
Protocol - Vulnerability and Exposure to COVID-19

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The COVID-19 Experiences (COVEX) questionnaire was developed by investigators from the Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at Columbia University/New York State Psychiatric Institute for use in ongoing and new research studies and by affiliated clinical settings to document the experiences of research participants and patients in the time of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Specific Instructions



This protocol is freely available; permission not required for use.


1. Prior to the COVID-19 outbreak, did you have a medical condition that could cause you to get very sick if you were to get COVID-19? (e.g., asthma, a breathing or lung problem, suppressed immune system, diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, or some other significant health problem)

[ ] No -> GO TO 2

[ ] Yes

   If yes, ask:

   1.a. What was that? _________________________________

2. During or in the few months prior to the COVID-19 outbreak, were you a smoker or vaper? [check all that apply]

[ ] No -> GO TO 3

[ ] Yes, smoker

[ ] Yes, vaper

   If smoker, ask:

   2a. How much [do/did] you smoke?

         [ ] A pack or more a day (a pack is 20 cigarettes)

         [ ] Daily, 10-19 cigarettes

         [ ] Daily, 4-9 cigarettes

         [ ] Daily 1-3 cigarettes

         [ ] Less than one cigarette per day

   If vaper, ask:

   2b. How often did you vape?

         [ ] More than once a day

         [ ] Daily or almost every day

         [ ] 3-4 days a week

         [ ] 1-2 days a week

         [ ] Less than that

3. During or after the COVID-19 outbreak started, were you pregnant?

[ ] No

[ ] Yes

4. During the COVID-19 outbreak, did you ever live with someone that was sick with COVID-19?

[ ] No -> GO TO 5

[ ] Yes

[ ] Not sure, I think someone I lived with might have had COVID-19

   If yes or not sure, ask:

   4a. Who was this? [check all that apply]

         [ ] Partner

         [ ] Parent

         [ ] Child

         [ ] Sibling

         [ ] Grandparent

         [ ] Other family members (e.g. aunt, uncle, cousin)

         [ ] Roommate

         [ ] Other: ___________________

   4b. Were they (any of them) hospitalized for COVID-19?

         [ ] No

         [ ] Yes

   4c. Did they (any of them) die because of COVID-19?

         [ ] No -> GO TO 5

         [ ] Yes

   If yes, ask:

   4d. Who died? [check all that apply]

         [ ] Partner

         [ ] Parent

         [ ] Child

         [ ] Sibling

         [ ] Grandparent

         [ ] Other family members (e.g. aunt, uncle, cousin)

         [ ] Roommate

         [ ] Other

5. Has anyone in your family who you did not live with or any of your close friends been diagnosed or been sick with COVID-19?

[ ] No -> GO TO 6

[ ] Yes

[ ] Not sure, I think someone in my family or a close friend might have had COVID-19

   If yes or not sure, ask:

   5a. Who was this? [check all that apply]

         [ ] Partner

         [ ] Parent

         [ ] Child

         [ ] Sibling

         [ ] Grandparent

         [ ] Other family members (e.g. aunt, uncle, cousin)

         [ ] Close friend

         [ ] Other

   5b. Were you around (any of) them when they were sick or just before, in the 2 weeks before they got sick?

         [ ] No

         [ ] Yes

   5c. Were they (any of them) hospitalized for COVID-19?

         [ ] No

         [ ] Yes

   5d. Did they (any of them) die because of COVID-19?

         [ ] No

         [ ] Yes

   If yes, ask:

   5e. Who died? [check all that apply]

         [ ] Partner

         [ ] Parent

         [ ] Child

         [ ] Sibling

         [ ] Grandparent

         [ ] Other family members (e.g. aunt, uncle, cousin)

         [ ] Close friend

         [ ] Other

6. Has anyone (else) that you interact with regularly, by this we mean at least twice a week, been diagnosed or been sick with COVID-19?

[ ] No

[ ] Yes

[ ] Not sure, I think someone I interacted with might have had COVID-19

   If yes or not sure, ask:

   6a. Were you around (any of) them when they were sick or just before, in the 2 weeks before they got sick?

         [ ] No

         [ ] Yes

Personnel and Training Required

Equipment Needs

Requirement CategoryRequired
Major equipment No
Specialized training No
Specialized requirements for biospecimen collection No
Average time of greater than 15 minutes in an unaffected individual No
Mode of Administration

Self-administered or interviewer-administered questionnaire


Adult, Senior


Adults aged 18 years or older

Selection Rationale

PhenX used input from crowdsourcing to enable rapid response and release of COVID-19 related protocols in the Toolkit. 


English, Spanish

Derived Variables

Process and Review

Protocol Name from Source

COVID-19 Experiences (COVEX)


Fisher, P.W., Desai, P., Klotz, J., Turner, J.B., Reyes-Portillo, J.A., Ghisolfi, I., Canino, G., and Duarte, C.S. (2020) COVID-19 Experiences (COVEX), Section 2 “Vulnerability to COVID and Direct Exposure”.

General References

Protocol ID


Export Variables
Variable Name Variable IDVariable DescriptiondbGaP Mapping
PX940201050100 Has anyone in your family who you did not more
live with or any of your close friends been diagnosed or been sick with COVID-19? show less
PX940201050500 Did they (any of them) die because of COVID-19? N/A
PX940201050600 Who died? [check all that apply] N/A
PX940201050400 Were they (any of them) hospitalized for COVID-19? N/A
PX940201050300 Were you around (any of) them when they were more
sick or just before, in the 2 weeks before they got sick? show less
PX940201050200 Who was this? [check all that apply] N/A
PX940201060100 Has anyone (else) that you interact with more
regularly, by this we mean at least twice a week, been diagnosed or been sick with COVID-19? show less
PX940201060200 Were you around (any of) them when they were more
sick or just before, in the 2 weeks before they got sick? show less
PX940201010100 Prior to the COVID-19 outbreak, did you have more
a medical condition that could cause you to get very sick if you were to get COVID-19? (e.g., asthma, a breathing or lung problem, suppressed immune system, diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, or some show less
PX940201010101 If yes, what was that? N/A
PX940201040100 During the COVID-19 outbreak, did you ever more
live with someone that was sick with COVID19? show less
PX940201040400 Did they (any of them) die because of COVID-19? N/A
PX940201040500 Who died? [check all that apply] N/A
PX940201040300 Were they (any of them) hospitalized for COVID-19? N/A
PX940201040201 Who was this? [check all that apply] N/A
PX940201040202 If other, please specify N/A
PX940201030000 During or after the COVID-19 outbreak more
started, were you pregnant? show less
PX940201020100 During or in the few months prior to the more
COVID-19 outbreak, were you a smoker or vaper? [check all that apply] show less
PX940201020200 How much [do/did] you smoke? N/A
PX940201020300 How often did you vape? N/A
History, Treatment and Outcomes
Measure Name

Vulnerability and Exposure to COVID-19

Release Date

October 30, 2020


This measure assesses existing behavior or exposure that can increase likelihood of contracting COVID-19.


This measure can be used to determine pre-existing health conditions or behavior that can increase severity of COVID-19 symptoms. It also assesses exposure to others diagnosed with COVID-19.


Medical condition, smoking, vaping, pregnant, COVID-19 diagnosis, COVID-19 death, coronavirus, COVID-19, COVID

Measure Protocols
Protocol ID Protocol Name
940201 Vulnerability and Exposure to COVID-19