
Protocol - Self-reported Exposure to E-cigarettes and Other Tobacco Products on the Internet, Newspapers and Magazines, Physical Stores, TV/Streaming/Movies, and Social Media

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This protocol assesses perceived exposures to tobacco advertisements or promotions across different media platforms. This item also assesses perceived exposure to people who smoke in movies or on television.

Specific Instructions

The Content Expert Panel recommends investigators substitute people-first language (i.e. replace behavior-based labels such as “smoker” with “people who smoke”) as outlined in Hefler, M. et al 2023, which may differ from the original protocol text.


This protocol is freely available; permission not required for use.


Section A. Instruction Universe: all students 
The next five questions ask about e-cigarette advertisements. Do not think about cigarettes or other tobacco products when answering these questions.

Question Universe: all students 
1. When you are using the Internet, how often do you see ads or promotions for e-cigarettes? 
[ ] A. I do not use the Internet 
[ ] B. Never
[ ] C. Rarely
[ ] D. Sometimes
[ ] E. Most of the time 
[ ] F. Always

Question Universe: all students 
2. When you read newspapers or magazines, how often do you see ads or promotions for e- cigarettes? 
[ ] A. I do not read newspapers or magazines 
[ ] B. Never 
[ ] C. Rarely 
[ ] D. Sometimes 
[ ] E. Most of the time 
[ ] F. Always

Question Universe: all students 
3. When you go to a convenience store, supermarket, gas station, kiosk/storefront, or shopping center, how often do you see ads or promotions for e-cigarettes? 
[ ] A. I never go to a convenience store, supermarket, gas station, kiosk/storefront, or shopping center 
[ ] B. Never 
[ ] C. Rarely 
[ ] D. Sometimes 
[ ] E. Most of the time 
[ ] F. Always

Question Universe: all students
4. When you watch TV or streaming services (such as Netflix, Hulu, or Amazon Prime), or go to the movies, how often do you see ads or promotions for e-cigarettes? 
[ ] A. I do not watch TV or streaming services, or go to the movies 
[ ] B. Never
[ ] C. Rarely
[ ] D. Sometimes
[ ] E. Most of the time 
[ ] F. Always

Question Universe: all students 
5. When you watch TV or streaming services (such as Netflix, Hulu, or Amazon Prime), or go to the movies, how often do you see people or characters using e-cigarettes? 
[ ] A. I do not watch TV or streaming services, or go to the movies 
[ ] B. Never
[ ] C. Rarely
[ ] D. Sometimes 
[ ] E. Most of the time 
[ ] F. Always

Section B. Instruction Universe: all students 
The next several questions ask about e-cigarettes and social media (such as YouTube, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, or TikTok). 

Do not think about cigarettes or other tobacco products when answering these questions.

Question Universe: all students 
1. How often do you use social media?
[ ] A. Never / I don’t use social media ??[SKIP TO Section C] 
[ ] B. Less than one time per week
[ ] C. About one time per week
[ ] D. A few times per week
[ ] E. Less than 1 hour, daily
[ ] F. About 1-2 hours, daily
[ ] G. About 3-4 hours, daily
[ ] H. 4 hours or more, daily 
[IF Q1 EQ (B, C, D, E, F, G, H) CONTINUE TO Q2] 
[IF Q1 EQ (A) SKIP TO Section C]

Question Universe: students who report using social media 
2. When you use social media, how often do you see posts or content (pictures, videos, or text) related to e-cigarettes? 
[ ] A. Never?[SKIP TO Q3] 
[ ] B. Less than monthly
[ ] C. Monthly
[ ] D. Weekly 
[ ] E. Daily 

Question Universe: students who report seeing e-cigarette posts 
3. On which social media sites have you seen posts or content related to e-cigarettes? (Select one 
or more)
[ ] A. Facebook
[ ] B. Instagram
[ ] C. Snapchat
[ ] D. TikTok
[ ] E. Twitter
[ ] F. Reddit
[ ] G. YouTube
Some other site (specify: _______________________) 

Question Universe: students who report using social media 
4. When you use social media, how often do you post pictures or videos of yourself or someone else using e-cigarettes? 
[ ] A. Never
[ ] B. Less than monthly 
[ ] C. Monthly
[ ] D. Weekly
[ ] E. Daily

Question Universe: students who report using social media 
5. When you use social media, how often have you liked, commented, or shared posts or content (pictures, videos, or text) related to e-cigarettes? 
[ ] A. Never
[ ] B. Less than monthly 
[ ] C. Monthly
[ ] D. Weekly
[ ] E. Daily

Question Universe: students who report using social media 
6. Who usually posted the content related to e-cigarettes on your social media? (Select one or more) 
[ ] A. People I know in real life 
[ ] B. Online friends I have not met in real life 
[ ] C. Celebrities or social media influencers 
[ ] D. E-cigarette brands or sellers 
[ ] E. Online news articles 
[ ] F. Public health campaigns (e.g., Truth Initiative, Real Cost) 
[ ] G. Other (SPECIFY):_______________________

Section C. Instruction Universe: all students 
The next five questions ask about advertisements for cigarettes and other tobacco products (cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, hookahs, roll-your-own cigarettes, pipes, snus, dissolvable tobacco, bidis, heated tobacco products, and nicotine pouches).

Do not think of e-cigarettes when answering these questions.

