Protocol - Childcare Arrangements - Childcare setting, birth to 5 years
- Community Risk and Protective Factors
- Day Care Attendance
- Quality of Care - Adults
- Quality of Care - Children
- School Risk and Protective Factors
An interview administered questionnaire with 24 questions. For use with mothers of children aged birth to 5 years.
Specific Instructions
NICHD 21940-Questionnaire. The items are on pages 92-97 (Part 5 Child Care), 110-114 (Part 4 Current Care) and 171 (My Child Care).
While the protocol text uses the word “Baby” the PhenX Working Group recommends substituting the word “Child” when appropriate depending on age.
The Working Group also suggests this could be easily modified to be used as a stand-alone (and not follow-up) interview by removing the “since we talked” language throughout. Although the original instrument is intended to be completed by the mother, the working group suggests if a research wanted to use caregivers (e.g., father, legal guardian) the form could be updated accordingly.
The abbreviation Arr = Arrangement. The questionnaire allows for up to 3 arrangements for each question. Researchers may add columns for additional arrangements if necessary.
This protocol is freely available; permission not required for use.
Now I’d like to ask you about child care for BABY[ NAME].
1. Is anyone other than yourself caring for BABY on a regular basis?
2. How are you handing child care while you are (working/going to school)?
1[ ]Work/study at home
2[ ]Take baby to work
3[ ]Other
IF OTHER, SPECIFY ____________________________
3. What arrangements do you have?
a) WHO?
