
Protocol - Patient Empowerment After Genetic Services and Counseling - Genomics Outcome Scale (GOS)

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The Genomics Outcome Scale (GOS) is a 6-item version of the 24-item Genetic Counselling Outcome Scale (GCOS-24). The survey focuses on empowerment. The GOS includes a 5-point Likert scale going from how much the individual strongly disagrees (1) to strongly agrees (5) with the statement.  

Specific Instructions

The 24-item Genetic Counseling Outcome Scale (GCOS) should be used to evaluate empowerment following genetic counseling. The 6-item Genomics Outcome Scale (GOS) is shorter and more broadly applicable, such as in circumstances where a non-genetics provider has disclosed a result or when results are disclosed online.


This protocol has limited availability; permission required for use.


For each statement below, circle the number next to how much you agree or disagree with the statement. 

  1. I can explain what the condition means to people outside my family who may need to know (e.g., teachers, social workers).

[ ] 1 Strongly Disagree

[ ] 2 Disagree

[ ] 3 Neither Agree nor Disagree 

[ ] 4 Agree

[ ] 5 Strongly Agree 

  1. I know who else in my family might be at risk for this condition.

[ ] 1 Strongly Disagree  

[ ] 2 Disagree

[ ] 3 Neither Agree nor Disagree 

[ ] 4 Agree

[ ] 5 Strongly Agree 

  1. When I think about the condition in my family, I get upset.

[ ] 1 Strongly Disagree  

[ ] 2 Disagree

[ ] 3 Neither Agree nor Disagree 

[ ] 4 Agree

[ ] 5 Strongly Agree 

  1. I know what I can do to change how this condition affects me/my children.

[ ] 1 Strongly Disagree  

[ ] 2 Disagree

[ ] 3 Neither Agree nor Disagree 

[ ] 4 Agree

[ ] 5 Strongly Agree 

  1. I am able to make plans for my future.

[ ] 1 Strongly Disagree  

[ ] 2 Disagree

[ ] 3 Neither Agree nor Disagree 

[ ] 4 Agree

[ ] 5 Strongly Agree 

  1. I can make decisions about the condition that may change my future or my child(ren)’s future. 

[ ] 1 Strongly Disagree  

[ ] 2 Disagree

[ ] 3 Neither Agree nor Disagree 

[ ] 4 Agree

[ ] 5 Strongly Agree 

Reprinted from European Journal of Medical Genetics, Volume 62, Grant, P. E., Pampaka, M., Payne, K., Clarke, A., & McAllister, M., Developing a short-form of the Genetic Counselling Outcome Scale: The Genomics Outcome Scale, pages 324-334, Copyright 2019, with permission from Elsevier.

Personnel and Training Required


Equipment Needs


Requirement CategoryRequired
Major equipment No
Specialized training No
Specialized requirements for biospecimen collection No
Average time of greater than 15 minutes in an unaffected individual No
Mode of Administration

Self-administered questionnaire




Age 18 and older

Selection Rationale

The correlation between the 24-item Genetic Counselling Outcome Scale (GCOS-24) and Genomics Outcome Scale (GOS) scores is good (r = .838 at 99% confidence), suggesting that GOS maintains the ability of GCOS-24 to capture empowerment while providing a less burdensome scale for respondents.



Derived Variables


Process and Review

Not applicable

Protocol Name from Source

Genomics Outcome Scale (GOS)


Grant, P. E., Pampaka, M., Payne, K., Clarke, A., & McAllister, M. (2019). Developing a short-form of the Genetic Counselling Outcome Scale: The Genomics Outcome Scale. European Journal of Medical Genetics, 62(5), 324–334.

Copyright 2019, Elsevier. Posted with permission from Elsevier.

General References

McAllister, M., Wood, A., Dunn, G., Shiloh, S., & Todd, C. (2011). The Genetic Counseling Outcome Scale: A new patient-reported outcome measure for clinical genetics services. Clinical Genetics, 79(5), 413–424

Yuen, J., Lee, S. Y., Courtney, E., Lim, J., Soh, H., Li, S. T., Chen, Y., McAllister, M., Fenwick, E. K., & Ngeow, J. (2020). Evaluating empowerment in genetic counseling using patient-reported outcomes.

Clinical Genetics, 97(2), 246–256.

Protocol ID


Export Variables
Variable Name Variable IDVariable DescriptiondbGaP Mapping
PX310801040000 I know what I can do to change how this more
condition affects me/my children. show less
PX310801060000 I can make decisions about the condition more
that may change my future or my child(ren)'s future. show less
PX310801010000 I can explain what the condition means to more
people outside my family who may need to know (e.g., teachers, social workers). show less
PX310801020000 I know who else in my family might be at more
risk for this condition. show less
PX310801030000 When I think about the condition in my more
family, I get upset. show less
PX310801050000 I am able to make plans for my future. N/A
Genomic Medicine Implementation
Measure Name

Patient Empowerment After Genetic Services and Counseling

Release Date

September 10, 2020


A patient-reported outcome used to evaluate patient empowerment after he or she has received genetic counseling and testing services. 


This tool is used to assess patient empowerment, which is how an individual uses the results from genetic services to benefit himself or herself and his or her family. 


Empowerment, genetic counseling, genetic testing, genomic testing, outcomes, scale

Measure Protocols
Protocol ID Protocol Name
310801 Patient Empowerment After Genetic Services and Counseling - Genomics Outcome Scale (GOS)