
Protocol - Expectancies - Alcohol, Cigarette Smoking, and Other Smoking - Alcohol

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The Brief Comprehensive Effects of Alcohol questionnaire (B-CEOA) is a 15-item version of the Comprehensive Effects of Alcohol Questionnaire (CEOA). The CEOA uses 38 items consisting of 7 factors - 4 positive (Sociability, Tension Reduction, Liquid Courage, and Sexuality) and 3 negative (Cognitive and Behavioral Impairment, Risk and Aggression, and Self-Perception) - for assessing expectancies concerning alcohol effects. Respondents indicate their degree of agreement that a particular effect will likely occur if they drink, using a 1-4 scale (1 = disagree, 4 = agree).The B-CEOA uses 15 items, including 2 items from each of the 7 expectancy scales, except for the Risk and Aggression scale, which contains 3 items.

Specific Instructions

The Substance Abuse and Addiction Working Group acknowledges that the following questions may gather sensitive information relating to the use of substances and/or illegal conduct. If the information is released, it might be damaging to an individual’s employability, lead to social stigmatization, or lead to other consequences.

Most researchers assure confidentiality as part of their informed consent process, as required by their institutional review boards. Further assurance of confidentiality may be obtained by applying to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) for a Certificate of Confidentiality, which helps researchers protect the privacy of human research participants. The procedures for the Certificate of Confidentiality can be found at the Grants Policy website of the NIH: http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/policy/coc/index.htm.


This protocol is freely available; permission not required for use.


Choose from DISAGREE TO AGREE depending on whether you expect the effect to happen to you IF YOU WERE UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF ALCOHOL. These effects will vary, depending on the amount of alcohol you typically consume. Check one answer for the four boxes after each statement.

There are no right or wrong answers.

1. After a few drinks of alcohol, I would be more likely to enjoy sex more.

1 [ ] Disagree

2 [ ] Slightly Disagree

3 [ ] Slightly Agree

4 [ ] Agree

2. After a few drinks of alcohol, I would be more likely to be courageous.

1 [ ] Disagree

2 [ ] Slightly Disagree

3 [ ] Slightly Agree

4 [ ] Agree

3. After a few drinks of alcohol, I would be more likely to feel calm.

1 [ ] Disagree

2 [ ] Slightly Disagree

3 [ ] Slightly Agree

4 [ ] Agree

4. After a few drinks of alcohol, I would be more likely to be a better lover.

1 [ ] Disagree

2 [ ] Slightly Disagree

3 [ ] Slightly Agree

4 [ ] Agree

5. After a few drinks of alcohol, I would be more likely to act sociable.

1 [ ] Disagree

2 [ ] Slightly Disagree

3 [ ] Slightly Agree

4 [ ] Agree

6. After a few drinks of alcohol, I would be more likely to talk to people more easily.

1 [ ] Disagree

2 [ ] Slightly Disagree

3 [ ] Slightly Agree

4 [ ] Agree

7. After a few drinks of alcohol, I would be more likely to feel peaceful.

1 [ ] Disagree

2 [ ] Slightly Disagree

3 [ ] Slightly Agree

4 [ ] Agree

8. After a few drinks of alcohol, I would be more likely to be brave and daring.

1 [ ] Disagree

2 [ ] Slightly Disagree

3 [ ] Slightly Agree

4 [ ] Agree

9. After a few drinks of alcohol, I would be more likely to take risks.

1 [ ] Disagree

2 [ ] Slightly Disagree

3 [ ] Slightly Agree

4 [ ] Agree

10. After a few drinks of alcohol, I would be more likely to feel dizzy.

1 [ ] Disagree

2 [ ] Slightly Disagree

3 [ ] Slightly Agree

4 [ ] Agree

11. After a few drinks of alcohol, I would be more likely to feel moody.

1 [ ] Disagree

2 [ ] Slightly Disagree

3 [ ] Slightly Agree

4 [ ] Agree

12. After a few drinks of alcohol, I would be more likely to clumsy.

1 [ ] Disagree

2 [ ] Slightly Disagree

3 [ ] Slightly Agree

4 [ ] Agree

13. After a few drinks of alcohol, I would be more likely to be loud, boisterous, or noisy.

1 [ ] Disagree

2 [ ] Slightly Disagree

3 [ ] Slightly Agree

4 [ ] Agree

14. After a few drinks of alcohol, I would be more likely to act aggressively.

1 [ ] Disagree

2 [ ] Slightly Disagree

3 [ ] Slightly Agree

4 [ ] Agree

15. After a few drinks of alcohol, I would be more likely to feel guilty.

1 [ ] Disagree

2 [ ] Slightly Disagree

3 [ ] Slightly Agree

4 [ ] Agree

Scoring Procedure and Interpretation

The Comprehensive Effects of Alcohol (CEOA) questionnaire comprises seven scales (Risk and Aggression, Liquid Courage, Sociability, Self-Perception, Cognitive and Behavioral Impairment, Sexuality, and Tension Reduction) (Fromme et al., 1993). The 15 items of the Brief CEOA (B-CEOA) questionnaire comprise a reduced four-scale model, as follows (Ham et al., 2005):

(1) Risk and Aggression/Liquid Courage/Sociability: items 2, 5, 6, 8, 9, 13, and 14

(2) Self-Perception/Cognitive and Behavioral Impairment: items 10, 11, 12, and 15

(3) Sexuality: items 1 and 4

(4) Tension Reduction: items 3 and 7

The score for each scale is calculated by averaging the item scores, i.e., totaling the item scores and dividing by the number of items in the scale. The scoring scheme reflects factors identified in the original publications. Factor structure may differ in individual studies.

