
Protocol - Migraine - Children

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The Pediatric Migraine Disability Assessment (PedMIDAS) headache disability questionnaire is completed by the patient and his/her parent and is reviewed with the clinician or study staff. It captures the impact of headaches on school performance (three questions), activities at home (one question on homework or chores), and social and/or sports functions (two questions). The PedMIDAS is scored by summing the answers across the six questions. If a range is provided as an answer, either use the high end of the range or prompt for a single answer. The frequency and severity are not scored but can be used for clinical reference.

Specific Instructions



This protocol is freely available; permission not required for use.


Pediatric Migraine Disability Assessment (PedMIDAS)

Headache Disability.

The following questions try to assess how much the headaches are affecting day-to-day activity. Your answers should be based on the last three months. There are no "right" or "wrong" answers so please put down your best guess.

1. How many full school days of school were missed in the last 3 months due to headaches?


2. How many partial days of school were missed in the last 3 months due to headaches (do not include full days counted in the first question)?


3. How many days in the last 3 months did you function at less than half your ability in school because of a headache (do not include days counted in the first two questions)?


4. How many days were you not able to do things at home (i.e., chores, homework, etc.) due to a headache?


5. How many days did you not participate in other activities due to headaches (i.e., play, go out, sports, etc.)?


6. How many days did you participate in these activities, but functioned at less than half your ability (do not include days counted in the 5th question)?


Total PedMIDAS Score


Headache Frequency


Headache Severity



The PedMIDAS is scored by summing the answers across the 6 questions. If a range is provided as an answer, either use the high end of the range or prompt for a single answer. The frequency and severity are not scored but can be used for clinical reference.

PedMIDAS Score Range

Disability Grade

0 to 10

Little to none

11 to 30


31 to 50


Greater than 50


2001, Children’s Hospital Medical Center

All Rights Reserved

Personnel and Training Required


Equipment Needs


Requirement CategoryRequired
Major equipment No
Specialized training No
Specialized requirements for biospecimen collection No
Average time of greater than 15 minutes in an unaffected individual No
Mode of Administration

Self- or proxy-administered questionnaire


Child, Adolescent


Children and adolescents, ages 4-18

Selection Rationale

The Pediatric Migraine Disability Assessment (PedMIDAS) is a brief, valid, and reliable self-administered questionnaire that measures the impact of migraines on children and adolescents and can be used to monitor treatment.



Human Phenotype Ontology Migraine HP:0002076 HPO
caDSR Form PhenX PX130502 - Pediatric Migraine Disability Assessment Pedmidas 6872740 caDSR Form
Derived Variables


Process and Review

Expert Review Panel 4 (ERP 4) reviewed the measures in the Neurology, Psychiatric, and Psychosocial domains.

Guidance from ERP 4 included the following:

  • No changes

Protocol Name from Source

The Pediatric Migraine Disability Assessment (PedMIDAS)


Hershey, A. D., Powers, S. W., Vockell, A. L., LeCates, S., Kabbouche, M. A., & Maynard, M. K. (2001). PedMIDAS: Development of a questionnaire to assess disability of migraines in children. Neurology, 57(11), 2034-2039.

General References

Hershey, A. D., Powers, S. W., Vockell, A. L., LeCates, S. L., Segers, A., & Kabbouche, M. A. (2004). Development of a patient-based grading scale for PedMIDAS. Cephalagia, 24(10), 844-849.

Heyer, G. L., Merison, K., Rose, S. C., Perkins, S. Q., Lee, J. M., & Stewart, W. C. (2014). PedMIDAS-based scoring underestimates migraine disability on non-school days. Headache, 54(6), 1048-1053.

Rapoff, M. A., Connelly, M., Bickel, J. L., Powers, S. W., Hershey, A. D., Allen, J. R., Karlson, C. W., Litzenburg, C. C., & Belmont, J. M. (2014). Headstrong intervention for pediatric migraine headache: a randomized clinical trial. Journal of Headache and Pain, 15, 12.

Protocol ID


Export Variables
Variable Name Variable IDVariable DescriptiondbGaP Mapping
PX130502040000 How many days were you not able to do things more
at home (i.e., chores, homework, etc.) due to a headache? show less
PX130502050000 How many days did you not participate in more
other activities due to headaches (i.e., play, go out, sports, etc.)? show less
PX130502060000 How many days did you participate in these more
activities, but functioned at less than half your ability (do not include days counted in the 5th question)? show less
PX130502030000 How many days in the last 3 months did you more
function at less than half your ability in school because of a headache (do not include days counted in the first two questions)? show less
PX130502070000 Headache Frequency N/A
PX130502080000 Headache Severity N/A
PX130502010000 How many full school days of school were more
missed in the last 3 months due to headaches? show less
PX130502020000 How many partial days of school were missed more
in the last 3 months due to headaches (do not include full days counted in the first question)? show less
Measure Name


Release Date

May 12, 2010


A questionnaire to assess migraines and headaches.


This measure is used to screen a general population for the presence of headaches and migraines and to assess some of the associated symptoms.


Neurology, headache, pain, sickle cell disease, SCD

Measure Protocols
Protocol ID Protocol Name
130501 Migraine - Adult
130502 Migraine - Children