Arr 1 | Arr 2 | Arr 3 | |
1 Baby’s father/mother’s partner | [ ] 1 | [ ] 1 | [ ] 1 |
2 Baby’s sibling under 18 (age ____) | [ ] 2 | [ ] 2 | [ ] 2 |
3 Another child under 18 (age ____) | [ ] 3 | [ ] 3 | [ ] 3 |
4 Baby’s grandparent | [ ] 4 | [ ] 4 | [ ] 4 |
5 Other adult relative | [ ] 5 | [ ] 5 | [ ] 5 |
6 Friend or neighbor | [ ] 6 | [ ] 6 | [ ] 6 |
7 Unrelated adult(s) | [ ] 7 | [ ] 7 | [ ] 7 |
8 Other: _________________________________ | [ ] 8 | [ ] 8 | [ ] 8 |
Arr 1 | Arr 2 | Arr 3 | |
1 In baby’s home | [ ] 1 | [ ] 1 | [ ] 1 |
2 In someone else’s home | [ ] 2 | [ ] 2 | [ ] 2 |
3 In a child care center/nursery | [ ] 3 | [ ] 3 | [ ] 3 |
4 Other __________________________________ | [ ] 4 | [ ] 4 | [ ] 4 |
Arr 1 | Arr 2 | Arr 3 | |||
[ ] 0 | [ ] 0 | [ ] 0 | [ ] 0 | [ ] 0 | [ ] 0 |
[ ] 1 | [ ] 1 | [ ] 1 | [ ] 1 | [ ] 1 | [ ] 1 |
[ ] 2 | [ ] 2 | [ ] 2 | [ ] 2 | [ ] 2 | [ ] 2 |
[ ] 3 | [ ] 3 | [ ] 3 | [ ] 3 | [ ] 3 | [ ] 3 |
[ ] 4 | [ ] 4 | [ ] 4 | [ ] 4 | [ ] 4 | [ ] 4 |
[ ] 5 | [ ] 5 | [ ] 5 | [ ] 5 | [ ] 5 | [ ] 5 |
[ ] 6 | [ ] 6 | [ ] 6 | [ ] 6 | [ ] 6 | [ ] 6 |
[ ] 7 | [ ] 7 | [ ] 7 | [ ] 7 | [ ] 7 | [ ] 7 |
[ ] 8 | [ ] 8 | [ ] 8 | [ ] 8 | [ ] 8 | [ ] 8 |
[ ] 9 | [ ] 9 | [ ] 9 | [ ] 9 | [ ] 9 | [ ] 9 |
5. How many people supervise the children?
Arr 1 | Arr 2 | Arr 3 |
[ ] 0 | [ ] 0 | [ ] 0 |
[ ] 1 | [ ] 1 | [ ] 1 |
[ ] 2 | [ ] 2 | [ ] 2 |
[ ] 3 | [ ] 3 | [ ] 3 |
[ ] 4 | [ ] 4 | [ ] 4 |
[ ] 5 | [ ] 5 | [ ] 5 |
[ ] 6 | [ ] 6 | [ ] 6 |
[ ] 7 | [ ] 7 | [ ] 7 |
[ ] 8 | [ ] 8 | [ ] 8 |
[ ] 9 | [ ] 9 | [ ] 9 |
6. How many hours a week is BABY cared for in this arrangement?
Arr 1 | Arr 2 | Arr 3 | |||
[ ] 0 | [ ] 0 | [ ] 0 | [ ] 0 | [ ] 0 | [ ] 0 |
[ ] 1 | [ ] 1 | [ ] 1 | [ ] 1 | [ ] 1 | [ ] 1 |
[ ] 2 | [ ] 2 | [ ] 2 | [ ] 2 | [ ] 2 | [ ] 2 |
[ ] 3 | [ ] 3 | [ ] 3 | [ ] 3 | [ ] 3 | [ ] 3 |
[ ] 4 | [ ] 4 | [ ] 4 | [ ] 4 | [ ] 4 | [ ] 4 |
[ ] 5 | [ ] 5 | [ ] 5 | [ ] 5 | [ ] 5 | [ ] 5 |
[ ] 6 | [ ] 6 | [ ] 6 | [ ] 6 | [ ] 6 | [ ] 6 |
[ ] 7 | [ ] 7 | [ ] 7 | [ ] 7 | [ ] 7 | [ ] 7 |
[ ] 8 | [ ] 8 | [ ] 8 | [ ] 8 | [ ] 8 | [ ] 8 |
[ ] 9 | [ ] 9 | [ ] 9 | [ ] 9 | [ ] 9 | [ ] 9 |
7. How many days a week?
Arr 1 | Arr 2 | Arr 3 |
[ ] 0 | [ ] 0 | [ ] 0 |
[ ] 1 | [ ] 1 | [ ] 1 |
[ ] 2 | [ ] 2 | [ ] 2 |
[ ] 3 | [ ] 3 | [ ] 3 |
[ ] 4 | [ ] 4 | [ ] 4 |
[ ] 5 | [ ] 5 | [ ] 5 |
[ ] 6 | [ ] 6 | [ ] 6 |
[ ] 7 | [ ] 7 | [ ] 7 |
8. How old in months was BABY when you started using this arrangement?
Arr 1 | Arr 2 | Arr 3 | |||
[ ] 0 | [ ] 0 | [ ] 0 | [ ] 0 | [ ] 0 | [ ] 0 |
[ ] 1 | [ ] 1 | [ ] 1 | [ ] 1 | [ ] 1 | [ ] 1 |
[ ] 2 | [ ] 2 | [ ] 2 | [ ] 2 | [ ] 2 | [ ] 2 |
[ ] 3 | [ ] 3 | [ ] 3 | [ ] 3 | [ ] 3 | [ ] 3 |
[ ] 4 | [ ] 4 | [ ] 4 | [ ] 4 | [ ] 4 | [ ] 4 |
[ ] 5 | [ ] 5 | [ ] 5 | [ ] 5 | [ ] 5 | [ ] 5 |
[ ] 6 | [ ] 6 | [ ] 6 | [ ] 6 | [ ] 6 | [ ] 6 |
[ ] 7 | [ ] 7 | [ ] 7 | [ ] 7 | [ ] 7 | [ ] 7 |
[ ] 8 | [ ] 8 | [ ] 8 | [ ] 8 | [ ] 8 | [ ] 8 |
[ ] 9 | [ ] 9 | [ ] 9 | [ ] 9 | [ ] 9 | [ ] 9 |
9. What was the most important reason why you chose the child care you did? READ LIST IF NECESSARY.
Arr 1 | Arr 2 | Arr 3 | |
1 Cost | [ ] 1 | [ ] 1 | [ ] 1 |
2 Convenient hours | [ ] 2 | [ ] 2 | [ ] 2 |
