
Protocol - Patterns of Substance Use - Adolescents

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The Monitoring the Future (MTF) questions from this module address whether the respondent has ever smoked, drunk alcohol, or used various drugs and assesses the frequency of substance use in the last 30 days and last 12 months.

Specific Instructions

Although this instrument can be administered to adolescents or adults, the Working Group (WG) recommends this instrument specifically for adolescents.

The WG acknowledges that the following question may gather sensitive information relating to the use of substances or illegal conduct. If the information is released, it might be damaging to an individual’s employability, lead to social stigmatization, or result in other consequences.

For information on obtaining a Certificate of Confidentiality, which helps researchers protect the privacy of human research participants, please go to the National Human Genome Research Institute’s Institutional Review Board website.


This protocol is freely available; permission not required for use.



  1. This is not a test, so there are no right or wrong answers; we would like you to work fairly quickly, so that you can finish.
  1. All of the questions should be answered by marking one of the answer spaces. If you don’t always find an answer that fits exactly, use the one that comes closest. If any question does not apply to you, or you are not sure of what it means, just leave it blank.

The following questions are about SMOKING CIGARETTES that contain tobacco.

  1. Have you ever smoked cigarettes? (Mark only one circle.)

1[ ]Never - GO TO QUESTION 3

2[ ]Once or twice

3[ ]Occasionally but not regularly

4[ ]Regularly in the past

5[ ]Regularly now

  1. How frequently have you smoked cigarettes during the past 30 days?

1[ ]Not at all

2[ ]Less than one cigarette per day

3[ ]One to five cigarettes per day

4[ ]About one-half pack per day

5[ ]About one pack per day

6[ ]About one and one-half packs per day

7[ ]Two packs or more per day

  1. Have you ever taken or used smokeless tobacco (snuff, plug, dipping tobacco, chewing tobacco, snus, dissolvable tobacco)?

1[ ]Never - Go to Question 5

2[ ]Once or twice

3[ ]Occasionally but not regularly

4[ ]Regularly in the past

5[ ]Regularly now

  1. How frequently have you taken smokeless tobacco during the past 30 days?

1[ ]Not at all

2[ ]Once or twice

3[ ]Once or twice per week

4[ ]Three to five times per week

5[ ]About once a day

6[ ]More than once a day

  1. Next we want to ask you about drinking alcoholic beverages, including beer, wine, liquor, and any other beverage that contains alcohol. Have you ever had any alcoholic beverage to drink-more than just a few sips?

1[ ]No - Go to Question 7

2[ ]Yes

  1. On how many occasions have you had alcohol beverages to drink-more than just a few sips . . . (Mark one circle for each line.)

    1. In your lifetime?

1[ ]0 Occasions

2[ ]1-2 Occasions

3[ ]3-5 Occasions

4[ ]6-9 Occasions

5[ ]10-19 Occasions

6[ ]20-39 Occasions

7[ ]40 or More

    1. During the last 12 months?

1[ ]0 Occasions

2[ ]1-2 Occasions

3[ ]3-5 Occasions

4[ ]6-9 Occasions

5[ ]10-19 Occasions

6[ ]20-39 Occasions

7[ ]40 or More

    1. During the last 30 days?

1[ ]0 Occasions

2[ ]1-2 Occasions

3[ ]3-5 Occasions

4[ ]6-9 Occasions

5[ ]10-19 Occasions

6[ ]20-39 Occasions

7[ ]40 or More

  1. Think back over the LAST TWO WEEKS. How many times have you had five or more drinks in a row? (A "drink" is a glass of wine, a bottle of beer, a shot glass or liquor, a mixed drink, etc.)

1[ ]None

2[ ]Once

3[ ]Twice

4[ ]Three to five times

5[ ]Six to nine times

6[ ]Ten or more times

The next major section of this questionnaire deals with various other drugs. There is a lot of talk about this subject, but not enough accurate information. Therefore, we still have a lot to learn about the actual experiences and attitudes of people your age.

We hope that you can answer all of the questions, but if you find one that you feel you cannot answer honestly, just leave it blank. Remember that your answers will be kept strictly confidential; they are never connected with your name or your class.

  1. On how many occasions (if any) have you used marijuana (weed, pot) or hashish (hash, hash oil) . . . (Mark one circle for each line.)

