Protocol - Ultraviolet Light Exposure
The interviewer asks the respondent several questions about sunburn, use of tanning booths and sunlamps, and time spent outdoors in the midday sun.
Specific Instructions
Note: "DK" denotes "Don’t Know."
This protocol is freely available; permission not required for use.
The following questions focus on your complexion and your exposure to the sun.
1. If you spent an hour in the midday sun for the first time without sunscreen, which of these reactions best describes what would happen to your skin:
1 [ ] A blistering sunburn,
2 [ ] A sunburn without blisters,
3 [ ] A mild sunburn that becomes a tan,
4 [ ] A tan with no sunburn, or
5 [ ] No change in skin color?
2. Did you ever get a blistering sunburn?
1 [ ] YES
2 [ ] NO (Go to 3)
2a) How old were you the first time you got a blistering sunburn?
|___|___| YEARS OLD
98 [ ] DK
2b) IF DK EXACT AGE, SAY: About how old were you? PROBE FOR CATEGORY.
02 [ ] 5-14 YEARS OLD
03 [ ] 15-24 YEARS OLD
04 [ ] 25-39 YEARS OLD
05 [ ] 40-64 YEARS OLD
2c) How old were you the last time you got a blistering sunburn?
|___|___| YEARS OLD
98 [ ] DK
2d) IF DK EXACT AGE, SAY: About how old were you? PROBE FOR CATEGORY.
02 [ ] 5-14 YEARS OLD
03 [ ] 15-24 YEARS OLD
04 [ ] 25-39 YEARS OLD
05 [ ] 40-64 YEARS OLD
2e) How many blistering sunburns have you gotten in your life?
98 [ ] DK
1 [ ] 1 OR 2
2 [ ] 3 OR 4
3 [ ] 5-9
4 [ ] 10-19
5 [ ] 20 OR MORE
3. Did you ever get a skin rash from sun exposure?
1 [ ] YES
2 [ ] NO (Go to 4)
3a) How old were you the first time you got a skin rash from sun exposure?
|___|___| YEARS OLD
98 [ ] DK
3b) IF DK EXACT AGE, SAY: About how old were you? PROBE FOR CATEGORY.
02 [ ] 5-14 YEARS OLD
03 [ ] 15-24 YEARS OLD
04 [ ] 25-39 YEARS OLD
05 [ ] 40-64 YEARS OLD
3c) How old were you the last time you got a skin rash from sun exposure?
|___|___| YEARS OLD
98 [ ] DK
3d) IF DK EXACT AGE, SAY: About how old were you? PROBE FOR CATEGORY.
02 [ ] 5-14 YEARS OLD
03 [ ] 15-24 YEARS OLD
04 [ ] 25-39 YEARS OLD
05 [ ] 40-64 YEARS OLD
3e) How many times you have gotten a skin rash from sun exposure in your life?
|___|___| SKIN
98 [ ] DK
1 [ ] 1 OR 2
2 [ ] 3 OR 4
3 [ ] 5-9
4 [ ] 10-19
5 [ ] 20 OR MORE
4. Have you ever used a sunlamp?
1 [ ] YES
2 [ ] NO (Go to 5)
4a) How old were you the first time you used a sunlamp?
|___|___| YEARS OLD
98 [ ] DK
4b) IF DK EXACT AGE, SAY: About how old were you? PROBE FOR CATEGORY.
02 [ ] 5-14 YEARS OLD
03 [ ] 15-24 YEARS OLD
04 [ ] 25-39 YEARS OLD
05 [ ] 40-64 YEARS OLD
4c) How old were you the last time you used a sunlamp?
|___|___| YEARS OLD
98 [ ] DK
4d) IF DK EXACT AGE, SAY: About how old were you? PROBE FOR CATEGORY.
02 [ ] 5-14 YEARS OLD
03 [ ] 15-24 YEARS OLD
04 [ ] 25-39 YEARS OLD
05 [ ] 40-64 YEARS OLD
4e) How many times have you used a sunlamp in your life?
|___|___| SUNLAMP
98 [ ] DK
1 [ ] 1 OR 2
2 [ ] 3 OR 4
3 [ ] 5-9
4 [ ] 10-19
5 [ ] 20 OR MORE
5. Have you ever used a tanning booth or tanning bed?
1 [ ] YES
2 [ ] NO (Go to 6)
5a) How old were you the first time you used a tanning booth or tanning bed?
|___|___| YEARS OLD
98 [ ] DK
5b) IF DK EXACT AGE, SAY: About how old were you? PROBE FOR CATEGORY.
