Protocol - Family History - Psychosis
The Family Interview for Genetic Studies (FIGS) is a tool used by a trained interviewer to collect information about biological relatives of the subject who has a mental disorder. The interview is conducted with the relatives themselves and not through the subject. There are three parts to the FIGS. The General Screening Questions gather general information about all known relatives. The Face Sheet is completed for each of the first-degree relatives and any affected relatives. This abbreviated version of the FIGS includes only a Symptom Checklist for psychosis.
Specific Instructions
For a more detailed interview guide, one that includes symptom checklists for all mental disorders, the Early Psychosis Working Group recommends using the FIGS-Full Version (Family History - Multiple Mental Disorders protocol). A baseline assessment of this measure is an interview of a parent and the ill person. The optimal approach is to directly interview all available biological family members, at least out to second-degree relatives. It is important to gather this information from relatives because it can be difficult to rely on information obtained directly from the ill person. If not all relatives can be directly interviewed, one relative may be interviewed about all others.
This protocol is freely available; permission not required for use.
GO FIGS Pedigree Drawing Instructions
v. 3.21.12
Begin with the FIGS General Screening Questions (p. 1), Step 1:
Let’s go over your family tree.
Have the pedigree form ready. Place in front of participant, and once constructed, keep it in front of participant throughout interview.
Pedigree Drawing.
1. In the middle of the page, draw a symbol for the participant (circle for female, square for males). This is you. (Write participant’s name under the symbol.)
2. If participant:
a. Is only child: You told me that you have no brothers and sisters, is that correct? (If yes, above the participant’s symbol, draw a square for dad on the left, a circle for mom on the right, connect with line, and draw another line directly down to participant’s symbol. Proceed with instruction #3 below.)
b. Has siblings. You told me that you had (insert number) siblings: (insert number) brothers and (insert number) sisters. Is that correct? (If yes, proceed; if not, correct.) Do they all have the same mother and father as you?
i. YES (same biological parents): Determine where in birth order participant falls (First, second, third and so on). Above the participant’s symbol, draw a square for dad on the left, a circle for mom on the right, connect with line, and draw another line downward. From left to right, add symbols for the other full siblings from oldest (firstborn) to youngest around the proband. Write each sibling’s name underneath his/her symbol.
ii. NO: "For this family tree, I am going to ask you only about full biological siblings: your brothers/sisters who have the same mom AND dad as you." For FULL sibs only, determine where in birth order participant falls (First, second, third and so on). From left to right, add symbols for the other full siblings from oldest (firstborn) to youngest around the proband. Write each sibling’s name underneath his/her symbol.
3. Do you have any children?
a. YES: Draw a horizontal line from the participant to a partner, and drop down a line (or set of lines) to depict children. Write each child’s name underneath his/her symbol. Go to FIGS screener.
b. NO: Go to FIGS screener.
Probandʼs Initials: | _______________________________________ |
ID: | _______________________________________ |
FAMID: | _______________________________________ |
Age: | _______________________________________ |
Assessor: | _______________________________________ |
Date: | _______________________________________ |
Start time: | _______________________________________ |
End time: | _______________________________________ |
v. 11/19/09
FIGS: Proband Pedigree
Interview date: | - | - | |||||||||
Month | Day | Year |
Family last name: | Family ID number: |
Informant name: | ____________________ | ____________________ | ____________________ |
First | MI | Last |
Informant ID: |
INTERVIEWER: Before you begin, you need to generate or obtain a pedigree on which to record all of the responses to the following General Screening Questions. (See FIGS Manual for details.)
