Frequently used sleep questionnaires in epidemiological and genetic research for obstructive sleep apnea: a review. |
N/A |
2012-12-0112-01-2012 |
Innovative methods for improving measures of the personal environment. |
N/A |
2012-05-0105-01-2012 |
Elaborating on the construct validity of the Triarchic Psychopathy Measure in a criminal offender sample. |
N/A |
2013-01-0101-01-2013 |
Recalled Parental Bonding, Current Attachment, and the Triarchic Conceptualisation of Psychopathy. |
N/A |
2013-08-0108-01-2013 |
Characterizing psychopathy using DSM-5 personality traits. |
N/A |
2013-06-0106-01-2013 |
The drug effects questionnaire: psychometric support across three drug types. |
N/A |
2013-05-0105-01-2013 |
Share2Quit: Web-Based Peer-Driven Referrals for Smoking Cessation. |
Share2Quit |
2013-09-0109-01-2013 |
Validation of PhenX measures in the personalized medicine research project for use in gene/environment studies. |
Personalized Medicine Research Project |
2014-01-0101-01-2014 |
Psychometric Support of the School Climate Measure in a Large, Diverse Sample of Adolescents: A Replication and Extension. |
N/A |
2014-02-0102-01-2014 |
Social resources, health promotion behavior, and quality of life in adults living with HIV. |
N/A |
2016-05-0105-01-2016 |
Genome-wide association study of 25(OH) Vitamin D concentrations in Punjabi Sikhs: Results of the Asian Indian diabetic heart study. |
Asian Indian diabetic heart study |
2016-04-0104-01-2016 |
The Cooperative Health Research in South Tyrol (CHRIS) study: rationale, objectives, and preliminary results. |
Cooperative Helath Research in South Tyrol |
2015-11-0111-01-2015 |
Methods in HPV Surveillance: Experiences from a Population-Based Study of HPV Infection among Women in the San Juan Metropolitan Area of Puerto Rico. |
N/A |
2015-09-0109-01-2015 |
Validation of the Full and Short-Form Self-Help Involvement Scale Against the Rasch Measurement Model. |
Global Appraisal of Individual Needs |
2015-08-0108-01-2015 |
Design considerations for a pilot trial using a novel approach for evaluating smoking-cessation medication in methadone-maintained smokers. |
Design considerations for a pilot trial using a novel approach for evaluating smoking-cessation medication in methadone-maintained smokers. |
2016-03-0103-01-2016 |
Low dietary fiber intake in inflammatory bowel disease is associated with active disease and poor quality of life. |
N/A |
2016-09-0109-01-2016 |
Does drinking refusal self-efficacy mediate the impulsivity-problematic alcohol use relation? |
Does drinking refusal self-efficacy mediate the impulsivity-problematic alcohol use relation? |
2016-02-0102-01-2016 |
Neurobiological model of the persistence of anorexia nervosa. |
N/A |
2016-05-0105-01-2016 |
Translation of an Action Learning Collaborative Model Into a Community-Based Intervention to Promote Physical Activity and Healthy Eating. |
Translation of an Action Learning Collaborative Model Into a Community-Based Intervention to Promote Physical Activity and Healthy Eating. |
2016-01-0101-01-2016 |
Phone-delivered mindfulness training to promote medication adherence and reduce sexual risk behavior among persons living with HIV: Design and methods. |
Phone-delivered mindfulness training to promote medication adherence and reduce sexual risk behavior among persons living with HIV: Design and methods |
2017-02-0102-01-2017 |
Evaluation of a culturally-adapted lifestyle intervention to treat elevated cardiometabolic risk of Latino adults in primary care (Vida Sana): A randomized controlled trial. |
Vida Sana |
2016-05-0105-01-2016 |
The association of maternal vitamin D status with infant birth outcomes, postnatal growth and adiposity in the first 2 years of life in a multi-ethnic Asian population: the Growing Up in Singapore Towards healthy Outcomes (GUSTO) cohort study. |
Growing Up in Singapore Towards Healthy Outcomes |
2016-08-0108-01-2016 |
Anxiety is related to indices of cortical maturation in typically developing children and adolescents. |
Pediatric Imaging, Neurocognition, and Genetics |
2016-07-0107-01-2016 |
Pilot randomised trial of a healthy eating behavioural intervention in uncontrolled asthma. |
DASH for Asthma |
2016-01-0101-01-2016 |
Changes in negative urgency, positive urgency, and sensation seeking across adolescence. |
Changes in negative urgency, positive urgency, and sensation seeking across adolescence. |
2016-02-0102-01-2016 |
Comparison of Puff Volume With Cigarettes per Day in Predicting Nicotine Uptake Among Daily Smokers. |
Pennsylvania Adult Smoking Study |
2016-07-0107-01-2016 |
Prepubertal children exposed to concentrated disadvantage: An exploratory analysis of inflammation and metabolic dysfunction. |
Mechanisms for the Metabolic Syndrome in Pre-pubertal Youth study |
2016-05-0105-01-2016 |
Standardized Tobacco Assessment for Retail Settings (STARS): dissemination and implementation research. |
Standardized Tobacco Assessment for Retail Settings (STARS): dissemination and implementation research. |
2016-10-0110-01-2016 |
Psychometric properties of the PTSD Checklist for Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-Fifth Edition (PCL-5) in veterans. |
Changes in negative urgency, positive urgency, and sensation seeking across adolescence. |
2016-11-0111-01-2016 |
MC3R gene polymorphisms are associated with early childhood adiposity gain and infant appetite in an Asian population. |
Growing Up in Singapore Towards Healthy Outcomes |
2016-12-0112-01-2016 |
Development of an Inflammatory Bowel Disease Research Registry Derived from Observational Electronic Health Record Data for Comprehensive Clinical Phenotyping. |
Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) Research Registry |
2016-11-0111-01-2016 |
Preliminary Development of the Student Perceptions of School Safety Officers Scale. |
Preliminary Development of the Student Perceptions of School Safety Officers Scale. |
2017-01-0101-01-2017 |
Do individuals higher in impulsivity drink more impulsively? A pilot study within a high risk sample of young adults. |
Do individuals higher in impulsivity drink more impulsively? A pilot study within a high risk sample of young adults. |
2017-02-0102-01-2017 |
The Social Determinants of Health Core: Taking a Place-Based Approach. |
Mid-South Transdisciplinary Collaborative Center - SDH Core |
2017-01-0101-01-2017 |
Public Attitudes toward Consent and Data Sharing in Biobank Research: A Large Multi-site Experimental Survey in the US. |
Electronic Medical Records and Genomics (eMERGE) Network |
2017-03-0103-01-2017 |
Current drug users and women have higher rates of risky sexual behaviors. |
Current drug users and women have higher rates of risky sexual behaviors |
2017-02-0102-01-2017 |
Randomized trial evaluating self-sampling for HPV DNA based tests for cervical cancer screening in Nigeria. |
Randomized trial evaluating self-samplingfor HPV DNA based tests for cervical cancerscreening in Nigeria |
2017-02-0102-01-2017 |
The GuLF STUDY: A Prospective Study of Persons Involved in the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Response and Clean-Up. |