02 [ ] 5-14 YEARS OLD
03 [ ] 15-24 YEARS OLD
04 [ ] 25-39 YEARS OLD
05 [ ] 40-64 YEARS OLD
5c) How old were you the last time you used a tanning booth or tanning bed?
|___|___| YEARS OLD
98 [ ] DK
5d) IF DK EXACT AGE, SAY: About how old were you? PROBE FOR CATEGORY.
02 [ ] 5-14 YEARS OLD
03 [ ] 15-24 YEARS OLD
04 [ ] 25-39 YEARS OLD
05 [ ] 40-64 YEARS OLD
5e) How many times have you used a tanning booth or tanning bed in your life?
98 [ ] DK
1 [ ] 1 OR 2
2 [ ] 3 OR 4
3 [ ] 5-9
4 [ ] 10-19
5 [ ] 20 OR MORE
Please answer the following questions about your exposure to the sun at different periods of your life. When we refer to "midday sun," it means those hours when the sun is more than halfway up in the sky. For most of the United States, that would be between the hours of 10 AM and 4PM Daylight Savings Time.
AGE GROUPS | 6. On a typical weekday in the summer, about how many hours did you generally spend in the midday sun [(when you were) (AGE GROUP)]? | 7. On a typical weekend day in the summer, about how many hours did you generally spend in the midday sun [(when you were) (AGE GROUP)]? | 8. (When you were) (AGE GROUP), [for how many months a year did you usually have a tan]? | |||||
a) In your teens | 1[ ]LESS THAN 1 HOUR 2[ ]1 OR 2 HOURS 3[ ]3 OR 4 HOURS 4[ ]5 OR 6 HOURS | 1[ ]LESS THAN 1 HOUR 2[ ]1 OR 2 HOURS 3[ ]3 OR 4 HOURS 4[ ]5 OR 6 HOURS | 1[ ]NEVER HAD A TAN 2[ ]1-3 MONTHS 3[ ]4-6 MONTHS 4[ ]7-9 MONTHS 5[ ]10-12 MONTHS | |||||
b) In your twenties | 1[ ]LESS THAN 1 HOUR 2[ ]1 OR 2 HOURS 3[ ]3 OR 4 HOURS 4[ ]5 OR 6 HOURS | 1[ ]LESS THAN 1 HOUR 2[ ]1 OR 2 HOURS 3[ ]3 OR 4 HOURS 4[ ]5 OR 6 HOURS | 1[ ]NEVER HAD A TAN 2[ ]1-3 MONTHS 3[ ]4-6 MONTHS 4[ ]7-9 MONTHS 5[ ]10-12 MONTHS | |||||
c) In your thirties | 1[ ]LESS THAN 1 HOUR 2[ ]1 OR 2 HOURS 3[ ]3 OR 4 HOURS 4[ ]5 OR 6 HOURS | 1[ ]LESS THAN 1 HOUR 2[ ]1 OR 2 HOURS 3[ ]3 OR 4 HOURS 4[ ]5 OR 6 HOURS | 1[ ]NEVER HAD A TAN 2[ ]1-3 MONTHS 3[ ]4-6 MONTHS 4[ ]7-9 MONTHS 5[ ]10-12 MONTHS | |||||
d) In the past ten years | 1[ ]LESS THAN 1 HOUR 2[ ]1 OR 2 HOURS 3[ ]3 OR 4 HOURS 4[ ]5 OR 6 HOURS | 1[ ]LESS THAN 1 HOUR 2[ ]1 OR 2 HOURS 3[ ]3 OR 4 HOURS 4[ ]5 OR 6 HOURS | 1[ ]NEVER HAD A TAN 2[ ]1-3 MONTHS 3[ ]4-6 MONTHS 4[ ]7-9 MONTHS 5[ ]10-12 MONTHS | |||||
Personnel and Training Required
The interviewer must be trained to conduct personal interviews with individuals from the general population. The interviewer must be trained and found to be competent (i.e., tested by an expert) at the completion of personal interviews.*
* There are multiple modes to administer this question (e.g., paper-and-pencil and computer-assisted interviews).
