
Who's Using PhenX - Publications (307)

Publication Study Name Publication Date
Frequently used sleep questionnaires in epidemiological and genetic research for obstructive sleep apnea: a review. N/A 2012-12-0112-01-2012
Innovative methods for improving measures of the personal environment. N/A 2012-05-0105-01-2012
Elaborating on the construct validity of the Triarchic Psychopathy Measure in a criminal offender sample. N/A 2013-01-0101-01-2013
Recalled Parental Bonding, Current Attachment, and the Triarchic Conceptualisation of Psychopathy. N/A 2013-08-0108-01-2013
Characterizing psychopathy using DSM-5 personality traits. N/A 2013-06-0106-01-2013
The drug effects questionnaire: psychometric support across three drug types. N/A 2013-05-0105-01-2013
Share2Quit: Web-Based Peer-Driven Referrals for Smoking Cessation. Share2Quit 2013-09-0109-01-2013
Validation of PhenX measures in the personalized medicine research project for use in gene/environment studies. Personalized Medicine Research Project 2014-01-0101-01-2014
Psychometric Support of the School Climate Measure in a Large, Diverse Sample of Adolescents: A Replication and Extension. N/A 2014-02-0102-01-2014
Social resources, health promotion behavior, and quality of life in adults living with HIV. N/A 2016-05-0105-01-2016
Genome-wide association study of 25(OH) Vitamin D concentrations in Punjabi Sikhs: Results of the Asian Indian diabetic heart study. Asian Indian diabetic heart study 2016-04-0104-01-2016
The Cooperative Health Research in South Tyrol (CHRIS) study: rationale, objectives, and preliminary results. Cooperative Helath Research in South Tyrol 2015-11-0111-01-2015
Methods in HPV Surveillance: Experiences from a Population-Based Study of HPV Infection among Women in the San Juan Metropolitan Area of Puerto Rico. N/A 2015-09-0109-01-2015
Validation of the Full and Short-Form Self-Help Involvement Scale Against the Rasch Measurement Model. Global Appraisal of Individual Needs 2015-08-0108-01-2015
Design considerations for a pilot trial using a novel approach for evaluating smoking-cessation medication in methadone-maintained smokers. Design considerations for a pilot trial using a novel approach for evaluating smoking-cessation medication in methadone-maintained smokers. 2016-03-0103-01-2016
Low dietary fiber intake in inflammatory bowel disease is associated with active disease and poor quality of life. N/A 2016-09-0109-01-2016
Does drinking refusal self-efficacy mediate the impulsivity-problematic alcohol use relation? Does drinking refusal self-efficacy mediate the impulsivity-problematic alcohol use relation? 2016-02-0102-01-2016
Neurobiological model of the persistence of anorexia nervosa. N/A 2016-05-0105-01-2016
Translation of an Action Learning Collaborative Model Into a Community-Based Intervention to Promote Physical Activity and Healthy Eating. Translation of an Action Learning Collaborative Model Into a Community-Based Intervention to Promote Physical Activity and Healthy Eating. 2016-01-0101-01-2016
Phone-delivered mindfulness training to promote medication adherence and reduce sexual risk behavior among persons living with HIV: Design and methods. Phone-delivered mindfulness training to promote medication adherence and reduce sexual risk behavior among persons living with HIV: Design and methods 2017-02-0102-01-2017
Evaluation of a culturally-adapted lifestyle intervention to treat elevated cardiometabolic risk of Latino adults in primary care (Vida Sana): A randomized controlled trial. Vida Sana 2016-05-0105-01-2016
The association of maternal vitamin D status with infant birth outcomes, postnatal growth and adiposity in the first 2 years of life in a multi-ethnic Asian population: the Growing Up in Singapore Towards healthy Outcomes (GUSTO) cohort study. Growing Up in Singapore Towards Healthy Outcomes 2016-08-0108-01-2016
Anxiety is related to indices of cortical maturation in typically developing children and adolescents. Pediatric Imaging, Neurocognition, and Genetics 2016-07-0107-01-2016
Pilot randomised trial of a healthy eating behavioural intervention in uncontrolled asthma. DASH for Asthma 2016-01-0101-01-2016
Changes in negative urgency, positive urgency, and sensation seeking across adolescence. Changes in negative urgency, positive urgency, and sensation seeking across adolescence. 2016-02-0102-01-2016
Comparison of Puff Volume With Cigarettes per Day in Predicting Nicotine Uptake Among Daily Smokers. Pennsylvania Adult Smoking Study 2016-07-0107-01-2016
Prepubertal children exposed to concentrated disadvantage: An exploratory analysis of inflammation and metabolic dysfunction. Mechanisms for the Metabolic Syndrome in Pre-pubertal Youth study 2016-05-0105-01-2016
Standardized Tobacco Assessment for Retail Settings (STARS): dissemination and implementation research. Standardized Tobacco Assessment for Retail Settings (STARS): dissemination and implementation research. 2016-10-0110-01-2016
Psychometric properties of the PTSD Checklist for Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-Fifth Edition (PCL-5) in veterans. Changes in negative urgency, positive urgency, and sensation seeking across adolescence. 2016-11-0111-01-2016
MC3R gene polymorphisms are associated with early childhood adiposity gain and infant appetite in an Asian population. Growing Up in Singapore Towards Healthy Outcomes 2016-12-0112-01-2016
Development of an Inflammatory Bowel Disease Research Registry Derived from Observational Electronic Health Record Data for Comprehensive Clinical Phenotyping. Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) Research Registry 2016-11-0111-01-2016
Preliminary Development of the Student Perceptions of School Safety Officers Scale. Preliminary Development of the Student Perceptions of School Safety Officers Scale. 2017-01-0101-01-2017
Do individuals higher in impulsivity drink more impulsively? A pilot study within a high risk sample of young adults. Do individuals higher in impulsivity drink more impulsively? A pilot study within a high risk sample of young adults. 2017-02-0102-01-2017
The Social Determinants of Health Core: Taking a Place-Based Approach. Mid-South Transdisciplinary Collaborative Center - SDH Core 2017-01-0101-01-2017
Public Attitudes toward Consent and Data Sharing in Biobank Research: A Large Multi-site Experimental Survey in the US. Electronic Medical Records and Genomics (eMERGE) Network 2017-03-0103-01-2017
Current drug users and women have higher rates of risky sexual behaviors. Current drug users and women have higher rates of risky sexual behaviors 2017-02-0102-01-2017
Randomized trial evaluating self-sampling for HPV DNA based tests for cervical cancer screening in Nigeria. Randomized trial evaluating self-samplingfor HPV DNA based tests for cervical cancerscreening in Nigeria 2017-02-0102-01-2017