Step 1: | Let’s go over your family tree. (Include first-degree relatives only: offspring, parents, siblings.) |
Step 2: | Now I am asking you to keep in mind all those in your family tree as I go through this list of questions. (Note all positive responses on the pedigree.) |
[ ] Was anyone adopted? | |
[ ] Was anyone mentally retarded? | |
Did anyone: | |
[ ] Have problems with their nerves or emotions? Take medicine or see a doctor for it? Take lithium? | |
[ ] Feel very low for a couple of weeks or more, or have a diagnosis of depression? | |
[ ] Attempt or complete suicide? | |
[ ] Seem overexcited (or manic) day and night, or have a diagnosis of mania? | |
[ ] **Have visions, hear voices, or have beliefs that seem strange or unreal? | |
[ ] **Have unusual or bizarre behavior, or have a diagnosis of schizophrenia? | |
[ ] Have trouble with the police, with completing school, or with keeping a job? | |
[ ] Have alcohol or drug use that caused problems (with health, family, job, or police)? Go to AA or NA, or have treatment for this? | |
[ ] (Was anyone) hospitalized for psychiatric problems, or for drug or alcohol problems? | |
[ ] Have inherited medical diseases such as Huntington’s disease or seizure disorder or any other disorders of the brain or nervous system? | |
[ ] **(Did anyone) have few friends, or seem to be a loner? | |
[ ] **(Did anyone) seem odd or eccentric in behavior or appearance? | |
[ ] **(Was anyone) extremely jealous, or suspicious, or believe in magic, or see special meanings in things that no one else saw? | |
Step 3: | Complete a Face Sheet for each of the informant’s first-degree relatives. |
Interview date: | - | - | |||||||||
Month | Day | Year |
Family last name: | Family ID number: |
Informant name: | ____________________ | ____________________ | ____________________ |
First | MI | Last |
Informant ID: |
Person being described name: | ____________________ | ____________________ | ____________________ |
First | MI | Last |
Person being described ID: |
Relationship to informant: | ____________________________________________________________ |
Birthdate of person described, if known: | - | - | |||||||||
Month | Day | Year |
Is person described living?
0[ ]No
1[ ]Yes
9[ ]Unknown
Age and Year when last seen or known about, or died: | in | ||||||
Age | year |
If deceased, cause of death:: | ____________________________________________________________ |
0[ ]No
1[ ]Yes
9[ ]Unknown
INTERVIEWER: Refer to General Screening Questions if necessary.
1. Write narrative: | If any General Screening Questions endorsed about this relative, code 1 and transcribe details here. Complete psychosis checklist if any *starred* items endorsed. | 0 | 1 | 9 |
Interview date: | - | - | |||||||||
Month | Day | Year |
Family last name: | Family ID number: |
Informant name: | ____________________ | ____________________ | ____________________ |
First | MI | Last |
Informant ID: |
Person being described name: | ____________________ | ____________________ | ____________________ |
First | MI | Last |
Code for a single episode (best recalled, worst episode if possible).
1. What were his/her unusual beliefs or experiences?
Specify: ____________________________________________________________________________
Did he/she ever… | No | Yes | Unk | |
1.a) | …believe people were following him/her, or that someone was trying to hurt or poison him/her? | 0 | 1 | 9 |
1.b) | …believe someone was reading his/her mind? | 0 | 1 | 9 |
1.c) | …believe he/she was under the control of some outside person or power or force? | 0 | 1 | 9 |
1.d) | …believe his/her thoughts were broadcast, or that an outside force took away his/her thoughts or put thoughts into his/her head? | 0 | 1 | 9 |
1.e) | …have any other strange or unusual beliefs? | 0 | 1 | 9 |
If yes: Describe: _______________________________________________________________________
1.f) | …see things that were not really there? | 0 | 1 | 9 |
1.g) | …hear voices or other sounds that were not real? | 0 | 1 | 9 |
If yes: Describe: _______________________________________________________________________
If 1.g = 0, then skip to question 1.h
1.g.1) | (Code YES if: voice with content having no relation to depression or elation, or voice keeping up running commentary on subject’s behavior or thoughts, or two or more voices conversing.) | 0 | 1 | 9 |
1.h) | …speak in a way that was difficult to make sense of? | 0 | 1 | 9 |
If yes: Describe: _______________________________________________________________________
1.i) | …seem to be physically stuck in one position, or move around excitedly without purpose? | 0 | 1 | 9 |
1.j) | …appear to have no emotions, or inappropriate emotions? | 0 | 1 | 9 |
2. How long did the longest of these experiences last? | |||
Weeks |
INTERVIEWER: If less than 1 week (unless successfully treated), STOP HERE. Otherwise continue, if informant is knowledgeable about this person.
