Protocol - COVID-19 Knowledge, Attitudes, and Avoidant Behaviors
An interviewer administered questionnaire that asks about coronavirus symptoms, healthcare visits, social interactions, and safe/unsafe behaviors.
Specific Instructions
Randomize the order of the items
This protocol is freely available; permission not required for use.
1. Which of the following are the main symptoms people infected with the coronavirus experience? | Yes | No | Unsure |
1a. Fever or chills | [ ] | [ ] | [ ] |
1b. Runny or stuffy nose | [ ] | [ ] | [ ] |
1c. Chest congestion | [ ] | [ ] | [ ] |
1d. Skin rash | [ ] | [ ] | [ ] |
1e. Cough | [ ] | [ ] | [ ] |
1f. Sore throat | [ ] | [ ] | [ ] |
1g. Sneezing | [ ] | [ ] | [ ] |
1h. Muscle or body aches | [ ] | [ ] | [ ] |
1i. Headaches | [ ] | [ ] | [ ] |
1j. Fatigue or tiredness | [ ] | [ ] | [ ] |
1k. Shortness of breath | [ ] | [ ] | [ ] |
1l. Abdominal Discomfort | [ ] | [ ] | [ ] |
1m. Vomiting | [ ] | [ ] | [ ] |
1n. Hair Loss | [ ] | [ ] | [ ] |
1o. Dry skin | [ ] | [ ] | [ ] |
1p. Body temperature higher than 100.4 F or 38.0 C | [ ] | [ ] | [ ] |
1q. Diarrhea | [ ] | [ ] | [ ] |
1r. Lost sense of smell | [ ] | [ ] | [ ] |
2. In the last seven days, have you done the following: | Yes | No | Unsure |
2a. Gone out to a bar, club, or other place where people gather | [ ] | [ ] | [ ] |
2b. Gone to the grocery store or pharmacy | [ ] | [ ] | [ ] |
2c. Gone to a friend, neighbor, or relative’s residence (that ist your own) | [ ] | [ ] | [ ] |
2d. Had visitors such as friends, neighbors or relatives at your residence | [ ] | [ ] | [ ] |
2e. Attended a gathering with more than 10 people, such as a reunion, wedding, funeral, birthday party, concert, or religious service | [ ] | [ ] | [ ] |
2f. Sought care from a hospital or health care facility | [ ] | [ ] | [ ] |
2g. Been placed in isolation or quarantine | [ ] | [ ] | [ ] |
2h. Remained in your residence at all times, except for essential activities or exercise | [ ] | [ ] | [ ] |
2i. Shared items like towels or utensils with other people | [ ] | [ ] | [ ] |
2j. Had close contact (within 6 feet) with people who live with you | [ ] | [ ] | [ ] |
2k. Had close contact (within 6 feet) with people who dot live with you | [ ] | [ ] | [ ] |
2l. Gone outside to walk, hike, or exercise | [ ] | [ ] | [ ] |
3. Which of the following have you done in the last seven days to keep yourself safe from coronavirus? Only consider actions that you took or decisions that you made personally. | Yes | No |
3a. Washed your hands with soap or used hand sanitizer several times per day | [ ] | [ ] |