The GuLF STUDY: A Prospective Study of Persons Involved in the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Response and Clean-Up. The GuLF STUDY: A Prospective Study of Persons Involved in the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Response and Clean-Up 2017-04-0104-01-2017
Negative attitudes towards psychopaths: The role of one's own psychopathic traits. Negative attitudes towards psychopaths: The role of one's own psychopathic traits 2017-04-0104-01-2017
Associations of Maternal Dietary Patterns during Pregnancy with Offspring Adiposity from Birth Until 54 Months of Age. Growing Up in Singapore Towards Healthy Outcomes 2016-12-0112-01-2016
As Far as the Eye Can See: Relationship between Psychopathic Traits and Pupil Response to Affective Stimuli. As Far as the Eye Can See: Relationship between Psychopathic Traits and Pupil Response to Affective Stimuli 2017-01-0101-01-2017
Validity of LIDAS (LIfetime Depression Assessment Self-report): a self-report online assessment of lifetime major depressive disorder. Netherlands Study of Depression and Anxiety & Twin Register 2017-01-0101-01-2017
Role of magnesium supplementation in the treatment of depression: A randomized clinical trial. Role of magnesium supplementation in the treatment of depression: A randomized clinical trial 2017-06-0106-01-2017
Profiles of sociodemographic, behavioral, clinical and psychosocial characteristics among primary care patients with comorbid obesity and depression. Research Aimed at Improving Both Mood and Weight 2017-08-0108-01-2017
Reductions in cannabis use are associated with improvements in anxiety, depression, and sleep quality, but not quality of life. Achieving Cannabis Cessation: Evaluating N-Acetylcysteine Treatment 2017-10-0110-01-2017
Social Network Decay as Potential Recovery from Homelessness: A Mixed Methods Study in Housing First Programming. Social Network Decay as Potential Recovery from Homelessness: A Mixed Methods Study in Housing First Programming. Soc Sci (Basel). 2017-09-0109-01-2017
Progesterone for smoking relapse prevention following delivery: A pilot, randomized, double-blind study. Progesterone for smoking relapse prevention following delivery: A pilot, randomized, double-blind study. 2017-12-0112-01-2017
Postnatal height and adiposity gain, childhood blood pressure and prehypertension risk in an Asian birth cohort. Growing Up in Singapore Towards Healthy Outcomes 2017-07-0107-01-2017
Establishing consensus on survey measures for electronic nicotine and non-nicotine delivery system use: Current challenges and considerations for researchers. N/A 2018-04-0104-01-2018
PLATO software provides analytic framework for investigating complexity beyond genome-wide association studies. Personalized Medicine Research Project 2017-10-0110-01-2017
Concurrent and developmental correlates of psychopathic traits using a triarchic psychopathy model approach. Michigan Longitudinal Study 2017-10-0110-01-2017
Replication in Imaging Genetics: The Case of Threat-Related Amygdala Reactivity. N/A 2018-07-1507-15-2018
Poor Consumption of Fiber, not fat, is Associated with Active Disease in Inflammatory Bowel Disease. N/A 2017-04-0104-01-2017
Joint Effects of PON1 Polymorphisms and Vegetable Intake on Ischemic Stroke: A Family-Based Case Control Study. Fangshan Family-based Ischemic Stroke Study 2017-12-0112-01-2017
Co-occurrence of tobacco product use, substance use, and mental health problems among youth: Findings from wave 1 (2013-2014) of the population assessment of tobacco and health (PATH) study. Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health 2018-01-0101-01-2018
Host-agent-vector-environment measures for electronic cigarette research used in NIH grants. Host–Agent–Vector–Environment 2020-01-0101-01-2020
Using PhenX toolkit measures and other tools to assess urban/rural differences in health behaviors: recruitment methods and outcomes. N/A 2014-11-2611-26-2014
Evaluation of Healthy Fit: A Community Health Worker Model to Address Hispanic Health Disparities. Healthy Fit 2018-04-0104-01-2018
Which anthropometric measures best reflect neonatal adiposity? Growing Up in Singapore Towards Healthy Outcomes 2018-03-0103-01-2018
dACC response to presentation of negative feedback predicts stimulant dependence diagnosis and stimulant use severity. dACC response to presentation of negative feedback predicts stimulant dependence diagnosis and stimulant use severity 2018-05-0105-01-2018
Income as a moderator of psychological stress and nicotine dependence among adult smokers. Pennsylvania Adult Smoking Study 2018-09-0109-01-2018
Socioeconomic Status, Amygdala Volume, and Internalizing Symptoms in Children and Adolescents. Pediatric Imaging, Neurocognition, and Genetics 2018-03-0103-01-2018
Using a randomized controlled trial to test whether modifications to contingency management improve outcomes for heavy drinkers with serious mental illness. Using a randomized controlled trial to test whether modifications to contingency management improve outcomes for heavy drinkers with serious mental illness 2018-06-0106-01-2018
Effect of e-liquid flavor on electronic cigarette topography and consumption behavior in a 2-week natural environment switching study. Effect of e-liquid flavor on electronic cigarette topography and consumption behavior in a 2- week natural environment switching study 2018-05-0105-01-2018
Concordance of Advertised Cigarette Prices with Purchase Receipts in the United States. Advancing Science and Policy in the Retail Enviornment 2018-05-0105-01-2018
Infant body mass index peak and early childhood cardio-metabolic risk markers in a multi-ethnic Asian birth cohort. Growing Up in Singapore Towards Healthy Outcomes 2017-04-0104-01-2017
Language Phenotypes. In V. Jagaroo and S.L. Santangelo (eds.) Neurophenotypes, Innovations in Cognitive Neuroscience. N/A 2016-01-0101-01-2016
Longitudinal associations between youth tobacco and substance use in waves 1 and 2 of the Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health (PATH) Study. Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health 2018-10-0110-01-2018
Sickle Cell Clinical Research and Intervention Program (SCCRIP): A lifespan cohort study for sickle cell disease progression from the pediatric stage into adulthood. Sickle Cell Clinical Research and Intervention Program 2018-09-0109-01-2018
Increased Risk of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Associated With Neighborhood Concentrated Disadvantage. Louisiana Tumor Registry 2018-09-0109-01-2018
Peer Group and Text Message-Based Weight-Loss and Management Intervention for African American Women. Supportive Text-messaging Against Regain 2018-08-0108-01-2018
Tobacco use during cannabis cessation: Use patterns and impact on abstinence in a National Drug Abuse Treatment Clinical Trials Network study. Achieving Cannabis Cessation: Evaluating N-Acetylcysteine Treatment 2018-08-0108-01-2018
Community interest and feasibility of using a novel smartphone-based formaldehyde exposure detection technology. Community interest and feasibility of using a novel smartphone-based formaldehyde exposure detection technology 2018-07-0107-01-2018