Equipment Needs
While the source instrument was developed to be administered by computer, the PhenX Working Group acknowledges that these questions can be administered in a noncomputerized format (i.e., paper-and-pencil instrument). Computer software is necessary to develop computer-assisted instruments. The interviewer will require a laptop computer or handheld computer to administer a computer-assisted questionnaire.
Requirement Category | Required |
Major equipment | No |
Specialized training | No |
Specialized requirements for biospecimen collection | No |
Average time of greater than 15 minutes in an unaffected individual | No |
Mode of Administration
Interviewer-administered questionnaire
Age 18+
Selection Rationale
Vetted against other ultraviolet light exposure questions, this set of questions was considered more complete and included questions about skin damage from the sun, types of exposure, and length of exposure.
Chinese, English, Other languages available at source
Standard | Name | ID | Source |
Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes (LOINC) | Environ exp UV light proto | 62538-4 | LOINC |
Human Phenotype Ontology | Defective DNA repair after ultraviolet radiation damage | HP:0003079 | HPO |
caDSR Form | PhenX PX061301 - Ultraviolet Light Exposure | 5870341 | caDSR Form |
Derived Variables
Process and Review
The Expert Review Panel #2 (ERP 2) reviewed the measures in the Demographics, Environmental Exposures, and Social Environments domains.
Guidance from ERP 2 includes:
• Revised descriptions of the measure
Back-compatible: no changes to Data Dictionary
Previous version in Toolkit archive (link)
Protocol Name from Source
National Cancer Institute (NCI), Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma Study (NHL), Sun Exposures Module, 2001
National Institutes of Health, National Cancer Institute. (2001). Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma Study (NHL), Sun Exposures Module. 2001 Question numbers: SE-3–SE-10 (source for questions 1–8 in Protocol Text).
General References
Gonzaga, E. R. (2009). Role of UV light in photodamage, skin aging, and skin cancer: Importance of photoprotection. American Journal of Clinical Dermatology, 10, 19-24.
Protocol ID
Export VariablesVariable Name | Variable ID | Variable Description | dbGaP Mapping | |
PX061301_Blistering_Sunburn_Ever | ||||
PX061301020100 | Did you ever get a blistering sunburn? | Variable Mapping | ||
PX061301_First_Skin_Rash_Age_Estimate | ||||
PX061301030300 | About how old were you? | Variable Mapping | ||
PX061301_First_Skin_Rash_Age_Exact | ||||
PX061301030200 | How old were you the first time you got a more
skin rash from sun exposure? show less
Variable Mapping | ||
PX061301_First_Skin_Rash_Age_Exact_Coded | ||||
PX061301030201 | How old were you the first time you got a more
skin rash from sun exposure? show less
N/A | ||
PX061301_First_Sunburn_Age_Estimate | ||||
PX061301020300 | About how old were you? | Variable Mapping | ||
PX061301_First_Sunburn_Age_Exact | ||||
PX061301020200 | How old were you the first time you got a more
blistering sunburn? show less
Variable Mapping | ||
PX061301_First_Sunburn_Age_Exact_Coded | ||||
PX061301020201 | How old were you the first time you got a more
blistering sunburn? show less
N/A | ||
PX061301_First_Sunlamp_Age_Estimate | ||||
PX061301040300 | About how old were you? | Variable Mapping | ||
PX061301_First_Sunlamp_Age_Exact | ||||
PX061301040200 | How old were you the first time you used a more
sunlamp? show less
Variable Mapping | ||
PX061301_First_Sunlamp_Age_Exact_Coded | ||||
