
Protocol - COVID-19 Related Social Interactions

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A survey to understand how COVID-19 has impacted people’s lives, asking about social interaction before and after the COVID-19 outbreak.

Specific Instructions



This protocol is freely available; permission not required for use.


The next questions ask how you feel about different aspects of your life. For each one, tell me how often you feel that way in a typical week BEFORE and AFTER the COVID-19 outbreak in your region.

1. A typical week BEFORE the COVID-19 outbreak, how often do you feel that you lack companionship?

[ ] Hardly ever

[ ] Some of the time

[ ] Often    

2. A typical week AFTER the COVID-19 outbreak, how often do you feel that you lack companionship?

[ ] Hardly ever

[ ] Some of the time

[ ] Often    

3. A typical week BEFORE the COVID-19 outbreak, how often do you feel left out?

[ ] Hardly ever

[ ] Some of the time

[ ] Often    

4. A typical week AFTER the COVID-19 outbreak, how often do you feel left out?

[ ] Hardly ever

[ ] Some of the time

[ ] Often    

5. A typical week BEFORE the COVID-19 outbreak, how often do you feel isolated from others?

[ ] Hardly ever

[ ] Some of the time

[ ] Often    

6. A typical week AFTER the COVID-19 outbreak, how often do you feel isolated from others?

[ ] Hardly ever

[ ] Some of the time

[ ] Often    

7. A typical week BEFORE the COVID-19 outbreak, I am content with my friendships and relationships.

[ ] Strongly disagree

[ ] Disagree

[ ] Neutral

[ ] Agree

[ ] Strongly agree

8. A typical week AFTER the COVID-19 outbreak, I am content with my friendships and relationships.

[ ] Strongly disagree

[ ] Disagree

[ ] Neutral

[ ] Agree

[ ] Strongly agree

9. A typical week BEFORE the COVID-19 outbreak, I have enough people I feel comfortable asking for help at any time.

[ ] Strongly disagree

[ ] Disagree

[ ] Neutral

[ ] Agree

[ ] Strongly agree

10. A typical week AFTER the COVID-19 outbreak, I have enough people I feel comfortable asking for help at any time.

[ ] Strongly disagree

[ ] Disagree

[ ] Neutral

[ ] Agree

[ ] Strongly agree

11. A typical week BEFORE the COVID-19 outbreak, my relationships are satisfying as I would want them to be.

[ ] Strongly disagree

[ ] Disagree

[ ] Neutral

[ ] Agree

[ ] Strongly agree

12. A typical week AFTER the COVID-19 outbreak, my relationships are satisfying as I would want them to be.

[ ] Strongly disagree

[ ] Disagree

[ ] Neutral

[ ] Agree

[ ] Strongly agree

Personnel and Training Required

Equipment Needs

Requirement CategoryRequired
Major equipment No
Specialized training No
Specialized requirements for biospecimen collection No
Average time of greater than 15 minutes in an unaffected individual No
Mode of Administration

Self-administered questionnaire


Adult, Senior


Adults aged 18 years or older

Selection Rationale

PhenX used input from crowdsourcing to enable rapid response and release of COVID-19 related protocols in the Toolkit. 



Derived Variables

Process and Review

Not applicable

Protocol Name from Source

Coping with COVID-19: Impact on technology use, mobility, food security, depression and social isolation


University of Florida, Institute on Aging Department of Aging & Geriatric Research, Coping with COVID-19: Impact on Technology Use, Mobility, Food Security, Depression and Social Isolation, (2020), Socialization Section

General References

Protocol ID


Export Variables
Variable Name Variable IDVariable DescriptiondbGaP Mapping
PX930201100000 A typical week AFTER the COVID-19 outbreak, more
I have enough people I feel comfortable asking for help at any time. show less
PX930201020000 A typical week AFTER the COVID-19 outbreak, more
how often do you feel that you lack companionship? show less
PX930201080000 A typical week AFTER the COVID-19 outbreak, more
I am content with my friendships and relationships. show less
PX930201060000 A typical week AFTER the COVID-19 outbreak, more
how often do you feel isolated from others? show less
PX930201040000 A typical week AFTER the COVID-19 outbreak, more
how often do you feel left out? show less
PX930201120000 A typical week AFTER the COVID-19 outbreak, more
My relationships are satisfying as I would want them to be. show less
PX930201090000 A typical week BEFORE the COVID-19 outbreak, more
I have enough people I feel comfortable asking for help at any time. show less
PX930201010000 A typical week BEFORE the COVID-19 outbreak, more
how often do you feel that you lack companionship? show less
PX930201070000 A typical week BEFORE the COVID-19 outbreak, more
I am content with my friendships and relationships. show less
PX930201050000 A typical week BEFORE the COVID-19 outbreak, more
how often do you feel isolated from others? show less
PX930201030000 A typical week BEFORE the COVID-19 outbreak, more
how often do you feel left out? show less
PX930201110000 A typical week BEFORE the COVID-19 outbreak, more
My relationships are satisfying as I would want them to be. show less
Behaviors and Risks
Measure Name

COVID-19 Related Social Interactions

Release Date

October 30, 2020


A 12-item self-report questionnaire that assesses an individual’s social interactions before and after the COVID-19 outbreak


The survey was developed to see how the COVID-19 pandemic is impacting social interactions.


COVID-19, Social Interactions, Socialization, COVID, coronavirus

Measure Protocols
Protocol ID Protocol Name
930201 COVID-19 Related Social Interactions