
Protocol - Childcare Arrangements - Education setting, 2.9-5 years old

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An interviewer-administered questionnaire with 9 questions. For use with mothers of children aged 2.9 years to 5 years.

Specific Instructions

The Working Group suggests this could be easily modified to be used as a stand-alone (and not follow-up) interview by removing the “since we talked” language throughout. Although the original instrument is intended to be completed by the mother, the working group suggests if a research wanted to use caregivers (e.g., father, legal guardian) the form could be updated accordingly.

The abbreviation Arr = Arrangement. The questionnaire allows for up to 3 arrangements for each question. Researchers may add columns for additional arrangements if necessary.

NICHD 21941-Questionnaire. The items are on pages 34-41 (Part 6: Child Care).


This protocol is freely available; permission not required for use.


Now, I'd like to ask you about CHILD's regular activities during the week. Although you will certainly recognize this part of the update, it is a little different from the previous calls.

First, I'd like to ask you about CHILD's regular experiences in formal child care and educational settings such as a day care center, a preschool, a Head Start program, or a pre-kindergarten. By "regular" experiences we mean those which occur at a predictable time on an average of at least 4 hours per week (or 8 hours every other week).

I'll also be asking you about other types of arrangements a little later.

1. Does CHILD spend any time in any (other) child care center, preschool, Head Start, or pre-kindergarten program for 4 or more hours each week?

0[ ]No

1[ ]Yes (if Yes, complete grid using prompts below)

Repeat these question (for each arrangement) until mother responds “No”

1a. What program is this? (name and type of program)

1[ ]childs home

2[ ]Someone elses home

3[ ]center care or educational setting

4[ ]other

1b. How many hours per week (is child cared for in this arrangement/does CHILD go to school?____________

1c. Are you regularly present during any of this time?

[ ] No: Code 00

[ ] Yes – If yes, how many hours a week are you present?___________

1d. Is the primary (caregiver/teacher) related to CHILD?

[ ] No

[ ] Yes – if yes, how are they related:

0[ ]mother

1[ ]Mothers husband/partner

2[ ]Childs sib under 18

3[ ]Other child under 18

4[ ]Childs grandparent

5[ ]Other adult relative

7[ ]Unrelated adult

8[ ]Other Specify_____________________

9[ ]Biological father (not mothers husb/part)

1e. How old in months was CHILD when (CHILD started this arrangement/CHILD started going to NAME OF PROGRAM) for 4 or more hours per week? ___________

1f. How many children, including your own are usually present at any one time in CHILDs (classroom/group) while CHILD is there? __________

1g. How many teachers and aids usually supervise the children at any one time while CHILD is in the (Classroom/group)?

1h. What times of day (is CHILD cared for in this arrangement/does CHILD go to school): days, evenings, or nights? Mark all that apply.

1[ ]Days (7am-7pm)

2[ ]Evenings (7pm-12midnight)

3[ ]Nights (12 midnight -7am)

After completing questions for each arrangement, go to question 2

Next, let's talk about any (other) regular care arrangements that CHILD is in while you are (at work/school or) pursuing any (other,) regular weekly or daily activities. By regular care arrangements we mean those that occur on a predictable basis for at least 4 hours per week or 8 hours every two weeks. I will now be asking you about regular care arrangements that CHILD is in that occur in your home, someone else's home, or in some other type of setting, such as a workplace.

2. Does _________________ (Husband/Partner) regularly take care of CHILD for 4 or more hours per week while you are (at work/school or) out of the home?

0[ ]No (Go to question 3)

1[ ]Yes – If yes:

2a. Record Husband/Partners first name and last initial:_______________

2b. How many hours per week does (husband/partner) regularly care for CHILD while you are not available? __________

2c. Where does (husband/partner) care for CHILD?

1[ ]childs home

2[ ]someone elses home

3[ ]center care or educational setting

4[ ]other: __________________

2d. How old in months was CHILD when (husband/partner) started regularly caring for (him/her) for 4 or more hours per week? ________

2e. How many children, including your own, are usually present at any one time when (husband/partner) is caring for CHILD? ______

2f. How many adults usually care for CHILD at any one time while (he/she) is with (husband/partner)? Include husband/partner in total:________________

2g. What times of day in CHILD regularly cared for by (husband/partner): Days, evenings or night? Mark all that apply.