PX061301040201 | How old were you the first time you used a more
sunlamp? show less
N/A | ||
PX061301_First_Tanning_Booth_Age_Estimate | ||||
PX061301050300 | About how old were you? | Variable Mapping | ||
PX061301_First_Tanning_Booth_Age_Exact | ||||
PX061301050200 | How old were you the first time you used a more
tanning booth? show less
Variable Mapping | ||
PX061301_First_Tanning_Booth_Age_Exact_Coded | ||||
PX061301050201 | How old were you the first time you used a more
tanning booth? show less
N/A | ||
PX061301_Last_Skin_Rash_Age_Estimate | ||||
PX061301030500 | About how old were you? | Variable Mapping | ||
PX061301_Last_Skin_Rash_Age_Exact | ||||
PX061301030400 | How old were you the last time you got a more
skin rash from sun exposure? show less
Variable Mapping | ||
PX061301_Last_Skin_Rash_Age_Exact_Coded | ||||
PX061301030401 | How old were you the last time you got a more
skin rash from sun exposure? show less
N/A | ||
PX061301_Last_Sunburn_Age_Estimate | ||||
PX061301020500 | About how old were you? | Variable Mapping | ||
PX061301_Last_Sunburn_Age_Exact | ||||
PX061301020400 | How old were you the last time you got a more
blistering sunburn? show less
Variable Mapping | ||
PX061301_Last_Sunburn_Age_Exact_Coded | ||||
PX061301020401 | How old were you the last time you got a more
blistering sunburn? show less
N/A | ||
PX061301_Last_Sunlamp_Age_Estimate | ||||
PX061301040500 | About how old were you? | Variable Mapping | ||
PX061301_Last_Sunlamp_Age_Exact | ||||
PX061301040400 | How old were you the last time you used a sunlamp? | Variable Mapping | ||
PX061301_Last_Sunlamp_Age_Exact_Coded | ||||
PX061301040401 | How old were you the last time you used a sunlamp? | N/A | ||
PX061301_Last_Tanning_Booth_Age_Estimate | ||||
PX061301050500 | About how old were you? | Variable Mapping | ||
PX061301_Last_Tanning_Booth_Age_Exact | ||||
PX061301050400 | How old were you the last time you used a more
tanning booth? show less
Variable Mapping | ||
PX061301_Last_Tanning_Booth_Age_Exact_Coded | ||||
PX061301050401 | How old were you the last time you used a more
tanning booth? show less
N/A | ||
PX061301_Skin_Rash_Ever | ||||
PX061301030100 | Did you ever get a skin rash from sun exposure? | Variable Mapping | ||
PX061301_Skin_Rash_Times_Estimate | ||||
PX061301030700 | About how many? | Variable Mapping | ||
PX061301_Skin_Rash_Times_Exact | ||||
PX061301030600 | How many times you have gotten a skin rash more
from sun exposure in your life? show less
Variable Mapping | ||
PX061301_Skin_Rash_Times_Exact_Coded | ||||
PX061301030601 | How many times you have gotten a skin rash more
from sun exposure in your life? show less
N/A | ||
PX061301_Skin_Reaction | ||||
PX061301010000 | If you spent an hour in the mid-day sun for more
the first time without sunscreen, which of these reactions best describes what would happen to your skin: show less
Variable Mapping | ||
PX061301_Sunburn_Times_Estimate | ||||
PX061301020700 | About how many? | Variable Mapping | ||
PX061301_Sunburn_Times_Exact | ||||
PX061301020600 | How many blistering sunburns have you gotten more
in your life? show less
Variable Mapping | ||
PX061301_Sunburn_Times_Exact_Coded | ||||
PX061301020601 | How many blistering sunburns have you gotten more
in your life? show less
N/A | ||
PX061301_Sunlamp_Times_Estimate | ||||
PX061301040700 | About how many? | Variable Mapping | ||
PX061301_Sunlamp_Times_Exact | ||||
PX061301040600 | How many times have you used a sunlamp in more
your life? show less
Variable Mapping | ||
PX061301_Sunlamp_Times_Exact_Coded | ||||