3 Convenient location | [ ] 3 | [ ] 3 | [ ] 3 |
4 Quality of care provider (s) | [ ] 4 | [ ] 4 | [ ] 4 |
5 Quality of environment and equipment | [ ] 5 | [ ] 5 | [ ] 5 |
6 Quality of program | [ ] 6 | [ ] 6 | [ ] 6 |
7 Preference for relative to provide care | [ ] 7 | [ ] 7 | [ ] 7 |
8 Preference for home environment | [ ] 8 | [ ] 8 | [ ] 8 |
9 Preference for center environment | [ ] 9 | [ ] 9 | [ ] 9 |
10 Availability | [ ] 10 | [ ] 10 | [ ] 10 |
[ ] 11 Other: _________________________________ | [ ] 11 | [ ] 11 | [ ] 11 |
10. Since we last talked, has BABY been sick on a day you were (working/in school)?
[ ] Y
11. What did you do about child care the last time that happened? ELICIT OPEN-ENDED RESPONSE, CODE UP TO TWO RESPONSES AS FOLLOWS:
[ ] 1 Child was in regular arrangement | [ ] 1 |
[ ] 2 Stayed or went home from work/school | [ ] 2 |
[ ] 3 Father/partner stayed or went home | [ ] 3 |
[ ] 4 Took baby to work | [ ] 4 |
[ ] 5 Relative cared for baby | [ ] 5 |
[ ] 6 Friend or neighbor cared for baby | [ ] 6 |
[ ] 7 Hired sitter | [ ] 7 |
[ ] 8 Older child stayed with baby | [ ] 8 |
[ ] 9 Used child care for sick children | [ ] 9 |
[ ] 10 Other: _________________________________ | [ ] 10 |
12. Since we last talked, have you or your (husband/partner) missed a day of work because of a problem with your child care arrangement?
[ ] Y
13. What was the problem the last time this happened? READ LIST IF NECESSARY.
Arr 1 | Arr 2 | Arr 3 | |
1 Provider ill | [ ] 1 | [ ] 1 | [ ] 1 |
2 Someone in provider’s family ill | [ ] 2 | [ ] 2 | [ ] 2 |
3 Provider unavailable for another reason | [ ] 3 | [ ] 3 | [ ] 3 |
4 Center closed (scheduled closing) | [ ] 4 | [ ] 4 | [ ] 4 |
5 Center closed (unscheduled closing) | [ ] 5 | [ ] 5 | [ ] 5 |
6 Couldn’t pay | [ ] 6 | [ ] 6 | [ ] 6 |
7 Unhappy with arrangement | [ ] 7 | [ ] 7 | [ ] 7 |
8 Other: _________________________________ | [ ] 8 | [ ] 8 | [ ] 8 |
14. How much do you pay each week for this care? (ROUND TO DOLLARS)_____________________
15. Does this amount include any other children?
If mother is not paying for care reword: Does this care include other children of yours?
Arr 1 | Arr 2 | Arr 3 |
[ ] Y | [ ] Y | [ ] Y |
[ ] N | [ ] N | [ ] N |
16. How many other children does it include? ______________
Arr 1 | Arr 2 | Arr 3 |
[ ] 0 | [ ] 0 | [ ] 0 |
[ ] 1 | [ ] 1 | [ ] 1 |
[ ] 2 | [ ] 2 | [ ] 2 |
[ ] 3 | [ ] 3 | [ ] 3 |
[ ] 4 | [ ] 4 | [ ] 4 |
[ ] 5 | [ ] 5 | [ ] 5 |
[ ] 6 | [ ] 6 | [ ] 6 |
[ ] 7 | [ ] 7 | [ ] 7 |
17. I am going to read a list of sources that might help you pay for BABY’s child care. Please say yes or no to each one to indicate whether you get help from this source. (MARK ALL THAT APPLY).
1[ ]Government Subsidy
2[ ]Low-cost or free government-sponsored care
3[ ]Employer subsidy
4[ ]Low-cost or free employer-sponsored care
5[ ]Subsidy from a Social service agency
6[ ]Low-cost or free agency-sponsored care
7[ ]Relative or friend
8[ ]Low-cost or free care provided by relative/friend
9[ ]Child-care tax credit
10[ ]No financial help*
*IF PARENT CHOOSES “10” ASK: Do you plan to claim a tax credit for child care? IF YES, CODE “9”.