Personnel and Training Required


Equipment Needs


Requirement CategoryRequired
Major equipment No
Specialized training No
Specialized requirements for biospecimen collection No
Average time of greater than 15 minutes in an unaffected individual No
Mode of Administration

Self-administered questionnaire


Adult, Senior


Adults aged 18 years and older

Selection Rationale

The Brief Comprehensive Effects of Alcohol (B-CEOA) questionnaire is a shorter version of the Comprehensive Effects of Alcohol Questionnaire (CEOA). Although the predictive power of the B-CEOA is slightly lower than the CEOA, the internal consistency was generally maintained in the shorter instrument (Ham et al., 2005).



Human Phenotype Ontology Addictive behavior HP:0030858 HPO
caDSR Form PhenX PX520406 - Expectancies Alcohol 6913194 caDSR Form
Derived Variables


Process and Review

The Expert Review Panel #3 (ERP 3) reviewed the measures in Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Substances, and Substance Abuse and Addiction domains.

Guidance from ERP 3 includes:

• Updated protocol

• New Data Dictionary

Back-compatible: NA no changes to Data Dictionary

Protocol Name from Source

Brief Comprehensive Effects of Alcohol questionnaire (B-CEOA)


Addictive Behaviors Research Center, University of Washington. (1997). Brief Comprehensive Effects of Alcohol Scale (B-CEOA) (Unpublished manual). Seattle, WA.

Fromme, K., Stroot, E., & Kaplan, D. (1993). Comprehensive effects of alcohol: Development and psychometric assessment of a new expectancy questionnaire. Psychological Assessment, 5(1), 19-26.

Ham, L. S., Stewart, S. H., Norton, P. J., & Hope, D. A. (2005). Psychometric assessment of the comprehensive effects of alcohol questionnaire: Comparing a brief version to the original full scale. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 27(3), 141-158.

General References


Protocol ID


Export Variables
Variable Name Variable IDVariable DescriptiondbGaP Mapping
PX520406140000 After a few drinks of alcohol, I would be more
more likely to act aggressively. show less
PX520406080000 After a few drinks of alcohol, I would be more
more likely to be brave and daring. show less
PX520406030000 After a few drinks of alcohol, I would be more
more likely to feel calm. show less
PX520406120000 After a few drinks of alcohol, I would be more
more likely to clumsy. show less
PX520406060000 After a few drinks of alcohol, I would be more
more likely to talk to people more easily. show less
PX520406020000 After a few drinks of alcohol, I would be more
more likely to be courageous. show less
PX520406100000 After a few drinks of alcohol, I would be more
more likely to feel dizzy. show less
PX520406150000 After a few drinks of alcohol, I would be more
more likely to feel guilty. show less
PX520406130000 After a few drinks of alcohol, I would be more
more likely to be loud, boisterous, or noisy. show less
PX520406040000 After a few drinks of alcohol, I would be more
more likely to be a better lover. show less
PX520406110000 After a few drinks of alcohol, I would be more
more likely to feel moody. show less
PX520406070000 After a few drinks of alcohol, I would be more
more likely to feel peaceful. show less
PX520406090000 After a few drinks of alcohol, I would be more
more likely to take risks. show less
PX520406010000 After a few drinks of alcohol, I would be more
more likely to enjoy sex more. show less
PX520406050000 After a few drinks of alcohol, I would be more
more likely to act sociable. show less
Substance-specific Intermediate Phenotypes
Measure Name

Expectancies - Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Substances

Release Date

November 21, 2016


Instruments used separately to assess expectations of the positive and negative effects of drinking alcohol, smoking cigarettes, using marijuana, using illegal stimulant drugs, or misusing prescription stimulant drugs.


These five self-reported questionnaires separately assess expectations of drinking alcohol, smoking cigarettes, using marijuana, using illegal stimulant drugs, or misusing prescription stimulant drugs, by asking the respondents about possible consequences of such actions.


Adderall®, adolescent, Adult, alcohol, Amphetamine, B-CEOA, Brief Comprehensive Effects of Alcohol Questionnaire, cigarette, cocaine, Concerta®, CEEQ, Cocaine Effect Expectancy Questionnaire, Dexedrine®, Dextroamphetamine, Drugs, marijuana, Marijuana Effect Expectancy Questionnaire, MEEQ, Methylphenidate, Prescription stimulant expectancy questionnaire, PSEQ, Ritalin®, SAA, SCQ, SEEQ, smoking, Smoking Consequences Questionnaire, Stimulant Effect Expectancy Questionnaire, Substance-specific Intermediate Phenotypes

Measure Protocols
Protocol ID Protocol Name
520402 Expectancies - Alcohol, Cigarette Smoking, and Other Smoking - Illegal Stimulant Drugs
520404 Expectancies - Alcohol, Cigarette Smoking, and Other Smoking - Marijuana
520405 Expectancies - Alcohol, Cigarette Smoking, and Other Smoking - Prescription Stimulant Drugs
520406 Expectancies - Alcohol, Cigarette Smoking, and Other Smoking - Alcohol
520407 Expectancies - Alcohol, Cigarette Smoking, and Other Smoking - Tobacco