Protocol - General Self-efficacy - Child Parent Report
NIH Toolbox Item Bank/Fixed Form v2.0 - Self-Efficacy (Ages 8-12) Parent Report is a 10-item, proxy-administered questionnaire. Each item is scored on a 5-point Likert scale from 1 (“Never”) to 5 (“Very Often”). Responses for each item can be added together for a total score. Higher scores indicate greater general self-efficacy.
Specific Instructions
The Psychosocial and SDoH Working Group recognizes that these instruments were not developed using inclusive language. The WG recognizes that investigators may want to implement the protocols with appropriate language, but caution that changes should not otherwise alter the items.
The PhenX Working Group recommends this NIH Toolbox® protocol. To use NIH Toolbox® instruments, please visit: for Terms of Use and additional information related to scoring, validity, and interpretation. For specific information about this instrument, please visit:
This protocol is freely available; permission not required for use.
Self-Efficacy (Ages 8-12) Parent Report - Item Bank/Fixed Form
Please respond to each question or statement by marking one box per row.
Please read the sentence and decide how true it is of your child in general.
Never | Almost Never | Sometimes | Fairly Often | Very Often | |
Your child seems to believe that he/she can manage to solve difficult problems if he/she tries hard enough | [ ] 1 | [ ] 2 | [ ] 3 | [ ] 4 | [ ] 5 |
If someone opposes your child, he/she can find the means and ways to get what he/she wants | [ ] 1 | [ ] 2 | [ ] 3 | [ ] 4 | [ ] 5 |
It is easy for your child to stick to his/her goals and reach them | [ ] 1 | [ ] 2 | [ ] 3 | [ ] 4 | [ ] 5 |
Your child appears confident that he/she could do a good job dealing with unexpected events | [ ] 1 | [ ] 2 | [ ] 3 | [ ] 4 | [ ] 5 |
Thanks to your child’s talents and skills, he/she knows how to handle unexpected situations | [ ] 1 | [ ] 2 | [ ] 3 | [ ] 4 | [ ] 5 |
Your child believes he/she can solve most problems if he/she tries hard enough | [ ] 1 | [ ] 2 | [ ] 3 | [ ] 4 | [ ] 5 |
Your child can remain calm when facing difficulties because he/she can rely on his/her coping abilities | [ ] 1 | [ ] 2 | [ ] 3 | [ ] 4 | [ ] 5 |
When your child is confronted with a problem, he/she can find several solutions | [ ] 1 | [ ] 2 | [ ] 3 | [ ] 4 | [ ] 5 |
If your child is in trouble, he/she can think of a solution | [ ] 1 | [ ] 2 | [ ] 3 | [ ] 4 | [ ] 5 |
Your child can handle whatever comes his/her way | [ ] 1 | [ ] 2 | [ ] 3 | [ ] 4 | [ ] 5 |
©2006-2017 Northwestern University and the National Institutes of Health
Personnel and Training Required
Equipment Needs
Requirement Category | Required |
Major equipment | No |
Specialized training | No |
Specialized requirements for biospecimen collection | No |
Average time of greater than 15 minutes in an unaffected individual | No |
Mode of Administration
Self-administered questionnaire
Children, ages 8-12
Selection Rationale
The NIH Toolbox Item Bank/Fixed Form v2.0 - Self-Efficacy (Ages 8-12) Parent Report is a validated and well-established instrument that is easy to administer and score.
Standard | Name | ID | Source |
Derived Variables
Process and Review
The Sickle Cell Disease Psychosocial and Social Determinants of Health Working Group (WG) reviewed this protocol in January 2021.
Guidance from the WG includes:
- Replaced protocol
Protocol Name from Source
NIH Toolbox Item Bank/Fixed Form v2.0 - Self-Efficacy (Ages 8-12) Parent Report
NIH Toolbox Item Bank/Fixed Form v2.0 - Self-Efficacy (Ages 8-12) Parent Report
General References
Salsman, J. M., Schalet, B. D., Merluzzi, T. V., Park, C. L., Hahn, E. A., Snyder, M. A., & Cella, D. (2019). Calibration and initial validation of a general self-efficacy item bank and short form for the NIH PROMIS®. Quality of Life Research, 28, 2513-2523.
Wei, H., & Duan, X. (2021). Application of KTH-integrated nursing model in care of patients with multi-drug resistant tuberculosis. American Journal of Translational Research, 13(6), 6855-6863.
Protocol ID
Export VariablesVariable Name | Variable ID | Variable Description | dbGaP Mapping | |
PX180605_General_Self_Efficacy_Child_Parent_Proxy_Confident_Good_Job_Unexpected_Event | ||||
PX180605040000 | Your child appears confident that he/she more | N/A | ||
PX180605_General_Self_Efficacy_Child_Parent_Proxy_Easy_Stick_Reach_Goal | ||||
PX180605030000 | It is easy for your child to stick to more | N/A | ||
PX180605_General_Self_Efficacy_Child_Parent_Proxy_Handle_Whatever_Comes | ||||
PX180605100000 | Your child can handle whatever comes his/her way | N/A | ||
PX180605_General_Self_Efficacy_Child_Parent_Proxy_Manage_Solve_Difficult_Problem_Try | ||||
PX180605010000 | Your child seems to believe that he/she can more | N/A | ||
PX180605_General_Self_Efficacy_Child_Parent_Proxy_Opposition_Can_Find_Way_Get_What_Want | ||||
PX180605020000 | If someone opposes your child, he/she can more | N/A | ||
PX180605_General_Self_Efficacy_Child_Parent_Proxy_Problem_Several_Way_Solve | ||||
PX180605080000 | When your child is confronted with a more | N/A | ||
PX180605_General_Self_Efficacy_Child_Parent_Proxy_Solve_Problem_Try_Hard | ||||
PX180605060000 | Your child believes he/she can solve most more | N/A | ||
PX180605_General_Self_Efficacy_Child_Parent_Proxy_Stay_Calm_Face_Difficulty | ||||
PX180605070000 | Your child can remain calm when facing more | N/A | ||
PX180605_General_Self_Efficacy_Child_Parent_Proxy_Talent_Skill_Handle_Unexpected_Event | ||||
PX180605050000 | Thanks to your childs talents and more | N/A | ||
PX180605_General_Self_Efficacy_Child_Parent_Proxy_Trouble_Think_Solution | ||||
PX180605090000 | If your child is in trouble, he/she can more | N/A |
Measure Name
General Self-Efficacy
Release Date
February 6, 2023
Self-efficacy is an individual’s belief about whether they possess adequate skills and capacity to confront and address problems with a successful outcome.
Self-efficacy indicates how an individual copes with daily hassles and adapts to stressful life events. Self-efficacy is indicative of adaptive behavior and coping and is relevant to clinical practice and behavioral research.
self-efficacy, coping, behavior, Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information Systems, PROMIS, NIH Toolbox, National Institutes of Health
Measure Protocols
Protocol ID | Protocol Name |
180603 | General Self-efficacy - Child |
180604 | General Self-efficacy - Adolescent |
180605 | General Self-efficacy - Child Parent Report |
180606 | General Self-efficacy - Adult |