
Protocol - Acute Subjective Response to Substances - Current - Specific - Drugs

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The Addiction Research Center Inventory (ARCI) is a subjective drug effects questionnaire to evaluate whether a respondent is currently affected by or under the influence of a psychologically active drug. The self-reported questionnaire was developed in the early 1960s at the National Institute of Mental Health Addiction Research Center from the use of sentence completion and other association techniques on male subjects under drug and placebo conditions. The full form of ARCI contains 550 true-false items to delineate schizoid and psychopathic characteristics, and shortened versions are widely used for both males and females.

Specific Instructions

The Addiction Research Center Inventory (ARCI) is used in laboratory studies to assess the subjective effects of acute doses of drugs of abuse, usually under double-blind, placebo-controlled conditions. The experimenter administers a single dose of a drug or a placebo using an appropriate route (oral, intravenous, intranasal, buccal, inhaled or other). The participant typically completes the ARCI before and again at regular intervals after ingesting active drug or placebo, to characterize the full time course of the drug effect, including the time of onset, time to peak, and return to baseline. The ARCI provides an index of similarity to different classes of drugs (e.g., stimulant, sedative, lysergic acid diethylamide [LSD]-like) and also provides a measure of euphoria induced by several different drugs. The LSD scale is used occasionally as an indicator of dysphoria (negative mood or confusion).

Depending on the purpose of the study, the investigator may include some but not all of these subscales. Note that some items appear on more than one scale. When using multiple scales, as demonstrated by Martin et al. (1971), each item should appear only once but should be scored in all appropriate scales, and the items (some of which are reverse-scored) should be intermixed across scales.

The Substance Abuse and Addiction Working Group acknowledges that the following questions may gather sensitive information relating to the use of substances and/or illegal conduct. If the information is released, it might be damaging to an individual’s employability, lead to social stigmatization, or lead to other consequences.

Most researchers assure confidentiality as part of their informed consent process, as required by their institutional review boards. Further assurance of confidentiality may be obtained by applying to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) for a Certificate of Confidentiality, which helps researchers protect the privacy of human research participants. The procedures for the Certificate of Confidentiality can be found at the Grants Policy website of NIH: http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/policy/coc/index.htm.


This protocol is freely available; permission not required for use.


Amphetamine Scale:

1. I feel as if I would be more popular with people right now.

[ ] T

[ ] F

2. I feel a very pleasant emptiness.

[ ] T

[ ] F

3. My thoughts come more easily than usual.

[ ] T

[ ] F

4. I feel less discouraged than usual.

[ ] T

[ ] F

5. I feel more excited than dreamy.

[ ] T

[ ] F

6. Answering these questions is very easy right now.

[ ] T

[ ] F

7. My memory seems sharper to me than usual.

[ ] T

[ ] F

8. I feel as if I could write for hours.

[ ] T

[ ] F

9. I feel very patient.

[ ] T

[ ] F

10. Some parts of my body are tingling.

[ ] T

[ ] F

11. I have a weird feeling.

[ ] T

[ ] F

Morphine-Benzedrine Scale:

12. I feel as though I say things in the easiest possible way right now.

[ ] T

[ ] F

13. Things around me seem more pleasing than usual.

[ ] T

[ ] F

14. I have a pleasant feeling in my stomach.

[ ] T

[ ] F

15. I fear I will lose the contentment that I have now.

[ ] T

[ ] F

16. I feel in complete harmony with the world and those around me.

[ ] T

[ ] F

17. I can completely appreciate what others are saying when I am in this mood.

[ ] T

[ ] F

18. I would be happy all the time if I felt as good as I feel now.

[ ] T

[ ] F

19. I feel so good that I know other people can tell it.

[ ] T

[ ] F

20. I feel as if something pleasant had just happened to me.

[ ] T

[ ] F

21. I would be happy all the time if I felt as I do now.

[ ] T

[ ] F

22. I feel more clear headed than dreamy.

[ ] T

[ ] F

23. I feel as if I would be more popular with people right now.

[ ] T

[ ] F

24. I am in the mood to talk about the feelings I have.

[ ] T

[ ] F

25. I feel a very pleasant emptiness.

[ ] T

[ ] F

26. My thoughts come more easily than usual.

[ ] T

[ ] F

27. I feel less discouraged than usual.

[ ] T

[ ] F

Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) Scale:

28. I feel drowsy.

[ ] T

[ ] F

29. I would be happy all the time if I felt as I do now.

[ ] T

[ ] F

30. I feel very patient.

[ ] T

[ ] F

31. Some parts of my body are tingling.

[ ] T

[ ] F

32. I have a weird feeling.

[ ] T

[ ] F

33. It seems I am spending longer than I should on each of these questions.

[ ] T

[ ] F

34. My hands feel clumsy.

[ ] T

[ ] F

35. I notice my hand shakes when I write.

[ ] T

[ ] F

36. I have a disturbance in my stomach.

[ ] T

[ ] F

37. I have an increasing awareness of my bodily sensations.

[ ] T

[ ] F

38. I feel anxious and upset.

[ ] T

[ ] F

39. I have an unusual weakness in my muscles.

[ ] T

[ ] F

40. A thrill has gone through me one or more times since I started this test.

[ ] T

[ ] F

41. My movements are free, relaxed, and pleasurable.

[ ] T

[ ] F

Benzedrine Scale:

42. People might say I am a little dull right now.

[ ] T

[ ] F

43. I feel more clear headed than dreamy.

[ ] T

[ ] F

44. My thoughts come more easily than usual.

[ ] T

[ ] F

45. I am in the mood to talk about the feelings I have.

[ ] T

[ ] F

46. Answering these questions is very easy right now.

[ ] T

[ ] F

47. My memory seems sharper to me than usual.

[ ] T

[ ] F

48. I feel as if I could write for hours.

[ ] T

[ ] F

49. Some parts of my body are tingling.

[ ] T

[ ] F

50. My movements seem faster than usual.

[ ] T

[ ] F

51. I have better control over myself than usual.

[ ] T

[ ] F

52. My movements seem slower than usual.

[ ] T

[ ] F

53. I find it hard to keep my mind on a task or job.

[ ] T

[ ] F

54. I don’t feel like reading anything right now.

[ ] T

[ ] F

Pentobarbital-Chlorpromazine-Alcohol Scale:

55. My speech is slurred.

[ ] T

[ ] F

56. I am not as active as usual.

[ ] T

[ ] F

57. I have a feeling of just dragging along rather than coasting.

[ ] T

[ ] F

58. I feel sluggish.

[ ] T

[ ] F

59. My head feels heavy.

[ ] T

[ ] F

60. I feel like avoiding people although I usually do not feel this way.

[ ] T

[ ] F

61. I feel dizzy.

[ ] T

[ ] F

62. It seems harder than usual to move around.

[ ] T

[ ] F

63. I am moody.

[ ] T

[ ] F

64. People might say I am a little dull right now.

[ ] T

[ ] F

65. I feel drowsy.

[ ] T

[ ] F

66. I am full of energy.

[ ] T

[ ] F

67. I feel more clear headed than dreamy.

[ ] T

[ ] F

68. I feel more excited than dreamy.

[ ] T

[ ] F

69. A thrill has gone through me one or more times since I started this test.

[ ] T

[ ] F

Marijuana Scale:

70. Things around me seem more pleasing than usual.

[ ] T

[ ] F

71. I feel as if something pleasant had just happened to me.

[ ] T

[ ] F

72. I have difficulty in remembering.

[ ] T

[ ] F

73. I feel a very pleasant emptiness.

[ ] T

[ ] F

74. My mouth seems very dry.

[ ] T

[ ] F

75. Some parts of my body are tingling.

[ ] T

[ ] F

76. I have a weird feeling.

[ ] T

[ ] F

77. My movements seem slower than usual.

[ ] T

[ ] F

78. I notice that my heart is beating faster.

[ ] T

[ ] F

79. My thoughts seem to come and go.

[ ] T

[ ] F

80. I notice my hands are shaking.

[ ] T

[ ] F

81. I have an increasing awareness of my bodily sensations.

[ ] T

[ ] F

Scoring Procedures and Interpretation

The Addiction Research Center Inventory (ARCI) answer sheet is in true-false format. In scoring all scales, one point is given for each response, which agrees with the scoring direction (Haertzen, 1974a). One point is given for each true response in items 1-21, 23-27, 31-40, 43-51, 55-65, and 70-81. One point is given for each false response in the reverse-scored items 22, 28-30, 41, 42, 52-54, and 66-69. The final score for each scale is the sum of the total true and reverse-scored false responses.

Personnel and Training Required


Equipment Needs


Requirement CategoryRequired
Major equipment No
Specialized training No
Specialized requirements for biospecimen collection No
Average time of greater than 15 minutes in an unaffected individual No
Mode of Administration

Self-administered questionnaire


Adult, Senior


Adults aged 18 years and older

Selection Rationale

The full form of the Addiction Research Center Inventory (ARCI) effectively differentiates various subjective effects of drugs and detects similarities and differences of naturally occurring and experimentally induced behavioral abnormalities. However, it is rarely administered in its full form because of its length. An abbreviated form of the ARCI can be administered quickly and provides a good index of the quality, magnitude, and time course of a drug’s effects. A 49-item version is composed of five different scales (Amphetamine, Morphine-Benzedrine, Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD), Benzedrine, and Pentobarbital-Chlorpromazine-Alcohol) for various classes of drug effects (Martin et al., 1971). A 53-item version also includes a sixth scale, measuring marijuana effects (Chait et al., 1994). This was selected due to its low burden.