    1. In your lifetime?

1[ ]0 Occasions

2[ ]1-2 Occasions

3[ ]3-5 Occasions

4[ ]6-9 Occasions

5[ ]10-19 Occasions

6[ ]20-39 Occasions

7[ ]40 or More

    1. During the last 12 months?

1[ ]0 Occasions

2[ ]1-2 Occasions

3[ ]3-5 Occasions

4[ ]6-9 Occasions

5[ ]10-19 Occasions

6[ ]20-39 Occasions

7[ ]40 or More

    1. During the last 30 days?

1[ ]0 Occasions

2[ ]1-2 Occasions

3[ ]3-5 Occasions

4[ ]6-9 Occasions

5[ ]10-19 Occasions

6[ ]20-39 Occasions

7[ ]40 or More

  1. On how many occasions (if any) have you used LSD ("acid") . . .

    1. In your lifetime?

1[ ]0

2[ ]1-2

3[ ]3-5

4[ ]6-9

5[ ]10-19

6[ ]20-39

7[ ]40+

    1. During the last 12 months?

1[ ]0

2[ ]1-2

3[ ]3-5

4[ ]6-9

5[ ]10-19

6[ ]20-39

7[ ]40+

    1. During the last 30 days?

1[ ]0

2[ ]1-2

3[ ]3-5

4[ ]6-9

5[ ]10-19

6[ ]20-39

7[ ]40+

  1. On how many occasions (if any) have you used hallucinogens other than LSD (like mescaline, peyote, "shrooms" or psilocybin, PCP) . . .

    1. In your lifetime?

1[ ]0

2[ ]1-2

3[ ]3-5

4[ ]6-9

5[ ]10-19

6[ ]20-39

7[ ]40+

    1. During the last 12 months?

1[ ]0

2[ ]1-2

3[ ]3-5

4[ ]6-9

5[ ]10-19

6[ ]20-39

7[ ]40+

    1. During the last 30 days?

1[ ]0

2[ ]1-2

3[ ]3-5

4[ ]6-9

5[ ]10-19

6[ ]20-39

7[ ]40+

  1. On how many occasions (if any) have you used cocaine (sometimes called "coke," "crack," "rock") . . .

    1. In your lifetime?

1[ ]0

2[ ]1-2

3[ ]3-5

4[ ]6-9

5[ ]10-19

6[ ]20-39

7[ ]40+

    1. During the last 12 months?

1[ ]0

2[ ]1-2

3[ ]3-5

4[ ]6-9

5[ ]10-19

6[ ]20-39

7[ ]40+

    1. During the last 30 days?

1[ ]0

2[ ]1-2

3[ ]3-5

4[ ]6-9

5[ ]10-19

6[ ]20-39

7[ ]40+

  1. On how many occasions (if any) have you used "crack" cocaine . . .

    1. In your lifetime?

1[ ]0

2[ ]1-2

3[ ]3-5

4[ ]6-9

5[ ]10-19

6[ ]20-39

7[ ]40+

    1. During the last 12 months?

1[ ]0

2[ ]1-2

3[ ]3-5

4[ ]6-9

5[ ]10-19

6[ ]20-39

7[ ]40+

    1. During the last 30 days?

1[ ]0

2[ ]1-2

3[ ]3-5

4[ ]6-9

5[ ]10-19

6[ ]20-39

7[ ]40+

  1. On how many occasions (if any) have you used cocaine in any other form . . .

    1. In your lifetime?

1[ ]0

2[ ]1-2

3[ ]3-5

4[ ]6-9

5[ ]10-19

6[ ]20-39

7[ ]40+

    1. During the last 12 months?

1[ ]0

2[ ]1-2

3[ ]3-5

4[ ]6-9

5[ ]10-19

6[ ]20-39

7[ ]40+

    1. During the last 30 days?

1[ ]0

2[ ]1-2

3[ ]3-5

4[ ]6-9

5[ ]10-19

6[ ]20-39

7[ ]40+

  1. Amphetamines and other stimulant drugs are sometimes prescribed by doctors for people who have trouble paying attention, are hyperactive, have ADHD, or have trouble staying awake. They are sometimes called uppers, ups, pep pills, and include drugs like Adderall and Ritalin. Drugstores are not supposed to sell them without a prescription from a doctor. They do NOT include any nonprescription drugs, such as over-the-counter diet pills or stay-awake pills. On how many occasions (if any) have you taken amphetamines or other prescription stimulant drugs on your own-that is, without a doctor telling you to take them . . .

