
Protocol - Migraine - Adult

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The Self-Administered Questionnaire for Migraine is a 20-item questionnaire that assesses the frequency of severe headaches, the level of pain, whether the person is taking medications, and associated complications such as nausea.

Specific Instructions



This protocol is freely available; permission not required for use.


1. Over the past year, have you suffered from severe headaches?

1[ ]Yes

2[ ]No

If Yes, go to question 2.

If No, questionnaire is complete.

2a. Age:

_______(Write In Age)

2b. Sex

1[ ]Male

2[ ]Female

3. When you have a severe headache, do you experience any of the following? (X ALL That Apply)

1[ ]Nausea

2[ ]Vomiting

3[ ]One side of head only

4[ ]Pulsating/throbbing headaches

5[ ]Pain-free intervals of days or weeks between severe headache attacks

6[ ]Sensitivity to light

7[ ]Sensitivity to noise

8[ ]Blurring of vision

9[ ]Seeing shimmering lights, circles, other shapes, or colors before the eyes, before the headache starts

10[ ]Numbness of lips, tongue, fingers, or legs before the headache starts

4. About how often do your severe headaches occur? (Write In Number Of Headache Days You Have Per Week Or Month Or Year)

_______# in a week, OR

_______# in a month, OR

_______# in a year

5. Which statement best describes the pain of your severe headaches? (X ONE)

1[ ]Extremely severe pain

2[ ]Severe pain

3[ ]Moderately severe pain

4[ ]Mild pain

6. Which best describes how you are usually affected by severe headaches? (X ONE)

1[ ]Able to work/function normally

2[ ]Working ability or activity impaired to some degree

3[ ]Working ability or activity severely impaired

4[ ]Bed rest required

7. Each time you have a severe headache, how long are you unable to work or undertake normal activities? (X ONE)

1[ ]0 days (no activity restriction)

2[ ]Less than 1 day

3[ ]1-2 days

4[ ]3-5 days

5[ ]6 or more days

8. On how many days in the last 3 months did you have a headache (if headache lasted more than 1 day, count each day)?

_______(Write In # Days)

9. Because of your headaches on how many days in the last 3 months . . . ?

a. did you miss work or school

_______(Write In # Days)

b. was your productivity at work/school reduced by half or more (not including days missed in qu. 9a above)

_______(Write In # Days)

c. did you not do household work

_______(Write In # Days)

d. was your productivity in house-hold work reduced by half or more (not including days counted in qu. 9c above)

_______(Write In # Days)

e. did you miss family, social, or leisure activities

_______(Write In # Days)

10. At what age did you BEGIN having severe headaches?

_______(Write In Age)

11. Have you ever gone to the hospital emergency room or to an urgent care clinic because of your severe headaches?

1[ ]Yes

2[ ]No

12. Which best describes the way you usually treat severe headaches? (X ONE)

1[ ]Take non-prescription medications

2[ ]Take prescription medications

3[ ]Take both prescription and non-prescription medications

4[ ]Take no medications

13. Have you ever taken prescription medication for headache on a DAILY basis, whether or not you have a headache, to help prevent a severe headache from happening in the first place?

1[ ]Yes

2[ ]No

14. Are you currently taking any other medication on a DAILY basis? (X ALL That Apply)

1[ ]Water pill or prescription diuretic for high blood pressure

2[ ]Prescription medicine (other than water pill) for high blood pressure

3[ ]Prescription medicine for seizures, epilepsy, or fits

4[ ]Prescription medicine for diabetes

5[ ]Prescription medicine for cholesterol

6[ ]Prescription medicine for depression or anxiety

15. When did you last take prescription medication for headache on a DAILY basis to help prevent a severe headache from happening in the first place? (X ONE)

1[ ]Currently taking

2[ ]Last took within the past 3 months

3[ ]Last took 3 to 12 months ago

4[ ]Last took more than 12 months ago

5[ ]Never took

16. Do you consider your severe headaches to be migraines?

1[ ]Yes

2[ ]No

17. Have you ever been diagnosed by a physician or other health professional as suffering from . . . ? (X ALL That Apply)

