Protocol - Comprehensive HIV Risk Assessment
- Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)
- Injection Drug Use
- Self-report of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Testing
The National HIV Behavioral Surveillance System (NHBS) survey began in 2003 to determine risk behavior and HIV testing experiences. NHBS is conducted in cities with a high incidence of AIDS with three groups of people: men who have sex with men (MSM), injection drug users (IDU), and heterosexuals at high risk of exposure to HIV infection. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provides funding to state and local health departments to collect the information. This is an interviewer-administered protocol that gathers sensitive information.
Specific Instructions
The Substance Abuse and Addiction Working Group acknowledges that the following questions may gather sensitive information relating to the use of substances and/or illegal conduct. If the information is released, it might be damaging to an individual’s employability, lead to social stigmatization, or lead to other consequences.
Most researchers assure confidentiality as part of their informed consent process, as required by their institutional review boards. Further assurance of confidentiality may be obtained by applying to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) for a Certificate of Confidentiality, which helps researchers protect the privacy of human research participants. The procedures for the Certificate of Confidentiality can be found at the Grants Policy website of NIH:
This protocol is freely available; permission not required for use.
I’m going to ask you some questions about having sex. Please remember your answers will be kept private. GIVE RESPONDENT FLASHCARD H.1
For these questions, "having sex" means oral, vaginal, or anal sex. Oral sex means mouth on the vagina or penis; vaginal sex means penis in the vagina; and anal sex means penis in the anus (butt). I need to ask you all the questions, even if some may not apply to your situation.
Interviewer: Use your discretion in using slang terms for the following sexual behavior questions.
Female Sex Partners (Male respondent)
HET = Heterosexual MSM = Men who have Sex with Men IDU = Injection Drug Use SX = Sexual Behavior ID = Injection Drug ND = Non-injection drug HT = HIV Testing |
SX-1. Have you ever had vaginal or anal sex with a woman?
1[ ]No
2[ ]Yes
7[ ]Refused to answer
9[ ]Don’t know
If SX-1 in (0, 7, 9), skip to question SX-26.
SX-2. How old were you the first time you had vaginal or anal sex with a woman?
[77 = Refused, 99 = Don’t know, 88 = Not Applicable] ____ ____
If SX-2 = 88, skip to CONF13a.
CONF13a. Het sex confirmation-male participants If SX-2 = 88, display: "Interviewer, you have indicated that the participant has never had vaginal or anal sex with a woman. Is this correct?" 0[ ]No 1[ ]Yes If NO, go back to SX-2. If Yes and NHBS-HET, skip to END of Questionnaire. If Yes and NHBS-MSM or NHBS-IDU, skip to Say Box before SX-26. |
SX-3. In the past 12 months, that is, since <interview month> of last year, with how many different women have you had oral, vaginal, or anal sex?
[Refused = 7777, Don’t know = 9999] ____ ____ ____ ____
NHBS-MSM & NHBS-IDU Skip Pattern for # of Female Sex Partners: If SX-3 = 1: Ask SX-4a. (RT column) If SX-3 > 1: Ask SX-4. (LT column) If SX-3 = 0, 7777, 9999: GO to Say Box before SX-26. |
NHBS-HET Skip Pattern for # of Female Sex Partners: If SX-3 = 1: Ask SX-4a. (RT column) If SX-3 > 1: Ask SX-4. (LT column) If SX-3 = 0, 7777, 9999: GO to CONF13b. |
CONF-13b. Sex partner confirmation (NHBS-HET): If SX-3 = 0, 7777, or 9999, read: I would like to clarify your response. You indicated that you haven’t had sex with a woman in the past 12 months. Is that correct? 0[ ]No 1[ ]Yes 7[ ]Refused to answer 9[ ]Don’t know If NO (NOT correct), go to SX-3 (ask it again). If YES, (correct), Refused, or Don’t know, go to END of Questionnaire. |
FOR MULTIPLE FEMALE SEX PARTNERS [Read Say Box and Questions in this column] | FOR ONE FEMALE SEX PARTNER [[Read Say Box and Question in this column] | ||
SAY: Now I’m going to ask you to describe these sex partners as either main or casual partners. [GIVE RESPONDENT FLASHCARD I] By "main partner" I mean a woman you have sex with and who you feel committed to above anyone else. This is a partner you would call your girlfriend, wife, significant other, or life partner. And by "casual partner" I mean a woman you have sex with but do not feel committed to or don’t know very well. Refused = 7777, Don’t know = 9999 | SAY: Now I’m going to ask you to describe this sex partner as either main or casual partner. [GIVE RESPONDENT FLASHCARD I] By "main partner" I mean a woman you have sex with and who you feel committed to above anyone else. This is a partner you would call your girlfriend, wife, significant other, or life partner. And by "casual partner" I mean a woman you have sex with but do not feel committed to or don’t know very well. | ||
Question | Response | Skip Pattern | Question |
SX-4. Of the ______ [insert number from SX-3] women you’ve had oral, vaginal, or anal sex with in the past 12 months, how many of them were main partners? | [ _______ ] | If SX-4 = SX-3, skip to Say Box before SX‑6a. | SX 4a. Was this woman a main partner or a casual partner? 1[ ]Main partner Skip to Say Box before SX-6a 2[ ]Casual partner Skip to Say Box before SX-7a 7[ ]Refused to answer Skip to SX-8 9[ ]Don’t know Skip to SX-8 |
SX-5. How many were casual partners? | [ _______ ] |
Skip Pattern for Multiple Female Sex Partners: If SX-4 ≠ 0, 7777, or 9999: Go to Say Box before SX-6a. Otherwise, if SX-5 ≠ 0, 7777, or 9999: Go to Say Box before SX-7a. |
MULTIPLE MAIN FEMALE PARTNERS [Read questions, in this column] Refused = 7777, Don’t know = 9999 | ONE MAIN FEMALE PARTNER [Read questions in this column] No = 0, Yes = 1, Refused = 7, Don’t know = 9 | ||||
SAY: Now I’m going to ask you about the _______ [insert number from SX-4] female main sex partners you had in the past 12 months. | SAY: Now I’m going to ask you about the female main sex partner you had in the past 12 months. | ||||
Question | Response | Skip Pattern | Question | Response | Skip Pattern |
SX-6a. Of your _______ [insert number from SX-4] female main partners in the past 12 months, with how many did you have vaginal sex? | [ ______ ] | If 0, 7777, or 9999, skip to SX-6c. | SX-6a. In the past 12 months, did you have vaginal sex with this woman? | [ ______ ] | If 0, 7, or 9, skip to SX‑6c. |
SX-6b. In the past 12 months, with how many of these _______ [insert number from SX-6a] women did you have vaginal sex without using a condom? | [ ______ ] | SX-6b. In the past 12 months, did you have vaginal sex with her without using a condom? | [ ______ ] | ||
SX-6c. Of your _______ [insert number from SX-4] female main partners in the past 12 months, with how many did you have anal sex? | [ ______ ] | If 0, 7777, or 9999, skip to SX-6e. | SX-6c. In the past 12 months, did you have anal sex with this woman? | [ ______ ] | If 0, 7, or 9, skip to SX‑6e. |
SX-6d. In the past 12 months, with how many of these _______ [insert number from SX-6c] women did you have anal sex without using a condom? | [ ______ ] | SX-6d. In the past 12 months, did you have anal sex with her without using a condom? | [ ______ ] | ||
SX-6e. Of your ______ [insert number from SX‑4] female main partners, how many did you have sex with for the very first time in the past 12 months? | [ ______ ] | SX-6e. Think about the very first time you had sex with this woman. Was it within the past 12 months? | [ ______ ] | ||
SX-6f. Of your ______ [insert number from SX‑4] female main partners in the past 12 months, how many did you give things like money or drugs in exchange for sex? | SX-6f. In the past 12 months, did you give this woman things like money or drugs in exchange for sex? | ||||
SX-6g. Of your ______ [insert number from SX‑4] female main partners in the past 12 months, how many gave you things like money or drugs in exchange for sex? | SX-6g. In the past 12 months, did this woman give you things like money or drugs in exchange for sex? | If SX-4a = 1, skip to SX-9 |
Skip Pattern for Multiple Female Sex Partners: If SX-4 = SX-3: Skip to SX-9. Otherwise, if SX-5 ≠ 0, 7777, or 9999: Go to Say Box before SX-7a. |
MULTIPLE CASUAL FEMALE PARTNERS [Read questions in this column] Refused = 7777, Don’t know = 9999 | ONE CASUAL FEMALE PARTNER [Read questions in this column] No =0, Yes = 1, Refused = 7, Don’t know = 9 | ||||
SAY: Now I’m going to ask you about the _______ [insert number from SX-5] female casual sex partners you had in the past 12 months. Remember, a casual sex partner is someone you do not feel committed to or don’t know very well. | SAY: Now I’m going to ask you about the female casual sex partner you had in the past 12 months. Remember, a casual sex partner is someone you do not feel committed to or don’t know very well. | ||||
Question | Response | Skip Pattern | Question | Response | Skip Pattern |
SX-7a. Of your _______ [insert number from SX-5] female casual partners in the past 12 months, with how many did you have vaginal sex? | [ ______ ] | If 0, 7777, or 9999, skip to SX-7c. | SX-7a. In the past 12 months, did you have vaginal sex with this woman? | [ ______ ] | If 0, 7, or 9, skip to SX-7c. |
SX-7b. In the past 12 months, with how many of these _______ [insert number from SX-7a] women did you have vaginal sex without using a condom? | [ ______ ] | If 0, 7777, or 9999, skip to SX-7c. | SX-7b. In the past 12 months, did you have vaginal sex with her without using a condom? | [ ______ ] | If 0, 7777, or 9999, skip to SX-7c. |
SX-7c. Of your _______ [insert number from SX-5] female casual partners in the past 12 months, with how many did you have anal sex? | [ ______ ] | If 0, 7777, or 9999, skip to SX-7e. | SX-7c. In the past 12 months, did you have anal sex with this woman? | [ ______ ] | If 0, 7, or 9, skip to SX-6e. |
SX-7d. In the past 12 months, with how many of these _______ [insert number from SX-7c] women did you have anal sex without using a condom? | [ ______ ] | SX-7d. In the past 12 months, did you have anal sex with her without using a condom? | [ ______ ] | ||
SX-7e. Of your ______ [insert number from SX-4] female casual partners, how many did you have sex with for the very first time in the past 12 months? | [ ______ ] | SX-7e. Think about the very first time you had sex with this woman. Was it within the past 12 months? | [ ______ ] | ||
SX-7f. Of your ______ [insert number from SX-5] female casual partners in the past 12 months, how many did you give things like money or drugs in exchange of sex? | SX-7f. In the past 12 months, did you give this woman things like money or drugs in exchange for sex? | ||||
SX-7g. Of your ______ [insert number from SX-5] female casual partners in the past 12 months, how many gave you things like money or drugs in exchange for sex? | SX-7g. In the past 12 months, did this woman give you things like money or drugs in exchange for sex? | If SX-4a = 2, skip to SX-9 |
If SX-3 = 1 and SX4a ≠ 7 OR 9, skip to SX-9. |
SX-8. In the past 12 months, did you have vaginal or anal sex without a condom with a woman whose HIV status you didn’t know?
0[ ]No
1[ ]Yes
7[ ]Refused to answer
9[ ]Don’t know
SX-8a. In the past 12 months, did you have vaginal or anal sex without a condom with a woman who was HIV negative?
0[ ]No
1[ ]Yes
7[ ]Refused to answer
9[ ]Don’t know
SX-8b. In the past 12 months, did you have vaginal or anal sex without a condom with a woman who was HIV positive?
0[ ]No
1[ ]Yes
7[ ]Refused to answer
9[ ]Don’t know
SX-9. Now I would like you to think about the last time you had sex with a woman. When was the last time you had oral, vaginal, or anal sex with a woman? Just tell me the month and year.
[77/7777 = Refused, 99/9999 = Don’t know] ___ ___ / ___ ___ ___ ___ (M M / Y Y Y Y)
If SX-9 = 77/7777 or 99/9999, go to CONF14. |
CONF14. INTERVIEWER, ask: Did you have sex with a woman in the past 12 months, that is, since &[AGO_1Y]? 0[ ]No 1[ ]Yes 9[ ]Don’t know 7[ ]Refuse to answer |
Skip Pattern: If SX-3 = 1: Go to Logic check before SX-11. Otherwise, if SX-3 > 1: Ask SX-10. |
SX-10. Was the woman you had sex with that last time a main partner or a casual partner? GIVE RESPONDENT FLASHCARD I. Remember, a main sex partner is someone you feel committed to above anyone else. And a casual sex partner is someone you do not feel committed to or don’t know very well.
1[ ]Main sex partner
2[ ]Casual sex partner
3[ ]Refused to answer
4[ ]Don’t know
If participant had only one female partner and reported NO exchange with only female partner, skip to SX-12. If last female partner was main (SX-10=1), and participant reported NO exchange sex with any female main partners (both SX-6f and SX-6g=0), skip to SX-12. If last female partner was casual (SX-10=2) and participant reported NO exchange sex with any female casual partners (SX-7f and SX-7g=0), skip to SX-12. |
SX-11. When you had sex that last time, did you give her things like money or drugs in exchange for sex?
0[ ]No
1[ ]Yes
7[ ]Refused to answer
9[ ]Don’t know
SX-11a. When you had sex that last time, did she give you things like money or drugs in exchange for sex?
0[ ]No
1[ ]Yes
7[ ]Refused to answer
9[ ]Don’t know
SX-12. When you had sex that last time, did you have vaginal sex?
0[ ]No
1[ ]Yes
7[ ]Refused to answer
9[ ]Don’t know
SX-13. During vaginal sex that last time, did you or your partner use a condom?
