
Protocol - Psychological Resilience - Child

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A 26-item measure of the resources available to children that may increase their resilience. The Child and Youth Resilience Measure (CYRM-28) has three sub-scales: individual capacities/resources, relationships with primary caregivers and contextual factors that facilitate a sense of belonging.

Specific Instructions

The CYRM is free for non-profit research use only. If your intention is to use the instrument in a for profit or commercial environment please visit the CYRM website (http://cyrm.resilienceresearch.org/download/) or email rrc@dal.ca to request permission to use this instrument. You will be asked to provide a few details about yourself and how you plan to use the CYRM.

We recommend that researchers complete the questionnaire with children individually (not in a group setting or with their parents or guardians). It is important that all questions be read to participants as they work through the measure to ensure the children understand each question. Researchers should also record the answer for the participant but take care to ensure that participants are engaged.


This protocol is freely available; permission not required for use.





1. Do you have people you want to be like?

2. Do you share with people around you?

3. Is doing well in school important to you?

4. Do you know how to behave/act in different situations (such as

school, home and church or mosque)?

5. Do you feel that your parent(s)/caregiver(s) know where you are and what you are doing all of the time?

6. Do you feel that your parent(s)/ caregiver(s) know a lot about you

(for example, what makes you happy, what makes you scared)?

7. Is there enough to eat in your home when you are hungry?

8. Do you try to finish activities that you start?

9. Do you know where your family comes from or know your family’s


10. Do other children like to play with you?

11. Do you talk to your family about how you feel (for example when

you are hurt or feeling scared)?

12. When things don’t go your way, can you fix it without hurting

yourself or other people (for example, without hitting others or saying

nasty things)?

13. Do you have friends that care about you?

14. Do you know where to go to get help?

15. Do you feel you fit in with other children?

16. Do you think your family cares about you when times are hard (for example, if you are sick or have done something wrong)?

17. Do you think your friends care about you when times are hard (for example if you are sick or have done something wrong)?

18. Are you treated fairly?

19. Do you have chances to show others that you are growing up and can do things by yourself?

20. Do you know what you are good at?

21. Do you participate in religious activities (such as church, mosque)?

22. Do you think it is important to help out in your community?

23. Do you feel safe when you are with your family?

24. Do you have chances to learn things that will be useful when you are older (like cooking, working, and helping others)?

25. Do you like the way your family celebrates things (like holidays or learning about your culture)?

26. Do you like the way your community celebrates things (like

holidays, festivals)?

Personnel and Training Required


Equipment Needs


Requirement CategoryRequired
Major equipment No
Specialized training No
Specialized requirements for biospecimen collection No
Average time of greater than 15 minutes in an unaffected individual No
Mode of Administration

Interviewer-administered questionnaire




Children aged 5-9 years old

Selection Rationale

This is a well-used, validated, child-focused protocol that measures the resources (individual, relational, communal and cultural) available to individuals that may bolster their resilience.



Derived Variables


Process and Review

Not Applicable

Protocol Name from Source

The Child and Youth Resilience Measure (CYRM) Child Version


Ungar, M., & Liebenberg, L. (2011). Assessing Resilience Across Cultures Using Mixed Methods: Construction of the Child and Youth Resilience Measure. Journal of Mixed Methods Research, 5(2), 126–149.

General References

Luthar, S. S., Cicchetti, D., & Becker, B. (2000). The construct of resilience: A critical evaluation and guidelines for future work. Child Development, 71, 543-562.

Rutter, M. (1987). Psychosocial resilience and protective mechanisms. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 57, 316-331.

Springer, F., & Phillips, J. L. (1997). Individual protective factors Index (IPFI): A measure of adolescent resiliency. Folsom, CA: EMT Associates.

Ungar, M. (2008). Resilience across cultures. British Journal of Social Work, 38(2), 218-235.

Ungar, M., Brown, M., Liebenberg, L., Othman, R., Kwong, W. M., Armstrong, M., & Gilgun, J. (2007). Unique pathways to resilience across cultures. Adolescence, 42, 287-310.

Ungar, M., Lee, A. W., Callaghan, T., & Boothroyd, R. (2005). An international collaboration to study resilience in adolescents across cultures. Journal of Social Work Research and Evaluation, 6, 5-24.

Protocol ID


Export Variables
Variable Name Variable IDVariable DescriptiondbGaP Mapping
PX301001040000 Do you know how to behave/act in different more
situations (such as school, home and church or mosque)? show less
PX301001060000 Do you feel that your parent(s)/ more
caregiver(s) know a lot about you (for example, what makes you happy, what makes you scared)? show less
PX301001030000 Is doing well in school important to you? N/A
PX301001070000 Is there enough to eat in your home when you more
are hungry? show less
PX301001160000 Do you think your family cares about you more
when times are hard (for example, if you are sick or have done something wrong)? show less
PX301001090000 Do you know where your family comes from or more
know your family's history? show less
PX301001230000 Do you feel safe when you are with your family? N/A
PX301001150000 Do you feel you fit in with other children? N/A
PX301001080000 Do you try to finish activities that you start? N/A
PX301001130000 Do you have friends that care about you? N/A
PX301001170000 Do you think your friends care about you more
when times are hard (for example if you are sick or have done something wrong)? show less
PX301001_Psychological_Resilience_Child_Have_Chances_Learn_Things_Will_Be_Useful_When_ Older
PX301001240000 Do you have chances to learn things that more
will be useful when you are older (like cooking, working, and helping others)? show less
PX301001220000 Do you think it is important to help out in more
your community? show less
PX301001200000 Do you know what you are good at? N/A
PX301001140000 Do you know where to go to get help? N/A
PX301001260000 Do you like the way your community more
celebrates things (like holidays, festivals)? show less
PX301001250000 Do you like the way your family celebrates more
things (like holidays or learning about your culture)? show less
PX301001100000 Do other children like to play with you? N/A
PX301001050000 Do you feel that your parent(s)/caregiver(s) more
know where you are and what you are doing all of the time? show less
PX301001210000 Do you participate in religious activities more
(such as church, mosque)? show less
PX301001010000 Do you have people you want to be like? N/A
PX301001020000 Do you share with people around you? N/A
PX301001190000 Do you have chances to show others that you more
are growing up and can do things by yourself? show less
PX301001110000 Do you talk to your family about how you more
feel (for example when you are hurt or feeling scared)? show less
PX301001120000 When things don't go your way, can you fix more
it without hurting yourself or other people (for example, without hitting others or saying nasty things)? show less
PX301001180000 Are you treated fairly? N/A
Pediatric Development
Measure Name

Psychological Resilience

Release Date

December 11, 2019


To assess the ability to bounce back or recover from stress.


An individual's ability to bounce back or recover from stress is key to being able to deal with life's challenges.


Stressful events, difficult times, setback, adaptation, recovery, bounce back, Brief Resilience Scale, BRS, gerontology, aging, Pediatric Development

Measure Protocols
Protocol ID Protocol Name
301001 Psychological Resilience - Child