
Protocol - Deterrents to Suicide - Clinical - Adult

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The Reasons for Living (RFL) inventory includes 48 self-report items that measures the respondent’s various reasons for living and their attitudes about living versus attempting or committing suicide. The RFL includes subscales for survival and coping beliefs, responsibility to family, child-related concerns, fear of suicide, fear of social disapproval, and moral objections. Each item is rated on a 6-point Likert scale ranging from 1 ("not at all important") to 6 ("extremely important"). Ratings on the individual items are added together to give scores for individual subscales or to obtain an overall score for the whole inventory. Higher scores reflect greater reasons for living.

Specific Instructions

This protocol includes questions that can potentially identify respondents who are at risk of suicide. Investigators implementing this protocol should consider developing a risk management plan specific to their study to ensure the safety of participants. The following links provide additional information and guidelines for suicide-related research:




This protocol is freely available; permission not required for use.


Reasons for Living


Many people have thought of suicide at least once. Others have never considered it. Whether you have considered it or not, we are interested in the reasons you would have for not committing suicide if the thought were to occur to you or if someone were to suggest it to you.

On the following pages are reasons people sometimes give for not committing suicide. We would like to know how important each of these possible reasons would be to you at this time in your life as a reason to not kill yourself. Please rate this in the space at the left on each question.

Each reason can be rated from 1 (Not At All Important) to 6 (Extremely Important). If a reason does not apply to you or if you do not believe the statement is true, then it is not likely important and you should put a 1. Please use the whole range of choices so as not to rate only at the middle (2, 3, 4, and 5) or only at the extremes (1, 6).

Even if you never have or firmly believe you never would seriously consider killing yourself, it is still important that you rate each reason. In this case, rate on the basis of why killing yourself is not or would never be an alternative for you.