Code Response
6. | Code and describe professional treatment (Code and describe all that apply): | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 9 |
0[ ]None
1[ ]Inpatient: ___________________________________________________
2[ ]Outpatient: __________________________________________________
3[ ]ECT: _____________________________________________________
4[ ]Medication: __________________________________________________
9[ ]Unknown
Describe details and/or other treatment:
Age | ||||||
7. | Age of onset: |
Episodes | ||||||
8. | Number of episodes (Code 001 if chronic symptoms and/or treatment since onset): | |||||
Weeks | Years | |||||
9. | Total illness duration (all episodes, includes active and prodromal and/or residual symptoms and/or treatment): | OR |
Code Response
10. Rate and code impairment or incapacitation:
0[ ]None
1[ ]Impaired
2[ ]Incapacitated
9[ ]Unknown
11. Interviewer judgment on reliability of this information:
1[ ]Good
2[ ]Fair
3[ ]Poor
Interview date: | - | - | |||||||||
Month | Day | Year |
Family last name: | Family ID number: |
Informant name: | ____________________ | ____________________ | ____________________ |
First | MI | Last |
Informant ID: |
Person being described name: | ____________________ | ____________________ | ____________________ |
First | MI | Last |
Person being described ID: |
Code for a single episode (best recalled, worst episode if possible).
1. What were his/her unusual beliefs or experiences?
Specify: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Did he/she ever…
1.a) …believe people were following him/her, or that someone was trying to hurt or poison him/her?
0[ ]No
1[ ]Yes
9[ ]Unknown
1.b) …believe someone was reading his/her mind?
0[ ]No
1[ ]Yes
9[ ]Unknown
1.c) …believe he/she was under the control of some outside person or power or force?
0[ ]No
1[ ]Yes
9[ ]Unknown
1.d) …believe his/her thoughts were broadcast, or that an outside force took away his/her thoughts or put thoughts into his/her head?
0[ ]No
1[ ]Yes
9[ ]Unknown
1.e) …have any other strange or unusual beliefs?
0[ ]No
1[ ]Yes
9[ ]Unknown
If yes: Describe: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
1.f) …see things that were not really there?
0[ ]No
1[ ]Yes
9[ ]Unknown
1.g) …hear voices or other sounds that were not real?
0[ ]No
1[ ]Yes
9[ ]Unknown
If yes: Describe: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
If no: Skip to Question 1.h.
1.g.1) (Code YES if: Voice with content having no relation to depression or elation, or voice keeping up running commentary on subject’s behavior or thoughts, or two or more voices conversing.)
0[ ]No
1[ ]Yes
9[ ]Unknown
1.h) …speak in a way that was difficult to make sense of?
0[ ]No
1[ ]Yes
9[ ]Unknown
If yes: Describe: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
1.i) …seem to be physically stuck in one position, or move around excitedly without any purpose?
0[ ]No
1[ ]Yes
9[ ]Unknown
1.j) …appear to have no emotions, or inappropriate emotions?
0[ ]No
1[ ]Yes
9[ ]Unknown
2. How long did the longest of these experiences last? | |||
Weeks |
INTERVIEWER: If less than one week, unless successfully treated, STOP HERE. Otherwise continue, if informant is knowledgeable about this person.
