Protocol - COVID-19 Related Employment Status
- Annual Family Income
- COVID-19 Related Household Finances
- Current Employment Status
- Educational Impact Due to COVID-19
- Job Insecurity
The COVEX COVID-19 Experiences scale is an eight-item, yes/no and checklist style survey for adults.
Specific Instructions
This protocol references “two weeks prior to the COVID-19 outbreak”. Investigators are encouraged to provide respondents a reference point for the timeframe. For most place in the US, this would be mid-March 2020.
This protocol is freely available; permission not required for use.
1. Which of the following best describes your work situation in the two weeks prior to the COVID-19 outbreak?
[ ] Working full time -> GO TO 1B
[ ] Working part time -> GO TO 1B
[ ] Self-employed -> GO TO 1B
[ ] Looking for work, unemployed -> GO TO 1A
[ ] Unemployed, not looking -> GO TO 1A
[ ] Temporarily laid off -> GO TO 1A
[ ] Retired -> GO TO 1A
[ ] Homemaker -> GO TO 1A
[ ] Maternity Leave -> GO TO 1A
[ ] Illness/sick leave -> GO TO 1A
[ ] Disabled -> GO TO 1A
[ ] Other -> GO TO 1B
If not working before COVID-19 outbreak, ask:
1a. Did you start a new job during the COVID-19 outbreak?
[ ] No -> GO TO 5
[ ] Yes -> GO TO 4
1b. What setting(s) were you working in the two weeks before the COVID-19 outbreak? [check all that apply]
[ ] At home
[ ] In a medical setting (hospital, clinic, doctor’s office, urgent care center, etc.)
[ ] In an office or apartment building
[ ] In a private household(s) (nanny, housekeeper, etc.)
[ ] In a setting with regular customer interaction (delivery, transport, retail, food service, restaurant, etc.)
[ ] In the community as a first responder (police, EMS, firefighter, etc.)
[ ] In a warehouse or factory
[ ] Outside (gardening, construction, road work, etc.)
[ ] Other __________________________________
1c. What kind of work did you do? _____________________________
If employed before COVID-19 outbreak, ask:
2. Did you lose any job(s) during the covid-19 outbreak?
[ ] No -> GO TO 2B
[ ] Yes, I was laid off from a job
[ ] Yes, I was furloughed from a job
[ ] Yes, I lost all my jobs -> GO TO 2B
If laid off or furloughed, ask;
2a. Did you continue to work at all during the COVID-10 outbreak?
[ ] No -> GO TO 5
[ ] Yes
2b. Did you start or get [a new/another] job during the COVID-19 outbreak?
[ ] No
[ ] Yes
If currently working, ask:
3. Did you experience significant changes with your job (e.g. workload, hours, pay, etc.) because of or during the outbreak? [check all that apply]
[ ] No
[ ] Yes, switched to working remotely
[ ] Yes, increase in work hours
[ ] Yes, decrease in work hours
[ ] Yes, increase in workload
[ ] Yes, decrease in workload
[ ] Yes, salary or wages cut
[ ] Yes, salary or wages increased
[ ] Yes, other significant change: ____________________________________
4. What setting(s) have you been working in since the COVID-19 outbreak began? [check all that apply]
[ ] At home
[ ] In a medical setting (hospital, clinic, doctor’s office, urgent care center, etc.)
[ ] In an office or apartment building
[ ] In a private household(s) (nanny, housekeeper, etc.)
[ ] In a setting with regular customer interaction (delivery, transport, retail, food service,
restaurant, etc.)
[ ] In the community as a first responder (police, EMS, firefighter, etc.)
[ ] In a warehouse or factory
[ ] Outside (gardening, construction, road work, etc.)
[ ] Other __________________________________
5. In the weeks before COVID-19 outbreak began, were you a student (enrolled in an academic program)?
[ ] Full time student
[ ] Part time student
If a full or part time student, ask:
5a. After the COVID-19 outbreak began, did you continue to be a student?
[ ] No, graduated or finished program early -> GO TO 6 IF WORKING DURING OUTBREAK; GO TO 8 IF NOT WORKING
[ ] Yes
5b. Since the COVID-19 outbreak, has your school offered classes remotely?
[ ] Yes
5c. Did you experience an increase or decrease in schoolwork (time spent working)
[ ] Increase
[ ] Decrease
[ ] No change
If working at home or in school virtually, ask:
6. [Has it been/Was it] hard to get your [work/schoolwork] done because of other responsibilities at home (taking care of children, family, tension, space)?
[ ] No
[ ] Yes
7. [Has it been/Was it] hard to get your [work/school work] done because of your home environment (internet, computers, tension, space)?
[ ] No
[ ] Yes
8. Did anyone in your house lose their job or lose a significant amount of their income as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak?
[ ] No
[ ] Yes
If yes, ask:
8a. Who lost their job or significant amount of income as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak?