The GuLF STUDY: A Prospective Study of Persons Involved in the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Response and Clean-Up |
2017-04-0104-01-2017 |
Negative attitudes towards psychopaths: The role of one's own psychopathic traits. |
Negative attitudes towards psychopaths: The role of one's own psychopathic traits |
2017-04-0104-01-2017 |
Associations of Maternal Dietary Patterns during Pregnancy with Offspring Adiposity from Birth Until 54 Months of Age. |
Growing Up in Singapore Towards Healthy Outcomes |
2016-12-0112-01-2016 |
As Far as the Eye Can See: Relationship between Psychopathic Traits and Pupil Response to Affective Stimuli. |
As Far as the Eye Can See: Relationship between Psychopathic Traits and Pupil Response to Affective Stimuli |
2017-01-0101-01-2017 |
Validity of LIDAS (LIfetime Depression Assessment Self-report): a self-report online assessment of lifetime major depressive disorder. |
Netherlands Study of Depression and Anxiety & Twin Register |
2017-01-0101-01-2017 |
Role of magnesium supplementation in the treatment of depression: A randomized clinical trial. |
Role of magnesium supplementation in the treatment of depression: A randomized clinical trial |
2017-06-0106-01-2017 |
Profiles of sociodemographic, behavioral, clinical and psychosocial characteristics among primary care patients with comorbid obesity and depression. |
Research Aimed at Improving Both Mood and Weight |
2017-08-0108-01-2017 |
Reductions in cannabis use are associated with improvements in anxiety, depression, and sleep quality, but not quality of life. |
Achieving Cannabis Cessation: Evaluating N-Acetylcysteine Treatment |
2017-10-0110-01-2017 |
Social Network Decay as Potential Recovery from Homelessness: A Mixed Methods Study in Housing First Programming. |
Social Network Decay as Potential Recovery from Homelessness: A Mixed Methods Study in Housing First Programming. Soc Sci (Basel). |
2017-09-0109-01-2017 |
Progesterone for smoking relapse prevention following delivery: A pilot, randomized, double-blind study. |
Progesterone for smoking relapse prevention following delivery: A pilot, randomized, double-blind study. |
2017-12-0112-01-2017 |
Postnatal height and adiposity gain, childhood blood pressure and prehypertension risk in an Asian birth cohort. |
Growing Up in Singapore Towards Healthy Outcomes |
2017-07-0107-01-2017 |
Establishing consensus on survey measures for electronic nicotine and non-nicotine delivery system use: Current challenges and considerations for researchers. |
N/A |
2018-04-0104-01-2018 |
PLATO software provides analytic framework for investigating complexity beyond genome-wide association studies. |
Personalized Medicine Research Project |
2017-10-0110-01-2017 |
Concurrent and developmental correlates of psychopathic traits using a triarchic psychopathy model approach. |
Michigan Longitudinal Study |
2017-10-0110-01-2017 |
Replication in Imaging Genetics: The Case of Threat-Related Amygdala Reactivity. |
N/A |
2018-07-1507-15-2018 |
Poor Consumption of Fiber, not fat, is Associated with Active Disease in Inflammatory Bowel Disease. |
N/A |
2017-04-0104-01-2017 |
Joint Effects of PON1 Polymorphisms and Vegetable Intake on Ischemic Stroke: A Family-Based Case Control Study. |
Fangshan Family-based Ischemic Stroke Study |
2017-12-0112-01-2017 |
Co-occurrence of tobacco product use, substance use, and mental health problems among youth: Findings from wave 1 (2013-2014) of the population assessment of tobacco and health (PATH) study. |
Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health |
2018-01-0101-01-2018 |
Host-agent-vector-environment measures for electronic cigarette research used in NIH grants. |
Host–Agent–Vector–Environment |
2020-01-0101-01-2020 |
Using PhenX toolkit measures and other tools to assess urban/rural differences in health behaviors: recruitment methods and outcomes. |
N/A |
2014-11-2611-26-2014 |
Evaluation of Healthy Fit: A Community Health Worker Model to Address Hispanic Health Disparities. |
Healthy Fit |
2018-04-0104-01-2018 |
Which anthropometric measures best reflect neonatal adiposity? |
Growing Up in Singapore Towards Healthy Outcomes |
2018-03-0103-01-2018 |
dACC response to presentation of negative feedback predicts stimulant dependence diagnosis and stimulant use severity. |
dACC response to presentation of negative feedback predicts stimulant dependence diagnosis and stimulant use severity |
2018-05-0105-01-2018 |
Income as a moderator of psychological stress and nicotine dependence among adult smokers. |
Pennsylvania Adult Smoking Study |
2018-09-0109-01-2018 |
Socioeconomic Status, Amygdala Volume, and Internalizing Symptoms in Children and Adolescents. |
Pediatric Imaging, Neurocognition, and Genetics |
2018-03-0103-01-2018 |
Using a randomized controlled trial to test whether modifications to contingency management improve outcomes for heavy drinkers with serious mental illness. |
Using a randomized controlled trial to test whether modifications to contingency management improve outcomes for heavy drinkers with serious mental illness |
2018-06-0106-01-2018 |
Effect of e-liquid flavor on electronic cigarette topography and consumption behavior in a 2-week natural environment switching study. |
Effect of e-liquid flavor on electronic cigarette topography and consumption behavior in a 2- week natural environment switching study |
2018-05-0105-01-2018 |
Concordance of Advertised Cigarette Prices with Purchase Receipts in the United States. |
Advancing Science and Policy in the Retail Enviornment |
2018-05-0105-01-2018 |
Infant body mass index peak and early childhood cardio-metabolic risk markers in a multi-ethnic Asian birth cohort. |
Growing Up in Singapore Towards Healthy Outcomes |
2017-04-0104-01-2017 |
Language Phenotypes. In V. Jagaroo and S.L. Santangelo (eds.) Neurophenotypes, Innovations in Cognitive Neuroscience. |
N/A |
2016-01-0101-01-2016 |
Longitudinal associations between youth tobacco and substance use in waves 1 and 2 of the Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health (PATH) Study. |
Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health |
2018-10-0110-01-2018 |
Sickle Cell Clinical Research and Intervention Program (SCCRIP): A lifespan cohort study for sickle cell disease progression from the pediatric stage into adulthood. |
Sickle Cell Clinical Research and Intervention Program |
2018-09-0109-01-2018 |
Increased Risk of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Associated With Neighborhood Concentrated Disadvantage. |
Louisiana Tumor Registry |
2018-09-0109-01-2018 |
Peer Group and Text Message-Based Weight-Loss and Management Intervention for African American Women. |
Supportive Text-messaging Against Regain |
2018-08-0108-01-2018 |
Tobacco use during cannabis cessation: Use patterns and impact on abstinence in a National Drug Abuse Treatment Clinical Trials Network study. |
Achieving Cannabis Cessation: Evaluating N-Acetylcysteine Treatment |
2018-08-0108-01-2018 |
Community interest and feasibility of using a novel smartphone-based formaldehyde exposure detection technology. |
Community interest and feasibility of using a novel smartphone-based formaldehyde exposure detection technology |