0[ ]No
1[ ]Yes
7[ ]Refused to answer
9[ ]Don’t know
SX-13a. Did you or your partner use the condom the whole time?
0[ ]No
1[ ]Yes
7[ ]Refused to answer
9[ ]Don’t know
SX-14. Did you or your partner use the condom to prevent pregnancy, to prevent infections like HIV or other sexually transmitted diseases, to prevent both, or for some other reason?
1[ ]Pregnancy
2[ ]HIV/STDs
3[ ]Both
4[ ]Other reason
7[ ]Refused to answer
9[ ]Don’t know
If participant did not report anal sex with only female partner or did not report anal sex with any female partners of the type identified for last female partner, skip to SX-17. |
SX-15. When you had sex that last time, did you have anal sex?
0[ ]No
1[ ]Yes
7[ ]Refused to answer
9[ ]Don’t know
If SX-15 in (0, 7, 9), skip to CONF15. |
SX-16. During anal sex that last time, did you use a condom?
0[ ]No
1[ ]Yes
7[ ]Refused to answer
9[ ]Don’t know
If SX-16 in (0, 7, 9), skip to SX-17. |
SX-16a. Did you use the condom the whole time?
0[ ]No
1[ ]Yes
7[ ]Refused to answer
9[ ]Don’t know
CONF-15 Confirmation Message: Ask the following if SX-12 and SX-15 = 0: "So this means you only had oral sex the last time you had sex?" If participant says "No," go back to SX-12. |
SX-17. Before or during the last time you had sex with this partner, did you use: [READ CHOICES. CHECK only ONE.]
1[ ]Alcohol
2[ ]Drugs
3[ ]Both alcohol and drugs
4[ ]Neither one
7[ ]Refused to answer
9[ ]Don’t know
If SX-17 in (1, 4, 7, 9), skip to SX-18. |
SX-17a. Which drugs did you use? [DO NOT read choices. CHECK ALL that apply.]
1[ ]Marijuana
2[ ]Speedballs (heroin and cocaine together)
3[ ]Heroin
4[ ]Crack cocaine
5[ ]Powdered cocaine
6[ ]Crystal meth (tina, crank, ice)
7[ ]X or Ecstasy
8[ ]Special K (ketamine)
9[ ]GHB
10[ ]Painkillers (OxyContin®, Vicodin®, Percocet®)
11[ ]Downers (Valium®, Ativan®, Xanax®)
12[ ]Hallucinogens (LSD, mushrooms)
13[ ]Poppers
14[ ]Other drug
77[ ]Refused to answer
99[ ]Don’t know
SX-18. The last time you had sex with this partner, did you know her HIV status?
0[ ]No Skip to SX-19
1[ ]Yes
7[ ]Refused to answer Skip to SX-19
SX-18a. What was her HIV status?
1[ ]HIV-negative
2[ ]HIV-positive
3[ ]Indeterminate
7[ ]Refused to answer
SX-19. Was this partner younger than you, older than you, or the same age as you?
0[ ]Younger
1[ ]Older
2[ ]Same age
7[ ]Refused to answer
9[ ]Don’t know
If SX-19 in (0, 2, 7, 9), skip to SX-20. |
SX-19a. What was her age? ___ ___ ___ [777 = Refused, 999 = Don’t know]
SX-19b. Which of the following best describes her racial or ethnic background? [READ choices. Choose one.]
1[ ]American Indian or Alaska Native
2[ ]Asian
3[ ]Black or African American
4[ ]Hispanic or Latino
5[ ]Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
6[ ]White
7[ ]Refused to answer
9[ ]Don’t know
SX-20. As far as you know, has this partner ever injected drugs like heroin, cocaine, or speed? Would you say she: [READ CHOICES. Check only ONE.]
0[ ]Definitely did not
1[ ]Probably did not
2[ ]Probably did
3[ ]Definitely did
7[ ]Refused to answer
9[ ]Don’t know
SX-21. As far as you know, has this partner ever used crack cocaine? Would you say she: [READ CHOICES. Check only ONE.]
0[ ]Definitely did not
1[ ]Probably did not
2[ ]Probably did
3[ ]Definitely did
7[ ]Refused to answer
9[ ]Don’t know
SX-22. As far as you know, has this partner ever been in prison or jail for more than 24 hours? Would you say she: [READ CHOICES. Check only ONE.]
0[ ]Definitely did not
1[ ]Probably did not
2[ ]Probably did
3[ ]Definitely did
7[ ]Refused to answer
9[ ]Don’t know
SX-23. How long have you been having a sexual relationship with this partner? (Please tell me how many days, months, or years.) [Interviewer: If "one night stand," enter 0.]
# of Days: ____ ____ ____
# of Months: ____ ____ ____
# of Years: ____ ____ ____
[Refused = 777, Don’t know = 999]
If SX-23 > 12 months, skip to SX-25. If SX-23=0, skip to Say Box before SX-26. |
SX-24. As far as you know, during the time you were having a sexual relationship with this partner, did she have sex with other people? Would you say she: [READ CHOICES. Check only ONE.]
0[ ]Definitely did not
1[ ]Probably did not
2[ ]Probably did
3[ ]Definitely did
7[ ]Refused to answer
9[ ]Don’t know
SX-24a. During the time you were having a sexual relationship with this partner, did you have sex with other people?
0[ ]No
1[ ]Yes
7[ ]Refused to answer
9[ ]Don’t know
If SX-23 ≤ 12 months, skip to SX-26. |
SX-25. As far as you know, during the past 12 months when you were having a sexual relationship with this partner, did she have sex with other people? Would you say she: [READ CHOICES. Check only ONE.]
0[ ]Definitely did not
1[ ]Probably did not
2[ ]Probably did
3[ ]Definitely did
7[ ]Refused to answer
9[ ]Don’t know
SX-25a. During the past 12 months when you were having a sexual relationship with this partner, did you have sex with other people?
0[ ]No
1[ ]Yes
7[ ]Refused to answer
9[ ]Don’t know
Male Sex Partners (Male respondent)
SAY: Now I’m going to ask you some questions about having sex with other men. I need to ask you these questions even if some don’t apply to you. Please remember your answers will be kept private. [GIVE RESPONDENT FLASHCARD H.2] For these questions, "having sex" means oral or anal sex. Oral sex means he put his mouth on your penis or you put your mouth on his penis. Anal sex means you put your penis in his anus (butt) or he put his penis in your anus (butt). |
If NHBS-MSM, skip to SX-27. |
SX-26. Have you ever had oral or anal sex with a man?
0[ ]No Skip to Say Box before ID-1.
1[ ]Yes
7[ ]Refused to answer Skip to Say Box before ID-1.
9[ ]Don’t know Skip to Say Box before ID-1.
SX-27. How old were you the first time you had oral or anal sex with a man?
[77 = Refused, 99 = Don’t know, 88 = Not applicable] ____ ____
If SX-27 = 88, skip to CONF15b. |
CONF15b. MSM sex confirmation If SX-27 = 88, display: "Interviewer, you have indicated that the participant said he never had either oral or anal sex with a man. Is this correct?" 0[ ]No 1[ ]Yes If No, go back to SX-27. If Yes and NHBS-MSM, skip to END of Questionnaire. If Yes and NHBS-IDU or NHBS-HET, skip to Say Box before ID-1. |
SX-28. In the past 12 months, that is, since <interview month> of last year, with how many different men have you had oral or anal sex?
[Refused = 7777, Don’t know = 9999] ____ ____ ____ ____
If SX-28 ≥ 1 and SX-28 < 7777, skip to SX-29. If SX-28 = 0, ask SX-28a, then skip to SX-50. |
SX-28a. Think about the last time you had either oral or anal sex with a man. How many years ago was that?
[Refused = 7777, Don’t know = 9999] ____ ____ ____ ____ Range: 1-99
Skip Pattern for # of Male Sexual Partners: If SX-28, ask SX-29a. Otherwise, ask SX-29. |
FOR MULTIPLE MALE SEX PARTNERS [Read Say Box and Question in this column] | FOR ONE MALE SEX PARTNER [Read Say Box and Question in this column] | ||
SAY: Now I’m going to ask you to describe these sex partners as either main or casual partners. [GIVE RESPONDENT FLASHCARD J] By "main partner" I mean a man you have sex with and who you feel committed to above anyone else. This is a partner you would call your boyfriend, husband, significant other, or life partner. And by "casual partner" I mean a man you have sex with but do not feel committed to or don’t know very well. Refused = 7777, Don’t know = 9999 | SAY: Now I’m going to ask you to describe this sex partner as either main or casual, partner. [GIVE RESPONDENT FLASHCARD J] By "main partner" I mean a man you have sex with and who you feel committed to above anyone else. This is a partner you would call your boyfriend, husband, significant other, or life partner. And by "casual partner" I mean a man you have sex with but do not feel committed to or don’t know very well. | ||
Question | Response | Skip Pattern | Question |
SX-29. Of the ______ [insert number from SX-28] men you’ve had oral or anal sex within the past 12 months, how many of them were main partners? | [ _______ ] | If SX-29 = SX-28, skip to Say Box before SX-31a. | SX-29a. Was this man a main partner or a casual partner? 1[ ]Main partner Skip to Say Box before SX-31a. 2[ ]Casual partner Skip to Say Box before SX-32a. 7[ ]Refused to answer Skip to SX-33. 9[ ]Don’t know Skip to SX-33. |
SX-30. How many were casual partners? | [ _______ ] |
Skip Pattern Multiple Male Partners: If SX-29 is not equal to 0, 7777, or 9999, go to Say Box before SX31a. Otherwise, if SX-30 is not equal to 0, 7777, or 9999, go to Say Box before SX-32a. |
MULTIPLE MAIN MALE PARTNERS [Read questions, in this column] Refused = 7777, Don’t know = 9999 | ONE MAIN MALE PARTNER [Read questions in this column] No = 0, Yes = 1, Refused = 7, Don’t know = 9 | ||||
SAY: Now I’m going to ask you about the _______ [insert number from SX-29] male main sex partners you had in the past 12 months. | SAY: Now I’m going to ask you about the male main sex partner you had in the past 12 months. | ||||
Question | Response | Skip Pattern | Question | Response | Skip Pattern |
SX-31a. Of your _______ [insert number from SX-29] male main partners in the past 12 months, with how many did you have anal sex? | [ ______ ] | If 0, 7777, or 9999, skip to SX-31c. | SX-31a. In the past 12 months, did you have anal sex with this woman? | [ ______ ] | If 0, 7, or 9, skip to SX-31c. |
SX-31b. In the past 12 months, with how many of these _______ [insert number from SX-31a] men did you have anal sex without using a condom? | [ ______ ] | SX-31b. In the past 12 months, did you have anal sex with him without using a condom? | [ ______ ] | ||
SX-31b.1. Did you know the HIV status of any of these _______ [insert number from SX-31b] men? | 0 [ ] No 1 [ ] Yes 7 [ ] Refused | If 0 or 7, skip to SX-31c | SX-31b.1. Did you know his HIV status? | 0 [ ] No 1 [ ] Yes 7 [ ] Refused | If 0, or 7, skip to SX-31c |
SX-31b.2. For how many of these men did you know their HIV status? | [ ______ ] | If 1, ask single partner version of SX-31b.2, then go to SX-31c. | SX-31b.2. What was his HIV status? | 1 [ ] HIV-positive 2 [ ] HIV-negative 3 [ ] Indeterminate 7 [ ] Refused | |
SX-31b.3. Of those ______ [insert number from SX-31b.2] men, how many did you know were HIV-positive? | [ ______ ] | ||||
SX-31b.4. How many did you know were HIV-negative? | [ ______ ] | ||||
Soft edit check | |||||
SX-31c. Of your ______ [insert number from SX-29] male main partners, how many did you have sex with for the very first time in the past 12 months? | [ ______ ] | SX-31c. Think about the very first time you had sex with this man. Was it within the past 12 months? | [ ______ ] | ||
SX-31d. Of your ______ [insert number from SX-29] male main partners in the past 12 months, how many did you give things like money or drugs in exchange for sex? | SX-31d. In the past 12 months, did you give this man things like money or drugs in exchange for sex? | ||||
SX-31e. Of your ______ [insert number from SX-29] male main partners in the past 12 months, how many gave you things like money or drugs in exchange for sex? | SX-31e. In the past 12 months, did this man give you things like money or drugs in exchange for sex? | If SX-29a = 1, skip to QSX-33. |
Skip Pattern for Multiple Male Sex Partners: If SX-29 = SX-28, Skip to SX-33. Otherwise, if SX-30 is not equal to 0, 7777, or 9999, go to Say Box before SX-32a. |
MULTIPLE CASUAL MALE PARTNERS [Read questions, in this column] Refused = 7777, Don’t know = 9999 | ONE CASUAL MALE PARTNER [Read questions in this column] No = 0, Yes = 1, Refused = 7, Don’t know = 9 | ||||
SAY: Now I’m going to ask you about the _______ [insert number from SX-30] male casual sex partners you had in the past 12 months. Remember, a casual sex partner is someone you do not feel committed to or don’t know very well. | SAY: Now I’m going to ask you about the male casual sex partner you had in the past 12 months. Remember, a casual sex partner is someone you do not feel committed to or don’t know very well. | ||||
Question | Response | Skip Pattern | Question | Response | Skip Pattern |
SX-32a. Of your _______ [insert number from SX-30] male casual partners in the past 12 months, with how many did you have anal sex? | [ ______ ] | If 0, 7777, or 9999, skip to SX-32c. | SX-32a. In the past 12 months, did you have anal sex with this woman? | [ ______ ] | If 0, 7, or 9, skip to SX-32c. |
SX-32b. In the past 12 months, with how many of these _______ [insert number from SX-32a] men did you have anal sex without using a condom? | [ ______ ] | SX-32b. In the past 12 months, did you have anal sex without using a condom? | [ ______ ] | ||
SX-32b.1. Did you know the HIV status of any of these _______ [insert number from SX-32b] men? | 0 [ ] No 1 [ ] Yes 7 [ ] Refused | If 0 or 7, skip to SX-32c. | SX-32b.1. Did you know his HIV status? | 0 [ ] No 1 [ ] Yes 7 [ ] Refused | If 0, or 7, skip to SX-32c. |
SX-32b.2. For how many of these men did you know their HIV status? | [ ______ ] | If 1, ask single partner version of SX-32b.2, then go to SX-32c. | SX-32b.2. What was his HIV status? | 1 [ ] HIV-positive 2 [ ] HIV-negative 3 [ ] Indeterminate 7 [ ] Refused | |
SX-32b.3. Of those ______ [insert number from SX-32b.2] men, how many did you know were HIV-positive? | [ ______ ] | ||||
SX-32b.4. How many did you know were HIV-negative? | [ ______ ] | ||||
Soft edit check | |||||
SX-32c. Of your ______ [insert number from SX-30] male casual partners, how many did you have sex with for the very first time in the past 12 months? | [ ______ ] | SX-32c. Think about the very first time you had sex with this man. Was it within the past 12 months? | [ ______ ] | ||
SX-32d. Of your ______ [insert number from SX-30] male casual partners in the past 12 months, how many did you give things like money or drugs in exchange for sex? | SX-32d. In the past 12 months, did you give this man things like money or drugs in exchange for sex? | ||||
SX-32e. Of your ______ [insert number from SX-30] male casual partners in the past 12 months, how many gave you things like money or drugs in exchange for sex? | SX-32e. In the past 12 months, did this man give you things like money or drugs in exchange for sex? |
SX-33. Now I would like you to think about the last time you had sex with a man. When was the last time you had anal or oral sex with a man? Just tell me the month and year.