3. Code and describe professional treatment (Code and describe all that apply):
0[ ]None
1[ ]Inpatient: ___________________________________________________
2[ ]Outpatient: __________________________________________________
3[ ]ECT: _____________________________________________________
4[ ]Medication: __________________________________________________
9[ ]Unknown
Describe details and/or other treatment: ___________________________________________________________________________________________
4.) Age of onset: | ||
Age |
5. Number of episodes (Code 001 if chronic symptoms and/or treatment since onset): | |||
Episodes |
6. Total illness duration (all episodes, includes active and prodromal and/or residual symptoms and/or treatment). | OR | ||||
Weeks | Years |
7. Rate and code impairment or incapacitation:
0[ ]None
1[ ]Impaired
2[ ]Incapacitated
9[ ]Unknown
8. Interviewer judgement on reliability of this information:
1[ ]Good
2[ ]Fair
3[ ]Poor
Personnel and Training Required
The interviewer must be trained to conduct personal psychiatric interviews with individuals from the general population. The interviewer must be trained and found to be competent (i.e., tested by an expert) at the completion of personal interviews. The interviewer should be trained to prompt respondents further if a "don’t know" response is provided.
Equipment Needs
The PhenX Working Group acknowledges these questions can be administered in a computerized or noncomputerized format (i.e., paper-and-pencil instrument). Computer software is necessary to develop computer-assisted instruments. The interviewer will require a laptop computer/handheld computer to administer a computer-assisted questionnaire.
Requirement Category | Required |
Major equipment | No |
Specialized training | No |
Specialized requirements for biospecimen collection | No |
Average time of greater than 15 minutes in an unaffected individual | Yes |
Mode of Administration
Interviewer-administered questionnaire
Adults, ages 18 years and older
Selection Rationale
The use of the Family Interview for Genetic Studies (FIGS) has made it possible to advance in the performance of family studies for research in genetic psychiatry. The questionnaire is reliable and valid for gathering diagnostic information about relatives of a subject.
Standard | Name | ID | Source |
Human Phenotype Ontology | Psychosis | HP:0000709 | HPO |
caDSR Form | PhenX PX660702 - Family History Psychosis | 6916807 | caDSR Form |
Derived Variables
Process and Review
Not applicable.
Protocol Name from Source
Family Interview for Genetic Studies (FIGS) - Abbreviated Version
Calkins, M. E., Merikangas, K. R., Moore, T. M., Burstein, M., Behr, M. A., Satterthwaite, T. D., Ruparel, K., Wolf, D. H., Roalf, D. R., Mentch, F. D., Qiu, H., Chiavacci, R., Connolly, J. J., Sleiman, P. M., Gur, R. C., Hakonarson, H., & Gur, R. E. (2015). The Philadelphia Neurodevelopmental Cohort: Constructing a deep phenotyping collaborative. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 56(12), 1356-1369.
General References
Maxwell, M. E. (1992). Family Interview for Genetic Studies (FIGS): Manual For FIGS. Bethesda, MD: Clinical Neurogenetics Branch, Intramural Research Program, National Institute of Mental Health.
Protocol ID
Export VariablesVariable Name | Variable ID | Variable Description | dbGaP Mapping | |
PX660702_FamilyHistory_Psychosis_Figs_Cause_Death | ||||
PX660702021202 | If deceased, cause of death | N/A | ||
PX660702_FamilyHistory_Psychosis_Figs_Id | ||||
PX660702020300 | What is the family ID number? | N/A | ||
PX660702_FamilyHistory_Psychosis_Figs_Informant_Id | ||||