Body composition measurement in young children using quantitative magnetic resonance: a comparison with air displacement plethysmography. Body composition measurement in young children using quantitative magnetic resonance: a comparison with air displacement plethysmography 2018-06-0106-01-2018
Anxiety, depression, impulsivity, and brain structure in children and adolescents. Pediatric Imaging, Neurocognition, and Genetics 2018-07-0107-01-2018
The Lifespan Human Connectome Project in Development: A large-scale study of brain connectivity development in 5-21 year olds. Lifespan Human Connectome Project in Development 2018-08-0108-01-2018
Perceived Discrimination as a Risk Factor for Use of Emerging Tobacco Products: More Similarities Than Differences Across Demographic Groups and Attributions for Discrimination. Perceived Discrimination as a Risk Factor for Use of Emerging Tobacco Products: More Similarities Than Differences Across Demographic Groups and Attributions for Discrimination 2018-08-0108-01-2018
Randomized Controlled Trial of the SystemCHANGE Intervention on Behaviors Related to Cardiovascular Risk in HIV+ Adults. Randomized Controlled Trial of the SystemCHANGE Intervention on Behaviors Related to Cardiovascular Risk in HIV+ Adults 2018-05-0105-01-2018
The Influence of Exercise on Cardiovascular Health in Sedentary Adults With Human Immunodeficiency Virus. The Influence of Exercise on Cardiovascular Health in Sedentary Adults With Human Immunodeficiency Virus 2018-05-0105-01-2018
Adolescent brain cognitive development (ABCD) study: Overview of substance use assessment methods. The Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study 2018-08-0108-01-2018
Assessment of culture and environment in the Adolescent Brain and Cognitive Development Study: Rationale, description of measures, and early data. The Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study 2018-08-0108-01-2018
Demographic, physical and mental health assessments in the adolescent brain and cognitive development study: Rationale and description. The Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study 2018-08-0108-01-2018
The usefulness of psychopathy in explaining and predicting violence: Discussing the utility of competing perspectives. N/A 2018-10-0110-01-2018
Neighborhood Environment Measurements and Anthropometric Indicators of Obesity: Results From the Women and Their Children's Health (WaTCH) Study. Women and Their Children's Health 2018-11-0111-01-2018
Citizen science charts two major "stomatotypes" in the oral microbiome of adolescents and reveals links with habits and drinking water composition. Citizen science charts two major “stomatotypes” in the oral microbiome of adolescents and reveals links with habits and drinking water composition 2018-12-0112-01-2018
Analyzing Real-World Use of Research Common Data Elements. Analyzing Real-World Use of Research Common Data Elements 2018-12-0112-01-2018
Capacity for upregulation of emotional processing in psychopathy: all you have to do is ask. Capacity for upregulation of emotional processing in psychopathy: all you have to do is ask 2018-11-0111-01-2018
Recommendations from the International Stroke Genetics Consortium, Part 1: Standardized Phenotypic Data Collection. N/A 2015-01-0101-01-2015
Is psychopathology elevated in Big-C visual artists and scientists? Big-C Project 2019-05-0105-01-2019
Examining emotion relief motives as a facilitator of the transition from suicidal thought to first suicide attempt among active duty soldiers. N/A 2019-05-0105-01-2019
Socioeconomic differences in nicotine exposure and dependence in adult daily smokers. The Pennsylvania Adult Smoking Study 2019-04-0104-01-2019
How Does Acculturation Influence Smoking Behavior Among Latinos? The Role of Education and National Background. N/A 2019-04-0104-01-2019
Study Design, Protocol and Profile of the Maternal And Developmental Risks from Environmental and Social Stressors (MADRES) Pregnancy Cohort: a Prospective Cohort Study in Predominantly Low-Income Hispanic Women in Urban Los Angeles. Maternal and Developmental Risks from Environmental and Social Stressors 2019-03-0103-01-2019
Longitudinal pathways linking family risk, neural risk processing, delay discounting, and adolescent substance use. N/A 2019-02-0102-01-2019
Investigating a novel fMRI cannabis cue reactivity task in youth. N/A 2019-02-0102-01-2019
The chippers, the quitters, and the highly symptomatic: A 12-month longitudinal study of DSM-5 opioid- and cocaine-use problems in a community sample. Health Outcomes by Neighborhood 2019-09-0109-01-2019
Relationship of HIV Status and Fatigue, Cardiorespiratory Fitness, Myokines, and Physical Activity. Boosting Health By Changing Activity 2019-07-0107-01-2019
The PRImary care Screening Methods (PRISM) study: Rationale and design considerations. PRImary care Screening Methods 2019-09-0109-01-2019
Effects of Naltrexone on Large-Scale Network Interactions in Methamphetamine Use Disorder. N/A 2019-09-0109-01-2019
Racial and Ethnic Differences in Obesity in People With Spinal Cord Injury: The Effects of Disadvantaged Neighborhood. N/A 2019-09-0109-01-2019
Construction and preliminary validation of Triarchic Psychopathy Scales from the HEXACO-100. N/A 2019-08-0108-01-2019
Cardiorespiratory fitness is associated with inflammation and physical activity in HIV plus adults. Boosting Health By Changing Activity 2019-05-0105-01-2019
A genome-wide analysis in consanguineous families reveals new chromosomal loci in specific language impairment (SLI). N/A 2019-04-0104-01-2019
Associations between inhibitory control, eating behaviours and adiposity in 6-year-old children. N/A 2019-03-0103-01-2019
Neighboorhood disadvantage is associated with hemorrhagic stroke in young adults. N/A 2019-02-0102-01-2019
Perceived racial/ethnic discrimination, marketing, and substance use among young adults. N/A 2019-10-0110-01-2019
A Novel Mobile Tool (Somatomap) to Assess Body Image Perception Pilot Tested With Fashion Models and Nonmodels: Cross-Sectional Study. N/A 2019-10-0110-01-2019
Neighborhood Influences on Women's Parenting Practices for Adolescents' Outdoor Play: A Qualitative Study. N/A 2019-10-0110-01-2019
Mind the Gap: Changes in Cigarette Prices after California's Tax Increase. N/A 2019-11-0111-01-2019
Examining the utility of the Personality Assessment Screener in three criminal justice samples. N/A 2019-11-0111-01-2019
Development of a statewide program evaluation program in coordinated specialty care programs. N/A 2019-04-0104-01-2019
Parental and social factors in relation to child psychopathology, behavior, and cognitive function. N/A 2020-02-0102-01-2020
Group ("Project Life Force") versus individual suicide safety planning: A randomized clinical trial. N/A 2020-01-0101-01-2020
A Proposed Waterpipe Emissions Topography Protocol Reflecting Natural Environment User Behaviour. N/A 2020-01-0101-01-2020
