
Protocol - Effects of COVID-19 Outbreak - Child Self-Report

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This protocol includes self-report questions about how the COVID-19 outbreak affected the child and family members to date. 

Specific Instructions

Another protocol is used for parents of children up to 12 years old to report about the effects of COVID-19 on the child’s life.


This protocol is freely available; permission not required for use.


1. In what ways has the COVID-19 outbreak affected your overall healthcare? (Mark all that apply)

01[ ]I did not go to healthcare appointments because I was concerned about entering my healthcare provider’s office

02[ ]My healthcare provider canceled appointments

03[ ]My healthcare provider changed to phone or online visits

04[ ]My healthcare provider told me to self-isolate or quarantine

05[ ]None of these apply

2. Did your school close because of the COVID-19 outbreak?

01[ ]Yes

02[ ]No → Skip to Question 3

03[ ]I am not enrolled in any school → Skip to Question 3

     2.a. Do you usually receive free meals at school?

         [ ] 01 Yes

         [ ] 02 No → Skip to Question 2.b

     2.a.1. Has your school offered meals during the school closure from COVID-19?

         [ ] 01 Yes

         [ ] 02 No → Skip to Question 2.b

     2.a.1.a. Have you been able to get the school-provided meals during the COVID-19 associated closure?

        [ ] 01 Yes

        [ ] 02 No

     2.b. Has your school offered online learning while closed?

        [ ] 01 Yes

        [ ] 02 No → Skip to Question 3

     2.b.1. Has your school provided either of the following to support online learning?

     a. Free home internet access

01[ ]Yes

02[ ]No

   b. Free computer or tablet

01[ ]Yes

02[ ]No

3.a. What type of internet access do you have at home? (Mark all that apply)

01[ ]High-speed broadband internet (“WiFi”) (e.g., DSL, cable, fiber optic)

02[ ]Dial-up internet (not WiFi) → Skip to Question 4

03[ ]Smartphone not connected to WiFi network at home (e.g., use cellular, LTE, mobile hotspot, neighbor’s WiFi) → Skip to Question 4

04[ ]I do not have internet access at home→ Skip to Question 4

    3.b. Did you have high-speed broadband internet access at home prior to March 1, 2020?

01[ ]Yes

02[ ]No

For rows 4.a through 4.h below, please mark ‘Less’, ‘Same amount’, or ‘More’ for how much you are now engaged in the activity compared to before the COVID-19 outbreak.

4. Compared to before the COVID-19 outbreak, how much are you now doing the following:

  1. Eating

01[ ]Less

02[ ]Same amount

03[ ]More

  1. Sleeping

01[ ]Less

02[ ]Same amount

03[ ]More

  1. Physical activity

01[ ]Less

02[ ]Same amount

03[ ]More

  1. Spending time outside

01[ ]Less

02[ ]Same amount

03[ ]More

  1. Spending time with friends in-person

01[ ]Less

02[ ]Same amount

03[ ]More

  1. Spending time with friends remotely (e.g., online, social media, texting)     

01[ ]Less

02[ ]Same amount

03[ ]More

  1. Spending time watching TV, playing video/computer games, or using social media for educational purposes, including school work

01[ ]Less

02[ ]Same amount

03[ ]More

  1. Spending time watching TV, playing video/computer games, or using social media for non-educational purposes

01[ ]Less

02[ ]Same amount

03[ ]More

5. Compared to before the COVID-19 outbreak, do you feel …

01[ ]much less socially connected

02[ ]less socially connected

03[ ]slightly less socially connected

04[ ]slightly more socially connected

05[ ]more socially connected

06[ ]much more socially connected

6. What have you done to cope with your stress related to the COVID-19 outbreak? (Mark all that apply)

01[ ]Meditation and/or mindfulness practices

02[ ]Engaging in more family activities (e.g., games, sports)

03[ ]Eating more often, including snacking

04[ ]Increasing time reading books, or doing activities like puzzles and crosswords

