
Protocol - Brain Connectivity and Activation

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This protocol includes recommended technical and analytical procedures for the consistent collection of task functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data based on commonly employed methods for assessment during cognitive functioning testing. These procedures include identification of key MRI acquisition parameters and critical elements of data preprocessing, as well as key interpretational issues.

Specific Instructions

Record the MRI platform on which the data will be collected.

Collect resting-state fMRI first, obtaining 24 minutes of total scanning with good data from 12-18 minutes post-resting state.

There are two recommended cognitive tasks to perform during scanning: AX-Continuous Performance Test (AX-CPT), from the PhenX measure Context Processing; and (2) Relational and Item-Specific Encoding task (RiSE), from the PhenX measure Relational Encoding and Retrieval. These assessments are the tasks to be performed after collecting the resting-state data, during the fMRI. These two tasks add another 15 minutes in the scanner.

The Context Processing measure, AX-CPT, is a computerized test, implemented in Eprime by the Cognitive Neuroscience Test Reliability and Clinical applications for Schizophrenia (CNTRACS) consortium, which evaluates goal maintenance in working memory. During AX-CPT, the subject views a series of cues and probe sequences (one at a time) and performs a button press indicating if the stimulus is the target or non-target. The four types of cue-probe combinations offered are AX, AY, BX, and BY, with AX being the only target (correct option). A total of 144 cue-probes are presented in four blocks of 36 with limited response windows. The majority of the cue-probes presented are AX, thus creating an expectancy for the subject to prepare a target response following a cue that is an A and to make a target response when a probe is an X.

The Relational Encoding and Retrieval measure, RiSE, is a computerized test, developed in Eprime, which evaluates item-specific encoding and relational encoding. The subject views visual objects (pictures) and responds yes/no to whether the objects are "living" (item-specific encoding). The subject then views pairs of visual objects and responds yes/no to whether or not one item can fit into the other (relational encoding). Then the subject views visual objects and indicates whether each object was "old" or "new," responding by way of confidence level high, medium, or low (item recognition). Lastly, the subject views pairs of visual objects and responds yes/no to whether or not the pairs were presented together in the relational encoding test (associative recognition).


This protocol is freely available; permission not required for use.


Sequence for task functional magnetic resonance imaging

(Task fMRI)

TA: 6:1

PAT: Off

Voxel size: 3.0 x 3.0 x 3.0 mm

Rel. SNR: 1.00


Prio Recon
Before measurement
After measurement
Load to viewer .......................................On
Inline movie .......................................Off
Auto store images .......................................On
Load to stamp segments .......................................On
Load images to graphic segments .......................................Off
Auto open inline display .......................................On
Start measurement without further preparation .......................................Off
Wait for user to start .......................................On
Start measurements .......................................single


Slice group 1
Slices .......................................47
Dist. Factor .......................................0%
Position .......................................R3.0 A3.0 H0.0
Orientation .......................................T > C-12.5
Phase enc. dir. .......................................A >> P
Rotation .......................................0.00 deg
Phase oversampling .......................................0%
FoV read .......................................216 mm
FoV phase .......................................100.0%
Slice thickness .......................................3.00 mm
TR .......................................3000 ms
TE .......................................30 ms
Averages .......................................1
Concatenations .......................................1
Filter .......................................Prescan Normalize
Coil elements .......................................HEA;HEP


MTC .......................................Off
Flip angle .......................................85 deg
Fat suppr. .......................................Fat suppr.
Averaging mode .......................................Long term
Reconstruction .......................................Magnitude
Measurements .......................................124
Multiple series .......................................Each measurement


Base resolution .......................................72
Phase resolution .......................................100%
Phase partial Fourier .......................................Off
Interpolation .......................................Off

PAT mode .......................................None
Matrix Coil Mode .......................................Auto (CP)
Distortion Corr. .......................................Off
Unfiltered images .......................................Off
Prescan Normalize .......................................On
Raw filter .......................................On
Elliptical filter .......................................Off
Hamming .......................................Off


Multi-slice mode .......................................Interleaved
Series .......................................Interleaved
Special sat. .......................................None


Body .......................................Off
HEP .......................................On
HEA .......................................On

Positioning mode .......................................REF
Table position .......................................H
Table position .......................................0 mm
MSMA .......................................S - C - T
Sagittal .......................................R >> L
Coronal .......................................A >> P
Transversal .......................................F >> H
Coil Combine Mode .......................................Sum of Squares
AutoAlign .......................................Head > Brain Atlas
Auto Coil Select .......................................Off