2018-07-0107-01-2018 |
Body composition measurement in young children using quantitative magnetic resonance: a comparison with air displacement plethysmography. |
Body composition measurement in young children using quantitative magnetic resonance: a comparison with air displacement plethysmography |
2018-06-0106-01-2018 |
Anxiety, depression, impulsivity, and brain structure in children and adolescents. |
Pediatric Imaging, Neurocognition, and Genetics |
2018-07-0107-01-2018 |
The Lifespan Human Connectome Project in Development: A large-scale study of brain connectivity development in 5-21 year olds. |
Lifespan Human Connectome Project in Development |
2018-08-0108-01-2018 |
Perceived Discrimination as a Risk Factor for Use of Emerging Tobacco Products: More Similarities Than Differences Across Demographic Groups and Attributions for Discrimination. |
Perceived Discrimination as a Risk Factor for Use of Emerging Tobacco Products: More Similarities Than Differences Across Demographic Groups and Attributions for Discrimination |
2018-08-0108-01-2018 |
Randomized Controlled Trial of the SystemCHANGE Intervention on Behaviors Related to Cardiovascular Risk in HIV+ Adults. |
Randomized Controlled Trial of the SystemCHANGE Intervention on Behaviors Related to Cardiovascular Risk in HIV+ Adults |
2018-05-0105-01-2018 |
The Influence of Exercise on Cardiovascular Health in Sedentary Adults With Human Immunodeficiency Virus. |
The Influence of Exercise on Cardiovascular Health in Sedentary Adults With Human Immunodeficiency Virus |
2018-05-0105-01-2018 |
Adolescent brain cognitive development (ABCD) study: Overview of substance use assessment methods. |
The Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study |
2018-08-0108-01-2018 |
Assessment of culture and environment in the Adolescent Brain and Cognitive Development Study: Rationale, description of measures, and early data. |
The Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study |
2018-08-0108-01-2018 |
Demographic, physical and mental health assessments in the adolescent brain and cognitive development study: Rationale and description. |
The Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study |
2018-08-0108-01-2018 |
The usefulness of psychopathy in explaining and predicting violence: Discussing the utility of competing perspectives. |
N/A |
2018-10-0110-01-2018 |
Neighborhood Environment Measurements and Anthropometric Indicators of Obesity: Results From the Women and Their Children's Health (WaTCH) Study. |
Women and Their Children's Health |
2018-11-0111-01-2018 |
Citizen science charts two major "stomatotypes" in the oral microbiome of adolescents and reveals links with habits and drinking water composition. |
Citizen science charts two major “stomatotypes” in the oral microbiome of adolescents and reveals links with habits and drinking water composition |
2018-12-0112-01-2018 |
Analyzing Real-World Use of Research Common Data Elements. |
Analyzing Real-World Use of Research Common Data Elements |
2018-12-0112-01-2018 |
Capacity for upregulation of emotional processing in psychopathy: all you have to do is ask. |
Capacity for upregulation of emotional processing in psychopathy: all you have to do is ask |
2018-11-0111-01-2018 |
Recommendations from the International Stroke Genetics Consortium, Part 1: Standardized Phenotypic Data Collection. |
N/A |
2015-01-0101-01-2015 |
Is psychopathology elevated in Big-C visual artists and scientists? |
Big-C Project |
2019-05-0105-01-2019 |
Examining emotion relief motives as a facilitator of the transition from suicidal thought to first suicide attempt among active duty soldiers. |
N/A |
2019-05-0105-01-2019 |
Socioeconomic differences in nicotine exposure and dependence in adult daily smokers. |
The Pennsylvania Adult Smoking Study |
2019-04-0104-01-2019 |
How Does Acculturation Influence Smoking Behavior Among Latinos? The Role of Education and National Background. |
N/A |
2019-04-0104-01-2019 |
Study Design, Protocol and Profile of the Maternal And Developmental Risks from Environmental and Social Stressors (MADRES) Pregnancy Cohort: a Prospective Cohort Study in Predominantly Low-Income Hispanic Women in Urban Los Angeles. |
Maternal and Developmental Risks from Environmental and Social Stressors |
2019-03-0103-01-2019 |
Longitudinal pathways linking family risk, neural risk processing, delay discounting, and adolescent substance use. |
N/A |
2019-02-0102-01-2019 |
Investigating a novel fMRI cannabis cue reactivity task in youth. |
N/A |
2019-02-0102-01-2019 |
The chippers, the quitters, and the highly symptomatic: A 12-month longitudinal study of DSM-5 opioid- and cocaine-use problems in a community sample. |
Health Outcomes by Neighborhood |
2019-09-0109-01-2019 |
Relationship of HIV Status and Fatigue, Cardiorespiratory Fitness, Myokines, and Physical Activity. |
Boosting Health By Changing Activity |
2019-07-0107-01-2019 |
The PRImary care Screening Methods (PRISM) study: Rationale and design considerations. |
PRImary care Screening Methods |
2019-09-0109-01-2019 |
Effects of Naltrexone on Large-Scale Network Interactions in Methamphetamine Use Disorder. |
N/A |
2019-09-0109-01-2019 |
Racial and Ethnic Differences in Obesity in People With Spinal Cord Injury: The Effects of Disadvantaged Neighborhood. |
N/A |
2019-09-0109-01-2019 |
Construction and preliminary validation of Triarchic Psychopathy Scales from the HEXACO-100. |
N/A |
2019-08-0108-01-2019 |
Cardiorespiratory fitness is associated with inflammation and physical activity in HIV plus adults. |
Boosting Health By Changing Activity |
2019-05-0105-01-2019 |
A genome-wide analysis in consanguineous families reveals new chromosomal loci in specific language impairment (SLI). |
N/A |
2019-04-0104-01-2019 |
Associations between inhibitory control, eating behaviours and adiposity in 6-year-old children. |
N/A |
2019-03-0103-01-2019 |
Neighboorhood disadvantage is associated with hemorrhagic stroke in young adults. |
N/A |
2019-02-0102-01-2019 |
Perceived racial/ethnic discrimination, marketing, and substance use among young adults. |
N/A |
2019-10-0110-01-2019 |
A Novel Mobile Tool (Somatomap) to Assess Body Image Perception Pilot Tested With Fashion Models and Nonmodels: Cross-Sectional Study. |
N/A |
2019-10-0110-01-2019 |
Neighborhood Influences on Women's Parenting Practices for Adolescents' Outdoor Play: A Qualitative Study. |
N/A |
2019-10-0110-01-2019 |
Mind the Gap: Changes in Cigarette Prices after California's Tax Increase. |
N/A |
2019-11-0111-01-2019 |
Examining the utility of the Personality Assessment Screener in three criminal justice samples. |
N/A |
2019-11-0111-01-2019 |
Development of a statewide program evaluation program in coordinated specialty care programs. |
N/A |
2019-04-0104-01-2019 |
Parental and social factors in relation to child psychopathology, behavior, and cognitive function. |
N/A |
2020-02-0102-01-2020 |
Group ("Project Life Force") versus individual suicide safety planning: A randomized clinical trial. |
N/A |
2020-01-0101-01-2020 |
A Proposed Waterpipe Emissions Topography Protocol Reflecting Natural Environment User Behaviour. |
N/A |
