Protocol - Family History of Incarceration
- Crime and Delinquency - Adolescent
- Crime and Delinquency - Adult
- Incarceration - Adolescents
- Incarceration - Adult
- Service Utilization and Cost
These questions from the FamHIS measure the prevalence and duration of incarceration for all immediate family and extended family members.
Specific Instructions
This protocol is freely available; permission not required for use.
1. Many people have been held in jail or prison for a night or more at some point in their lives. Please think about your immediate family, including parents; brothers; sisters; children; and your current spouse, current romantic partner, or anyone else you have had a child with. Please include step, foster, and adoptive family members.
Confidentially and for statistical purposes only, have any members of your immediate family NOT including yourself, ever been held in jail or prison for one night or longer?
[ ] 1 Yes
[ ] 2 No, none of these family members were ever in prison or jail for one night or longer
2. Thinking again about your immediate family, how many family members do you have in each of the groups listed below? Include step, foster, and adoptive family members. | ||||
1. Father(s) | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3+ |
2. Mother(s) | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3+ |
3. Brother(s) | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3+ |
4. Sister(s) | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3+ |
5. Son(s) | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3+ |
6. Daughter(s) | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3+ |
7. Current spouse or romantic partner | 0 | 1 | ||
8. Anyone else you have had a child with | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3+ |
3. [Ask if Q1=1] You mentioned a moment ago that a member of your immediate family has been held in jail or prison for one night or longer. How many people from the following groups have ever been held in jail or prison for one night or longer? Include step, foster, and adoptive family members. | ||||
1. Father(s) | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3+ |
2. Mother(s) | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3+ |
3. Brother(s) | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3+ |
4. Sister(s) | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3+ |
5. Son(s) | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3+ |
6. Daughter(s) | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3+ |
7. [Ask if Q2_7=1] Current spouse or romantic partner | 0 | 1 | ||
8. Anyone else you have had a child with | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3+ |
3a. [SHOW IF SUM OF FAMILY MEMBERS FROM Q3 > 0] Thinking about your immediate family members who have been held in jail or prison, what was the longest amount of time that any one of your family members spent in jail or prison?
[ ] 1 1 day
[ ] 2 2 days to a month
[ ] 3 Between a month and a year
[ ] 4 1-5 years
[ ] 5 6-10 years
[ ] 6 More than 10 years
4. Now, we would like you to think about any other, more extended, family members you feel close with who are not included in the earlier groups. As far as you are aware, have any of those other family members you feel close with ever been held in a jail or prison for a night or more at some point in their lives?
[ ] 1 Yes
[ ] 2 No
[ ] 77 Not sure
Personnel and Training Required
A laptop with the appropriate software for the Computer-Assisted Web-based Interview is required.
The interviewer must be trained to conduct personal interviews with individuals from the general population. The interviewer must be trained and found to be competent (i.e., tested by an expert) at the completion of personal interviews. The interviewer should be trained to prompt respondents further if a “don’t know” response is provided.
Equipment Needs
The PhenX Working Group acknowledges these questions can be administered in a computerized or noncomputerized format (i.e., paper-and-pencil instrument). Computer software is necessary to develop computer-assisted instruments. The interviewer will require a laptop computer/handheld computer to administer a computer-assisted questionnaire.
Requirement Category | Required |
Major equipment | No |
Specialized training | No |
Specialized requirements for biospecimen collection | No |
Average time of greater than 15 minutes in an unaffected individual | No |
Mode of Administration
Interviewer-administered questionnaire
Adults aged 18 and older
Selection Rationale
The FamHIS is a well-known, standard measure for evaluating the prevalence of family member incarceration. The survey generates nationally representative estimates of incarceration and the incarceration of a family member.
English, Spanish
Standard | Name | ID | Source |
Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes (LOINC) | PhenX - family history of incarceration protocol 281001 | 105258-8 | LOINC |
Derived Variables
Process and Review
Not applicable
Protocol Name from Source
Family History of Incarceration Survey (FamHIS)
Enns, Peter K., Christopher Wildeman, Youngmin Yi, Megan Comfort, Maria Fitzpatrick, Alyssa Goldman, Hedwig Lee, Christopher Muller, Sara Wakefield, and Emily A. Wang, funded by (2018). Family History of Incarceration Study (FamHIS) - Release 3 (Version 7) [Dataset]. Cornell University, Ithaca, NY: Roper Center for Public Opinion Research. doi:10.25940/ROPER-31115615. Items Q2, Q3, Q4, Q4LONG, Q5.
General References
Elderbroom, B., Bennett, L., Gong, S., Rose, F. & Towns, Z. (2018). Every Second: The Impact of the Incarceration Crisis on America’s Families.