English, Other languages available at source

Human Phenotype Ontology Addictive behavior HP:0030858 HPO
caDSR Form PhenX PX520101 - Acute Subjective Resp To Substcurrentspecificdrugs 6216294 caDSR Form
Derived Variables


Process and Review

The Expert Review Panel #3 (ERP 3) reviewed the measures in Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Substances, and Substance Abuse and Addiction domains.

Guidance from ERP 3 includes:

• No significant changes to measure

Back-compatible: NA no changes to Data Dictionary

Protocol Name from Source

Addiction Research Center Inventory (ARCI)


Amphetamine, Morphine-Benzedrine, Lysergic Acid (LSD), Benzedrine, and Pentobarbital-Chlorpromazine-Alcohol Scales

Martin, W. R., Sloan, J. W., Sapira, J. D., & Jasinski, D. R. (1971). Physiologic, subjective, and behavioral effects of amphetamine, methamphetamine, ephedrine, phenmetrazine, and methylphenidate in man. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 12(2), 245-258.

Marijuana Scale

Chait, L. D., & Perry, J. L. (1994). Acute and residual effects of alcohol and marijuana, alone and in combination, on mood and performance. Psychopharmacology, 115(3), 340-349.

General References

Haertzen, C. A. (1965). Addiction Research Center Inventory (ARCI): Development of a general drug estimation scale. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 141, 300-307.

Haertzen, C. A., & Hickey, J. E. (1987). Addiction Research Center Inventory (ARCI): Measurement of euphoria and other drug effects. In M. A. Bozarth (Ed.), Methods of assessing the reinforcing properties of abused drugs (pp. 489-524). New York: Springer-Verlag.

Haertzen, C. A., Hill, H. E., & Belleville, R. E. (1963). Development of the Addiction Research Center Inventory (ARCI): Selection of items that are sensitive to the effects of various drugs. Psychopharmacologia, 4, 155-166.

Hill, H. E., Haertzen, C. A., Wolbach, A. B., Jr., & Miner, E. J. (1963). The Addiction Research Center Inventory: Standarization of scales which evaluate subjective effects of morphine, Amphetamine, pentobarbital, alcohol, LSD-25, pyrahexyl and chlorpromazine. Psychopharmacologia, 4, 167-183.

Kirk, J. M., Doty, P., & de Wit, H. (1998). Effects of expectancies on subjective responses to oral ∆9-tetrahydrocannabinol. Pharmacology, Biochemistry, and Behavior, 59, 287-293.

Preston, K. L., & Jasinski, D. R. (1991). Abuse liability studies of opioid agonist-antagonists in humans. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 28(1), 49-82.

Wachtel, S. R., ElSohly, M. A., Ross, S. A., Ambre, J., & de Wit, H. (2002). Comparison of the subjective effects of ∆9-tetrahydrocannabinol and marijuana in humans. Psychopharmacology, 161, 331-339.