[77/7777 = Refused, 99/9999 = Don’t know] ___ ___ / ___ ___ ___ ___ (M M / Y Y Y Y)
If SX-33 = 77/7777 or 99/9999, go to CONF16. |
CONF16. INTERVIEWER: Did you have sex with a man in the past 12 months, that is, since &[AGO_1Y]? 0[ ]No 1[ ]Yes 9[ ]Don’t know 7[ ]Refuse to answer |
Skip Pattern: If SX-28 = 1, go to SX-35. Otherwise, if SX-28 > 1, ask SX-34. |
SX-34. Was the man you had sex with that last time a main partner or a casual partner? GIVE RESPONDENT FLASHCARD I. Remember, a main sex partner is someone you feel committed to above anyone else. And a casual sex partner is someone you do not feel committed to or don’t know very well.
1[ ]Main sex partner
2[ ]Casual sex partner
7[ ]Refused to answer
9[ ]Don’t know
If participant had one male partner and reported NO exchange with only male partner, skip to SX-36. If last male partner = main (SX-34=1) AND participant reported NO exchange with ANY male main partners, skip to SX-36. If last male partner = casual (SX-34=2) and participant reported NO exchange with ANY male casual partners, skip to SX-36. |
SX-35. When you had sex that last time, did you give him things like money or drugs in exchange for sex?
0[ ]No
1[ ]Yes
7[ ]Refused to answer
9[ ]Don’t know
SX-35a. When you had sex that last time, did he give you things like money or drugs in exchange for sex?
0[ ]No
1[ ]Yes
7[ ]Refused to answer
9[ ]Don’t know
SX-36. When you had sex that last time, did you have receptive anal sex where he put his penis in your anus (butt)?
0[ ]No Skip to SX-38
1[ ]Yes
7[ ]Refused to answer Skip to SX-38
9[ ]Don’t know Skip to SX-38
SX-37. During the receptive anal sex that last time, did he use a condom?
0[ ]No Skip to SX-38
1[ ]Yes
7[ ]Refused to answer Skip to SX-38
9[ ]Don’t know Skip to SX-38
SX-37a. Did he use the condom the whole time?
0[ ]No
1[ ]Yes
7[ ]Refused to answer
9[ ]Don’t know
SX-38. When you had sex that last time, did you have insertive anal sex where you put your penis in his anus (butt)?
0[ ]No
1[ ]Yes
7[ ]Refused to answer
9[ ]Don’t know
If SX-38 in (0, 7, 9), skip to CONF17. |
SX-39. During insertive anal sex that last time, did you use a condom?
0[ ]No
1[ ]Yes
7[ ]Refused to answer
9[ ]Don’t know
If SX-39 in (0, 7, 9), skip to SX-40. |
SX-39a. Did you use the condom the whole time?
0[ ]No
1[ ]Yes
7[ ]Refused to answer
9[ ]Don’t know
CONF17 Ask the following if SX-36 and SX-38 = 0: "So this means you only had oral sex the last time you had sex?" |
SX-40. Before or during the last time you had sex with this partner, did you use: [READ CHOICES. CHECK only ONE.]
1[ ]Alcohol
2[ ]Drugs
3[ ]Both alcohol and drugs
4[ ]Neither one
7[ ]Refused to answer
9[ ]Don’t know
If SX-40 in (1, 4, 7, 9), skip to SX-41. |
SX-40a. Which drugs did you use? [DO NOT read choices. CHECK ALL that apply.]
1[ ]Marijuana
2[ ]Speedballs (heroin and cocaine together)
3[ ]Heroin
4[ ]Crack cocaine
5[ ]Powdered cocaine
6[ ]Crystal meth (tina, crank, ice)
7[ ]X or Ecstasy
8[ ]Special K (ketamine)
9[ ]GHB
10[ ]Painkillers (OxyContin®, Vicodin®, Percocet®)
11[ ]Downers (Valium®, Ativan®, Xanax®)
12[ ]Hallucinogens (LSD, mushrooms)
13[ ]Poppers
14[ ]Other drug
77[ ]Refused to answer
99[ ]Don’t know
If participant had one male sex partner in past 12 months, skip to SX-42. |
SX-41. The last time you had sex with this partner, did you know his HIV status?
0[ ]No Skip to SX-42
1[ ]Yes
7[ ]Refused to answer Skip to SX-42
SX-41a. What was his HIV status?
1[ ]HIV-negative
2[ ]HIV-positive
3[ ]Indeterminate
7[ ]Refused to answer
SX-42. Was this partner younger than you, older than you, or the same age as you?
0[ ]Younger
1[ ]Older
2[ ]Same age
7[ ]Refused to answer
9[ ]Don’t know
If SX-42 in (0, 2, 7, 9), skip to SX-43. |
SX-42a. What was his age? ___ ___ ___ [777 = Refused, 999 = Don’t know]
SX-42b. Which of the following best describes his racial or ethnic background? [READ choices. Choose one.]
1[ ]American Indian or Alaska Native
2[ ]Asian
3[ ]Black or African American
4[ ]Hispanic or Latino
5[ ]Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
6[ ]White
7[ ]Refused to answer
9[ ]Don’t know
SX-43. As far as you know, has this partner ever injected drugs like heroin, cocaine, or speed? Would you say he: [READ CHOICES. Check only ONE.]
0[ ]Definitely did not
1[ ]Probably did not
2[ ]Probably did
3[ ]Definitely did
7[ ]Refused to answer
9[ ]Don’t know
SX-44. As far as you know, has this partner ever used crack cocaine? Would you say he: [READ CHOICES. Check only ONE.]
0[ ]Definitely did not
1[ ]Probably did not
2[ ]Probably did
3[ ]Definitely did
7[ ]Refused to answer
9[ ]Don’t know
SX-44a. As far as you know, has this partner ever used crystal meth (tina, crank, ice)? Would you say he: [READ CHOICES. Check only ONE.]
0[ ]Definitely did not
1[ ]Probably did not
2[ ]Probably did
3[ ]Definitely did
7[ ]Refused to answer
9[ ]Don’t know
SX-45. As far as you know, has this partner ever been in prison or jail for more than 24 hours? Would you say he: [READ CHOICES. Check only ONE.]
0[ ]Definitely did not
1[ ]Probably did not
2[ ]Probably did
3[ ]Definitely did
7[ ]Refused to answer
9[ ]Don’t know
SX-46. How long have you been having a sexual relationship with this partner? (Please tell me how many days, months, or years.) [Interviewer: If "one-night stand," enter 0.]
# of Days: ____ ____ ____
# of Months: ____ ____ ____
# of Years: ____ ____ ____
[Refused = 777, Don’t know = 999]
If SX-46 > 12 months, 777, or 999, skip to SX-48. If SX-46 = 0, skip to SX-49. |
SX-47. As far as you know, during the time you were having a sexual relationship with this partner, did he have sex with other people? Would you say he: [READ CHOICES. Check only ONE.]
0[ ]Definitely did not
1[ ]Probably did not
2[ ]Probably did
3[ ]Definitely did
7[ ]Refused to answer
9[ ]Don’t know
SX-47a. During the time you were having a sexual relationship with this partner, did you have sex with other people?
0[ ]No
1[ ]Yes
7[ ]Refused to answer
9[ ]Don’t know
If SX-46 ≤ 12 months, skip to SX-50. |
SX-48. As far as you know, during the past 12 months when you were having a sexual relationship with this partner, did he have sex with other people? Would you say he: [READ CHOICES. Check only ONE.]
0[ ]Definitely did not
1[ ]Probably did not
2[ ]Probably did
3[ ]Definitely did
7[ ]Refused to answer
9[ ]Don’t know
SX-48a. During the past 12 months when you were having a sexual relationship with this partner, did you have sex with other people?
0[ ]No
1[ ]Yes
7[ ]Refused to answer
9[ ]Don’t know
If SX-46 > or = 3 years or SX-46 = Don’t know or Refused, skip to SX-50. |
SX-49. Where did you first meet this partner? [DO NOT read choices. Check only ONE.]
01[ ]Internet
02[ ]Chat line
03[ ]Bar/club
04[ ]Circuit party or rave
05[ ]Cruising area
06[ ]Adult bookstore
07[ ]Bath house, sex club, or sex resort
08[ ]Private sex party
09[ ]Somewhere else
77[ ]Refused to answer
99[ ]Don’t know
If NHBS-IDU OR NHBS-HET, skip to SX-52. |
SX-50. In the past 12 months, how often have you gone to a place where gay men hang out, meet, or socialize? These could include bars, clubs, social organizations, parks, gay businesses, bookstores, sex clubs, etc. Was it: [GIVE FLASHCARD K. READ CHOICES. CHECK only ONE.]
0[ ]Never
1[ ]More than once a day
2[ ]Once a day
3[ ]More than once a week
4[ ]Once a week
5[ ]More than once a month
6[ ]Once a month
7[ ]Less than once a month
77[ ]Refused to answer
99[ ]Don’t know
SX-51. In the past 12 months, how often have you used the Internet to meet or socialize with gay men either for friendship or sex? These could include social network websites (such as Facebook or MySpace), websites directed toward gay men (such as Manhunt or, dating websites, or the use of mobile social applications (such as Foursquare or Grindr). Was it: [GIVE FLASHCARD K. READ CHOICES. CHECK only ONE.]
0[ ]Never
1[ ]More than once a day
2[ ]Once a day
3[ ]More than once a week
4[ ]Once a week
5[ ]More than once a month
6[ ]Once a month
7[ ]Less than once a month
77[ ]Refused to answer
99[ ]Don’t know
Skip Pattern: If DM-10 (Sexual Identity) = 1, ask SX-52. Otherwise, go to Say Box before ID-1. |
SX-52. The next question is about whether you have told people that you are attracted to or have sex with men. Have you ever told anyone that you are attracted to or have sex with men?
0[ ]No
1[ ]Yes
7[ ]Refused to answer
9[ ]Don’t know
If SX-52 in (0, 7, 9), skip to SX-53. |
SX-52a. I’m going to read you a list of people you may have told. Please tell me which ones apply. Have you told: [READ CHOICES, CHECK NO OR YES FOR EACH ONE.]
1. Gay, lesbian, or bisexual friends
0[ ]No
1[ ]Yes
7[ ]Refused to answer
8[ ]Does not apply
9[ ]Don’t know
2. Friends who are not gay, lesbian, or bisexual
0[ ]No
1[ ]Yes
7[ ]Refused to answer
8[ ]Does not apply
9[ ]Don’t know
3. Family members
0[ ]No
1[ ]Yes
7[ ]Refused to answer
8[ ]Does not apply
9[ ]Don’t know
4. Spouse or partner
0[ ]No
1[ ]Yes
7[ ]Refused to answer
8[ ]Does not apply
9[ ]Don’t know
5. Health care provider
0[ ]No
1[ ]Yes
7[ ]Refused to answer
8[ ]Does not apply
9[ ]Don’t know
SX-53. During the past 12 months, have any of the following things happened to you because someone knew or assumed you were attracted to men? [READ CHOICES, CHECK NO OR YES FOR EACH ONE.]
No | Yes | Refused to answer | Does not apply | Don’t Know | |
a. You were called names or insulted | 0 | 1 | 7 | 9 | |
b. You received poorer services than other people in restaurants, stores, other businesses, or agencies | 0 | 1 | 7 | 9 | |
c. You were treated unfairly at work or school | 0 | 1 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
d. You were denied or given lower-quality health care | 0 | 1 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
e. You were physically attacked or injured | 0 | 1 | 7 | 9 |
SX-53f. Next, I’m going to read you a statement. Please tell me how strongly you agree or disagree with it, using one of the options on this card. [Give participant Flashcard G.]