05[ ]Drinking alcohol

06[ ]Using tobacco (e.g., smoking; do not include vaping)

07[ ]Using marijuana (e.g., smoking, edibles; do not include vaping) or cannabidiol (CBD)

08[ ]Vaping marijuana

09[ ]Vaping other substances (e.g., using e-cigarettes, e-juice)

10[ ]Talking to my healthcare providers more frequently, including mental healthcare provider (e.g., therapist, psychologist, counselor)

11[ ]Volunteer work

12[ ]I have not done any of these things to cope with the COVID-19 outbreak

7. Please indicate the extent to which you view the COVID-19 outbreak as having either a positive or negative impact on your life.

01[ ]Extremely negative

02[ ]Moderately negative

03[ ]Somewhat negative

04[ ]No impact

05[ ]Slightly positive

06[ ]Moderately positive

07[ ]Extremely positive

8. Since becoming aware of the COVID-19 outbreak, how often have you felt happy and satisfied with your life?

01[ ]Not at all

02[ ]Rarely

03[ ]Sometimes

04[ ]Often

05[ ]Very often

For rows 9.a through 9.i below, please mark ‘Not at all’, ‘Rarely’, ‘Sometimes’, ‘Often’, or ‘Very often’ for how often you have had the experience since becoming aware of the COVID-19 outbreak.

9. Since becoming aware of the COVID-19 outbreak, how often have you …

a. had difficulty sleeping

01[ ]Not at all

02[ ]Rarely

03[ ]Sometimes

04[ ]Often

05[ ]Very often

b. startled easily

01[ ]Not at all

02[ ]Rarely

03[ ]Sometimes

04[ ]Often

05[ ]Very often

c. had angry outbursts

01[ ]Not at all

02[ ]Rarely

03[ ]Sometimes

04[ ]Often

05[ ]Very often

d. felt a sense of time slowing down

01[ ]Not at all

02[ ]Rarely

03[ ]Sometimes

04[ ]Often

05[ ]Very often

e. felt in a daze

01[ ]Not at all

02[ ]Rarely

03[ ]Sometimes

04[ ]Often

05[ ]Very often

f. tried to avoid thoughts and feelings about COVID-19

01[ ]Not at all

02[ ]Rarely

03[ ]Sometimes

04[ ]Often

05[ ]Very often

g. tried to avoid reading or watching information about COVID-19

01[ ]Not at all

02[ ]Rarely

03[ ]Sometimes

04[ ]Often

05[ ]Very often

h. had distressing dreams about COVID-19

01[ ]Not at all

02[ ]Rarely

03[ ]Sometimes

04[ ]Often

05[ ]Very often

i. been distressed when I see something that reminds me of COVID-19

01[ ]Not at all

02[ ]Rarely

03[ ]Sometimes

04[ ]Often

05[ ]Very often

Personnel and Training Required

Equipment Needs

Requirement CategoryRequired
Major equipment No
Specialized training No
Specialized requirements for biospecimen collection No
Average time of greater than 15 minutes in an unaffected individual No
Mode of Administration

Interviewer-administered questionnaire


Child, Adolescent


13-21 years old

Selection Rationale

PhenX used input from crowdsourcing to enable rapid response and release of COVID-19 related protocols in the Toolkit. 


English, Other languages available at source

Derived Variables

Process and Review

Not applicable

Protocol Name from Source

ECHO Impacts of COVID-19 Outbreak on Child Self-Report


Environmental Influences on Child Health Outcomes (ECHO)

COVID-19 Questionnaire – Child Self-Report Primary Version. ECHO-wide Cohort Version 01.30. April 9, 2020.