3b. Canceled or postponed air travel for work | [ ] | [ ] |
3c. Canceled or postponed air travel for pleasure | [ ] | [ ] |
3d. Canceled or postponed work or school activities | [ ] | [ ] |
3e. Canceled or postponed personal or social activities | [ ] | [ ] |
3f. Visited a doctor | [ ] | [ ] |
3g. Canceled a doctor’s appointment | [ ] | [ ] |
3h. Stockpiled food or water | [ ] | [ ] |
3i. Avoided contact with people who could be high-risk | [ ] | [ ] |
3j. Avoided public spaces, gatherings, or crowds | [ ] | [ ] |
3k. Prayed | [ ] | [ ] |
3l. Avoided eating at restaurants | [ ] | [ ] |
3m. Stockpiled hand sanitizer or disinfectant wipes | [ ] | [ ] |
3n. Worked or studied at home | [ ] | [ ] |
3o. Worn a mask or other face covering | [ ] | [ ] |
3p. Stockpiled medication | [ ] | [ ] |
4. Have Federal, state, or local governments encouraged you to limit non-essential travel?
[ ] 1 - Yes
[ ] 2 - No
[ ] 3 - Unsure
5. Have Federal, state, or local governments required you to limit non-essential travel?
[ ] 1 - Yes
[ ] 2 - No
[ ] 3 - Unsure
6. How effective are the following actions for keeping you safe from coronavirus? [Color “unsure” differently]
Extremely Ineffective | Somewhat Ineffective | Somewhat Effective | Extremely Effective | Unsure | |
Wearing a facemask such as the one shown here. | |||||
Praying. | |||||
Washing your hands with soap or using hand sanitizer frequently. | |||||
Seeing a doctor if you feel sick. | |||||
Seeing a doctor if you feel healthy but worry that you were exposed | |||||
Avoiding public spaces, gatherings, and crowds. | |||||
Avoiding contact with people who could be high-risk. | |||||
Avoiding hospitals and clinics. | |||||
Avoiding restaurants. | |||||
Avoiding airplanes |
7. How safe or unsafe are the following actions for avoiding exposure to coronavirus? [Color “unsure” differently]
[Randomize the order of items in the list]
Extremely Safe | Somewhat Safe | Somewhat Unsafe | Extremely Unsafe | Unsure | |
Grocery shopping | |||||
Attending gatherings of more than 100 people | |||||
Going to the hospital | |||||
Dining in at restaurants | |||||
Eating “take-out” meals from restaurants | |||||
Visiting with relatives or friends in their home | |||||
Handling packages that have been delivered | |||||
Playing on playground equipment | |||||
Touching door knobs, countertops, and other surfaces in your home | |||||
Interacting closely with Other members of your household | |||||
Going outside to walk, hike, or exercise |
8. We’d like to ask about your family, as well as your close friends. How many family or close friends do you have? Only include people who are still alive, regardless of where they live.
[Input number: 0-999: Soft check “Do you really have [NUMBER] family and close friends?”]
9. You said that you have [NUMBER] family and close friends. Of these people, how many do you think have been infected with the coronavirus?
[Input number: 0-999, must be <= to total contacts]:
[Soft check: “Do you really know [NUMBER] people who have been infected?”]
10. On a scale of 0 to 100 percent, what is the chance that you will get the coronavirus in the next three months? If you’ret sure, please give your best guess.
11. If you do get the coronavirus, what is the percent chance you will die from it? If you’ret sure, please give your best guess.
12. Do you agree or disagree with the following statements?
12a. The childhood vaccines, such as those for measles and chickenpox:
12a1. Have many known harmful side effects
[ ] strongly disagree
[ ] disagree
[ ] agree
[ ] strongly agree
12a2. Provide important benefits to society
[ ] strongly disagree
[ ] disagree
[ ] agree
[ ] strongly agree
12a3. May lead to illness and death
[ ] strongly disagree
[ ] disagree
[ ] agree
[ ] strongly agree
12a4. Are useful and effective
[ ] strongly disagree
[ ] disagree
[ ] agree
[ ] strongly agree
13. How likely are you to get vaccinated for coronavirus once a vaccination is available to the public?
[ ] very unlikely
[ ] somewhat unlikely
[ ] somewhat likely
[ ] very likely
[ ] unsure
14. Do you agree or disagree with the following statements?
14a. Most people believe that people with coronavirus are dangerous.
[ ] strongly disagree
[ ] disagree
[ ] agree
[ ] strongly agree
14b. Most people believe that people who used to have coronavirus are dangerous.
[ ] strongly disagree
[ ] disagree
[ ] agree
[ ] strongly agree
14c. Most people believe that having coronavirus is a sign of personal weakness or failure.
[ ] strongly disagree
[ ] disagree
[ ] agree
[ ] strongly agree
14d. If I caught the coronavirus, I would consider it a sign of my personal weakness or failure.
[ ] strongly disagree
[ ] disagree
[ ] agree
[ ] strongly agree
Personnel and Training Required
Equipment Needs
Requirement Category | Required |
Major equipment | No |
Specialized training | No |
Specialized requirements for biospecimen collection | No |
Average time of greater than 15 minutes in an unaffected individual | No |
Mode of Administration
Interviewer-administered questionnaire
Adult, Senior
Adults aged 18 years or older
Selection Rationale
PhenX used input from crowdsourcing to enable rapid response and release of COVID-19 related protocols in the Toolkit.
Standard | Name | ID | Source |
Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes (LOINC) | COVID-19 Knowledge, Attitudes, and Avoidant Behaviors | 99673-6 | LOINC |
Derived Variables
Process and Review
Not applicable
Protocol Name from Source
Coronavirus Tracking Survey of the Understanding America Survey (UAS)
Coronavirus Tracking Survey - Long Form - Wave 2: April 1-14, 2020. Center for Economic and Social Research – Understanding America Study. CR014 – CR025, CR030 – CR031 as questions 1-14.