    1. In your lifetime?

1[ ]0

2[ ]1-2

3[ ]3-5

4[ ]6-9

5[ ]10-19

6[ ]20-39

7[ ]40+

    1. During the last 12 months?

1[ ]0

2[ ]1-2

3[ ]3-5

4[ ]6-9

5[ ]10-19

6[ ]20-39

7[ ]40+

    1. During the last 30 days?

1[ ]0

2[ ]1-2

3[ ]3-5

4[ ]6-9

5[ ]10-19

6[ ]20-39

7[ ]40+

  1. On how many occasions (if any) have you used methamphetamine (meth, speed, crank, crystal meth) by any method . . .

    1. In your lifetime?

1[ ]0

2[ ]1-2

3[ ]3-5

4[ ]6-9

5[ ]10-19

6[ ]20-39

7[ ]40+

    1. During the last 12 months?

1[ ]0

2[ ]1-2

3[ ]3-5

4[ ]6-9

5[ ]10-19

6[ ]20-39

7[ ]40+

    1. During the last 30 days?

1[ ]0

2[ ]1-2

3[ ]3-5

4[ ]6-9

5[ ]10-19

6[ ]20-39

7[ ]40+

  1. On how many occasions (if any) have you smoked (or inhaled the fumes of) crystal meth ("ice") . . .

    1. In your lifetime?

1[ ]0

2[ ]1-2

3[ ]3-5

4[ ]6-9

5[ ]10-19

6[ ]20-39

7[ ]40+

    1. During the last 12 months?

1[ ]0

2[ ]1-2

3[ ]3-5

4[ ]6-9

5[ ]10-19

6[ ]20-39

7[ ]40+

    1. During the last 30 days?

1[ ]0

2[ ]1-2

3[ ]3-5

4[ ]6-9

5[ ]10-19

6[ ]20-39

7[ ]40+

  1. Sedatives, including barbiturates, are sometimes prescribed by doctors to help people relax or get to sleep. They are sometimes called downs or downers, and include phenobarbital, Ambien, Lunesta, and Sonata. On how many occasions (if any) have you taken sedatives on your own-that is, without a doctor telling you to take them . . .

    1. In your lifetime?

1[ ]0

2[ ]1-2

3[ ]3-5

4[ ]6-9

5[ ]10-19

6[ ]20-39

7[ ]40+

    1. During the last 12 months?

1[ ]0

2[ ]1-2

3[ ]3-5

4[ ]6-9

5[ ]10-19

6[ ]20-39

7[ ]40+

    1. During the last 30 days?

1[ ]0

2[ ]1-2

3[ ]3-5

4[ ]6-9

5[ ]10-19

6[ ]20-39

7[ ]40+

  1. Tranquilizers are sometimes prescribed by doctors to calm people down, quiet their nerves, or relax their muscles. Librium, Valium, and Xanax are all tranquilizers. On how many occasions (if any) have you taken tranquilizers on your own-that is, without a doctor telling you to take them . . .

    1. In your lifetime?

1[ ]0

2[ ]1-2

3[ ]3-5

4[ ]6-9

5[ ]10-19

6[ ]20-39

7[ ]40+

    1. During the last 12 months?

1[ ]0

2[ ]1-2

3[ ]3-5

4[ ]6-9

5[ ]10-19

6[ ]20-39

7[ ]40+

    1. During the last 30 days?

1[ ]0

2[ ]1-2

3[ ]3-5

4[ ]6-9

5[ ]10-19

6[ ]20-39

7[ ]40+

  1. On how many occasions (if any) have you used heroin . . .

    1. In your lifetime?

1[ ]0

2[ ]1-2

3[ ]3-5

4[ ]6-9

5[ ]10-19

6[ ]20-39

7[ ]40+

    1. During the last 12 months?

1[ ]0

2[ ]1-2

3[ ]3-5

4[ ]6-9

5[ ]10-19

6[ ]20-39

7[ ]40+

    1. During the last 30 days?

1[ ]0

2[ ]1-2

3[ ]3-5

4[ ]6-9

5[ ]10-19

6[ ]20-39

7[ ]40+

  1. On how many occasions (if any) have you taken heroin using a needle . . .

    1. In your lifetime?

1[ ]0

2[ ]1-2

3[ ]3-5

4[ ]6-9

5[ ]10-19

6[ ]20-39

7[ ]40+

    1. During the last 12 months?

1[ ]0

2[ ]1-2

3[ ]3-5

4[ ]6-9

5[ ]10-19

6[ ]20-39

7[ ]40+

    1. During the last 30 days?

1[ ]0

2[ ]1-2

3[ ]3-5

4[ ]6-9

5[ ]10-19

6[ ]20-39

7[ ]40+

  1. On how many occasions (if any) have you taken heroin WITHOUT using a needle . . .

    1. In your lifetime?

1[ ]0

2[ ]1-2

3[ ]3-5

4[ ]6-9

5[ ]10-19

6[ ]20-39

7[ ]40+

    1. During the last 12 months?

1[ ]0

2[ ]1-2

3[ ]3-5

4[ ]6-9

5[ ]10-19

6[ ]20-39

7[ ]40+

    1. During the last 30 days?

1[ ]0

2[ ]1-2

3[ ]3-5

4[ ]6-9

5[ ]10-19

6[ ]20-39

7[ ]40+

  1. There are a number of narcotics other than heroin, such as methadone, opium, morphine, codeine, Demerol, Vicodin, OxyContin, and Percocet. These are sometimes prescribed by doctors. On how many occasions (if any) have you taken narcotics other than heroin on your own-that is, without a doctor telling you to take them . . .