PX660702020500 | What is the Informant's ID number? | N/A | ||
PX660702_FamilyHistory_Psychosis_Figs_Informant_Name | ||||
PX660702020400 | What is the first, middle, and last name of more | N/A | ||
PX660702_FamilyHistory_Psychosis_Figs_Interview_Date | ||||
PX660702020100 | What's the interview date? | N/A | ||
PX660702_FamilyHistory_Psychosis_Figs_LastKnown_Age | ||||
PX660702021100 | Age when subject last seen or known about, or died | N/A | ||
PX660702_FamilyHistory_Psychosis_Figs_LastKnown_Date | ||||
PX660702021201 | Year when subject last seen or known about, more | N/A | ||
PX660702_FamilyHistory_Psychosis_Figs_LastName | ||||
PX660702020200 | What is the family last name? | N/A | ||
PX660702_FamilyHistory_Psychosis_Figs_Relationship | ||||
PX660702020800 | What is the subject's relationship to the more | N/A | ||
PX660702_FamilyHistory_Psychosis_Figs_Subject_Birthdate | ||||
PX660702020900 | What is the birthdate of the person described? | N/A | ||
PX660702_FamilyHistory_Psychosis_Figs_Subject_Id | ||||
PX660702020700 | What is the ID number of the person being more | N/A | ||
PX660702_FamilyHistory_Psychosis_Figs_Subject_Living | ||||
PX660702021000 | Is person described living? | N/A | ||
PX660702_FamilyHistory_Psychosis_Figs_Subject_Name | ||||
PX660702020600 | What is the first, middle, and last name of more | N/A | ||
PX660702_FamilyHistory_Psychosis_Figs_Suicide | ||||
PX660702021203 | Did the subject commit suicide? | N/A | ||
PX660702_FamilyHistory_Psychosis_GeneralScreening_Adopted | ||||
PX660702011000 | Was anyone adopted? | N/A | ||
PX660702_FamilyHistory_Psychosis_GeneralScreening_Behavior | ||||
PX660702012500 | (Did anyone) seem odd or eccentric in more | N/A | ||
PX660702_FamilyHistory_Psychosis_GeneralScreening_Delusion | ||||
PX660702012600 | (Was anyone) extremely jealous, or more | N/A | ||
PX660702_FamilyHistory_Psychosis_GeneralScreening_Depression | ||||
PX660702011500 | Feel very low for a couple of weeks or more, more | N/A | ||
PX660702_FamilyHistory_Psychosis_GeneralScreening_Hospitalization | ||||
PX660702012200 | (Was anyone) hospitalized for psychiatric more | N/A | ||
PX660702_FamilyHistory_Psychosis_GeneralScreening_Id | ||||
PX660702010700 | What is the family ID number? | N/A | ||
PX660702_FamilyHistory_Psychosis_GeneralScreening_Informant_Id | ||||
PX660702010900 | What is the Informant's ID number? | N/A | ||
PX660702_FamilyHistory_Psychosis_GeneralScreening_Informant_Name | ||||
PX660702010800 | What is the first, middle, and last name of more | N/A | ||
PX660702_FamilyHistory_Psychosis_GeneralScreening_Inherited_Disease | ||||
PX660702012300 | Have inherited medical diseases such as more | N/A | ||
PX660702_FamilyHistory_Psychosis_GeneralScreening_Interview_Date | ||||
PX660702010500 | What's the interview date? | N/A | ||
PX660702_FamilyHistory_Psychosis_GeneralScreening_LastName | ||||
PX660702010600 | What is the family last name? | N/A | ||
PX660702_FamilyHistory_Psychosis_GeneralScreening_Loner | ||||
PX660702012400 | (Did anyone) have few friends, or seem to be more | N/A | ||
PX660702_FamilyHistory_Psychosis_GeneralScreening_Mania | ||||
PX660702011700 | Seem overexcited (or manic) day and night, more | N/A | ||
PX660702_FamilyHistory_Psychosis_GeneralScreening_Mental_Retardation | ||||
PX660702011100 | Was anyone mentally retarded? | N/A | ||
PX660702_FamilyHistory_Psychosis_GeneralScreening_Nerves | ||||
PX660702011200 | Have problems with their nerves or emotions? | N/A | ||
PX660702_FamilyHistory_Psychosis_GeneralScreening_Nerves_Lithium | ||||