General References
Protocol ID
Export VariablesVariable Name | Variable ID | Variable Description | dbGaP Mapping | |
PX930401_Covid19_Knowledge_Attitude_Avoidant_Behavior_Childhood_Vaccines_Illness_Death | ||||
PX930401100300 | Do you agree or disagree with the following more | N/A | ||
PX930401_Covid19_Knowledge_Attitude_Avoidant_Behavior_Childhood_Vaccines_Side_Effects | ||||
PX930401100100 | Do you agree or disagree with the following more | N/A | ||
PX930401_Covid19_Knowledge_Attitude_Avoidant_Behavior_Childhood_Vaccines_Societal_Benefits | ||||
PX930401100200 | Do you agree or disagree with the following more | N/A | ||
PX930401_Covid19_Knowledge_Attitude_Avoidant_Behavior_Childhood_Vaccines_Useful_Effective | ||||
PX930401100400 | Do you agree or disagree with the following more | N/A | ||
PX930401_Covid19_Knowledge_Attitude_Avoidant_Behavior_Effective_Avoid_Airplanes | ||||
PX930401041000 | How effective are the following actions for more | N/A | ||
PX930401_Covid19_Knowledge_Attitude_Avoidant_Behavior_Effective_Avoid_High_Risk_Contact | ||||
PX930401040700 | How effective are the following actions for more | N/A | ||
PX930401_Covid19_Knowledge_Attitude_Avoidant_Behavior_Effective_Avoid_Hospitals | ||||
PX930401040800 | How effective are the following actions for more | N/A | ||
PX930401_Covid19_Knowledge_Attitude_Avoidant_Behavior_Effective_Avoid_Public_Space | ||||
PX930401040600 | How effective are the following actions for more | N/A | ||
PX930401_Covid19_Knowledge_Attitude_Avoidant_Behavior_Effective_Avoid_Restaurants | ||||
PX930401040900 | How effective are the following actions for more | N/A | ||
PX930401_Covid19_Knowledge_Attitude_Avoidant_Behavior_Effective_Doctor_Visit_Healthy | ||||
PX930401040500 | How effective are the following actions for more | N/A | ||
PX930401_Covid19_Knowledge_Attitude_Avoidant_Behavior_Effective_Doctor_Visit_Sick | ||||
PX930401040400 | How effective are the following actions for more | N/A | ||
PX930401_Covid19_Knowledge_Attitude_Avoidant_Behavior_Effective_Praying | ||||
PX930401040200 | How effective are the following actions for more | N/A | ||
PX930401_Covid19_Knowledge_Attitude_Avoidant_Behavior_Effective_Washing_Hands | ||||
PX930401040300 | How effective are the following actions for more | N/A | ||
PX930401_Covid19_Knowledge_Attitude_Avoidant_Behavior_Effective_Wearing_Mask | ||||
PX930401040100 | How effective are the following actions for more | N/A | ||
PX930401_Covid19_Knowledge_Attitude_Avoidant_Behavior_Government_Advise_Limit_Travel | ||||
PX930401031700 | Have Federal, state, or local governments more | N/A | ||
PX930401_Covid19_Knowledge_Attitude_Avoidant_Behavior_Government_Require_Limit_Travel | ||||
PX930401031800 | Have Federal, state, or local governments more | N/A | ||
PX930401_Covid19_Knowledge_Attitude_Avoidant_Behavior_Grocery_Shopping | ||||
PX930401050100 | How safe or unsafe are the following actions more | N/A | ||
PX930401_Covid19_Knowledge_Attitude_Avoidant_Behavior_Infected_Stigma | ||||
PX930401120100 | Do you agree or disagree with the following more | N/A | ||
PX930401_Covid19_Knowledge_Attitude_Avoidant_Behavior_Infection_Weakness_Failure | ||||
PX930401120300 | Do you agree or disagree with the following more | N/A | ||
PX930401_Covid19_Knowledge_Attitude_Avoidant_Behavior_Number_Friends_Family | ||||
PX930401060100 | We'd like to ask about your family, as well more | N/A | ||
PX930401_Covid19_Knowledge_Attitude_Avoidant_Behavior_Number_Friends_Family_Verify | ||||
PX930401060200 | Do you really have more | N/A | ||
PX930401_Covid19_Knowledge_Attitude_Avoidant_Behavior_Number_Friends_Family_Verify_Infected | ||||