County-level associations between tobacco retailer density and smoking prevalence in the USA, 2012. N/A 2020-10-0110-01-2020
Associations between duration and type of electronic screen use and cognition in US children. The Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study 2020-02-0102-01-2020
Ecologically assessed affect and suicidal ideation following psychiatric inpatient hospitalization. N/A 2020-03-0103-01-2020
An Implementation Trial to Improve Tobacco Treatment for Cancer Patients: Patient Preferences, Treatment Acceptability and Effectiveness. N/A 2020-04-0104-01-2020
Pubertal development mediates the association between family environment and brain structure and function in childhood. N/A 2020-05-0105-01-2020
A Comparison between Cigarette Topography from a One-Week Natural Environment Study to FTC/ISO, Health Canada, and Massachusetts Department of Public Health Puff Profile Standards. N/A 2020-05-0105-01-2020
Perceptions of US Adolescents and Adults With Sickle Cell Disease on Their Quality of Care. N/A 2020-05-0105-01-2020
Short-term exposure to air pollution and its interaction effects with two ABO SNPs on blood lipid levels in northern China: A family-based study. N/A 2020-06-0106-01-2020
Development of a scale battery for rapid assessment of risk and resilience. N/A 2020-06-0106-01-2020
Maternal plasma metabolic markers of neonatal adiposity and associated maternal characteristics: The GUSTO study. Growing Up in Singapore Towards Healthy Outcomes 2020-06-0106-01-2020
The human connectome project for disordered emotional states: Protocol and rationale for a research domain criteria study of brain connectivity in young adult anxiety and depression. N/A 2020-07-0107-01-2020
Publication of data collection forms from NHLBI funded sickle cell disease implementation consortium (SCDIC) registry. Sickle Cell Disease Implementation Consortium 2020-07-0107-01-2020
The ENGAGE-2 study: Engaging self-regulation targets to understand the mechanisms of behavior change and improve mood and weight outcomes in a randomized controlled trial (Phase 2). ENGAGE Phase 2 2020-08-0108-01-2020
Association between cesarean delivery types and obesity in preadolescence. WHEALS follow-up study 2020-09-0109-01-2020
Role of psychopathic personality traits on the micro-structure of free-operant responding: impacts on goal-directed but not stimulus-drive responses in extinction. N/A 2020-09-0109-01-2020
Prediction model development of women's daily asthma control using fitness tracker sleep disruption. N/A 2020-09-0109-01-2020
Pennsylvania first-episode program evaluation of coordinated specialty care: Six-and 12-month outcomes. N/A 2020-05-0105-01-2020
The PROSPER-HIV Study: A Research Protocol to Examine Relationships Among Physical Activity, Diet Intake, and Symptoms in Adults Living With HIV. Impact of Physical Activity and Diet on Symptom Experience in People living with HIV 2020-05-0105-01-2020
Dietary saturated fats and apolipoprotein B48 levels are similarly associated with cognitive decline in healthy older aged Australians. N/A 2020-09-0109-01-2020
Expanding the genetic architecture of nicotine dependence and its shared genetics with multiple traits. N/A 2020-11-0111-01-2020
Social Determinants of Health-Related Quality of Life: A Recreation Setting Analysis. N/A 2020-11-0111-01-2020
Western influenced lifestyle and Kv2.1 association as predicted biomarkers for Tunisian colorectal cancer. N/A 2020-11-0111-01-2020
Measuring perfectionism, impulsivity, self-esteem and social anxiety: Cross-national study in emerging adults from eight countries. N/A 2020-12-0112-01-2020
Network recall among older adults with cognitive impairments. Social Networks in Alzheimer Disease 2021-01-0101-01-2021
"Don't do vape, bro!" A qualitative study of youth's and parents' reactions to e-cigarette prevention advertisements. N/A 2021-01-0101-01-2021
Implication of gut microbiota in the association between infant antibiotic exposure and childhood obesity and adiposity accumulation. Growing Up in Singapore Towards Healthy Outcomes 2020-07-0107-01-2020
Adding insult to rivalry: Exploring the discord communicated between rivals. N/A 2020-01-0101-01-2020
Let's Talk Sports: An Egocentric Discussion Network Analysis Regarding NFL Crisis Perceptions. N/A 2019-09-0109-01-2019
Examining the factor structure and validity of the Triarchic Model of Psychopathy across measures. N/A 2021-03-0103-01-2021
A longitudinal assessment of nicotine dependence, mental health, and attempts to quit Smoking: Evidence from waves 1-4 of the Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health (PATH) study. Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health 2021-04-0104-01-2021
Risk factors associated with curiosity about alcohol use in the ABCD cohort. The Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study 2021-05-0105-01-2021
Preliminary analysis of low-level alcohol use and suicidality with children in the adolescent brain and cognitive development (ABCD) baseline cohort. The Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study 2021-05-0105-01-2021
Evaluation of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Medications, Externalizing Symptoms, and Suicidality in Children. Evaluation of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Medications, Externalizing Symptoms, and Suicidality in Children 2021-06-0106-01-2021
Visual mapping of body image disturbance in anorexia nervosa reveals objective markers of illness severity. Visual mapping of body image disturbance in anorexia nervosa reveals objective markers of illness severity 2021-06-0106-01-2021
Posttraumatic stress disorder intervention for people with severe mental illness in a low-income country primary care setting: a randomized feasibility trial protocol. Posttraumatic stress disorder intervention for people with severe mental illness in a low-income country primary care setting: a randomized feasibility trial protocol 2021-07-0107-01-2021
Heterogeneity Within Youth With Childhood-Onset Conduct Disorder in the ABCD Study. The Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study 2021-07-0107-01-2021
Factor structure of the Comprehensive Assessment of Psychopathic Personality-Self-Report (CAPP-SR) in community and offender samples. Comprehensive Assessment of Psychopathic Personality-Self-Report 2021-10-0110-01-2021
Switching to Progressively Reduced Nicotine Content Cigarettes in Smokers With Low Socioeconomic Status: A Double-Blind Randomized Clinical Trial. N/A 2021-05-2405-24-2021
Racial/Ethnic Disparities Across Indicators of Cigarette Smoking in the Era of Increased Tobacco Control, 1992-2019. N/A 2021-05-2405-24-2021
Shared Environmental Influences on Electronic Cigarette Use Among Adolescent and Young Adult Females. Text 4 Thoughts 2021-08-0408-04-2021