1[ ]Tension headaches

2[ ]Sinus headaches

3[ ]Cluster headaches

4[ ]Stress headaches

5[ ]"Sick" headaches

6[ ]Migraine headaches

18. If diagnosed with migraines, at what age were you FIRST DIAGNOSED with migraines?

_______(Write In Age)

19. Height?

______(Write In) Feet

______(Write In) Inches

20. Current weight?

______(Write In Pounds)

Scoring Instructions

In Lipton et al. (2001), respondents were classified as suffering from migraine if they fulfill the criteria for migraine with aura and migraine without aura established in 1998 by the International Headache Society (IHS) (Headache Classification Committee of the International Headache Society, 1998). This included one or more severe headache in the last year with "unilateral or pulsatile pain, and either nausea, vomiting, or phonophobia with photophobia; or visual or sensory aura before the headache" (Lipton et al., 2001). These criteria were updated by the International Headache Society in 2004 (Headache Classification Subcommittee of the International Headache Society, 2004).

Personnel and Training Required


Equipment Needs

The respondent will need a copy of the questionnaire.

Requirement CategoryRequired
Major equipment No
Specialized training No
Specialized requirements for biospecimen collection No
Average time of greater than 15 minutes in an unaffected individual No
Mode of Administration

Self-administered questionnaire




Adult, aged 18 years or older.

Selection Rationale

The Self-Administered Questionnaire for Migraine was vetted against similar instruments and chosen because it is a relatively short, validated protocol that is relatively easy to administer and has been used in a large-scale epidemiological study (American Migraine Prevalence and Prevention Study).


Chinese, English

Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes (LOINC) Migraine proto 62765-3 LOINC
Human Phenotype Ontology Migraine HP:0002076 HPO
caDSR Form PhenX PX130501 - Migraine 6168794 caDSR Form
Derived Variables


Process and Review

Expert Review Panel 4 (ERP 4) reviewed the measures in the Neurology, Psychiatric, and Psychosocial domains.

Guidance from ERP 4 included the following:

  • No changes

Protocol Name from Source

American Migraine Study II, Self-Administered Questionnaire for Migraine


Lipton, R. B., Stewart, W. F., Diamond, S., Diamond, M. L., & Reed, M. (2001). Prevalence and burden of migraine in the United States: Data from the American Migraine Study II. Headache, 41, 646-657.

General References

Headache Classification Committee of the International Headache Society. (1998). Classification and diagnostic criteria for headache disorders, cranial neuralgias and facial pain. Cephalalgia, 8(Suppl. 7), 1-96.

Headache Classification Subcommittee of the International Headache Society. (2004). The International Classification of Headache Disorders. Part one: The primary headaches. Cephalalgia, 24(Suppl. 1), 23-136.

