Protocol - General Self-efficacy - Child
The NIH Toolbox Item Bank/Fixed Form v2.0 - Self-Efficacy (Ages 8-12) is a 10-item, self-administered questionnaire. Each item is scored on a 5-point Likert scale from 1 (“Never”) to 5 (“Very Often”). Responses for each item can be added together for a total score. Higher scores indicate greater general self-efficacy.
Specific Instructions
The PhenX Working Group recommends this NIH Toolbox® protocol. To use NIH Toolbox® instruments, please visit: for Terms of Use and additional information related to scoring, validity, and interpretation. For specific information about this instrument, please visit:
This protocol is freely available; permission not required for use.
Self-Efficacy (Ages 8-12) - Item Bank/Fixed Form
Please respond to each question or statement by marking one box per row.
Please read the sentence and decide how true it is of you in general.
Never | Almost Never | Sometimes | Fairly Often | Very Often | |
I can always manage to solve difficult problems if I try hard enough | [ ] 1 | [ ] 2 | [ ] 3 | [ ] 4 | [ ] 5 |
If someone tries to keep me from getting what I want, I can find a way to get what I want | [ ] 1 | [ ] 2 | [ ] 3 | [ ] 4 | [ ] 5 |
It is easy for me to stick to my goals and reach them | [ ] 1 | [ ] 2 | [ ] 3 | [ ] 4 | [ ] 5 |
I am confident that I could do a good job dealing with unexpected events | [ ] 1 | [ ] 2 | [ ] 3 | [ ] 4 | [ ] 5 |
Thanks to my talents and skills, I know how to handle unexpected situations | [ ] 1 | [ ] 2 | [ ] 3 | [ ] 4 | [ ] 5 |
I can solve most problems if I try hard enough | [ ] 1 | [ ] 2 | [ ] 3 | [ ] 4 | [ ] 5 |
I can stay calm when facing difficulties because I can handle them | [ ] 1 | [ ] 2 | [ ] 3 | [ ] 4 | [ ] 5 |
When I have a problem, I can find several ways to solve it | [ ] 1 | [ ] 2 | [ ] 3 | [ ] 4 | [ ] 5 |
If I am in trouble, I can think of a solution | [ ] 1 | [ ] 2 | [ ] 3 | [ ] 4 | [ ] 5 |
I can handle whatever comes my way | [ ] 1 | [ ] 2 | [ ] 3 | [ ] 4 | [ ] 5 |
©2006-2017 Northwestern University and the National Institutes of Health
Personnel and Training Required
Equipment Needs
Requirement Category | Required |
Major equipment | No |
Specialized training | No |
Specialized requirements for biospecimen collection | No |
Average time of greater than 15 minutes in an unaffected individual | No |
Mode of Administration
Self-administered questionnaire
Children, ages 8-12
Selection Rationale
The NIH Toolbox Item Bank/Fixed Form v2.0 - Self-Efficacy (Ages 8-12) is a validated and well-established instrument that is easy to administer and score.
Standard | Name | ID | Source |
Derived Variables
Process and Review
The Sickle Cell Disease Psychosocial and Social Determinants of Health Working Group (WG) reviewed this protocol in January 2021.
Guidance from the WG includes:
- Replaced protocol
Protocol Name from Source
NIH Toolbox Item Bank/Fixed Form v2.0 - Self-Efficacy (Ages 8-12)
NIH Toolbox Item Bank/Fixed Form v2.0 - Self-Efficacy (Ages 8-12)
General References
Salsman, J. M., Schalet, B. D., Merluzzi, T. V., Park, C. L., Hahn, E. A., Snyder, M. A., & Cella, D. (2019). Calibration and initial validation of a general self-efficacy item bank and short form for the NIH PROMIS®. Quality of Life Research, 28, 2513-2523.
Wei, H., & Duan, X. (2021). Application of KTH-integrated nursing model in care of patients with multi-drug resistant tuberculosis. American Journal of Translational Research, 13(6), 6855-6863.
Protocol ID
Export VariablesVariable Name | Variable ID | Variable Description | dbGaP Mapping | |
PX180603_General_Self_Efficacy_Child_Always_Manage_Difficult_Problem_Try | ||||
PX180603010000 | I can always manage to solve difficult more | N/A | ||
PX180603_General_Self_Efficacy_Child_Can_Find_Way_Get_What_Want | ||||
PX180603020000 | If someone tries to keep me from getting more | N/A | ||
PX180603_General_Self_Efficacy_Child_Confident_Good_Job_Unexpected_Event | ||||
PX180603040000 | I am confident that I could do a good job more | N/A | ||
PX180603_General_Self_Efficacy_Child_Easy_Stick_Reach_Goal | ||||
PX180603030000 | It is easy for me to stick to my goals and more | N/A | ||
PX180603_General_Self_Efficacy_Child_Handle_Whatever_Comes | ||||
PX180603100000 | I can handle whatever comes my way | N/A | ||
PX180603_General_Self_Efficacy_Child_Problem_Several_Way_Solve | ||||
PX180603080000 | When I have a problem, I can find several more | N/A | ||
PX180603_General_Self_Efficacy_Child_Solve_Problem_Try_Hard | ||||
PX180603060000 | I can solve most problems if I try hard enough | N/A | ||
PX180603_General_Self_Efficacy_Child_Stay_Calm_Face_Difficulty | ||||
PX180603070000 | I can stay calm when facing difficulties more | N/A | ||
PX180603_General_Self_Efficacy_Child_Talent_Skill_Handle_Unexpected_Event | ||||
PX180603050000 | Thanks to my talents and skills, I know how more | N/A | ||
PX180603_General_Self_Efficacy_Child_Trouble_Think_Solution | ||||
PX180603090000 | If I am in trouble, I can think of a solution | N/A |
Measure Name
General Self-Efficacy
Release Date
February 6, 2023
Self-efficacy is an individual’s belief about whether they possess adequate skills and capacity to confront and address problems with a successful outcome.
Self-efficacy indicates how an individual copes with daily hassles and adapts to stressful life events. Self-efficacy is indicative of adaptive behavior and coping and is relevant to clinical practice and behavioral research.
self-efficacy, coping, behavior, Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information Systems, PROMIS, NIH Toolbox, National Institutes of Health
Measure Protocols
Protocol ID | Protocol Name |
180603 | General Self-efficacy - Child |
180604 | General Self-efficacy - Adolescent |
180605 | General Self-efficacy - Child Parent Report |
180606 | General Self-efficacy - Adult |