
Protocol - Periodontal Disease - Prevalence

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This is a clinical examination performed by a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease.

Specific Instructions

Note from PhenX Oral Health Working Group (WG): There are laptop programs that can be used with this protocol, and the Oral Health WG recommends such a system as it does notify the recorder of correctable errors. An example of a paper data recording form is included as part of this protocol so that the user can see the format of such a data entry system. It also is advisable to have paper forms on hand in case of an electrical failure or some other problem that prohibits use of the electronic data entry system.

The periodontal assessment is performed only on participants without need for prophylactic antibiotics. Periodontal attachment levels and bleeding from probing are assessed on all teeth present, except for third molars. Only fully erupted permanent teeth are scored. Six sites from each tooth are assessed: the distal-facial, the mid-facial, the mesial-facial, the mesial-lingual, the mid-lingual, and the distal-lingual.

Special Considerations

1. Calculus at mesiofacial or midfacial sites that obscures the cement-enamel junction (CEJ) or interferes with the correct placement of the probe is removed (using a curette, if necessary).
2. When the margin of a restoration is below the CEJ, the position of the CEJ will be estimated using adjacent landmarks and dental anatomy.
3. When the CEJ cannot be estimated, the examiner codes "=" to exclude the site.
4. When the natural tooth is missing, (i.e., space maintainers, implants, partial denture, or pontics), the tooth sites are automatically scored "=" by the computer program.
5. Mobile teeth should be examined with care. The CEJ should be estimated if possible.
6. Orthodontically banded teeth, splinted teeth, and hemisected teeth will be considered on an individual basis and should be examined if possible.
7. Partially erupted teeth are excluded from all periodontal assessments. Retained roots are also excluded if the CEJ and part of the clinical crown are not present. The code of "=" should be used for all designated probing sites of the excluded tooth. If the entire quadrant cannot be scored, the single code of "=" (cannot be assessed) should be called and the recorder will enter "=" for each tooth present in that quadrant.
8. Implants are excluded from all periodontal assessments.
9. Although bleeding from probing is a site-specific call, if blood has pooled from a previously probed site and covered any other site of the same tooth, that site is scored a "1" as well.
10. Do not probe primary teeth.


This protocol is freely available; permission not required for use.


Periodontal Assessments

The periodontal section includes two parts: measurements to determine the loss of attachment and the identification of bleeding from probing.

Examination Procedure

Clinically and quantitatively the loss of attachment is the distance in millimeters (mm) from the cement-enamel junction (CEJ) to the bottom of the sulcus. The computer program calculates loss of attachment. The examiner takes two measurements per site for use in this calculation. In addition, Bleeding on Probing (BOP), the clinical observation of the presence of blood after a site has been probed to produce a sulcus (pocket) depth measurement, is also scored.

Each surface is dried with air and then examined with a surface reflecting mirror and a periodontal probe. For each site, the distance from the free gingival margin (FGM) to the bottom of the pocket is measured first, then the distance from the FGM to the CEJ is measured. Where the gingival margin is subject to recession and the CEJ is exposed, the distance from the CEJ to the gingival margin is called a negative value.

The periodontal probe (UNC-12) is graduated in 1 millimeter increments and coded as thin black bands and two thick black bands. The first thick black band represents a probe reading of 4 mm at the bottom of the band and 5 mm at the top of the band. The second black band is measured as 9 mm at the bottom of the band and 10 mm at the top of the band. The periodontal probes are to be held with a light grasp and pointed toward the apex of the tooth. Each measurement is rounded to the lowest whole millimeter. Six probe measurements will be made on each tooth. The probe measurements from the facial will be taken at the distofacial, facial, and mesiofacial surfaces. The probe measurements from the lingual will be taken at the distolingual, lingual, and mesiolingual aspects.

For the interproximal sites, the probe should be placed parallel to the long axis of the tooth and facially adjacent to the dental contact area. Angulating the probe into the interproximal are under the dental contact is not permitted. For the maxillary and mandibular molars, the true facial and lingual assessments are always made at the location of mid-facial and mid-lingual furcation areas, keeping the probe parallel to the long axis of the tooth.

The allowable range for the FGM to CEJ measurement is:



-9 to 9

Measurement in millimeters


+10 millimeters


+11 millimeters


+12 millimeters


Cannot be assessed

The allowable range for the FGM to sulcus base measurement (pocket depth) is:



0 to 9

Measurement in millimeters


10 millimeters


11 millimeters


12 millimeters


Cannot be assessed

The presence of bleeding is assessed after the probing measurements are made. The probed sites for each tooth are examined for bleeding points, and the appropriate score is called for each site at each tooth as follows:




Bleeding from probing detected


No evidence of bleeding


Cannot be assessed

The periodontal assessment is conducted in the following order:

Examination Sequence

CEJ and Bleeding on Probing Measures





Max Right

P to A

Df to Mf

Record BOP

Max Left

A to P

Mf to Dr

Record BOP

Max Left

P to A

DL to ML

Record BOP

Max Right

A to P

ML to DL

Record BOP

Mand Left

P to A

Df to Mf

Record BOP

Mand Right

A to P

Mf to Df

Record BOP

Mand Right

P to A

DL to ML

Record BOP

Mand Left

A to P

ML to DL

Record BOP

The sequence to be used to collect periodontal information will begin on the most posterior eligible tooth in the maxillary right quadrant. The examiner will take the disto-facial probe reading from the free gingival margin to the base of the pocket. The CEJ measurement is then taken in the same site. The examiner will then proceed to the mid-facial site on the tooth and take the pocket depth reading followed by the CEJ measurement. Then, the examiner will move to the mesio-facial site and repeat the same measurements. The examiner will continue this process moving anterior tooth by tooth. Once the quadrant is completed, the examiner will return to the most posterior eligible tooth and evaluate each for bleeding. The site will be coded as a 0 for no bleeding and a 1 for bleeding. The examiner then proceeds to the mesio-facial site on the most anterior tooth in quadrant II. The same examination sequence is followed from anterior to posterior. After bleeding on probing is recorded, the examiner then begins on the most posterior tooth in quadrant II on the disto-lingual site. The examination will then continue to quadrant I on the lingual surfaces. The next quadrant examined will be the facials of quadrants III and IV. Lastly, the lingual surfaces of quadrants IV and III are examined.

Coronal Caries

Personnel and Training Required

Clinical baseline examinations will be attended by a study dental examiner, who is either a dental hygienist or dentist. Individuals are required to be credentialed in the following areas in order to be eligible to be a dental examiner. Each must have

  • graduated from an American Dental Association accredited dental or dental hygiene program
  • a current regional or state license to practice dentistry or dental hygiene
  • a current CPR certification
  • completed the IRB ethics training
  • a yearly negative TB test

The Working Group recommends that, at a minimum, examiners should be licensed dentists or dental hygienists.

Equipment Needs

Periodontal probe (UNC-12), dental light, air compressor, and air tank valves

Requirement CategoryRequired
Major equipment No
Specialized training Yes
Specialized requirements for biospecimen collection No
Average time of greater than 15 minutes in an unaffected individual Yes
Mode of Administration

Clinical Examination


Adolescent, Adult


Participant ≥13 years old

Selection Rationale

A clinical examination by a licensed dental professional, either a dentist or dental hygienist, is necessary to determine the presence of periodontal disease.


Chinese, English, Other languages available at source

Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes (LOINC) Oral periodontal dis proto 62598-8 LOINC
Human Phenotype Ontology Periodontitis HP:0000704 HPO
Derived Variables


Process and Review

Not applicable.

Protocol Name from Source

Hispanic Community Health Study (HCHS), Oral Health Assessment

National Institutes of Health, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI). National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS). Hispanic Community Health Study (HCHS) Manual 10 Oral Health Assessment. Sections 3, 7.5, and 9.
General References


