
Protocol - Deterrents to Suicide - Clinical - Child

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The Reasons for Living for Adolescents (RFL-A) inventory includes 32 self-report items that measure the adolescent respondent’s various reasons for living and their attitudes about living versus committing suicide. The RFL-A includes subscales for family alliance, suicide-related concerns, self-acceptance, peer-acceptance and support, and future optimism. Each item is rated on a 6-point Likert scale ranging from 1 ("not at all important") to 6 ("extremely important"). Ratings for each subscale are constructed by calculating the mean rating for all items in the subscale. The total RFL‑A score is constructed by calculating the mean rating for all items.

Specific Instructions

This protocol includes questions that can potentially identify respondents who are at risk of suicide. Investigators implementing this protocol should consider developing a risk management plan specific to their study to ensure the safety of participants. The following links provide additional information and guidelines for suicide-related research:




This protocol is freely available; permission not required for use.


Reasons for Living for Adolescents

The questionnaire lists specific reasons that people sometimes have for not committing suicide, if the thought were to occur to them or if someone were to suggest it to them. Please read each statement carefully, and then choose the number that best describes how important each reason is to you for not committing suicide.

Use the scale below and circle the appropriate number in the space to the right of each statement. Please use the whole range of choices so as not to rate only at the middle (2, 3, 4, and 5) or only at the extremes (1, 6).

How important to you is this reason for not committing suicide?