Problem-solving therapy-induced amygdala engagement mediates lifestyle behavior change in obesity with comorbid depression: a randomized proof-of-mechanism trial. Research Aimed at Improving Both Mood and Weight 2021-09-0209-02-2021
Assessing Racial and Ethnic Discrimination in Children: A Scoping Review of Available Measures for Child Health Disparities Research. N/A 2021-10-0610-06-2021
Predicting multilingual effects on executive function and individual connectomes in children: An ABCD study. The Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study 2021-12-0712-07-2021
Cortical Thickness in bilingual and monolingual children: Relationships to language use and language skill. The Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study 2021-11-0111-01-2021
Contributing roles of depression, anxiety, and impulsivity dimensions in eating behaviors styles in surgery candidates. N/A 2021-11-0811-08-2021
Internalizing-externalizing comorbidity and regional brain volumes in the ABCD study. The Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study 2021-12-0712-07-2021
Trusted Sources of COVID-19 Vaccine Information among Hesitant Adopters in the United States. N/A 2021-12-0112-01-2021
Pubertal timing and functional neurodevelopmental alterations independently mediate the effect of family conflict on adolescent psychopathology. N/A 2021-12-0112-01-2021
Eating disorder measures in a sample of military veterans: A focus on gender, age, and race/ethnicity. N/A 2021-12-0112-01-2021
An update on the assessment of culture and environment in the ABCD Study (R): Emerging literature and protocol updates over three measurement waves. The Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study 2021-12-0112-01-2021
Disordered eating concerns, behaviors, and severity in young adults clustered by anxiety and depression. N/A 2021-12-0112-01-2021
Epigenetic Analyses of Alcohol Consumption in Combustible and Non-Combustible Nicotine Product Users. N/A 2021-09-0109-01-2021
Demographic and mental health assessments in the adolescent brain and cognitive development study: Updates and age-related trajectories. The Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study 2021-12-0112-01-2021
Study of rare genetic variants in TM4SF20, NFXL1, CNTNAP2, and ATP2C2 in Pakistani probands and families with language impairment. N/A 2021-12-0112-01-2021
Self-Report Pychopathy Scale Short Form 4th Edicion: Adaptacion y Modelamiento Estructural en Población Penitenciaria Mexicana. [Self-Report Pychopathy Scale Short Form 4th: Adaptation and structural modeling in a Mexican penitentiary population]. Self-Report Pychopathy Scale Short Form 4ª Edición: Adaptación yModelamiento Estructural en Población Penitenciaria Mexicana 2022-02-0802-08-2022
Ongoing tobacco use in women who experience homelessness and unstable housing: A prospective study to inform tobacco cessation interventions and policies. N/A 2022-02-0102-01-2022
Refining the relationship between psychopathy, aggression, and rule-breaking by gender: A comparison of the triarchic and septarchic models of psychopathy. Refining the relationship between psychopathy, aggression, and rele-breaking by gender: A comparison of the triarchic and septarchic models of psychopathy 2022-02-0102-01-2022
Addressing Hispanic Obesity Disparities Using a Community Health Worker Model Grounded in Motivational Interviewing. Addressing Hispanic Obesity Disparities Using a Community Health Worker Model Grounded in Motivational Interviewing 2022-02-0102-01-2022
Timing of smoking cessation treatment integrated into outpatient treatment with medications for opioid use disorder: Feasibility trial. N/A 2022-01-0101-01-2022
A proposed cigarette emissions topography protocol reflecting smokers' natural environment use behavior. N/A 2022-04-0504-05-2022
Smartband-Based Automatic Smoking Detection and Real-time Mindfulness Intervention: Protocol for a Feasibility Trial. N/A 2021-11-1011-10-2021
Social Cognitive Abilities Predict Unique Aspects of Older Adults' Personal Social Networks. N/A 2022-01-1201-12-2022
Rationale and Design of the National Neuropsychology Network. National Neuropsychology Network 2022-01-0101-01-2022
The Sickle Cell Disease Functional Assessment (SCD-FA) tool: a feasibility pilot study. The Sickle Cell Disease Functional Assessment (SCD-FA) tool: a feasibility pilot study 2022-03-0403-04-2022
Electronic cigarettes as a harm reduction strategy among patients with COPD: protocol for an open-label two arm randomized controlled pilot trial. N/A 2022-01-0601-06-2022
What kinds of social networks protect older adults' health during a pandemic? The tradeoff between preventing infection and promoting mental health. Social Networks in Alzheimer Disease 2022-07-0107-01-2022
Association of COVID-19 impact with outcomes of an integrated obesity and depression intervention: Posthoc analysis of an RCT. N/A 2022-05-0105-01-2022
Learning to forget: Hippocampal-amygdala connectivity partially mediates the effect of sexual trauma severity on verbal recall in older women undiagnosed with posttraumatic stress disorder. The enhanced Nathan Kline Institute-Rockland Sample 2022-04-0104-01-2022
Cognitively stimulating environments and cognitive reserve: the case of personal social networks. Social Networks in Alzheimer Disease 2022-02-0102-01-2022
Protocol for a Longitudinal Study of the Determinants of Metabolic Syndrome Risk in Young Adults. Health E Start Study 2022-04-0104-01-2022
The effects of cannabis use on physical health: A co-twin control study. Colorado Adoption/Twin Study of Lifespan BehavioralDevelopment and Cognitive Aging 2022-01-0101-01-2022
Health and Health Care Among Transgender Adults in the United States. N/A 2022-04-0104-01-2022
Optimization of a new adaptive intervention using the SMART Design to increase COVID-19 testing among people a high risk in an urban community. N/A 2022-04-0104-01-2022
Social determinants of health data in solid organ transplantation: National data sources and future directions. N/A 2022-10-0110-01-2022
Application of the RDoC Framework to Predict Alcohol Use and Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors among Early Adolescents in the Adolescent Brain and Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study. The Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study 2022-07-0107-01-2022
Metagenomic analysis reveals associations between salivary microbiota and body composition in early childhood. New Hampshire Birth Cohort 2022-07-0107-01-2022
An Inconsistency Responding Scale for the Durand Adaptive Psychopathic Traits Questionnaire/Una escala de respuesta de inconsistencia para el Cuestionario de Rasgos Psicopaticos Adaptativos de Durand. An Inconsistency Responding Scalefor the Durand Adaptive PsychopathicTraits QuestionnaireUna escala de respuesta de inconsistencia para el Cuestionario deRasgos Psicopáticos Adaptativos de Durand 2022-09-1209-12-2022
Associations between eating disorder symptoms and smoking and vaping use and motives in college students. N/A 2022-08-0108-01-2022
