Research Domain - Gastrointestinal

Release Date:

December 13, 2010

Scope of Domain:
Scope Elements Final Protocols To Toolkit (13)
Abdominal pain, recurrent Pain, Abdominal (Type and Intensity)
Functional bowel Assessment of Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders
Diarrhea, recurrent
Constipation, recurrent
Food poisoning or travel-related organisms
Celiac disease (sprue) Celiac Sprue Assay
Irritable bowel syndrome/disease
Crohn's disease, Colitis, Gastrointestinal (GI) infections Health Impact of Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Stomach cancer
Pancreatitis, pancreatic cancer
Gallstones and other gall-bladder-related conditions Assessment of Gallbladder Disease and Related Conditions
Liver disorders Liver Function Assay
Colon cancers, polyps Colorectal Procedures and Outcomes
Esophageal cancers
Dysphagia (swallowing disorders)
Structural GI Disorders
Family history
Alcohol use
Cigarette use
Visceral Fat
H. Pylori
Depression/anxiety Emotional Distress
Lactose intolerance
Food allergies
Computed Tomography (CT) of the Abdominal Organs
Personal History of Gastrointestinal Conditions
Physical, Social, and Mental Health Functioning
Working Group Roster:

WG Members:

David Whitcomb, MD, PhD, Chair
University of Pittsburgh
School of Medicine
Pittsburgh, PA
David Binion, MD
University of Pittsburgh
Department of Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition
Pittsburgh, PA
Steven Brant, MD
Johns Hopkins University
School of Medicine, Gastroenterology Department
Baltimore, MD
Alison Klein, PhD, MHS
Johns Hopkins University
School of Medicine, The Sol Goldman Pancreatic Cancer Research Center
Baltimore, MD
Cynthia Ko, MD, MSc
University of Washington
Division of Gastroenterology
Seattle, WA
Brian Lacy, MD, PhD
Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center
Gastroenterology and Hepatology
Lebanon, NH
Yehuda Ringel, MD
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Department of Medicine, Division of Gastroenterology
Chapel Hill, NC
Yuri Saito-Loftus, MD, MPH
Mayo Clinic
Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology
Rochester, MN

SC Liaison, WG Manager and WG Supervisor:

William R. Harlan, MD, SC Liaison
National Institutes of Health
Bethesda, MD
Nöelle Richa Siegfried, MFA, WG Manager
RTI International
Research Triangle Park, NC
Tabitha P. Hendershot, BA, WG Supervisor
RTI International
Washington, DC
Protocol Name ID Status DCW DD DD Mapping
Adolescent Pediatric Pain Tool (APPT) 190902 retired N/A N/A N/A
Short Form-McGill Pain Questionnaire-2 (SF-MPQ-2) 190901 retired N/A N/A N/A