18. Knowing what you know now, if you had to decide all over again whether to use the child care (provider(s)/center) you now have, what would you decide? Would you:
READ LIST | Arr 1 | Arr 2 | Arr 3 |
1) Choose (him/her or "it", if center) again without hesitation | [ ] 1 | [ ] 1 | [ ] 1 |
2) Have some second thoughts | [ ] 2 | [ ] 2 | [ ] 2 |
3) Probably not choose (him/her or "it" if center) | [ ] 3 | [ ] 3 | [ ] 3 |
4) Definitely not choose (him/her or "it" if center) | [ ] 4 | [ ] 4 | [ ] 4 |
19. Do you expect to change your current child care arrangement(s) within the next month?
[ ] N
20.Who will be caring for BABY?
a) WHO?
Arr 1 | Arr 2 | Arr 3 | |
1 Baby’s father/mother’s partner | [ ] 1 | [ ] 1 | [ ] 1 |
2 Baby’s sibling under 18 (age ____) | [ ] 2 | [ ] 2 | [ ] 2 |
3 Another child under 18 (age ____) | [ ] 3 | [ ] 3 | [ ] 3 |
4 Baby’s grandparent | [ ] 4 | [ ] 4 | [ ] 4 |
5 Other adult relative | [ ] 5 | [ ] 5 | [ ] 5 |
6 Friend or neighbor | [ ] 6 | [ ] 6 | [ ] 6 |
7 Unrelated adult(s) | [ ] 7 | [ ] 7 | [ ] 7 |
8 Other: _________________________________ | [ ] 8 | [ ] 8 | [ ] 8 |
Arr 1 | Arr 2 | Arr 3 | |
1 In baby’s home | [ ] 1 | [ ] 1 | [ ] 1 |
2 In someone else’s home | [ ] 2 | [ ] 2 | [ ] 2 |
3 In a child care center/nursery | [ ] 3 | [ ] 3 | [ ] 3 |
4 Other __________________________________ | [ ] 4 | [ ] 4 | [ ] 4 |
IF MUST ASK, SAY “Will the caregiver live with you?”
Arr 1 | Arr 2 | Arr 3 | |
1 In baby’s home | [ ] 1 | [ ] 1 | [ ] 1 |
2 Elsewhere | [ ] 2 | [ ] 2 | [ ] 2 |
3 Don’t know | [ ] 3 | [ ] 3 | [ ] 3 |
We’d like to find out a little bit about the relationship between your child’s caregiver(s) and your child. Please answer these questions about your child’s caregiver or center. Please select the best answer and fill in the appropriate box.
21. Would you say that the relationship the caregiver(s) has with your child is
1[ ]very close and loving -- like a member of the family
2[ ]positive, but not really close
3[ ]neither positive nor negative, but "businesslike"
4[ ]not positive at all
22. When you pick up your child from the caregiver/center (or when you come after the child has been with the caregiver), does the child seem sad to leave the caregiver(s)?
1[ ]the child cries when he/she leaves the caregiver
2[ ]the child looks sad when he/she leaves the caregiver
3[ ]the child does not seem to mind when he/she leaves the caregiver
23. When you drop the child off at the caregiver/center (or when the caregiver comes in the morning), does the child seem happy to see the caregiver(s)?
1[ ]joyful -- he/she lights up
2[ ]positive but not overjoyed
3[ ]doesn't seem to care one way or another
4[ ]he/she is unhappy -- looks sad
5[ ]he/she is unhappy -- sometimes even cries
24. When you drop the child off at the caregiver/center (or when the caregiver comes in the morning), does the caregiver(s) seem happy to see the child?
1[ ]joyful -- the caregiver lights up
2[ ]the caregiver is positive but not overjoyed
3[ ]the caregiver doesn't seem to care one way or another
Personnel and Training Required
The interviewer must be trained to conduct personal interviews with individuals from the general population. The interviewer must be trained and found to be competent (i.e., tested by an expert) at the completion of personal interviews. The interviewer should be trained to prompt respondents further if a “don’t know” response is provided.