Protocol ID


Export Variables
Variable Name Variable IDVariable DescriptiondbGaP Mapping
PX081101250300 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101250200 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101250100 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101251800 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101251700 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101251600 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101250900 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101250800 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101250700 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101251200 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101251100 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101251000 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101250600 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101250500 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101250400 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101251500 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101251400 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101251300 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101230300 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101230200 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101230100 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101231800 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101231700 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101231600 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101230900 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101230800 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101230700 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101231200 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101231100 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101231000 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101230600 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101230500 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101230400 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101231500 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101231400 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101231300 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101240300 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101240200 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101240100 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101241800 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101241700 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101241600 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101240900 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101240800 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101240700 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101241200 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101241100 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101241000 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101240600 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101240500 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101240400 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101241500 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101241400 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101241300 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101220300 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101220200 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101220100 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101221800 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101221700 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101221600 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101220900 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101220800 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101220700 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101221200 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101221100 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101221000 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101220600 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101220500 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101220400 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101221500 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101221400 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101221300 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101280300 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101280200 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101280100 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101281800 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101281700 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101281600 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101280900 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101280800 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101280700 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101281200 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101281100 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101281000 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101280600 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101280500 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101280400 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101281500 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101281400 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101281300 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101260300 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101260200 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101260100 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101261800 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101261700 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101261600 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101260900 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101260800 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101260700 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101261200 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101261100 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101261000 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101260600 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101260500 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101260400 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101261500 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101261400 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101261300 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101270300 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101270200 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101270100 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101271800 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101271700 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101271600 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101270900 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101270800 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101270700 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101271200 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101271100 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101271000 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101270600 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101270500 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101270400 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101271500 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101271400 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101271300 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Le show less
PX081101110300 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101110200 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101110100 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101111800 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101111700 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101111600 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101110900 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101110800 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101110700 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101111200 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101111100 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101111000 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101110600 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101110500 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101110400 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101111500 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101111400 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101111300 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101090300 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101090200 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101090100 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101091800 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101091700 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101091600 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101090900 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101090800 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101090700 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101091200 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101091100 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101091000 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101090600 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101090500 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101090400 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101091500 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101091400 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101091300 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101100300 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101100200 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101100100 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101101800 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101101700 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101101600 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101100900 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101100800 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101100700 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101101200 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101101100 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101101000 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101100600 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101100500 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101100400 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101101500 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101101400 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101101300 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101080300 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101080200 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101080100 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101081800 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101081700 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101081600 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101080900 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101080800 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101080700 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101081200 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101081100 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101081000 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101080600 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101080500 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101080400 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101081500 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101081400 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101081300 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101140300 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101140200 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101140100 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101141800 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101141700 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101141600 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101140900 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101140800 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101140700 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101141200 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101141100 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101141000 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101140600 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101140500 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101140400 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101141500 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101141400 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101141300 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101120300 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101120200 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101120100 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101121800 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101121700 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101121600 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101120900 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101120800 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101120700 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101121200 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101121100 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101121000 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101120600 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101120500 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101120400 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101121500 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101121400 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101121300 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101130300 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101130200 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101130100 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101131800 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101131700 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101131600 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101130900 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101130800 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101130700 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101131200 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101131100 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101131000 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101130600 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101130500 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101130400 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101131500 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101131400 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101131300 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Lower Ri show less
PX081101180300 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101180200 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101180100 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101181800 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101181700 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101181600 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101180900 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101180800 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101180700 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101181200 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101181100 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101181000 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101180600 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101180500 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101180400 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101181500 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101181400 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101181300 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101160300 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101160200 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101160100 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101161800 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101161700 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101161600 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101160900 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101160800 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101160700 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101161200 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101161100 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101161000 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101160600 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101160500 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101160400 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101161500 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101161400 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101161300 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101170300 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101170200 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101170100 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101171800 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101171700 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101171600 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101170900 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101170800 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101170700 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101171200 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101171100 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101171000 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101170600 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101170500 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101170400 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101171500 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101171400 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101171300 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101150300 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101150200 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101150100 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101151800 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101151700 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101151600 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101150900 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101150800 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101150700 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101151200 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101151100 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101151000 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101150600 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101150500 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101150400 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101151500 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101151400 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101151300 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101210300 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101210200 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101210100 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101211800 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101211700 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101211600 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101210900 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101210800 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101210700 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101211200 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101211100 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101211000 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101210600 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101210500 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101210400 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101211500 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101211400 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101211300 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101190300 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101190200 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101190100 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101191800 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101191700 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101191600 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101190900 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101190800 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101190700 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101191200 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101191100 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101191000 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101190600 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101190500 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101190400 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101191500 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101191400 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101191300 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101200300 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101200200 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101200100 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101201800 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101201700 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101201600 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101200900 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101200800 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101200700 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101201200 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101201100 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101201000 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101200600 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101200500 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101200400 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101201500 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101201400 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101201300 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Le show less
PX081101040300 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101040200 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101040100 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101041800 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101041700 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101041600 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101040900 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101040800 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101040700 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101041200 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101041100 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101041000 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101040600 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101040500 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101040400 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101041500 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101041400 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101041300 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101020300 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101020200 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101020100 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101021800 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101021700 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101021600 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101020900 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101020800 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101020700 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101021200 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101021100 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101021000 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101020600 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101020500 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101020400 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101021500 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101021400 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101021300 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101030300 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101030200 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101030100 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101031800 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101031700 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101031600 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101030900 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101030800 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101030700 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101031200 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101031100 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101031000 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101030600 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101030500 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101030400 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101031500 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101031400 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101031300 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101010300 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101010200 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101010100 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101011800 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101011700 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101011600 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101010900 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101010800 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101010700 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101011200 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101011100 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101011000 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101010600 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101010500 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101010400 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101011500 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101011400 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101011300 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101070300 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101070200 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101070100 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101071800 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101071700 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101071600 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101070900 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101070800 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101070700 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101071200 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101071100 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101071000 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101070600 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101070500 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101070400 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101071500 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101071400 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101071300 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101050300 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101050200 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101050100 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101051800 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101051700 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101051600 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101050900 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101050800 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101050700 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101051200 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101051100 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101051000 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101050600 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101050500 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101050400 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101051500 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101051400 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101051300 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101060300 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101060200 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101060100 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101061800 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101061700 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101061600 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101060900 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101060800 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101060700 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101061200 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101061100 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101061000 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101060600 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101060500 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101060400 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101061500 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101061400 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
PX081101061300 This is a clinical examination performed by more
a dentist or dental hygienist that consists of probing up to 28 teeth at six sites per tooth with a periodontal probe to determine prevalence of periodontal disease. This variable records for tooth Upper Ri show less
Oral Health
Measure Name

Periodontal Disease - Prevalence

Release Date

December 30, 2009


A measure by clinical examination of the existence of the current inflammation of the hard (bone) and soft tissues that surround and support the teeth.


To estimate the prevalence of oral diseases and to conduct analytic investigations of associations of a variety of social, behavioral, contextual, medical, genetic, and biologic phenotypic characteristics with oral disease prevalence.


Oral health, Periodontal disease, Clinical examination, Gums

Measure Protocols
Protocol ID Protocol Name
81101 Periodontal Disease - Prevalence