that your eating was out of control? There may have been some weeks where this did not happen"¬â€just give your best guess show less
PX651202150000 During the past three months, did you ever more
take diet pills in order to keep from gaining weight after eating like you described (when you ate a REALLY BIG amount of food and felt your eating was out of control)? show less
PX651202110000 During the past three months, have you ever more
taken medicine to make you pee or urinate (diuretics or water pills) in order to keep from gaining weight after eating like you described (when you ate a REALLY BIG amount of food and felt your eating was o show less
PX651202140100 During the past three months, did you ever more
exercise too much (for example, even though you were hurt or sick or it kept you from doing important things) MAINLY in order to keep from gaining weight after eating like you described (when you ate a REALL show less
PX651202140200 IF YES: How often, in general, was that? N/A
PX651202130100 During the past three months, did you ever more
eat nothing at all for at least 24 hours (a full day) in order to keep from gaining weight after eating like you described (when you ate a REALLY BIG amount of food and felt your eating was out of control)? show less
PX651202130200 IF YES: How often, in general, was that? N/A
PX651202070000 During the past three months, how bad did more
you feel when you ate a REALLY BIG amount of food and felt your eating was out of control? show less
PX651202090000 During the past three months, did you ever more
take medicine to make you poop or have a bowel movement (laxatives) in order to keep from gaining weight after eating like you described (when you ate a REALLY BIG amount of food and felt your eating was out show less
PX651202160100 Did you take more medicine than the more
directions on the box or bottle say to take? show less
PX651202160200 IF YES: How often, in general, was that? N/A
PX651202120100 Did you take more medicine than the more
directions on the box or bottle say to take? show less
PX651202120200 IF YES: How often, in general, was that? N/A
PX651202100100 Did you take more medicine than the more
directions on the box or bottle say to take? show less
PX651202100200 IF YES: How often, in general, was that? N/A
PX651202080100 During the past three months, did you ever more
make yourself vomit, throw up, or get sick in order to keep from gaining weight after eating like you described (when you ate a REALLY BIG amount of food and felt your eating was out of control)? show less
PX651202080200 IF YES: How often, in general, did you do that? N/A
PX651202240000 During the past three months, did you ever more
take medicine to make you poop or have a bowel movement (laxatives) in order to keep from gaining weight after eating like you described (when you felt your eating was out of control, but you did not eat a R show less
PX651202310100 Did you take more medicine than the more
directions on the box or bottle say to take? show less
PX651202310200 IF YES: How often, in general, was that? N/A
PX651202270100 Did you take more medicine than the more
directions on the box or bottle say to take show less
PX651202270200 IF YES: How often, in general, was that? N/A
PX651202250100 Did you take more medicine than the more
directions on the box or bottle say to take? show less
PX651202250200 IF YES: How often, in general, was that? N/A
PX651202180000 During the past three months, did you ever more
have times when you felt that you could not stop eating or control what or how much you were eating, but when you did not eat a REALLY BIG amount of food? show less
PX651202190000 During the past three months, how often did more
you eat like this"¬â€felt that your eating was out of control, but you did not eat a REALLY BIG amount of food. There may have been some weeks where this did not happen"¬â€just give your best guess. show less
PX651202050300 When you ate a REALLY BIG amount of food and more
felt like you could not control your eating, did you usually eat REALLY BIG amounts of food even when you were not hungry? show less
PX651202050200 When you ate a REALLY BIG amount of food and more
felt like you could not control your eating, did you usually eat until your stomach hurt or you felt sick to your stomach? show less
PX651202050100 When you ate a REALLY BIG amount of food and more
felt like you could not control your eating, did you usually eat very fast? show less
PX651202230100 During the past three months, did you ever more
make yourself vomit, throw up, or get sick in order to keep from gaining weight after eating like you described (when you felt your eating was out of control but you did not eat a REALLY BIG amount of food)? show less
PX651202230200 IF YES: How often, in general, did you do that? N/A
PX651202170000 During the past three months, how important more
has your weight or shape been in how you feel about yourself as a person"¬â€as compared to other things in your life, such as your schoolwork, friends, sports, or getting along with your family? show less
Eating Disorders
Measure Name

Eating and Weight Patterns

Release Date

August 7, 2015


A questionnaire to assess eating and weight patterns.


The measure can be used in clinical or research settings to screen for the presence of binge-eating disorder.


Eating disorders, abnormal eating, eating habits, eating behaviors, body dissatisfaction, binge eating, cognitive restraint, purging, restricting, excessive exercise, negative attitudes toward obesity, Questionnaire of Eating and Weight Patterns, QEWP

Measure Protocols
Protocol ID Protocol Name
651201 Questionnaire on Eating and Weight Patterns - Adult
651202 Questionnaire on Eating and Weight Patterns - Child