    1. In your lifetime?

1[ ]0

2[ ]1-2

3[ ]3-5

4[ ]6-9

5[ ]10-19

6[ ]20-39

7[ ]40+

    1. During the last 12 months?

1[ ]0

2[ ]1-2

3[ ]3-5

4[ ]6-9

5[ ]10-19

6[ ]20-39

7[ ]40+

    1. During the last 30 days?

1[ ]0

2[ ]1-2

3[ ]3-5

4[ ]6-9

5[ ]10-19

6[ ]20-39

7[ ]40+

  1. On how many occasions (if any) have you sniffed glue or breathed the contents of aerosol spray cans, or inhaled any other gases or sprays in order to get high…

    1. In your lifetime?

1[ ]0

2[ ]1-2

3[ ]3-5

4[ ]6-9

5[ ]10-19

6[ ]20-39

7[ ]40+

    1. During the last 12 months?

1[ ]0

2[ ]1-2

3[ ]3-5

4[ ]6-9

5[ ]10-19

6[ ]20-39

7[ ]40+

    1. During the last 30 days?

1[ ]0

2[ ]1-2

3[ ]3-5

4[ ]6-9

5[ ]10-19

6[ ]20-39

7[ ]40+

  1. Anabolic steroids are prescription drugs sometimes prescribed by doctors to treat certain conditions. Some athletes, and others, have used them to try to increase muscle development.

On how many occasions (if any) have you taken steroids on your own-that is, without a doctor telling you to take them . . .

    1. In your lifetime?

1[ ]0

2[ ]1-2

3[ ]3-5

4[ ]6-9

5[ ]10-19

6[ ]20-39

7[ ]40+

    1. During the last 12 months?

1[ ]0

2[ ]1-2

3[ ]3-5

4[ ]6-9

5[ ]10-19

6[ ]20-39

7[ ]40+

    1. During the last 30 days?

1[ ]0

2[ ]1-2

3[ ]3-5

4[ ]6-9

5[ ]10-19

6[ ]20-39

7[ ]40+

On how many occasions (if any) have you used MDMA ("Molly," "ecstasy") . . .

a. In your lifetime?

1[ ]0

2[ ]1-2

3[ ]3-5

4[ ]6-9

5[ ]10-19

6[ ]20-39

7[ ]40+

b. During the last 12 months?

1[ ]0

2[ ]1-2

3[ ]3-5

4[ ]6-9

5[ ]10-19

6[ ]20-39

7[ ]40+

c. During the last 30 days?

1[ ]0

2[ ]1-2

3[ ]3-5

4[ ]6-9

5[ ]10-19

6[ ]20-39

7[ ]40+

Lately there has been some attention paid to certain drugs.