1. Whenever I have a problem, I can turn to my family for support or advice.

1[ ] Not At All Important

2[ ]Quite Unimportant

3[ ]Somewhat Unimportant

4[ ] Somewhat Important

5[ ] Quite Important

6[ ]Extremely Important

2. It would be painful and frightening to take my own life.

1[ ] Not At All Important

2[ ]Quite Unimportant

3[ ]Somewhat Unimportant

4[ ] Somewhat Important

5[ ] Quite Important

6[ ]Extremely Important

3. I accept myself for what I am.

1[ ] Not At All Important

2[ ]Quite Unimportant

3[ ]Somewhat Unimportant

4[ ] Somewhat Important

5[ ] Quite Important

6[ ]Extremely Important

4. I have a lot to look forward to as I grow older.

1[ ] Not At All Important

2[ ]Quite Unimportant

3[ ]Somewhat Unimportant

4[ ] Somewhat Important

5[ ] Quite Important

6[ ]Extremely Important

5. My friends stand by me whenever I have a problem.

1[ ] Not At All Important

2[ ]Quite Unimportant

3[ ]Somewhat Unimportant

4[ ] Somewhat Important

5[ ] Quite Important

6[ ]Extremely Important

6. I feel loved and accepted by my close friends.

1[ ] Not At All Important

2[ ]Quite Unimportant

3[ ]Somewhat Unimportant

4[ ] Somewhat Important

5[ ] Quite Important

6[ ]Extremely Important

7. I feel emotionally close to my family.

1[ ] Not At All Important

2[ ]Quite Unimportant

3[ ]Somewhat Unimportant

4[ ] Somewhat Important

5[ ] Quite Important

6[ ]Extremely Important

8. I am afraid to die, so I would not consider killing myself.

1[ ] Not At All Important

2[ ]Quite Unimportant

3[ ]Somewhat Unimportant

4[ ] Somewhat Important

5[ ] Quite Important

6[ ]Extremely Important

9. I like myself just the way I am.

1[ ] Not At All Important

2[ ]Quite Unimportant

3[ ]Somewhat Unimportant

4[ ] Somewhat Important

5[ ] Quite Important

6[ ]Extremely Important

10. My friends care a lot about me.

1[ ] Not At All Important

2[ ]Quite Unimportant

3[ ]Somewhat Unimportant

4[ ] Somewhat Important

5[ ] Quite Important

6[ ]Extremely Important

11. I would like to accomplish my plans or goals in the future.

1[ ] Not At All Important

2[ ]Quite Unimportant

3[ ]Somewhat Unimportant

4[ ] Somewhat Important

5[ ] Quite Important

6[ ]Extremely Important

12. My family takes the time to listen to my experiences at school, work, or home.

1[ ] Not At All Important

2[ ]Quite Unimportant

3[ ]Somewhat Unimportant

4[ ] Somewhat Important

5[ ] Quite Important

6[ ]Extremely Important

13. I expect many good things to happen to me in the future.

1[ ] Not At All Important

2[ ]Quite Unimportant

3[ ]Somewhat Unimportant

4[ ] Somewhat Important

5[ ] Quite Important

6[ ]Extremely Important

14. I am satisfied with myself.

1[ ] Not At All Important

2[ ]Quite Unimportant

3[ ]Somewhat Unimportant

4[ ] Somewhat Important

5[ ] Quite Important

6[ ]Extremely Important

15. I am hopeful about my plans or goals for the future.

1[ ] Not At All Important

2[ ]Quite Unimportant

3[ ]Somewhat Unimportant

4[ ] Somewhat Important

5[ ] Quite Important

6[ ]Extremely Important

16. I believe my friends appreciate me when I am with them.

1[ ] Not At All Important

2[ ]Quite Unimportant

3[ ]Somewhat Unimportant

4[ ] Somewhat Important

5[ ] Quite Important

6[ ]Extremely Important

17. I enjoy being with my family.

1[ ] Not At All Important

2[ ]Quite Unimportant

3[ ]Somewhat Unimportant

4[ ] Somewhat Important

5[ ] Quite Important

6[ ]Extremely Important

18. I feel that I am an OK person.

1[ ] Not At All Important

2[ ]Quite Unimportant

3[ ]Somewhat Unimportant

4[ ] Somewhat Important

5[ ] Quite Important

6[ ]Extremely Important

19. I expect to be successful in the future.

1[ ] Not At All Important

2[ ]Quite Unimportant

3[ ]Somewhat Unimportant

4[ ] Somewhat Important

5[ ] Quite Important

6[ ]Extremely Important

20. The thought of killing myself scares me.

1[ ] Not At All Important

2[ ]Quite Unimportant

3[ ]Somewhat Unimportant

4[ ] Somewhat Important

5[ ] Quite Important

6[ ]Extremely Important

21. I am afraid of using any method to kill myself.

1[ ] Not At All Important

2[ ]Quite Unimportant

3[ ]Somewhat Unimportant

4[ ] Somewhat Important

5[ ] Quite Important

6[ ]Extremely Important

22. I can count on my friends to help if I have a problem.

1[ ] Not At All Important

2[ ]Quite Unimportant

3[ ]Somewhat Unimportant

4[ ] Somewhat Important

5[ ] Quite Important

6[ ]Extremely Important

23. Most of the time, my family encourages and supports my plans or goals.

1[ ] Not At All Important