Most people in [project area] are tolerant of gays and bisexuals. Do you . . . [Read choices. Mark only one.]
01[ ]Strongly agree
02[ ]Agree
03[ ]Neither agree nor disagree
04[ ]Disagree
05[ ]Strongly disagree
07[ ]Refused to answer
09[ ]Don’t know
Male Sex Partners (Female respondent)
SX-54. Have you ever had vaginal or anal sex with a man?
0[ ]No
1[ ]Yes
7[ ]Refused to answer
9[ ]Don’t know
If SX-54 in (0, 7, 9), skip to SX-80. |
SX-55. How old were you the first time you had vaginal or anal sex with a man?
[77 = Refused, 99 = Don’t know; 88 = Not Applicable] ____ ____
If SX-55 = 88, skip to CONF13a. |
CONF16b. Het sex confirmation-female participants If SX-55=88, display: "Interviewer, you have indicated that the participant has never had either vaginal or anal sex with a man. Is this correct?" 0[ ]No 1[ ]Yes If No, go back to SX-55. If Yes and NHBS-HET, skip to END of Questionnaire. If Yes and NHBS-MSM or NHBS-IDU, skip to Say Box before ID-1. |
SX-56. In the past 12 months, that is, since <interview month> of last year, with how many different men have you had oral, vaginal or anal sex?
____ ____ ____ ____ [Refused = 7777, Don’t know = 9999]
NHBS-IDU Skip Pattern for # of Male Sex Partners: If SX-56 = 1, ask SX-57a. If SX-56 > 1, ask SX-57. If 0, 7777, or 9999, skip to SX-80. |
NHBS-HET Skip Pattern for # of Male Sex Partners: If SX-56 = 1: Ask SX-57a. (RT column). If SX-56 > 1: Ask SX-57. (LT column). If SX-56 = 0, 7777, 9999: GO to CONF18. |
CONF18. Sex partner confirmation: If SX-56 =0, 7777, or 9999, read: I would like to clarify your response. You indicated that you haven’t had sex with a man in the past 12 months. Is that correct? 0[ ]No 1[ ]Yes 7[ ]Refused to answer 9[ ]Don’t Know If NO (NOT correct), go to SX-56 (ask it again). If YES, (correct), Refused to answer, or Don’t know, go to End of Questionnaire. |
FOR MULTIPLE MALE SEX PARTNERS [Read Say Box and Questions in this column] | FOR ONE MALE SEX PARTNER [Read Say Box and Question in this column] | ||
SAY: Now I’m going to ask you to describe the sex partners you’ve had in the past 12 months as either main or casual partners. [GIVE RESPONDENT FLASHCARD J] By "main partner" I mean a man you have sex with and who you feel committed to above anyone else. This is a partner you would call your boyfriend, husband, significant other, or life partner. And by "casual partner" I mean a man you have sex with but do not feel committed to or don’t know very well. Refused = 7777, Don’t know = 9999 | SAY: Now I’m going to ask you to describe this sex partner you’ve had in the past 12 months as either main or casual, partner. [GIVE RESPONDENT FLASHCARD J] By "main partner" I mean a man you have sex with and who you feel committed to above anyone else. This is a partner you would call your boyfriend, husband, significant other, or life partner. And by "casual partner" I mean a man you have sex with but do not feel committed to or don’t know very well. | ||
Question | Response | Skip Pattern | Question |
SX-57. Of the ______ [insert number from SX-56] men you’ve had oral, vaginal, or anal sex with in the past 12 months, how many of them were main partners? | [ _______ ] | If SX-57 = SX-56, skip to Say Box before SX-59a. | SX 57a. Was this man a main partner or a casual partner? 1[ ]Main partner Skip to Say Box before SX-59a 2[ ]Casual partner Skip to Say Box before SX-60a 7[ ]Refused to answer Skip to SX-61 9[ ]Don’t know Skip to SX-61 |
SX-58. How many were casual partners? | [ _______ ] |
Skip Pattern for Multiple Male Sex Partners: If SX-57 is not equal to 0, 7777, or 9999, go to Say Box SX-59a. Otherwise, if SX-58 is not equal to 0, 7777, or 9999, go to Say Box before SX-60a. |
MULTIPLE MAIN MALE PARTNERS [Read questions, in this column] Refused = 7777, Don’t know = 9999 | ONE MAIN MALE PARTNER [Read questions in this column] No = 0, Yes = 1, Refused = 7, Don’t know = 9 | ||||
SAY: Now I’m going to ask you about the _______ [insert number from SX-57] male main sex partners you had in the past 12 months. | SAY: Now I’m going to ask you about the male main sex partner you had in the past 12 months. | ||||
Question | Response | Skip Pattern | Question | Response | Skip Pattern |
SX-59a. Of your _______ [insert number from SX-57] male main partners in the past 12 months, with how many did you have vaginal sex? | [ ______ ] | If 0, 7777, or 9999, skip to SX-59c. | SX-59a. In the past 12 months, did you have vaginal sex with this man? | [ ______ ] | If 0, 7, or 9, skip to SX-59c. |
SX-59b. In the past 12 months, with how many of these _______ [insert number from SX-59a] men did you have vaginal sex without using a condom? | [ ______ ] | SX-59b. In the past 12 months, did you have vaginal sex with him without using a condom? | [ ______ ] | ||
SX-59c. Of your _______ [insert number from SX-57] male main partners in the past 12 months, with how many did you have anal sex? | [ ______ ] | If 0, 7777, or 9999, skip to SX-59e. | SX-59c. In the past 12 months, did you have anal sex with this man? | [ ______ ] | If 0, 7, or 9, skip to SX-59e. |
SX-59d. With how many of these _______ [insert number from SX-59c] men did you have anal sex without using a condom? | [ ______ ] | SX-59d. In the past 12 months, did you have anal sex with him without using a condom? | [ ______ ] | ||
SX-59e. Of your ______ [insert number from SX-57] male main partners, how many did you have sex with for the very first time in the past 12 months? | [ ______ ] | SX-59e. Think about the very first time you had sex with this man. Was it within the past 12 months? | [ ______ ] | ||
SX-59f. Of your ______ [insert number from SX-57] male main partners in the past 12 months, how many gave you things like money or drugs in exchange of sex? | SX-59f. In the past 12 months, did this man give you money, drugs, or other things in exchange for sex? | ||||
SX-59g. Of your ______ [insert number from SX-57] male main partners in the past 12 months, how many did you give things like money or drugs in exchange for sex? | SX-59g. In the past 12 months, did you give this man things like money or drugs in exchange for sex? | If SX-57a = 1, skip to SX-62. |
Skip Pattern for Multiple Male Sex Partners: If SX-57 = SX-56, go to SX-62. Otherwise, if SX-58 is not equal to 0, 7777, or 9999, go to Say Box before SX-60a. |
MULTIPLE CASUAL MALE PARTNERS [Read questions in this column] Refused = 7777, Don’t know = 9999 | ONE CASUAL MALE PARTNER [Read questions in this column] No = 0, Yes = 1, Refused = 7, Don’t know = 9 | ||||
SAY: Now I’m going to ask you about the _______ [insert number from SX-58] male casual sex partners you had in the past 12 months. Remember, a casual sex partner is someone you do not feel committed to or don’t know very well. | SAY: Now I’m going to ask you about the male casual sex partner you had in the past 12 months. Remember, a casual sex partner is someone you do not feel committed to or don’t know very well. | ||||
Question | Response | Skip Pattern | Question | Response | Skip Pattern |
SX-60a. Of your _______ [insert number from SX-58] male casual partners in the past 12 months, with how many did you have vaginal sex? | [ ______ ] | If 0, 7777, or 9999, skip to SX-60c. | SX-60a. In the past 12 months, did you have vaginal sex with this man? | [ ______ ] | If 0, 7, or 9, skip to SX-60c. |
SX-60b. In the past 12 months, with how many of these _______ [insert number from SX-60a] men did you have vaginal sex without using a condom? | [ ______ ] | SX-60b. In the past 12 months, did you have vaginal sex with him without using a condom? | [ ______ ] | ||
SX-60c. Of your _______ [insert number from SX-58] male casual partners in the past 12 months, with how many did you have anal sex? | [ ______ ] | If 0, 7777, or 9999, skip to SX-60e. | SX-60c. In the past 12 months, did you have anal sex with this man? | [ ______ ] | If 0, 7, or 9, skip to SX-60e. |
SX-60d. In the past 12 months, with how many of these _______ [insert number from SX-60c] men did you have anal sex without using a condom? | [ ______ ] | SX-60d. In the past 12 months, did you have anal sex with him without using a condom? | [ ______ ] | ||
SX-60e. Of your ______ [insert number from SX-60] male casual partners, how many did you have sex with for the very first time in the past 12 months? | [ ______ ] | SX-60e. Think about the very first time you had sex with this man. Was it within the past 12 months? | [ ______ ] | ||
SX-60f. Of your ______ [insert number from SX-58] male casual partners in the past 12 months, how many gave you things like money or drugs in exchange for sex? | SX-60f. In the past 12 months, did this man give you money, drugs, or other things in exchange for sex? | ||||
SX-60g. Of your ______ [insert number from SX-58] male casual partners in the past 12 months, how many did you give things like money or drugs in exchange for sex? | SX-60g. In the past 12 months, did you give this man things like money or drugs in exchange for sex? |
If SX-56 = 1 AND SX-57a ≠ 7 OR 9, skip to SX-62. |
SX-61. In the past 12 months, did you have anal or vaginal sex without a condom with a man whose HIV status you didn’t know?
0[ ]No
1[ ]Yes
7[ ]Refused to answer
9[ ]Don’t know
SX-61a. In the past 12 months did you have vaginal or anal sex without a condom with a man who was HIV-negative?
0[ ]No
1[ ]Yes
7[ ]Refused to answer
9[ ]Don’t know
SX-61b. In the past 12 months, did you have vaginal or anal sex without a condom with a man who was HIV-positive?
0[ ]No
1[ ]Yes
7[ ]Refused to answer
9[ ]Don’t know
SX-62. Now I would like you to think about the last time you had sex with a man. When was the last time you had oral, vaginal, or anal sex with a man? Just tell me the month and year.
[77/7777 = Refused, 99/9999 = Don’t know] ___ ___ / ___ ___ ___ ___ (M M / Y Y Y Y)
If SX-62 = 77/7777 OR 99/9999, go to CONF19. |
CONF19. INTERVIEWER: Did you have sex with a man in the past 12 months, that is, since &[AGO_1Y]? 0[ ]No 1[ ]Yes 9[ ]Don’t know 7[ ]Refuse to answer |
If SX-56 = 1, go to SX-64. Otherwise if SX-56 > 1, ask SX-63. |
SX-63. Was the man you had sex with that last time a main partner or a casual partner? GIVE RESPONDENT FLASHCARD J. Remember, a main sex partner is someone you feel committed to above anyone else. And a casual sex partner is someone you do not feel committed to or don’t know very well.
1[ ]Main sex partner
2[ ]Casual sex partner
7[ ]Refused to answer
9[ ]Don’t know
If participant had 1 partner and reported NO exchange with only partner, skip to SX-65. If participant’s last partner was main partner and participant reported NO exchange with ANY main partners, skip to SX-65. If participant’s last partner was casual and participant reported NO exchange with ANY casual partners, skip to SX-65. |
SX-64. When you had sex that last time, did he give you things like money or drugs in exchange for sex?<
Personnel and Training Required
Interviewer must be trained and found competent to conduct personal interviews with individuals from the general population. The interviewer should be trained to prompt respondents further if a "don’t know" response is provided.
Equipment Needs
Requirement Category | Required |
Major equipment | No |
Specialized training | No |
Specialized requirements for biospecimen collection | No |
Average time of greater than 15 minutes in an unaffected individual | No |
Mode of Administration
Interviewer-administered questionnaire
Adults aged 18 years or older
Selection Rationale
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is the nation’s source for timely information used to track the HIV/AIDS epidemic. The information from the cities with a high incidence of AIDS can be used to analyze HIV risk factors such as multiple sex partners and injection drug use.
Standard | Name | ID | Source |
caDSR Form | PhenX PX560201 - Comprehensive Hiv Risk Assessment | 6878553 | caDSR Form |
Derived Variables
Process and Review
The Expert Review Panel #3 (ERP 3) reviewed the measures in Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Substances, and Substance Abuse and Addiction domains.
Guidance from ERP 3 includes:
• No significant changes to measure
Back-compatible: NA no changes to Data Dictionary
Protocol Name from Source
National HIV Behavioral Surveillance System, 2010
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National HIV Behavioral Surveillance System. (2010). Sections Sexual Behavior (SX), Drug Use History (ID and ND), and HIV Testing Experiences (HT), HT-1 through HT-13.
General References
Allen, D. R., Finlayson, T., Abdul-Quader, A., & Lansky, A. (2009). The role of formative research in the National HIV Behavioral Surveillance System. Public Health Reports, 124(1), 26-33.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). (2009). HIV-associated behaviors among injecting-drug users-23 Cities, United States, May 2005-February 2006. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 58(13), 329-332.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). (2009). Erratum: HIV-associated behaviors among injecting-drug users-23 Cities, United States, May 2005-February 2006. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 58(50), 1416-1417.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). (2011). Characteristics associated with HIV infection among heterosexuals in urban areas with high AIDS prevalence-24 cities, United States, 2006-2007. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 60(31), 1045-1049.
Gallagher, K. M., Sullivan, P. S., Lansky, A., & Onorato, I. M. (2007). Behavioral surveillance among people at risk for HIV infection in the U.S.: The National HIV Behavioral Surveillance System. Public Health Reports, 122(Suppl. 1), 32-38.