Comparison of Persistent Symptoms Following SARS-CoV-2 Infection by Antibody Status in Nonhospitalized Children and Adolescents. N/A 2022-10-0110-01-2022
"I am hesitant to visit the doctor unless absolutely necessary": A qualitative study of delayed care, avoidance of care, and telehealth experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic. N/A 2022-08-1208-12-2022
Association between family or peer views towards tobacco use and past 30-day smoking cessation among adults with mental health problems. Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health 2022-07-0507-05-2022
Examining pathways between family or peer factors and smoking cessation in a nationally representative US sample of adults with mental health conditions who smoke: a structural equation analysis. Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health 2022-08-1708-17-2022
Social Networks and Cognitive Reserve: Network Structure Moderates the Association Between Amygdalar Volume and Cognitive Outcomes. N/A 2022-08-1108-11-2022
Linking Complex disease and exposure data-insights from an environmental and occupational health study. N/A 2022-03-2803-28-2022
Reducing tobacco-associated lung cancer risk: a study protocol for a randomized clinical trial of AB-free kava. A Randomized Clinical Trial of AB-free Kava 2023-01-0101-01-2023
Acute pain episodes, acute chest syndrome, and pulmonary thromboembolism in pregnancy. Acute pain episodes, acute chest syndrome, and pulmonary thromboembolism in pregnancy 2022-12-0112-01-2022
Pain processing and antisocial behavior: A multimodal investigation of the roles of boldness and meanness. N/A 2022-11-0111-01-2022
Associations between elevated depressive symptoms and substance use, prescription opioid misuse, overdose history, pain, and general health among community pharmacy patients prescribed opioids. Validation of a CommunityPharmacy-Based Prescription Drug Monitoring Program Risk Screening Tool (CTN-0093:PharmScreen; ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT03936985) 2022-05-0105-01-2022
Social Determinants of Health Data Capture Within National and Health System Data Sources. N/A 2022-11-0111-01-2022
Pain Severity and Interference and Substance Use Among Community Pharmacy Patients Prescribed Opioids: A Secondary Analysis of the PHARMSCREEN Study. Prescription Drug Monitoring Program Risk Screening Tool 2022-08-0108-01-2022
From Genes to Geography, from Cells to Community, from Biomolecules to Behaviors: The Importance of Social Determinants of Health. N/A 2022-12-0112-01-2022
Racial Bias Beliefs Related to COVID-19 Among Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders: Findings From the COVID-19 Effects on the Mental and Physical Health of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders Survey Study (COMPASS). COVID-19 Effects on the Mental and Physical Health of AsianAmericans and Pacific Islanders Survey Study 2022-08-0108-01-2022
Association between Dietary Patterns and Depression in Chinese Older Adults: A Longitudinal Study Based on CLHLS. Chinese Longitudinal HealthyLongevity Survey 2022-12-0112-01-2022
Adherence to prophylactic treatment in adult patients with severe hemophilia in Poland. Adherence to prophylactic treatment in adult patients with severe hemophilia in Poland 2022-08-0108-01-2022
An Adapted Cancer Screening Education Program for Native American Women With Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities and Their Caregivers: Protocol for Feasibility and Acceptability Testing. N/A 2023-02-1302-13-2023
Measurement invariance of commonly used psychosis-screening scales in US Spanish- and English-speaking Hispanic participants. N/A 2023-04-0104-01-2023
The Power and Promise of Postpartum Self Care: Evaluation of a Web-Based Tool for Underserved Women. N/A 2023-03-0103-01-2023
The propensity to sign-track is associated with externalizing behavior and distinct patterns of reward-related brain activation in youth. N/A 2023-03-1603-16-2023
Associations between daily step count trajectories and clinical outcomes among adults with comorbid obesity and depression. ENGAGE Phase 2 2023-03-0403-04-2023
How Age and E-cigarette Use Status Interact to Influence E-cigarette Ad Perceptions. N/A 2023-01-0101-01-2023
Pod-based e-cigarette use among US college-aged adults: A survey on the perception of health effects, sociodemographic correlates, and interplay with other tobacco products. N/A 2023-03-0303-03-2023
Association of Early Childhood Caries with Bitter Taste Receptors: A Meta-Analysis of Genome-Wide Association Studies and Transcriptome-Wide Association Study. N/A 2022-12-2412-24-2022
Random sampling of alters from networks: A promising direction in egocentric network research. Social Networks in Alzheimer Disease 2023-01-0101-01-2023
Eye Dynamics and Engineering Network Consortium: Baseline Characteristics of a Randomized Trial in Healthy Adults. N/A 2023-03-0103-01-2023
The Transdiagnostic Intervention for Sleep and Circadian Dysfunction (TranS-C) for serious mental illness in community mental health part 1: study protocol for a hybrid type 2 effectiveness-implementation cluster-randomized trial. N/A 2023-03-1703-17-2023
A systematic review of measures of gender and biological sex: Exploring candidates for Alzheimer's disease and related dementias (AD/ADRD) research. N/A 2023-02-2102-21-2023
Association between lung function and hypertension and home hypertension in a Japanese population: the Tohoku Medical Megabank Community-Based Cohort Study. Tohoku Medical Megabank Project 2023-03-0103-01-2023
Characterization and prediction of individual functional outcome trajectories in schizophrenia spectrum disorders (PREDICTS study): Study protocol. Characterization and prediction of individual functional outcome trajectories in schizophrenia spectrum disorders 2023-09-2109-21-2023
The Association of Lung Function and Carotid Intima-Media Thickness in a Japanese Population: The Tohoku Medical Megabank Community-Based Cohort Study. N/A 2023-08-0108-01-2023
The Transdiagnostic Intervention for Sleep and Circadian Dysfunction (TranS-C) for serious mental illness in community mental health part 2: study protocol for a hybrid type 2 effectiveness-implementation cluster-randomized trial using train-the-trainer. N/A 2023-08-0708-07-2023
Neighborhood Disadvantage, Childhood Opportunity Index, and Glycemic Control for Children with Type 1 Diabetes? N/A 2022-06-0106-01-2022
Using Community-Based Participatory Research Methods to Inform the Development of Medically Tailored Food Kits for Hispanic/Latine Adults with Hypertension: A Qualitative Study. N/A 2023-08-1708-17-2023
An examination of the relationships between the neighborhood social environment, adiposity, and cardiometabolic disease risk in adolescence: a cross-sectional study. N/A 2023-09-0109-01-2023
A Latent Class Analysis of Mental Health Severity and Alcohol Consumption: Associations with COVID-19-Related Quarantining, Isolation, Suicidal Ideations, and Physical Activity. N/A 2022-01-1301-13-2022