PX660702011400 | Take lithium? | N/A | ||
PX660702_FamilyHistory_Psychosis_GeneralScreening_Nerves_Medication | ||||
PX660702011300 | Take medicine or see a doctor for it? | N/A | ||
PX660702_FamilyHistory_Psychosis_GeneralScreening_Schizophrenia | ||||
PX660702011900 | Have unusual or bizarre behavior, or have a more | N/A | ||
PX660702_FamilyHistory_Psychosis_GeneralScreening_Substance_Abuse | ||||
PX660702012100 | Have alcohol or drug use that caused more | N/A | ||
PX660702_FamilyHistory_Psychosis_GeneralScreening_Suicide | ||||
PX660702011600 | Attempt or complete suicide? | N/A | ||
PX660702_FamilyHistory_Psychosis_GeneralScreening_Trouble | ||||
PX660702012000 | Have trouble with the police, with more | N/A | ||
PX660702_FamilyHistory_Psychosis_GeneralScreening_Visions | ||||
PX660702011800 | Have visions, hear voices, or have beliefs more | N/A | ||
PX660702_FamilyHistory_Psychosis_Pedigree_Children | ||||
PX660702010400 | Does the participant have any children? | N/A | ||
PX660702_FamilyHistory_Psychosis_Pedigree_Siblings | ||||
PX660702010100 | Does the participant have any brothers or sisters? | N/A | ||
PX660702_FamilyHistory_Psychosis_Pedigree_Siblings_SamePArents | ||||
PX660702010300 | For full biological siblings more | N/A | ||
PX660702_FamilyHistory_Psychosis_Pedigree_Siblings_Yes | ||||
PX660702010200 | Do all your siblings have the same mother more | N/A | ||
PX660702_FamilyHistory_Psychosis_Psychosis_Beliefs | ||||
PX660702030600 | Code for a single episode (best recalled, more | N/A | ||
PX660702_FamilyHistory_Psychosis_Psychosis_Broadcast_Thoughts | ||||
PX660702031000 | Code for a single episode (best recalled, more | N/A | ||
PX660702_FamilyHistory_Psychosis_Psychosis_Duration | ||||
PX660702032000 | (Probe and code YES if mania and/or more | N/A | ||
PX660702_FamilyHistory_Psychosis_Psychosis_Duration_Weeks | ||||
PX660702032700 | Total illness duration (all episodes, more | N/A | ||
PX660702_FamilyHistory_Psychosis_Psychosis_Duration_Years | ||||
PX660702032800 | Total illness duration (all episodes, more | N/A | ||
PX660702_FamilyHistory_Psychosis_Psychosis_Emotions | ||||
PX660702031700 | Code for a single episode (best recalled, more | N/A | ||
PX660702_FamilyHistory_Psychosis_Psychosis_Episode | ||||
PX660702031800 | How long did the longest of these more | N/A | ||
PX660702_FamilyHistory_Psychosis_Psychosis_Episodes | ||||
PX660702032600 | Number of episodes (Code 001 if chronic more | N/A | ||
PX660702_FamilyHistory_Psychosis_Psychosis_Hallucination_Audio | ||||
PX660702031301 | Code for a single episode (best recalled, more | N/A | ||
PX660702_FamilyHistory_Psychosis_Psychosis_Hallucination_Describe | ||||
PX660702031302 | If Yes, describe | N/A | ||
PX660702_FamilyHistory_Psychosis_Psychosis_Hallucination_Other | ||||
PX660702031400 | (Code YES if: Voice with content having no more | N/A | ||
PX660702_FamilyHistory_Psychosis_Psychosis_Hallucination_Sight | ||||
PX660702031200 | Code for a single episode (best recalled, more | N/A | ||
PX660702_FamilyHistory_Psychosis_Psychosis_Harm | ||||
PX660702030700 | Code for a single episode (best recalled, more | N/A | ||
PX660702_FamilyHistory_Psychosis_Psychosis_Informant_Id | ||||
PX660702030300 | What is the Informant's ID number? | N/A | ||
PX660702_FamilyHistory_Psychosis_Psychosis_Informant_Name | ||||
PX660702030200 | What is the first, middle, and last name of more | N/A | ||
PX660702_FamilyHistory_Psychosis_Psychosis_Interviewer_Judgement | ||||
PX660702033000 | Interviewer judgement on reliability of this more | N/A | ||
PX660702_FamilyHistory_Psychosis_Psychosis_Interview_Date | ||||