PX061301040601 | How many times have you used a sunlamp in more
your life? show less
N/A | ||
PX061301_Tanning_Booth_Ever | ||||
PX061301050100 | Have you ever used a tanning booth? | Variable Mapping | ||
PX061301_Tanning_Booth_Times_Estimate | ||||
PX061301050700 | About how many? | Variable Mapping | ||
PX061301_Tanning_Booth_Times_Exact | ||||
PX061301050600 | How many times have you used a tanning booth more
in your life? show less
Variable Mapping | ||
PX061301_Tanning_Booth_Times_Exact_Coded | ||||
PX061301050601 | How many times have you used a tanning booth more
in your life? show less
N/A | ||
PX061301_Tan_Months_Last_Decade | ||||
PX061301080400 | In the past ten years, for how many months a more
year did you usually have a tan? show less
Variable Mapping | ||
PX061301_Tan_Months_Teens | ||||
PX061301080100 | When you were In your teens, for how many more
months a year did you usually have a tan? show less
Variable Mapping | ||
PX061301_Tan_Months_Thirties | ||||
PX061301080300 | When you were In your thirties, for how many more
months a year did you usually have a tan? show less
Variable Mapping | ||
PX061301_Tan_Months_Twenties | ||||
PX061301080200 | When you were In your twenties, for how many more
months a year did you usually have a tan? show less
Variable Mapping | ||
PX061301_Use_Sunlamp_Ever | ||||
PX061301040100 | Have you ever used a sunlamp? | Variable Mapping | ||
PX061301_Weekday_Sun_Hours_Last_Decade | ||||
PX061301060400 | On a typical weekday in the summer, about more
how many hours did you generally spend in the mid-day sun in the past ten years? show less
Variable Mapping | ||
PX061301_Weekday_Sun_Hours_Teens | ||||
PX061301060100 | On a typical weekday in the summer, about more
how many hours did you generally spend in the mid-day sun (when you were) In your teens? show less
Variable Mapping | ||
PX061301_Weekday_Sun_Hours_Thirties | ||||
PX061301060300 | On a typical weekday in the summer, about more
how many hours did you generally spend in the mid-day sun (when you were) In your thirties? show less
Variable Mapping | ||
PX061301_Weekday_Sun_Hours_Twenties | ||||
PX061301060200 | On a typical weekday in the summer, about more
how many hours did you generally spend in the mid-day sun (when you were) In your twenties? show less
Variable Mapping | ||
PX061301_Weekend_Sun_Hours_Last_Decade | ||||
PX061301070400 | On a typical weekend day in the summer, more
about how many hours did you generally spend in the mid-day sun in the past ten years? show less
Variable Mapping | ||
PX061301_Weekend_Sun_Hours_Teens | ||||
PX061301070100 | On a typical weekend day in the summer, more
about how many hours did you generally spend in the mid-day sun (when you were) In your teens? show less
Variable Mapping | ||
PX061301_Weekend_Sun_Hours_Thirties | ||||
PX061301070300 | On a typical weekend day in the summer, more
about how many hours did you generally spend in the mid-day sun (when you were) In your thirties? show less
Variable Mapping | ||
PX061301_Weekend_Sun_Hours_Twenties | ||||
PX061301070200 | On a typical weekend day in the summer, more
about how many hours did you generally spend in the mid-day sun (when you were) In your twenties? show less
Variable Mapping |
Measure Name
Ultraviolet Light Exposure
Release Date
October 30, 2009
Questions about the respondent’s exposure to the sun, use of tanning booths and sunlamps, and time spent outdoors.
Ultraviolet light is damaging to the skin; without proper protection, a person may experience photosensitivity, skin aging, and skin cancer.