2020-01-0101-01-2020 |
County-level associations between tobacco retailer density and smoking prevalence in the USA, 2012. |
N/A |
2020-10-0110-01-2020 |
Associations between duration and type of electronic screen use and cognition in US children. |
The Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study |
2020-02-0102-01-2020 |
Ecologically assessed affect and suicidal ideation following psychiatric inpatient hospitalization. |
N/A |
2020-03-0103-01-2020 |
An Implementation Trial to Improve Tobacco Treatment for Cancer Patients: Patient Preferences, Treatment Acceptability and Effectiveness. |
N/A |
2020-04-0104-01-2020 |
Pubertal development mediates the association between family environment and brain structure and function in childhood. |
N/A |
2020-05-0105-01-2020 |
A Comparison between Cigarette Topography from a One-Week Natural Environment Study to FTC/ISO, Health Canada, and Massachusetts Department of Public Health Puff Profile Standards. |
N/A |
2020-05-0105-01-2020 |
Perceptions of US Adolescents and Adults With Sickle Cell Disease on Their Quality of Care. |
N/A |
2020-05-0105-01-2020 |
Short-term exposure to air pollution and its interaction effects with two ABO SNPs on blood lipid levels in northern China: A family-based study. |
N/A |
2020-06-0106-01-2020 |
Development of a scale battery for rapid assessment of risk and resilience. |
N/A |
2020-06-0106-01-2020 |
Maternal plasma metabolic markers of neonatal adiposity and associated maternal characteristics: The GUSTO study. |
Growing Up in Singapore Towards Healthy Outcomes |
2020-06-0106-01-2020 |
The human connectome project for disordered emotional states: Protocol and rationale for a research domain criteria study of brain connectivity in young adult anxiety and depression. |
N/A |
2020-07-0107-01-2020 |
Publication of data collection forms from NHLBI funded sickle cell disease implementation consortium (SCDIC) registry. |
Sickle Cell Disease Implementation Consortium |
2020-07-0107-01-2020 |
The ENGAGE-2 study: Engaging self-regulation targets to understand the mechanisms of behavior change and improve mood and weight outcomes in a randomized controlled trial (Phase 2). |
ENGAGE Phase 2 |
2020-08-0108-01-2020 |
Association between cesarean delivery types and obesity in preadolescence. |
WHEALS follow-up study |
2020-09-0109-01-2020 |
Role of psychopathic personality traits on the micro-structure of free-operant responding: impacts on goal-directed but not stimulus-drive responses in extinction. |
N/A |
2020-09-0109-01-2020 |
Prediction model development of women's daily asthma control using fitness tracker sleep disruption. |
N/A |
2020-09-0109-01-2020 |
Pennsylvania first-episode program evaluation of coordinated specialty care: Six-and 12-month outcomes. |
N/A |
2020-05-0105-01-2020 |
The PROSPER-HIV Study: A Research Protocol to Examine Relationships Among Physical Activity, Diet Intake, and Symptoms in Adults Living With HIV. |
Impact of Physical Activity and Diet on Symptom Experience in People living with HIV |
2020-05-0105-01-2020 |
Dietary saturated fats and apolipoprotein B48 levels are similarly associated with cognitive decline in healthy older aged Australians. |
N/A |
2020-09-0109-01-2020 |
Expanding the genetic architecture of nicotine dependence and its shared genetics with multiple traits. |
N/A |
2020-11-0111-01-2020 |
Social Determinants of Health-Related Quality of Life: A Recreation Setting Analysis. |
N/A |
2020-11-0111-01-2020 |
Western influenced lifestyle and Kv2.1 association as predicted biomarkers for Tunisian colorectal cancer. |
N/A |
2020-11-0111-01-2020 |
Measuring perfectionism, impulsivity, self-esteem and social anxiety: Cross-national study in emerging adults from eight countries. |
N/A |
2020-12-0112-01-2020 |
Network recall among older adults with cognitive impairments. |
Social Networks in Alzheimer Disease |
2021-01-0101-01-2021 |
"Don't do vape, bro!" A qualitative study of youth's and parents' reactions to e-cigarette prevention advertisements. |
N/A |
2021-01-0101-01-2021 |
Implication of gut microbiota in the association between infant antibiotic exposure and childhood obesity and adiposity accumulation. |
Growing Up in Singapore Towards Healthy Outcomes |
2020-07-0107-01-2020 |
Adding insult to rivalry: Exploring the discord communicated between rivals. |
N/A |
2020-01-0101-01-2020 |
Let's Talk Sports: An Egocentric Discussion Network Analysis Regarding NFL Crisis Perceptions. |
N/A |
2019-09-0109-01-2019 |
Examining the factor structure and validity of the Triarchic Model of Psychopathy across measures. |
N/A |
2021-03-0103-01-2021 |
A longitudinal assessment of nicotine dependence, mental health, and attempts to quit Smoking: Evidence from waves 1-4 of the Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health (PATH) study. |
Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health |
2021-04-0104-01-2021 |
Risk factors associated with curiosity about alcohol use in the ABCD cohort. |
The Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study |
2021-05-0105-01-2021 |
Preliminary analysis of low-level alcohol use and suicidality with children in the adolescent brain and cognitive development (ABCD) baseline cohort. |
The Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study |
2021-05-0105-01-2021 |
Evaluation of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Medications, Externalizing Symptoms, and Suicidality in Children. |
Evaluation of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Medications, Externalizing Symptoms, and Suicidality in Children |
2021-06-0106-01-2021 |
Visual mapping of body image disturbance in anorexia nervosa reveals objective markers of illness severity. |
Visual mapping of body image disturbance in anorexia nervosa reveals objective markers of illness severity |
2021-06-0106-01-2021 |
Posttraumatic stress disorder intervention for people with severe mental illness in a low-income country primary care setting: a randomized feasibility trial protocol. |
Posttraumatic stress disorder intervention for people with severe mental illness in a low-income country primary care setting: a randomized feasibility trial protocol |
2021-07-0107-01-2021 |
Heterogeneity Within Youth With Childhood-Onset Conduct Disorder in the ABCD Study. |
The Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study |
2021-07-0107-01-2021 |
Factor structure of the Comprehensive Assessment of Psychopathic Personality-Self-Report (CAPP-SR) in community and offender samples. |
Comprehensive Assessment of Psychopathic Personality-Self-Report |
2021-10-0110-01-2021 |
Switching to Progressively Reduced Nicotine Content Cigarettes in Smokers With Low Socioeconomic Status: A Double-Blind Randomized Clinical Trial. |
N/A |
2021-05-2405-24-2021 |
Racial/Ethnic Disparities Across Indicators of Cigarette Smoking in the Era of Increased Tobacco Control, 1992-2019. |
N/A |
2021-05-2405-24-2021 |
Shared Environmental Influences on Electronic Cigarette Use Among Adolescent and Young Adult Females. |
Text 4 Thoughts |
2021-08-0408-04-2021 |
Problem-solving therapy-induced amygdala engagement mediates lifestyle behavior change in obesity with comorbid depression: a randomized proof-of-mechanism trial. |