Lansky, A., Abdul-Quader, A. S., Cribbin, M., Hall, T., Finlayson, T. J., Garfein, R. S., Lin, L. S., & Sullivan, P. S. (2007). Developing an HIV behavioral surveillance system for injecting drug users: The National HIV Behavioral Surveillance System. Public Health Reports, 122(Suppl. 1), 48-55.
Protocol ID
Export VariablesVariable Name | Variable ID | Variable Description | dbGaP Mapping | |
PX560201_DrugInjection_CookerWaterCotton_SomeoneElse_AlreadyUsed_Frequency | ||||
PX560201042800 | In the past 12 months when you injected, how more | N/A | ||
PX560201_DrugInjection_Cooker_SomeoneElse_AlreadyUsed_Frequency | ||||
PX560201042500 | In the past 12 months when you injected, how more | N/A | ||
PX560201_DrugInjection_Cotton_SomeoneElse_AlreadyUsed_Frequency | ||||
PX560201042600 | In the past 12 months when you injected, how more | N/A | ||
PX560201_DrugInjection_DividedDrugs_DirtySyringe_Frequency | ||||
PX560201042900 | In the past 12 months when you injected, how more | N/A | ||
PX560201_DrugInjection_Ever | ||||
PX560201040100 | Have you ever in your life shot up or more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX560201_DrugInjection_FirstTime_Age | ||||
PX560201040200 | Think back to the very first time you more | N/A | ||
PX560201_DrugInjection_Frequency_Crack_Cocaine | ||||
PX560201040800 | How often did you more | N/A | ||
PX560201_DrugInjection_Frequency_Crystal_Meth | ||||
PX560201040900 | How often did you more | N/A | ||
PX560201_DrugInjection_Frequency_Heroin | ||||
PX560201040600 | How often did you more | N/A | ||
PX560201_DrugInjection_Frequency_NewSterileNeedle | ||||
PX560201042000 | In the past 12 months when you injected, how more | N/A | ||
PX560201_DrugInjection_Frequency_Oxycontin | ||||
PX560201041000 | How often did you more | N/A | ||
PX560201_DrugInjection_Frequency_Powdered_Cocaine | ||||
PX560201040700 | How often did you more | N/A | ||
PX560201_DrugInjection_Frequency_Speedball | ||||
PX560201040500 | How often did you more | N/A | ||
PX560201_DrugInjection_Get_Needles_Drug_Dealer | ||||
PX560201041700 | In the past 12 months when you injected, did more | N/A | ||
PX560201_DrugInjection_Get_Needles_Friend | ||||
PX560201041600 | In the past 12 months when you injected, did more | N/A | ||
PX560201_DrugInjection_Get_Needles_Hospital | ||||
PX560201041500 | In the past 12 months when you injected, did more | N/A | ||
PX560201_DrugInjection_Get_Needles_NeedleExchangeProgram | ||||
PX560201041800 | In the past 12 months when you injected, did more | N/A | ||
PX560201_DrugInjection_Get_Needles_Pharmacy | ||||
PX560201041400 | In the past 12 months when you injected, did more | N/A | ||
PX560201_DrugInjection_Get_Needles_SomeOtherPlace | ||||
PX560201041900 | In the past 12 months when you injected, did more | N/A | ||
PX560201_DrugInjection_LastPerson_HepatitisCTest | ||||
PX560201044000 | The next questions are about this last more | N/A | ||
PX560201_DrugInjection_LastPerson_HepatitisCTest_Result | ||||
PX560201044100 | The next questions are about this last more | N/A | ||
PX560201_DrugInjection_LastPerson_HIVStatus | ||||
PX560201043900 | The next questions are about this last more | N/A | ||
PX560201_DrugInjection_LastPerson_KnowHIVStatus | ||||
PX560201043800 | The next questions are about this last more | N/A | ||
PX560201_DrugInjection_LastPerson_Male_Female | ||||
PX560201043600 | The next questions are about this last more | N/A | ||
PX560201_DrugInjection_LastPerson_Male_SexWithAnotherMan | ||||
PX560201043700 | The next questions are about this last more | N/A | ||
PX560201_DrugInjection_LastPerson_Relationship | ||||
PX560201044200 | The next questions are about this last more | N/A | ||
PX560201_DrugInjection_LastPerson_Relationship_OtherSpecify | ||||
PX560201044300 | The next questions are about this last more | N/A | ||
PX560201_DrugInjection_LastTime_CookerCottonWater_AlreadyUsed | ||||
PX560201043400 | The last time you injected with someone, did more | N/A | ||
PX560201_DrugInjection_LastTime_Days | ||||
PX560201040301 | When was the last time you injected any more | N/A | ||
PX560201_DrugInjection_LastTime_Injected_WithSomeone_Month | ||||
PX560201043000 | When was the last time you injected with more | N/A | ||
PX560201_DrugInjection_LastTime_Injected_WithSomeone_Year | ||||
PX560201043100 | When was the last time you injected with more | N/A | ||
PX560201_DrugInjection_LastTime_Months | ||||
PX560201040302 | When was the last time you injected any more | N/A | ||
PX560201_DrugInjection_LastTime_NewSterileNeedle | ||||
PX560201043300 | Did you use a new sterile needle to inject? | N/A | ||
PX560201_DrugInjection_LastTime_UseDrugs_DividedByDirtySyringe | ||||
PX560201043500 | The last time you injected with someone, did more | N/A | ||
PX560201_DrugInjection_LastTime_Use_DirtyNeedle | ||||
PX560201043200 | The last time you injected with someone, did more | N/A | ||
PX560201_DrugInjection_LastTime_Years | ||||
PX560201040303 | When was the last time you injected any more | N/A | ||
PX560201_DrugInjection_Needles_SomeoneElse_AlreadyInjected_Frequency | ||||
PX560201042400 | In the past 12 months, how often did you use more | N/A | ||
PX560201_DrugInjection_Number_People_DividedSyringe | ||||
PX560201042300 | In the past 12 months, with how many people more | N/A | ||
PX560201_DrugInjection_Other_Drugs | ||||
PX560201041100 | Did you inject any other drugs in the past more | N/A | ||
PX560201_DrugInjection_Other_Drugs_Frequency | ||||
PX560201041300 | How often did you inject [Interviewer: more | N/A | ||
PX560201_DrugInjection_Other_Drugs_Specify | ||||
PX560201041200 | Did you inject any other drugs in the past more | N/A | ||
PX560201_DrugInjection_PastYear_Average_Number_Times | ||||
PX560201040400 | In the past 12 months, on average, how often more | N/A | ||
PX560201_DrugInjection_UseNeedles_AfterAnother_NumberPeople | ||||
PX560201042100 | In the past 12 months, with how many people more | N/A | ||
PX560201_DrugInjection_UseSame_CookerCottonWater_NumberPeople | ||||
PX560201042200 | In the past 12 months, with how many people more | N/A | ||
PX560201_DrugInjection_Water_SomeoneElse_AlreadyUsed_Frequency | ||||
PX560201042700 | In the past 12 months when you injected, how more | N/A | ||
PX560201_FemaleRespondent_FemalePartner_Number | ||||
PX560201034100 | Now I'm going to ask you about having sex more | N/A | ||
PX560201_FemaleRespondent_MaleCasualingle_Sex_FirstTime | ||||
PX560201030712 | Think about the very first time you had sex more | N/A | ||
PX560201_FemaleRespondent_MaleCasualMultiple_Number_AnalSex | ||||
PX560201030703 | Of your _______ [insert number from SX-58] more | N/A | ||
PX560201_FemaleRespondent_MaleCasualMultiple_Number_AnalSex_WithoutCondom | ||||
PX560201030704 | In the past 12 months, with how many of more | N/A | ||
PX560201_FemaleRespondent_MaleCasualMultiple_Number_Paid_You | ||||
PX560201030706 | Of your ______ [insert number from SX-58] more | N/A | ||
PX560201_FemaleRespondent_MaleCasualMultiple_Number_VaginalSex | ||||
PX560201030701 | Of your _______ [insert number from SX-58] more | N/A | ||
PX560201_FemaleRespondent_MaleCasualMultiple_Number_VaginalSex_WithoutCondom | ||||
PX560201030702 | In the past 12 months, with how many of more | N/A | ||
PX560201_FemaleRespondent_MaleCasualMultiple_Number_You_Paid | ||||
PX560201030707 | Of your ______ [insert number from SX-58] more | N/A | ||
PX560201_FemaleRespondent_MaleCasualMultiple_Sex_FirstTime | ||||
PX560201030705 | Of your ______ [insert number from SX-60] more | N/A | ||
PX560201_FemaleRespondent_MaleCasualSingle_AnalSex | ||||
PX560201030710 | In the past 12 months, did you have anal sex more | N/A | ||
PX560201_FemaleRespondent_MaleCasualSingle_AnalSex_Without_Condom | ||||
PX560201030711 | In the past 12 months, did you have anal sex more | N/A | ||
PX560201_FemaleRespondent_MaleCasualSingle_Paid_You | ||||
PX560201030713 | In the past 12 months, did this man give you more | N/A | ||
PX560201_FemaleRespondent_MaleCasualSingle_VaginalSex | ||||
PX560201030708 | In the past 12 months, did you have vaginal more | N/A | ||
PX560201_FemaleRespondent_MaleCasualSingle_VaginalSex_Without_Condom | ||||
PX560201030709 | In the past 12 months, did you have vaginal more | N/A | ||
PX560201_FemaleRespondent_MaleCasualSingle_You_Paid | ||||
PX560201030714 | In the past 12 months, did you give this man more | N/A | ||
PX560201_FemaleRespondent_MaleMainMultiple_Number_AnalSex | ||||
PX560201030603 | Of your _______ [insert number from SX-57] more | N/A | ||
PX560201_FemaleRespondent_MaleMainMultiple_Number_AnalSex_WithoutCondom | ||||
PX560201030604 | In the past 12 months, with how many of more | N/A | ||
PX560201_FemaleRespondent_MaleMainMultiple_Number_Paid_You | ||||
PX560201030606 | Of your ______ [insert number from SX-57] more | N/A | ||
PX560201_FemaleRespondent_MaleMainMultiple_Number_VaginalSex | ||||
PX560201030601 | Of your _______ [insert number from SX-57] more | N/A | ||
PX560201_FemaleRespondent_MaleMainMultiple_Number_VaginalSex_WithoutCondom | ||||
PX560201030602 | In the past 12 months, with how many of more | N/A | ||
PX560201_FemaleRespondent_MaleMainMultiple_Number_You_Paid | ||||
PX560201030607 | Of your ______ [insert number from SX-57] more | N/A | ||
PX560201_FemaleRespondent_MaleMainMultiple_Sex_FirstTime | ||||
PX560201030605 | Of your ______ [insert number from SX-57] more | N/A | ||
PX560201_FemaleRespondent_MaleMainSingle_AnalSex | ||||
PX560201030610 | In the past 12 months, did you have anal sex more | N/A | ||
PX560201_FemaleRespondent_MaleMainSingle_AnalSex_Without_Condom | ||||
PX560201030611 | In the past 12 months, did you have anal sex more | N/A | ||
PX560201_FemaleRespondent_MaleMainSingle_Paid_You | ||||
PX560201030613 | In the past 12 months, did this man give you more | N/A | ||
PX560201_FemaleRespondent_MaleMainSingle_Sex_FirstTime | ||||
PX560201030612 | Think about the very first time you had sex more | N/A | ||
PX560201_FemaleRespondent_MaleMainSingle_VaginalSex | ||||
PX560201030608 | In the past 12 months, did you have vaginal more | N/A | ||
PX560201_FemaleRespondent_MaleMainSingle_VaginalSex_Without_Condom | ||||
PX560201030609 | In the past 12 months, did you have vaginal more | N/A | ||
PX560201_FemaleRespondent_MaleMainSingle_You_Paid | ||||
PX560201030614 | In the past 12 months, did you give this man more | N/A | ||
PX560201_FemaleRespondent_MalePartner_Confirmation_OralSexOnly_LastTime | ||||
PX560201032200 | CONF20. Ask the following if SX-65 and SX-68 more | N/A | ||
PX560201_FemaleRespondent_MalePartner_Partner_SexOtherMenEver | ||||
PX560201033300 | As far as you know, has this partner ever more | N/A | ||
PX560201_FemaleRespondent_MalePartner_SexInLastYear_Confirm | ||||
PX560201031103 | INTERVIEWER: Did you have sex with a man in more | N/A | ||
PX560201_FemaleRespondent_MalePartner_SexInLastYear_MainCasual | ||||
PX560201031200 | Was the man you had sex with that last time more | N/A | ||
PX560201_FemaleRespondent_MalePartner_SexLast_Age | ||||
PX560201032800 | What was his age? | N/A | ||
PX560201_FemaleRespondent_MalePartner_SexLast_Alcohol_Drugs | ||||
PX560201032300 | Before or during the last time you had sex more | N/A | ||
PX560201_FemaleRespondent_MalePartner_SexLast_AnalSex | ||||
PX560201031900 | When you had sex that last time, did you more | N/A | ||
PX560201_FemaleRespondent_MalePartner_SexLast_AnalSex_Condom | ||||
PX560201032000 | During anal sex that last time, did your more | N/A | ||
PX560201_FemaleRespondent_MalePartner_SexLast_AnalSex_CondomWholeTime | ||||
PX560201032100 | Did he use the condom the whole time? | N/A | ||
PX560201_FemaleRespondent_MalePartner_SexLast_CrackCocaine | ||||
PX560201033100 | As far as you know, has this partner ever more | N/A | ||
PX560201_FemaleRespondent_MalePartner_SexLast_Drugs | ||||
PX560201032401 | Which drugs did you use? [DO NOT read more | N/A | ||
PX560201_FemaleRespondent_MalePartner_SexLast_Drugs_Crack | ||||
PX560201032405 | Which drugs did you use? [DO NOT read more | N/A | ||
PX560201_FemaleRespondent_MalePartner_SexLast_Drugs_CrystalMeth | ||||
PX560201032407 | Which drugs did you use? [DO NOT read more | N/A | ||
PX560201_FemaleRespondent_MalePartner_SexLast_Drugs_DK | ||||
PX560201032417 | Which drugs did you use? [DO NOT read more | N/A | ||
PX560201_FemaleRespondent_MalePartner_SexLast_Drugs_Downers | ||||
PX560201032412 | Which drugs did you use? [DO NOT read more | N/A | ||
PX560201_FemaleRespondent_MalePartner_SexLast_Drugs_Ecstasy | ||||
PX560201032408 | Which drugs did you use? [DO NOT read more | N/A | ||
PX560201_FemaleRespondent_MalePartner_SexLast_Drugs_GHB | ||||
PX560201032410 | Which drugs did you use? [DO NOT read more | N/A | ||
PX560201_FemaleRespondent_MalePartner_SexLast_Drugs_Hallucinogens | ||||
PX560201032413 | Which drugs did you use? [DO NOT read more | N/A | ||
PX560201_FemaleRespondent_MalePartner_SexLast_Drugs_Heroin | ||||
PX560201032404 | Which drugs did you use? [DO NOT read more | N/A | ||
PX560201_FemaleRespondent_MalePartner_SexLast_Drugs_Ketamine | ||||
PX560201032409 | Which drugs did you use? [DO NOT read more | N/A | ||
PX560201_FemaleRespondent_MalePartner_SexLast_Drugs_Marijuana | ||||
PX560201032402 | Which drugs did you use? [DO NOT read more | N/A | ||
PX560201_FemaleRespondent_MalePartner_SexLast_Drugs_Other | ||||
PX560201032415 | Which drugs did you use? [DO NOT read more | N/A | ||
PX560201_FemaleRespondent_MalePartner_SexLast_Drugs_Painkillers | ||||
PX560201032411 | Which drugs did you use? [DO NOT read more | N/A | ||
PX560201_FemaleRespondent_MalePartner_SexLast_Drugs_PowderedCocaine | ||||
PX560201032406 | Which drugs did you use? [DO NOT read more | N/A | ||
PX560201_FemaleRespondent_MalePartner_SexLast_Drugs_Refused | ||||
PX560201032416 | Which drugs did you use? [DO NOT read more | N/A | ||
PX560201_FemaleRespondent_MalePartner_SexLast_Drugs_Speedballs | ||||
PX560201032403 | Which drugs did you use? [DO NOT read more | N/A | ||
PX560201_FemaleRespondent_MalePartner_SexLast_HIVStatus | ||||
PX560201032600 | What was his HIV status? | N/A | ||
PX560201_FemaleRespondent_MalePartner_SexLast_InjectionDrugs | ||||