Protocol ID


Export Variables
Variable Name Variable IDVariable DescriptiondbGaP Mapping
PX520101060000 Answering these questions is very easy right now. N/A
PX520101460000 Answering these questions is very easy right now. N/A
PX520101380000 I feel anxious and upset. N/A
PX520101170000 I can completely appreciate what others are more
saying when I am in this mood. show less
PX520101370000 I have an increasing awareness of my bodily more
sensations. show less
PX520101510000 I have better control over myself than usual. N/A
PX520101100000 Some parts of my body are tingling. N/A
PX520101490000 Some parts of my body are tingling. N/A
PX520101310000 Some parts of my body are tingling. N/A
PX520101750000 Some parts of my body are tingling. N/A
PX520101720000 I have difficulty in remembering. N/A
PX520101540000 I don't feel like reading anything right now. N/A
PX520101570000 I have a feeling of just dragging along more
rather than coasting. show less
PX520101640000 People might say I am a little dull right now. N/A
PX520101150000 I fear I will lose the contentment that I more
have now. show less
PX520101280000 I feel drowsy. N/A
PX520101160000 I feel in complete harmony with the world more
and those around me. show less
PX520101040000 I feel less discouraged than usual. N/A
PX520101600000 I feel like avoiding people although I more
usually do not feel this way. show less
PX520101200000 I feel as if something pleasant had just more
happened to me. show less
PX520101090000 I feel very patient. N/A
PX520101300000 I feel very patient. N/A
PX520101660000 I am full of energy. N/A
PX520101800000 I notice my hands are shaking. N/A
PX520101210000 I would be happy all the time if I felt as I more
do now. show less
PX520101290000 I would be happy all the time if I felt as I more
do now. show less
PX520101180000 I would be happy all the time if I felt as more
good as I feel now. show less
PX520101620000 It seems harder than usual to move around. N/A
PX520101530000 I find it hard to keep my mind on a task or job. N/A
PX520101780000 I notice that my heart is beating faster. N/A
PX520101810000 I have an increasing awareness of my bodily more
sensations. show less
PX520101630000 I am moody. N/A
PX520101610000 I feel dizzy. N/A
PX520101650000 I feel drowsy. N/A
PX520101580000 I feel sluggish. N/A
PX520101270000 I feel less discouraged than usual. N/A
PX520101420000 People might say I am a little dull right now. N/A
PX520101470000 My memory seems sharper to me than usual. N/A
PX520101430000 I feel more clear headed than dreamy. N/A
PX520101670000 I feel more clear headed than dreamy. N/A
PX520101220000 I feel more clear headed than dreamy. N/A
PX520101680000 I feel more excited than dreamy. N/A
PX520101050000 I feel more excited than dreamy. N/A
PX520101700000 Things around me seem more pleasing than usual. N/A
PX520101010000 I feel as if I would be more popular with more
people right now. show less
PX520101230000 I feel as if I would be more popular with more
people right now. show less
PX520101740000 My mouth seems very dry. N/A
PX520101500000 My movements seem faster than usual. N/A
PX520101410000 My movements are free, relaxed, and pleasurable. N/A
PX520101520000 My movements seem slower than usual. N/A
PX520101770000 My movements seem slower than usual. N/A
PX520101340000 My hands feel clumsy. N/A
PX520101350000 I notice my hand shakes when I write. N/A
PX520101590000 My head feels heavy. N/A
PX520101070000 My memory seems sharper to me than usual. N/A
PX520101550000 My speech is slurred. N/A
PX520101560000 I am not as active as usual. N/A
PX520101190000 I feel so good that I know other people can more
tell it. show less
PX520101020000 I feel a very pleasant emptiness. N/A
PX520101730000 I feel a very pleasant emptiness. N/A
PX520101250000 I feel a very pleasant emptiness. N/A
PX520101140000 I have a pleasant feeling in my stomach. N/A
PX520101120000 I feel as though I say things in the easiest more
possible way right now. show less
PX520101710000 I feel as if something pleasant had just more
happened to me. show less
PX520101330000 It seems I am spending longer than I should more
on each of these questions. show less
PX520101360000 I have a disturbance in my stomach. N/A
PX520101450000 I am in the mood to talk about the feelings more
I have. show less
PX520101240000 I am in the mood to talk about the feelings more
I have. show less
PX520101130000 Things around me seem more pleasing than usual. N/A
PX520101790000 My thoughts seem to come and go. N/A
PX520101030000 My thoughts come more easily than usual. N/A
PX520101440000 My thoughts come more easily than usual. N/A
PX520101260000 My thoughts come more easily than usual. N/A
PX520101400000 A thrill has gone through me one or more more
times since I started this test. show less
PX520101690000 A thrill has gone through me one or more more
times since I started this test. show less
PX520101390000 I have an unusual weakness in my muscles. N/A
PX520101110000 I have a weird feeling. N/A
PX520101320000 I have a weird feeling. N/A
PX520101760000 I have a weird feeling. N/A
PX520101080000 I feel as if I could write for hours. N/A
PX520101480000 I feel as if I could write for hours. N/A
Substance-specific Intermediate Phenotypes
Measure Name

Acute Subjective Response to Substances - Current

Release Date

February 24, 2012


Instruments used separately to assess current acute subjective responses to substances that the respondent has recently ingested or used.


This measure is to assess a respondent’s feelings after recently smoking cigarettes, ingesting alcohol, or using drugs. The protocol is used to obtain subjective responses to the tobacco, alcohol, or drug administered. The Working Group recommends that investigators use the primary protocol to obtain general information on a variety of substances. The secondary protocols can then be used to obtain detailed information on a specific substance.


Addiction Research Center Inventory, Adjective Checklist, alcohol, Amphetamine, ARCI, BAES, Benzedrine, Biphasic Alcohol Effects Scale, Buzz, cigarettes, dizziness, DEQ, Drug Effects Questionnaire, Early Response, Irritable, LSD, marijuana, mCEQ, modified Cigarette Evaluation Questionnaire, Morphine-Benzedrine, National Institute of Mental Health Addiction Research Center, Nausea, Pentobarbital-Chlorpromazine-Alcohol, Rush, SAA, smoking, substance abuse, Substance-specific Intermediate Phenotypes

Measure Protocols
Protocol ID Protocol Name
520101 Acute Subjective Response to Substances - Current - Specific - Drugs
520102 Acute Subjective Response to Substances - Current - Specific - Alcohol
520103 Acute Subjective Response to Substances - Current - General
520104 Acute Subjective Response to Substances - Current - Specific - Tobacco