Research Aimed at Improving Both Mood and Weight |
2021-09-0209-02-2021 |
Assessing Racial and Ethnic Discrimination in Children: A Scoping Review of Available Measures for Child Health Disparities Research. |
N/A |
2021-10-0610-06-2021 |
Predicting multilingual effects on executive function and individual connectomes in children: An ABCD study. |
The Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study |
2021-12-0712-07-2021 |
Cortical Thickness in bilingual and monolingual children: Relationships to language use and language skill. |
The Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study |
2021-11-0111-01-2021 |
Contributing roles of depression, anxiety, and impulsivity dimensions in eating behaviors styles in surgery candidates. |
N/A |
2021-11-0811-08-2021 |
Internalizing-externalizing comorbidity and regional brain volumes in the ABCD study. |
The Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study |
2021-12-0712-07-2021 |
Trusted Sources of COVID-19 Vaccine Information among Hesitant Adopters in the United States. |
N/A |
2021-12-0112-01-2021 |
Pubertal timing and functional neurodevelopmental alterations independently mediate the effect of family conflict on adolescent psychopathology. |
N/A |
2021-12-0112-01-2021 |
Eating disorder measures in a sample of military veterans: A focus on gender, age, and race/ethnicity. |
N/A |
2021-12-0112-01-2021 |
An update on the assessment of culture and environment in the ABCD Study (R): Emerging literature and protocol updates over three measurement waves. |
The Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study |
2021-12-0112-01-2021 |
Disordered eating concerns, behaviors, and severity in young adults clustered by anxiety and depression. |
N/A |
2021-12-0112-01-2021 |
Epigenetic Analyses of Alcohol Consumption in Combustible and Non-Combustible Nicotine Product Users. |
N/A |
2021-09-0109-01-2021 |
Demographic and mental health assessments in the adolescent brain and cognitive development study: Updates and age-related trajectories. |
The Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study |
2021-12-0112-01-2021 |
Study of rare genetic variants in TM4SF20, NFXL1, CNTNAP2, and ATP2C2 in Pakistani probands and families with language impairment. |
N/A |
2021-12-0112-01-2021 |
Self-Report Pychopathy Scale Short Form 4th Edicion: Adaptacion y Modelamiento Estructural en Población Penitenciaria Mexicana. [Self-Report Pychopathy Scale Short Form 4th: Adaptation and structural modeling in a Mexican penitentiary population]. |
Self-Report Pychopathy Scale Short Form 4ª Edición: Adaptación yModelamiento Estructural en Población Penitenciaria Mexicana |
2022-02-0802-08-2022 |
Ongoing tobacco use in women who experience homelessness and unstable housing: A prospective study to inform tobacco cessation interventions and policies. |
N/A |
2022-02-0102-01-2022 |
Refining the relationship between psychopathy, aggression, and rule-breaking by gender: A comparison of the triarchic and septarchic models of psychopathy. |
Refining the relationship between psychopathy, aggression, and rele-breaking by gender: A comparison of the triarchic and septarchic models of psychopathy |
2022-02-0102-01-2022 |
Addressing Hispanic Obesity Disparities Using a Community Health Worker Model Grounded in Motivational Interviewing. |
Addressing Hispanic Obesity Disparities Using a Community Health Worker Model Grounded in Motivational Interviewing |
2022-02-0102-01-2022 |
Timing of smoking cessation treatment integrated into outpatient treatment with medications for opioid use disorder: Feasibility trial. |
N/A |
2022-01-0101-01-2022 |
A proposed cigarette emissions topography protocol reflecting smokers' natural environment use behavior. |
N/A |
2022-04-0504-05-2022 |
Smartband-Based Automatic Smoking Detection and Real-time Mindfulness Intervention: Protocol for a Feasibility Trial. |
N/A |
2021-11-1011-10-2021 |
Social Cognitive Abilities Predict Unique Aspects of Older Adults' Personal Social Networks. |
N/A |
2022-01-1201-12-2022 |
Rationale and Design of the National Neuropsychology Network. |
National Neuropsychology Network |
2022-01-0101-01-2022 |
The Sickle Cell Disease Functional Assessment (SCD-FA) tool: a feasibility pilot study. |
The Sickle Cell Disease Functional Assessment (SCD-FA) tool: a feasibility pilot study |
2022-03-0403-04-2022 |
Electronic cigarettes as a harm reduction strategy among patients with COPD: protocol for an open-label two arm randomized controlled pilot trial. |
N/A |
2022-01-0601-06-2022 |
What kinds of social networks protect older adults' health during a pandemic? The tradeoff between preventing infection and promoting mental health. |
Social Networks in Alzheimer Disease |
2022-07-0107-01-2022 |
Association of COVID-19 impact with outcomes of an integrated obesity and depression intervention: Posthoc analysis of an RCT. |
N/A |
2022-05-0105-01-2022 |
Learning to forget: Hippocampal-amygdala connectivity partially mediates the effect of sexual trauma severity on verbal recall in older women undiagnosed with posttraumatic stress disorder. |
The enhanced Nathan Kline Institute-Rockland Sample |
2022-04-0104-01-2022 |
Cognitively stimulating environments and cognitive reserve: the case of personal social networks. |
Social Networks in Alzheimer Disease |
2022-02-0102-01-2022 |
Protocol for a Longitudinal Study of the Determinants of Metabolic Syndrome Risk in Young Adults. |
Health E Start Study |
2022-04-0104-01-2022 |
The effects of cannabis use on physical health: A co-twin control study. |
Colorado Adoption/Twin Study of Lifespan BehavioralDevelopment and Cognitive Aging |
2022-01-0101-01-2022 |
Health and Health Care Among Transgender Adults in the United States. |
N/A |
2022-04-0104-01-2022 |
Optimization of a new adaptive intervention using the SMART Design to increase COVID-19 testing among people a high risk in an urban community. |
N/A |
2022-04-0104-01-2022 |
Social determinants of health data in solid organ transplantation: National data sources and future directions. |
N/A |
2022-10-0110-01-2022 |
Application of the RDoC Framework to Predict Alcohol Use and Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors among Early Adolescents in the Adolescent Brain and Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study. |
The Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study |
2022-07-0107-01-2022 |
Metagenomic analysis reveals associations between salivary microbiota and body composition in early childhood. |
New Hampshire Birth Cohort |
2022-07-0107-01-2022 |
An Inconsistency Responding Scale for the Durand Adaptive Psychopathic Traits Questionnaire/Una escala de respuesta de inconsistencia para el Cuestionario de Rasgos Psicopaticos Adaptativos de Durand. |
An Inconsistency Responding Scalefor the Durand Adaptive PsychopathicTraits QuestionnaireUna escala de respuesta de inconsistencia para el Cuestionario deRasgos Psicopáticos Adaptativos de Durand |
2022-09-1209-12-2022 |
Associations between eating disorder symptoms and smoking and vaping use and motives in college students. |
N/A |
2022-08-0108-01-2022 |