  1. During the LAST 12 MONTHS, on how many occasions (if any) have you . . .

    1. Taken GHB ("liquid G," "grievous bodily harm")?

1[ ]0

2[ ]1-2

3[ ]3-5

4[ ]6-9

5[ ]10-19

6[ ]20-39

7[ ]40+

    1. Taken ketamine ("special K," "super K")?

1[ ]0

2[ ]1-2

3[ ]3-5

4[ ]6-9

5[ ]10-19

6[ ]20-39

7[ ]40+

    1. Taken "andro" (androstenedione, nonprescription steroid)?

1[ ]0

2[ ]1-2

3[ ]3-5

4[ ]6-9

5[ ]10-19

6[ ]20-39

7[ ]40+

    1. Taken creatine (amino acid used to build muscle)?

1[ ]0

2[ ]1-2

3[ ]3-5

4[ ]6-9

5[ ]10-19

6[ ]20-39

7[ ]40+

    1. Taken human growth hormone (HGH) (without a doctor’s orders)?

1[ ]0

2[ ]1-2

3[ ]3-5

4[ ]6-9

5[ ]10-19

6[ ]20-39

7[ ]40+

    1. Taken Ritalin® (without a doctor’s orders)?

1[ ]0

2[ ]1-2

3[ ]3-5

4[ ]6-9

5[ ]10-19

6[ ]20-39

7[ ]40+

    1. Taken Adderall® (without a doctor’s orders)?

1[ ]0

2[ ]1-2

3[ ]3-5

4[ ]6-9

5[ ]10-19

6[ ]20-39

7[ ]40+

    1. Taken OxyContin® (without a doctor’s orders)?

1[ ]0

2[ ]1-2

3[ ]3-5

4[ ]6-9

5[ ]10-19

6[ ]20-39

7[ ]40+

    1. Taken Vicodin® (without a doctor’s orders)?

1[ ]0

2[ ]1-2

3[ ]3-5

4[ ]6-9

5[ ]10-19

6[ ]20-39

7[ ]40+

    1. Taken Rohypnol ("rophies," "roofies")?

1[ ]0

2[ ]1-2

3[ ]3-5

4[ ]6-9

5[ ]10-19

6[ ]20-39

7[ ]40+

    1. Taken a nonprescription cough or cold medicine ("robos," "DXM," etc.) to get high?

1[ ]0

2[ ]1-2

3[ ]3-5

4[ ]6-9

5[ ]10-19

6[ ]20-39

7[ ]40+

    1. Taken Salvia?

1[ ]0

2[ ]1-2

3[ ]3-5

4[ ]6-9

5[ ]10-19

6[ ]20-39

7[ ]40+

    1. Taken "synthetic marijuana" ("K2," "Spice") to get high?

1[ ]0

2[ ]1-2

3[ ]3-5

4[ ]6-9

5[ ]10-19

6[ ]20-39

7[ ]40+

    1. Taken "bath salts" (synthetic stimulants) to get high?

1[ ]0

2[ ]1-2

3[ ]3-5

4[ ]6-9

5[ ]10-19

6[ ]20-39

7[ ]40+

    1. Had an alcoholic beverage mixed with an energy drink (like Red Bull)?

1[ ]0

2[ ]1-2

3[ ]3-5

4[ ]6-9

5[ ]10-19

6[ ]20-39

7[ ]40+

    1. Used dissolvable tobacco products (Ariva, Stonewall, Orbs)?

1[ ]0

2[ ]1-2

3[ ]3-5

4[ ]6-9

5[ ]10-19

6[ ]20-39

7[ ]40+

    1. Used snus (a small packet of tobacco that is put in the mouth)?

1[ ]0

2[ ]1-2

3[ ]3-5

4[ ]6-9

5[ ]10-19

6[ ]20-39

7[ ]40+

    1. Smoked small cigars?

1[ ]0

2[ ]1-2

3[ ]3-5

4[ ]6-9

5[ ]10-19

6[ ]20-39

7[ ]40+

    1. Smoked tobacco using a hookah (water pipe)?

1[ ]0

2[ ]1-2

3[ ]3-5

4[ ]6-9

5[ ]10-19

6[ ]20-39

7[ ]40+

    1. Used hash oil or "honey oil"?

1[ ]0

2[ ]1-2

3[ ]3-5

4[ ]6-9

5[ ]10-19

6[ ]20-39

7[ ]40+

    1. Taken Flakka ("gravel")?

1[ ]0

2[ ]1-2

3[ ]3-5

4[ ]6-9

5[ ]10-19

6[ ]20-39

7[ ]40+

    1. Had powdered alcohol

1[ ]0

2[ ]1-2

3[ ]3-5

4[ ]6-9

5[ ]10-19

6[ ]20-39

7[ ]40+

  1. The next questions are about drugs that doctors sometimes prescribe for people who have problems concentrating on one task at a time (attention deficit disorder), or with being too active or too disruptive (hyperactive), or both (ADHD).

Stimulant-type drugs (i.e., amphetamine, methylphenidate, and pemoline) are prescribed for these conditions. These drugs include Ritalin®, Adderall®, Concerta®, Metadate®, Dexedrine®, Focalin®, Vyvanse®, and others.

Have you ever taken any of these stimulant-type prescription drugs under a doctor’s supervision for these conditions? [Do not count drugs that are not stimulant-type, like Strattera®, Wellbutrin®, Provigil®, Tenex®, Intuniv, or Catapres.]

1[ ]No

2[ ]Yes, in the past, but not now

3[ ]Yes, I take them now

  1. Have you ever taken a non-stimulant-type prescription drug under a doctor’s supervision for these conditions? (like Strattera®, Wellbutrin®, Provigil®, Tenex®, Intuniv, or Catapres)

1[ ]No

2[ ]Yes, in the past, but not now

3[ ]Yes, I take them now

8[ ]Don’t know

  1. Electronic vaporizers make a mist that is inhaled and have the feel of cigarette smoking. Examples include e-cigarettes and e-pens. Have you ever used an electronic vaporizer such as an e-cigarette?

1[ ]Never

2[ ]Once or twice

3[ ]Occasionally but not regularly

4[ ]Regularly in the past

5[ ]Regularly now

  1. During the LAST 30 DAYS, on how many days (if any) have you used an electronic vaporizer such as an e-cigarette?

1[ ]None

2[ ]1-2 days

3[ ]3-5 days

4[ ]6-9 days

5[ ]10-19 days

6[ ]20-30 days

  1. During the LAST 30 DAYS, on how many days (if any) have you . . . used electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes)?

1[ ]None

2[ ]1-2 days

3[ ]3-5 days

4[ ]6-9 days

5[ ]10-19 days

6[ ]20-30 days

Personnel and Training Required


Equipment Needs


Requirement CategoryRequired
Major equipment No
Specialized training No
Specialized requirements for biospecimen collection No
Average time of greater than 15 minutes in an unaffected individual No
Mode of Administration

Self-administered questionnaire


Adolescent, Adult


Adolescents aged 13-18

Selection Rationale

The Monitoring the Future (MTF) protocol was chosen because it has been used long term in a comprehensive research project with large samples that are nationally representative. The measures for this questionnaire have been validated, widely used, and documented in the literature.