General References

Protocol ID


Export Variables
Variable Name Variable IDVariable DescriptiondbGaP Mapping
PX960203050000 Compared to before the COVID-19 outbreak, do more
you feel: show less
PX960203040100 Compared to before the COVID-19 outbreak, more
how much are you now doing the following: Eating show less
PX960203040300 Compared to before the COVID-19 outbreak, more
how much are you now doing the following: Physical activity show less
PX960203040200 Compared to before the COVID-19 outbreak, more
how much are you now doing the following: Sleeping show less
PX960203040500 Compared to before the COVID-19 outbreak, more
how much are you now doing the following: Spending time with friends in-person show less
PX960203040600 Compared to before the COVID-19 outbreak, more
how much are you now doing the following: Spending time with friends remotely (e.g., online, social media, texting) show less
PX960203040400 Compared to before the COVID-19 outbreak, more
how much are you now doing the following: Spending time outside show less
PX960203040700 Compared to before the COVID-19 outbreak, more
how much are you now doing the following: Spending time watching TV, playing video/computer games, or using social media for educational purposes, including school work show less
PX960203040800 Compared to before the COVID-19 outbreak, more
how much are you now doing the following: Spending time watching TV, playing video/computer games, or using social media for non-educational purposes show less
PX960203060000 What have you done to cope with your stress more
related to the COVID-19 outbreak? (Mark all that apply) show less
PX960203080000 Since becoming aware of the COVID-19 more
outbreak, how often have you felt happy and satisfied with your life? show less
PX960203010000 In what ways has the COVID-19 outbreak more
affected your overall healthcare? (Mark all that apply) show less
PX960203070000 Please indicate the extent to which you view more
the COVID-19 outbreak as having either a positive or negative impact on your life. show less
PX960203030000 What type of internet access do you have at more
home? (Mark all that apply) show less
PX960203030100 Did you have high-speed broadband internet more
access at home prior to March 1, 2020? show less
PX960203090700 Since becoming aware of the COVID-19 more
outbreak, how often have you: tried to avoid reading or watching information about COVID-19 show less
PX960203090600 Since becoming aware of the COVID-19 more
outbreak, how often have you: tried to avoid thoughts and feelings about COVID-19 show less
PX960203090100 Since becoming aware of the COVID-19 more
outbreak, how often have you: had difficulty sleeping show less
PX960203090800 Since becoming aware of the COVID-19 more
outbreak, how often have you: had distressing dreams about COVID-19 show less
PX960203090900 Since becoming aware of the COVID-19 more
outbreak, how often have you: been distressed when I see something that reminds me of COVID-19 show less
PX960203090500 Since becoming aware of the COVID-19 more
outbreak, how often have you: felt in a daze show less
PX960203090300 Since becoming aware of the COVID-19 more
outbreak, how often have you: had angry outbursts show less
PX960203090200 Since becoming aware of the COVID-19 more
outbreak, how often have you: startled easily show less
PX960203090400 Since becoming aware of the COVID-19 more
outbreak, how often have you: felt a sense of time slowing down show less
PX960203020000 Did your school close because of the more
COVID-19 outbreak? show less
PX960203020103 Have you been able to get the more
school-provided meals during the COVID-19 associated closure? show less
PX960203020102 Has your school offered meals during the more
school closure from COVID-19? show less
PX960203020201 Has your school offered online learning more
while closed? show less
PX960203020101 Do you usually receive free meals at school? N/A
PX960203020203 Has your school provided either of the more
following to support online learning? Free computer or tablet show less
PX960203020202 Has your school provided either of the more
following to support online learning? Free home internet access show less
Psychosocial and Mental Health
Measure Name

Effects of COVID-19 Outbreak

Release Date

October 30, 2020


Assessment to determine if the individual was tested for COVID-19, was known to be infected, and how COVID-19 affected his/her life since the pandemic began.


To assess the overall impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, to date, on the subject.


COVID, coronavirus, pregnancy, prenatal care, testing, symptoms, healthcare, work, employment, stress, COVID-19

Measure Protocols
Protocol ID Protocol Name
960201 Effects of COVID-19 Outbreak - Adult
960203 Effects of COVID-19 Outbreak - Child Self-Report
960205 Effects of COVID-19 Outbreak - Child Parent-Report