Environmental Exposures, ultraviolent light, UV, sunburn, skin cancer, tanning booth, tanning bed, Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma Study, NHL, Sun Exposures Module
Measure Protocols
Protocol ID | Protocol Name |
61301 | Ultraviolet Light Exposure |
Mapped dbGaP Studies
Mapping for PX061301_Blistering_Sunburn_Ever
dbGAP Study | dbGAP Variable | dbGAP Variable Description |
GWAS on Cataract and HDL in the PMRP | phv00181775 | Did you ever get a blistering sunburn? |
Mapped dbGaP Studies
Mapping for PX061301_First_Skin_Rash_Age_Estimate
Mapped dbGaP Studies
Mapping for PX061301_First_Skin_Rash_Age_Exact
dbGAP Study | dbGAP Variable | dbGAP Variable Description |
GWAS on Cataract and HDL in the PMRP | phv00181783 | How old were you the first time you got a skin rash from sun exposure? |
GWAS on Cataract and HDL in the PMRP | phv00181784 | About how old were you? (Skin rash) |
Mapped dbGaP Studies
Mapping for PX061301_First_Sunburn_Age_Estimate
Mapped dbGaP Studies
Mapping for PX061301_First_Sunburn_Age_Exact
dbGAP Study | dbGAP Variable | dbGAP Variable Description |
GWAS on Cataract and HDL in the PMRP | phv00181776 | How old were you the first time you got a blistering sunburn? |
GWAS on Cataract and HDL in the PMRP | phv00181777 | About how old were you? (First sunburn) |
Mapped dbGaP Studies
Mapping for PX061301_First_Sunlamp_Age_Estimate
Mapped dbGaP Studies
Mapping for PX061301_First_Sunlamp_Age_Exact
dbGAP Study | dbGAP Variable | dbGAP Variable Description |
GWAS on Cataract and HDL in the PMRP | phv00181790 | How old were you the first time you used a sunlamp? |
GWAS on Cataract and HDL in the PMRP | phv00181791 | About how old were you? (First sunlamp use) |
Study of Melanoma Risk in Australia and the United Kingdom | phv00182333 | How old were you when you first used a sunlamp or sunbed |
Mapped dbGaP Studies
Mapping for PX061301_First_Tanning_Booth_Age_Estimate
Mapped dbGaP Studies
Mapping for PX061301_First_Tanning_Booth_Age_Exact
dbGAP Study | dbGAP Variable | dbGAP Variable Description |
GWAS on Cataract and HDL in the PMRP | phv00181797 | How old were you the first time you used a tanning booth? |
GWAS on Cataract and HDL in the PMRP | phv00181798 | About how old were you? (First tanning booth use) |
Mapped dbGaP Studies
Mapping for PX061301_Last_Skin_Rash_Age_Estimate
Mapped dbGaP Studies
Mapping for PX061301_Last_Skin_Rash_Age_Exact
dbGAP Study | dbGAP Variable | dbGAP Variable Description |
GWAS on Cataract and HDL in the PMRP | phv00181785 | How old were you the last time you got a skin rash from sun exposure? |
GWAS on Cataract and HDL in the PMRP | phv00181786 | About how old were you? (Last skin rash) |
Mapped dbGaP Studies
Mapping for PX061301_Last_Sunburn_Age_Estimate
Mapped dbGaP Studies
Mapping for PX061301_Last_Sunburn_Age_Exact
dbGAP Study | dbGAP Variable | dbGAP Variable Description |
GWAS on Cataract and HDL in the PMRP | phv00181778 | How old were you the last time you got a blistering sunburn? |
GWAS on Cataract and HDL in the PMRP | phv00181779 | About how old were you? (Last sunburn) |
Mapped dbGaP Studies
Mapping for PX061301_Last_Sunlamp_Age_Estimate
Mapped dbGaP Studies
Mapping for PX061301_Last_Sunlamp_Age_Exact
dbGAP Study | dbGAP Variable | dbGAP Variable Description |
GWAS on Cataract and HDL in the PMRP | phv00181792 | How old were you the last time you used a sunlamp? |
GWAS on Cataract and HDL in the PMRP | phv00181793 | About how old were you? (Last sunlamp use) |
Study of Melanoma Risk in Australia and the United Kingdom | phv00182332 | How old were you when you last used a sunlamp or sunbed |
Mapped dbGaP Studies
Mapping for PX061301_Last_Tanning_Booth_Age_Estimate
Mapped dbGaP Studies
Mapping for PX061301_Last_Tanning_Booth_Age_Exact
dbGAP Study | dbGAP Variable | dbGAP Variable Description |
GWAS on Cataract and HDL in the PMRP | phv00181799 | How old were you the last time you used a tanning booth? |
GWAS on Cataract and HDL in the PMRP | phv00181800 | About how old were you? (Last tanning booth use) |