2[ ]Quite Unimportant

3[ ]Somewhat Unimportant

4[ ] Somewhat Important

5[ ] Quite Important

6[ ]Extremely Important

24. My family cares about the way I feel.

1[ ] Not At All Important

2[ ]Quite Unimportant

3[ ]Somewhat Unimportant

4[ ] Somewhat Important

5[ ] Quite Important

6[ ]Extremely Important

25. My future looks quite hopeful and promising.

1[ ] Not At All Important

2[ ]Quite Unimportant

3[ ]Somewhat Unimportant

4[ ] Somewhat Important

5[ ] Quite Important

6[ ]Extremely Important

26. I am afraid of killing myself.

1[ ] Not At All Important

2[ ]Quite Unimportant

3[ ]Somewhat Unimportant

4[ ] Somewhat Important

5[ ] Quite Important

6[ ]Extremely Important

27. My friends accept me for what I really am.

1[ ] Not At All Important

2[ ]Quite Unimportant

3[ ]Somewhat Unimportant

4[ ] Somewhat Important

5[ ] Quite Important

6[ ]Extremely Important

28. I have many future plans I am looking forward to carrying out in the future.

1[ ] Not At All Important

2[ ]Quite Unimportant

3[ ]Somewhat Unimportant

4[ ] Somewhat Important

5[ ] Quite Important

6[ ]Extremely Important

29. I feel good about myself.

1[ ] Not At All Important

2[ ]Quite Unimportant

3[ ]Somewhat Unimportant

4[ ] Somewhat Important

5[ ] Quite Important

6[ ]Extremely Important

30. My family cares a lot about what would happen to me.

1[ ] Not At All Important

2[ ]Quite Unimportant

3[ ]Somewhat Unimportant

4[ ] Somewhat Important

5[ ] Quite Important

6[ ]Extremely Important

31. I am happy with myself.

1[ ] Not At All Important

2[ ]Quite Unimportant

3[ ]Somewhat Unimportant

4[ ] Somewhat Important

5[ ] Quite Important

6[ ]Extremely Important

32. I would be frightened or afraid to make plans for killing myself.

1[ ] Not At All Important

2[ ]Quite Unimportant

3[ ]Somewhat Unimportant

4[ ] Somewhat Important

5[ ] Quite Important

6[ ]Extremely Important


Family Alliance (FA) Scale (7 items)

  • Calculate mean rating for items: 1, 7, 12, 17, 23, 24, and 30.

Suicide-related Concerns (SRC) Scale (6 items)

  • Calculate mean rating for items: 2, 8, 20, 21, 26, and 32.

Self-Acceptance (SA) Scale (6 items)

  • Calculate mean rating for items: 3, 9, 14, 18, 29, and 31.

Peer-Acceptance and Support (PAS) Scale (6 items)

  • Calculate mean rating for items: 5, 6, 10, 15, 22, and 27.

Future Optimism (FO) Scale (7 items)

  • Calculate mean rating for items: 4, 11, 13, 15, 19, 25, and 28.

Total Score

  • Calculate mean rating for items 1 to 32.
Personnel and Training Required


Equipment Needs


Requirement CategoryRequired
Major equipment No
Specialized training No
Specialized requirements for biospecimen collection No
Average time of greater than 15 minutes in an unaffected individual No
Mode of Administration

Self-administered questionnaire




Adolescents, ages 15-18

Selection Rationale

The Reasons for Living for Adolescents (RFL-A) inventory is a brief, low-burden, widely used questionnaire with good internal reliability, test-retest reliability, and concurrent validity. The RFL-A can also be used to capture changes in beliefs (e.g., reductions in suicide behaviors).


English, Other languages available at source

Human Phenotype Ontology Suicidal Ideation HP:0031592 HPO
caDSR Form PhenX PX640901 - Deterrents To Suicide Clinical Child 6234315 caDSR Form
Derived Variables


Process and Review

Not applicable.

Protocol Name from Source

The Reasons for Living for Adolescents (RFL-A) inventory


Osman, A., Kopper, B. A., Barrios, F. X., Besett, T. M., Linehan, M. M., Baker, M. T., & Osman J. R. (1996). The brief Reasons for Living Inventory for Adolescents (BRFL-A). Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 24(4), 433-443.

General References

Molock, S. D., Puri, R., Matlin, S., & Barksdale, C. (2006). Relationship Between Religious Coping and Suicidal Behaviors Among African American Adolescents. The Journal of Black Psychology, 32(3): 366-389.

Robinson, J., Hetrick, S., Gook, S., Cosgrave, E., Yuen, H. P., McGorry, P., & Yung, A. (2009). Study protocol: the development of a randomised controlled trial testing a postcard intervention designed to reduce suicide risk among young help-seekers. BMC Psychiatry, 23(9) 59.

Osman, A., Downs, W. R., Kopper, B. A., Barrios, F. X., Baker, M. T., Osman J. R., Besett, T. M., & Linehan, M. M. (1998). The Reasons for Living Inventory for Adolescents (RFL-A): Development and psychometric properties. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 54(8), 1063-1078.