Equipment Needs
Requirement Category | Required |
Major equipment | No |
Specialized training | No |
Specialized requirements for biospecimen collection | No |
Average time of greater than 15 minutes in an unaffected individual | No |
Mode of Administration
Interviewer-administered questionnaire
Ages – birth to 5 years
Selection Rationale
The NICHD Study of Early Child Care and Youth Development worked with more than 1,300 children and their families. Researchers analyzed how different child care arrangements related to measurements of the children’s health, behavior, school, performance, and other indicators of development.
Standard | Name | ID | Source |
Derived Variables
Process and Review
Not applicable
Protocol Name from Source
NICHD Study of Early Child Care and YOuth Development, Phase 1, 1991-1995 [United States]
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) 21940-Questionnaire Data Collection Instruments
The NICHD Study of Early Child Care Form 5B Revision 3/06/91
General References
Book: Child Care and Child Development: Results from the NICHD Study of Early Child Care and Youth Development. Edited by The NICHD Early Child Care Research Network. 2005 The Guilford Press.
Vandell D, Belsky J, Burchinal M, Steinberg L, Vandergrift N, NICHD Early Child Care Research Network. Do Effects of Early Child Care Extend to Age 15 Years? Results from the NICHD Study of Early Child Care and Youth Development. Child Development. May/June 2010, 81, 3 (737-756).
Early Child Care and Children’s Development Prior to School Entry: Results from the NICHD Study of Early Child Care. American Educational Research Journal March 2002, 39, 1, (133-164).
Protocol ID
Export VariablesVariable Name | Variable ID | Variable Description | dbGaP Mapping | |
PX300302_Child_Care_Quality_Younger_Anyone_Caring_For_Baby | ||||
PX300302010000 | Is anyone other than yourself caring for more | N/A | ||
PX300302_Child_Care_Quality_Younger_Arrangement_1_Age_Months | ||||
PX300302080100 | How old in months was BABY when you started more | N/A | ||
PX300302_Child_Care_Quality_Younger_Arrangement_1_Childcare_Cost_OtherChildren | ||||
PX300302150100 | Does this amount include any other children? more | N/A | ||
PX300302_Child_Care_Quality_Younger_Arrangement_1_Cost_Number_Children | ||||
PX300302160100 | How many other children does it include? more | N/A | ||
PX300302_Child_Care_Quality_Younger_Arrangement_1_Do_Again | ||||
PX300302180100 | Knowing what you know now, if you had to more | N/A | ||
PX300302_Child_Care_Quality_Younger_Arrangement_1_Number_Children | ||||
PX300302040100 | How many other children are cared for (with more | N/A | ||
PX300302_Child_Care_Quality_Younger_Arrangement_1_Number_Days | ||||
PX300302070100 | How many days a week? Arrrangement 1 | N/A | ||
PX300302_Child_Care_Quality_Younger_Arrangement_1_Number_Hours | ||||
PX300302060100 | How many hours a week is BABY cared for in more | N/A | ||
PX300302_Child_Care_Quality_Younger_Arrangement_1_Number_Supervisors | ||||
PX300302050100 | How many people supervise the children? more | N/A | ||
PX300302_Child_Care_Quality_Younger_Arrangement_1_Other_Child_Age | ||||
PX300302030103 | What arrangements do you have? Who? more | N/A | ||
PX300302_Child_Care_Quality_Younger_Arrangement_1_Problem | ||||
PX300302130100 | What was the problem the last time this more | N/A | ||
PX300302_Child_Care_Quality_Younger_Arrangement_1_Problem_Other | ||||
PX300302130200 | What was the problem the last time this more | N/A | ||
PX300302_Child_Care_Quality_Younger_Arrangement_1_Reason_Chose | ||||
PX300302090100 | What was the most important reason why you more | N/A | ||