PX560201033000 | As far as you know, has this partner ever more | N/A | ||
PX560201_FemaleRespondent_MalePartner_SexLast_Jail | ||||
PX560201033200 | As far as you know, has this partner ever more | N/A | ||
PX560201_FemaleRespondent_MalePartner_SexLast_KnowHIVStatus | ||||
PX560201032500 | The last time you had sex with this partner, more | N/A | ||
PX560201_FemaleRespondent_MalePartner_SexLast_Paid_You | ||||
PX560201031300 | When you had sex that last time, did he give more | N/A | ||
PX560201_FemaleRespondent_MalePartner_SexLast_PartnerSexOthers | ||||
PX560201033700 | As far as you know, during the time you were more | N/A | ||
PX560201_FemaleRespondent_MalePartner_SexLast_PartnerSexOthers_12months | ||||
PX560201033900 | As far as you know, during the past 12 more | N/A | ||
PX560201_FemaleRespondent_MalePartner_SexLast_Race | ||||
PX560201032900 | Which of the following best describes his more | N/A | ||
PX560201_FemaleRespondent_MalePartner_SexLast_RelationshipLength_Days | ||||
PX560201033400 | How long have you been having a sexual more | N/A | ||
PX560201_FemaleRespondent_MalePartner_SexLast_RelationshipLength_Months | ||||
PX560201033500 | How long have you been having a sexual more | N/A | ||
PX560201_FemaleRespondent_MalePartner_SexLast_RelationshipLength_Years | ||||
PX560201033600 | How long have you been having a sexual more | N/A | ||
PX560201_FemaleRespondent_MalePartner_SexLast_RespondentSexOthers | ||||
PX560201033800 | During the time you were having a sexual more | N/A | ||
PX560201_FemaleRespondent_MalePartner_SexLast_RespondentSexOthers_12months | ||||
PX560201034000 | During the past 12 months when you were more | N/A | ||
PX560201_FemaleRespondent_MalePartner_SexLast_VaginalSex | ||||
PX560201031500 | When you had sex that last time, did you more | N/A | ||
PX560201_FemaleRespondent_MalePartner_SexLast_VaginalSex_Condom | ||||
PX560201031600 | During vaginal sex that last time, did you more | N/A | ||
PX560201_FemaleRespondent_MalePartner_SexLast_VaginalSex_CondomReason | ||||
PX560201031800 | Did you or your partner use the condom to more | N/A | ||
PX560201_FemaleRespondent_MalePartner_SexLast_VaginalSex_CondomWholeTime | ||||
PX560201031700 | Did you or your partner use the condom the more | N/A | ||
PX560201_FemaleRespondent_MalePartner_SexLast_YoungerOlderSame | ||||
PX560201032700 | Was this partner younger than you, older more | N/A | ||
PX560201_FemaleRespondent_MalePartner_SexLast_You_Paid | ||||
PX560201031400 | When you had sex that last time, did you more | N/A | ||
PX560201_FemaleRespondent_MalePartner_Sex_Last_Month | ||||
PX560201031101 | Now I would like you to think about the last more | N/A | ||
PX560201_FemaleRespondent_MalePartner_Sex_Last_Year | ||||
PX560201031102 | Now I would like you to think about the last more | N/A | ||
PX560201_FemaleRespondent_MalePartner_Sex_WithoutCondom_HivNegative | ||||
PX560201030900 | In the past 12 months did you have vaginal more | N/A | ||
PX560201_FemaleRespondent_MalePartner_Sex_WithoutCondom_HivPositive | ||||
PX560201031000 | In the past 12 months, did you have vaginal more | N/A | ||
PX560201_FemaleRespondent_MalePartner_Sex_WithoutCondom_UnknownHivStatus | ||||
PX560201030800 | In the past 12 months, did you have anal or more | N/A | ||
PX560201_FemaleRespondent_MalePartner__SexLast_Drugs_Poppers | ||||
PX560201032414 | Which drugs did you use? [DO NOT read more | N/A | ||
PX560201_FemaleRespondent_MultipleMalePartners_NumberCasual | ||||
PX560201030402 | How many were casual partners? FOR MULTIPLE more | N/A | ||
PX560201_FemaleRespondent_MultipleMalePartners_NumberMain | ||||
PX560201030401 | Of the ______ [insert number from SX-56] men more | N/A | ||
PX560201_FemaleRespondent_OneMaleParner_Casual_Main | ||||
PX560201030500 | Was this man a main partner or a casual more | N/A | ||
PX560201_Female_HetSex_Confirmation | ||||
PX560201030201 | "Interviewer, you have indicated that the more | N/A | ||
PX560201_Female_HetSex_Partner_Confirmation | ||||
PX560201030302 | Sex partner confirmation: If SX-56 =0, 7777, more | N/A | ||
PX560201_Female_Sex_With_Man_AgeFirstTime | ||||
PX560201030200 | How old were you the first time you had more | N/A | ||
PX560201_Female_Sex_With_Man_Ever | ||||
PX560201030100 | Have you ever had vaginal or anal sex with a more | N/A | ||
PX560201_Het_Sex_Confirmation | ||||
PX560201010201 | "Interviewer, you have indicated that the more | N/A | ||
PX560201_HIV_2YearsBefore_PositiveTest_NumberTimesTested | ||||
PX560201061900 | In the 2 years before your first positive more | N/A | ||
PX560201_HIV_Confirm_Year_FirstPositiveTest | ||||
PX560201061400 | CONF23. INTERVIEWER INSTRUCTIONS: HIV more | N/A | ||
PX560201_HIV_Currently_Takling_Antiretroviral | ||||
PX560201062800 | Are you currently taking antiretroviral more | N/A | ||
PX560201_HIV_FirstSaw_Doctor_AfterDiagnosis_Month | ||||
PX560201062201 | When did you first go to your health care more | N/A | ||
PX560201_HIV_FirstSaw_Doctor_AfterDiagnosis_Year | ||||
PX560201062202 | When did you first go to your health care more | N/A | ||
PX560201_HIV_First_Test_ConfirmPrior1985 | ||||
PX560201060300 | CONF21. INTERVIEWER INSTRUCTIONS: HIV more | N/A | ||
PX560201_HIV_First_Test_Month | ||||
PX560201060201 | When did you have your first HIV test? Month | N/A | ||
PX560201_HIV_First_Test_Year | ||||
PX560201060202 | When did you have your first HIV test? Year | Variable Mapping | ||
PX560201_HIV_Given_Antiretroviral_To_Partner | ||||
PX560201063200 | in the past 12 months, have you given your more | N/A | ||
PX560201_HIV_Heard_Taking_AntiHIV_Protection | ||||
PX560201063300 | Before today, have you ever heard of people more | N/A | ||
PX560201_HIV_Heard_Taking_Antiretroviral_Protection | ||||
PX560201063100 | Before today, have you ever heard of people more | N/A | ||
PX560201_HIV_Interviewer_HIVTest_InPastYear | ||||
PX560201060901 | INTERVIEWER INSTRUCTIONS: Refer to HT-4. more | N/A | ||
PX560201_HIV_Interviewer_SawDoctor_Confirm | ||||
PX560201062300 | INTERVIEWER INSTRUCTIONS: Refer to date of more | N/A | ||
PX560201_HIV_LastDoctorVisit_Hiv_Care_Month | ||||
PX560201062601 | When did you last go to your health care more | N/A | ||
PX560201_HIV_LastDoctorVisit_Hiv_Care_Year | ||||
PX560201062602 | When did you last go to your health care more | N/A | ||
PX560201_HIV_Medicines_From_Doctor | ||||
PX560201063600 | Please tell me if you got any of the more | N/A | ||
PX560201_HIV_Medicines_From_Internet | ||||
PX560201063800 | Please tell me if you got any of the more | N/A | ||
PX560201_HIV_Medicines_From_Other | ||||
PX560201063900 | Please tell me if you got any of the more | N/A | ||
PX560201_HIV_Medicines_From_OtherSpecify | ||||
PX560201063901 | Please tell me if you got any of the more | N/A | ||
PX560201_HIV_Medicines_From_Partner | ||||
PX560201063700 | Please tell me if you got any of the more | N/A | ||
PX560201_HIV_MostImportantReason_Not_Tested_PastYear | ||||
PX560201061100 | What was the most important reason you have more | N/A | ||
PX560201_HIV_MostRecentTest_FirstPositive | ||||
PX560201061200 | Was your test in ___ / ___ [insert date from more | N/A | ||
PX560201_HIV_MostRecent_Test_ConfirmPrior1985 | ||||
PX560201060503 | CONF22. INTERVIEWER INSTRUCTIONS: HIV more | N/A | ||
PX560201_HIV_MostRecent_Test_Month | ||||
PX560201060501 | When did you have your most recent HIV test? month | N/A | ||
PX560201_HIV_MostRecent_Test_Rapid | ||||
PX560201060700 | When you got tested in ___ / ___ [insert more | N/A | ||
PX560201_HIV_MostRecent_Test_Result | ||||
PX560201060800 | What was the result of your most recent HIV more | N/A | ||
PX560201_HIV_MostRecent_Test_Site | ||||
PX560201060600 | When you got tested in ____ / ____ [insert more | N/A | ||
PX560201_HIV_MostRecent_Test_Site_Classify | ||||
PX560201060601 | When you got tested in ____ / ____ [insert more | N/A | ||
PX560201_HIV_MostRecent_Test_Year | ||||
PX560201060502 | When did you have your most recent HIV test? Year | N/A | ||
PX560201_HIV_NotCurrently_Takling_Antiretroviral_Reason | ||||
PX560201062900 | What is the main reason you are not more | N/A | ||
PX560201_HIV_NotCurrently_Takling_Antiretroviral_ReasonOther | ||||
PX560201063000 | Interviewer: Type in other reason Respondent more | N/A | ||
PX560201_HIV_NotEverSeen_By_Doctor_Reason | ||||
PX560201062100 | What is the main reason you have never gone more | N/A | ||
PX560201_HIV_NotEverSeen_By_Doctor_ReasonOther | ||||
PX560201062101 | Interviewer: Type in other reason Respondent more | N/A | ||
PX560201_HIV_NotSeen_Doctor_Last6Months_Reason | ||||
PX560201062700 | What is the main reason you have not gone to more | N/A | ||
PX560201_HIV_NotSeen_Doctor_Last6Months_ReasonOther | ||||
PX560201062701 | Interviewer: Type in other reason Respondent more | N/A | ||
PX560201_HIV_NotSoonSeen_By_Doctor_Reason | ||||
PX560201062400 | Some people go to a health care provider more | N/A | ||
PX560201_HIV_NotSoonSeen_By_Doctor_ReasonOther | ||||
PX560201062500 | Interviewer: Type in other reason Respondent more | N/A | ||
PX560201_HIV_Past2Year_Tested_NumberTimes | ||||
PX560201060400 | In the past 2 years, that is, since [insert more | N/A | ||
PX560201_HIV_PositiveResultBefore_MostRecent_Test | ||||
PX560201060900 | Before your test in ___ / ___ [insert date more | N/A | ||
PX560201_HIV_Positive_AskedNotifyPartners | ||||
PX560201061500 | After you tested positive, were you asked by more | N/A | ||
PX560201_HIV_Positive_AskedNotifyPartners_GaveNames | ||||
PX560201061600 | Did you give the names or contact more | N/A | ||
PX560201_HIV_Reasons_Not_Tested_PastYear | ||||
PX560201061000 | I'm going to read you a list of reasons why more | N/A | ||
PX560201_HIV_Seen_By_Doctor | ||||
PX560201062000 | Have you ever been seen by a doctor, nurse, more | N/A | ||
PX560201_HIV_Taken_AntiHIV_AfterSex | ||||
PX560201063500 | In the past 12 months, have you taken more | N/A | ||
PX560201_HIV_Taken_AntiHIV_BeforeSex | ||||
PX560201063400 | In the past 12 months, have you taken more | N/A | ||
PX560201_HIV_Take_Medicines_Daily | ||||
PX560201064000 | Would you be willing to take anti-HIV more | N/A | ||
PX560201_HIV_Tested | ||||
PX560201060100 | Have you ever been tested for HIV? | Variable Mapping | ||
PX560201_HIV_TestNegative_Before_TestPositive | ||||
PX560201061700 | Before your first positive test in ___ / ___ more | N/A | ||
PX560201_HIV_TestNegative_Before_TestPositive_Month | ||||
PX560201061801 | What was the month and year that you got more | N/A | ||
PX560201_HIV_TestNegative_Before_TestPositive_Year | ||||
PX560201061802 | What was the month and year that you got more | N/A | ||
PX560201_HIV_When_FirstTestPositive_Month | ||||
PX560201061301 | When did you first test positive? Month | N/A | ||
PX560201_HIV_When_FirstTestPositive_Year | ||||
PX560201061302 | When did you first test positive? Year | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_FemaleCasualingle_Sex_FirstTime | ||||
PX560201010712 | Think about the very first time you had sex more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_FemaleCasualMultiple_Number_AnalSex | ||||
PX560201010703 | Of your _______ [insert number from SX-5] more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_FemaleCasualMultiple_Number_AnalSex_WithoutCondom | ||||
PX560201010704 | In the past 12 months, with how many of more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_FemaleCasualMultiple_Number_Paid_You | ||||
PX560201010707 | Of your ______ [insert number from SX-5] more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_FemaleCasualMultiple_Number_VaginalSex | ||||
PX560201010701 | Of your _______ [insert number from SX-5] more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_FemaleCasualMultiple_Number_VaginalSex_WithoutCondom | ||||
PX560201010702 | In the past 12 months, with how many of more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_FemaleCasualMultiple_Number_You_Paid | ||||
PX560201010706 | Of your ______ [insert number from SX-5] more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_FemaleCasualMultiple_Sex_FirstTime | ||||
PX560201010705 | Of your ______ [insert number from SX-4] more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_FemaleCasualSingle_AnalSex | ||||
PX560201010710 | In the past 12 months, did you have anal sex more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_FemaleCasualSingle_AnalSex_Without_Condom | ||||
PX560201010711 | In the past 12 months, did you have anal sex more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_FemaleCasualSingle_She_Paid_You | ||||
PX560201010714 | In the past 12 months, did this woman give more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_FemaleCasualSingle_VaginalSex | ||||
PX560201010708 | In the past 12 months, did you have vaginal more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_FemaleCasualSingle_VaginalSex_Without_Condom | ||||
PX560201010709 | In the past 12 months, did you have vaginal more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_FemaleCasualSingle_You_Paid_Her | ||||
PX560201010713 | In the past 12 months, did you give this more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_FemaleMainMultiple_Number_AnalSex | ||||
PX560201010603 | Of your _______ [insert number from SX-4] more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_FemaleMainMultiple_Number_AnalSex_WithoutCondom | ||||
PX560201010604 | In the past 12 months, with how many of more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_FemaleMainMultiple_Number_Paid_You | ||||
PX560201010607 | Of your ______ [insert number from SX-4] more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_FemaleMainMultiple_Number_VaginalSex | ||||
PX560201010601 | Of your _______ [insert number from SX-4] more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_FemaleMainMultiple_Number_VaginalSex_WithoutCondom | ||||
PX560201010602 | In the past 12 months, with how many of more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_FemaleMainMultiple_Number_You_Paid | ||||
PX560201010606 | Of your ______ [insert number from SX-4] more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_FemaleMainMultiple_Sex_FirstTime | ||||
