
Protocol - History of Prepubertal Development - Male

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Male participants answer questions about the timing of various maturation milestones.

Specific Instructions

In the original protocol (Swan et al., 2003), male questions 1-4 were administered to the partner of a pregnant woman. However, the PhenX Reproductive Health Working Group is recommending this be administered to all men.

The Expert Review Panel recommends that researchers also ask at what age the respondent reached his maximum height (see History of Prepubertal Development - Female)


This protocol is freely available; permission not required for use.


Think about when the following events happened to you. Was this earlier than most of your friends, around the same time, or later?

1. Your voice changed. Compared to your friends was this:

1[ ]Earlier

2[ ]About the same time

3[ ]Later

4[ ]Don’t know

1a. Your age when this occurred: _______

[ ] Don’t know

2. Your penis started increasing in size

1[ ]Earlier

2[ ]About the same time

3[ ]Later

4[ ]Don’t know

2a. Your age when this occurred: _______

[ ] Don’t know

3. Your testicles started increasing in size

1[ ]Earlier

2[ ]About the same time

3[ ]Later

4[ ]Don’t know

3a. Your age when this occurred: _______

[ ] Don’t know

4. You developed pubic hair

1[ ]Earlier

2[ ]About the same time

3[ ]Later

4[ ]Don’t know

4a. Your age when this occurred: _______

[ ] Don’t know

5. People reach puberty at different ages. Signs of puberty for males include physical changes such as developing pubic or facial hair, or the voice cracking or lowering. Would you say these changes:

1[ ]Have not yet begun (skip to end)

2[ ]Have barely started

3[ ]Are definitely underway

4[ ]Seem completed

6. How old were you when you entered puberty (that is, when these changes began)?

[ ] Enter age ___

Personnel and Training Required


Equipment Needs

Pencil and paper for self-administered questions.

If a computer-assisted instrument is used, computer software may be necessary to develop the instrument. The interviewer will require a laptop computer/handheld computer to administer a computer-assisted questionnaire.

Requirement CategoryRequired
Major equipment No
Specialized training No
Specialized requirements for biospecimen collection No
Average time of greater than 15 minutes in an unaffected individual No
Mode of Administration

Self-administered questionnaire




The sample in Swan et al. (2003) (questions 1-4) consisted of males aged 18-53.

The sample of the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (questions 5-6) consisted of males aged 12-17.

Selection Rationale

The protocols are from well-established studies with questions that have been used for more than a decade.


Chinese, English

Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes (LOINC) Hx prepubertal devel male proto 62658-0 LOINC
Human Phenotype Ontology Puberty and gonadal disorders HP:0008373 HPO
caDSR Form PhenX PX100602 - History Of Prepubertal Development Male 5970791 caDSR Form
Derived Variables


Process and Review

The Expert Review Panel #5 (ERP 5) reviewed the measures in the Reproductive Health domain.

Guidance from ERP 5 includes:

  • Revised descriptions of the measure

Back-compatible: no changes to Data Dictionary.

Previous version in Toolkit archive (link).

Protocol Name from Source

Study for Future Families (SFF) & National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY)


Swan, S. H., Brazil, C., Drobnis, E. Z., Liu, F., Kruse, R. L., Hatch, M., . . . Overstreet, J. W.; Study for Future Families Research Group. Geographic differences in semen quality of fertile U.S. Males. Environmental Health Perspectives, 111(4), 414-420. Questions 1-4. Questions from the Study for Future Families.

National Longitudinal Survey of Youth. U.S. Department of Labor. Center for Human Resource Research, The Ohio State University. NLSY97 Questionnaire and Interviewer’s Reference Manual Round 2. Question YSAQ2-284 (question 5) and question YSAQ2-285 (question 6).

General References

August, G. P., Grumbach, M. M., & Kaplan, S. L. (1972). Hormonal changes in puberty. 3. Correlation of plasma testosterone, LH, FSH, testicular size, and bone age with male pubertal development. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 34(2), 319-326.

Burr, I. M., Sizonenko, P. C., Kaplan, S. L., & Grumbach, M. M. (1970). Hormonal changes in puberty. I. Correlation of serum luteinizing hormone and follicle stimulating hormone with stages of puberty, testicular size, and bone age in normal boys Pediatric Research, 4(1), 25-35.

MacLaughlin, D. T., & Donahoe, P. K. (2004). Sex determination and differentiation. New England Journal of Medicine, 350(4), 367-378.

Marshall, W., & Tanner, J. M. (1970). Variations in the pattern of pubertal changes in boys. Archives of Disease in Childhood, 45, 13-23.

Raivio, T., Falardeau, J., Dwyer, A., Quinton, R., Hayes, F. J., Hughes, V.A., . . . Pitteloud, N. (2007). Reversal of idiopathic hypogonadotropic hypogonadism. New England Journal of Medicine, 357(9), 863-873.

Protocol ID


Export Variables
Variable Name Variable IDVariable DescriptiondbGaP Mapping
PX100602040200 What is your age when you developed pubic hair? N/A
PX100602040201 What is your age when you developed pubic hair? N/A
PX100602040100 Think about when the following events more
happened to you. Was this earlier than most of your friends, around the same time, or later? You developed pubic hair. Compared to your friends was this: show less
PX100602020200 What is your age when your penis started more
increasing in size? show less
PX100602020201 What is your age when your penis started more
increasing in size? show less
PX100602020100 Think about when the following events more
happened to you. Was this earlier than most of your friends, around the same time, or later? Your penis started increasing in size. Compared to your friends was this: show less
PX100602060000 How old were you when you entered puberty more
(that is, when these changes began)? show less
PX100602050000 People reach puberty at different ages. more
Signs of puberty for males include physical changes such as developing pubic or facial hair, or the voice cracking or lowering. Would you say these changes: show less
PX100602030200 What is your age when your testicles started more
increasing in size? show less
PX100602030201 What is your age when your testicles started more
increasing in size? show less
PX100602030100 Think about when the following events more
happened to you. Was this earlier than most of your friends, around the same time, or later? Your testicles started increasing in size. Compared to your friends was this: show less
PX100602010200 What is your age when your voice changed? N/A
PX100602010201 What is your age when your voice changed? N/A
PX100602010100 Think about when the following events more
happened to you. Was this earlier than most of your friends, around the same time, or later? Your voice changed. Compared to your friends was this: show less
Reproductive Health
Measure Name

History of Prepubertal Development

Release Date

February 26, 2010


Questions to assess how old participants were when they reached puberty.


The purpose of these questions is to determine when participants reached puberty. It is important to measure because it is linked to sexual development and maturity.


Reproductive health, puberty, Black Women’s Health Study, BWHS, Study for Future Families, SFF, National Longitudinal Survey of Youth, NLSY

Measure Protocols
Protocol ID Protocol Name
100601 History of Prepubertal Development - Female
100602 History of Prepubertal Development - Male