Protocol - Susceptibility to Tobacco Products
This 38-item instrument is used to predict whether adolescents or young adults, who never used tobacco, are likely to start. Item responses are on a 4-point Likert scale and most include "refused" and "don’t know" options.
Specific Instructions
This protocol was systematically updated to reflect the Wave 7 data collection of the Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health (PATH) Study. This protocol will be formally reviewed by a TRR Content Expert Panel early in 2024.
Gateway question, "Smoking Status" PhenX Toolkit measure must be asked first. Proceed with this protocol only if subject has never smoked.
This protocol is freely available; permission not required for use.
1. If one of your friends offered you a cigarette, would you smoke it?
1[ ]Definitely Yes
2[ ]Probably Yes
3[ ]Probably Not
4[ ]Definitely Not
2. At any time during the next 12 months, do you think you will smoke a cigarette?
1[ ]Definitely Yes
2[ ]Probably Yes
3[ ]Probably Not
4[ ]Definitely Not
3. Do you think you will be smoking cigarettes 5 years from now?
1[ ]Definitely Yes
2[ ]Probably Yes
3[ ]Probably Not
4[ ]Definitely Not
4. Have you ever been curious about smoking a cigarette?
1[ ]Very curious
2[ ]Somewhat curious
3[ ]A little curious
4[ ]Not at all curious
5. Do you think that you will try a cigarette soon?
1[ ]Definitely yes
2[ ]Probably yes
3[ ]Probably not
4[ ]Definitely not
6. If one of your best friends were to offer you a cigarette, would you smoke it?
1[ ]Definitely yes
2[ ]Probably yes
3[ ]Probably not
4[ ]Definitely not
Expanded to Other Products
Electronic Nicotine Products
7. Have you ever been curious about using an electronic nicotine product? (Electronic nicotine products include e-cigarettes, pod devices, vape pens, tank systems, mods, e-cigars, e-pipes, e-hookahs, and hookah pens.)
1[ ]Very curious
2[ ]Somewhat curious
3[ ]A little curious
4[ ]Not at all curious
8. Do you think you will try an electronic nicotine product in the next year?
1[ ]Definitely yes
2[ ]Probably yes
3[ ]Probably not
4[ ]Definitely not
9. Do you think that you will try an electronic nicotine product soon?
1[ ]Definitely yes
2[ ]Probably yes
3[ ]Probably not
4[ ]Definitely not
10. If one of your best friends were to offer you an electronic nicotine product, would you try it?
1[ ]Definitely yes
2[ ]Probably yes
3[ ]Probably not
4[ ]Definitely not
Cigars (Traditional, Cigarillos, Filtered)