PX560201010605 | Of your ______ [insert number from SX-4] more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_FemaleMainSingle_AnalSex | ||||
PX560201010610 | In the past 12 months, did you have anal sex more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_FemaleMainSingle_AnalSex_Without_Condom | ||||
PX560201010611 | In the past 12 months, did you have anal sex more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_FemaleMainSingle_Sex_FirstTime | ||||
PX560201010612 | Think about the very first time you had sex more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_FemaleMainSingle_She_Paid_You | ||||
PX560201010614 | In the past 12 months, did this woman give more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_FemaleMainSingle_VaginalSex | ||||
PX560201010608 | In the past 12 months, did you have vaginal more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_FemaleMainSingle_VaginalSex_Without_Condom | ||||
PX560201010609 | In the past 12 months, did you have vaginal more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_FemaleMainSingle_You_Paid_Her | ||||
PX560201010613 | In the past 12 months, did you give this more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_FemaleMultiple_Number_Casual_Partners | ||||
PX560201010500 | FOR MULTIPLE FEMALE SEX PARTNERS How many more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_Female_SexLast_Age | ||||
PX560201012300 | What was her age? | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_Female_SexLast_Alcohol_Drugs | ||||
PX560201011800 | Before or during the last time you had sex more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_Female_SexLast_AnalSex_Condom | ||||
PX560201011600 | During anal sex that last time, did you use more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_Female_SexLast_AnalSex_CondomWholeTime | ||||
PX560201011700 | Did you use the condom the whole time? | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_Female_SexLast_CrackCocaine | ||||
PX560201012600 | As far as you know, has this partner ever more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_Female_SexLast_Drugs_Crack | ||||
PX560201011904 | Which drugs did you use? [DO NOT read more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_Female_SexLast_Drugs_CrystalMeth | ||||
PX560201011906 | Which drugs did you use? [DO NOT read more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_Female_SexLast_Drugs_DK | ||||
PX560201011916 | Which drugs did you use? [DO NOT read more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_Female_SexLast_Drugs_Downers | ||||
PX560201011911 | Which drugs did you use? [DO NOT read more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_Female_SexLast_Drugs_Ecstasy | ||||
PX560201011907 | Which drugs did you use? [DO NOT read more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_Female_SexLast_Drugs_GHB | ||||
PX560201011909 | Which drugs did you use? [DO NOT read more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_Female_SexLast_Drugs_Hallucinogens | ||||
PX560201011912 | Which drugs did you use? [DO NOT read more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_Female_SexLast_Drugs_Heroin | ||||
PX560201011903 | Which drugs did you use? [DO NOT read more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_Female_SexLast_Drugs_Ketamine | ||||
PX560201011908 | Which drugs did you use? [DO NOT read more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_Female_SexLast_Drugs_Marijuana | ||||
PX560201011901 | Which drugs did you use? [DO NOT read more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_Female_SexLast_Drugs_Other | ||||
PX560201011914 | Which drugs did you use? [DO NOT read more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_Female_SexLast_Drugs_Painkillers | ||||
PX560201011910 | Which drugs did you use? [DO NOT read more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_Female_SexLast_Drugs_Poppers | ||||
PX560201011913 | Which drugs did you use? [DO NOT read more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_Female_SexLast_Drugs_PowderedCocaine | ||||
PX560201011905 | Which drugs did you use? [DO NOT read more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_Female_SexLast_Drugs_Refused | ||||
PX560201011915 | Which drugs did you use? [DO NOT read more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_Female_SexLast_Drugs_Speedballs | ||||
PX560201011902 | Which drugs did you use? [DO NOT read more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_Female_SexLast_HIVStatus | ||||
PX560201012100 | What was her HIV status? | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_Female_SexLast_InjectionDrugs | ||||
PX560201012500 | As far as you know, has this partner ever more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_Female_SexLast_Jail | ||||
PX560201012700 | As far as you know, has this partner ever more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_Female_SexLast_KnowHIVStatus | ||||
PX560201012000 | The last time you had sex with this partner, more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_Female_SexLast_MainOrCasual | ||||
PX560201011001 | Was the woman you had sex with that last more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_Female_SexLast_Paid_Her | ||||
PX560201011102 | When you had sex that last time, did you more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_Female_SexLast_Paid_You | ||||
PX560201011103 | When you had sex that last time, did she more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_Female_SexLast_PartnerSexOthers | ||||
PX560201012900 | As far as you know, during the time you were more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_Female_SexLast_PartnerSexOthers_12months | ||||
PX560201013100 | As far as you know, during the past 12 more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_Female_SexLast_Race | ||||
PX560201012400 | Which of the following best describes her more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_Female_SexLast_RelationshipLength_Days | ||||
PX560201012801 | How long have you been having a sexual more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_Female_SexLast_RelationshipLength_Months | ||||
PX560201012802 | How long have you been having a sexual more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_Female_SexLast_RelationshipLength_Years | ||||
PX560201012803 | How long have you been having a sexual more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_Female_SexLast_RespondentSexOthers | ||||
PX560201013000 | During the time you were having a sexual more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_Female_SexLast_RespondentSexOthers_12months | ||||
PX560201013200 | During the past 12 months when you were more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_Female_SexLast_VaginalSex | ||||
PX560201011200 | When you had sex that last time, did you more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_Female_SexLast_VaginalSex_Condom | ||||
PX560201011300 | During vaginal sex that last time, did you more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_Female_SexLast_VaginalSex_CondomReason | ||||
PX560201011500 | Did you or your partner use the condom to more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_Female_SexLast_VaginalSex_CondomWholeTime | ||||
PX560201011400 | Did you or your partner use the condom the more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_Female_SexLast_YoungerOlderSame | ||||
PX560201012200 | Was this partner younger than you, older more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_Female_Sex_Last_Month | ||||
PX560201010901 | Now I would like you to think about the last more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_Female_Sex_Last_Year | ||||
PX560201010902 | Now I would like you to think about the last more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_Female_Sex_WithoutCondom_HivNegative | ||||
PX560201010802 | In the past 12 months, did you have vaginal more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_Female_Sex_WithoutCondom_HivPositive | ||||
PX560201010803 | In the past 12 months, did you have vaginal more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_Female_Sex_WithoutCondom_UnknownHivStatus | ||||
PX560201010801 | In the past 12 months, did you have vaginal more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_MalePartnerCasualMultiple_KnowHIVStatus | ||||
PX560201020703 | Did you know the HIV status of any of these more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_MalePartnerCasualMultiple_Number_HIVNegative | ||||
PX560201020706 | How many did you know were HIV-negative? more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_MalePartnerCasualMultiple_Number_HIVPositive | ||||
PX560201020705 | Of those ______ [insert number from more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_MalePartnerCasualMultiple_Number_KnowHIVStatus | ||||
PX560201020704 | For how many of these men did you know their more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_MalePartnerCasualMultiple_Number_Paid_You | ||||
PX560201020709 | Of your ______ [insert number from SX-30] more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_MalePartnerCasualMultiple_Number_Sex | ||||
PX560201020701 | Of your _______ [insert number from SX-30] more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_MalePartnerCasualMultiple_Number_Sex_FirstTime | ||||
PX560201020707 | Of your ______ [insert number from SX-30] more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_MalePartnerCasualMultiple_Number_Sex_WithoutCondom | ||||
PX560201020702 | In the past 12 months, with how many of more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_MalePartnerCasualMultiple_Number_You_Paid | ||||
PX560201020708 | Of your ______ [insert number from SX-30] more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_MalePartnerCasualSingle_First_Time | ||||
PX560201020714 | Think about the very first time you had sex more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_MalePartnerCasualSingle_He_Paid_You | ||||
PX560201020716 | In the past 12 months, did this man give you more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_MalePartnerCasualSingle_HIVStatus | ||||
PX560201020713 | What was his HIV status? ONE CASUAL MALE PARTNER | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_MalePartnerCasualSingle_Know_HIVStatus | ||||
PX560201020712 | Did you know his HIV status? ONE CASUAL MALE more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_MalePartnerCasualSingle_Sex | ||||
PX560201020710 | In the past 12 months, did you have anal sex more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_MalePartnerCasualSingle_Sex_Without_Condom | ||||
PX560201020711 | In the past 12 months, did you have anal sex more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_MalePartnerCasualSingle_You_Paid_Him | ||||
PX560201020715 | In the past 12 months, did you give this man more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_MalePartnerMainMultiple_KnowHIVStatus | ||||
PX560201020603 | Did you know the HIV status of any of these more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_MalePartnerMainMultiple_Number_HIVNegative | ||||
PX560201020606 | How many did you know were HIV-negative? more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_MalePartnerMainMultiple_Number_HIVPositive | ||||
PX560201020605 | Of those ______ [insert number from more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_MalePartnerMainMultiple_Number_KnowHIVStatus | ||||
PX560201020604 | For how many of these men did you know their more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_MalePartnerMainMultiple_Number_Paid_You | ||||
PX560201020609 | Of your ______ [insert number from SX-29] more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_MalePartnerMainMultiple_Number_Sex | ||||
PX560201020601 | Of your _______ [insert number from SX-29] more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_MalePartnerMainMultiple_Number_Sex_FirstTime | ||||
PX560201020607 | Of your ______ [insert number from SX-29] more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_MalePartnerMainMultiple_Number_Sex_WithoutCondom | ||||
PX560201020602 | In the past 12 months, with how many of more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_MalePartnerMainMultiple_Number_You_Paid | ||||
PX560201020608 | Of your ______ [insert number from SX-29] more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_MalePartnerMainSingle_He_Paid_You | ||||
PX560201020616 | In the past 12 months, did this man give you more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_MalePartnerMainSingle_HIVStatus | ||||
PX560201020613 | What was his HIV status? ONE MAIN MALE PARTNER | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_MalePartnerMainSingle_KnowHIVStatus | ||||
PX560201020612 | Did you know his HIV status? ONE MAIN MALE PARTNER | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_MalePartnerMainSingle_Sex | ||||
PX560201020610 | In the past 12 months, did you have anal sex more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_MalePartnerMainSingle_Sex_FirstTime | ||||
PX560201020614 | Think about the very first time you had sex more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_MalePartnerMainSingle_Sex_Without_Condom | ||||
PX560201020611 | In the past 12 months, did you have anal sex more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_MalePartnerMainSingle_You_Paid_Him | ||||
PX560201020615 | In the past 12 months, did you give this man more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_MalePartnerMultiple_Number_Casual_Partners | ||||
PX560201020502 | How many were casual partners? FOR MULTIPLE more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_MalePartner_Age_First_Time | ||||
PX560201020201 | How old were you the first time you had oral more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_MalePartner_Confirmation_Time | ||||
PX560201020803 | INTERVIEWER: Did you have sex with a man in more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_MalePartner_Discrimination_Attacked | ||||