1[ ]Days (7am-7pm)

2[ ]Evenings (7pm-12midnight)

3[ ]Nights (12 midnight -7am)

3. Does any (other) adult relative, such as a grandparent, aunt, or uncle regularly take care of CHILD for 4 or more hours per week while you are (at work/school or) out of the home? 

0[ ]No (Go to question 4)

1[ ]Yes – If yes:

Repeat this question until mother says there are no more adult relative arrangements

3a. What is (his/her) first name and last initial? ________________

3b. How many hours per week does (adult relative) regularly care for CHILD while you are not available? __________________

3c. What is (his/her) relationship to CHILD?

0[ ]mother

1[ ]Mothers husband/partner

2[ ]Childs sib under 18

3[ ]Other child under 18

4[ ]Childs grandparent

5[ ]Other adult relative

7[ ]Unrelated adult

8[ ]Other Specify_____________________

9[ ]Biological father (not mothers husb/part)

3d. If unclear, ask: Does (ADULT RELATIVE) live in your household? Otherwise, confirm answer

0[ ]No

1[ ]Yes

3e. Where does (AGULT RELATIVE) care for CHILD?

1[ ]childs home

2[ ]someone elses home

3[ ]center care or educational setting

4[ ]other: Specify: __________________

3f. How old in months was CHILD when (adult relative) started regularly caring for (him/her) for 4 or more hours per week? ________

3g. How many children, including your own, are usually present at any one time when (adult relative) is caring for CHILD? ______

3h. How many adults usually care for CHILD at any one time while (he/she) is with (adult relative)? Include husband/partner in total:________________

3i. What times of day in CHILD regularly cared for by (adult relative): Days, evenings or night? Mark all that apply.

1[ ]Days (7am-7pm)

2[ ]Evenings (7pm-12midnight)

3[ ]Nights (12 midnight -7am)

4. Does any (other) unrelated adult, such as a babysitter or family daycare provider, regularly take care of CHILD for 4 or more hours per week while you are (at work/school or) out of the home?

0[ ]No (Go to question 5)

1[ ]Yes – If yes:

Repeat this question until mother says there are no more unrelated adult arrangements.

4a. What is (his/her) first name and last initial? ________________

4b. How many hours per week does (unrelated adult) regularly care for CHILD while you are not available? __________________

4c. What is (his/her) relationship to CHILD?

0[ ]mother

1[ ]Mothers husband/partner

2[ ]Childs sib under 18

3[ ]Other child under 18

4[ ]Childs grandparent

5[ ]Other adult relative

7[ ]Unrelated adult

8[ ]Other Specify_____________________

9[ ]Biological father (not mothers husb/part)

4d. If unclear, ask: Does (unrelated adult) live in your household? Otherwise, confirm answer

0[ ]No

1[ ]Yes

4e. Where does (unrelated adult) care for CHILD?

1[ ]childs home

2[ ]someone elses home

3[ ]center care or educational setting

4[ ]other: Specify: __________________

4f. How old in months was CHILD when (unrelated adult) started regularly caring for (him/her) for 4 or more hours per week? ________

4g. How many children, including your own, are usually present at any one time when (unrelated adult) is caring for CHILD? ______

4h. How many adults usually care for CHILD at any one time while (he/she) is with (unrelated adult)? Include husband/partner in total:________________

4i. What times of day in CHILD regularly cared for by (unrelated adult): Days, evenings or night? Mark all that apply.

1[ ]Days (7am-7pm)

2[ ]Evenings (7pm-12midnight)

3[ ]Nights (12 midnight -7am)

5. Does any (other) person under 18 years old, such as CHILDs brother, sister, or a babysitter, regularly take care of CHILD for 4 or more hours per week while you are (at work/school or) out of the home?

0[ ]No (Go to question 6)

1[ ]Yes – If yes:

Repeat this question until mother says there are no more arrangements with care providers under 18 years old.

5a. What is (his/her) first name and last initial? ________________

5b. How many hours per week does (person under 18) regularly care for CHILD while you are not available? __________________

5c. What is (his/her) relationship to CHILD?