[ ] Partner
[ ] Parents
[ ] My children
[ ] Siblings
[ ] Grandparents
[ ] Other family members (e.g. aunt, uncle, cousin)
[ ] Friend(s)
[ ] Other household members/roommates
Personnel and Training Required
Equipment Needs
Requirement Category | Required |
Major equipment | No |
Specialized training | No |
Specialized requirements for biospecimen collection | No |
Average time of greater than 15 minutes in an unaffected individual | No |
Mode of Administration
Interviewer-administered questionnaire
Adult, Senior
Adults aged 18 and older
Selection Rationale
PhenX used input from crowdsourcing to enable rapid response and release of COVID-19 related protocols in the Toolkit.
English, Spanish
Standard | Name | ID | Source |
Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes (LOINC) | COVID-19 Related Employment Status | 97123-4 | LOINC |
Derived Variables
Process and Review
Not applicable
Protocol Name from Source
COVID-19 Experiences (COVEX)
Fisher, P.W., Desai, P., Klotz, J., Turner, J.B., Reyes-Portillo, J.A., Ghisolfi, I., Canino, G., and Duarte, C.S. (2020) COVID-19 Experiences (COVEX).
Section 4: Employment/School Changes
General References
Protocol ID
Export VariablesVariable Name | Variable ID | Variable Description | dbGaP Mapping | |
PX980201_Covid19_Employment_Status_Difficulty_Work_Schoolwork_Home_Environment | ||||
PX980201070000 | [Has it been/Was it] hard to get your more | N/A | ||
PX980201_Covid19_Employment_Status_Difficulty_Work_Schoolwork_Responsibilities | ||||
PX980201060000 | [Has it been/Was it] hard to get your more | N/A | ||
PX980201_Covid19_Employment_Status_House_Lose_Job_Income_Outbreak | ||||
PX980201080000 | Did anyone in your house lose their job or more | N/A | ||
PX980201_Covid19_Employment_Status_House_Lose_Job_Income_Outbreak_Who | ||||
PX980201080101 | Who lost their job or a significant amount more | N/A | ||
PX980201_Covid19_Employment_Status_House_Lose_Job_Income_Outbreak_Who_Other | ||||
PX980201080102 | Who lost their job or a significant amount more | N/A | ||
PX980201_Covid19_Employment_Status_Lose_Job_During_Outbreak | ||||
PX980201020000 | If employed before COVID-19 outbreak, ask: more | N/A | ||
PX980201_Covid19_Employment_Status_Lose_Job_During_Outbreak_Continue | ||||
PX980201020100 | Did you continue to work at all during the more | N/A | ||
PX980201_Covid19_Employment_Status_Lose_Job_During_Outbreak_Start_Another | ||||
PX980201020200 | Did you start or get [a new/another] job more | N/A | ||
PX980201_Covid19_Employment_Status_New_Job_Outbreak | ||||
PX980201010100 | Did you start a new job during the COVID-19 more | N/A | ||
PX980201_Covid19_Employment_Status_Significant_Changes_Job_Outbreak | ||||
PX980201030100 | Did you experience significant changes with more | N/A | ||
PX980201_Covid19_Employment_Status_Significant_Changes_Job_Outbreak_Other | ||||
PX980201030200 | Did you experience significant changes with more | N/A | ||
PX980201_Covid19_Employment_Status_Student_Outbreak_Beginning | ||||
PX980201050000 | In the weeks before COVID-19 outbreak began, more | N/A | ||
PX980201_Covid19_Employment_Status_Student_Outbreak_Beginning_Continue | ||||
PX980201050100 | After the COVID-19 outbreak began, did you more | N/A | ||
PX980201_Covid19_Employment_Status_Student_Outbreak_Beginning_Continue_Remote | ||||
PX980201050200 | Since the COVID-19 outbreak, has your school more | N/A | ||
PX980201_Covid19_Employment_Status_Student_Outbreak_Beginning_Continue_Schoolwork | ||||
PX980201050300 | Did you experience an increase or decrease more | N/A | ||
PX980201_Covid19_Employment_Status_Work_Settings_Outbreak | ||||
PX980201040100 | What setting(s) have you been working in more | N/A | ||
PX980201_Covid19_Employment_Status_Work_Settings_Outbreak_Other | ||||
PX980201040200 | What setting(s) have you been working in more | N/A | ||
PX980201_Covid19_Employment_Status_Work_Two_Weeks_Before_Outbreak | ||||
PX980201010000 | Which of the following best describes your more | N/A | ||
PX980201_Covid19_Employment_Status_Work_Two_Weeks_Before_Outbreak_Setting | ||||
PX980201010200 | What setting(s) were you working in the two more | N/A | ||
PX980201_Covid19_Employment_Status_Work_Two_Weeks_Before_Outbreak_Setting_Other | ||||
PX980201010300 | What setting(s) were you working in the two more | N/A | ||
PX980201_Covid19_Employment_Status_Work_Two_Weeks_Before_Outbreak_Type | ||||
PX980201010400 | What kind of work did you do? | N/A |
Measure Name
COVID-19 Related Employment Status
Release Date
October 30, 2020
An eight-item interviewer administered questionnaire assessing employment and adult student status during the COVID-19 pandemic.
This measure is used to assess employment and work situations before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. It also asks about adult student enrollment in an academic program.
COVID-19, coronavirus, COVEX, work, job, career, student, employment, COVID
Measure Protocols
Protocol ID | Protocol Name |
980201 | COVID-19 Related Employment Status |