English, Spanish

Human Phenotype Ontology Addictive behavior HP:0030858 HPO
caDSR Form PhenX PX510303 - Patterns Of Substance Use - Adolescents 6915440 caDSR Form
Derived Variables


Process and Review

The Expert Review Panel #3 (ERP 3) reviewed the measures in Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Substances, and Substance Abuse and Addiction domains.

Guidance from ERP 3 includes:

• Updated protocol

• New Data Dictionary

Back-compatible: Partially back-compatible (updated/similar protocol which would require some changes to the data dictionary), variable mapping between current and previous protocols can be found here (here).

Protocol Name from Source

Monitoring the Future (MTF), 2015


National Institute on Drug Abuse, University of Michigan, Institute for Social Research. (2016). Monitoring the Future, 2016 (Combined Forms - Part B). Ann Arbor, MI: Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan.

Certification for the Spanish translation can be found here.

General References

There are many peer-reviewed publications about results from the Monitoring the Future (MTF) Study. A list of publications can be found on the MTF website (http://www.monitoringthefuture.org).

Protocol ID


Export Variables
Variable Name Variable IDVariable DescriptiondbGaP Mapping
PX510303300000 During the LAST 30 DAYS, on how many days more
(if any) have you . . . used electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes)? show less
PX510303280000 Have you ever used an electronic vaporizer more
such as an e-cigarette? show less
PX510303290000 During the LAST 30 DAYS, on how many days more
(if any) have you used an electronic vaporizer such as an e-cigarette? show less
PX510303050000 Next we want to ask you about drinking more
alcoholic beverages, including beer, wine, liquor, and any other beverage that contains alcohol. Have you ever had any alcoholic beverage to drink-more than just a few sips? show less
PX510303010000 Have you ever smoked cigarettes? N/A
PX510303030000 Have you ever taken or used smokeless more
tobacco (snuff, plug, dipping tobacco, chewing tobacco, snus, dissolvable tobacco)? show less
Variable Mapping
PX510303060100 On how many occasions have you had alcoholic more
beverages to drink - more than just a few sips in your lifetime? show less
PX510303140100 On how many occasions (if any) have you more
taken amphetamines or other prescription stimulant drugs on your own that is, without a doctor telling you to take them in your lifetime? show less
PX510303110100 On how many occasions (if any) have you used more
cocaine (sometimes called "coke," "crack," "rock”) if your lifetime? show less
Variable Mapping
PX510303120100 On how many occasions (if any) have you used more
"crack" in your lifetime? show less
Variable Mapping
PX510303160100 On how many occasions (if any) have you more
smoked (or inhaled the fumes of) crystal meth ("ice”) in your lifetime? show less
PX510303190100 On how many occasions (if any) have you used more
heroin in your lifetime? show less
Variable Mapping
PX510303200100 On how many occasions (if any) have you more
taken heroin using a needle in your lifetime? show less
PX510303210100 On how many occasions (if any) have you more
taken heroin WITHOUT using a needle in your lifetime? show less
PX510303230100 On how many occasions (if any) have you more
sniffed glue, or breathed the contents of aerosol spray cans, or inhaled any other gases or sprays in order to get high in your lifetime? show less
PX510303090100 On how many occasions (if any) have you used more
LSD ("acid”) in your lifetime? show less
PX510303080100 On how many occasions (if any) have you used more
marijuana (weed, pot) or hashish (hash, hash oil) in your lifetime? show less
Variable Mapping
PX510303240400 On how many occasions (if any) have you used more
MDMA ("Molly," "ecstasy”) in your lifetime? show less
PX510303150100 On how many occasions (if any) have you used more
methamphetamine ("meth," "speed," "crank," "crystal meth”) by any method in your lifetime? show less
Variable Mapping
PX510303130100 On how many occasions (if any) have you used more
cocaine in any other form in your lifetime? show less
Variable Mapping
PX510303100100 On how many occasions (if any) have you used more
hallucinogens other than LSD (like mescaline, peyote, shrooms or psilocybin, PCP) in your lifetime? show less
PX510303220100 On how many occasions (if any) have you more
taken narcotics other than heroin on your own - that is, without a doctor telling you to take them - in your lifetime? show less
PX510303170100 On how many occasions (if any) have you more
taken sedatives on your own - that is, without a doctor telling you to take them - in your lifetime? show less
Variable Mapping
PX510303240100 On how many occasions (if any) have you more
taken steroids on your own - that is, without a doctor telling you to take them - in your lifetime? show less
PX510303180100 On how many occasions (if any) have you more
taken tranquilizers on your own - that is, without a doctor telling you to take them - in your lifetime? show less
PX510303060300 On how many occasions have you had alcoholic more
beverages to drink - more than just a few sips during the last 30 days? show less
PX510303140300 On how many occasions (if any) have you more