11. Have you ever been curious about smoking a traditional cigar?
1[ ]Very curious
2[ ]Somewhat curious
3[ ]A little curious
4[ ]Not at all curious
12. Do you think you will smoke a traditional cigar in the next year?
1[ ]Definitely yes
2[ ]Probably yes
3[ ]Probably not
4[ ]Definitely not
13. Do you think that you will try a traditional cigar soon?
1[ ]Definitely yes
2[ ]Probably yes
3[ ]Probably not
4[ ]Definitely not
14. If one of your best friends were to offer you a traditional cigar, would you smoke it?
1[ ]Definitely yes
2[ ]Probably yes
3[ ]Probably not
4[ ]Definitely not
15. Have you ever been curious about smoking a cigarillo?
1[ ]Very curious
2[ ]Somewhat curious
3[ ]A little curious
4[ ]Not at all curious
16. Do you think you will smoke a cigarillo in the next year?
1[ ]Definitely yes
2[ ]Probably yes
3[ ]Probably not
4[ ]Definitely not
17. Do you think that you will try a cigarillo soon?
1[ ]Definitely yes
2[ ]Probably yes
3[ ]Probably not
4[ ]Definitely not
18. If one of your best friends were to offer you a cigarillo, would you smoke it?
1[ ]Definitely yes
2[ ]Probably yes
3[ ]Probably not
4[ ]Definitely not
19. Have you ever been curious about smoking a filtered cigar?
1[ ]Very curious
2[ ]Somewhat curious
3[ ]A little curious
4[ ]Not at all curious
20. Do you think you will smoke a filtered cigar in the next year?
1[ ]Definitely yes
2[ ]Probably yes
3[ ]Probably not
4[ ]Definitely not
21. Do you think that you will try a filtered cigar soon?
1[ ]Definitely yes
2[ ]Probably yes
3[ ]Probably not
4[ ]Definitely not
22. If one of your best friends were to offer you a filtered cigar, would you smoke it?
1[ ]Definitely yes
2[ ]Probably yes
3[ ]Probably not
4[ ]Definitely not
23. Have you ever been curious about smoking tobacco in a hookah?
1[ ]Very curious
2[ ]Somewhat curious
3[ ]A little curious
4[ ]Not at all curious
24. Do you think you will smoke tobacco in a hookah in the next year?
1[ ]Definitely yes
2[ ]Probably yes
3[ ]Probably not
4[ ]Definitely not
25. Do you think that you will try smoking tobacco in a hookah soon?
1[ ]Definitely yes
2[ ]Probably yes
3[ ]Probably not
4[ ]Definitely not
26. If one of your best friends were to offer you a hookah, would you try it?
1[ ]Definitely yes
2[ ]Probably yes
3[ ]Probably not
4[ ]Definitely not
Smokeless Tobacco
27. Have you ever been curious about using smokeless tobacco?
1[ ]Very curious
2[ ]Somewhat curious
3[ ]A little curious
4[ ]Not at all curious
28. Do you think you will try smokeless tobacco in the next year?
1[ ]Definitely yes
2[ ]Probably yes
3[ ]Probably not
4[ ]Definitely not
29. Do you think that you will try smokeless tobacco soon?
1[ ]Definitely yes
2[ ]Probably yes
3[ ]Probably not
4[ ]Definitely not
30. If one of your best friends were to offer you smokeless tobacco, would you try it?
1[ ]Definitely yes
2[ ]Probably yes
3[ ]Probably not
4[ ]Definitely not
31. Have you ever been curious about using snus?
1[ ]Very curious
2[ ]Somewhat curious
3[ ]A little curious
4[ ]Not at all curious
32. Do you think you will try snus in the next year?
1[ ]Definitely yes
2[ ]Probably yes
3[ ]Probably not
4[ ]Definitely not
33. Do you think that you will try snus soon?
1[ ]Definitely yes
2[ ]Probably yes
3[ ]Probably not
4[ ]Definitely not
34. If one of your best friends were to offer you snus, would you try it?
1[ ]Definitely yes
2[ ]Probably yes
3[ ]Probably not
4[ ]Definitely not
35. Have you ever been curious about using IQOS?
1[ ]Very curious
2[ ]Somewhat curious
3[ ]A little curious
4[ ]Not at all curious
36. Do you think you will use IQOS in the next year?
1[ ]Definitely yes
2[ ]Probably yes
3[ ]Probably not
4[ ]Definitely not
37. Do you think that you will try IQOS soon?
1[ ]Definitely yes
2[ ]Probably yes
3[ ]Probably not
4[ ]Definitely not
38. If one of your best friends were to offer you IQOS, would you try it?
1[ ]Definitely yes
2[ ]Probably yes
3[ ]Probably not
4[ ]Definitely not
Scoring: Respondents who are currently not tobacco product users and answered "definitely not" to all three questions were coded as nonsusceptible, and all other students were labeled as susceptible to using tobacco products.
Personnel and Training Required
Equipment Needs
Requirement Category | Required |
Major equipment | No |
Specialized training | No |
Specialized requirements for biospecimen collection | No |
Average time of greater than 15 minutes in an unaffected individual | No |
Mode of Administration
Self-administered or interviewer-administered questionnaire
Adolescents who never used tobacco, aged 12-17 years.
Selection Rationale
The first three items come from the Pierce instrument, a well-established protocol that is available in the public domain and was previously evaluated through the National Cancer Institute Measures Guide for Youth Tobacco Research. It is used for adolescents across gender and race/ethnicity and requires no training or equipment to administer. The three-item version of the scale has also been used to predict smoking among young adults, including military recruits. The scale has high reliability.
The remaining 35 items (items 4-38 below) come from the Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health (PATH) Study Wave 7 Youth Interview, a national longitudinal study of tobacco use and how it affects the health of people in the United States. These items expand the Pierce protocol to tobacco products other than cigarettes.
English, Other languages available at source
Standard | Name | ID | Source |
Derived Variables
Process and Review
Not applicable.
Protocol Name from Source
Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health (PATH) Study: Final Youth Interview, Wave 7 (January 2022 - December 2022)
Pierce, J. P., Choi, W. S., Gilpin, E. A., Farkas, A. J., & Merritt, R. K. (1996). Validation of susceptibility as a predictor of which adolescents take up smoking in the United States. Health Psychology, 15, 355-361.
National Institutes of Health, U.S. Food and Drug Administration. (2023). Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health (PATH) Study: Final Youth Interview, Wave 7 (January 2022 – December 2022), English Data Collection Instrument. Bethesda, MD: National Institutes of Health. Final_PATH_Wave_7_English_Youth_Questionnaire.pdf
General References
Choi, W. S., Gilpin, E. A., Farkas, A. J., & Pierce, J. P. (2001) Determining the probability of future smoking among adolescents. Addiction, 96, 313-323.
Pierce, J, P., Choi, W. S., Gilpin, E. A., Farkas, A. J., & Berry, C. C. (1988). Tobacco industry promotion of cigarettes and adolescent smoking. Journal of the American Medical Association, 279, 511-515.
Pierce, J. P., Choi, W. S., Gilpin, E. A., Farkas, A. J., & Merritt, R. K. (1996). Validation of susceptibility as a predictor of which adolescents take up smoking in the United States. Health Psychology, 15, 355-361.
Pierce, J. P., Distefan, J. M., Jackson, C., White, M. M., & Gilpin, E. A. (2002). Does tobacco marketing undermine the influence of recommended parenting in discouraging adolescents from smoking? American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 23, 73-81.
Pierce, J. P., Farkas, A. J., Evans, N., & Gilpin, E. (1995). An improved surveillance measure for adolescent smoking? Tobacco Control, 4, S47-S56.
Sargent, J. D., Dalton, M., Beach. M., Bernhardt, A., Heatherton, T., & Stevens, M. (2000). Effect of cigarette promotions on smoking uptake among adolescents. Preventive Medicine, 30, 320-327.
Protocol ID
Export VariablesVariable Name | Variable ID | Variable Description | dbGaP Mapping |
Measure Name
Susceptibility to Smoking Cigarettes
Release Date
December 22, 2023
These questions address susceptibility to smoking cigarettes.
To determine adolescent susceptibility to use cigarettes.
Intention, use, smoking susceptibility, smoking, smoking status, smoking onset, Adolescents, peer influence
Measure Protocols
Protocol ID | Protocol Name |
710303 | Susceptibility to Tobacco Products |