PX300302_Child_Care_Quality_Younger_Arrangement_1_Reason_Chose_Other | ||||
PX300302090200 | What was the most important reason why you more | N/A | ||
PX300302_Child_Care_Quality_Younger_Arrangement_1_Sibling_Age | ||||
PX300302030102 | What arrangements do you have? Who? more | N/A | ||
PX300302_Child_Care_Quality_Younger_Arrangement_1_Where | ||||
PX300302030401 | What arrangements do you have? Where? more | N/A | ||
PX300302_Child_Care_Quality_Younger_Arrangement_1_Where_Other | ||||
PX300302030402 | What arrangements do you have? Where? more | N/A | ||
PX300302_Child_Care_Quality_Younger_Arrangement_1_Who | ||||
PX300302030101 | What arrangements do you have? Who? Arrangement 1 | N/A | ||
PX300302_Child_Care_Quality_Younger_Arrangement_1_Who_Other | ||||
PX300302030104 | What arrangements do you have? Who? more | N/A | ||
PX300302_Child_Care_Quality_Younger_Arrangement_2_Age_Months | ||||
PX300302080200 | How old in months was BABY when you started more | N/A | ||
PX300302_Child_Care_Quality_Younger_Arrangement_2_Childcare_Cost_OtherChildren | ||||
PX300302150200 | Does this amount include any other children? more | N/A | ||
PX300302_Child_Care_Quality_Younger_Arrangement_2_Cost_Number_Children | ||||
PX300302160200 | How many other children does it include? more | N/A | ||
PX300302_Child_Care_Quality_Younger_Arrangement_2_Do_Again | ||||
PX300302180200 | Knowing what you know now, if you had to more | N/A | ||
PX300302_Child_Care_Quality_Younger_Arrangement_2_Number_Children | ||||
PX300302040200 | How many other children are cared for (with more | N/A | ||
PX300302_Child_Care_Quality_Younger_Arrangement_2_Number_Days | ||||
PX300302070200 | How many days a week? Arrrangement 2 | N/A | ||
PX300302_Child_Care_Quality_Younger_Arrangement_2_Number_Hours | ||||
PX300302060200 | How many hours a week is BABY cared for in more | N/A | ||
PX300302_Child_Care_Quality_Younger_Arrangement_2_Number_Supervisors | ||||
PX300302050200 | How many people supervise the children? more | N/A | ||
PX300302_Child_Care_Quality_Younger_Arrangement_2_Other_Child_Age | ||||
PX300302030203 | What arrangements do you have? Who? more | N/A | ||
PX300302_Child_Care_Quality_Younger_Arrangement_2_Problem | ||||
PX300302130300 | What was the problem the last time this more | N/A | ||
PX300302_Child_Care_Quality_Younger_Arrangement_2_Problem_Other | ||||
PX300302130400 | What was the problem the last time this more | N/A | ||
PX300302_Child_Care_Quality_Younger_Arrangement_2_Reason_Chose | ||||
PX300302090300 | What was the most important reason why you more | N/A | ||
PX300302_Child_Care_Quality_Younger_Arrangement_2_Reason_Chose_Other | ||||
PX300302090400 | What was the most important reason why you more | N/A | ||
PX300302_Child_Care_Quality_Younger_Arrangement_2_Sibling_Age | ||||
PX300302030202 | What arrangements do you have? Who? more | N/A | ||
PX300302_Child_Care_Quality_Younger_Arrangement_2_Where | ||||
PX300302030501 | What arrangements do you have? Where? more | N/A | ||
PX300302_Child_Care_Quality_Younger_Arrangement_2_Where_Other | ||||
PX300302030502 | What arrangements do you have? Where? more | N/A | ||
PX300302_Child_Care_Quality_Younger_Arrangement_2_Who | ||||
PX300302030201 | What arrangements do you have? Who? Arrangement 2 | N/A | ||
PX300302_Child_Care_Quality_Younger_Arrangement_2_Who_Other | ||||
PX300302030204 | What arrangements do you have? Who? more | N/A | ||
PX300302_Child_Care_Quality_Younger_Arrangement_3_Age_Months | ||||
PX300302080300 | How old in months was BABY when you started more | N/A | ||
PX300302_Child_Care_Quality_Younger_Arrangement_3_Childcare_Cost_OtherChildren | ||||
PX300302150300 | Does this amount include any other children? more | N/A | ||