PX930401070100 | You said that you have more | N/A | ||
PX930401_Covid19_Knowledge_Attitude_Avoidant_Behavior_Number_Friends_Family_Verify_Infected_Verify | ||||
PX930401070200 | Do you really know more | N/A | ||
PX930401_Covid19_Knowledge_Attitude_Avoidant_Behavior_Odds_Infected_Death | ||||
PX930401090000 | If you do get the coronavirus, what is the more | N/A | ||
PX930401_Covid19_Knowledge_Attitude_Avoidant_Behavior_Odds_Infected_Near_Future | ||||
PX930401080000 | On a scale of 0 to 100 percent, what is the more | N/A | ||
PX930401_Covid19_Knowledge_Attitude_Avoidant_Behavior_Past_Week_Avoid_High_Risk_Contacts | ||||
PX930401030900 | Which of the following have you done in the more | N/A | ||
PX930401_Covid19_Knowledge_Attitude_Avoidant_Behavior_Past_Week_Avoid_Public_Spaces | ||||
PX930401031000 | Which of the following have you done in the more | N/A | ||
PX930401_Covid19_Knowledge_Attitude_Avoidant_Behavior_Past_Week_Avoid_Restaurants | ||||
PX930401031200 | Which of the following have you done in the more | N/A | ||
PX930401_Covid19_Knowledge_Attitude_Avoidant_Behavior_Past_Week_Bar_Club | ||||
PX930401020100 | In the last seven days, have you done the more | N/A | ||
PX930401_Covid19_Knowledge_Attitude_Avoidant_Behavior_Past_Week_Cancel_Air_Travel_Business | ||||
PX930401030300 | Which of the following have you done in the more | N/A | ||
PX930401_Covid19_Knowledge_Attitude_Avoidant_Behavior_Past_Week_Cancel_Air_Travel_Pleasure | ||||
PX930401030200 | Which of the following have you done in the more | N/A | ||
PX930401_Covid19_Knowledge_Attitude_Avoidant_Behavior_Past_Week_Cancel_Doctor_Appointment | ||||
PX930401030700 | Which of the following have you done in the more | N/A | ||
PX930401_Covid19_Knowledge_Attitude_Avoidant_Behavior_Past_Week_Cancel_Personal_Social_Activities | ||||
PX930401030500 | Which of the following have you done in the more | N/A | ||
PX930401_Covid19_Knowledge_Attitude_Avoidant_Behavior_Past_Week_Cancel_Work_Activities | ||||
PX930401030400 | Which of the following have you done in the more | N/A | ||
PX930401_Covid19_Knowledge_Attitude_Avoidant_Behavior_Past_Week_Close_Contact_Living_Separately | ||||
PX930401021100 | In the last seven days, have you done the more | N/A | ||
PX930401_Covid19_Knowledge_Attitude_Avoidant_Behavior_Past_Week_Close_Contact_Living_Togethre | ||||
PX930401021000 | In the last seven days, have you done the more | N/A | ||
PX930401_Covid19_Knowledge_Attitude_Avoidant_Behavior_Past_Week_Grocery_Store_Pharmacy | ||||
PX930401020200 | In the last seven days, have you done the more | N/A | ||
PX930401_Covid19_Knowledge_Attitude_Avoidant_Behavior_Past_Week_Healthcare_Facility | ||||
PX930401020600 | In the last seven days, have you done the more | N/A | ||
PX930401_Covid19_Knowledge_Attitude_Avoidant_Behavior_Past_Week_Host_Friend_Relative_Residence | ||||
PX930401020400 | In the last seven days, have you done the more | N/A | ||
PX930401_Covid19_Knowledge_Attitude_Avoidant_Behavior_Past_Week_Isolation_Quarantine | ||||
PX930401020700 | In the last seven days, have you done the more | N/A | ||
PX930401_Covid19_Knowledge_Attitude_Avoidant_Behavior_Past_Week_Prayed | ||||
PX930401031100 | Which of the following have you done in the more | N/A | ||
PX930401_Covid19_Knowledge_Attitude_Avoidant_Behavior_Past_Week_Remained_Indoors | ||||
PX930401020800 | In the last seven days, have you done the more | N/A | ||
PX930401_Covid19_Knowledge_Attitude_Avoidant_Behavior_Past_Week_Shared_Personal_Items | ||||
PX930401020900 | In the last seven days, have you done the more | N/A | ||