Mapped dbGaP Studies
Mapping for PX061301_Skin_Rash_Ever
dbGAP Study | dbGAP Variable | dbGAP Variable Description |
GWAS on Cataract and HDL in the PMRP | phv00181782 | Did you ever get a skin rash from sun exposure? |
The Genomics and Randomized Trials Network (GARNET) Vitamin Intervention Stroke Prevention (VISP) trial | phv00180428 | Skin rash |
Whole Genome Association Study of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus | phv00066325 | Skin rash as a result of unusual reaction to sunlight, by patient history or physician observation |
Mapped dbGaP Studies
Mapping for PX061301_Skin_Rash_Times_Estimate
dbGAP Study | dbGAP Variable | dbGAP Variable Description |
GWAS on Cataract and HDL in the PMRP | phv00181787 | How many times you have gotten a skin rash from sun exposure in your life? |
GWAS on Cataract and HDL in the PMRP | phv00181788 | About how many? (Skin rashes) |
Mapped dbGaP Studies
Mapping for PX061301_Skin_Rash_Times_Exact
dbGAP Study | dbGAP Variable | dbGAP Variable Description |
GWAS on Cataract and HDL in the PMRP | phv00181787 | How many times you have gotten a skin rash from sun exposure in your life? |
GWAS on Cataract and HDL in the PMRP | phv00181788 | About how many? (Skin rashes) |
Mapped dbGaP Studies
Mapping for PX061301_Skin_Reaction
dbGAP Study | dbGAP Variable | dbGAP Variable Description |
GWAS on Cataract and HDL in the PMRP | phv00181774 | If you spent an hour in the mid-day sun for the first time without sunscreen, which of these reactions best describes what would happen to your skin: |
Women's Health Initiative | phv00077685 | Skin reaction to sun |
Mapped dbGaP Studies
Mapping for PX061301_Sunburn_Times_Estimate
dbGAP Study | dbGAP Variable | dbGAP Variable Description |
GWAS on Cataract and HDL in the PMRP | phv00181780 | How many blistering sunburns have you gotten in your life? |
GWAS on Cataract and HDL in the PMRP | phv00181781 | About how many? (Sunburns) |
Mapped dbGaP Studies
Mapping for PX061301_Sunburn_Times_Exact
dbGAP Study | dbGAP Variable | dbGAP Variable Description |
GWAS on Cataract and HDL in the PMRP | phv00181780 | How many blistering sunburns have you gotten in your life? |
GWAS on Cataract and HDL in the PMRP | phv00181781 | About how many? (Sunburns) |
Mapped dbGaP Studies
Mapping for PX061301_Sunlamp_Times_Estimate
dbGAP Study | dbGAP Variable | dbGAP Variable Description |
GWAS on Cataract and HDL in the PMRP | phv00181794 | How many times have you used a sunlamp in your life? |
GWAS on Cataract and HDL in the PMRP | phv00181795 | About how many? (Sunlamp use) |
Study of Melanoma Risk in Australia and the United Kingdom | phv00182334 | How many sunlamp/sunbed sessions have you had, in total over your lifetime |
Mapped dbGaP Studies
Mapping for PX061301_Sunlamp_Times_Exact
dbGAP Study | dbGAP Variable | dbGAP Variable Description |
GWAS on Cataract and HDL in the PMRP | phv00181794 | How many times have you used a sunlamp in your life? |
GWAS on Cataract and HDL in the PMRP | phv00181795 | About how many? (Sunlamp use) |
Study of Melanoma Risk in Australia and the United Kingdom | phv00182334 | How many sunlamp/sunbed sessions have you had, in total over your lifetime |
Mapped dbGaP Studies
Mapping for PX061301_Tanning_Booth_Ever
dbGAP Study | dbGAP Variable | dbGAP Variable Description |
GWAS on Cataract and HDL in the PMRP | phv00181796 | Have you ever used a tanning booth? |
Mapped dbGaP Studies
Mapping for PX061301_Tanning_Booth_Times_Estimate
dbGAP Study | dbGAP Variable | dbGAP Variable Description |
GWAS on Cataract and HDL in the PMRP | phv00181801 | How many times have you used a tanning booth in your life? |
GWAS on Cataract and HDL in the PMRP | phv00181802 | About how many? (Tanning booth use) |
Mapped dbGaP Studies
Mapping for PX061301_Tanning_Booth_Times_Exact
dbGAP Study | dbGAP Variable | dbGAP Variable Description |
GWAS on Cataract and HDL in the PMRP | phv00181801 | How many times have you used a tanning booth in your life? |
