Protocol - Sickle Cell Disease Transplant Conditioning Regimen
- Complete Blood Count (CBC)
- Graft versus Host Disease
- Psychosocial Assessment of Candidates for Transplantation (PACT)
- Sickle Cell Disease Stem Cell Source and Cell Manipulation
- White Cell Chimerism and Graft Failure
This protocol uses existing medical records to document the types of conditioning agents, duration of exposure to conditioning agents, and timing of exposure to conditioning agents administered to a patient prior to stem cell transplantation for sickle cell disease.
Specific Instructions
The Sickle Cell Disease Curative Therapy Working Group notes that investigators may need to add more lines to the protocol to capture all agents used. Additionally, area under the curve (AUC) will be applicable only for certain chemotherapy agents.
This protocol is freely available; permission not required for use.
Conditioning Regimen Used
[ ] Chemotherapy Agent
Specify agent/s used: _____________ Total Dose_________ on Day-__
_____________ Total Dose_________ on Day-__
_____________ Total Dose_________ on Day-__
Average AUC: Agent ______________ AUC___________
Agent ______________ AUC___________
[ ] Radiation:
Source/Type________________ Days of Radiation:___________
Total Dose _________________
[ ] Non-chemotherapy conditioning: Agent ___________ Dose____________
Frequency________________ Total Dose___________ Day______
Personnel and Training Required
Personnel who are trained in performing medical record review
Equipment Needs
Requirement Category | Required |
Major equipment | No |
Specialized training | No |
Specialized requirements for biospecimen collection | No |
Average time of greater than 15 minutes in an unaffected individual | No |
Mode of Administration
Medical record abstraction
Infant, Toddler, Child, Adolescent, Adult, Senior, Pregnancy
All ages
Selection Rationale
The Cure Sickle Cell Initiative (CureSCi) Transplant Conditioning Regimen Case Report Form was designed for use in sickle cell disease. It was also chosen because it describes specific conditioning agents, dosages, and timing rather than using general terminology for conditioning regimens, such as “myeloablative” or “non-myeloablative.”
Standard | Name | ID | Source |
Derived Variables
Process and Review
Not applicable.
Protocol Name from Source
Cure Sickle Cell Initiative (CureSCi) Transplant Conditioning Case Report Form (CRF)
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Cure Sickle Cell Disease Initiative Common Data Element (CDE) Project, Genetics/Assays Working Group. (2020). Transplant Conditioning Regimen Case Report Form.
General References
Gluckman, E., Cappelli, B., Bernaudin, F., Labopin, M., Volt, F., Carreras, J., ... & Eapen, M. (2017). Sickle cell disease: An international survey of results of HLA-identical sibling hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Blood, 129(11), 1548–1556.
Protocol ID
Export VariablesVariable Name | Variable ID | Variable Description | dbGaP Mapping | |
PX850401_Sickle_Cell_Disease_Transplant_Conditioning_Regimen_Average_AUC_1 | ||||
PX850401050200 | Average AUC: AUC | N/A | ||
PX850401_Sickle_Cell_Disease_Transplant_Conditioning_Regimen_Average_AUC_2 | ||||
PX850401060200 | Average AUC: AUC | N/A | ||
PX850401_Sickle_Cell_Disease_Transplant_Conditioning_Regimen_Average_AUC_Agent_1 | ||||
PX850401050100 | Average AUC: Agent | N/A | ||
PX850401_Sickle_Cell_Disease_Transplant_Conditioning_Regimen_Average_AUC_Agent_2 | ||||
PX850401060100 | Average AUC: Agent | N/A | ||
PX850401_Sickle_Cell_Disease_Transplant_Conditioning_Regimen_Chemotherapy_Agent_Used_1 | ||||
PX850401010100 | Specify agent/s used | N/A | ||