PX930401_Covid19_Knowledge_Attitude_Avoidant_Behavior_Past_Week_Social_Gathering_Ten_More | ||||
PX930401020500 | In the last seven days, have you done the more | N/A | ||
PX930401_Covid19_Knowledge_Attitude_Avoidant_Behavior_Past_Week_Stockpile_Disinfectant | ||||
PX930401031300 | Which of the following have you done in the more | N/A | ||
PX930401_Covid19_Knowledge_Attitude_Avoidant_Behavior_Past_Week_Stockpile_Food_Water | ||||
PX930401030800 | Which of the following have you done in the more | N/A | ||
PX930401_Covid19_Knowledge_Attitude_Avoidant_Behavior_Past_Week_Stockpile_Medication | ||||
PX930401031600 | Which of the following have you done in the more | N/A | ||
PX930401_Covid19_Knowledge_Attitude_Avoidant_Behavior_Past_Week_Visit_Doctor | ||||
PX930401030600 | Which of the following have you done in the more | N/A | ||
PX930401_Covid19_Knowledge_Attitude_Avoidant_Behavior_Past_Week_Visit_Friend_Relative_Residence | ||||
PX930401020300 | In the last seven days, have you done the more | N/A | ||
PX930401_Covid19_Knowledge_Attitude_Avoidant_Behavior_Past_Week_Wash_Hands | ||||
PX930401030100 | Which of the following have you done in the more | N/A | ||
PX930401_Covid19_Knowledge_Attitude_Avoidant_Behavior_Past_Week_Went_Outside | ||||
PX930401021200 | In the last seven days, have you done the more | N/A | ||
PX930401_Covid19_Knowledge_Attitude_Avoidant_Behavior_Past_Week_Work_Study_Home | ||||
PX930401031400 | Which of the following have you done in the more | N/A | ||
PX930401_Covid19_Knowledge_Attitude_Avoidant_Behavior_Past_Week_Worn_Face_Mask | ||||
PX930401031500 | Which of the following have you done in the more | N/A | ||
PX930401_Covid19_Knowledge_Attitude_Avoidant_Behavior_Personal_Infection_Weakness_Failure | ||||
PX930401120400 | Do you agree or disagree with the following more | N/A | ||
PX930401_Covid19_Knowledge_Attitude_Avoidant_Behavior_Recovered_Stigma | ||||
PX930401120200 | Do you agree or disagree with the following more | N/A | ||
PX930401_Covid19_Knowledge_Attitude_Avoidant_Behavior_Safety_Handling_Packages | ||||
PX930401050700 | How safe or unsafe are the following actions more | N/A | ||
PX930401_Covid19_Knowledge_Attitude_Avoidant_Behavior_Safety_Household_Interaction | ||||
PX930401051000 | How safe or unsafe are the following actions more | N/A | ||
PX930401_Covid19_Knowledge_Attitude_Avoidant_Behavior_Safety_Large_Gatherings | ||||
PX930401050200 | How safe or unsafe are the following actions more | N/A | ||
PX930401_Covid19_Knowledge_Attitude_Avoidant_Behavior_Safety_Outdoors | ||||
PX930401051100 | How safe or unsafe are the following actions more | N/A | ||
PX930401_Covid19_Knowledge_Attitude_Avoidant_Behavior_Safety_Playground_Equipment | ||||
PX930401050800 | How safe or unsafe are the following actions more | N/A | ||
PX930401_Covid19_Knowledge_Attitude_Avoidant_Behavior_Safety_Restaurant_Dining | ||||
PX930401050400 | How safe or unsafe are the following actions more | N/A | ||
PX930401_Covid19_Knowledge_Attitude_Avoidant_Behavior_Safety_Restaurant_Takeout | ||||
PX930401050500 | How safe or unsafe are the following actions more | N/A | ||
PX930401_Covid19_Knowledge_Attitude_Avoidant_Behavior_Safety_Surface_Contact | ||||
PX930401050900 | How safe or unsafe are the following actions more | N/A | ||
PX930401_Covid19_Knowledge_Attitude_Avoidant_Behavior_Safety_Visit_Hospital | ||||
PX930401050300 | How safe or unsafe are the following actions more | N/A | ||
PX930401_Covid19_Knowledge_Attitude_Avoidant_Behavior_Safety_Visit_Relatives_Friends | ||||
PX930401050600 | How safe or unsafe are the following actions more | N/A | ||