Shim mode .......................................Standard
Adjust with body coil .......................................Off
Confirm freq. adjustment .......................................Off
Assume Silicone .......................................Off
? Ref. amplitude 1H .......................................0.000 V
Adjustment Tolerance .......................................Auto
Adjust volume
Position .......................................R3.0 A3.0 H0.0
Orientation .......................................T > C-12.5
Rotation .......................................0.00 deg
R >> L .......................................216 mm
A >> P .......................................216 mm
F >> H .......................................141 mm


1st Signal/Mode .......................................None


GLM Statistics .......................................Off
Dynamic t-maps .......................................Off
Starting ignore meas .......................................0
Ignore after transition .......................................0
Model transition states .......................................Off
Temp. highpass filter .......................................Off
Threshold .......................................4.00
Paradigm size .......................................3
Meas[1] .......................................Baseline
Meas[2] .......................................Baseline
Meas[3] .......................................Active
Motion correction .......................................Off
Spatial filter .......................................Off


Introduction .......................................Off
Bandwidth .......................................2240 Hz/Px
Free echo spacing .......................................Off
Echo spacing .......................................0.51 ms
EPI factor .......................................72
RF pulse type .......................................Normal
Gradient mode .......................................Fast
Dummy Scans .......................................0
FFT Scale Factor .......................................1.00

Personnel and Training Required

All sites collecting fMRI data must have a PhD level MR physicist on site for implementation, assistance with acquisition (not required to be present at every scan, but required for ongoing QC and monitoring) and data analysis. The functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) technician collecting data should be trained in the administration of functional and structural MRI scans with respect to positioning and instructing the subject (e.g., not to move), running the scanner console and assessing whether appropriate data were collected.

Please see the individual neurocognitive assessment protocols for their specific personnel training requirements.

Equipment Needs

Task functional magnetic resonance imaging (task fMRI) requires a 3T or higher field strength MRI scanner.

Requirement CategoryRequired
Major equipment Yes
Specialized training Yes
Specialized requirements for biospecimen collection No
Average time of greater than 15 minutes in an unaffected individual Yes
Mode of Administration

Complex instrumentation-based assessment


Adolescent, Adult


Adolescents and adults, ages 12 and older

Selection Rationale

Task functional magnetic resonance imaging (task fMRI) provides unique and valuable information about brain activation and connectivity in early psychosis.

Collecting data from functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) during task performance helps identify dysfunctional neural circuits in schizophrenia.

Please see the individual neurocognitive assessment protocols for their specific selection criteria.



caDSR Form PhenX PX662601 - Brain Connectivity And Activation 6930564 caDSR Form
Derived Variables


Process and Review

N/A - for External Review Panel

Protocol Name from Source

Ragland, J.D., et al. Functional and neuroanatomic specificity of episodic memory dysfunction in schizophrenia: A functional magnetic resonance imaging study of the relational and item-specific encoding task. JAMA Psychiatry, 2015


Ragland, J.D., Ranganath, C., Harms, M.P, Barch, D.M., Gold, J.M., Layher, E, Lesh, T.A. …, Carter, C.S. (2015). Functional and neuroanatomic specificity of episodic memory dysfunction in schizophrenia: A functional magnetic resonance imaging study of the relational and item-specific encoding task. JAMA Psychiatry, 72(9), 909-916.

General References

Lopez-Garcia, P., Lesh, T. A., Salo, T., Barch, D. M., MacDonald, A. W., III, Gold, J. M., Ragland, J. D., Strauss, M., Silverstein, S. M., & Carter C. S. (2016). The neural circuitry supporting goal maintenance during cognitive control: A comparison of expectancy AX-CPT and dot probe expectancy paradigms. Cognitive, Affective & Behavioral Neuroscience, 16(1), 164-175. doi:10.3758/s13415-015-0384-1

Poppe, A. B., Barch, D. M., Carter, C. S., Gold, J. M., Ragland, J. D., Silverstein, S. M., & MacDonald, A. W., III. (2016). Reduced frontoparietal activity in schizophrenia is linked to a specific deficit in goal maintenance: A multisite functional imaging study. Schizophrenia Bulletin. pii: sbw036. [Epub ahead of print]

Protocol ID


Export Variables
Variable Name Variable IDVariable DescriptiondbGaP Mapping
PX662601020000 task functional magnetic resonance imaging more
(fMRI) Image ID show less
PX662601010000 task functional magnetic resonance imaging more
(fMRI) machine Model show less
Early Psychosis Translational Research
Measure Name

Brain Connectivity and Activation

Release Date

March 31, 2017


A measure for the standardized administration of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) during task performance for research and clinical efforts.


This measure can be used to assess brain activity by detecting changes in blood flow during a task when the brain is in use.


Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI), Schizophrenia, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), neuroimaging, resting-state fMRI, task fMRI

Measure Protocols
Protocol ID Protocol Name
662601 Brain Connectivity and Activation