Protocol ID


Export Variables
Variable Name Variable IDVariable DescriptiondbGaP Mapping
PX130501180000 If diagnosed with migraines, at what age more
were you FIRST DIAGNOSED with migraines? show less
Variable Mapping
PX130501100000 At what age did you BEGIN having severe headaches? N/A
PX130501140200 Are you currently taking any other more
medication on a DAILY basis? (X ALL That Apply) 2 = Prescription medicine (other than water pill) for high blood pressure show less
PX130501140500 Are you currently taking any other more
medication on a DAILY basis? (X ALL That Apply) 5 = Prescription medicine for cholesterol show less
PX130501140600 Are you currently taking any other more
medication on a DAILY basis? (X ALL That Apply) 6 = Prescription medicine for depression or anxiety show less
PX130501140400 Are you currently taking any other more
medication on a DAILY basis? (X ALL That Apply) 4 = Prescription medicine for diabetes show less
PX130501140300 Are you currently taking any other more
medication on a DAILY basis? (X ALL That Apply) 3 = Prescription medicine for seizures, epilepsy, or fits show less
PX130501140100 Are you currently taking any other more
medication on a DAILY basis? (X ALL That Apply) 1 = Water pill or prescription diuretic for high blood pressure show less
PX130501160000 Do you consider your severe headaches to be more
migraines? show less
PX130501020100 Age: Variable Mapping
PX130501170300 Have you ever been diagnosed by a physician more
or other health professional as suffering from... ? (X ALL That Apply) 3 = Cluster headaches show less
PX130501170600 Have you ever been diagnosed by a physician more
or other health professional as suffering from... ? (X ALL That Apply) 6 = Migraine headaches show less
PX130501170500 Have you ever been diagnosed by a physician more
or other health professional as suffering from... ? (X ALL That Apply) 5 = Sick headaches show less
PX130501170200 Have you ever been diagnosed by a physician more
or other health professional as suffering from... ? (X ALL That Apply) 2 = Sinus headaches show less
PX130501170400 Have you ever been diagnosed by a physician more
or other health professional as suffering from... ? (X ALL That Apply) 4 = Stress headaches show less
PX130501170100 Have you ever been diagnosed by a physician more
or other health professional as suffering from... ? (X ALL That Apply) 1 = Tension headaches show less
PX130501110000 Have you ever gone to the hospital emergency more
room or to an urgent care clinic because of your severe headaches? show less
PX130501020200 Sex Variable Mapping
PX130501030500 When you have a severe headache, do you more
experience any of the following? (X ALL That Apply) 5 = Pain-free intervals of days or weeks between severe headache attacks show less
PX130501030600 When you have a severe headache, do you more
experience any of the following? (X ALL That Apply) 6 = Sensitivity to light show less
Variable Mapping
PX130501030100 When you have a severe headache, do you more
experience any of the following? (X ALL That Apply) 1 = Nausea show less
Variable Mapping
PX130501030700 When you have a severe headache, do you more
experience any of the following? (X ALL That Apply) 7 = Sensitivity to noise show less
Variable Mapping
PX130501031000 When you have a severe headache, do you more
experience any of the following? (X ALL That Apply) 10 = Numbness of lips, tongue, fingers, or legs before the headache starts show less
PX130501030300 When you have a severe headache, do you more
experience any of the following? (X ALL That Apply) 3 = One side of head only show less
Variable Mapping
PX130501030400 When you have a severe headache, do you more
experience any of the following? (X ALL That Apply) 4 = Pulsating/throbbing headaches show less
Variable Mapping
PX130501030900 When you have a severe headache, do you more
experience any of the following? (X ALL That Apply) 9 = Seeing shimmering lights, circles, other shapes, or colors before the eyes, before the headache starts show less
Variable Mapping
PX130501030800 When you have a severe headache, do you more
experience any of the following? (X ALL That Apply) 8 = Blurring of vision show less
PX130501030200 When you have a severe headache, do you more
experience any of the following? (X ALL That Apply) 2 = Vomiting show less
Variable Mapping
PX130501080000 On how many days in the last 3 months did more
you have a headache (if headache lasted more than 1 day, count each day)? show less
PX130501130000 Have you ever taken prescription medication more
for headache on a DAILY basis, whether or not you have a headache, to help prevent a severe headache from happening in the first place? show less
PX130501190000 Height? Variable Mapping
PX130501190100 Height? N/A
PX130501060000 Which best describes how you are usually more
affected by severe headaches? (X ONE) show less
PX130501070000 Each time you have a severe headache, how more
long are you unable to work or undertake normal activities? (X ONE) show less
PX130501150000 When did you last take prescription more
medication for headache on a DAILY basis to help prevent a severe headache from happening in the first place? (X ONE) show less
PX130501090400 Because of your headaches on how many days more
in the last 3 months... ? was your productivity in house-hold work reduced by half or more (not including days counted in qu. 9c above) show less
PX130501090500 Because of your headaches on how many days more
in the last 3 months... ? did you miss family, social, or leisure activities show less
PX130501090100 Because of your headaches on how many days more
in the last 3 months... ? did you miss work or school show less
PX130501090300 Because of your headaches on how many days more
in the last 3 months... ? did you not do household work show less
PX130501090200 Because of your headaches on how many days more
in the last 3 months... ? was your productivity at work/school reduced by half or more (not including days missed in qu. 9a above) show less
PX130501040100 About how often do your severe headaches more
occur? (Write In Number Of Headache Days You Have Per Week Or Month Or Year) show less
Variable Mapping
PX130501040000 About how often do your severe headaches more
occur? (Write In Number Of Headache Days You Have Per Week Or Month Or Year) show less
Variable Mapping
PX130501010000 Over the past year, have you suffered from more
severe headaches? show less
Variable Mapping
PX130501050000 Which statement best describes the pain of more
your severe headaches? (X ONE) show less
PX130501120000 Which best describes the way you usually more
treat severe headaches? (X ONE) show less
PX130501200000 Weight? Variable Mapping
Measure Name


Release Date

May 12, 2010


A questionnaire to assess migraines and headaches.


This measure is used to screen a general population for the presence of headaches and migraines and to assess some of the associated symptoms.


Neurology, headache, pain, sickle cell disease, SCD

Measure Protocols
Protocol ID Protocol Name
130501 Migraine - Adult
130502 Migraine - Children