PX850401_Sickle_Cell_Disease_Transplant_Conditioning_Regimen_Chemotherapy_Agent_Used_2 | ||||
PX850401020100 | Specify agent/s used | N/A | ||
PX850401_Sickle_Cell_Disease_Transplant_Conditioning_Regimen_Chemotherapy_Agent_Used_3 | ||||
PX850401030100 | Specify agent/s used | N/A | ||
PX850401_Sickle_Cell_Disease_Transplant_Conditioning_Regimen_Chemotherapy_Agent_Used_Day_1 | ||||
PX850401010300 | Specify agent/s used: on day | N/A | ||
PX850401_Sickle_Cell_Disease_Transplant_Conditioning_Regimen_Chemotherapy_Agent_Used_Day_2 | ||||
PX850401020300 | Specify agent/s used: on day | N/A | ||
PX850401_Sickle_Cell_Disease_Transplant_Conditioning_Regimen_Chemotherapy_Agent_Used_Day_3 | ||||
PX850401030300 | Specify agent/s used: on day | N/A | ||
PX850401_Sickle_Cell_Disease_Transplant_Conditioning_Regimen_Chemotherapy_Agent_Used_Total_Dose_1 | ||||
PX850401010200 | Specify agent/s used: total dose | N/A | ||
PX850401_Sickle_Cell_Disease_Transplant_Conditioning_Regimen_Chemotherapy_Agent_Used_Total_Dose_2 | ||||
PX850401020200 | Specify agent/s used: total dose | N/A | ||
PX850401_Sickle_Cell_Disease_Transplant_Conditioning_Regimen_Chemotherapy_Agent_Used_Total_Dose_3 | ||||
PX850401030200 | Specify agent/s used: total dose | N/A | ||
PX850401_Sickle_Cell_Disease_Transplant_Conditioning_Regimen_Non_Chemotherapy_Conditioning_Agent | ||||
PX850401080100 | Non-chemotherapy conditioning: Agent | N/A | ||
PX850401_Sickle_Cell_Disease_Transplant_Conditioning_Regimen_Non_Chemotherapy_Conditioning_Day | ||||
PX850401080500 | Non-chemotherapy conditioning: Day | N/A | ||
PX850401_Sickle_Cell_Disease_Transplant_Conditioning_Regimen_Non_Chemotherapy_Conditioning_Dose | ||||
PX850401080200 | Non-chemotherapy conditioning: Dose | N/A | ||
PX850401_Sickle_Cell_Disease_Transplant_Conditioning_Regimen_Non_Chemotherapy_Conditioning_Frequency | ||||
PX850401080300 | Non-chemotherapy conditioning: Frequency | N/A | ||
PX850401_Sickle_Cell_Disease_Transplant_Conditioning_Regimen_Non_Chemotherapy_Conditioning_Total_Dose | ||||
PX850401080400 | Non-chemotherapy conditioning: Total Dose | N/A | ||
PX850401_Sickle_Cell_Disease_Transplant_Conditioning_Regimen_Radiation_Days | ||||
PX850401070200 | Radiation: Days of Radiation | N/A | ||
PX850401_Sickle_Cell_Disease_Transplant_Conditioning_Regimen_Radiation_Source | ||||
PX850401070100 | Radiation: Source/Type | N/A | ||
PX850401_Sickle_Cell_Disease_Transplant_Conditioning_Regimen_Radiation_Total_Dose | ||||
PX850401070300 | Radiation: Total Dose | N/A |
Measure Name
Sickle Cell Disease Transplant Conditioning Regimen
Release Date
August 16, 2021
This measure describes the combination of treatments, or conditioning regimen, used to prepare a patient with sickle cell disease for stem cell transplantation, including chemotherapy, monoclonal antibody therapy, other serotherapy, and whole-body radiation therapy.
The purpose of a conditioning regimen is to make room in the patient’s bone marrow for new (or donor) blood stem cells to grow, prevent the patient’s body from rejecting the transplanted cells, and increase the chances of a successful transplant. A conditioning regimen used for stem cell transplant plays a significant role in the outcome of the transplant, including potential for success; risk of graft versus host disease; potential for graft failure; and complications including infection, infertility, changes in organ function, and secondary complications such as malignancy.
sickle cell disease, Sickle Cell Disease Curative Therapies, stem cell transplant, bone marrow transplant, conditioning, radiation, Chemotherapy, monoclonal antibody, myeloablative
Measure Protocols
Protocol ID | Protocol Name |
850401 | Sickle Cell Disease Transplant Conditioning Regimen |