0[ ]mother

1[ ]Mothers husband/partner

2[ ]Childs sib under 18

3[ ]Other child under 18

4[ ]Childs grandparent

5[ ]Other adult relative

7[ ]Unrelated adult

8[ ]Other Specify_____________________

9[ ]Biological father (not mothers husb/part)

5d. If unclear, ask: Does (person under 18) live in your household? Otherwise, confirm answer

0[ ]No

1[ ]Yes

5e. Where does (person under 18) care for CHILD?

1[ ]childs home

2[ ]someone elses home

3[ ]center care or educational setting

4[ ]other: Specify: __________________

5f. How old in months was CHILD when (person under 18) started regularly caring for (him/her) for 4 or more hours per week? ________

5g. How many children, including your own, are usually present at any one time when (person under 18) is caring for CHILD? ______

5h. How many adults usually care for CHILD at any one time while (he/she) is with (person under 18)? Include husband/partner in total:________________

5i. What times of day in CHILD regularly cared for by (person under 18): Days, evenings or night? Mark all that apply.

1[ ]Days (7am-7pm)

2[ ]Evenings (7pm-12midnight)

3[ ]Nights (12 midnight -7am)

6. Mother status as a care provider:

[ ] Mother is currently a care provider in childs

[ ] Mother is not currently a care provider in childs

6a. Do you regularly provide care for children other than your own for 4 or more hours per week?

0[ ]No (go to question 7)

1[ ]Yes

6b. Is CHILD present during this time?

0[ ]No (go to question 7)

1[ ]Yes

6c. Do these children live in another household?

0[ ]No (go to question 7)

1[ ]Yes

6d. Are the parents of these children typically present while you are caring for the children?

0[ ]No (go to question 7)

1[ ]Yes

6e. Where does this care take place?

0[ ]Center/Educational setting

1[ ]Not Center/Educational Setting

7. We find that some mothers take their children to (work/school) with them on a regular basis. Do you take CHILD to (work/school) with you on a regular basis?

0[ ]No (go to question 8)

1[ ]Yes

7a. When CHILD is at (work/school) with you, does anyone else regularly spend 4 or more hours per week as a sister with CHILD while you are doing other things?

0[ ]No (go to question 8)

1[ ]Yes

If yes, ask: Who cares for CHILD?

1. ____________________

2. ____________________

3. ____________________

8. Do you have any (other) regular child care arrangements for 4 or more hours per week besides those weve talked about so far?

0[ ]No (go to question 9)

1[ ]Yes: Determine who/where provides care

1. Who/Where:_________________

2. Who/Where:_________________

3. Who/Where:_________________

REPEAT this question until mother responds “no”.

9. Are any of the regular care arrangements which you are currently using licensed?

0[ ]No

1[ ]Yes

2[ ]Dont Know

If yes, ask: Which ones?




Personnel and Training Required

The interviewer must be trained to conduct personal interviews with individuals from the general population. The interviewer must be trained and found to be competent (i.e., tested by an expert) at the completion of personal interviews. The interviewer should be trained to prompt respondents further if a “don’t know” response is provided.

Equipment Needs


Requirement CategoryRequired
Major equipment No
Specialized training No
Specialized requirements for biospecimen collection No
Average time of greater than 15 minutes in an unaffected individual No
Mode of Administration

Interviewer-administered questionnaire


Child, Adolescent


Parent or primary caregiver of children aged 2.9 years to 5 years

Selection Rationale

The NICHD Study of Early Child Care and Youth Development worked with more than 1,300 children and their families. Researchers analyzed how different child care arrangements related to measurements of the children’s health, behavior, school, performance, and other indicators of development.



Derived Variables


Process and Review

Not Applicable

Protocol Name from Source

NICHD Study of Early Child Care and Youth Development: Phase II, 1996-1999 [United States]. The NICHD Study of Early Child Care Form 39C-a Revision 06/16/95


NICHD Study of Early Child Care and Youth Development: Phase II, 1996-1999

General References

Book: Child Care and Child Development: Results from the NICHD Study of Early Child Care and Youth Development. Edited by The NICHD Early Child Care Research Network. 2005 The Guilford Press.

Vandell D, Belsky J, Burchinal M, Steinberg L, Vandergrift N, NICHD Early Child Care Research Network. Do Effects of Early Child Care Extend to Age 15 Years? Results from the NICHD Study of Early Child Care and Youth Development. Child Development. May/June 2010, 81, 3 (737-756).