PX300302_Child_Care_Quality_Younger_Arrangement_3_Cost_Number_Children | ||||
PX300302160300 | How many other children does it include? more | N/A | ||
PX300302_Child_Care_Quality_Younger_Arrangement_3_Do_Again | ||||
PX300302180300 | Knowing what you know now, if you had to more | N/A | ||
PX300302_Child_Care_Quality_Younger_Arrangement_3_Number_Children | ||||
PX300302040300 | How many other children are cared for (with more | N/A | ||
PX300302_Child_Care_Quality_Younger_Arrangement_3_Number_Days | ||||
PX300302070300 | How many days a week? Arrrangement 3 | N/A | ||
PX300302_Child_Care_Quality_Younger_Arrangement_3_Number_Hours | ||||
PX300302060300 | How many hours a week is BABY cared for in more | N/A | ||
PX300302_Child_Care_Quality_Younger_Arrangement_3_Number_Supervisors | ||||
PX300302050300 | How many people supervise the children? more | N/A | ||
PX300302_Child_Care_Quality_Younger_Arrangement_3_Other_Child_Age | ||||
PX300302030303 | What arrangements do you have? Who? more | N/A | ||
PX300302_Child_Care_Quality_Younger_Arrangement_3_Problem | ||||
PX300302130500 | What was the problem the last time this more | N/A | ||
PX300302_Child_Care_Quality_Younger_Arrangement_3_Problem_Other | ||||
PX300302130600 | What was the problem the last time this more | N/A | ||
PX300302_Child_Care_Quality_Younger_Arrangement_3_Reason_Chose | ||||
PX300302090500 | What was the most important reason why you more | N/A | ||
PX300302_Child_Care_Quality_Younger_Arrangement_3_Reason_Chose_Other | ||||
PX300302090600 | What was the most important reason why you more | N/A | ||
PX300302_Child_Care_Quality_Younger_Arrangement_3_Sibling_Age | ||||
PX300302030302 | What arrangements do you have? Who? more | N/A | ||
PX300302_Child_Care_Quality_Younger_Arrangement_3_Where | ||||
PX300302030601 | What arrangements do you have? Where? more | N/A | ||
PX300302_Child_Care_Quality_Younger_Arrangement_3_Where_Other | ||||
PX300302030602 | What arrangements do you have? Where? more | N/A | ||
PX300302_Child_Care_Quality_Younger_Arrangement_3_Who | ||||
PX300302030301 | What arrangements do you have? Who? Arrangement 3 | N/A | ||
PX300302_Child_Care_Quality_Younger_Arrangement_3_Who_Other | ||||
PX300302030304 | What arrangements do you have? Who? more | N/A | ||
PX300302_Child_Care_Quality_Younger_Baby_Been_Sick | ||||
PX300302100000 | Since we last talked, has BABY been sick on more | N/A | ||
PX300302_Child_Care_Quality_Younger_Baby_Sick_Child_Care | ||||
PX300302110100 | What did you do about child care the last more | N/A | ||
PX300302_Child_Care_Quality_Younger_Baby_Sick_Child_Care_Other | ||||
PX300302110200 | What did you do about child care the last more | N/A | ||
PX300302_Child_Care_Quality_Younger_Caregiver_Happy_ToSee_Child | ||||
PX300302240000 | When you drop the child off at the more | N/A | ||
PX300302_Child_Care_Quality_Younger_Change_Child_Care | ||||
PX300302190000 | Do you expect to change your current child more | N/A | ||
PX300302_Child_Care_Quality_Younger_Childcare_Cost | ||||
PX300302140000 | How much do you pay each week for this care? more | N/A | ||
PX300302_Child_Care_Quality_Younger_Childcare_Cost_Support | ||||
PX300302170100 | I am going to read a list of sources that more | N/A | ||
PX300302_Child_Care_Quality_Younger_Childcare_Cost_Support_No_Financial_Help | ||||
PX300302170200 | Do you plan to claim a tax credit for child care? | N/A | ||
PX300302_Child_Care_Quality_Younger_Child_Happy_ToSee_Caregiver | ||||
PX300302230000 | When you drop the child off at the more | N/A | ||
PX300302_Child_Care_Quality_Younger_Child_Relationship_Caregiver | ||||
PX300302210000 | Would you say that the relationship the more | N/A | ||