GWAS on Cataract and HDL in the PMRP | phv00181802 | About how many? (Tanning booth use) |
Mapped dbGaP Studies
Mapping for PX061301_Tan_Months_Last_Decade
dbGAP Study | dbGAP Variable | dbGAP Variable Description |
GWAS on Cataract and HDL in the PMRP | phv00181814 | In the past ten years, for how many months a year did you usually have a tan? |
Mapped dbGaP Studies
Mapping for PX061301_Tan_Months_Teens
dbGAP Study | dbGAP Variable | dbGAP Variable Description |
GWAS on Cataract and HDL in the PMRP | phv00181811 | When you were In your teens, for how many months a year did you usually have a tan? |
Mapped dbGaP Studies
Mapping for PX061301_Tan_Months_Thirties
dbGAP Study | dbGAP Variable | dbGAP Variable Description |
GWAS on Cataract and HDL in the PMRP | phv00181813 | When you were In your thirties, for how many months a year did you usually have a tan? |
Mapped dbGaP Studies
Mapping for PX061301_Tan_Months_Twenties
dbGAP Study | dbGAP Variable | dbGAP Variable Description |
GWAS on Cataract and HDL in the PMRP | phv00181812 | When you were In your twenties, for how many months a year did you usually have a tan? |
Mapped dbGaP Studies
Mapping for PX061301_Use_Sunlamp_Ever
dbGAP Study | dbGAP Variable | dbGAP Variable Description |
GWAS on Cataract and HDL in the PMRP | phv00181789 | Have you ever used a sunlamp? |
Study of Melanoma Risk in Australia and the United Kingdom | phv00182331 | Have you ever used a sunlamp or sunbed for any reason on more than one occasion |
Mapped dbGaP Studies
Mapping for PX061301_Weekday_Sun_Hours_Last_Decade
dbGAP Study | dbGAP Variable | dbGAP Variable Description |
GWAS on Cataract and HDL in the PMRP | phv00181806 | On a typical weekday in the summer, about how many hours did you generally spend in the mid-day sun in the past ten years? |
Mapped dbGaP Studies
Mapping for PX061301_Weekday_Sun_Hours_Teens
dbGAP Study | dbGAP Variable | dbGAP Variable Description |
GWAS on Cataract and HDL in the PMRP | phv00181803 | On a typical weekday in the summer, about how many hours did you generally spend in the mid-day sun (when you were) In your teens? |
Mapped dbGaP Studies
Mapping for PX061301_Weekday_Sun_Hours_Thirties
dbGAP Study | dbGAP Variable | dbGAP Variable Description |
GWAS on Cataract and HDL in the PMRP | phv00181805 | On a typical weekday in the summer, about how many hours did you generally spend in the mid-day sun (when you were) In your thirties? |
Mapped dbGaP Studies
Mapping for PX061301_Weekday_Sun_Hours_Twenties
dbGAP Study | dbGAP Variable | dbGAP Variable Description |
GWAS on Cataract and HDL in the PMRP | phv00181804 | On a typical weekday in the summer, about how many hours did you generally spend in the mid-day sun (when you were) In your twenties? |
Mapped dbGaP Studies
Mapping for PX061301_Weekend_Sun_Hours_Last_Decade
dbGAP Study | dbGAP Variable | dbGAP Variable Description |
GWAS on Cataract and HDL in the PMRP | phv00181810 | On a typical weekend day in the summer, about how many hours did you generally spend in the mid-day sun in the past ten years? |
Mapped dbGaP Studies
Mapping for PX061301_Weekend_Sun_Hours_Teens
dbGAP Study | dbGAP Variable | dbGAP Variable Description |
GWAS on Cataract and HDL in the PMRP | phv00181807 | On a typical weekend day in the summer, about how many hours did you generally spend in the mid-day sun (when you were) In your teens? |
Mapped dbGaP Studies
Mapping for PX061301_Weekend_Sun_Hours_Thirties
dbGAP Study | dbGAP Variable | dbGAP Variable Description |
GWAS on Cataract and HDL in the PMRP | phv00181809 | On a typical weekend day in the summer, about how many hours did you generally spend in the mid-day sun (when you were) In your thirties? |
Mapped dbGaP Studies
Mapping for PX061301_Weekend_Sun_Hours_Twenties
dbGAP Study | dbGAP Variable | dbGAP Variable Description |
GWAS on Cataract and HDL in the PMRP | phv00181808 | On a typical weekend day in the summer, about how many hours did you generally spend in the mid-day sun (when you were) In your twenties? |
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