1. I have a responsibility and commitment to my family.

1[ ]Not At All Important

2[ ]Quite Unimportant

3[ ]Somewhat Unimportant

4[ ] Somewhat Important

5[ ] Quite Important

6[ ]Extremely Important

2. I believe I can learn to adjust or cope with my problems

1[ ]Not At All Important

2[ ]Quite Unimportant

3[ ]Somewhat Unimportant

4[ ] Somewhat Important

5[ ] Quite Important

6[ ]Extremely Important

3. I believe I have control over my life and destiny

1[ ]Not At All Important

2[ ]Quite Unimportant

3[ ]Somewhat Unimportant

4[ ] Somewhat Important

5[ ] Quite Important

6[ ]Extremely Important

4. I have a desire to live

1[ ]Not At All Important

2[ ]Quite Unimportant

3[ ]Somewhat Unimportant

4[ ] Somewhat Important

5[ ] Quite Important

6[ ]Extremely Important

5. I believe only God has the right to end a life

1[ ]Not At All Important

2[ ]Quite Unimportant

3[ ]Somewhat Unimportant

4[ ] Somewhat Important

5[ ] Quite Important

6[ ]Extremely Important

6. I am afraid of death

1[ ]Not At All Important

2[ ]Quite Unimportant

3[ ]Somewhat Unimportant

4[ ] Somewhat Important

5[ ] Quite Important

6[ ]Extremely Important

7. My family might believe I did not love them

1[ ]Not At All Important

2[ ]Quite Unimportant

3[ ]Somewhat Unimportant

4[ ] Somewhat Important

5[ ] Quite Important

6[ ]Extremely Important

8. I do not believe that things get miserable or hopeless enough that I would rather be dead

1[ ]Not At All Important

2[ ]Quite Unimportant

3[ ]Somewhat Unimportant

4[ ] Somewhat Important

5[ ] Quite Important

6[ ]Extremely Important

9. My family depends upon me and needs me

1[ ]Not At All Important

2[ ]Quite Unimportant

3[ ]Somewhat Unimportant

4[ ] Somewhat Important

5[ ] Quite Important

6[ ]Extremely Important

10. I do not want to die

1[ ]Not At All Important

2[ ]Quite Unimportant

3[ ]Somewhat Unimportant

4[ ] Somewhat Important

5[ ] Quite Important

6[ ]Extremely Important

11. I want to watch my children as they grow

1[ ]Not At All Important

2[ ]Quite Unimportant

3[ ]Somewhat Unimportant

4[ ] Somewhat Important

5[ ] Quite Important

6[ ]Extremely Important

12. Life is all we have and is better than nothing

1[ ]Not At All Important

2[ ]Quite Unimportant

3[ ]Somewhat Unimportant

4[ ] Somewhat Important

5[ ] Quite Important

6[ ]Extremely Important

13. I have future plans I am looking forward to carrying out

1[ ]Not At All Important

2[ ]Quite Unimportant

3[ ]Somewhat Unimportant

4[ ] Somewhat Important

5[ ] Quite Important

6[ ]Extremely Important

14. No matter how badly I feel, I know that it will not last

1[ ]Not At All Important

2[ ]Quite Unimportant

3[ ]Somewhat Unimportant

4[ ] Somewhat Important

5[ ] Quite Important

6[ ]Extremely Important

15. I am afraid of the unknown

1[ ]Not At All Important

2[ ]Quite Unimportant

3[ ]Somewhat Unimportant

4[ ] Somewhat Important

5[ ] Quite Important

6[ ]Extremely Important

16. I love and enjoy my family too much and could not leave them

1[ ]Not At All Important

2[ ]Quite Unimportant

3[ ]Somewhat Unimportant

4[ ] Somewhat Important

5[ ] Quite Important

6[ ]Extremely Important

17. I want to experience all that life has to offer and there are many experiences I haven’t had yet which I want to have