Protocol ID


Export Variables
Variable Name Variable IDVariable DescriptiondbGaP Mapping
PX640901010300 How important to you is this reason for not more
committing suicide?I accept myself for what I am. show less
PX640901_Suicide_Afraid_Of_ Methods
PX640901012100 How important to you is this reason for not more
committing suicide? I am afraid of using any method to kill myself. show less
PX640901012600 How important to you is this reason for not more
committing suicide? I am afraid of killing myself. show less
PX640901010800 How important to you is this reason for not more
committing suicide? I am afraid to die, so I would not consider killing myself. show less
PX640901012200 How important to you is this reason for not more
committing suicide? I can count on my friends to help if I have a problem. show less
PX640901013300 Family Alliance (FA) Scale (7 items) more
• Calculate mean rating for items: 1, 7, 12, 17, 23, 24, and 30. Suicide-related Concerns (SRC) Scale (6 items) • Calculate mean rating for items: 2, 8, 20, 21, 26, and 32. Self-Acceptance (SA) Scale (6 items) show less
PX640901010700 How important to you is this reason for not more
committing suicide? I feel emotionally close to my family. show less
PX640901011700 How important to you is this reason for not more
committing suicide? I enjoy being with my family. show less
PX640901011300 How important to you is this reason for not more
committing suicide? I expect many good things to happen to me in the future. show less
PX640901011900 How important to you is this reason for not more
committing suicide? I expect to be successful in the future. show less
PX640901012400 How important to you is this reason for not more
committing suicide? My family cares about the way I feel. show less
PX640901013000 How important to you is this reason for not more
committing suicide? My family cares a lot about what would happen to me. show less
PX640901011200 How important to you is this reason for not more
committing suicide? My family takes the time to listen to my experiences at school, work, or home. show less
PX640901012300 How important to you is this reason for not more
committing suicide? Most of the time, my family encourages and supports my plans or goals. show less
PX640901012900 How important to you is this reason for not more
committing suicide? I feel good about myself. show less
PX640901011800 How important to you is this reason for not more
committing suicide? I feel that I am an OK person. show less
PX640901012700 How important to you is this reason for not more
committing suicide? My friends accept me for what I really am. show less
PX640901011600 How important to you is this reason for not more
committing suicide? I believe my friends appreciate me when I am with them. show less
PX640901011000 How important to you is this reason for not more
committing suicide? My friends care a lot about me. show less
PX640901010500 How important to you is this reason for not more
committing suicide? y friends stand by me whenever I have a problem. show less
PX640901013200 How important to you is this reason for not more
committing suicide? I would be frightened or afraid to make plans for killing myself. show less
PX640901012500 How important to you is this reason for not more
committing suicide? My future looks quite hopeful and promising. show less
PX640901012800 How important to you is this reason for not more
committing suicide? I have many future plans I am looking forward to carrying out in the future. show less
PX640901010400 How important to you is this reason for not more
committing suicide? . I have a lot to look forward to as I grow older. show less
PX640901013100 How important to you is this reason for not more
committing suicide? I am happy with myself. show less
PX640901011500 How important to you is this reason for not more
committing suicide? I am hopeful about my plans or goals for the future. show less
PX640901010900 How important to you is this reason for not more
committing suicide? I like myself just the way I am. show less
PX640901010600 How important to you is this reason for not more
committing suicide?I feel loved and accepted by my close friends. show less
PX640901010200 How important to you is this reason for not more
committing suicide? It would be painful and frightening to take my own life. show less
PX640901011100 How important to you is this reason for not more
committing suicide? I would like to accomplish my plans or goals in the future. show less
PX640901010100 How important to you is this reason for not more
committing suicide? Whenever I have a problem, I can turn to my family for support or advice. show less
PX640901011400 How important to you is this reason for not more
committing suicide? I am satisfied with myself. show less
PX640901012000 How important to you is this reason for not more
committing suicide? The thought of killing myself scares me. show less
Measure Name

Deterrents to Suicide

Release Date

November 21, 2014


A questionnaire to assess protective factors that are deterrents to suicide behavior.


The presence of protective factors and their interaction with risk factors can help indicate suicide risk.


suicide, Suicide deterrents, Protective Factors, religiosity, Religion, Morality, Morals, Reasons for Living for Adolescents inventory, RFL-A

Measure Protocols
Protocol ID Protocol Name
640901 Deterrents to Suicide - Clinical - Child
640902 Deterrents to Suicide - Clinical - Adult
640903 Deterrents to Suicide - Epidemiology