Early Child Care and Children’s Development Prior to School Entry: Results from the NICHD Study of Early Child Care. American Educational Research Journal March 2002, 39, 1, (133-164).

Protocol ID


Export Variables
Variable Name Variable IDVariable DescriptiondbGaP Mapping
PX300301030100 Does any (other) adult relative, such as a more
grandparent, aunt, or uncle regularly take care of CHILD for 4 or more hours per week while you are (at work/school or) out of the home? show less
PX300301030900 How many adults usually care for CHILD at more
any one time while (he/she) is with (adult relative)? Include husband/partner in total: show less
PX300301030800 How many children, including your own, are more
usually present at any one time when (adult relative) is caring for CHILD? show less
PX300301030700 How old in months was CHILD when (adult more
relative) started regularly caring for (him/her) for 4 or more hours per week? show less
PX300301030601 Where does (ADULT RELATIVE) care for CHILD? N/A
PX300301030602 Where does (ADULT RELATIVE) care for CHILD? more
Other (specify): show less
PX300301030200 What is (his/her) first name and last initial? N/A
PX300301030401 What is (his/her) relationship to CHILD? N/A
PX300301030402 What is (his/her) relationship to CHILD? more
Other (specify): show less
PX300301030500 If unclear, ask: Does (ADULT RELATIVE) live more
in your household? Otherwise, confirm answer show less
PX300301031000 What times of day in CHILD regularly cared more
for by (adult relative): Days, evenings or night? Mark all that apply. show less
PX300301030300 How many hours per week does (adult more
relative) regularly care for CHILD while you are not available? show less
PX300301020100 Does _________________ (Husband/Partner) more
regularly take care of CHILD for 4 or more hours per week while you are (at work/school or) out of the home? show less
PX300301020700 How many adults usually care for CHILD at more
any one time while (he/she) is with (husband/partner)? Include husband/partner in total show less
PX300301020600 How many children, including your own, are more
usually present at any one time when (husband/partner) is caring for CHILD? show less
PX300301020500 How old in months was CHILD when more
(husband/partner) started regularly caring for (him/her) for 4 or more hours per week? show less
PX300301020401 Where does (husband/partner) care for CHILD? N/A
PX300301020402 Where does (husband/partner) care for CHILD? more
Other (specify): show less
PX300301020200 Record Husband/Partner's first name and last more
initial show less
PX300301020800 What times of day in CHILD regularly cared more
for by (husband/partner): Days, evenings or night? Mark all that apply. show less
PX300301020300 How many hours per week does more
(husband/partner) regularly care for CHILD while you are not available? show less
PX300301090101 Are any of the regular care arrangements more
which you are currently using licensed? show less
PX300301090102 Are any of the regular care arrangements more
which you are currently using licensed? Which ones? (Child care 1) show less
PX300301090103 Are any of the regular care arrangements more
which you are currently using licensed? Which ones? (Child care 2) show less
PX300301090104 Are any of the regular care arrangements more
which you are currently using licensed? Which ones? (Child care 3) show less
PX300301060300 Is CHILD present during this time? N/A
PX300301060500 Are the parents of these children typically more
present while you are caring for the children? show less
PX300301060400 Do these children live in another household? N/A
PX300301060600 Where does this care take place? N/A
PX300301060100 Mother status as a care provider: N/A
PX300301060200 Do you regularly provide care for children more
other than your own for 4 or more hours per week? show less
PX300301070100 We find that some mothers take their more
children to (work/school) with them on a regular basis. Do you take CHILD to (work/school) with you on a regular basis? show less
PX300301070201 When CHILD is at (work/school) with you, more
does anyone else regularly spend 4 or more hours per week as a sister with CHILD while you are doing other things? show less
PX300301070202 Who cares for CHILD? (Person 1) N/A
PX300301070203 Who cares for CHILD? (Person 2) N/A
PX300301070204 Who cares for CHILD? (Person 3) N/A
PX300301080101 Do you have any (other) regular child care more
arrangements for 4 or more hours per week besides those we've talked about so far? show less
PX300301080102 Determine who/where provides care (Resource 1) N/A
PX300301080103 Determine who/where provides care (Resource 2) N/A
PX300301080104 Determine who/where provides care (Resource 3) N/A
PX300301010100 Does CHILD spend any time in any (other) more