Acceptability and Feasibility of Saliva-delivered PCR Coronavirus 2019 Tests for Young Children. Rapid Acceleration of Diagnostic Testing–Underserved Populations Back to Early Care and Education Safely with Sustainability via Active Garden Education project 2023-07-0107-01-2023
Suicidal thoughts and behaviours among military veterans: protocol for a prospective, observational, neuroimaging study. N/A 2023-08-1608-16-2023
The effects of the DASH dietary pattern on clinical outcomes and quality of life in adults with uncontrolled asthma: Design and methods of the ALOHA Trial. N/A 2023-08-0108-01-2023
Prevalence and Correlates of Mental Disorders in Children Aged 9 and 10 Years: Results From the ABCD Study. The Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study 2023-08-0108-01-2023
Treatment of US Children With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development Study. The Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study 2023-04-0304-03-2023
Women Veterans' experiences discussing household firearms with their intimate partners: collaborative, devalued, and deferential relational types. N/A 2023-07-3107-31-2023
Perceived message effectiveness of cigar warning themes among adults in the United States. N/A 2023-05-1005-10-2023
Identifying and understanding variation in population-based access to liver transplantation in the United States. N/A 2023-09-0109-01-2023
A randomized controlled trial to improve fathering among fathers with substance use disorders: Fathering in recovery intervention A Substance Use Adaptation of Fathering Through Change 2023-12-0112-01-2023
Hispanic/Latinx ethnic differences in the relationships between behavioral inhibition, anxiety, and substance use in youth from the ABCD cohort The Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study 2023-10-0610-06-2023
Improving Traumatic Stress with Justice-Impacted Women and Women Experiencing Homelessness: A Pilot Study of Narrative Exposure Therapy N/A 2023-08-2408-24-2023
Decision Trade-Offs in Ecological Momentary Assessments and Digital Wearables Uptake: Protocol for a Discrete Choice Experiment N/A 2023-09-2509-25-2023
More Borders to Cross: The Financial and Psychological Impact of Immigrant Discrimination during COVID-19 N/A 2023-09-1509-15-2023
Integrating long-acting injectable treatment to improve medication adherence among persons living with HIV and opioid use disorder: study protocol N/A 2023-10-1410-14-2023
Oral Health Recovery: A Peer Support Specialist-Led Health Education Program for People With Serious Mental Illness N/A 2023-11-0111-01-2023
Sexual orientation and gender identity differences in perceptions and product appeal in response to e-cigarette advertising N/A 2023-09-0109-01-2023
The Black Men's Health Forum: Improving Health Knowledge and Willingness to Participate in Research N/A 2024-02-0502-05-2024
Optimizing remote access to urinary incontinence treatments for women veterans (PRACTICAL): Study protocol for a pragmatic clinical trial comparing two virtual care options N/A 2023-10-0110-01-2023
Transitions in Prescription Benzodiazepine Use and Misuse and in Substance Use Disorder Symptoms Through Age 50 N/A 2023-11-0111-01-2023
A cognitive-behavioral digital health intervention for sickle cell disease pain in adolescents: a randomized, controlled, multicenter trial iCanCope With Sickle Cell Pain 2024-01-0101-01-2024
Validation of an Integrated Genetic-Epigenetic Test for the Assessment of Coronary Heart Disease N/A 2023-11-2011-20-2023
A Christian Faith-Based Facebook Intervention for Smoking Cessation in Rural Communities (FAITH-CORE): Protocol for a Community Participatory Development Study N/A 2023-12-1312-13-2023
Influence of Diabetes Family History on the Associations of Combined Genetic and Lifestyle Risks with Diabetes in the Tohoku Medical Megabank Community-Based Cohort Study N/A 2023-12-0112-01-2023
Psychometric properties of the Treatment Effectiveness Assessment in methamphetamine use disorder N/A 2023-08-0108-01-2023
Personalized Recommendation Method of “Carbohydrate-Protein” Supplement Based on Machine Learning and Enumeration Method N/A 2023-09-1209-12-2023
Project CHARIOT: study protocol for a hybrid type 1 effectiveness-implementation study of comprehensive tele-harm reduction for engagement of people who inject drugs in HIV prevention services N/A 2024-03-2503-25-2024
The Social, Mental, and Physical Health Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic on People With HIV: Protocol of an Observational International Multisite Study N/A 2024-01-0101-01-2024
Genetic and brain similarity independently predict childhood anthropometrics and neighborhood socioeconomic conditions The Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study 2024-02-0102-01-2024
Post-traumatic stress and future substance use outcomes: leveraging antecedent factors to stratify risk The Advancing Understanding of RecOvery afteR traumA 2024-03-0803-08-2024
Protocol of the study: Multilevel community-based mental health intervention to address structural inequities and adverse disparate consequences of COVID-19 pandemic on Latinx Immigrants and African refugees N/A 2024-04-1604-16-2024
Perceptions of African American Youth and Adults Regarding Tobacco Use-Related Factors in Their Community N/A 2024-04-0104-01-2024
Community-Engaged Research: COVID-19 Testing, Infection, and Vaccination among Underserved Minority Communities in Miami, Florida Miami Adult Studies on HIV 2024-01-2401-24-2024
Food insecurity in urban American Indian and Alaska Native populations during the COVID-19 pandemic Community Organizations for Natives: COVID-19Epidemiology, Research, Testing, and Services 2024-03-2703-27-2024
Subcortical and cerebellar volume differences in bilingual and monolingual children: An ABCD study The Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study 2024-02-0102-01-2024
Toward Sustaining Web-Based Senior Center Programming Accessibility With and for Older Adult Immigrants: Community-Based Participatory Research Cross-Sectional Study N/A 2024-01-2601-26-2024
Health Behavior and Attitudes During the COVID-19 Pandemic Among Vulnerable and Underserved Latinx in the Southwest USA N/A 2024-02-0102-01-2024
Large-scale investigation of white matter structural differences in bilingual and monolingual children: An adolescent brain cognitive development data study The Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study 2024-02-0102-01-2024
Virtual Music Therapy for Substance Use Disorders in a Federally Qualified Health Center N/A 2024-01-0501-05-2024
Trends in publication and levels of social determinants of health reporting in Journal of Clinical and Translational Science from 2017 to 2023 N/A 2024-04-0204-02-2024