Comparison of Persistent Symptoms Following SARS-CoV-2 Infection by Antibody Status in Nonhospitalized Children and Adolescents. |
N/A |
2022-10-0110-01-2022 |
"I am hesitant to visit the doctor unless absolutely necessary": A qualitative study of delayed care, avoidance of care, and telehealth experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic. |
N/A |
2022-08-1208-12-2022 |
Association between family or peer views towards tobacco use and past 30-day smoking cessation among adults with mental health problems. |
Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health |
2022-07-0507-05-2022 |
Examining pathways between family or peer factors and smoking cessation in a nationally representative US sample of adults with mental health conditions who smoke: a structural equation analysis. |
Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health |
2022-08-1708-17-2022 |
Social Networks and Cognitive Reserve: Network Structure Moderates the Association Between Amygdalar Volume and Cognitive Outcomes. |
N/A |
2022-08-1108-11-2022 |
Linking Complex disease and exposure data-insights from an environmental and occupational health study. |
N/A |
2022-03-2803-28-2022 |
Reducing tobacco-associated lung cancer risk: a study protocol for a randomized clinical trial of AB-free kava. |
A Randomized Clinical Trial of AB-free Kava |
2023-01-0101-01-2023 |
Acute pain episodes, acute chest syndrome, and pulmonary thromboembolism in pregnancy. |
Acute pain episodes, acute chest syndrome, and pulmonary thromboembolism in pregnancy |
2022-12-0112-01-2022 |
Pain processing and antisocial behavior: A multimodal investigation of the roles of boldness and meanness. |
N/A |
2022-11-0111-01-2022 |
Associations between elevated depressive symptoms and substance use, prescription opioid misuse, overdose history, pain, and general health among community pharmacy patients prescribed opioids. |
Validation of a CommunityPharmacy-Based Prescription Drug Monitoring Program Risk Screening Tool (CTN-0093:PharmScreen; Identifier: NCT03936985) |
2022-05-0105-01-2022 |
Social Determinants of Health Data Capture Within National and Health System Data Sources. |
N/A |
2022-11-0111-01-2022 |
Pain Severity and Interference and Substance Use Among Community Pharmacy Patients Prescribed Opioids: A Secondary Analysis of the PHARMSCREEN Study. |
Prescription Drug Monitoring Program Risk Screening Tool |
2022-08-0108-01-2022 |
From Genes to Geography, from Cells to Community, from Biomolecules to Behaviors: The Importance of Social Determinants of Health. |
N/A |
2022-12-0112-01-2022 |
Racial Bias Beliefs Related to COVID-19 Among Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders: Findings From the COVID-19 Effects on the Mental and Physical Health of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders Survey Study (COMPASS). |
COVID-19 Effects on the Mental and Physical Health of AsianAmericans and Pacific Islanders Survey Study |
2022-08-0108-01-2022 |
Association between Dietary Patterns and Depression in Chinese Older Adults: A Longitudinal Study Based on CLHLS. |
Chinese Longitudinal HealthyLongevity Survey |
2022-12-0112-01-2022 |
Adherence to prophylactic treatment in adult patients with severe hemophilia in Poland. |
Adherence to prophylactic treatment in adult patients with severe hemophilia in Poland |
2022-08-0108-01-2022 |
An Adapted Cancer Screening Education Program for Native American Women With Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities and Their Caregivers: Protocol for Feasibility and Acceptability Testing. |
N/A |
2023-02-1302-13-2023 |
Measurement invariance of commonly used psychosis-screening scales in US Spanish- and English-speaking Hispanic participants. |
N/A |
2023-04-0104-01-2023 |
The Power and Promise of Postpartum Self Care: Evaluation of a Web-Based Tool for Underserved Women. |
N/A |
2023-03-0103-01-2023 |
The propensity to sign-track is associated with externalizing behavior and distinct patterns of reward-related brain activation in youth. |
N/A |
2023-03-1603-16-2023 |
Associations between daily step count trajectories and clinical outcomes among adults with comorbid obesity and depression. |
ENGAGE Phase 2 |
2023-03-0403-04-2023 |
How Age and E-cigarette Use Status Interact to Influence E-cigarette Ad Perceptions. |
N/A |
2023-01-0101-01-2023 |
Pod-based e-cigarette use among US college-aged adults: A survey on the perception of health effects, sociodemographic correlates, and interplay with other tobacco products. |
N/A |
2023-03-0303-03-2023 |
Association of Early Childhood Caries with Bitter Taste Receptors: A Meta-Analysis of Genome-Wide Association Studies and Transcriptome-Wide Association Study. |
N/A |
2022-12-2412-24-2022 |
Random sampling of alters from networks: A promising direction in egocentric network research. |
Social Networks in Alzheimer Disease |
2023-01-0101-01-2023 |
Eye Dynamics and Engineering Network Consortium: Baseline Characteristics of a Randomized Trial in Healthy Adults. |
N/A |
2023-03-0103-01-2023 |
The Transdiagnostic Intervention for Sleep and Circadian Dysfunction (TranS-C) for serious mental illness in community mental health part 1: study protocol for a hybrid type 2 effectiveness-implementation cluster-randomized trial. |
N/A |
2023-03-1703-17-2023 |
A systematic review of measures of gender and biological sex: Exploring candidates for Alzheimer's disease and related dementias (AD/ADRD) research. |
N/A |
2023-02-2102-21-2023 |
Association between lung function and hypertension and home hypertension in a Japanese population: the Tohoku Medical Megabank Community-Based Cohort Study. |
Tohoku Medical Megabank Project |
2023-03-0103-01-2023 |
Characterization and prediction of individual functional outcome trajectories in schizophrenia spectrum disorders (PREDICTS study): Study protocol. |
Characterization and prediction of individual functional outcome trajectories in schizophrenia spectrum disorders |
2023-09-2109-21-2023 |
The Association of Lung Function and Carotid Intima-Media Thickness in a Japanese Population: The Tohoku Medical Megabank Community-Based Cohort Study. |
N/A |
2023-08-0108-01-2023 |
The Transdiagnostic Intervention for Sleep and Circadian Dysfunction (TranS-C) for serious mental illness in community mental health part 2: study protocol for a hybrid type 2 effectiveness-implementation cluster-randomized trial using train-the-trainer. |
N/A |
2023-08-0708-07-2023 |
Neighborhood Disadvantage, Childhood Opportunity Index, and Glycemic Control for Children with Type 1 Diabetes? |
N/A |
2022-06-0106-01-2022 |
Using Community-Based Participatory Research Methods to Inform the Development of Medically Tailored Food Kits for Hispanic/Latine Adults with Hypertension: A Qualitative Study. |
N/A |
2023-08-1708-17-2023 |
An examination of the relationships between the neighborhood social environment, adiposity, and cardiometabolic disease risk in adolescence: a cross-sectional study. |
N/A |
2023-09-0109-01-2023 |
A Latent Class Analysis of Mental Health Severity and Alcohol Consumption: Associations with COVID-19-Related Quarantining, Isolation, Suicidal Ideations, and Physical Activity. |