1[ ]Not At All Important

2[ ]Quite Unimportant

3[ ]Somewhat Unimportant

4[ ] Somewhat Important

5[ ] Quite Important

6[ ]Extremely Important

18. I am afraid that my method of killing myself would fail

1[ ]Not At All Important

2[ ]Quite Unimportant

3[ ]Somewhat Unimportant

4[ ] Somewhat Important

5[ ] Quite Important

6[ ]Extremely Important

19. I care enough about myself to live

1[ ]Not At All Important

2[ ]Quite Unimportant

3[ ]Somewhat Unimportant

4[ ] Somewhat Important

5[ ] Quite Important

6[ ]Extremely Important

20. Life is too beautiful and precious to end it

1[ ]Not At All Important

2[ ]Quite Unimportant

3[ ]Somewhat Unimportant

4[ ] Somewhat Important

5[ ] Quite Important

6[ ]Extremely Important

21. It would not be fair to leave the children for others to take care of

1[ ]Not At All Important

2[ ]Quite Unimportant

3[ ]Somewhat Unimportant

4[ ] Somewhat Important

5[ ] Quite Important

6[ ]Extremely Important

22. I believe I can find other solutions to my problems

1[ ]Not At All Important

2[ ]Quite Unimportant

3[ ]Somewhat Unimportant

4[ ] Somewhat Important

5[ ] Quite Important

6[ ]Extremely Important

23. I am afraid of going to hell

1[ ]Not At All Important

2[ ]Quite Unimportant

3[ ]Somewhat Unimportant

4[ ] Somewhat Important

5[ ] Quite Important

6[ ]Extremely Important

24. I have a love of life

1[ ]Not At All Important

2[ ]Quite Unimportant

3[ ]Somewhat Unimportant

4[ ] Somewhat Important

5[ ] Quite Important

6[ ]Extremely Important

25. I am too stable to kill myself

1[ ]Not At All Important

2[ ]Quite Unimportant

3[ ]Somewhat Unimportant

4[ ] Somewhat Important

5[ ] Quite Important

6[ ]Extremely Important

26. I am a coward and do not have the guts to do it

1[ ]Not At All Important

2[ ]Quite Unimportant

3[ ]Somewhat Unimportant

4[ ] Somewhat Important

5[ ] Quite Important

6[ ]Extremely Important

27. My religious beliefs forbid it

1[ ]Not At All Important

2[ ]Quite Unimportant

3[ ]Somewhat Unimportant

4[ ] Somewhat Important

5[ ] Quite Important

6[ ]Extremely Important

28. The effect on my children could be harmful

1[ ]Not At All Important

2[ ]Quite Unimportant

3[ ]Somewhat Unimportant

4[ ] Somewhat Important

5[ ] Quite Important

6[ ]Extremely Important

29. I am curious about what will happen in the future

1[ ]Not At All Important

2[ ]Quite Unimportant

3[ ]Somewhat Unimportant

4[ ] Somewhat Important

5[ ] Quite Important

6[ ]Extremely Important

30. It would hurt my family too much and I would not want them to suffer

1[ ]Not At All Important

2[ ]Quite Unimportant

3[ ]Somewhat Unimportant

4[ ] Somewhat Important

5[ ] Quite Important

6[ ]Extremely Important

31. I am concerned about what others would think of me

1[ ]Not At All Important

2[ ]Quite Unimportant

3[ ]Somewhat Unimportant

4[ ] Somewhat Important

5[ ] Quite Important

6[ ]Extremely Important

32. I believe everything has a way of working out for the best

1[ ]Not At All Important

2[ ]Quite Unimportant

3[ ]Somewhat Unimportant

4[ ] Somewhat Important

5[ ] Quite Important

6[ ]Extremely Important

33. I could not decide where, when, and how to do it

1[ ]Not At All Important

2[ ]Quite Unimportant

3[ ]Somewhat Unimportant

4[ ] Somewhat Important

5[ ] Quite Important

6[ ]Extremely Important

34. I consider it morally wrong

1[ ]Not At All Important

2[ ]Quite Unimportant

3[ ]Somewhat Unimportant

4[ ] Somewhat Important

5[ ] Quite Important

6[ ]Extremely Important

35. I still have many things left to do

1[ ]Not At All Important

2[ ]Quite Unimportant

3[ ]Somewhat Unimportant

4[ ] Somewhat Important

5[ ] Quite Important

6[ ]Extremely Important

36. I have the courage to face life

1[ ]Not At All Important

2[ ]Quite Unimportant

3[ ]Somewhat Unimportant

4[ ] Somewhat Important

5[ ] Quite Important

6[ ]Extremely Important

37. I am happy and content with my life

1[ ]Not At All Important

2[ ]Quite Unimportant

3[ ]Somewhat Unimportant

4[ ] Somewhat Important

5[ ] Quite Important

6[ ]Extremely Important

38. I am afraid of the actual "act" of killing myself (the pain, blood, violence)

1[ ]Not At All Important

2[ ]Quite Unimportant

3[ ]Somewhat Unimportant

4[ ] Somewhat Important

5[ ] Quite Important

6[ ]Extremely Important

39. I believe killing myself would not really accomplish or solve anything

1[ ]Not At All Important

2[ ]Quite Unimportant

3[ ]Somewhat Unimportant

4[ ] Somewhat Important

5[ ] Quite Important

6[ ]Extremely Important

40. I have hope that things will improve and the future will be happier

1[ ]Not At All Important

2[ ]Quite Unimportant

3[ ]Somewhat Unimportant

4[ ] Somewhat Important

5[ ] Quite Important

6[ ]Extremely Important

41. Other people would think I am weak and selfish

1[ ]Not At All Important

2[ ]Quite Unimportant

3[ ]Somewhat Unimportant

4[ ] Somewhat Important

5[ ] Quite Important

6[ ]Extremely Important

42. I have an inner drive to survive

1[ ]Not At All Important

2[ ]Quite Unimportant

3[ ]Somewhat Unimportant

4[ ] Somewhat Important

5[ ] Quite Important

6[ ]Extremely Important

43. I would not want people to think I did not have control over my life

1[ ]Not At All Important

2[ ]Quite Unimportant

3[ ]Somewhat Unimportant

4[ ] Somewhat Important

5[ ] Quite Important

6[ ]Extremely Important

44. I believe I can find a purpose in life, a reason to live

1[ ]Not At All Important

2[ ]Quite Unimportant

3[ ]Somewhat Unimportant

4[ ] Somewhat Important

5[ ] Quite Important

6[ ]Extremely Important

45. I see no reason to hurry death along

1[ ]Not At All Important

2[ ]Quite Unimportant

3[ ]Somewhat Unimportant

4[ ] Somewhat Important

5[ ] Quite Important

6[ ]Extremely Important

46. I am so inept that my method would not work

1[ ]Not At All Important

2[ ]Quite Unimportant

3[ ]Somewhat Unimportant

4[ ] Somewhat Important

5[ ] Quite Important

6[ ]Extremely Important

47. I would not want my family to feel guilty afterwards

1[ ]Not At All Important

2[ ]Quite Unimportant

3[ ]Somewhat Unimportant

4[ ] Somewhat Important

5[ ] Quite Important

6[ ]Extremely Important

48. I would not want my family to think I was selfish or a coward

1[ ]Not At All Important

2[ ]Quite Unimportant

3[ ]Somewhat Unimportant

4[ ] Somewhat Important

5[ ] Quite Important

6[ ]Extremely Important


Survival and Coping Beliefs: items 1-24.

Responsibility to Family: items 25-31.

Child-Related Concerns: items 32-34.

Fear of Suicide: items 35-41.

Fear of Social Disapproval: items 42-44.

Moral Objections: items 45-48.

Ratings on the individual items are added together to give scores for individual subscales or to obtain an overall score for the whole inventory. Higher scores reflect greater reasons for living.

Personnel and Training Required


Equipment Needs


Requirement CategoryRequired
Major equipment No
Specialized training No
Specialized requirements for biospecimen collection No
Average time of greater than 15 minutes in an unaffected individual No
Mode of Administration

Self-administered questionnaire




Adults, ages 18 and older

Selection Rationale

The Reasons for Living (RFL) inventory is a brief, low-burden, widely used questionnaire with good internal reliability, test-retest reliability and concurrent validity. The RFL can also be used to capture changes in beliefs (e.g., reductions in suicide behaviors).


English, Other languages available at source

Human Phenotype Ontology Suicidal Ideation HP:0031592 HPO
caDSR Form PhenX PX640902 - Deterrents To Suicide Clinical Adult 6234577 caDSR Form
Derived Variables


Process and Review

Not applicable.