taken amphetamines or other prescription stimulant drugs on your own that is, without a doctor telling you to take them during the last 30 days? show less
PX510303110300 On how many occasions (if any) have you used more
cocaine (sometimes called "coke," "crack," "rock”) during the last 30 days? show less
Variable Mapping
PX510303120300 On how many occasions (if any) have you used more
"crack" during the last 30 days? show less
PX510303160300 On how many occasions (if any) have you more
smoked (or inhaled the fumes of) crystal meth ("ice”) during the last 30 days? show less
PX510303190300 On how many occasions (if any) have you used more
heroin during the last 30 days? show less
Variable Mapping
PX510303200300 On how many occasions (if any) have you more
taken heroin using a needle during the last 30 days? show less
PX510303210300 On how many occasions (if any) have you more
taken heroin WITHOUT using a needle during the last 30 days? show less
PX510303230300 On how many occasions (if any) have you more
sniffed glue, or breathed the contents of aerosol spray cans, or inhaled any other gases or sprays in order to get high during the last 30 days? show less
Variable Mapping
PX510303090300 On how many occasions (if any) have you used more
LSD ("acid”) during the last 30 days? show less
PX510303080300 On how many occasions (if any) have you used more
marijuana (weed, pot) or hashish (hash, hash oil) during the last 30 days? show less
Variable Mapping
PX510303240600 On how many occasions (if any) have you used more
MDMA ("Molly," "ecstasy”) during the last 30 days? show less
PX510303150300 On how many occasions (if any) have you used more
methamphetamine ("meth," "speed," "crank," "crystal meth”) by any method during the last 30 days? show less
Variable Mapping
PX510303130300 On how many occasions (if any) have you used more
cocaine in any other form during the last 30 days? show less
PX510303100300 On how many occasions (if any) have you used more
hallucinogens other than LSD (like mescaline, peyote, shrooms or psilocybin, PCP) during the last 30 days? show less
PX510303220300 On how many occasions (if any) have you more
taken narcotics other than heroin on your own - that is, without a doctor telling you to take them - during the last 30 days? show less
PX510303170300 On how many occasions (if any) have you more
taken sedatives on your own - that is, without a doctor telling you to take them - during the last 30 days? show less
Variable Mapping
PX510303040000 How frequently have you taken smokeless more
tobacco during the past 30 days? show less
PX510303020000 How frequently have you smoked cigarettes more
during the past 30 days? show less
Variable Mapping
PX510303240300 On how many occasions (if any) have you more
taken steroids on your own - that is, without a doctor telling you to take them - during the last 30 days? show less
PX510303180300 On how many occasions (if any) have you more
taken tranquilizers on your own - that is, without a doctor telling you to take them - during the last 30 days? show less
Variable Mapping
PX510303070000 Think back over the LAST TWO WEEKS. How many more
times have you had five or more drinks in a row? (A "drink" is a glass of wine, a bottle of beer, a shot glass or liquor, a mixed drink, etc.) show less
PX510303250700 During the LAST 12 MONTHS, on how many more
occasions (if any) have you taken Adderall® (without a doctor's orders)? show less
PX510303060200 On how many occasions have you had alcoholic more
beverages to drink - more than just a few sips during the last 12 months? show less
PX510303140200 On how many occasions (if any) have you more
taken amphetamines or other prescription stimulant drugs on your own that is, without a doctor telling you to take them during the last 12 months? show less
PX510303250300 During the LAST 12 MONTHS, on how many more
occasions (if any) have you taken "andro" (androstenedione, nonprescription steroid)? show less
PX510303110200 On how many occasions (if any) have you used more
cocaine (sometimes called "coke," "crack," "rock”) during the last 12 months? show less
PX510303251100 During the LAST 12 MONTHS, on how many more
occasions (if any) have you taken a non-prescription cough or cold medicine ("robos," "DXM," etc.) to get high? show less
PX510303120200 On how many occasions (if any) have you used more
"crack" during the last 12 months? show less
PX510303250400 During the LAST 12 MONTHS, on how many more
occasions (if any) have you taken creatine (amino acid used to build muscles)? show less
PX510303160200 On how many occasions (if any) have you more
smoked (or inhaled the fumes of) crystal meth ("ice”) during the last 12 months? show less
PX510303251600 During the LAST 12 MONTHS, on how many more
occasions (if any) have you used dissolvable tobacco products (Ariva, Stonewall, Orbs)? show less
PX510303251500 During the LAST 12 MONTHS, on how many more
occasions (if any) have you had an alcoholic beverage mixed with an energy drink (like Red Bull)? show less
PX510303252100 During the LAST 12 MONTHS, on how many more
occasions (if any) have you taken Flakka ("gravel”)? show less
PX510303250100 During the LAST 12 MONTHS, on how many more
occasions (if any) have you taken GHB ("liquid G," "grievous bodily harm”)? show less
PX510303252000 During the LAST 12 MONTHS, on how many more
occasions (if any) have you used hash oil or "honey oil”? show less