PX930401_Covid19_Knowledge_Attitude_Avoidant_Behavior_Symptoms_Abdominal_Discomfort | ||||
PX930401011200 | Which of the following are the main symptoms more | N/A | ||
PX930401_Covid19_Knowledge_Attitude_Avoidant_Behavior_Symptoms_Body_Temperature | ||||
PX930401011600 | Which of the following are the main symptoms more | N/A | ||
PX930401_Covid19_Knowledge_Attitude_Avoidant_Behavior_Symptoms_Chest_Congestion | ||||
PX930401010300 | Which of the following are the main symptoms more | N/A | ||
PX930401_Covid19_Knowledge_Attitude_Avoidant_Behavior_Symptoms_Cough | ||||
PX930401010500 | Which of the following are the main symptoms more | N/A | ||
PX930401_Covid19_Knowledge_Attitude_Avoidant_Behavior_Symptoms_Diarrhea | ||||
PX930401011700 | Which of the following are the main symptoms more | N/A | ||
PX930401_Covid19_Knowledge_Attitude_Avoidant_Behavior_Symptoms_Dry_Skin | ||||
PX930401011500 | Which of the following are the main symptoms more | N/A | ||
PX930401_Covid19_Knowledge_Attitude_Avoidant_Behavior_Symptoms_Fatigue | ||||
PX930401011000 | Which of the following are the main symptoms more | N/A | ||
PX930401_Covid19_Knowledge_Attitude_Avoidant_Behavior_Symptoms_Fever_Chills | ||||
PX930401010100 | Which of the following are the main symptoms more | N/A | ||
PX930401_Covid19_Knowledge_Attitude_Avoidant_Behavior_Symptoms_Hair_Loss | ||||
PX930401011400 | Which of the following are the main symptoms more | N/A | ||
PX930401_Covid19_Knowledge_Attitude_Avoidant_Behavior_Symptoms_Headaches | ||||
PX930401010900 | Which of the following are the main symptoms more | N/A | ||
PX930401_Covid19_Knowledge_Attitude_Avoidant_Behavior_Symptoms_Muscle_Body_Aches | ||||
PX930401010800 | Which of the following are the main symptoms more | N/A | ||
PX930401_Covid19_Knowledge_Attitude_Avoidant_Behavior_Symptoms_Runny_Nose | ||||
PX930401010200 | Which of the following are the main symptoms more | N/A | ||
PX930401_Covid19_Knowledge_Attitude_Avoidant_Behavior_Symptoms_Shortness_Breath | ||||
PX930401011100 | Which of the following are the main symptoms more | N/A | ||
PX930401_Covid19_Knowledge_Attitude_Avoidant_Behavior_Symptoms_Skin_Rash | ||||
PX930401010400 | Which of the following are the main symptoms more | N/A | ||
PX930401_Covid19_Knowledge_Attitude_Avoidant_Behavior_Symptoms_Smell | ||||
PX930401011800 | Which of the following are the main symptoms more | N/A | ||
PX930401_Covid19_Knowledge_Attitude_Avoidant_Behavior_Symptoms_Sneezing | ||||
PX930401010700 | Which of the following are the main symptoms more | N/A | ||
PX930401_Covid19_Knowledge_Attitude_Avoidant_Behavior_Symptoms_Sore_Throat | ||||
PX930401010600 | Which of the following are the main symptoms more | N/A | ||
PX930401_Covid19_Knowledge_Attitude_Avoidant_Behavior_Symptoms_Vomiting | ||||
PX930401011300 | Which of the following are the main symptoms more | N/A | ||
PX930401_Covid19_Knowledge_Attitude_Avoidant_Behavior_Vaccination | ||||
PX930401110000 | How likely are you to get vaccinated for more | N/A |
Measure Name
COVID-19 Knowledge, Attitudes, and Avoidant Behaviors
Release Date
October 30, 2020
This protocol assesses knowledge, attitudes related to COVID -19 and avoidant behaviors.
The Coronavirus Tracking Survey of the Understanding America Survey (UAS) focuses on the impact of the novel coronavirus.
knowledge, attitudes, Avoidant Behaviors, coronavirus, COVID, COVID-related symptoms, Social Distancing, Socialization, hygiene, quarantine, travel, COVID-19
Measure Protocols
Protocol ID | Protocol Name |
930401 | COVID-19 Knowledge, Attitudes, and Avoidant Behaviors |