PX560201024305 | During the past 12 months, have any of the more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_MalePartner_Discrimination_HeathCare | ||||
PX560201024304 | During the past 12 months, have any of the more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_MalePartner_Discrimination_Insulted | ||||
PX560201024301 | During the past 12 months, have any of the more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_MalePartner_Discrimination_PoorService | ||||
PX560201024302 | During the past 12 months, have any of the more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_MalePartner_Discrimination_Work | ||||
PX560201024303 | During the past 12 months, have any of the more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_MalePartner_GayBar_12Months | ||||
PX560201023500 | In the past 12 months, how often have you more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_MalePartner_Internet_12Months | ||||
PX560201023600 | In the past 12 months, how often have you more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_MalePartner_LastTime_CasualMain | ||||
PX560201020900 | Was the man you had sex with that last time more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_MalePartner_Last_Time_Month | ||||
PX560201020801 | Now I would like you to think about the last more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_MalePartner_Last_Time_Year | ||||
PX560201020802 | Now I would like you to think about the last more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_MalePartner_Last_Time_Years | ||||
PX560201020400 | Think about the last time you had either more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_MalePartner_PastYear_Number | ||||
PX560201020300 | In the past 12 months, that is, since more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_MalePartner_PeopleInProject_Tolerant | ||||
PX560201024400 | Next, I'm going to read you a statement. more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_MalePartner_SexLastTime_Alcohol_Drugs | ||||
PX560201021800 | Before or during the last time you had sex more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_MalePartner_SexLastTime_Insertive | ||||
PX560201021500 | When you had sex that last time, did you more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_MalePartner_SexLastTime_Insertive_Condom | ||||
PX560201021600 | During insertive anal sex that last time, more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_MalePartner_SexLastTime_Insertive_CondomWholeTime | ||||
PX560201021700 | Did you use the condom the whole time? | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_MalePartner_SexLastTime_Paid_You | ||||
PX560201021100 | When you had sex that last time, did he give more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_MalePartner_SexLastTime_Receptive | ||||
PX560201021200 | When you had sex that last time, did you more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_MalePartner_SexLastTime_Receptive_Condom | ||||
PX560201021300 | During the receptive anal sex that last more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_MalePartner_SexLastTime_Receptive_CondomWholeTime | ||||
PX560201021400 | Did he use the condom the whole time? | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_MalePartner_SexLastTime_You_Paid | ||||
PX560201021000 | When you had sex that last time, did you more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_MalePartner_SexLast_Age | ||||
PX560201022300 | What was his age? | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_MalePartner_SexLast_CrackCocaine | ||||
PX560201022600 | As far as you know, has this partner ever more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_MalePartner_SexLast_Drugs_Crack | ||||
PX560201021904 | Which drugs did you use? [DO NOT read more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_MalePartner_SexLast_Drugs_CrystalMeth | ||||
PX560201021906 | Which drugs did you use? [DO NOT read more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_MalePartner_SexLast_Drugs_DK | ||||
PX560201021916 | Which drugs did you use? [DO NOT read more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_MalePartner_SexLast_Drugs_Downers | ||||
PX560201021911 | Which drugs did you use? [DO NOT read more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_MalePartner_SexLast_Drugs_Ecstasy | ||||
PX560201021907 | Which drugs did you use? [DO NOT read more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_MalePartner_SexLast_Drugs_GHB | ||||
PX560201021909 | Which drugs did you use? [DO NOT read more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_MalePartner_SexLast_Drugs_Hallucinogens | ||||
PX560201021912 | Which drugs did you use? [DO NOT read more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_MalePartner_SexLast_Drugs_Heroin | ||||
PX560201021903 | Which drugs did you use? [DO NOT read more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_MalePartner_SexLast_Drugs_Ketamine | ||||
PX560201021908 | Which drugs did you use? [DO NOT read more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_MalePartner_SexLast_Drugs_Marijuana | ||||
PX560201021901 | Which drugs did you use? [DO NOT read more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_MalePartner_SexLast_Drugs_Other | ||||
PX560201021914 | Which drugs did you use? [DO NOT read more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_MalePartner_SexLast_Drugs_Painkillers | ||||
PX560201021910 | Which drugs did you use? [DO NOT read more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_MalePartner_SexLast_Drugs_Poppers | ||||
PX560201021913 | Which drugs did you use? [DO NOT read more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_MalePartner_SexLast_Drugs_PowderedCocaine | ||||
PX560201021905 | Which drugs did you use? [DO NOT read more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_MalePartner_SexLast_Drugs_Refused | ||||
PX560201021915 | Which drugs did you use? [DO NOT read more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_MalePartner_SexLast_Drugs_Speedballs | ||||
PX560201021902 | Which drugs did you use? [DO NOT read more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_MalePartner_SexLast_HIVStatus | ||||
PX560201022100 | What was his HIV status? | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_MalePartner_SexLast_InjectionDrugs | ||||
PX560201022500 | As far as you know, has this partner ever more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_MalePartner_SexLast_Jail | ||||
PX560201022800 | As far as you know, has this partner ever more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_MalePartner_SexLast_KnowHIVStatus | ||||
PX560201022000 | The last time you had sex with this partner, more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_MalePartner_SexLast_Meth | ||||
PX560201022700 | As far as you know, has this partner ever more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_MalePartner_SexLast_PartnerSexOthers | ||||
PX560201023000 | As far as you know, during the time you were more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_MalePartner_SexLast_PartnerSexOthers_12months | ||||
PX560201023200 | As far as you know, during the past 12 more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_MalePartner_SexLast_Race | ||||
PX560201022400 | Which of the following best describes his more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_MalePartner_SexLast_RelationshipLength_Days | ||||
PX560201022901 | How long have you been having a sexual more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_MalePartner_SexLast_RelationshipLength_Months | ||||
PX560201022902 | How long have you been having a sexual more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_MalePartner_SexLast_RelationshipLength_Years | ||||
PX560201022903 | How long have you been having a sexual more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_MalePartner_SexLast_RespondentSexOthers | ||||
PX560201023100 | During the time you were having a sexual more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_MalePartner_SexLast_RespondentSexOthers_12months | ||||
PX560201023300 | During the past 12 months when you were more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_MalePartner_SexLast_WhereMet | ||||
PX560201023400 | Where did you first meet this partner? [DO more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_MalePartner_SexLast_YoungerOlderSame | ||||
PX560201022200 | Was this partner younger than you, older more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_MalePartner_Sex_Confirmation | ||||
PX560201020202 | MSM sex confirmation | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_MalePartner_Sex_With_Man | ||||
PX560201020100 | Have you ever had oral or anal sex with a man? | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_MalePartner_ToldFamily_AttractedMen | ||||
PX560201024000 | I'm going to read you a list of people you more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_MalePartner_ToldGayFriends_AttractedMen | ||||
PX560201023800 | I'm going to read you a list of people you more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_MalePartner_ToldProvider_AttractedMen | ||||
PX560201024200 | I'm going to read you a list of people you more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_MalePartner_ToldSpouse_AttractedMen | ||||
PX560201024100 | I'm going to read you a list of people you more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_MalePartner_ToldStraightFriends_AttractedMen | ||||
PX560201023900 | I'm going to read you a list of people you more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_MalePartner_Told_AttractedMen | ||||
PX560201023700 | The next question is about whether you have more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_MultipleFemalePartners_Number | ||||
PX560201010401 | FOR MULTIPLE FEMALE SEX PARTNERS Of the more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_MultipleMalePartners_Number_Main_Partners | ||||
PX560201020501 | Of the ______ [insert number from SX-28] men more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_OneMan_Main_Or_Casual | ||||
PX560201020503 | Was this man a main partner or a casual more | N/A | ||
PX560201_MaleRespondent_OneWoman_Main_Or_Casual | ||||
PX560201010402 | FOR ONE FEMALE SEX PARTNER Was this woman a more | N/A | ||
PX560201_NonInjectionDrugs_Frequency_Crack | ||||
PX560201050400 | How often did you more | N/A | ||
PX560201_NonInjectionDrugs_Frequency_CrystalMeth | ||||
PX560201050300 | How often did you more | N/A | ||
PX560201_NonInjectionDrugs_Frequency_Downers | ||||
PX560201050600 | How often did you more | N/A | ||
PX560201_NonInjectionDrugs_Frequency_Ecstasy | ||||
PX560201050900 | How often did you more | N/A | ||
PX560201_NonInjectionDrugs_Frequency_Ghb | ||||
PX560201051200 | How often did you more | N/A | ||
PX560201_NonInjectionDrugs_Frequency_Hallucinogens | ||||
PX560201050800 | How often did you more | N/A | ||
PX560201_NonInjectionDrugs_Frequency_Heroin | ||||
PX560201051000 | How often did you more | N/A | ||
PX560201_NonInjectionDrugs_Frequency_Ketamine | ||||
PX560201051300 | How often did you more | N/A | ||
PX560201_NonInjectionDrugs_Frequency_Marijuana | ||||
PX560201050200 | How often did you more | N/A | ||
PX560201_NonInjectionDrugs_Frequency_Painkillers | ||||
PX560201050700 | How often did you more | N/A | ||
PX560201_NonInjectionDrugs_Frequency_Poppers | ||||
PX560201051100 | How often did you more | N/A | ||
PX560201_NonInjectionDrugs_Frequency_Powdered_Cocaine | ||||
PX560201050500 | How often did you more | N/A | ||
PX560201_NonInjectionDrugs_Other | ||||
PX560201051400 | How often did you more | N/A | ||
PX560201_NonInjectionDrugs_Other_Frequency | ||||
PX560201051600 | How often did you more | N/A | ||
PX560201_NonInjectionDrugs_Other_Specify | ||||
PX560201051500 | How often did you more | N/A | ||
PX560201_NonInjectionDrugs_Use | ||||
PX560201050100 | In the past 12 months, have you used any more | N/A | ||
PX560201_NonInjectionDrugs_Viagra | ||||
PX560201051700 | In the past 12 months, have you used Viagra, more | N/A | ||
PX560201_NonInjectionDrugs_Viagra_And_CrystalMeth | ||||
PX560201051900 | You told me that you used crystal meth more | N/A | ||
PX560201_NonInjectionDrugs_Viagra_Erectile_Dysfunction | ||||
PX560201051800 | Did you use it to treat erectile dysfunction? | N/A | ||
PX560201_No_Sex_With_Woman_PastYear | ||||
PX560201010302 | I would like to clarify your response. You more | N/A | ||
PX560201_Past_Year_Number_Men_Partners | ||||
PX560201030301 | In the past 12 months, that is, since more | N/A | ||
PX560201_Past_Year_Number_Women_Partners | ||||
PX560201010301 | In the past 12 months, that is, since more | N/A | ||
PX560201_Sex_With_Woman_Age_FirstTime | ||||
PX560201010200 | How old were you the first time you had more | N/A | ||
PX560201_Sex_With_Woman_Ever | ||||
PX560201010100 | Have you ever had vaginal or anal sex with a more | N/A |
Measure Name
Comprehensive HIV Risk Assessment
Release Date
February 24, 2012
Instrument used to collect information on a respondent’s HIV risk behavior, including sexual behavior, HIV drug use risk behavior, and HIV testing and care experiences.
The purpose of this measure is to determine respondents’ HIV risk by gathering information on the number of male and female sexual partners in the past 12 months, the types of sexual activity, and whether the sexual encounters involved drugs or alcohol and by asking questions about injection and non-injection drug use and about HIV testing and care experiences, including the use of antiretroviral medications.
National HIV Behavioral Surveillance System, NHBS, CDC, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Sexual behavior, drug use, Injection drug use, Non-injection drug use, HIV testing, Men who have sex with men, multiple sex partners, HIV care, Antiretrovirals, SAA, Substance Use-related Co-morbidities and Health-related Outcomes
Measure Protocols
Protocol ID | Protocol Name |
560201 | Comprehensive HIV Risk Assessment |