PX510303190200 On how many occasions (if any) have you used more
heroin during the last 12 months? show less
PX510303200200 On how many occasions (if any) have you more
taken heroin using a needle during the last 12 months? show less
PX510303210200 On how many occasions (if any) have you more
taken heroin WITHOUT using a needle during the last 12 months? show less
PX510303250500 During the LAST 12 MONTHS, on how many more
occasions (if any) have you taken human growth hormone (HGH) (without a doctor's orders)? show less
PX510303251900 During the LAST 12 MONTHS, on how many more
occasions (if any) have you smoked tobacco using a hookah (water pipe)? show less
PX510303230200 On how many occasions (if any) have you more
sniffed glue, or breathed the contents of aerosol spray cans, or inhaled any other gases or sprays in order to get high during the last 12 months? show less
PX510303250200 During the LAST 12 MONTHS, on how many more
occasions (if any) have you taken ketamine ("special K," "super K”)? show less
PX510303090200 On how many occasions (if any) have you used more
LSD ("acid”) during the last 12 months? show less
PX510303080200 On how many occasions (if any) have you used more
marijuana (weed, pot) or hashish (hash, hash oil) during the last 12 months? show less
PX510303240500 On how many occasions (if any) have you used more
MDMA ("Molly," "ecstasy”) during the last 12 months? show less
PX510303150200 On how many occasions (if any) have you used more
methamphetamine ("meth," "speed," "crank," "crystal meth”) by any method during the last 12 months? show less
PX510303130200 On how many occasions (if any) have you used more
cocaine in any other form during the last 12 months? show less
PX510303100200 On how many occasions (if any) have you used more
hallucinogens other than LSD (like mescaline, peyote, shrooms or psilocybin, PCP) during the last 12 months? show less
PX510303220200 On how many occasions (if any) have you more
taken narcotics other than heroin on your own - that is, without a doctor telling you to take them - during the last 12 months? show less
PX510303250800 During the LAST 12 MONTHS, on how many more
occasions (if any) have you taken OxyContin® (without a doctor's orders)? show less
PX510303252200 During the LAST 12 MONTHS, on how many more
occasions (if any) have you had powdered alcohol show less
PX510303251400 During the LAST 12 MONTHS, on how many more
occasions (if any) have you taken "bath salts" (synthetic stimulants) to get high? show less
PX510303250600 During the LAST 12 MONTHS, on how many more
occasions (if any) have you taken Ritalin® (without a doctor's orders)? show less
PX510303251000 During the LAST 12 MONTHS, on how many more
occasions (if any) have you taken Rohypnol ("rophies," "roofies”)? show less
PX510303251200 During the LAST 12 MONTHS, on how many more
occasions (if any) have you taken Salvia? show less
PX510303170200 On how many occasions (if any) have you more
taken sedatives on your own - that is, without a doctor telling you to take them - during the last 12 months? show less
PX510303251800 During the LAST 12 MONTHS, on how many more
occasions (if any) have you smoked small cigars? show less
PX510303251700 During the LAST 12 MONTHS, on how many more
occasions (if any) have you used snus (a small packet of tobacco that is put in the mouth)? show less
PX510303240200 On how many occasions (if any) have you more
taken steroids on your own - that is, without a doctor telling you to take them - during the last 12 months? show less
PX510303251300 During the LAST 12 MONTHS, on how many more
occasions (if any) have you taken "synthetic marijuana" ("K2," "Spice”) to get high? show less
PX510303180200 On how many occasions (if any) have you more
taken tranquilizers on your own - that is, without a doctor telling you to take them - during the last 12 months? show less
PX510303250900 During the LAST 12 MONTHS, on how many more
occasions (if any) have you taken Vicodin® (without a doctor's orders)? show less
PX510303270000 Have you ever taken a non-stimulant-type more
prescription drug under a doctor's supervision for these conditions? (like Strattera®, Wellbutrin®, Provigil®, Tenex®, Intuniv, or Catapres) show less
PX510303260000 Have you ever taken any of these more
stimulant-type prescription drugs under a doctor's supervision for these conditions? [Do not count drugs that are not stimulant-type, like Strattera®, Wellbutrin®, Provigil®, Tenex®, Intuniv, or Catapres.] show less
Assessment of Substance Use and Substance Use Disorders
Measure Name

Patterns of Substance Use

Release Date

November 21, 2016


Instruments used separately to assess patterns of substance use in adolescents and adults.


The purpose of this measure is to determine patterns of tobacco, binge drinking, and other drug use in adolescents and adults.


alcohol, binge drinking, alcohol abuse, alcohol use, National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, NIAAA, National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions, NESARC, Alcohol Use Disorder and Associated Disabilities Interview Schedule, AUDADIS, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, DSM, alcohol, Tobacco and Other Substances, ATOS

Measure Protocols
Protocol ID Protocol Name
510303 Patterns of Substance Use - Adolescents
510304 Patterns of Substance Use - Adults - Binge-Drinking