Association of Unfavorable Social Determinants of Health With Stroke/Transient Ischemic Attack and Vascular Risk Factors in Hispanic/Latino Adults: Results From Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos Hispanic Community Health Study / Study of Latinos 2023-09-0109-01-2023
Assessing psychopathic traits with the MMPI-3: Findings from correctional, university, and community samples N/A 2024-02-0102-01-2024
Neighborhood-level social determinants of health and cardioprotective behaviors among church members in New Orleans, Louisiana. Church-based Health Intervention to Eliminate Racial Inequalities in Cardiovascular Health 2024-07-0107-01-2024
Association between MCU Gene Polymorphisms with Obesity: Findings from the All of Us Research Program. All of Us 2024-04-1904-19-2024
Parental Legal System Involvement, Positive Childhood Experiences, and Suicide Risk. The Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study 2024-06-0106-01-2024
The American Society for Bone and Mineral Research Task Force on clinical algorithms for fracture risk report. Women’s Health Initiative|Study of Osteoporotic Fractures 2024-05-2405-24-2024
Limitations and Future Directions in Sex, Sexuality and Gender Diverse Research in Neurology. N/A 2024-03-0103-01-2024
Analysis of multi-level barriers to physical activity among nursing students using regularized regression. N/A 2024-05-2405-24-2024
The Toronto Adolescent and Youth Cohort Study: Study Design and Early Data Related to Psychosis Spectrum Symptoms, Functioning, and Suicidality. Toronto Adolescent and Youth Cohort Study 2024-03-0103-01-2024
Social Determinants of Health N/A 2024-04-0104-01-2024
PrEP for people who use opioids: A NIDA clinical trials network survey study in Southern US cities where HIV incidence is high. Prexposure Prophylaxis for people who use opioids 2024-04-0104-01-2024
Prevalence of Weight Stigma in Medical Settings Among Reproductive-Aged Women in the All of Us Study. The Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study 2024-07-0107-01-2024
A Randomized Clinical Trial of a Quitline Vaping Cessation Intervention: Baseline Characteristics of Young Adult Exclusive E-Cigarette Users Seeking Treatment. Research and Innovation to Stop E-Cigarette/Vaping use among YAs 2024-06-2006-20-2024
Mental Distress, Label Avoidance, and Use of a Mental Health Chatbot: Results From a US Survey. N/A 2024-04-1204-12-2024
Recall of Autobiographical Memories Following Odor vs Verbal Cues Among Adults With Major Depressive Disorder. N/A 2024-02-0502-05-2024
Application of the Delphi method to the development of common data elements for social drivers of health: A systematic scoping review. N/A 2024-06-2706-27-2024
Theory, Measurement, and Psychometric Properties of Risk and Protective Factors for Drug Misuse Among Adolescents Living on or near the Cherokee Nation Reservation. N/A 2023-12-0112-01-2023
Seven Strategies to Integrate Equity within Translational Research in Neurology. N/A 2024-03-0103-01-2024
Data-driven, generalizable prediction of adolescent sleep disturbances in the multisite Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development Study. The Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study 2024-06-1306-13-2024
Anxiety connects social media use to food and alcohol disturbance and disordered eating when social support is low. N/A 2024-04-0104-01-2024
Study of a PST-trained voice-enabled artificial intelligence counselor for adults with emotional distress (SPEAC-2): Design and methods*. Study of a PST-Trained Voice-Enabled Artificial Intelligence Counselor (SPEAC) for Adults With Emotional Distress (Phase 2) 2024-07-0107-01-2024
Differences in educational opportunity predict white matter development. The Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study 2024-06-0106-01-2024
Environmental and occupational exposures and prognosis in patients with non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer in the Be-Well Study. Be-Well Study 2024-06-0306-03-2024
Implementation and evaluation of a community-based mindful walking randomized controlled trial to sustain cognitive health in older African Americans at risk for dementia. N/A 2024-07-0407-04-2024
Loneliness and Crowded Living Predicted Poor Health in a Sample of Cancer Patients During COVID-19 Pandemic. N/A 2024-06-0106-01-2024
Navigation-Based Telehealth Informed Decision-Making for Prostate Cancer Screening in Black Men. N/A 2024-06-2806-28-2024
A twin-driven analysis on early aging biomarkers and associations with sitting-time and physical activity Colorado Adoption/Twin Study of Lifespan BehavioralDevelopment and Cognitive Aging 2024-09-1109-11-2024
Assessing prenatal and early childhood social and environmental determinants of health in the HEALthy Brain and Child Development Study (HBCD) HEALthy Brain and Child DevelopmentStudy 2024-10-0110-01-2024
A National Dental Practice-Based Research Network phase II, cluster-randomized clinical trial assessing nicotine replacement therapy sampling in dental settings: study protocol for the Free Samples for Health (FreSH) study Free Samples for Health 2024-08-2808-28-2024
Happy children! A network of psychological and environmental factors associated with the development of positive affect in 9-13 children The Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study 2024-09-0609-06-2024
Predictors of Emergency Preparedness Among Parents in Hawaii: A Cross-Sectional Survey N/A 2024-05-0305-03-2024
Social and General Cognition Are Uniquely Associated With Social Connectedness in Later Life N/A 2024-09-0109-01-2024
The substance use disorder treatment gap among US college students: Findings from the 2021 National Survey on Drug Use and Health National Survey of Drug Use and Health (2021) 2024-08-3008-30-2024
A Microfinance Intervention With or Without Peer Support to Improve Mental Health Among Transgender and Nonbinary Adults (the Creating Access to Resources and Economic Support Study): Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial Creating Access to Resources and Economic Support Study 2024-08-2608-26-2024
The Role of Black Churches in Promoting Mental Health for Communities of Socioeconomically Disadvantaged Black Americans N/A 2024-08-0108-01-2024
Perceived Discrimination Among Food Pantry Clients in Massachusetts Massachusetts Statewide Food Access Survey 2024-09-1209-12-2024
Examining the Association Between Adverse Childhood Experiences and Lifetime History of Head or Neck Injury and Concussion in Children From the United States The Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study 2024-05-0105-01-2024
Exploring Data Collection Priorities of Community Partners in Early Psychosis Care N/A 2024-09-0109-01-2024
The Association between Family Environment and Subsequent Risk of Cyberbullying Victimization in Adolescents The Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study 2024-08-0108-01-2024
Strengthening the Voices of Hispanic/ Latine Immigrants Managing Chronic Disease: A Mixed Methods Approach to Understanding Perspectives of Health N/A 2024-07-3107-31-2024