PX660702030100 | What's the interview date? | N/A | ||
PX660702_FamilyHistory_Psychosis_Psychosis_Medication | ||||
PX660702032100 | (Probe and code YES if illness described more | N/A | ||
PX660702_FamilyHistory_Psychosis_Psychosis_Mindreading | ||||
PX660702030800 | Code for a single episode (best recalled, more | N/A | ||
PX660702_FamilyHistory_Psychosis_Psychosis_Mood | ||||
PX660702031900 | When any (SX above) happened, did he/she more | N/A | ||
PX660702_FamilyHistory_Psychosis_Psychosis_Onset | ||||
PX660702032500 | What is the subject's age of onset? | N/A | ||
PX660702_FamilyHistory_Psychosis_Psychosis_OtherBeliefs | ||||
PX660702031101 | Code for a single episode (best recalled, more | N/A | ||
PX660702_FamilyHistory_Psychosis_Psychosis_OtherBeliefs_Describe | ||||
PX660702031102 | If Yes, describe | N/A | ||
PX660702_FamilyHistory_Psychosis_Psychosis_OtherDetails | ||||
PX660702032400 | Describe details and/or other treatment: | N/A | ||
PX660702_FamilyHistory_Psychosis_Psychosis_Outsidecontrol | ||||
PX660702030900 | Code for a single episode (best recalled, more | N/A | ||
PX660702_FamilyHistory_Psychosis_Psychosis_Physical | ||||
PX660702031600 | Code for a single episode (best recalled, more | N/A | ||
PX660702_FamilyHistory_Psychosis_Psychosis_Rate_Impairment | ||||
PX660702032900 | Rate and code impairment or incapacitation: | N/A | ||
PX660702_FamilyHistory_Psychosis_Psychosis_Speech | ||||
PX660702031501 | Code for a single episode (best recalled, more | N/A | ||
PX660702_FamilyHistory_Psychosis_Psychosis_Speech_Describe | ||||
PX660702031502 | If Yes, describe | N/A | ||
PX660702_FamilyHistory_Psychosis_Psychosis_Subject_Id | ||||
PX660702030500 | What is the ID number of the person being more | N/A | ||
PX660702_FamilyHistory_Psychosis_Psychosis_Subject_Name | ||||
PX660702030400 | What is the first, middle, and last name of more | N/A | ||
PX660702_FamilyHistory_Psychosis_Psychosis_Treatment | ||||
PX660702032301 | Code and describe professional treatment: | N/A | ||
PX660702_FamilyHistory_Psychosis_Psychosis_Treatment_Ect | ||||
PX660702032304 | Describe the treatment received. | N/A | ||
PX660702_FamilyHistory_Psychosis_Psychosis_Treatment_Inpatient | ||||
PX660702032302 | Describe the treatment received. | N/A | ||
PX660702_FamilyHistory_Psychosis_Psychosis_Treatment_Medication | ||||
PX660702032305 | Describe the treatment received. | N/A | ||
PX660702_FamilyHistory_Psychosis_Psychosis_Treatment_Outpatient | ||||
PX660702032303 | Describe the treatment received. | N/A | ||
PX660702_FamilyHistory_Psychosis_Psychosis_TwoWeeks | ||||
PX660702032200 | (Code YES if the above was true for as long more | N/A |
Measure Name
Family History of Mental Illness
Release Date
January 17, 2017
An interview to collect family psychiatric information of a person with a mental illness.
This measure can be used to characterize the diagnoses in first- and second-degree biological relatives of a person with a major mental illness. Family history in close relatives allows an assessment of genetic susceptibility and may be seen as a psychosocial measure of family burden of illness.
early psychosis, Family History, relatives, pedigree, symptom checklist, extended family, bilineal, extender, pointer, depression, mania, alcohol/drug abuse, psychosis, paranoid/schizoid/schizotypal personality, Schizophrenia, bipolar, Family Interview for Genetic Studies, FIGS, National Institute of Mental Health, NIMH
Measure Protocols
Protocol ID | Protocol Name |
660701 | Family History - Multiple Mental Disorders |
660702 | Family History - Psychosis |