Protocol Name from Source

The Reasons for Living (RFL) inventory


Linehan, M., Goodstein, J. L., Nielsen, S. L., & Chiles, J. A. (1983). Reasons for staying alive when you are thinking about killing yourself: The Reasons For Living Inventory. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 51(2): 276-286.

General References

Britton, P. C., Duberstein, P. R., Conner, K. R., Heisel, M. J., Hirsch, J. K., & Conwell, Y. (2008). Reasons for living, hopelessness, and suicide ideation among depressed adults 50 years or older. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 16(9), 736-741.

Richardson-Vejlgaard, R., Sher, L., Oquendo, M. A., Lizardi, D., & Stanley, B. (2009). Objections to suicide among depressed patients with alcohol use disorders. Journal of Affective Disorders, 117(3), 197-201.

Protocol ID


Export Variables
Variable Name Variable IDVariable DescriptiondbGaP Mapping
PX640902010600 I am afraid of death N/A
PX640902012300 I am afraid of going to hell N/A
PX640902013800 I am afraid of the actual act of killing more
myself (the pain, blood, violence) show less
PX640902011500 I am afraid of the unknown N/A
PX640902011200 Life is all we have and is better than nothing N/A
PX640902011900 I care enough about myself to live N/A
PX640902011100 I want to watch my children as they grow N/A
PX640902013100 I am concerned about what others would think of me N/A
PX640902014300 I would not want people to think I did not more
have control over my life show less
PX640902010300 I believe I have control over my life and destiny N/A
PX640902010200 I believe I can learn to adjust or cope with more
my problems show less
PX640902013300 I could not decide where, when, and how to do it N/A
PX640902013600 I have the courage to face life N/A
PX640902012600 I am a coward and do not have the guts to do it N/A
PX640902012900 I am curious about what will happen in the future N/A
PX640902010400 I have a desire to live N/A
PX640902014200 I have an inner drive to survive N/A
PX640902012800 The effect on my children could be harmful N/A
PX640902011600 I love and enjoy my family too much and more
could not leave them show less
PX640902011700 I want to experience all that life has to more
offer and there are many experiences I haven't had yet which I want to have show less
PX640902014700 I would not want my family to feel guilty more
afterwards show less
PX640902010700 My family might believe I did not love them N/A
PX640902010900 My family depends upon me and needs me N/A
PX640902014800 I would not want my family to think I was more
selfish or a coward show less
PX640902014400 I believe I can find a purpose in life, a more
reason to live show less
PX640902012200 I believe I can find other solutions to my more
problems show less
PX640902011300 I have future plans I am looking forward to more
carrying out show less
PX640902013700 I am happy and content with my life N/A
PX640902013000 It would hurt my family too much and I would more
not want them to suffer show less
PX640902014600 I am so inept that my method would not work N/A
PX640902011800 I am afraid that my method of killing myself more
would fail show less
PX640902012100 It would not be fair to leave the children more
for others to take care of show less
PX640902012000 Life is too beautiful and precious to end it N/A
PX640902012400 I have a love of life N/A
PX640902013400 I consider it morally wrong N/A
PX640902010800 I do not believe that things get miserable more
or hopeless enough that I would rather be dead show less
PX640902013900 I believe killing myself would not really more
accomplish or solve anything show less
PX640902014500 I see no reason to hurry death along N/A
PX640902014100 Other people would think I am weak and selfish N/A
PX640902012700 My religious beliefs forbid it N/A
PX640902010100 I have a responsibility and commitment to my more
family show less
PX640902010500 I believe only God has the right to end a life N/A
PX640902014900 Ratings on the individual items are added more
together to give scores for individual subscales or to obtain an overall score for the whole inventory. Higher scores reflect greater reasons for living. show less
PX640902012500 I am too stable to kill myself N/A
PX640902013500 I still have many things left to do N/A
PX640902014000 I have hope that things will improve and the more
future will be happier show less
PX640902011000 I do not want to die N/A
PX640902011400 No matter how badly I feel, I know that it more
will not last show less
PX640902013200 I believe everything has a way of working more
out for the best show less
Measure Name

Deterrents to Suicide

Release Date

November 21, 2014


A questionnaire to assess protective factors that are deterrents to suicide behavior.


The presence of protective factors and their interaction with risk factors can help indicate suicide risk.


suicide, Suicide deterrents, Protective Factors, religiosity, Religion, Morality, Morals, Reasons for Living for Adolescents inventory, RFL-A

Measure Protocols
Protocol ID Protocol Name
640901 Deterrents to Suicide - Clinical - Child
640902 Deterrents to Suicide - Clinical - Adult
640903 Deterrents to Suicide - Epidemiology