N/A |
2022-01-1301-13-2022 |
Acceptability and Feasibility of Saliva-delivered PCR Coronavirus 2019 Tests for Young Children. |
Rapid Acceleration of Diagnostic Testing–Underserved Populations Back to Early Care and Education Safely with Sustainability via Active Garden Education project |
2023-07-0107-01-2023 |
Suicidal thoughts and behaviours among military veterans: protocol for a prospective, observational, neuroimaging study. |
N/A |
2023-08-1608-16-2023 |
The effects of the DASH dietary pattern on clinical outcomes and quality of life in adults with uncontrolled asthma: Design and methods of the ALOHA Trial. |
N/A |
2023-08-0108-01-2023 |
Prevalence and Correlates of Mental Disorders in Children Aged 9 and 10 Years: Results From the ABCD Study. |
The Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study |
2023-08-0108-01-2023 |
Treatment of US Children With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development Study. |
The Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study |
2023-04-0304-03-2023 |
Women Veterans' experiences discussing household firearms with their intimate partners: collaborative, devalued, and deferential relational types. |
N/A |
2023-07-3107-31-2023 |
Perceived message effectiveness of cigar warning themes among adults in the United States. |
N/A |
2023-05-1005-10-2023 |
Identifying and understanding variation in population-based access to liver transplantation in the United States. |
N/A |
2023-09-0109-01-2023 |
A randomized controlled trial to improve fathering among fathers with substance use disorders: Fathering in recovery intervention |
A Substance Use Adaptation of Fathering Through Change |
2023-12-0112-01-2023 |
Hispanic/Latinx ethnic differences in the relationships between behavioral inhibition, anxiety, and substance use in youth from the ABCD cohort |
The Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study |
2023-10-0610-06-2023 |
Improving Traumatic Stress with Justice-Impacted Women and Women Experiencing Homelessness: A Pilot Study of Narrative Exposure Therapy |
N/A |
2023-08-2408-24-2023 |
Decision Trade-Offs in Ecological Momentary Assessments and Digital Wearables Uptake: Protocol for a Discrete Choice Experiment |
N/A |
2023-09-2509-25-2023 |
More Borders to Cross: The Financial and Psychological Impact of Immigrant Discrimination during COVID-19 |
N/A |
2023-09-1509-15-2023 |
Integrating long-acting injectable treatment to improve medication adherence among persons living with HIV and opioid use disorder: study protocol |
N/A |
2023-10-1410-14-2023 |
Oral Health Recovery: A Peer Support Specialist-Led Health Education Program for People With Serious Mental Illness |
N/A |
2023-11-0111-01-2023 |
Sexual orientation and gender identity differences in perceptions and product appeal in response to e-cigarette advertising |
N/A |
2023-09-0109-01-2023 |
The Black Men's Health Forum: Improving Health Knowledge and Willingness to Participate in Research |
N/A |
2024-02-0502-05-2024 |
Optimizing remote access to urinary incontinence treatments for women veterans (PRACTICAL): Study protocol for a pragmatic clinical trial comparing two virtual care options |
N/A |
2023-10-0110-01-2023 |
Transitions in Prescription Benzodiazepine Use and Misuse and in Substance Use Disorder Symptoms Through Age 50 |
N/A |
2023-11-0111-01-2023 |
A cognitive-behavioral digital health intervention for sickle cell disease pain in adolescents: a randomized, controlled, multicenter trial |
iCanCope With Sickle Cell Pain |
2024-01-0101-01-2024 |
Validation of an Integrated Genetic-Epigenetic Test for the Assessment of Coronary Heart Disease |
N/A |
2023-11-2011-20-2023 |
A Christian Faith-Based Facebook Intervention for Smoking Cessation in Rural Communities (FAITH-CORE): Protocol for a Community Participatory Development Study |
N/A |
2023-12-1312-13-2023 |
Influence of Diabetes Family History on the Associations of Combined Genetic and Lifestyle Risks with Diabetes in the Tohoku Medical Megabank Community-Based Cohort Study |
N/A |
2023-12-0112-01-2023 |
Psychometric properties of the Treatment Effectiveness Assessment in methamphetamine use disorder |
N/A |
2023-08-0108-01-2023 |
Personalized Recommendation Method of “Carbohydrate-Protein” Supplement Based on Machine Learning and Enumeration Method |
N/A |
2023-09-1209-12-2023 |
Project CHARIOT: study protocol for a hybrid type 1 effectiveness-implementation study of comprehensive tele-harm reduction for engagement of people who inject drugs in HIV prevention services |
N/A |
2024-03-2503-25-2024 |
The Social, Mental, and Physical Health Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic on People With HIV: Protocol of an Observational International Multisite Study |
N/A |
2024-01-0101-01-2024 |
Genetic and brain similarity independently predict childhood anthropometrics and neighborhood socioeconomic conditions |
The Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study |
2024-02-0102-01-2024 |
Post-traumatic stress and future substance use outcomes: leveraging antecedent factors to stratify risk |
The Advancing Understanding of RecOvery afteR traumA |
2024-03-0803-08-2024 |
Protocol of the study: Multilevel community-based mental health intervention to address structural inequities and adverse disparate consequences of COVID-19 pandemic on Latinx Immigrants and African refugees |
N/A |
2024-04-1604-16-2024 |
Perceptions of African American Youth and Adults Regarding Tobacco Use-Related Factors in Their Community |
N/A |
2024-04-0104-01-2024 |
Community-Engaged Research: COVID-19 Testing, Infection, and Vaccination among Underserved Minority Communities in Miami, Florida |
Miami Adult Studies on HIV |
2024-01-2401-24-2024 |
Food insecurity in urban American Indian and Alaska Native populations during the COVID-19 pandemic |
Community Organizations for Natives: COVID-19Epidemiology, Research, Testing, and Services |
2024-03-2703-27-2024 |
Subcortical and cerebellar volume differences in bilingual and monolingual children: An ABCD study |
The Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study |
2024-02-0102-01-2024 |
Toward Sustaining Web-Based Senior Center Programming Accessibility With and for Older Adult Immigrants: Community-Based Participatory Research Cross-Sectional Study |
N/A |
2024-01-2601-26-2024 |
Health Behavior and Attitudes During the COVID-19 Pandemic Among Vulnerable and Underserved Latinx in the Southwest USA |
N/A |
2024-02-0102-01-2024 |
Large-scale investigation of white matter structural differences in bilingual and monolingual children: An adolescent brain cognitive development data study |
The Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study |
2024-02-0102-01-2024 |
Virtual Music Therapy for Substance Use Disorders in a Federally Qualified Health Center |
N/A |
2024-01-0501-05-2024 |
Trends in publication and levels of social determinants of health reporting in Journal of Clinical and Translational Science from 2017 to 2023 |
N/A |
2024-04-0204-02-2024 |
Association of Unfavorable Social Determinants of Health With Stroke/Transient Ischemic Attack and Vascular Risk Factors in Hispanic/Latino Adults: Results From Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos |
Hispanic Community Health Study / Study of Latinos |
2023-09-0109-01-2023 |
Assessing psychopathic traits with the MMPI-3: Findings from correctional, university, and community samples |
N/A |
2024-02-0102-01-2024 |
Neighborhood-level social determinants of health and cardioprotective behaviors among church members in New Orleans, Louisiana. |
Church-based Health Intervention to Eliminate Racial Inequalities in Cardiovascular Health |
2024-07-0107-01-2024 |
Association between MCU Gene Polymorphisms with Obesity: Findings from the All of Us Research Program. |
All of Us |
2024-04-1904-19-2024 |
Parental Legal System Involvement, Positive Childhood Experiences, and Suicide Risk. |
The Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study |
2024-06-0106-01-2024 |
The American Society for Bone and Mineral Research Task Force on clinical algorithms for fracture risk report. |
Women’s Health Initiative|Study of Osteoporotic Fractures |
2024-05-2405-24-2024 |
Limitations and Future Directions in Sex, Sexuality and Gender Diverse Research in Neurology. |
N/A |
2024-03-0103-01-2024 |
Analysis of multi-level barriers to physical activity among nursing students using regularized regression. |
N/A |
2024-05-2405-24-2024 |
The Toronto Adolescent and Youth Cohort Study: Study Design and Early Data Related to Psychosis Spectrum Symptoms, Functioning, and Suicidality. |
Toronto Adolescent and Youth Cohort Study |
2024-03-0103-01-2024 |
Social Determinants of Health |
N/A |
2024-04-0104-01-2024 |
PrEP for people who use opioids: A NIDA clinical trials network survey study in Southern US cities where HIV incidence is high. |
Prexposure Prophylaxis for people who use opioids |
2024-04-0104-01-2024 |
Prevalence of Weight Stigma in Medical Settings Among Reproductive-Aged Women in the All of Us Study. |
The Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study |
2024-07-0107-01-2024 |
A Randomized Clinical Trial of a Quitline Vaping Cessation Intervention: Baseline Characteristics of Young Adult Exclusive E-Cigarette Users Seeking Treatment. |
Research and Innovation to Stop E-Cigarette/Vaping use among YAs |
2024-06-2006-20-2024 |
Mental Distress, Label Avoidance, and Use of a Mental Health Chatbot: Results From a US Survey. |
N/A |
2024-04-1204-12-2024 |
Recall of Autobiographical Memories Following Odor vs Verbal Cues Among Adults With Major Depressive Disorder. |
N/A |
2024-02-0502-05-2024 |
Application of the Delphi method to the development of common data elements for social drivers of health: A systematic scoping review. |
N/A |
2024-06-2706-27-2024 |
Theory, Measurement, and Psychometric Properties of Risk and Protective Factors for Drug Misuse Among Adolescents Living on or near the Cherokee Nation Reservation. |
N/A |
2023-12-0112-01-2023 |
Seven Strategies to Integrate Equity within Translational Research in Neurology. |
N/A |
2024-03-0103-01-2024 |
Data-driven, generalizable prediction of adolescent sleep disturbances in the multisite Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development Study. |
The Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study |
2024-06-1306-13-2024 |
Anxiety connects social media use to food and alcohol disturbance and disordered eating when social support is low. |
N/A |
2024-04-0104-01-2024 |
Study of a PST-trained voice-enabled artificial intelligence counselor for adults with emotional distress (SPEAC-2): Design and methods*. |
Study of a PST-Trained Voice-Enabled Artificial Intelligence Counselor (SPEAC) for Adults With Emotional Distress (Phase 2) |
2024-07-0107-01-2024 |
Differences in educational opportunity predict white matter development. |
The Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study |
2024-06-0106-01-2024 |
Environmental and occupational exposures and prognosis in patients with non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer in the Be-Well Study. |
Be-Well Study |
2024-06-0306-03-2024 |
Implementation and evaluation of a community-based mindful walking randomized controlled trial to sustain cognitive health in older African Americans at risk for dementia. |
N/A |
2024-07-0407-04-2024 |
Loneliness and Crowded Living Predicted Poor Health in a Sample of Cancer Patients During COVID-19 Pandemic. |
N/A |
2024-06-0106-01-2024 |
Navigation-Based Telehealth Informed Decision-Making for Prostate Cancer Screening in Black Men. |
N/A |
2024-06-2806-28-2024 |
A twin-driven analysis on early aging biomarkers and associations with sitting-time and physical activity |
Colorado Adoption/Twin Study of Lifespan BehavioralDevelopment and Cognitive Aging |
2024-09-1109-11-2024 |
Assessing prenatal and early childhood social and environmental determinants of health in the HEALthy Brain and Child Development Study (HBCD) |
HEALthy Brain and Child DevelopmentStudy |
2024-10-0110-01-2024 |
A National Dental Practice-Based Research Network phase II, cluster-randomized clinical trial assessing nicotine replacement therapy sampling in dental settings: study protocol for the Free Samples for Health (FreSH) study |
Free Samples for Health |
2024-08-2808-28-2024 |
Happy children! A network of psychological and environmental factors associated with the development of positive affect in 9-13 children |
The Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study |
2024-09-0609-06-2024 |
Predictors of Emergency Preparedness Among Parents in Hawaii: A Cross-Sectional Survey |
N/A |
2024-05-0305-03-2024 |
Social and General Cognition Are Uniquely Associated With Social Connectedness in Later Life |
N/A |
2024-09-0109-01-2024 |
The substance use disorder treatment gap among US college students: Findings from the 2021 National Survey on Drug Use and Health |
National Survey of Drug Use and Health (2021) |
2024-08-3008-30-2024 |
A Microfinance Intervention With or Without Peer Support to Improve Mental Health Among Transgender and Nonbinary Adults (the Creating Access to Resources and Economic Support Study): Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial |
Creating Access to Resources and Economic Support Study |
2024-08-2608-26-2024 |
The Role of Black Churches in Promoting Mental Health for Communities of Socioeconomically Disadvantaged Black Americans |
N/A |
2024-08-0108-01-2024 |
Perceived Discrimination Among Food Pantry Clients in Massachusetts |
Massachusetts Statewide Food Access Survey |
2024-09-1209-12-2024 |
Examining the Association Between Adverse Childhood Experiences and Lifetime History of Head or Neck Injury and Concussion in Children From the United States |
The Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study |
2024-05-0105-01-2024 |
Exploring Data Collection Priorities of Community Partners in Early Psychosis Care |
N/A |
2024-09-0109-01-2024 |
The Association between Family Environment and Subsequent Risk of Cyberbullying Victimization in Adolescents |
The Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study |
2024-08-0108-01-2024 |
Strengthening the Voices of Hispanic/ Latine Immigrants Managing Chronic Disease: A Mixed Methods Approach to Understanding Perspectives of Health |
N/A |
2024-07-3107-31-2024 |