Enns, P. K., Yi, Y., Comfort, M., Goldman, A. W., Lee, H., Muller, C., Wakefield, S., Wang, E. A., & Wildeman, C. (2019). What Percentage of Americans Have Ever Had a Family Member Incarcerated?: Evidence from the Family History of Incarceration Survey (FamHIS). Socius.
Sundaresh, R., Yi, Y., Harvey, T. D., Roy, B., Riley, C., Lee, H., Wildeman, C., & Wang, E. A. (2021). Exposure to family member incarceration and adult well-being in the United States. JAMA Network Open, 4(5), e2111821.
Protocol ID
Export VariablesVariable Name | Variable ID | Variable Description | dbGaP Mapping | |
PX281001_Family_History_Incarceration_Any_Jail_Prison_Overnight | ||||
PX281001010000 | Many people have been held in jail or prison more | N/A | ||
PX281001_Family_History_Incarceration_Extended_Member_Jail_Prison_Overnight | ||||
PX281001040000 | Now, we would like you to think about any more | N/A | ||
PX281001_Family_History_Incarceration_Immediate_Members_Anyone_Had_Child_With | ||||
PX281001020800 | Thinking again about your immediate family, more | N/A | ||
PX281001_Family_History_Incarceration_Immediate_Members_Brother | ||||
PX281001020300 | Thinking again about your immediate family, more | N/A | ||
PX281001_Family_History_Incarceration_Immediate_Members_Daughter | ||||
PX281001020600 | Thinking again about your immediate family, more | N/A | ||
PX281001_Family_History_Incarceration_Immediate_Members_Father | ||||
PX281001020100 | Thinking again about your immediate family, more | N/A | ||
PX281001_Family_History_Incarceration_Immediate_Members_Jail_Prison_Overnight_Anyone_Had_Child_With | ||||
PX281001030108 | You mentioned a moment ago that a member of more | N/A | ||
PX281001_Family_History_Incarceration_Immediate_Members_Jail_Prison_Overnight_Brother | ||||
PX281001030103 | You mentioned a moment ago that a member of more | N/A | ||
PX281001_Family_History_Incarceration_Immediate_Members_Jail_Prison_Overnight_Daughter | ||||
PX281001030106 | You mentioned a moment ago that a member of more | N/A | ||
PX281001_Family_History_Incarceration_Immediate_Members_Jail_Prison_Overnight_Father | ||||
PX281001030101 | You mentioned a moment ago that a member of more | N/A | ||
PX281001_Family_History_Incarceration_Immediate_Members_Jail_Prison_Overnight_Mother | ||||
PX281001030102 | You mentioned a moment ago that a member of more | N/A | ||
PX281001_Family_History_Incarceration_Immediate_Members_Jail_Prison_Overnight_Sister | ||||
PX281001030104 | You mentioned a moment ago that a member of more | N/A | ||
PX281001_Family_History_Incarceration_Immediate_Members_Jail_Prison_Overnight_Son | ||||
PX281001030105 | You mentioned a moment ago that a member of more | N/A | ||
PX281001_Family_History_Incarceration_Immediate_Members_Jail_Prison_Overnight_Spouse_Partner | ||||
PX281001030107 | You mentioned a moment ago that a member of more | N/A | ||
PX281001_Family_History_Incarceration_Immediate_Members_Mother | ||||
PX281001020200 | Thinking again about your immediate family, more | N/A | ||
PX281001_Family_History_Incarceration_Immediate_Members_Sister | ||||
PX281001020400 | Thinking again about your immediate family, more | N/A | ||
PX281001_Family_History_Incarceration_Immediate_Members_Son | ||||
PX281001020500 | Thinking again about your immediate family, more | N/A | ||
PX281001_Family_History_Incarceration_Immediate_Members_Spouse_Partner | ||||
PX281001020700 | Thinking again about your immediate family, more | N/A | ||
PX281001_Family_History_Incarceration_Member_Longest_Time_Jail_Prison | ||||
PX281001030201 | Thinking about your immediate family members more | N/A |
Measure Name
Family History of Incarceration
Release Date
December 14, 2022
A questionnaire to record prevalence of incarceration and the incarceration of a family member.
Incarcerated populations have a higher prevalence of chronic and infectious diseases, psychological disorders, and risk of mortality than the general population. Historically marginalized groups are disproportionately incarcerated. Incarceration of family members has economic and social impacts, affecting household income, educational outcomes, and future contact with the criminal justice system.
Incarceration, jail, prison, family, Family History of Incarceration Survey, FamHIS, chronic disease, mental disorders, neighborhood built environment
Measure Protocols
Protocol ID | Protocol Name |
281001 | Family History of Incarceration |