Question Universe: all students 
1. When you are using the Internet, how often do you see ads or promotions for cigarettes or other tobacco products? 
[ ] A. I do not use the Internet
[ ] B. Never
[ ] C. Rarely
[ ] D. Sometimes 
[ ] E. Most of the time 
[ ] F. Always

Question Universe: all students 
2. When you read newspapers or magazines, how often do you see ads or promotions for cigarettes or other tobacco products? 
[ ] A. I do not read newspapers or magazines B. Never
[ ] B. Rarely
[ ] C. Sometimes 
[ ] D. Most of the time 
[ ] E. Always

Question Universe: all students 
3. When you go to a convenience store, supermarket, gas station, kiosk/storefront, or shopping center, how often do you see ads or promotions for cigarettes or other tobacco products? 
[ ] A. I never go to a convenience store, supermarket, gas station, kiosk/storefront, or shopping center 
[ ] B. Never 
[ ] C. Rarely 
[ ] D. Sometimes 
[ ] E. Most of the time 
[ ] F. Always

Question Universe: all students 
4. When you watch TV or streaming services (such as Netflix, Hulu, or Amazon Prime), or go to the movies, how often do you see ads or promotions for cigarettes or other tobacco products? 
[ ] A. I do not watch TV or streaming services, or go to the movies 
[ ] B. Never
[ ] C. Rarely
[ ] D. Sometimes 
[ ] E. Most of the time 
[ ] F. Always

Question Universe: all students 
5. When you watch TV or streaming services (such as Netflix, Hulu, or Amazon Prime), or go to the movies, how often do you see people or characters using cigarettes or other tobacco products? 
[ ] A.  I do not watch TV or streaming services, or go to the movies 
[ ] B. Never 
[ ] C. Rarely 
[ ] D. Sometimes 
[ ] E. Most of the time 
[ ] F. Always

Personnel and Training Required


Equipment Needs


Requirement CategoryRequired
Major equipment No
Specialized training No
Specialized requirements for biospecimen collection No
Average time of greater than 15 minutes in an unaffected individual No
Mode of Administration

Self-administered questionnaire


Child, Adolescent


Grades 6-12 (adolescents) 

Selection Rationale

Consensus documents (e.g., Surgeon General reports, National Cancer Institute monographs) indicate that exposure to smoking in movies promotes smoking initiation, and the World Health Organization recommends a variety of policies to reduce youth exposure to tobacco imagery in entertainment media. Fine-grained assessment of exposure to tobacco in films (e.g., Beach Method) requires a significant amount of resources and survey questions that are likely beyond the scope of most tobacco research. This single item selected here shows evidence of predictive validity amongst young adolescents.



Derived Variables


Process and Review

The Tobacco Regulatory Research (TRR) Content Expert Panel (CEP) reviewed the measures in the Tobacco Regulatory Research collection in February 2024.   

Guidance from the TRR CEP includes:

•    Replaced protocol
•    New Data Dictionary

Previous version in Toolkit archive (link)

Protocol Name from Source

National Youth Tobacco Survey (NYTS), 2022


National Youth Tobacco Survey (NYTS), 2022, Instruction 28- Instruction 30 Q128- Q143

General References

Hefler, M., Durkin, S. J., Cohen, J. E., Henriksen, L., OConnor, R., Barnoya, J., Hill, S. E., & Malone, R. E. (2023). New policy of people-first language to replace smoker, vaper tobacco user and other behaviour-based labels. Tobacco control, 32(2), 133?134. https://doi.org/10.1136/tc-2023-057950

Unger, J. B., Chaloupka, F. J., Vallone, D., Thrasher, J. F., Nettles, D. S., Hendershot, T. P., Swan, G. E., & PhenX TRR Environment Working Group (2020). PhenX: Environment measures for Tobacco Regulatory Research. Tobacco control, 29(Suppl 1), s35?s42. https://doi.org/10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2018-054469

Margolis, K. A., Donaldson, E. A., Portnoy, D. B., Robinson, J., Neff, L. J., & Jamal, A. (2018). E-cigarette openness, curiosity, harm perceptions and advertising exposure among U.S. middle and high school students. Preventive medicine, 112, 119?125. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ypmed.2018.04.017

Stevens, E. M., H?bert, E. T., Keller-Hamilton, B., Frank-Pearce, S. G., Tackett, A. P., Leshner, G., & Wagener, T. L. (2021). Associations Between Exposure to The Real Cost Campaign, Pro-Tobacco Advertisements, and Tobacco Use Among Youth in the U.S. American journal of preventive medicine, 60(5), 706?710. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.amepre.2020.11.006

Protocol ID


Export Variables
Variable Name Variable IDVariable DescriptiondbGaP Mapping
Tobacco Regulatory Research: Environment
Measure Name

Self-reported Exposure to E-cigarettes and Other Tobacco Products on the Internet, Newspapers and Magazines, Physical Stores, TV/Streaming/Movies, and Social Media

Release Date

October 31, 2024


These series of questions assess exposure to e-cigarette and other tobacco products, respectively, via ads and promotions on the Internet, newspapers/magazines, brick-and-mortar stores (e.g., convenience stores, supermarkets, etc), TV/streaming services/movies as well as seeing characters on TV/streaming/movies using e-cigarettes or cigarettes. Questions also assess exposure to e-cigarette-related content on social media.


The purpose of this measure is to gain an understanding of an adolescent's exposure to e-cigarettes and other tobacco products across various venues.


self-reported exposure to smoking on television and in the movies, smoking, tobacco, television, TV, televisions shows, movies, media, youth, Adolescents

Measure Protocols
Protocol ID Protocol Name
751601 Self-reported Exposure to E-cigarettes and Other Tobacco Products on the Internet, Newspapers and Magazines, Physical Stores, TV/Streaming/Movies, and Social Media