child care center, preschool, Head Start, or pre-kindergarten program for 4 or more hours each week? show less
PX300301010800 How many teachers and aids usually supervise more
the children at any one time while CHILD is in the (Classroom/group)? show less
PX300301010700 How many children, including your own are more
usually present at any one time in CHILD's (classroom/group) while CHILD is there? show less
PX300301010600 How old in months was CHILD when (CHILD more
started this arrangement/CHILD started going to NAME OF PROGRAM) for 4 or more hours per week? show less
PX300301010300 How many hours per week (is child cared for more
in this arrangement/does CHILD go to school? show less
PX300301010200 What program is this? (name and type of program) N/A
PX300301010401 Are you regularly present during any of this time? N/A
PX300301010402 If yes, how many hours a week are you present? N/A
PX300301010501 Is the primary (caregiver/teacher) related more
to CHILD? show less
PX300301010502 If yes, how are they related? N/A
PX300301010503 If yes, how are they related? Other (specify): N/A
PX300301010900 What times of day (is CHILD cared for in more
this arrangement/does CHILD go to school): days, evenings, or nights? Mark all that apply. show less
PX300301050100 Does any (other) person under 18 years old, more
such as CHILD's brother, sister, or a babysitter, regularly take care of CHILD for 4 or more hours per week while you are (at work/school or) out of the home? show less
PX300301050900 How many adults usually care for CHILD at more
any one time while (he/she) is with (person under 18)? Include husband/partner in total: show less
PX300301050800 How many children, including your own, are more
usually present at any one time when (person under 18) is caring for CHILD? show less
PX300301050700 How old in months was CHILD when (person more
under 18) started regularly caring for (him/her) for 4 or more hours per week? show less
PX300301050601 Where does (person under 18) care for CHILD? N/A
PX300301050602 Where does (person under 18) care for CHILD? more
Other (specify): show less
PX300301050200 What is (his/her) first name and last initial? N/A
PX300301050401 What is (his/her) relationship to CHILD? N/A
PX300301050402 What is (his/her) relationship to CHILD? more
Other (specify): show less
PX300301050500 If unclear, ask: Does (person under 18) live more
in your household? Otherwise, confirm answer show less
PX300301051000 What times of day in CHILD regularly cared more
for by (person under 18): Days, evenings or night? Mark all that apply. show less
PX300301050300 How many hours per week does (person under more
18) regularly care for CHILD while you are not available? show less
PX300301040100 Does any (other) unrelated adult, such as a more
babysitter or family daycare provider, regularly take care of CHILD for 4 or more hours per week while you are (at work/school or) out of the home? show less
PX300301040900 How many adults usually care for CHILD at more
any one time while (he/she) is with (unrelated adult)? Include husband/partner in total: show less
PX300301040800 How many children, including your own, are more
usually present at any one time when (unrelated adult) is caring for CHILD? show less
PX300301040700 How old in months was CHILD when (unrelated more
adult) started regularly caring for (him/her) for 4 or more hours per week? show less
PX300301040601 Where does (unrelated adult) care for CHILD? N/A
PX300301040602 Where does (unrelated adult) care for CHILD? more
Other (specify): show less
PX300301040200 What is (his/her) first name and last initial? N/A
PX300301040401 What is (his/her) relationship to CHILD? N/A
PX300301040402 What is (his/her) relationship to CHILD? more
Other (specify): show less
PX300301040500 If unclear, ask: Does (unrelated adult) live more
in your household? Otherwise, confirm answer show less
PX300301041000 What times of day in CHILD regularly cared more
for by (unrelated adult): Days, evenings or night? Mark all that apply. show less
PX300301040300 How many hours per week does (unrelated more
adult) regularly care for CHILD while you are not available? show less
Pediatric Development
Measure Name

Childcare Arrangements

Release Date

December 11, 2019


A questionnaire assessing characteristics of the child care environment.


Type and quality of care impact development and other aspects of wellbeing.


National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, Study of Early Child Care and Youth Development 1996-1999, Early Child Care Research Network, Pediatric Development, Daycare

Measure Protocols
Protocol ID Protocol Name
300301 Childcare Arrangements - Education setting, 2.9-5 years old
300302 Childcare Arrangements - Childcare setting, birth to 5 years