PX300302_Child_Care_Quality_Younger_Child_Sad_Leave_Caregive | ||||
PX300302220000 | When you pick up your child from the more | N/A | ||
PX300302_Child_Care_Quality_Younger_Handling_Child_Care | ||||
PX300302020100 | How are you handing child care while you are more | N/A | ||
PX300302_Child_Care_Quality_Younger_Handling_Child_Care_Other | ||||
PX300302020200 | How are you handing child care while you are more | N/A | ||
PX300302_Child_Care_Quality_Younger_Missed_Work_Childcare_Problem | ||||
PX300302120000 | Since we last talked, have you or your more | N/A | ||
PX300302_Child_Care_Quality_Younger_New_Arrangement_1_Child_Age | ||||
PX300302200103 | Who will be caring for BABY? Who? more | N/A | ||
PX300302_Child_Care_Quality_Younger_New_Arrangement_1_Sibling_Age | ||||
PX300302200102 | Who will be caring for BABY? Who? more | N/A | ||
PX300302_Child_Care_Quality_Younger_New_Arrangement_1_Where | ||||
PX300302200401 | Who will be caring for BABY? Where? Arrangement 1 | N/A | ||
PX300302_Child_Care_Quality_Younger_New_Arrangement_1_Where_Other | ||||
PX300302200402 | Who will be caring for BABY? Where? more | N/A | ||
PX300302_Child_Care_Quality_Younger_New_Arrangement_1_Who | ||||
PX300302200101 | Who will be caring for BABY? Who? Arrangement 1 | N/A | ||
PX300302_Child_Care_Quality_Younger_New_Arrangement_1_Who_Other | ||||
PX300302200104 | Who will be caring for BABY? Who? more | N/A | ||
PX300302_Child_Care_Quality_Younger_New_Arrangement_2_Child_Age | ||||
PX300302200203 | Who will be caring for BABY? Who? more | N/A | ||
PX300302_Child_Care_Quality_Younger_New_Arrangement_2_Sibling_Age | ||||
PX300302200202 | Who will be caring for BABY? Who? more | N/A | ||
PX300302_Child_Care_Quality_Younger_New_Arrangement_2_Where | ||||
PX300302200501 | Who will be caring for BABY? Where? Arrangement 2 | N/A | ||
PX300302_Child_Care_Quality_Younger_New_Arrangement_2_Where_Other | ||||
PX300302200502 | Who will be caring for BABY? Where? more | N/A | ||
PX300302_Child_Care_Quality_Younger_New_Arrangement_2_Who | ||||
PX300302200201 | Who will be caring for BABY? Who? Arrangement 2 | N/A | ||
PX300302_Child_Care_Quality_Younger_New_Arrangement_2_Who_Other | ||||
PX300302200204 | Who will be caring for BABY? Who? more | N/A | ||
PX300302_Child_Care_Quality_Younger_New_Arrangement_3_Child_Age | ||||
PX300302200303 | Who will be caring for BABY? Who? more | N/A | ||
PX300302_Child_Care_Quality_Younger_New_Arrangement_3_Sibling_Age | ||||
PX300302200302 | Who will be caring for BABY? Who? more | N/A | ||
PX300302_Child_Care_Quality_Younger_New_Arrangement_3_Where | ||||
PX300302200601 | Who will be caring for BABY? Where? Arrangement 3 | N/A | ||
PX300302_Child_Care_Quality_Younger_New_Arrangement_3_Where_Other | ||||
PX300302200602 | Who will be caring for BABY? Where? more | N/A | ||
PX300302_Child_Care_Quality_Younger_New_Arrangement_3_Who | ||||
PX300302200301 | Who will be caring for BABY? Who? Arrangement 3 | N/A | ||
PX300302_Child_Care_Quality_Younger_New_Arrangement_3_Who_Other | ||||
PX300302200304 | Who will be caring for BABY? Who? more | N/A |
Measure Name
Childcare Arrangements
Release Date
December 11, 2019
A questionnaire assessing characteristics of the child care environment.
Type and quality of care impact development and other aspects of wellbeing.
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, Study of Early Child Care and Youth Development 1996-1999, Early Child Care Research Network, Pediatric Development, Daycare
Measure Protocols
Protocol ID | Protocol Name |
300301 | Childcare Arrangements - Education setting, 2.9-5 years old |
300302 | Childcare Arrangements - Childcare setting, birth to 5 years |